General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-03-19 4:18 PM
in reply to: ultramike

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
That is pretty good advice for looking at your gearing. Standard gearing should be ok for CDA. For IMLT was a different story. That said I am doing IMLT after CDA, so I am just going to keep the same gearing for both. Compact crank up (54/39) front and 12 34 in back (will have to double check back). I am not a strong cyclist however. My last CDA bike was like 17.25 mph.

2014-03-20 10:31 AM
in reply to: Baowolf

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Sorry if this has already been asked, but how's the road surface at CDA? Crappy chipseal? Smooth as a baby's backside black asphalt? Something in between?
2014-03-20 1:48 PM
in reply to: rbhancock1

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
It's smooth... It's definitely not black top.
2014-03-20 1:58 PM
in reply to: AndyEWU07

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Howdy all, well life got the best of our schedules this year so I just "officially" transferred my registration from CDA to Louisville. Going to miss doing CDA again but am also somewhat pumped to be doing a different race that will also allow me to go visit Fort Knox again..and as a added bonus I probably will be be yelled at by a Drill Sgt this time around

Anyhow, best wishes with the race and I'm going to stick around just in the event my experience at CDA can help here in the group.
2014-03-20 2:49 PM
in reply to: Skipjack_50

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by Skipjack_50

Howdy all, well life got the best of our schedules this year so I just "officially" transferred my registration from CDA to Louisville. Going to miss doing CDA again but am also somewhat pumped to be doing a different race that will also allow me to go visit Fort Knox again..and as a added bonus I probably will be be yelled at by a Drill Sgt this time around

Anyhow, best wishes with the race and I'm going to stick around just in the event my experience at CDA can help here in the group.

Good luck at Louisville!!
2014-03-20 5:14 PM
in reply to: Skipjack_50

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
That's too bad but a new venue is always a great experience.

2014-03-20 6:06 PM
in reply to: Skipjack_50

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by Skipjack_50

Howdy all, well life got the best of our schedules this year so I just "officially" transferred my registration from CDA to Louisville. Going to miss doing CDA again but am also somewhat pumped to be doing a different race that will also allow me to go visit Fort Knox again..and as a added bonus I probably will be be yelled at by a Drill Sgt this time around

Anyhow, best wishes with the race and I'm going to stick around just in the event my experience at CDA can help here in the group.

That is going to be quite a bit different from your Chicago winter! We'll look forward to hearing how Lou goes, good luck!
2014-03-20 9:23 PM
in reply to: kmac1346

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Be safe Brian... hopefully you can come volunteer instead.
2014-03-20 10:25 PM
in reply to: Skipjack_50

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by Skipjack_50

Howdy all, well life got the best of our schedules this year so I just "officially" transferred my registration from CDA to Louisville. Going to miss doing CDA again but am also somewhat pumped to be doing a different race that will also allow me to go visit Fort Knox again..and as a added bonus I probably will be be yelled at by a Drill Sgt this time around

Anyhow, best wishes with the race and I'm going to stick around just in the event my experience at CDA can help here in the group.

Good luck at Louisville! Schedules and life does have a way of getting in the way of this Ironman life!

On another note..... my ankle surgery is scheduled less than two weeks from now. Doc says I should be running again within a month.... I hope he's right. I may be able to transfer to a late season 70.3 if that's the case..
2014-03-21 12:08 AM
in reply to: Mitchparadise

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by Mitchparadise

I was thinking about just changing to a compact crank. I'm riding a Felt B16 - 2012 and am not a very strong cyclist... wondering about thoughts on that...

I'm a big believer in a compact crank for triathlon, because of the run after the ride. A standard crank is best for road cycling when it's just a riding event, but when you have to run off the bike, controlling cadence and power matters more. On a hilly course, I think it's easier to control those things with a compact crank, but that's just my opinion. I live in a hilly area that also has some long stretches of relatively flat roads. I don't miss my standard crank at all. I can still motor downhills, but I can maintain a high cadence going up instead of mashing the gears so it works well for me.
2014-03-21 12:09 AM
in reply to: Skipjack_50

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by Skipjack_50

Howdy all, well life got the best of our schedules this year so I just "officially" transferred my registration from CDA to Louisville. Going to miss doing CDA again but am also somewhat pumped to be doing a different race that will also allow me to go visit Fort Knox again..and as a added bonus I probably will be be yelled at by a Drill Sgt this time around

Anyhow, best wishes with the race and I'm going to stick around just in the event my experience at CDA can help here in the group.

I'm sorry about the schedule craziness, but good luck in Louisville!

2014-03-21 12:10 AM
in reply to: soretaint

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by soretaint

Originally posted by Skipjack_50

Howdy all, well life got the best of our schedules this year so I just "officially" transferred my registration from CDA to Louisville. Going to miss doing CDA again but am also somewhat pumped to be doing a different race that will also allow me to go visit Fort Knox again..and as a added bonus I probably will be be yelled at by a Drill Sgt this time around

Anyhow, best wishes with the race and I'm going to stick around just in the event my experience at CDA can help here in the group.

Good luck at Louisville! Schedules and life does have a way of getting in the way of this Ironman life!

On another note..... my ankle surgery is scheduled less than two weeks from now. Doc says I should be running again within a month.... I hope he's right. I may be able to transfer to a late season 70.3 if that's the case..

