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2013-03-13 4:46 PM
in reply to: #4657567

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-03-12 9:36 PM
TriAya - 2013-03-13 3:27 PM
jobaxas - 2013-03-13 12:22 PM

Here's me being drawn out of the envelope to win the racing kit....

I am so glad you are smack in the middle of Macca's radar Laughing

Good call on Melbourne. You'll have a blast on the swim! Also remember whatever you decide to do there is no pressure--swim, no swim, start the bike for experience, don't ... your job is to HAVE FUN and CHEER!

P.S. Lovelovelove the new avvie!

I am known as a superfan on his site!  I will get on to him shortly re- Cairns.  By hook or by crook....

I'm sick - I have a head cold, like my body said - oh great she's not racing, let's have a rest - no more fighting these germs....we are done.

Madam Artemis now wants to do another tri - April 7th.  The reason she's so keen for this because it's sponsored by Jelly Belly Beans.....

Just watched this. That's funny! You're lucky you ended up on the bed and not on the floor Wink

2013-03-13 5:04 PM
in reply to: #4658737

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-13 2:46 PM
jobaxas - 2013-03-12 9:36 PM
TriAya - 2013-03-13 3:27 PM
jobaxas - 2013-03-13 12:22 PM

Here's me being drawn out of the envelope to win the racing kit....

I am so glad you are smack in the middle of Macca's radar Laughing

Good call on Melbourne. You'll have a blast on the swim! Also remember whatever you decide to do there is no pressure--swim, no swim, start the bike for experience, don't ... your job is to HAVE FUN and CHEER!

P.S. Lovelovelove the new avvie!

I am known as a superfan on his site!  I will get on to him shortly re- Cairns.  By hook or by crook....

I'm sick - I have a head cold, like my body said - oh great she's not racing, let's have a rest - no more fighting these germs....we are done.

Madam Artemis now wants to do another tri - April 7th.  The reason she's so keen for this because it's sponsored by Jelly Belly Beans.....

Just watched this. That's funny! You're lucky you ended up on the bed and not on the floor Wink

Ha! I watched it last night, too. It's not her luck... it's her skills. Laughing

2013-03-13 5:11 PM
in reply to: #4658467

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2013-03-13 2:49 PM

Is doing a small mountain summit 2.5 weeks out from Boston too soon?

Only 4,500' elevation gain, 10 miles round trip (but a significant amount of that would be glissading

I know you are super fit and I'm quite sure very agile (word on the street), I'm just worried about you doing something a little too adventurous and risking injury.  Sounds like something fun (for you - sounds terrifying to me) but is it really the smartest race to do so close to your A race?

2013-03-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: #4658755

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-13 6:11 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-03-13 2:49 PM

Is doing a small mountain summit 2.5 weeks out from Boston too soon?

Only 4,500' elevation gain, 10 miles round trip (but a significant amount of that would be glissading

I know you are super fit and I'm quite sure very agile (word on the street), I'm just worried about you doing something a little too adventurous and risking injury.  Sounds like something fun (for you - sounds terrifying to me) but is it really the smartest race to do so close to your A race?

Are you running it or hiking it?  If you're hiking it, I don't see any problems.

2013-03-13 5:23 PM
in reply to: #4658545

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2013-03-14 7:33 AM
jobaxas - 2013-03-13 2:24 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-03-14 7:17 AM

jobaxas - 2013-03-13 2:16 PM Oh who knew? OWS in really choppy conditions plus standing in a chilly wind flirting with coach Johnny doesn't make your head cold better. Worse. Epic fail.

You know what helps a head cold though, right?

You just need to execute, Jo Wink

yeah tried that it certainly took my mind off it!!!

Oh boy and you just made my day.

Uhhhh, feel better!

Never scared to share.

2013-03-13 5:26 PM
in reply to: #4658748

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-03-14 10:04 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-13 2:46 PM
jobaxas - 2013-03-12 9:36 PM
TriAya - 2013-03-13 3:27 PM
jobaxas - 2013-03-13 12:22 PM

Here's me being drawn out of the envelope to win the racing kit....

