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2008-02-08 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi Tracy,

Glad to have you back and glad you had a good time on your honeymoon. I'm sorry your dad is not doing well; I'm sure it hung over you while you were away.

2008-02-08 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Welcome to Friday. I hope everyone has big training plans for the weekend. I'm going to take advantage of unseasonably warm weather and bike tomorrow. Sunday will be a rest day (I didn't take one last weekend and I'm feeling it).

I had a GREAT run this morning! It felt sooo good and seemed to take little effort. Why can't they all feel like this?!?

3.4 miles, 32m 48s, 9:40 pace

2008-02-08 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
3 races 38.6 miles are my plans for the weekend so im kinda full . looking forward to a off day monday and have not even ran the first race yet
slug use the weather while its at your advantage !! but dont forget days off there super important .
ill let you all know how things went with the 15 and 5 k tomorrow
2008-02-09 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
well day one is done !! pretty good day i guess the race was packed well both were just stacked . the 5k never did break up , the 15k did around mile 5
but more on that later i got to get to bed have to be at the marathon at 5am . legs are ok tonight but i guess ill have to see how they feel in the morning
times were
15k 1:08:18 , 32 in age group ,369 overall,298 in sex
5k 23:32 , 36 in age , 42 overall, 338 sex
see yall tomorrow
2008-02-10 1:50 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Breaking back into things feeling better. 10 mile run today. Should be back to speed, First race of the year stil 3/1 for a 10 mile run in Redding CA. Night.

Ya I was really sick, don't even remember much of that week, was really fogged, really fatigued. Hope my reports from work were coherent 8). Well off to bed, bike ride tomorrow.
2008-02-10 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
hey guys the marathon is done !! set a new PB not sure how after yesterday but i did by 14 min. !! so ye are on our way to eat and ill get more up about the weekend when i get back to Naples . plus im waiting on the age group stats to come up but the time was a 2:25:30

2008-02-10 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
hey guys the marathon is done !! set a new PB not sure how after yesterday but i did by 14 min. !! so ye are on our way to eat and ill get more up about the weekend when i get back to Naples . plus im waiting on the age group stats to come up but the time was a 3:25:30
2008-02-10 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Wow, great race! I don't know how you did all of that in one weekend! You da man!
2008-02-10 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I just thought I'd post something so that you all know that I didn't fall off the edge of the earth.

Some things of relevance:

1. I've lost 12 pounds since Dec. 14.
2. I've dropped my 100m split time to 1'35"
3. I've dropped my mile time to under 9' from 10'
4. I've dropped my pants size to (almost) a 34 from a 36.
5. I've received a job interview for a position in Pennsylvania.

The last 8 weeks have been good.

2008-02-11 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1203593

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Congratulations on the new PB, Shaun! Sounds like the races went very well. That's a lot of running in one weekend. Way to go, and enjoy some recovery time!
2008-02-11 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1203662

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Good to hear from you Michael. Those are some awesome accomplishments! You should be really proud of yourself! So happy things are going well for you.

2008-02-11 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Glad to have you back, Tracey! I just got back into Salem from the Oregon Coast last night, and didn't have internet access over the weekend so I'm catching up. Did some awesome runs Sat and Sun. Saturday ran on the beach for an hour, nice easy pace and the weather even cleared for us (50 degrees and partly sunny). It was beautiful! Sunday did my last long run before the half mary, 2 hours along a bike path in West Salem. It felt great! One thing that did put a little damper on the run is I got blisters on the bottom of both my feet in near the arch. I've run this distance before with the same shoes and socks and never had this happen. The only thing I can think might have been different is my shoes were still a little damp from running on the beach, but I don't know if this would have done it or not. If anyone has any ideas about possible causes I'd love to hear them because I don't want this to happen during my race.


2008-02-11 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Things have been a little crazy around here.  My Dad's condition worsening.  We have Hospice care for him and there are always people in and out of the house.  I'm trying to get some workouts in and get back up to my December/early January level.  It is really hard to get back up to that level.  I'm giving myself until March 1 to be back at that level.  My legs are really not very happy with me today after running for an hour yesterday.  The run was really nice though!

