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2010-11-28 8:05 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Don't know whats up but did i miss the posting of week 5?  Cant find it anywhere. Maybe I am just impatient.
Thanks for this Jorge. 

2010-11-28 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Sorry for the delay, between the holiday and battling a cold I just had a chance to upload week 5.

2010-11-29 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3228039

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Week 5, 20 minute test completed.  Boy, those really hurt...   I had a nice bump in average power, though I suspect my test a month ago was a bit on the weak side.  Still, if half of my increase is real, I'm a happy guy (except if I think about how much harder the coming month's workouts will be.)
2010-11-29 2:02 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Just finished week 2 day 1 this morning.  I work up sore from the intensity I did this weekend but now I feel great.  I've decided that I'm just going to suck it up and push through the long rides.  It's hard finding something to distract me from my aching legs/arse for several hours.  I managed to get through 90 mins of the last long ride before I couldn't take it anymore.  Once I get used to being on the saddle for 2 hours, all I'll have to deal with is the legs.
2010-11-29 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Tried to perform the week 1 test.  Had horrible luck.  One minute into the test, my tube and tire actually popped.  A hole in the tire and the tube.

Noticed my wheel seemed to have some wobble.  Went into performance bike.  20 bucks to have the tire trued.  Bought a new Continental Gator skin tire and a Vittoria Home trainer tire.  

Did the warm up again.  20 minutes into the test, my Ascent Fluid trainer started making an obnoxious screaming sound.  I had to stop.  Can't figure out what the hell is causing it and now I have to do the damn test again.

The Gods aren't with me today. 
2010-11-29 8:18 PM
in reply to: #3229259

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
mrpetey - 2010-11-29 4:13 PM Tried to perform the week 1 test.  Had horrible luck.  One minute into the test, my tube and tire actually popped.  A hole in the tire and the tube.

Noticed my wheel seemed to have some wobble.  Went into performance bike.  20 bucks to have the tire trued.  Bought a new Continental Gator skin tire and a Vittoria Home trainer tire.  

Did the warm up again.  20 minutes into the test, my Ascent Fluid trainer started making an obnoxious screaming sound.  I had to stop.  Can't figure out what the hell is causing it and now I have to do the damn test again.

The Gods aren't with me today. 

That sounds just awful!  Mentally preparing for the test once is bad enough.

2010-11-29 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3229155

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Flagstaff30 - 2010-11-29 12:02 PM Week 5, 20 minute test completed.  Boy, those really hurt...   I had a nice bump in average power, though I suspect my test a month ago was a bit on the weak side.  Still, if half of my increase is real, I'm a happy guy (except if I think about how much harder the coming month's workouts will be.)

x2.  I paced really horribly on the first test, this time was much better.  I only felt like I was gonna honk toward the very end.
2010-11-29 8:43 PM
in reply to: #3229259

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Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
mrpetey - 2010-11-29 1:13 PM The Gods aren't with me today. 

No doubt.  Shoulda stayed in bed today.
2010-11-29 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Got in the 20min test tonight and managed 241 watts.  That's an increase of 15 watts over 4 weeks - and I still had some gas in the tank.  The power increased steadily over the course of the 20 minutes, so I'm definitly happy with how this one went.

I also know that I need to do these tests in the evening.  My HR is much lower and I'm able to perform much better.  Not sure why that is, but I've done these for the past couple of years, and my HR is always elevated for training early in the morning - you'd think it would be different after a good sleep.
2010-11-29 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Has anyone trained for a marathon while using this winter cycling program?  Anyone planning on it?

What's the best way to test each consecutive time?  Use your previous MP20 and add a few watts to shoot for and then reevaluate based on RPE as the test goes on?
2010-11-30 6:16 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I'm back in the saddle!  After finishing my 1/2 marathon and taking a rest week, I did my first trainer ride this morning.

