BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-02-07 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
All caught up! Yanti terrible news to lose one you love dearly always too soon no matter what age. Hugs. I am currently streaking day 9 today I'm running home from work well catch the tram to the beach then run 18km home very excited my boss said he used to do this for IM training. Hey small world my boss is coach Johnnys sponsor for the manhattan marathon swim!!!

2013-02-07 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4613234

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-02-07 1:32 PM
rrrunner - 2013-02-07 2:35 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-02-07 12:31 PM
Richardsdrr - 2013-02-07 12:52 PM
rrrunner - 2013-02-07 4:34 PM
TriAya - 2013-02-07 10:14 AM
rrrunner - 2013-02-08 1:10 AM

Artemis - 2013-02-07 10:03 AM Saw my ortho doc this morning.  He did x-rays and checked things out.  No arthritis, but he's not really sure what's wrong either.  It's looking like SI pain or labral tear pain.  But, we can't be sure unless we do an MRI with contrast, which the insurance company won't cover until I try other things first.  Going to PT next week.  It's definitely manageable pain, just annoying, so I am certainly not considering surgery or anything drastic.  Mostly, I want to make sure I'm not going to hurt myself more by continuing to run.

This reminded me of something I was going to ask THE POD. I haven't dealt with injuries much at all, shin splints when I first started running and a pulled calf muscle probably 4 or 5 years ago. Well now when I ride I'm feeling a slight, twinge, I guess you'd call it, on the outside just above my left ankle when I ride my bike. It's not constant and mostly when I'm getting warmed up. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I wear a, um, 5 pound weight on my left ankle all day every day. Thoughts? HTFU and quit whining? I just don't want to end up on the injured list Undecided 

I'm not following. What's this weight?

Tool of my trade...?

Lol, when I read this I thought, wow, wonder if TJ was in a chain gang, or perhaps they have a tag on their ankle. I'm so sorry, just the first thing that popped into my mind. The state judicial system over there must be very liberal to allow you to train for triathlons :D

I knew immediately and thought maybe you should just get another for your other ankle. Double strapped!

I actually thought about this back when you had your body comp done and one arm was bigger than the other. My left leg muscles are probably ever so slightly stronger/larger. Laughing

How odd would it be to switch legs for awhile? I'm more curious to the mental part than the physical.

That is, unfortunately, impossible.

2013-02-07 3:15 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

So, based on the weather forecast, I may be looking at a 4 hour drainer ride this weekend Yell

I want to get some benefit out of the ride without burning up my legs too quickly doing something like Sufferfest. Yanti, I know you have a focus for each hour on a long drainer ride. Anyone have suggestions for how I should spend those hours? The Fink plan calls for Z2 with 5 min @ Z4 at the 3.5 hour mark. Thoughts?

2013-02-07 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4613006

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-02-07 12:21 PM

jmkizer - 2013-02-07 11:14 AM Manatees, could you please remind me who is currently streaking?

Well I took the advice of my podmates and did not start the running streak. However, I have trained EVERY day since November 13!

Wow, that is impressive!
2013-02-07 3:52 PM
in reply to: #4612735

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Somewhere on the Tennessee River
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-02-07 10:24 AM

Oh, Manatees. I just got the news that a good friend of mine passed away from complications of malaria He was one of the people who really helped and stood by me when I was having such a hard time when I first moved back to Indonesia.

He worked for the UN and everything he did and everything he was, was about helping other people. He really did give his whole life for others and worked in places nobody would go. He contracted malaria in Liberia, was med-evac'ed to New York and died there.

I am in utter shock. Allen was so young--relatively--he and I are about the same age. So full of life and passion. A real piglet. Great hugs. I just had dinner with him a few months ago.

ETA ... I don't know if I told him I loved him last time. I don't remember. I know he knew I did, so that's what counts, I just ... I'm really confused. And I know it's never too late--at least in my belief system--I just want to remember to hug my loved ones extra tight EVERY day and make sure they know they are loved.

