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2009-07-26 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Question for the group.  I have always hit my time / distance marks on my plans before now.  My swim workouts call for time and distance.  So my question is:  Do I increase the time of my workouts to hit the distance marks?  Example:  I have a 4200 m swim tomorrow that says 1 hour 20 minutes.  If it was a straight swim I could get close but not with the sets and rests it calls for.  I am very slow when doing drills which always pushes my time back too but they really help my form.  What do you think?

2009-07-26 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Kauai girl now in MIll Creek/Silver Firs
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Hey All!

Suzy - I don't understand.... if the gal turned 45, how is she in your age group ( 21 right?Laughing

So I had a doc visit this week - everything looks great on the feet/calf issues (yeah!) but I have exercise enduced asthma (not yeah). No kidding, I just started laughing when she said it (I know, not a laughing matter).  Anywhoo,  I'd had 3 "episodes" during workouts when I literally couldn't breathe (not out of breath, just couldn't get my lungs to open).  I thought I was having a panic attack or something.   Training is such great stress relief for me that if it was a panic attack, the irony was going to kill me.  Anywhoo, I've had bad allergies so I guess that ties into the asthma.   I swear..... this getting older thing is not fun.  I should probably be bummed but after I used the inhaler she prescribed, I went out and had a fantastic run.  She said if I've been able to train with the asthma, I ought to feel a ton better now that its treated.   I've got my next race 3 weeks from today and feeling good - wish it was here sooner!

Still trying to catch up on all the reports; hope everyone racing this weekend is having a fantastic time!

Edited by KauaiShan 2009-07-26 12:33 PM
2009-07-26 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2308478

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
cbarnes1 - 2009-07-26 1:21 PM Question for the group.  I have always hit my time / distance marks on my plans before now.  My swim workouts call for time and distance.  So my question is:  Do I increase the time of my workouts to hit the distance marks?  Example:  I have a 4200 m swim tomorrow that says 1 hour 20 minutes.  If it was a straight swim I could get close but not with the sets and rests it calls for.  I am very slow when doing drills which always pushes my time back too but they really help my form.  What do you think?

Chet, put the distance in.  If you can do the distance quicker add more distance to hit the time - therfore you hit both time and distance.  But if the drills take longer put in the extra time in and go the full distance.  Come November you'll be happy you did!

Edited by Havin'Fun 2009-07-26 12:43 PM
2009-07-26 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2308478

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

cbarnes1 - 2009-07-26 1:21 PM Question for the group.  I have always hit my time / distance marks on my plans before now.  My swim workouts call for time and distance.  So my question is:  Do I increase the time of my workouts to hit the distance marks?  Example:  I have a 4200 m swim tomorrow that says 1 hour 20 minutes.  If it was a straight swim I could get close but not with the sets and rests it calls for.  I am very slow when doing drills which always pushes my time back too but they really help my form.  What do you think?

I'd say that in this case, go the distance.  really if you think about it in terms of a race, you could say that you're training for X distance with a certain time goal that you want to meet.  So train to the distance.  The drills are there to make you better at that distance, the time is there for reference... short of trying to get X number of hours per week.
2009-07-26 1:23 PM
in reply to: #2308478

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I asked this question. If you have the time do whatever is longer. This if you can do the distance in the time do it. If you can do the distance under the time, do the time. If you can't do the distance in the time, do the distance in whatever time you can.

Good luck. Those long swims are brutal.
2009-07-26 2:17 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

I just got back from my first Olympic and boy am I tired.  I'm not sure how people do HIM or IM!

I'll have the full race report up by tomorrow but in short.  The swim was pretty good, i was surprised about the time since I swerved a bit and all the traffic.. 20min 1 sec (1:12 per 100yds ).  Weird thing was during the long run to T1 both my legs completely cramped, this was unusual since i had such a long time period off.  As soon as my legs cramped I knew I was in trouble for the run and possibly the bike.  T1 took me almost 8 min because i had the cramping issues and thus had trouble getting the wetsuit off.  The bike was surprisingly good as well.  I was cramping on the bike too but I tried to stretch as much as possible during the ride.  Lots of long climbs but lots of downhills too.  I avg 18.8 and I know I could have done better if I didn't have the cramping issue.  There were some crashes too, the road ways were pretty narrow and a few sharp technical turns with so many bikers.  T2 was also long due to full leg cramps in both legs again..  I had problems putting on my shoes.  The run was brutal.  I knew this was going to be tough considering my leg injury and not running for awhile but the problems seemed to be related more to all the cramping going on.  I ran walked the whole thing and avg around 11min miles.  2:30min-3 min slower than I typically run on the same course.  Overall I had fun, I'm confused about the legs cramping after the swim because I hydrated well a few days before the race and I'm happy I hit my time mark, under 3 hrs (but barely).

