BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN Rss Feed  
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2018-03-13 7:51 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Weight loss challenge

Hi all ... I've been MIA for a while and seems I've a lot of catching up to do.  I was on a ski trip to Whitefish, Montana and it was absolutely the best snow I've had EVER at this mountain.  We had constant snow over the course of 3 weeks - >5ft.  There were days wherein no-one was skiing off the lift we were on and the snow almost covered your tracks between runs.  Skiing in deep snow is like fire and ice ... it is sooo good - but physically it is harder and just wears me out.  I was soooo tired; glad I went and glad its over with too. 

When I joined back with the group this year there was mention about doing a weight loss challenge and I was glad.  Weight loss has been extremely difficult and frustrating to me, so it'll be nice to compare with others in the group.  Scott, if you could please add me to your spreadsheet, I'd appreciate.

Ciao ... Dorm

2018-03-13 8:06 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Weight loss challenge

Originally posted by wenceslasz

Just today I realized I was feeling some low grade plantar fascitis.  Nothing too serious yet so I'm hoping I can deal with it while continuing to run.

Hi George ... I had a bad bout with planter fascitis about this time last year too.  There were several suggestions of things to do to relieve the pain.  The action that turned it around for me was doing a deep calf stretch for ~3-4 minutes, first thing in the morning and last before bed.  I'm not sure of the muscular/skeletal connection with this, but I felt all of this is tied together at some point.  And again, it seemed to be the key action that relieved the pain; i.e. it worked for me!

Ciao ... Dorm

2018-03-13 11:20 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by lutzman So, now I can worry about fitness and lament the workouts I didn't do or cut short over the last four months. But, I am where I am. When I got rolling on training in early December, my goal for this race was just to develop foundation fitness. With almost no consistent workouts for a few years, just getting a meaningful regimen in place, dropping some weight and establishing an aerobic base to build on seemed like more than enough to bite off for the first race on the calendar. Regardless of how it goes on race day I feel OK about my progress. I'll be slow, but I'll be out there. Steve

This is usually me the week before a race.  Trying to change that this year but only had so-so progress with it so far.  

Enjoy the time in Hawaii and have a great race!  Looking forward to hearing how it went.


2018-03-13 11:29 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

I had an interesting swim this morning.  After the normal "alarm goes off, I think of all the excuses not to go (it's cold and dark outside, it's warm in bed, I can always go tomorrow instead, etc)" I got my butt up and went to the pool.  Opened the door to the pool area and it was dark and there was a sign up saying "Pool closed" but I could see people in the water.  So I asked and they said the pool was open, they just forgot to change the sign and they couldn't get the overhead lights to come on.  So I did my swim in the dark - not totally dark, the underwater lights were on.  It was a little hard to see the clock on the wall (regular clock, they got rid of the pace clock since it never worked anyway) or my watch to time my send-offs but I did the best I could with it.  It was kind of nice - a little more peaceful than normal.  Wonder if we can convince them to leave the lights off every morning .


2018-03-13 3:57 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day

Hey Dorm.  You're added.  Just need some numbers!

Keep it up everyone, we're starting to accumulate some real weight loss across the group!


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2018-03-14 10:47 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: My first thought was heart attack?
False alarm...but it had me going. As a gray guy who has lost a few friends I have to say the lurking danger of a heart attack floats at the back of my mind. So when I started my bike workout and my heart rate monitor registered a spike to a crazy level, it got my attention.

Like everyone, when I start a workout, my heart rate immediately spikes and then settles into the training range. When I'm running, it's not uncommon for my HR to shoot to 180 (even at an easy start up pace) before falling back into the 130-140 target range.

I went out yesterday and as I started I felt the normal labored breathing and associated spiking heart rate. I checked my HR monitor...243! WTH? Then 241...where it stayed there. I stopped, manually checked my pulse which came in at about 140. No problem. Meanwhile, my HR still shows 241 which is exactly where it stayed for my entire run. Weird.

So I get on my bike and turn my Garmin and it immediately shows a HR of 241. OK, so at least I know it's not my 910XT or Garmin that's bad, it's something in the HR strap. Changed the battery and...HR 241. Crap. Oh well, a new HR strap is $40..a lot less than a new Garmin.