I am so glad you are smack in the middle of Macca's radar Laughing

Good call on Melbourne. You'll have a blast on the swim! Also remember whatever you decide to do there is no pressure--swim, no swim, start the bike for experience, don't ... your job is to HAVE FUN and CHEER!

P.S. Lovelovelove the new avvie!

I am known as a superfan on his site!  I will get on to him shortly re- Cairns.  By hook or by crook....

I'm sick - I have a head cold, like my body said - oh great she's not racing, let's have a rest - no more fighting these germs....we are done.

Madam Artemis now wants to do another tri - April 7th.  The reason she's so keen for this because it's sponsored by Jelly Belly Beans.....

Just watched this. That's funny! You're lucky you ended up on the bed and not on the floor Wink

Ha! I watched it last night, too. It's not her luck... it's her skills. Laughing

I'm not fussy.

2013-03-13 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4658267

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
jmkizer - 2013-03-14 2:12 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-13 1:03 PM

Another 70.3 question...

I have never had chafing issues from my wetsuit, but my longest swim has been my Oly. Where are problem areas that I should apply body glide? Also, I went a few weeks on my old Solomons without blisters, then they started to wear out and the blisters came back so I switched to my new Solomons (same style/gen) and the blisters are still there. So, althought I'm still testing socks, I think I should plan on using body glide on my feet in T2 as well. I guess this means I need two bars of body glide, no?

Be sure to the back of your neck.  Well, really all around your neck.  I assume that your suit is sleeved, right?

You might also want to consider TriSlide around your ankles to ease removal.

I seem to remember that Yanti had issues around her wrists at IMWA I'm not sure if it was from her wetsuit or something else so maybe check that one with her?
2013-03-13 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4658772

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
StaceyK - 2013-03-14 10:29 AM
jmkizer - 2013-03-14 2:12 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-13 1:03 PM

Another 70.3 question...

I have never had chafing issues from my wetsuit, but my longest swim has been my Oly. Where are problem areas that I should apply body glide? Also, I went a few weeks on my old Solomons without blisters, then they started to wear out and the blisters came back so I switched to my new Solomons (same style/gen) and the blisters are still there. So, althought I'm still testing socks, I think I should plan on using body glide on my feet in T2 as well. I guess this means I need two bars of body glide, no?

Be sure to the back of your neck.  Well, really all around your neck.  I assume that your suit is sleeved, right?

You might also want to consider TriSlide around your ankles to ease removal.

I seem to remember that Yanti had issues around her wrists at IMWA I'm not sure if it was from her wetsuit or something else so maybe check that one with her?

I chafe under my arms in my wetsuit on a longer than 2km swim.  Any less than that seems fine - but i'm in a sleeveless wettie. 

2013-03-13 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Western Australia
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Thanks to everyone who has been so positive about me canning my Oly. I actually feel totally at peace with my decision today. I did my entry for the sprint last night.

The really good thing about not doing it is that I now don't need to by a wetsuit until maybe August or September so I am going to go and get some new shoes and running gear cause this week it has suddenly started to get cold in the mornings so shorts and sleeveless tops are not going to cut it.

So to the shoe question I have really high arches but run and walk on the outside of my feet. There is a running shop in the city that do professional fittings I'm thinking of heading in there (about an hours drive) and seeing what they have to say. My thoughts are if I can get fitted and find shoes that are comfortable and don't make my feet hurt then in the future I can buy them on line instead of paying full price for them.

Sorry one more question, how often do you replace your shoes, is it after you have done a certain distance in them, or just when they start to look a bit worn out?

oh man just noticed the time, I'm gonna be late for work again. We have a "staff focus day" today, I would rather stab my eyes out with a pen. We have been told to bring our Bibles and a good attitude. I'm gonna need the full hours drive to muster up the good attitude bit. Maybe I need to listen to some angry white chick music while I drive there

Have a great day everyone.
2013-03-13 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4658755

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-13 5:11 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-03-13 2:49 PM

Is doing a small mountain summit 2.5 weeks out from Boston too soon?

Only 4,500' elevation gain, 10 miles round trip (but a significant amount of that would be glissading

I know you are super fit and I'm quite sure very agile (word on the street), I'm just worried about you doing something a little too adventurous and risking injury.  Sounds like something fun (for you - sounds terrifying to me) but is it really the smartest race to do so close to your A race?