Good luck! Running within a month would be terrific. I hope it goes well!
2014-03-21 12:11 AM
in reply to: ultramike

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by ultramike

It really comes down to cadence and power. Find a nice 6% grade and ride up it at 70% of your FTP in your easiest gear. If your cadence falls below 70 then you probably will want an easier gear.

Nicely said.
2014-03-21 11:19 AM
in reply to: citaltfort

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Maple Valley, Washington
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by citaltfort

Originally posted by Mitchparadise

I was thinking about just changing to a compact crank. I'm riding a Felt B16 - 2012 and am not a very strong cyclist... wondering about thoughts on that...

I'm a big believer in a compact crank for triathlon, because of the run after the ride. A standard crank is best for road cycling when it's just a riding event, but when you have to run off the bike, controlling cadence and power matters more. On a hilly course, I think it's easier to control those things with a compact crank, but that's just my opinion. I live in a hilly area that also has some long stretches of relatively flat roads. I don't miss my standard crank at all. I can still motor downhills, but I can maintain a high cadence going up instead of mashing the gears so it works well for me.

I second that thought. I did CDA 2 years ago with a standard crankset and ended up mashing and grinding up hills. It zapped my legs for the run. I switched out to a compact crankset this year and love it. The improvement for the uphills is noticeable and I don't miss the standard on the flats and downhills.
2014-03-21 3:36 PM
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Lakeville, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I'm another supporter of a compact crank. I plan on running a 50/34 on the front and 11/28 on the back. I don't usually pedal once I hit thirty on the downhills (and I'll never hit it on the flats!) so there is no worry about spinning out. It gives me plenty of options on the uphills….which I need!

Edited by mikfinne 2014-03-21 3:37 PM
2014-03-23 3:33 PM
in reply to: mikfinne

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Morgan Hill, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Good week of training for me. Hit all but one workout, and stretched my long ride out. Hope everyone's training is going well!

2014-03-23 8:36 PM
in reply to: kmac1346

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I was able to make all my workouts including 1 extra spin class at the gym. I did ride some of the big loop of the bike course. After a bunch of hill work, the hills on Highway 95 don't seem all that tough.
2014-03-25 4:36 PM
in reply to: mikfinne

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Did a nice long 5-hour ride yesterday. Several major hills, including a good long one at 6%. Cadence dropped to 63, at about 85% FTP. I think I'll take everyone's advice and switch to my 50/34. Must. Have. Legs. To. Run. Thanks, everyone.

2014-03-25 7:02 PM
in reply to: rbhancock1

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Lake Coeur d'Alene temp currently 37.1 degrees up about 3 degrees from last week!!!
2014-03-25 7:26 PM
in reply to: psuross92

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Originally posted by psuross92

Lake Coeur d'Alene temp currently 37.1 degrees up about 3 degrees from last week!!!

Uh, Warm! jk
2014-03-26 11:03 AM
in reply to: tallytom

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Well, since my brother (soretaint) posted about his ankle issues, I figured I might as well get this over with too.  I've been fighting knee issues since last summer and now am looking at having to replace my left knee.  Tried the off loading brace and while it works ok for walking, running is out of the question and even cycling is moderately painful.  So not only will I not be doing IMCDA this year, it looks like my triathlon career may be over.  I'll know a little more about that after talking to my ortho again but for now I'm thinking that way.  I'll still lurk around here and any help I can offer, I'll be glad to.  And we'll still do the bike course tour on Friday before the race for you out-of-towners.  Good luck with all your training, be safe, and we'll see you in CDA in about 3 months!

2014-03-26 2:42 PM
in reply to: Flyboy

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Rose Lake, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
So sorry to hear about this Stan. Once an Ironman, always an Ironman. I look foreward to volunteering with you in the medical tent this year.
2014-03-26 3:08 PM
in reply to: Flyboy

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Sad! Hopefully your triathlon career in not over! Get better, get back out there!
2014-03-26 3:24 PM
in reply to: Flyboy

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Sorry to hear this, Stan. Not only have you been a huge influence on this years IMCDA, but I can remember last years thread and your help there as well. Obviously you've got many triathlon years behind you so you've been having this positive impact for a while.

Anyhow, I'm IM Louisville this year now but do plan on getting back "home" to CDA for another IMCDA within the next few years. Have no doubt that you'll still be active with this race at that point.

  • .and you'll probably still be racing it as well.

  • Anyhow, best wishes with the treatment and recovery and a big thanks for all the assistance you gave me via this forum (especially last year for my first). It's not unnoticed nor unappreciated.
    2014-03-26 6:55 PM
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    2009-06-24 2:09 PM ironlib
    date : June 23, 2012
    author : ytriguy
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    Often it makes sense to race slower in order to finish faster and at the same time have a more enjoyable Ironman Triathlon experience.
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    author : IRONVIKING
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    Athletes were buzzing around, adding last minute things to their transition bags. The sidewalks and grassy areas are filled with spectators and cameras. Announcements were being made.
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    When it comes down to it, it’s me who has to believe I can run a full marathon after swimming and biking, and no amount of others’ belief in me is going to help.
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    How BT is preparing me for the Coeur d'Alene IronMan.
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    author : Rich Strauss
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    I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw:
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    Ironman Couer d'Alene 2003 - Inspirational first ironman triathlon devoted to his wife battling cancer.