I'm sorry my beloved Yanti.  Celebrate his life.   Light a candle.   I prefer to light fireworks, myself.   On a beach at sunset is a great time.  I'm not Catholic but wakes are a good thing. 



2013-02-07 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
I am so sorry to hear your news Yanti--Flipper hugs to you.

2013-02-07 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Sorry to read of all the injured manatees--I feel your pain...literally. Its been a hmmm. without being to TMI--'crampy' day. Ouchies.

On the bright side, I submitted my application to GRADUATE today! 3 months til I am the certified owner of a Bachelor of the Arts degree in Anthropology. Wow. Something I had never thought could truly happen.

I have been working out steadily, but neglected to log them...maybe I'll get to it tonight.

2013-02-07 6:06 PM
in reply to: #4613232

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-02-07 2:31 PM
rrrunner - 2013-02-07 3:27 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-02-07 1:14 PM

Oh good, I am glad you guys enjoy hearing about the track workouts. I definitely don't mean them as some sort of a brag post. It's just new to me and I feel like the experience is worth sharing. 

Also, hopefully everyone understand the amount of conservative running that I did before I ever though about speed. 

One of the awesome things about you, Salty, is that with all of your ability (natural or otherwise) you are very down to earth and modest with your accomplishments, and offer them up as learning points, not bragging rights.


And I love the always on point reminder to build volume.

I appreciate that and am glad you guys feel that way. Smile

2013-02-07 6:06 PM
in reply to: #4602563

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Hey Podmates - Sorry for the silence.  

Yanti - so sorry for your loss.  That really does suck.  Your friend sounds like an incredible person and will surely be missed by many.  

To all the injured podmates - I hope you all get well soon. 

To those that wrote wondering where the F I've been... I'm back (sort of).

Jonathon - I totally bailed on the streak after day 1.  Sorry buddy - your kind of on your own for a bit.

I am not injured, nor did I intentionally decide to take time off.  Life got crazy busy all of a sudden.  In a nut shell - I hate my job, so I've been looking for another.  I am juggling job searching, interviewing for new jobs, doing my current job etc.  Then - my brothers car breaks down...and he had no way to get to work (he lives with me).  I gave him my car, and then was off to hunt for a new car myself... I drive a 95, GAS GUZZLING, Land Rover and have been thinking about a new car anyways.  

I end up going to a VW dealership where I meet the hottest woman I've seen in a long time. We hit it off and after a test drive that day we went out that night.  That went VERY, VERY WELL (wink, wink).  The car buying thing took me about 4 days because I was determined to look at the 4 cars I decided on and not buy the first one I liked from a really hot saleswoman.   

Jump ahead 4 days and now I'm dating a really hot woman who likes to party.  I got sucked in a little bit (it's been a while since I've partied) and have been being bad for a few days, but I'm loving it!    

So - I'm still focused on running, but my unintentional break from the crazy couple of weeks have now turned into a conscious decision to scale it back a bit.  I am enjoying my rest and will be back to full blown training soon.  Life is Good!  

I will try to stay updated with all my podmates - I love reading about what's going on.  If anyone needs help with the swimming - please email me... I don't want to accidentally miss a post.  

2013-02-07 6:55 PM
in reply to: #4613198

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2013-02-07 3:14 PM

Oh good, I am glad you guys enjoy hearing about the track workouts. I definitely don't mean them as some sort of a brag post. It's just new to me and I feel like the experience is worth sharing. 

Also, hopefully everyone understand the amount of conservative running that I did before I ever though about speed. 

No worries.  I'd totally love to find a group around my parts that did running like this.

And I think I mean I'd like to find that group next year after I go completely conservative this year.  I'm confident I can be conservative this year and meet all of my goals.  I'm content to spread my tri/running goals over several years.

Edited by ponderingfox 2013-02-07 6:57 PM
2013-02-07 7:03 PM
in reply to: #4613525

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-02-08 11:06 AM

Hey Podmates - Sorry for the silence.  

Yanti - so sorry for your loss.  That really does suck.  Your friend sounds like an incredible person and will surely be missed by many.  

To all the injured podmates - I hope you all get well soon. 