Flying to Hawaii in a couple of hours! Tomorrow...six mile run in a warm, tropical rainstorm.

Have a great week everyone.


2018-03-15 5:33 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: My first thought was heart attack?

Originally posted by lutzman

False alarm...but it had me going.

I went out yesterday and as I started I felt the normal labored breathing and associated spiking heart rate. I checked my HR monitor...243! WTH? Then 241...where it stayed there. I stopped, manually checked my pulse which came in at about 140.

Hey Steve,

When I saw the subject line - my first thought, before I read a single word, was "Steve needs a new HR strap."

There's a hidden lesson there for all the newer people.  If your HR suddenly is doing "crazy things," manually check your HR.  Garmin HR monitor straps are generally good for about a year of use and then they may start getting "sketchy."  You may start seeing an increasing number of drop-outs, or crazy HR spikes - both high and low.  

2018-03-15 5:35 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: My first thought was heart attack?

Originally posted by lutzman

Flying to Hawaii in a couple of hours! Tomorrow...six mile run in a warm, tropical rainstorm.

Have a great week everyone.


Hey Steve,

By now you have probably already had your first Mai Tai!

Enjoy your time in Hawaii and have a great race!

2018-03-15 5:37 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by soccermom15

So I did my swim in the dark - not totally dark, the underwater lights were on.  It was a little hard to see the clock on the wall (regular clock, they got rid of the pace clock since it never worked anyway) or my watch to time my send-offs but I did the best I could with it.  It was kind of nice - a little more peaceful than normal.  Wonder if we can convince them to leave the lights off every morning .


Hey Janet,

Just remember!  Twilight is when the sharks are most active!  

2018-03-16 3:13 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: The Glorious Outdoors!

I rode outside today - because I could!

Nothing overly fancy, two-hours at 70-75%.  I'm not at all familiar with the roads here so I pulled up Google maps, found a country road away from town and just rode.  I saw one truck and a tractor so I picked the right router.  Other than the traffic, there were a lot of fields drying out from all the recent rain.  More importantly, I saw my shadow the entire ride!

I know, I'm easily amused.

Anybody have anything exciting planned this weekend?

2018-03-16 11:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: The Glorious Outdoors!

Happy St. Patrick's day!

Like Steve I think my fairly new HR monitor has died.  

I had a pretty good day today.  Almost an hour in the pool doing 50m intervals and a few 100m as well.  Then I ran outside in bright sunshine and warm temps for an hour.  My first run in a week so I figure I was slower due to my inconsistent running.  So, good swim, mediocre run.

Tomorrow is our annual last indoor ride of the season.  Three hours on the bike/ trainer.  The time passes relatively quickly.  Surprisingly, the session is also the best attended of the whole winter season.

Sunday is my recovery day and pancake or cheese and ham omelette breakfast.  Plus, one of our granddaughters(5yr old) will be visiting for the weekend.  Maybe she'd prefer crepes with strawberries.

Have a good weekend everyone.

Edited by wenceslasz 2018-03-16 11:17 PM

2018-03-17 9:12 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: My first thought was heart attack?
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by lutzman

Flying to Hawaii in a couple of hours! Tomorrow...six mile run in a warm, tropical rainstorm.

Have a great week everyone.


Hey Steve,

By now you have probably already had your first Mai Tai!

Enjoy your time in Hawaii and have a great race!

Hey Scott:

I'm not a big hard liquor guy, but I do like my beer. We've had a couple of very nice days that wrapped up with happy hour on the beach with at the Lava Lava Beach Club and a nice Red Ale. .

Got in a 6 mile run on Thursday. The heat and humidity about killed me. I'm not used to 80 degrees and 80% humidity. I would stop to walk and my HR would stay right at 130.

Yesterday I got my bike out on the course on Queen K highway for a 25 mile ride. It felt great to be outside on my bike for the first time in 6 months.

This morning was a 1 mile ocean swim that was fabulous. The water was perfect. Spotted a turtle along the way who just wanted to check me out. I finished up with a 4 mile run and then spent the afternoon hanging at the beach.

If I could just get rid of my day job, I could get used to this!


2018-03-19 9:33 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: The Glorious Outdoors!