2010-11-30 7:45 AM
in reply to: #3229740

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
carlwithac - 2010-11-29 11:35 PM What's the best way to test each consecutive time?  Use your previous MP20 and add a few watts to shoot for and then reevaluate based on RPE as the test goes on?

That's what I did.  I knew what I managed the first time, and made it a goal to hit x% higher than that on the second test.  I think the third and fourth tests it will be harder to accomplish the same thing, but the watts give me a target to shoot for, and also let me know how I'm doing throughout the test.
2010-11-30 9:47 AM
in reply to: #3229897

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
GoFaster - 2010-11-30 8:45 AM
carlwithac - 2010-11-29 11:35 PM What's the best way to test each consecutive time?  Use your previous MP20 and add a few watts to shoot for and then reevaluate based on RPE as the test goes on?

That's what I did.  I knew what I managed the first time, and made it a goal to hit x% higher than that on the second test.  I think the third and fourth tests it will be harder to accomplish the same thing, but the watts give me a target to shoot for, and also let me know how I'm doing throughout the test.

Awesome!  That's what I've been doing.

Does it make a difference that I used average power for my benchmarks rather than normalized power?  I'm aware of the differences in both and my normalized power was 2 watts higher than my average.  My VI was through the roof because I wasn't sure what shape I was in.  As long as I keep using average power for comparison it should be alright right?  Next test, I'll have a much better idea of what I can crank out(pun intended) so my VI should be very little.
2010-11-30 12:52 PM
in reply to: #3229655

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

shmeeg - 2010-11-29 8:42 PM
Flagstaff30 - 2010-11-29 12:02 PM Week 5, 20 minute test completed.  Boy, those really hurt...   I had a nice bump in average power, though I suspect my test a month ago was a bit on the weak side.  Still, if half of my increase is real, I'm a happy guy (except if I think about how much harder the coming month's workouts will be.)

x2.  I paced really horribly on the first test, this time was much better.  I only felt like I was gonna honk toward the very end.


I'm not sure when the law of diminishing returns will kick in, but I do like the jump as experienced in the second test.  I'm just hoping that the continued training and workouts will allow us to continue to see this kind of growth on the third test as well.Smile

As for the person asking about marathon training and doing the Winter cycling program jointly - I don't see how you can do both at the same time and get the returns that you would get doing them separately.  This cycling program seems to demand some needed rest between sessions.

Both pieces of training are making great demands on those legs of yours.  I'm sure there's a way to make it fit, but it will demand great attention.  I know I couldn't do both together.

carlwithac- I use average power too, but that's because it's all I have available to me using the KK computer.  I think average power is just fine for Jorge's program.

2010-11-30 1:10 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
One training tired and a new Kurt Kinetic trainer later I was finally able to finish the test.  After having my test interrupted twice by issues with my Ascent trainer, I got fed up and bought a Kurt Kinetic Road machine.  WOW.  I'm glad my Ascent went out on me.  The feel of these trainers are night and day.  The Kurt Kinetic feels so much more fluid and it's also higher quality.

Also, the power curve isn't even close based on perceived effort and speed readings.

When I tried to do the test with the Ascent trainer, I averaged 170 bpm at 15.5 mph before I had to stop after 20 minutes due to a trainer malfunction.  Had the tension knob turned twice.

With the Kurt Kinetic, averaged 168 bpm at 21.8 mph with the knob turned 5 times.  

The Kurt Kinetic numbers seem kind of high to me.  So I'm not sure if the calibration is correct on my Garmin.  

I'm actually glad that my Ascent trainer went out.  Now I can use power to train.  I'm using my Garmin and the spreadsheet for now but I've ordered the cyclocomputer for my readings.

2010-11-30 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3230709

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
AP should be nearly the same as NP for all the tests we're doing as they should be a steady effort.  

I target the wattage that I think I'll be able to hold based on the previous week's intervals of similar length.  I usually have a pretty good feeling within the first couple minutes whether the PE feels right and adjust a bit up or down as appropriate.  As long as I feel like I can hold on for a few more minutes, I'm probably at the right effort.  If I've paced it right, I probably can add another 5 - 10% for the last 30 - 60 seconds.  That last bit is more mental than anything else.  