Yeah, those are kind of the thoughts in the back of my head. It's not even so much the injury it's the overall effort of hiking uphill, in the snow, both ways while I am supposed to be tapering. But I dunno ... 2.5 weeks might be far enough out. 

2013-03-13 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4658805

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

Hey Salty

Boston Marathon - Pete Jacobs (Kona winner LY - I've had breakfast with him of course) is doing Boston.  He doesn't wanna race it, just wants to beat his 2.41.....

2013-03-13 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4658805

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2013-03-13 4:16 PM
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-13 5:11 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-03-13 2:49 PM

Is doing a small mountain summit 2.5 weeks out from Boston too soon?

Only 4,500' elevation gain, 10 miles round trip (but a significant amount of that would be glissading

I know you are super fit and I'm quite sure very agile (word on the street), I'm just worried about you doing something a little too adventurous and risking injury.  Sounds like something fun (for you - sounds terrifying to me) but is it really the smartest race to do so close to your A race?

Yeah, those are kind of the thoughts in the back of my head. It's not even so much the injury it's the overall effort of hiking uphill, in the snow, both ways while I am supposed to be tapering. But I dunno ... 2.5 weeks might be far enough out. 

Personally, I wouldn't do a damn thing different so close to the race.  I would be PARANOID about anything that could injure me.  Keep in mind, this is coming from the guy who wouldn't even kiss his own kid 2 weeks out from my IM out of fear of catching a cold!.  I got soooooo paranoid.  I washed my hands like 10 times a day, would jump when someone near me cleared their throat, coughed, or sneezed, and I was super cautious all other times.  LOL  

Can't wait to go through that again!  

2013-03-13 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4658788

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

StaceyK - 2013-03-14 10:46 AM Thanks to everyone who has been so positive about me canning my Oly. I actually feel totally at peace with my decision today. I did my entry for the sprint last night. The really good thing about not doing it is that I now don't need to by a wetsuit until maybe August or September so I am going to go and get some new shoes and running gear cause this week it has suddenly started to get cold in the mornings so shorts and sleeveless tops are not going to cut it.So to the shoe question I have really high arches but run and walk on the outside of my feet. There is a running shop in the city that do professional fittings I'm thinking of heading in there (about an hours drive) and seeing what they have to say. My thoughts are if I can get fitted and find shoes that are comfortable and don't make my feet hurt then in the future I can buy them on line instead of paying full price for them. Sorry one more question, how often do you replace your shoes, is it after you have done a certain distance in them, or just when they start to look a bit worn out?oh man just noticed the time, I'm gonna be late for work again. We have a "staff focus day" today, I would rather stab my eyes out with a pen. We have been told to bring our Bibles and a good attitude. I'm gonna need the full hours drive to muster up the good attitude bit. Maybe I need to listen to some angry white chick music while I drive there Have a great day everyone.

What job do you do that you have to take a bible (for me read OWN one!)

2013-03-13 6:34 PM
in reply to: #4658788

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

StaceyK - 2013-03-13 3:46 PM Thanks to everyone who has been so positive about me canning my Oly. I actually feel totally at peace with my decision today. I did my entry for the sprint last night. The really good thing about not doing it is that I now don't need to by a wetsuit until maybe August or September so I am going to go and get some new shoes and running gear cause this week it has suddenly started to get cold in the mornings so shorts and sleeveless tops are not going to cut it.So to the shoe question I have really high arches but run and walk on the outside of my feet. There is a running shop in the city that do professional fittings I'm thinking of heading in there (about an hours drive) and seeing what they have to say. My thoughts are if I can get fitted and find shoes that are comfortable and don't make my feet hurt then in the future I can buy them on line instead of paying full price for them. Sorry one more question, how often do you replace your shoes, is it after you have done a certain distance in them, or just when they start to look a bit worn out?oh man just noticed the time, I'm gonna be late for work again. We have a "staff focus day" today, I would rather stab my eyes out with a pen. We have been told to bring our Bibles and a good attitude. I'm gonna need the full hours drive to muster up the good attitude bit. Maybe I need to listen to some angry white chick music while I drive there Have a great day everyone.

