BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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of 34
2014-03-14 11:07 AM
in reply to: trigabe

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
30 minute swim. I still don't know exactly what great form looks like... but I stopped to rest for a short period only twice...
For all the Math Geeks - Happy Pie Day.

Joe 12 11:50:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 9 10:06:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 9 07:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 11 11:00:00
Lisa 8 7:49:58

2014-03-14 1:15 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
1 hr MAF run on the dreadmill for runch.

Joe 12 11:50:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 9 10:06:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 11 11:00:00
Lisa 8 7:49:58

Bruno -Pi day is a big deal around here, The HS math teacher gives out a Judy's pie for the student who can recite pi to the further digit. 2nd and 3rd place get a personal pie. So happy pi day!
2014-03-14 3:05 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hi! I'm Susanna and I hope it's not too late to join. I started training for my first sprint triathlon a few months ago. Been using one of the free training plans on this site to get me started. I'm athletic and love to exercise and was looking for a way to mix things up and work towards something so I decided to try a tri.
I've signed up for a couple sprints this year and my first race is in May.
2014-03-14 6:22 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I missed a day, but fairly certain ther times is correct. So, I updated my totals - only missed one day (so far).

Joe 13 11:50:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 9 10:06:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 11 11:00:00
Lisa 8 7:49:58
2014-03-14 8:21 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Moonrocket--Xterra looks hard. I've run some of the trails at Snow Mountain Ranch and that's a lot tougher than just road running up there. The Grand Lake bike portion would be fine on fat tires, at least for the Olympic distance. I've biked most of the course on my hybrid, though the climb on Hwy 34 just south of Lake Granby is definitely easier with a road bike. We spent a lot of time in that area in the summer. I notice the altitude for the first run of the season, but usually not much after that.

Joe--Last year I did 20, 22, and was supposed to a 24-miler too, but by the time I hit 20 miles it was dinnertime. I was hungry, tired, and couldn't figure out what another 4 miles would accomplish other than making me more sore. The day I did 22 was ok and didn't really feel much different than 20, but I'm not convinced it helped anything either, yk?

40 minutes, pushing the jogger (plus kid, plus books) to the library and back. That was only 3 miles, so then the older kid biked to the park and I pushed the little one in the jogger again.

Joe 13 11:50:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 9 10:06:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 11 11:00:00
Lisa 9 8:31:61
2014-03-14 8:25 PM
in reply to: sjswan13

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by sjswan13

Hi! I'm Susanna and I hope it's not too late to join. I started training for my first sprint triathlon a few months ago. Been using one of the free training plans on this site to get me started. I'm athletic and love to exercise and was looking for a way to mix things up and work towards something so I decided to try a tri.
I've signed up for a couple sprints this year and my first race is in May.

Hi Susanna, Welcome, just post a bio.

2014-03-14 11:26 PM
in reply to: realrellim

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
5k Parkrun again this morning to start the weekend on the right foot.

Joe 13 11:50:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 10 10:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 11 11:00:00
Lisa 9 8:31:61
2014-03-15 12:06 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Jim: Next year the Pi excitement will be through the roof. It will be 3.1415

With my fist Tri (Olympic) 13 weeks away... I'm looking for a real plan to stick to. Any advice? Any pointers when looking through the many options. June 15th here I come. 75 Min on the bike and a 30 min swim.

Joe 13 11:50:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 10 10:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 12 12:45:00
Lisa 9 8:31:61
2014-03-15 4:25 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Solid 90' run - covered 11 miles. Tried a new approach - ran first 2/3 at an easier pace and then ran the last half hard. Overall, pretty happy with the effort.

Joe 14 13:20:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 10 10:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 12 12:45:00
Lisa 9 8:31:61
2014-03-15 4:33 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Bruno -

In terms of training for an Oly, there's not really that much of uptick in distance as compared to sprint training that it warrants a radically different approach. I find Olys tough to race, because you can't just go all out but at the same time you are racing pretty hard. Do you train with a HR monitor? I found that for Olys, you need to get to the point where you are comfortable in the zone 3-4 space. I'd opt for more frequency/less duration workouts. Wouldn't generally run more than 1 hour or bike for more than 2. In terms of structuring, what are your strengths/weaknesses? How frequently do you want to train? There's no magic plan - a lot of it is trial and error.
2014-03-15 6:38 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
2 hr slow run this morning (Sunday). Great to run early in the morning in cooler temps, felt really good.