I think I'm getting sick .  Stuffy head, headache, general fatigue.  At least today is an easy day - just a 30' recovery ride.  

On a good note - I lost 1# this week (finally!)
Workout hours:
Swim - 1:18
Bike - 2:45
Run - 2:15
Yoga - :45

The swim camp I was supposed to go to yesterday got cancelled - not enough participants.  I was hoping to get a copy of the underwater video they do.  It would have been nice to see if I've improved at all since the last one.  I feel like I have.  Since the camp was cancelled I went for a normal swim day and I was hitting 2:05 for my 100's (I know that's still slow but better than the 2:10-2:15 I've been doing).  I'm sure some of that is consistency in swimming but it seemed easier - like i wasn't struggling as much with my form.  We'll see this week if it's just a one-day thing or if I can keep it up.  

I think my biking has been going well - I'm anxious to finally get outside and see how it goes.  Unfortunately spring just does not want to come here yet - it was supposed to be upper 50's yesterday and never got out of the low 40's.  Any nicer days we've had have been rainy.  I need to get out at least once before the end of April!

Running has been up and down - good weeks and not so good weeks.  I really hate TM running and it's a little easier now that it's light out a little later but again, rain and chilly weather make for some tough runs.  

Hope everyone has a good week!

2018-03-19 10:29 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: Weight loss challenge

I got the stuffy head, headache, and runny nose over the weekend too.  I didn't keep me down though.  

My weight was even this week.  

Workout hours: 377 minutes


2018-03-19 10:33 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by soccermom15

So I did my swim in the dark - not totally dark, the underwater lights were on.  It was a little hard to see the clock on the wall (regular clock, they got rid of the pace clock since it never worked anyway) or my watch to time my send-offs but I did the best I could with it.  It was kind of nice - a little more peaceful than normal.  Wonder if we can convince them to leave the lights off every morning .


Hey Janet,

Just remember!  Twilight is when the sharks are most active!  

We always waited for high tide to come in when were were fishing from the beach.  We pulled some Leopard Sharks and Sand Sharks from the beach.  The morning would have been a good time to fish too it sound like.  :-)

2018-03-19 4:18 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Weight loss challenge
Lighter week for me...I dogged it a bit with the travel in my schedule

Workout minutes were 4 hours, 39 minutes.
Swim: 37
Bike: 2:35
Run 1:26

No scale in the condo, so I get to skip the weight report....probably a good thing.


2018-03-19 6:56 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight loss challenge

Weight - lost 1.6 pounds - finally!

Workouts -

Swim:  11.6
Bike:  6.2
Run: 4.4

Total 22.2

2018-03-19 9:58 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Weight loss challenge

Company is gone.  Only missed my swim and run today.  We've had quite a few days of nice warm weather over the last couple weeks but it is forecast to cool off again later this week.

Weight loss 1 lb.

Swim - 96:05

Bike - 311:54

Run - 66:30

Total 469 minutes = 7.8 hours


2018-03-20 8:19 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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New user

Subject: RE: Weight loss challenge
I'm sorry I'm late.
Last week I scheduled kinda light since I had family in town.
weight stayed the same 148lbs

2 hrs of strength
115m of running
65 min swim

got my bike tune up completed, so I'll finally make myself get on there.
2018-03-20 1:14 PM
in reply to: Onurleft20

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Subject: RE: Weight loss challenge

I bailed on the recovery ride last night.  Between the not feeling well and my dad going in the hospital (he's OK, just some minor side effects from his radiation treatments), I decided a night off and a good night's sleep was the better choice.  Worked out well I think.  I'm feeling better today and made it to the pool this morning.  Just a short swim but I was able to hit 2:05 on my 100's again so I'm happy with that.  It's nice to feel like I'm making progress - makes me a little more motivated to get to the pool.  


2018-03-20 6:04 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day

Hey everyone!

Here's the most recent weight-loss/workout challenge results.

A reminder to everyone - the final weigh-in will be in two-weeks (April 1st), unless there is a consensus to extend beyond that date.


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2018-03-22 4:05 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Great open water swim today
I got out in A-Bay here at Waikoloa again the this morning for a light open water swim. I went very easy for about 1000 yards...but in that time shared the water with 5 turtles out doing their thing. It really was marvelous.