High Arch issue here... I recommend the fitting / gait analysis.  For me,  a lower heal to toe drop is way better.  I run in Brooks Pure Flows and have loved them from the moment I first put them on.  Try lot's of shoes, and when you hit the right ones, you will know it. 

2013-03-13 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

Been busy the last couple days... whoever asked about sleep since daylight savings time...yes, I've been overly fatigued the last couple days.  

I wanted to report to the POD that I gave my 3rd swim lesson to Desiree the other night.  This is the lady that wouldn't even put her face in the water on the first night.  

At the start of the lesson, I told her that I was excited for our 3rd lesson because I just know that everything from 1 & 2 is going to come together.  She wasn't as confident.

We started with getting our face in the water... no problem with that.  Then we dunked completely under the water..she didn't even hesitate!  Then - I just said "let's start with a pencil drill."  Again - she didn't even hesitate.  She put her arms over her head, pushed off the wall and away she went.  Then we went to "big arms"... no problems there.  So I told her I was going to introduce her to breathing.  

Timing is all off, but she is comfortable with face in the water, and is working real hard.  She started to get a bit frustrated with it, so I asked her if she remembered what I told her at the beginning of the lesson?  She said yes.  I said, "I'm going to prove my point right now."  I then kicked off the wall - swam about 10 yards out and, without any pause or explanation, I told her "kick off the wall and swim to me."  

She did!  She didn't even hesitate!!!  When she got there, I said "Do you know what you just did?"  She said "What?" and I happily told her "You just swam, and you didn't even have to think about it!"  Her face lit up, and we were both very happy.  

I told her that I would have her swimming laps in no time, and that I couldn't wait to write her first "work out / practice session" and that I couldn't wait until she wanted to race me across the pool.    

She is coming along nicely...she has no set budget for lessons and as of now, we have one scheduled for every Monday night until the end of time.  I am so excited to be working with her.  Sure wish I had a video of her on Day 1 where our first drill was "Let's just start by putting our chins in the water"  

Sorry for the long post... just really excited about this, and there is no one else to share with (that would care or understand)    

Edited by Muskrat37 2013-03-13 6:43 PM
2013-03-13 6:47 PM
in reply to: #4658829

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-14 11:43 AM

Been busy the last couple days... whoever asked about sleep since daylight savings time...yes, I've been overly fatigued the last couple days.  

I wanted to report to the POD that I gave my 3rd swim lesson to Desiree the other night.  This is the lady that wouldn't even put her face in the water on the first night.  

At the start of the lesson, I told her that I was excited for our 3rd lesson because I just know that everything from 1 & 2 is going to come together.  She wasn't as confident.

We started with getting our face in the water... no problem with that.  Then we dunked completely under the water..she didn't even hesitate!  Then - I just said "let's start with a pencil drill."  Again - she didn't even hesitate.  She put her arms over her head, pushed off the wall and away she went.  Then we went to "big arms"... no problems there.  So I told her I was going to introduce her to breathing.  

Timing is all off, but she is comfortable with face in the water, and is working real hard.  She started to get a bit frustrated with it, so I asked her if she remembered what I told her at the beginning of the lesson?  She said yes.  I said, "I'm going to prove my point right now."  I then kicked off the wall - swam about 10 yards out and, without any pause or explanation, I told her "kick off the wall and swim to me."  

She did!  She didn't even hesitate!!!  When she got there, I said "Do you know what you just did?"  She said "What?" and I happily told her "You just swam, and you didn't even have to think about it!"  Her face lit up, and we were both very happy.  

I told her that I would have her swimming laps in no time, and that I couldn't wait to write her first "work out / practice session" and that I couldn't wait until she wanted to race me across the pool.    

She is coming along nicely...she has no set budget for lessons and as of now, we have one scheduled for every Monday night until the end of time.  I am so excited to be working with her.  Sure wish I had a video of her on Day 1 where our first drill was "Let's just start by putting our chins in the water"  

Sorry for the long post... just really excited about this, and there is no one else to share with (that would care or understand)    

ah it sounds so nice!  I love how at the beginning you make such massive improvements in a short space of time.

Sounds like she found the best coach.

Well done.