2009-07-26 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2307431

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-25 12:44 PM Had a really good day today--1:16:38, #2 AG!

Experiment completed! Turned on my GPS and never looked at it again until the end.  Ran about 80-85% effort the first 8m and had enough strength to let it rip the last 2m and pass a load of people.  Post analysis my HR was right around LT until the last mile, except for on some of the long hills.  Fueling worked well--70 cals/tons of water.  Didnt beat LYs time, but I didn't think I would given a lot less mileage.  Overall, happy with the day.

Te only downer is my one of the best Master's runners in Madison turned 45.  She is now in my AG for four more years.  Bummer.

PS. Don't tell Steve I lit my crack pipe. I could say it was because they were yelling out splits at every mile and I wasn't supposed to know that, but it would be a lie. I made the decision before I even toed the line.

 great job!  pretty soon they're going to ban you from these races.
2009-07-26 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Thanks Linda, Doug, and Jeremy - I'll do the distance

Stan - great race.  That is a smokin' fast swim for an Oly! Congrats.

Edited by cbarnes1 2009-07-26 2:51 PM
2009-07-26 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2308605

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-07-26 2:17 PM

I just got back from my first Olympic and boy am I tired.  I'm not sure how people do HIM or IM!

I'll have the full race report up by tomorrow but in short.  The swim was pretty good, i was surprised about the time since I swerved a bit and all the traffic.. 20min 1 sec (1:12 per 100yds ).  Weird thing was during the long run to T1 both my legs completely cramped, this was unusual since i had such a long time period off.  As soon as my legs cramped I knew I was in trouble for the run and possibly the bike.  T1 took me almost 8 min because i had the cramping issues and thus had trouble getting the wetsuit off.  The bike was surprisingly good as well.  I was cramping on the bike too but I tried to stretch as much as possible during the ride.  Lots of long climbs but lots of downhills too.  I avg 18.8 and I know I could have done better if I didn't have the cramping issue.  There were some crashes too, the road ways were pretty narrow and a few sharp technical turns with so many bikers.  T2 was also long due to full leg cramps in both legs again..  I had problems putting on my shoes.  The run was brutal.  I knew this was going to be tough considering my leg injury and not running for awhile but the problems seemed to be related more to all the cramping going on.  I ran walked the whole thing and avg around 11min miles.  2:30min-3 min slower than I typically run on the same course.  Overall I had fun, I'm confused about the legs cramping after the swim because I hydrated well a few days before the race and I'm happy I hit my time mark, under 3 hrs (but barely).

Stan-Really nice job, especially with the cramps. Your swim is spectacular. I have heard others who have the cramping issue.  They said it was because they did not use their legs at all during the swim and feet were probably pointed.  When you get up, bam, they cramp. 

Chet--do the distance for sure.  You are already a machine swimming, but drills take me twice as long as swimming (and that is a long dang time).

Shannon--I have EIA too.  It is far worse during allergy season and extreme heat or intense workouts.  I used to avoid using my inhaler and now I use it daily before my workouts.   It is a bit of trial and error to find out how hard you can push yourself, but you will figure it out over time.  For now, steady state rides and runs are probably key.

Finished up my long ride with 25-30mph winds, 3 road closures,  a bad map and 2 wasp stings.  Quite the day!


2009-07-26 2:58 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Lots of family time the last week, so I'm chomping at the bit to get back to work(?) Actuallyjust curious to see what is happening with work and our merger. Should find out in the next few weeks about my position.
Had lots fun at the cabin with the girls. Grandma came up for a few days which was nice.
Highlight training wise for me was that I did my own little century ride- 100 k in around 3 1/2 hrs. Really enjoyed it. Was one thing I wanted to do this summer, so happy to do it. A long ride like that made me realize I really enjoy biking, but I think I may need a new saddle. I have the cervelo saddle that came on my P2K, but boy a few days later my sit bones are sore?? I assume from all the talk I've heard, that is it.
Will catch up on posts tomorrow at work!!
When you kids starting the 200 situp thing? I think I have my wife convinced to give it a shot. Even though we really haven't read anything about it really yet.
Nice race though Stan. 1st Oly is complete.
2009-07-26 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2308654

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Sam and  I are back from our race.

LOL, I could tell I have only been in the pool 3-4 times this month, my swim was pretty weak, did well on the bike and run, but all the fasties were in my AG today so only got 4th.  Sam finished 3rd in her AG!