This ocean swimming is always new to me since I'm only out in it every few years. I have to admit, I keep waiting for Jaws to shoot up out of the dark, deep water and put me on the circle of life menu. I'm just not used to be out in the water with nobody near me and the closest shore 500 yards away. But, I'm slowing reining in my cowardice!

Hope you're having a great week!

Race day on Sunday!

2018-03-23 10:31 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Great open water swim today

I totally get your shark concerns.  I'm usually fine so long as I can see the bottom but as soon as it gets too deep to see I get a bit more anxious.  Still, really awesome to swim with the turtles.  Sounds like you're having a good time.

I've had a very lazy week this week.  I barely swam 20 minutes at the pool today and it was my first swim of the week.  No running yet.  I've only managed two bike rides and tomorrow will be another one.

2018-03-25 12:35 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Great open water swim today

Originally posted by lutzman

This ocean swimming is always new to me since I'm only out in it every few years. I have to admit, I keep waiting for Jaws to shoot up out of the dark, deep water and put me on the circle of life menu. I'm just not used to be out in the water with nobody near me and the closest shore 500 yards away. But, I'm slowing reining in my cowardice!



I feel your pain.  I grew up just a few miles from the beach.  On the weekends and during the summer, when I wasn't in the pool, I was at the beach.  I swam in more open water swim races than I can recall - all of them three miles or more in total length and going from the shore out to a turnaround then back.  That meant regularly swimming at least a mile-and-a-half out into open ocean.

It didn't really take that long for me to go from comfort in the ocean to terror.  The first thing that happened was I went snorkeling at Laguna Beach - a location I regularly went body surfing at.  What I saw with a diving mask on terrified me - there were dozens of Pacific Blue sharks just beyond the surf line near the rocks that make up the tide pools.  When I had done all that body surfing, I had no idea that sharks with an aggressive reputation and a history of attacks on humans were "RIGHT THERE."  Then "Jaws" came out and I suddenly developed a fear of being dinner.  On a family vacation in 1976 we saw a re-screening of the movie "Blue Water - White Death" down in Florida.  That was it!  Less than a year.  That was the end of my open water swimming career.  Yeah, I went on and competed in several triathlons with open water swims, but I was always terrified.  I operated on the principal, "I didn't have to be faster than the shark, I just had to be faster than one swimmer."

A few years ago, I was traveling and went to an unfamiliar outdoor pool to get a workout in.  It was during a 'Santa Ana' wind event in Southern California so there were extremely strong winds blowing and taking leaves, branches, etc. all over.  Bear in mind, I had been swimming in indoor pools for years at that point.  So there I was, swimming along at 5:00 a.m.  It was dark out and I was the only one in the pool.  Suddenly I felt something on my leg.  I ABSOLUTELY panicked.  In my mind, "IT" had happened.  I'd encountered a massive shark.  Then I remembered I was in a pool and there probably wasn't a killer shark swimming with me.  Thank goodness I was alone because it would have undoubtedly been comical for anyone watching me swim.  It took several minutes to get calmed down.  When I finally discovered a palm fond had been blown into the pool and that's what brushed against my leg, I felt like quite the fool.

That was the day I decided I had to do something about my irrational, debilitating fear of sharks.  I started reading everything I could about sharks and shark attacks.  I discovered that someone who is regularly in the water - a surfer for example - has a better chance of dying in an accident with their washing machine than they do by shark attack.  Of course the statistics don't mean much if "YOU" are the one with the shark on his/her tail.  But I digress.  I finally realized that my irrational fear was just that - an irrational fear.

I'm happy to say I am back to where I can venture into the ocean again.  The fear isn't completely gone, but at least it's manageable.  I will however, admit to a slight sigh of relief every time I get back to the beach.

Like I said, I feel your pain.

2018-03-25 6:31 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Lavaman Tri in the books
All done. It was a decent day for me as I was right on my goal for the race. I was looking for 2:40...and I hit 2:40 and change. I finished 8th in my AG overall out of the 45 that were signed up to race. Just about where I thought I could be when I started training in December.

It was so much fun to be out racing again.

The final race results aren't up yet. I'll put together a full report once the times are official.


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