To those that wrote wondering where the F I've been... I'm back (sort of).

Jonathon - I totally bailed on the streak after day 1.  Sorry buddy - your kind of on your own for a bit.

I am not injured, nor did I intentionally decide to take time off.  Life got crazy busy all of a sudden.  In a nut shell - I hate my job, so I've been looking for another.  I am juggling job searching, interviewing for new jobs, doing my current job etc.  Then - my brothers car breaks down...and he had no way to get to work (he lives with me).  I gave him my car, and then was off to hunt for a new car myself... I drive a 95, GAS GUZZLING, Land Rover and have been thinking about a new car anyways.  

I end up going to a VW dealership where I meet the hottest woman I've seen in a long time. We hit it off and after a test drive that day we went out that night.  That went VERY, VERY WELL (wink, wink).  The car buying thing took me about 4 days because I was determined to look at the 4 cars I decided on and not buy the first one I liked from a really hot saleswoman.   

Jump ahead 4 days and now I'm dating a really hot woman who likes to party.  I got sucked in a little bit (it's been a while since I've partied) and have been being bad for a few days, but I'm loving it!    

So - I'm still focused on running, but my unintentional break from the crazy couple of weeks have now turned into a conscious decision to scale it back a bit.  I am enjoying my rest and will be back to full blown training soon.  Life is Good!  

I will try to stay updated with all my podmates - I love reading about what's going on.  If anyone needs help with the swimming - please email me... I don't want to accidentally miss a post.  

Well  va va voom to you!  I was thinking about you this morning wondering what the F had happened to you and figured you'd been having a GOOD time!  Lucky you!  That's awesome!

And you get a car too....

Enjoy the ride wink wink....

We will live vicariously through you so keep us informed!  There is no such thing as too much information...Tongue out

2013-02-07 7:40 PM
in reply to: #4613580

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-02-07 5:03 PM
Muskrat37 - 2013-02-08 11:06 AM

Hey Podmates - Sorry for the silence.  

Yanti - so sorry for your loss.  That really does suck.  Your friend sounds like an incredible person and will surely be missed by many.  

To all the injured podmates - I hope you all get well soon. 

To those that wrote wondering where the F I've been... I'm back (sort of).

Jonathon - I totally bailed on the streak after day 1.  Sorry buddy - your kind of on your own for a bit.

I am not injured, nor did I intentionally decide to take time off.  Life got crazy busy all of a sudden.  In a nut shell - I hate my job, so I've been looking for another.  I am juggling job searching, interviewing for new jobs, doing my current job etc.  Then - my brothers car breaks down...and he had no way to get to work (he lives with me).  I gave him my car, and then was off to hunt for a new car myself... I drive a 95, GAS GUZZLING, Land Rover and have been thinking about a new car anyways.  

I end up going to a VW dealership where I meet the hottest woman I've seen in a long time. We hit it off and after a test drive that day we went out that night.  That went VERY, VERY WELL (wink, wink).  The car buying thing took me about 4 days because I was determined to look at the 4 cars I decided on and not buy the first one I liked from a really hot saleswoman.   

Jump ahead 4 days and now I'm dating a really hot woman who likes to party.  I got sucked in a little bit (it's been a while since I've partied) and have been being bad for a few days, but I'm loving it!    

So - I'm still focused on running, but my unintentional break from the crazy couple of weeks have now turned into a conscious decision to scale it back a bit.  I am enjoying my rest and will be back to full blown training soon.  Life is Good!  

I will try to stay updated with all my podmates - I love reading about what's going on.  If anyone needs help with the swimming - please email me... I don't want to accidentally miss a post.  

Well  va va voom to you!  I was thinking about you this morning wondering what the F had happened to you and figured you'd been having a GOOD time!  Lucky you!  That's awesome!

And you get a car too....

Enjoy the ride wink wink....

We will live vicariously through you so keep us informed!  There is no such thing as too much information...Tongue out

This made me laugh... I love innuendos.  

Also - be careful what you ask for with me.. I'm referring to the "no such thing as too much information" comment.   I have a filter, I just don't use it very often.    