51 year old broke his own record, he won the 50-55 AG I believe last year at Kona, he did the 300M swim, 11.5mi bike and 5k run in 50 minutes flat...

Will do my RR when they get times up. Looks like we had some good races in the group this weekend, congrats all!

2009-07-26 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Stan - great job out there.  Glad you did it, in all your awesomeness!   Sorry about the cramps, but you'll man if you were not sure about this race you sure rocked it! 

Trevor - welcome back!

Sam & Tony - great job today. 

Can't wait to read the race reports....... 

Anyone tuned into IMLP?  Looks like the weather held out for everyone. 
Anyone see the swim?  Tereza Macel was first OA out of the water?  Dang!  She smoked it...and kept going!!! 
2009-07-26 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2308717

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-07-26 4:02 PM

Sam and  I are back from our race.

LOL, I could tell I have only been in the pool 3-4 times this month, my swim was pretty weak, did well on the bike and run, but all the fasties were in my AG today so only got 4th.  Sam finished 3rd in her AG!

51 year old broke his own record, he won the 50-55 AG I believe last year at Kona, he did the 300M swim, 11.5mi bike and 5k run in 50 minutes flat...

Will do my RR when they get times up. Looks like we had some good races in the group this weekend, congrats all!

Glad to hear you and Sam had a great race--hardware is GOOD!  Interested to see what you have to say about your run!  Feeling any different after working with Lowell? Package is going in the mail tomorrow, promise.

Trevor--welcome  home! we missed you.
2009-07-27 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2309230

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-26 10:37 PM
dalessit - 2009-07-26 4:02 PM

Sam and  I are back from our race.

LOL, I could tell I have only been in the pool 3-4 times this month, my swim was pretty weak, did well on the bike and run, but all the fasties were in my AG today so only got 4th.  Sam finished 3rd in her AG!

51 year old broke his own record, he won the 50-55 AG I believe last year at Kona, he did the 300M swim, 11.5mi bike and 5k run in 50 minutes flat...

Will do my RR when they get times up. Looks like we had some good races in the group this weekend, congrats all!

Glad to hear you and Sam had a great race--hardware is GOOD!  Interested to see what you have to say about your run!  Feeling any different after working with Lowell? Package is going in the mail tomorrow, promise.

Trevor--welcome  home! we missed you.

Yeah definitely getting faster, last year ran 8:47/mile pace and this year I was right around 8:00/mile pace I think.

My legs were a bit dead for the ride I think from all this running, leaders were riding 23-24 mph and I was only able to do around 21 (guesstimate)  Then they all got off the bike and ran 6 minute miles to my 8 minute miles so they got quite a bit of time on me there.

Next plateaus for me are to race in the mid - low 7's and bike over 23mph for the short races then I might be competitive.
2009-07-27 6:13 AM
in reply to: #2308717

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-07-26 5:02 PM

Sam and  I are back from our race.

LOL, I could tell I have only been in the pool 3-4 times this month, my swim was pretty weak, did well on the bike and run, but all the fasties were in my AG today so only got 4th.  Sam finished 3rd in her AG!

51 year old broke his own record, he won the 50-55 AG I believe last year at Kona, he did the 300M swim, 11.5mi bike and 5k run in 50 minutes flat...

Will do my RR when they get times up. Looks like we had some good races in the group this weekend, congrats all!

 Nice job Tony and Sam!  I can't wait to read the race reports.  You're one fast couple.
2009-07-27 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2308605

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-07-26 3:17 PM

I just got back from my first Olympic and boy am I tired.  I'm not sure how people do HIM or IM!

I'll have the full race report up by tomorrow but in short.  The swim was pretty good, i was surprised about the time since I swerved a bit and all the traffic.. 20min 1 sec (1:12 per 100yds ).  Weird thing was during the long run to T1 both my legs completely cramped, this was unusual since i had such a long time period off.  As soon as my legs cramped I knew I was in trouble for the run and possibly the bike.  T1 took me almost 8 min because i had the cramping issues and thus had trouble getting the wetsuit off.  The bike was surprisingly good as well.  I was cramping on the bike too but I tried to stretch as much as possible during the ride.  Lots of long climbs but lots of downhills too.  I avg 18.8 and I know I could have done better if I didn't have the cramping issue.  There were some crashes too, the road ways were pretty narrow and a few sharp technical turns with so many bikers.  T2 was also long due to full leg cramps in both legs again..  I had problems putting on my shoes.  The run was brutal.  I knew this was going to be tough considering my leg injury and not running for awhile but the problems seemed to be related more to all the cramping going on.  I ran walked the whole thing and avg around 11min miles.  2:30min-3 min slower than I typically run on the same course.  Overall I had fun, I'm confused about the legs cramping after the swim because I hydrated well a few days before the race and I'm happy I hit my time mark, under 3 hrs (but barely).