2013-03-13 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4658788

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

StaceyK - 2013-03-13 6:46 PM Thanks to everyone who has been so positive about me canning my Oly. I actually feel totally at peace with my decision today. I did my entry for the sprint last night. The really good thing about not doing it is that I now don't need to by a wetsuit until maybe August or September so I am going to go and get some new shoes and running gear cause this week it has suddenly started to get cold in the mornings so shorts and sleeveless tops are not going to cut it.So to the shoe question I have really high arches but run and walk on the outside of my feet. There is a running shop in the city that do professional fittings I'm thinking of heading in there (about an hours drive) and seeing what they have to say. My thoughts are if I can get fitted and find shoes that are comfortable and don't make my feet hurt then in the future I can buy them on line instead of paying full price for them. Sorry one more question, how often do you replace your shoes, is it after you have done a certain distance in them, or just when they start to look a bit worn out?oh man just noticed the time, I'm gonna be late for work again. We have a "staff focus day" today, I would rather stab my eyes out with a pen. We have been told to bring our Bibles and a good attitude. I'm gonna need the full hours drive to muster up the good attitude bit. Maybe I need to listen to some angry white chick music while I drive there Have a great day everyone.

Stacey, you gotta do what you are comfortable with. If that is canning the Oly and running the sprint, we are behind you all the way!

As to the shoes, go for the gait analysis thing, if possible. Not because they'll put you in the best shoe for you, but because you'll learn about your feet. There is a difference. Learn as much as you can and you'll be well versed for future purchases. I have tried online purchases, and it doesn't work for me.  Shoes are one of those things that I have to try on.  Manufacturers seem to change them before I am buying my next pair. I've said it before, but if I was smart I'd find ones I like and buy 10 pair.  Also, inserts may come into play, especially with high arches. Make sure you take some time and don't rush into it. Test for more then one walk up the aisle in the store. 

I get about 400 miles out of my shoes, but I'm a pretty bad heel striker. I can feel it in my knees when they are dying. Brand matters as well. Saucony's last for me, New Balance wears quickly.

That is my 2 cents, worth what you paid for it  

2013-03-13 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4658829

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-13 7:43 PM

Been busy the last couple days... whoever asked about sleep since daylight savings time...yes, I've been overly fatigued the last couple days.  

I wanted to report to the POD that I gave my 3rd swim lesson to Desiree the other night.  This is the lady that wouldn't even put her face in the water on the first night.  

At the start of the lesson, I told her that I was excited for our 3rd lesson because I just know that everything from 1 & 2 is going to come together.  She wasn't as confident.

We started with getting our face in the water... no problem with that.  Then we dunked completely under the water..she didn't even hesitate!  Then - I just said "let's start with a pencil drill."  Again - she didn't even hesitate.  She put her arms over her head, pushed off the wall and away she went.  Then we went to "big arms"... no problems there.  So I told her I was going to introduce her to breathing.  

Timing is all off, but she is comfortable with face in the water, and is working real hard.  She started to get a bit frustrated with it, so I asked her if she remembered what I told her at the beginning of the lesson?  She said yes.  I said, "I'm going to prove my point right now."  I then kicked off the wall - swam about 10 yards out and, without any pause or explanation, I told her "kick off the wall and swim to me."  

She did!  She didn't even hesitate!!!  When she got there, I said "Do you know what you just did?"  She said "What?" and I happily told her "You just swam, and you didn't even have to think about it!"  Her face lit up, and we were both very happy.  

I told her that I would have her swimming laps in no time, and that I couldn't wait to write her first "work out / practice session" and that I couldn't wait until she wanted to race me across the pool.    

She is coming along nicely...she has no set budget for lessons and as of now, we have one scheduled for every Monday night until the end of time.  I am so excited to be working with her.  Sure wish I had a video of her on Day 1 where our first drill was "Let's just start by putting our chins in the water"  

Sorry for the long post... just really excited about this, and there is no one else to share with (that would care or understand)    

Awesome! It sounds like there is a bunch of enthusiasm, both from the student and the teacher.

2013-03-13 7:58 PM
in reply to: #4658829

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-13 7:43 PM

Been busy the last couple days... whoever asked about sleep since daylight savings time...yes, I've been overly fatigued the last couple days.  