2013-02-07 7:53 PM
in reply to: #4613611

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-02-08 12:40 PM
jobaxas - 2013-02-07 5:03 PM
Muskrat37 - 2013-02-08 11:06 AM

Hey Podmates - Sorry for the silence.  

Yanti - so sorry for your loss.  That really does suck.  Your friend sounds like an incredible person and will surely be missed by many.  

To all the injured podmates - I hope you all get well soon. 

To those that wrote wondering where the F I've been... I'm back (sort of).

Jonathon - I totally bailed on the streak after day 1.  Sorry buddy - your kind of on your own for a bit.

I am not injured, nor did I intentionally decide to take time off.  Life got crazy busy all of a sudden.  In a nut shell - I hate my job, so I've been looking for another.  I am juggling job searching, interviewing for new jobs, doing my current job etc.  Then - my brothers car breaks down...and he had no way to get to work (he lives with me).  I gave him my car, and then was off to hunt for a new car myself... I drive a 95, GAS GUZZLING, Land Rover and have been thinking about a new car anyways.  

I end up going to a VW dealership where I meet the hottest woman I've seen in a long time. We hit it off and after a test drive that day we went out that night.  That went VERY, VERY WELL (wink, wink).  The car buying thing took me about 4 days because I was determined to look at the 4 cars I decided on and not buy the first one I liked from a really hot saleswoman.   

Jump ahead 4 days and now I'm dating a really hot woman who likes to party.  I got sucked in a little bit (it's been a while since I've partied) and have been being bad for a few days, but I'm loving it!    

So - I'm still focused on running, but my unintentional break from the crazy couple of weeks have now turned into a conscious decision to scale it back a bit.  I am enjoying my rest and will be back to full blown training soon.  Life is Good!  

I will try to stay updated with all my podmates - I love reading about what's going on.  If anyone needs help with the swimming - please email me... I don't want to accidentally miss a post.  

Well  va va voom to you!  I was thinking about you this morning wondering what the F had happened to you and figured you'd been having a GOOD time!  Lucky you!  That's awesome!

And you get a car too....

Enjoy the ride wink wink....

We will live vicariously through you so keep us informed!  There is no such thing as too much information...Tongue out

This made me laugh... I love innuendos.  

Also - be careful what you ask for with me.. I'm referring to the "no such thing as too much information" comment.   I have a filter, I just don't use it very often.    

Bring it!!!

2013-02-07 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4613619

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Health update....

Saw my doc today - broke down in his office - hate that!  Anyway he said it's perfectly normal my hormones are out of whack.  He also said the stress component of IM and also feeling bad for being miserable sad cranky etc around my loved ones will be playing havoc with my emotions.

so blood work next Friday - find out what's missing, replace with something medical and he says in two weeks I'll be fine.

Thanks goodness.  I love my doc.

2013-02-08 12:42 AM
in reply to: #4613335

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Cleveland, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

jmkizer - 2013-02-07 11:14 AM Manatees, could you please remind me who is currently streaking?

I am currently run streaking, planning a 30 runs in 30 days with the minimum being 20 minutes or 2 miles.

2013-02-08 12:46 AM
in reply to: #4613817

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jbwills - 2013-02-08 2:42 PM

jmkizer - 2013-02-07 11:14 AM Manatees, could you please remind me who is currently streaking?

I am currently run streaking, planning a 30 runs in 30 days with the minimum being 20 minutes or 2 miles.


Sorry, I just got excited there for a moment.

2013-02-08 12:56 AM
in reply to: #4613819

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-02-07 10:46 PM
jbwills - 2013-02-08 2:42 PM

jmkizer - 2013-02-07 11:14 AM Manatees, could you please remind me who is currently streaking?

I am currently run streaking, planning a 30 runs in 30 days with the minimum being 20 minutes or 2 miles.


Sorry, I just got excited there for a moment.

I wanna play.  I am on a 3-day walking streak.  Min 20 minutes. 