Congrats to everyone for some great accomplishments lately!  You guys really ROCK and I'm glad that Slug has taken the reins for awhile for all of us.  Sooooo, what does everyone want to discuss over the next week?  Let's stick with a running topic.  What kind of things are y'all struggling with?

Talk to everyone soon!

2008-02-11 9:22 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
RECOVERY !!!!! I FEEL LIKE IM 90 YEARS OLD !! just kidding i expected it . im up for talking about running .
hey they finally got up the times for the challenge races . i placed 7th out of 49 that finished . with a total time of 4:57 from all 3 races .
i got some pictures ill get up as soon as i get things caught up around here
thanks guys for all the support !!!!
2008-02-12 12:17 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Holy macaroni Mac! That's A LOT of running in one weekend! Actually that's more running than I do in 1 or 2 weeks. GREAT JOB!!!! Can't wait to see some photos.

Thanks to those who have been checking in on me periodically. I've had a stressful couple of weeks (work and family stuff) and haven't been posting here much, nor have I been getting in the workouts I need or making the wisest food choices. Thankfully I haven't done too much damage weight-wise, but I feel like a total slug. Anyway...

I had my knee appointment last week and received mostly good news. The bad: I have cartilage issues under my patella. Issues meaning that there isn't much cartilage. Not much I can do about that though. The good: The doc thinks that what is causing most of the problems is that I have "the tightest IT band known to humankind." It's actually pulling my knee towards the outside of my leg. So I have a couple months of physical therapy and then back in for a check up. I anticpate being good to go in time for tri season. Yay!

Hope you all have a fantastic week.

P.S. Owl, I'm very sorry to hear about your father. Please know that we're all thinking good thoughts for you and your family. Also, congrats on the wedding. Do we get to see pics???
2008-02-12 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi Sarah,

I had kneecap issues and did PT in the fall to get them back into alignment. I had to give up all my training except for swimming, but I'm doing really well now, as long as I keep up the stretching. A foam roller is THE thing for working out my IT bands.

2008-02-12 4:42 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
my sister had the same thing hit her on the 2006 marine corps marathon . after she went and seen the doc. and now she does some funky stretches but she has worked on it for months and everything is working great .
2008-02-12 5:09 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i got a couple pics up there for right now
2008-02-14 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

i have not fallen off the plant just side track as per normal.

I am trying to get back on track 

2008-02-15 6:42 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
so what are we gonna talk about running ? im calling in sick to work today i want to go for another ride
2008-02-15 9:08 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I'd love to know if someone knows how to apply heart rate data to my runs/training. Also, what is a "tempo" run?

2008-02-16 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
tempo runs are speedwork alternatives and are done at or just below race pace. for 2-5 min. but the distance for that day should be the same as speedwork would be or a interval workouts .
i have looked at the HR zones but dont know how to work them either
2008-02-19 1:35 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hello everyone.  You guys have been very quiet.  What is going on?  I'm sorry I have not been around to do more motivating.  My Dad passed away.  I'm happy we were all home with him.

Anyway, I'm finally back home.  I've been gone for six weeks.  Wow!  That's a long time!  I'm struggling to get back on track with my workouts.  I've given myself until the beginning of March to be up to speed.  All of you are doing quite nicely!  Who has races coming up?  I know Sarah is looking forward to a sprint tri in April.  I think I am going to do that race as well!  I'm excited to meet you, Sarah!

I am going to put some photos of our wedding in my album.  Check them out if you want.  I sure hope to see everyone jump back on the forum here and continue to motivate one another.  Cheers to all of you!

2008-02-19 1:40 AM
in reply to: #1214119

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-02-15 7:08 AM I'd love to know if someone knows how to apply heart rate data to my runs/training. Also, what is a "tempo" run?

There are a few ways to tackle tempo runs.  Mac told you one method.  Another method is to do a warm-up run of 10 minutes and then begin to increase the pace every couple of minutes until you are just below your lactic acid threshold pace.  Hold this pace for five to ten minutes and then slowly reduce your pace every couple of minutes back to a nice easy cool-down pace for five to ten minutes.  This type of workout should be no more than one hour in length.

I don't know how to use the heart rate data on this site either.  Have you tested yourself to find your lactic acid threashold?

2008-02-19 10:00 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
tracy im very sorry for you loss , shaun
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