You can't really fairly compare one trainer to the next.  Speed on the trainer is pretty meaningless.  The Kurt is supposed to simulate a 1% grade if you get the rolling resistance right (which depends on the tire, the tire pressure, and how much you cranked the knob. Based on what I've read on various forums, the Kurt's the best.  Build quality, the flywheel, the smoothness, customer support, and a very smooth resistance progression based on speed.  That's what I used before I got a great deal on a used computrainer.

I really think any trainer that doesn't rattle or fall apart is probably fine.  As long as it's not changing resistance much as it heats up and makes you work at the appropriate level of "hard", you're getting a workout.  You may not be getting accurate measurement from it if you don't have a power meter, but you're doing the work, and that's what counts when you're climbing your favorite hill in the spring!

2010-11-30 1:46 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

Another test in the books - thankfully!  I am not using a power meter but my average HR went from 135bpm in the 1st test to 149bpm today.  Given I basically took the month of October off, my 1st test was on the lower side I think but still that's a nice bump.  My avg speed went from 21.6 to 21.98mph.  My last race of the season I avg. 21.89mph so I think this is on track - at least it feels that way.

I assume we readjust our training heart rate zones to reflect the higher number - correct? 

2010-11-30 4:21 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
2nd test completed last night...very different from 1st test having a ballpark number to shoot for.  I went out too hard on the first test and spiked my heart rate right off the bat.  This time I was able to keep my effort more consistent and perhaps had a little left in the tank at the end and my heart rate climbed slowly and peaked with about 15 minutes left.

1st test

8.39 miles
16.8 mph
165 bpm

2nd test

8.55 miles
17.1 mph
159 bpm

My training has not been very consistent.  I've probably missed 4 or so workouts due to being in the middle of remodeling my house.  Remodeling is basically done so I hope to be a little more consistent for the duration of the program and hope to see continued improvement.  I haven't had time to check out or enter data in the spreadsheet but I hope to do that this week.
2010-11-30 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Jorge, without power and going with HR, how do you interpret test result?  This test my HR was lower but I felt like I was pushing larger gears (although I did start out a little fatigued).  Would it be normal for HR to decrease for similar effort level over this amount of time.  I would not think the point is to increase HR avg for test?  Really without power does it come down to RPE? 
2010-12-01 10:24 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

Been hammering out the workouts - doing Days 1-3 and not the optional long ride.

Test 1: AHR:167 Avg Speed: 20.32

Test 2: AHR:169 Avg Speed: 20.56

Definitely in the pain cave at 5:30 this morning...what a way to start the day

2010-12-01 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Jupiter, FL
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Finished wk3d1 last night.  My 5th set that was supposed to be 3-5w higher should've been about 240w ended up being closer to 289w!  (using the power method on trainer).  I guess I pushed it a little too hard.

Next week is gonna hurt, but I'm definitely feeling stronger.

2010-12-01 5:30 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I finally got off my butt and started the program today!    I forgot how hard the trainer can be.   Thanks Jorge!
2010-12-01 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
2nd 20' test done!  I managed to increase my avg from 228w to 237w and was able to make things a lot more even compared to the last test.  I started too easy last time and had to hammer the last 5 mins to really make it hurt.  This time I started out at the avg from last time and went from there.  5 mins into it I started to have doubts, 10 mins in and I thought I wasn't gonna make it!  Good times.... 
2010-12-01 8:35 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

Currently I am recovering from a cold bug and swamped with projects for my coaching biz hence I've been MIA from BT. I'll catch up with questions sometime tomorrow. Thanks!
2010-12-01 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

So I received my new toy today and went to mount the computer and realized that my stem is too short (80 or 90) to be able to mount & get off.  Ideas?  I do have the Bontrager aero bottle so I could mount it to that, but I don't have the bottle on except in races usually.

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