2013-02-08 1:32 AM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
I made a possibly interesting discover tonight on my swim.  My shoulders sometimes bother me when I swim, my left more than my right.  At one point during my swim tonight, it was bothering me.  I generally just swim through, it doesn't ever worsen and doesn't bother me at other times.  Anyway, on my swim tonight, it occurred to me that I was crossing over on my left.  Focused on keeping my left arm 'out' and the soreness disappeared.  I'll have to keep that in mind.
2013-02-08 2:26 AM
in reply to: #4602563

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Yanti I'm so very sorry to hear about your friend. I know that there are no words to say that can make you feel better so instead I send you great big Mastiff melon presses.

I went for a swim this morning and it felt like I was swimming through concrete. I was going to do another supa sprint next weekend but I spent the entry fee on stuff from swim smooth instead. I'm hoping that it will help me improve my time from 2:00/100m. Concentrating on my body rotation is starting to help but not quickly enough for my liking.

2013-02-08 5:20 AM
in reply to: #4613844

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Holy freakin moley! I mapped out a run home from work 18km it said off I trotted blazing sunshine I got me a little sunburn and heatstroke! I knew I was 4km from home and I'd already done 22.5km both calf muscles tightened so I walked the rest of it. Time fir 22.5 was 2.53 happy. I am now cramping and glowing on the couch
2013-02-08 7:25 AM
in reply to: #4613834

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

bcraht - 2013-02-08 2:32 AM I made a possibly interesting discover tonight on my swim.  My shoulders sometimes bother me when I swim, my left more than my right.  At one point during my swim tonight, it was bothering me.  I generally just swim through, it doesn't ever worsen and doesn't bother me at other times.  Anyway, on my swim tonight, it occurred to me that I was crossing over on my left.  Focused on keeping my left arm 'out' and the soreness disappeared.  I'll have to keep that in mind.

Way to go Kirsten!!!! Breakthroughs are so cool!!!!

2013-02-08 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4613983

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

Racing Manatees!

This week we have one Racing Manatee. We also have Kate, Salty, Janyne, Jen, Chris, Melanie, and Stacey on deck!

February 9-10
Felicia - Run Toto Run 10 miler on Saturday

Go Felicia!  Go!

Disabled list:
Kirsten - Achilles, on the mend but still no running, regular walking though!
Darren - low back
Jonathan TX - ITB
Yanti - under the weather
Jen - SI joint/labral tear type pain

Good health vibes heading to all injured or sick Manatees!  Get off the list!

Jonathan AK
Salty (kinda)

2013-02-08 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4614411

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jmkizer - 2013-02-08 11:39 AM

Racing Manatees!

This week we have one Racing Manatee. We also have Kate, Salty, Janyne, Jen, Chris, Melanie, and Stacey on deck!

February 9-10
Felicia - Run Toto Run 10 miler on Saturday

Go Felicia!  Go!

Disabled list:
Kirsten - Achilles, on the mend but still no running, regular walking though!
Darren - low back
Jonathan TX - ITB
Yanti - under the weather
Jen - SI joint/labral tear type pain

Good health vibes heading to all injured or sick Manatees!  Get off the list!

Jonathan AK
Salty (kinda)

Another stellar list.

Go Felicia Go!!!! Carry the Manatee flag proudly this weekend.

2013-02-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4602563

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED


Technically 10.3 miles, no? But who's counting? Take it easy out there and have fun.

2013-02-08 11:29 AM
in reply to: #4614411

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jmkizer - 2013-02-08 11:39 AM

Racing Manatees!

This week we have one Racing Manatee. We also have Kate, Salty, Janyne, Jen, Chris, Melanie, and Stacey on deck!

February 9-10
Felicia - Run Toto Run 10 miler on Saturday

Go Felicia!  Go!

Disabled list:
Kirsten - Achilles, on the mend but still no running, regular walking though!
Darren - low back
Jonathan TX - ITB
Yanti - under the weather
Jen - SI joint/labral tear type pain

Good health vibes heading to all injured or sick Manatees!  Get off the list!

Jonathan AK
Salty (kinda)


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