I wanted to report to the POD that I gave my 3rd swim lesson to Desiree the other night.  This is the lady that wouldn't even put her face in the water on the first night.  

At the start of the lesson, I told her that I was excited for our 3rd lesson because I just know that everything from 1 & 2 is going to come together.  She wasn't as confident.

We started with getting our face in the water... no problem with that.  Then we dunked completely under the water..she didn't even hesitate!  Then - I just said "let's start with a pencil drill."  Again - she didn't even hesitate.  She put her arms over her head, pushed off the wall and away she went.  Then we went to "big arms"... no problems there.  So I told her I was going to introduce her to breathing.  

Timing is all off, but she is comfortable with face in the water, and is working real hard.  She started to get a bit frustrated with it, so I asked her if she remembered what I told her at the beginning of the lesson?  She said yes.  I said, "I'm going to prove my point right now."  I then kicked off the wall - swam about 10 yards out and, without any pause or explanation, I told her "kick off the wall and swim to me."  

She did!  She didn't even hesitate!!!  When she got there, I said "Do you know what you just did?"  She said "What?" and I happily told her "You just swam, and you didn't even have to think about it!"  Her face lit up, and we were both very happy.  

I told her that I would have her swimming laps in no time, and that I couldn't wait to write her first "work out / practice session" and that I couldn't wait until she wanted to race me across the pool.    

She is coming along nicely...she has no set budget for lessons and as of now, we have one scheduled for every Monday night until the end of time.  I am so excited to be working with her.  Sure wish I had a video of her on Day 1 where our first drill was "Let's just start by putting our chins in the water"  

Sorry for the long post... just really excited about this, and there is no one else to share with (that would care or understand)    

Great story!! Sounds like teaching comes naturally to you.

2013-03-13 8:04 PM
in reply to: #4658579

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
Asalzwed - 2013-03-13 3:51 PM
melbo55 - 2013-03-13 2:47 PM
Asalzwed - 2013-03-13 3:12 PM
melbo55 - 2013-03-13 1:55 PM

Looking ahead to a potential predicament:  next weekend (3/23, 3/24) is my hockey playoff weekend and we play Saturday for sure at 12:45 pm.  If we win Saturday, we go to the championship game Sunday at 4 pm, if we lose, no game.  Thankfully the league did away with the most worthless event in unpaid, amateur sports, the consolation game.  The predicament is I will be due to run 9 miles as part of my HM plan on the weekend.  Obviously if we lose Sat it's not an issue, as I can run Sunday, but if we do win, when the heck am I supposed to get the run in?  The games are held about 1.5 - 1.75 hours away, not factoring in time to change, etc.  9 miles will take me around 1 hr 45 min to run.  Ha, this is starting to sound like a math word problem: if the train leaves the station at 8:00 heading west at 70 mph... LOL (question is bolded since I got a little carried away and silly)

Carry the two ... my answer is x= 

Hmmmm I might agree with Janyne and see if maybe you can get it in Thursday or Friday? I'm not sure how you have been feeling after your longer runs (and correct me if I am wrong but 9 will be pretty long for you?

Then if you have no game Sunday, go ahead and get in another run. 

You are correct, Speedy Salty.  Every new long run I do as part of the plan is long for me.  Prior to training for the HM, my longest continuously running run was 5 miles and my longest run with walk breaks was 6.5.  But as of last week I can proudly change those distances to 8 miles is my longest continuously running run!  As much as part of me loves Kirsten's idea, I do want to do my best to do the full distance of the long runs as a mental gain just as much as a physical gain, so I may craft something out of your and Janyne's suggestion.

Yes, under most circumstances I would tend to do something more along Kirsten's idea as well. I actually did something very similar when I had a hockey tournament.

But in your case (and as you said), I think those steady long runs are really valuable. Just as you said, for the physical and the mental.

How did you feel the next day after the 8 miler? How about the day after that?

Replying to Brie and Salty (Salty Brie, ha! sorry)  My HM is April 28, so I'm in week 6 of a 12 week plan, so 6 weeks 'til the rilly big shew (a little Ed Sullivan for ya).  Tough to say exactly how I felt the day after the run because of time change and moderate alcohol imbibing, but I will say that I felt a bit more tired the next day although I did make it to TKD.  Yesterday (2 days post long run) I ended up bagging my 3 miler because I got home late from errands, but I felt good enough that I would've run, albeit slowly probably.