Joe 14 13:20:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 11 12:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 12 12:45:00
Lisa 9 8:31:61

2014-03-15 8:50 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
14 miles run today. I sort of raced ~5 of those at the Erin Go Braugh 7.77K, but I didn't go all out knowing I had nearly 9 more to do after finishing. Also, 15 mph winds aren't ideal for racing. Managed 17/109 in F30-39 with an 8:56 pace (ok, not great). There were some seriously fast athletes there. I'd say I'm looking forward to the F40-49 AG in a couple of months, but the first two placers in that AG were a professional triathlete (Amanda Lovato) and a former professional triathlete (Nicole DeBoom, founder of Skirt Sports). Needless to say, I don't have a chance in that field!

Saw a friend who was volunteering at the finish line and we talked tri briefly. She's thinking about her first this summer. I hope she does!

Joe 14 13:20:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 11 12:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 12 12:45:00
Lisa 10 10:49:53
2014-03-16 3:15 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Good effort Lisa! Just wait till Parkrun company ( comes to your town and you'll be racing 5k every Saturday. With smaller field you will win it occasionally! I do sometimes and I'm slower than you!
2014-03-16 6:45 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by realrellim

I'd say I'm looking forward to the F40-49 AG in a couple of months, but the first two placers in that AG were a professional triathlete (Amanda Lovato) and a former professional triathlete (Nicole DeBoom, founder of Skirt Sports). Needless to say, I don't have a chance in that field!

There's no relief in the 40+ AG. I thought the same thing as this year I aged up to 45-49. Need to wait until 50+ to find any relief (assuming we all last that long).
2014-03-16 7:37 AM
in reply to: JoePetto


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Name: Susanna

Story: I'm 42 and now live in NC. I grew up playing various sports and have always liked being active but never took to running distance and never really thought much about endurance sports. Had a spell in my 30s where I worked more than played and got out of shape. I've regained focus on fitness and wanted to give the triathlon training a shot to mix things up since I easily get bored with mundane workouts.

Family: Married with a dog

Training: Been using the "Sprint-2x Balanced 16 wk" training program on BT site as a guide. I've taken bits and pieces from different training plans I've found on the internet for my various workouts. Been using a "Couch to 5k" run program to build up my running and to pace myself to hopefully avoid injuries. I also weight train a couple days a week.

Races: Signed up for two super sprints, one in May and one in Oct to commit myself to the training. May throw another one in between these two.

Why I make a good mentee: Love to hear what others are doing and want to challenge myself. It's fun to learn from other people's experiences.
2014-03-16 10:44 AM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I am looking for a group to join. I started Tri's in 2004 with Team in Training. Awesome experience the team stayed together with our coach for a few years. Then I moved from SFL to Ga and stayed with it a couple of years. Got hit by a tornado in 2011 and have not done another tri since. I need to get back in shape. Back in SFL, I’m 53 weigh 215 5'7". So need to lose the lbs. I ride weekly haven’t run in few months. Ride about 16 mph avg, run very slow about 12 min a mile. I have a hip issue that keeps my miles down.
Would love to be part of a group again even if its virtual.
Married 24 yrs three kids all grown or in college. Work far from home so commute eats into training time.

2014-03-16 11:56 AM
in reply to: gtbks

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Wife and I had a challenge this morning - 1 hour swim - no breaks. Finished a 62' continuous swim - no breaks, no hanging on the wall. Couldn't have made it without out my Swimp3.

Joe 15 14:22:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 11 12:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 8 08:40:31
Bruno 12 12:45:00
Lisa 10 10:49:53
2014-03-16 5:49 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JoePetto

Bruno -

In terms of training for an Oly, there's not really that much of uptick in distance as compared to sprint training that it warrants a radically different approach. I find Olys tough to race, because you can't just go all out but at the same time you are racing pretty hard. Do you train with a HR monitor? I found that for Olys, you need to get to the point where you are comfortable in the zone 3-4 space. I'd opt for more frequency/less duration workouts. Wouldn't generally run more than 1 hour or bike for more than 2. In terms of structuring, what are your strengths/weaknesses? How frequently do you want to train? There's no magic plan - a lot of it is trial and error.