 I was filling out my rr and thought there is no way i swam 1:12 per 100yrds..  according to the race results it says swim rate 1:12..  i guess i'm not sure what their rate is based off of. 

2009-07-27 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2309430

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-07-27 7:23 AM
trying1 - 2009-07-26 3:17 PM

I just got back from my first Olympic and boy am I tired.  I'm not sure how people do HIM or IM!

I'll have the full race report up by tomorrow but in short.  The swim was pretty good, i was surprised about the time since I swerved a bit and all the traffic.. 20min 1 sec (1:12 per 100yds ).  Weird thing was during the long run to T1 both my legs completely cramped, this was unusual since i had such a long time period off.  As soon as my legs cramped I knew I was in trouble for the run and possibly the bike.  T1 took me almost 8 min because i had the cramping issues and thus had trouble getting the wetsuit off.  The bike was surprisingly good as well.  I was cramping on the bike too but I tried to stretch as much as possible during the ride.  Lots of long climbs but lots of downhills too.  I avg 18.8 and I know I could have done better if I didn't have the cramping issue.  There were some crashes too, the road ways were pretty narrow and a few sharp technical turns with so many bikers.  T2 was also long due to full leg cramps in both legs again..  I had problems putting on my shoes.  The run was brutal.  I knew this was going to be tough considering my leg injury and not running for awhile but the problems seemed to be related more to all the cramping going on.  I ran walked the whole thing and avg around 11min miles.  2:30min-3 min slower than I typically run on the same course.  Overall I had fun, I'm confused about the legs cramping after the swim because I hydrated well a few days before the race and I'm happy I hit my time mark, under 3 hrs (but barely).

 I was filling out my rr and thought there is no way i swam 1:12 per 100yrds..  according to the race results it says swim rate 1:12..  i guess i'm not sure what their rate is based off of. 

Maybe the swim was a bit short?   Or was there a current?  Both will obviously decrease your swim time.  Or maybe your just a bada$$ swimmer, that's the one I would go with Laughing
2009-07-27 7:30 AM
in reply to: #2309445

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

So I am happy with 20-22MPH on the bike but I want to go faster.

My rides right now consist of

Long rides - Usually ridden at a moderate pace, nothing too hard but not crawling either
Hill Rides - Done in an attempt not to get dropped by my roadie friends.  I ride the flats easy and hammer the hills.
Interval Workouts - Ride x amount of time in Zone 4 or so and back to easy spin, rinse repeat.
TT's - Ride on a completely flat 3.5 mile circuit.

I think I need to work in some "Tempo" rides to get that sustained average speed up.

Other thoughts might be really analyzing my Garmin data to compare MPH with course elevation to see if I am dropping off too much on false flats or minor hills.  In most races I have done I fly by people up the steep hills and descents and flats but I think I tend to lose ground mostly on false flats or moderate climbs that last for a bit.

The power numbers are good but since they aren't linked to where I am at on the course it is hard to analyze the data unless I were to figure out a way to make sure that my PT starts exactly when my garmin starts.

LOL, this is starting to get geeky, and I like it.

Edited by dalessit 2009-07-27 7:31 AM
2009-07-27 7:31 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Hey everyone~

Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I'm looking forward to reading the RR from everyone's races this weekend.  Stan, congrats on your first olympic.  I had the same cramp issue in my first every tri.  I had them coming out of the swim, late in the bike and continued through the run.  Good job Tony on your race too.  I've cut some of my swims short this month b/c I think I can squeeze it in using my neighborhood pool, but the water is just way to hot, then the kiddies come jumping in.  Sam~  congrats on the podium finish.  That is awesome!  If they ever had a "couples tri" you guys might be deadly!  Sorry, if I left anyone out.  I just have time to quickly scan the pages.

Unfortunately I worked 12-15 hour days Thurs, Fri, Sat, and Sun.  I had to run our Greenville County Amateur Golf Tournament with 200 competitors.  My only workout was short 25 min trainer ride on Sat at 10:00 pm that I had to force myself to do.  Other than that, either I just could not fit it in or I was just too tired to fit it in.  Anyone else on their feet all day at work?  Most days at work, I rarely have the chance to sit down.  When I get home, my legs are so tired.  Last weekend, I managed to work 11 hours on Sunday and get in my 6.5 mile run after, but man is it hard.  The days I have to open, I have to be there at 7, I have a hard time getting my workouts in.  The only thing I have been able to do is try to move around my workouts so I am either swimming those days or get in a short bike.  Anyone have any other suggestions?