2013-03-13 9:47 PM
in reply to: #4658642

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

rrrunner - 2013-03-13 3:36 PM Oceanside added a Pro Panel discussion to the schedule!!!!! RINNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm not as "in" with the pros as some of y'all (Jo) so I'm pretty stoked about this)

I love her!

2013-03-13 10:31 PM
in reply to: #4658145

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
TriAya - 2013-03-13 9:08 AM
Artemis - 2013-03-12 12:06 AM
kgore - 2013-03-09 10:43 PM

My new buddy, Cobalt, the Blue Tree Monitor!


He's so cool!!  I had a lizard. I miss him.

Oooh Kate! I like him!

I took this picture just for you, and to prove I'm taking teeny tiny steps to sort of patter frantically around my phobia before running screaming from it again. But at least I'm trying.

P.S. The picture actually ooks me out more than sitting on it did (although that was pretty bad too, I didn't have to *look* at it).

P.P.S. Okay, the fact that I'm wearing an IM shirt with its motto, "Anything is Possible" is really funny.

I love the photo! Especially the face! (yours, more so than the gecko!)---Honestly, I needed that tonight, I have been REALLY having some depression issues today--for no good or real reason, I am just down...and I hate it. I am just looking forward to my Badger Run this Saturday--just to get away mentally. 'Kay, I am gonna stop with the self pity now...I hope.

2013-03-13 10:33 PM
in reply to: #4659040

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED
kgore - 2013-03-14 3:31 PM
TriAya - 2013-03-13 9:08 AM
Artemis - 2013-03-12 12:06 AM
kgore - 2013-03-09 10:43 PM

My new buddy, Cobalt, the Blue Tree Monitor!


He's so cool!!  I had a lizard. I miss him.

Oooh Kate! I like him!

I took this picture just for you, and to prove I'm taking teeny tiny steps to sort of patter frantically around my phobia before running screaming from it again. But at least I'm trying.

P.S. The picture actually ooks me out more than sitting on it did (although that was pretty bad too, I didn't have to *look* at it).

P.P.S. Okay, the fact that I'm wearing an IM shirt with its motto, "Anything is Possible" is really funny.

I love the photo! Especially the face! (yours, more so than the gecko!)---Honestly, I needed that tonight, I have been REALLY having some depression issues today--for no good or real reason, I am just down...and I hate it. I am just looking forward to my Badger Run this Saturday--just to get away mentally. 'Kay, I am gonna stop with the self pity now...I hope.

Sorry to hear that - I know how that goes!  Some self indulgence goes a LONG way!  For me swimming is my indulgence (apart from the usual wine and chocolate!).  When I'm really down a swim or a run will give me a lift like not much else.  Sending you some smiles.

2013-03-13 10:45 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Citrus Heights, CA
Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

I was considering a run today, but I don't want to knock my hip out again before the 10k---so I thought I might hit the pool on my way home earlier...yeah, the gym was PACKED--like January 1st style PACKED! So that was out. I instead made a green salad with a bit of pasta and chicken with hard boiled eggs...forgot the bacon bits though.(Boo on that

I dunno. I will feel okay for a bit, after all, I have actually got some great things happening (my next race, I am a new SSP coordinator for Black Tree Monitors, and I have a great workshop to go to in a week about some of my favorite native herps)--even better, I don't have to work with my annoying coworker for a week or so...but it just sort of fades and I am down. Who knows, maybe its the exhaustion I have been feeling lately that's just wearing on me. I do get to go do a bunch of shooting tomorrow (re-qualifying for the zoo's armed response team)--maybe that will help.

2013-03-13 10:47 PM
in reply to: #4651276

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Subject: RE: Mental Manatee Mentors Part 3--CLOSED

Stacey--I, like Chris, can just 'feel it' when my shoes are done.  My shins start to hurt.

Chad--Awesome!  I love it when my students have that 'aha' moment.  So cool.

Kate--sorry you are down.  Depression sucks.  Allow your friends and family and pod to hold you up when you need it.

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