Joe's right, the up tic from a sprint to an Oly isn't much. My problem, being a bad swimmer, I have to fly on the bike to catch the field. It is difficult for me to balance the bike effort, so I have legs left for the run. The longer distances are more comfortable for me, because I have long enough of a distance to take my time and catch the field after a bad swim.
2014-03-16 7:41 PM
in reply to: JBacarella


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I'm new to the cycle world - outside of recreational bike riding. Never had a bike with pedals that required "cycle shoes". Does it make a big difference to upgrade? Do they provide more power to your pedal?
2014-03-17 7:07 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by sjswan13

I'm new to the cycle world - outside of recreational bike riding. Never had a bike with pedals that required "cycle shoes". Does it make a big difference to upgrade? Do they provide more power to your pedal?

Shoes and pedals are going to give you about 2 mph more speed. If you are using nothing, you only derive power from mashing on the pedal. That also means you are probably wearing a running shoe. So, your not only does your power come just from mashing, but you are mashing a soft surface. As a result you will lose power. If you have toe clips, you will get a little more power, but you still don't get the power you get from a complete circle. Your power will again come primarily from pushing down, but you will get a little from pull back and lift, but again it is a soft surface lift and you are still wearing running shoes.
With clipless pedals and bike shoes your push down comes on a hard surface so you get more power directly transferred to the pedal, plus you get power from the complete circle. Meaning you teach yourself to make good circles all the way around the pedal stroke and give yourself power from both legs all the way around. It makes you faster with less effort. Compared to toe clips where you have to push down and scrap the bottom of your running shoe like scraping off dog poop to get an extra benefit, but it still won't be as much as with bike shoes and being able to make full circles.
Caveat: When you first get them you will fall down. You have to teach learn how to snap you shoe in and out. It took me about a half an hour riding around an empty parking lot.
I have speedplay pedals. They give me about 15 degrees of rotation, which makes my knees happy.

Edited by JBacarella 2014-03-17 7:18 AM
2014-03-17 7:24 AM
in reply to: gtbks

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by gtbks

I am looking for a group to join. I started Tri's in 2004 with Team in Training. Awesome experience the team stayed together with our coach for a few years. Then I moved from SFL to Ga and stayed with it a couple of years. Got hit by a tornado in 2011 and have not done another tri since. I need to get back in shape. Back in SFL, I’m 53 weigh 215 5'7". So need to lose the lbs. I ride weekly haven’t run in few months. Ride about 16 mph avg, run very slow about 12 min a mile. I have a hip issue that keeps my miles down.
Would love to be part of a group again even if its virtual.
Married 24 yrs three kids all grown or in college. Work far from home so commute eats into training time.

Welcome to the team.

2014-03-17 7:25 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by JoePetto

Wife and I had a challenge this morning - 1 hour swim - no breaks. Finished a 62' continuous swim - no breaks, no hanging on the wall. Couldn't have made it without out my Swimp3.

Awesome job Joe! What earphones are you using? I can never get mine to stay in and they become more of an annoyance than anything.
2014-03-17 7:29 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Updating for the weekend. Great bike workout on Friday (5x5' @ 102% FTP plus 6x30" @ 120% FTP), ran on Saturday, toughest bike workout YTD on Sunday (4x15' @ 96% FTP plus 10' @ FTP) plus 5 miles later that afternoon (3 on my own and 2 miles with the run club I manage for my 11 year old and her friends).

Joe 15 14:22:13
Gabe 12 16:31:21
Mark 11 12:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 11 12:57:55
Bruno 12 12:45:00
Lisa 10 10:49:53
2014-03-17 7:51 AM
in reply to: #4917388

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Good job Joe with your swim!

I did 1hr on the bike at my hotel in Boston + 20 min treadmill (stopped due to ITB pain) on Sat, Sunday off and today 1hr bike before heading out to my trade show. Tonight I get to enjoy St. Pattys celebrations in Boston and also going to see Jarabe de Palo in concert (good Spanish group) which should be a lot of fun. Only challenge is that it is like 15F today outside with lots of wind, but some of you have had this weather for a while, so no complaints from me. Cheers

Joe 15 14:22:13
Gabe 14 18:51:21
Mark 11 12:36:00
Matt 10 11:47:40
Jim 10 08:08:00
Mitch 11 12:57:55
Bruno 12 12:45:00
Lisa 10 10:49:53
2014-03-17 8:00 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by trisuppo

Originally posted by JoePetto

Wife and I had a challenge this morning - 1 hour swim - no breaks. Finished a 62' continuous swim - no breaks, no hanging on the wall. Couldn't have made it without out my Swimp3.

Awesome job Joe! What earphones are you using? I can never get mine to stay in and they become more of an annoyance than anything.

Finis Neptune. Nothing goes in the ear - noise is conducted through the bones in your cheek.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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