2009-07-27 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend.  What's your training plans for the week?

I am doing a 100 mile ride today... why?  I want to get over the mental hump.
2009-07-27 8:30 AM
in reply to: #2309553

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

JHagerman - 2009-07-27 7:47 AM Hope everyone had a great weekend.  What's your training plans for the week?

I am doing a 100 mile ride today... why?  I want to get over the mental hump.

It's your rump that you will need to get over later

2009-07-27 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Great job by all the racers this weekend!  Hardware a-plenty again!  I can't wait to read all the RR!  Goal for this week:  Follow my 8 week oly plan and not miss any workouts!  Time to get in the groove...

2009-07-27 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Rob - I have found doing squats, Roman chair and hip adductors help my glutes.

Stan - might you have over hydrated and thus diluted your electrolyte levels?  Great job out there regardless.  Glad to hear the run didn't do any damage and you still met your time goal. Way to go!

Suzy- once again, great job. I am so glad I am not in your age group!

Sam and Tony, awesome couple.  I know of a couple doing a full ironman as a husband/wife relay team. Want to compete against them?  Wink

Life got in the way of my 9 mile run this weekend so I've got some running to make up.  I went for a short run on Friday but it felt fantastic. Fastest run yet and it is the first time I've felt the benefits from my core work and sprint drills.  However I seem to have all these running breakthroughs when I run with my husband. He gives me a pace to chase. (Nice pace booty too!)  So now I have to get out there and do it without him!  Plan calls for 18 miles this week but I need to do at least 22.   OH, and I will attend my first spin class Tuesday morning!  Any advise for the newbie spinner?

I road my trainer while watching the TdF finish.  NOW WHAT AM I GOING TO WATCH? Cry

2009-07-27 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Good morning all....lots to catch up on with this group. Sam and Tony-- you 2 are one fast couple. Funny what John said about after this next baby pops out how his wife wants to get into tri's- How it'll cut into his training time. I feel the same way sometimes when my wife wants to go for a run!!! What about me??  You guys can balance it which is quite amazing. And Tracy you guys as well with the kids.

I signed up yesterday for the 70.3 event which is happening this weekend. I'm going to be either an aid station guy or marshal on the run. My goal is to force myself on Craig Alexander when he comes running by me!!! Either that or snap a quick picture.
As well......UPS tracking says my Garmin 310XT should be delivered today!!! Only took 3 months to get!

2009-07-27 11:03 AM
in reply to: #2309430

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-07-27 7:23 AM
trying1 - 2009-07-26 3:17 PM

I just got back from my first Olympic and boy am I tired.  I'm not sure how people do HIM or IM!

I'll have the full race report up by tomorrow but in short.  The swim was pretty good, i was surprised about the time since I swerved a bit and all the traffic.. 20min 1 sec (1:12 per 100yds ).  Weird thing was during the long run to T1 both my legs completely cramped, this was unusual since i had such a long time period off.  As soon as my legs cramped I knew I was in trouble for the run and possibly the bike.  T1 took me almost 8 min because i had the cramping issues and thus had trouble getting the wetsuit off.  The bike was surprisingly good as well.  I was cramping on the bike too but I tried to stretch as much as possible during the ride.  Lots of long climbs but lots of downhills too.  I avg 18.8 and I know I could have done better if I didn't have the cramping issue.  There were some crashes too, the road ways were pretty narrow and a few sharp technical turns with so many bikers.  T2 was also long due to full leg cramps in both legs again..  I had problems putting on my shoes.  The run was brutal.  I knew this was going to be tough considering my leg injury and not running for awhile but the problems seemed to be related more to all the cramping going on.  I ran walked the whole thing and avg around 11min miles.  2:30min-3 min slower than I typically run on the same course.  Overall I had fun, I'm confused about the legs cramping after the swim because I hydrated well a few days before the race and I'm happy I hit my time mark, under 3 hrs (but barely).

 I was filling out my rr and thought there is no way i swam 1:12 per 100yrds..  according to the race results it says swim rate 1:12..  i guess i'm not sure what their rate is based off of. 

Stan, this was the NYC triathlon right?

I was looking at pics on slowtwitch and they had this quote on one of the swim pics.

"Pro mens swim pack bear down on the finish after a 12-minute Hudson river current-aided swim"

Like I said though I would still go with bada$$ swimmer Laughing

How was it swimming in the Hudson BTW?  Friend of mine did it last year and she said it was kind of gross and she got stung by Jellyfish.

Edited by dalessit 2009-07-27 11:04 AM
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