General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IM Kansas 70.3 Rss Feed  
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2008-06-13 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
They did mention that it wasn't up on the website, then advised "Read the signs, follow the people in front of you...."

2008-06-13 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1465890

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
lisac957 - 2008-06-13 4:20 PM

bvfrompc - 2008-06-13 4:18 PM

Just heard it during checking in while they were giving the pre-race chat

Thx for the update... they need to update their website! I'm over here printing off course maps that seem to be obselete now.

2008-06-13 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
Off to the expo!

Tony...your bike had a minor, minor casualty. NOTHING MAJOR.

don't freak.

We've got it taken care of...

(one of your aerobar pads apparently flew off somewhere between Olathe and Chicago. Oopsies! We've got ya covered though...)
2008-06-13 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1465914

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
RunningJayhawk - 2008-06-13 4:36 PM

Off to the expo!

Tony...your bike had a minor, minor casualty. NOTHING MAJOR.

don't freak.

We've got it taken care of...

(one of your aerobar pads apparently flew off somewhere between Olathe and Chicago. Oopsies! We've got ya covered though...)

Ha well I think it'll be OK. I've been known to craft aerobar pads out of exploded bike tubes and some BodyGlide.
2008-06-13 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Extreme Veteran
Olathe, KS
Bronze member
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3

That happened to me (or Dave?) once... the aero pad flew off on the highway somewhere. I think we might have some extras. Plus, I won't be riding so I could always pull mine off my tri bike for you to use.

Let me know if you need me to bring one (or a set).
2008-06-13 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1465931

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
LindaKC - 2008-06-13 4:45 PM


That happened to me (or Dave?) once... the aero pad flew off on the highway somewhere. I think we might have some extras. Plus, I won't be riding so I could always pull mine off my tri bike for you to use.

Let me know if you need me to bring one (or a set).

LInda ... I'm not there so I don't know the extent or the fix. I trust RunningJayhawk. OK that's not entirely true.

Seriously if you wanna bring some they're the standard profile design aerobars they install on Felts out of the box. Thanks! And I look forward to meeting you. Sorry you won't be there with us but heal and get stronger and git some next year!!!

2008-06-13 11:05 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
It's all good! We picked up a new set for Tony at Sunflower.

In other is indeed a *new* 2 loop course. Apparently the camp at the top of the map has some issues with water...I read it as...areas of it are flooded.

Who knows.

Anyone else find it odd that we have stickers for special needs bags for the run and bike? plus 2 different transition bags for each discipline and one for dry clothes? I was under the impression that we'd just set up our own transition at the bike rack. Hopefully we'll get a solid run down when we head out to the site tomorrow.

Regardless...I'm pretty amped.

2008-06-14 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1466325

North Dakota
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3

RunningJayhawk - 2008-06-13 11:05 PM It's all good! We picked up a new set for Tony at Sunflower. In other is indeed a *new* 2 loop course. Apparently the camp at the top of the map has some issues with water...I read it as...areas of it are flooded. Who knows. Anyone else find it odd that we have stickers for special needs bags for the run and bike? plus 2 different transition bags for each discipline and one for dry clothes? I was under the impression that we'd just set up our own transition at the bike rack. Hopefully we'll get a solid run down when we head out to the site tomorrow. Regardless...I'm pretty amped.

 That's what I was wondering about.....

2008-06-14 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1466504

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
I went to the race talk this AM - it will be a normal transition . .
2008-06-15 2:52 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Golden, CO
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
I'm kind of Kansas hater right now.......

: )

Other than being unfullfilled, the day was going to be tough but just doable. Great fun course and up until they shuttled me off to the chute after finishing Iroman Kansas 63.5, I was trying to stay in the moment and enjoying the experience

Looking at the results so far I have come to a realization, I'm not very good at this, but I pushed myself and consider myself 45% of an Ironman today.

What was up with the three minute wave starts? Every three minutes a new wave of fast swimmers would be crawling all over me. Then I realized if I swam just 50 or so yards away from the bouys, I could swim all by lonesome. Probably didn't help my time.....

All in all, a great experience, now the question is what next, this was all I have thought about for 6 months........

Thank you all for the help, advice, and inspiraton the last 5 months.
2008-06-15 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1467664

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Husker Nation
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
bvfrompc - 2008-06-15 2:52 PM

I'm kind of Kansas hater right now.......

: )

Other than being unfullfilled, the day was going to be tough but just doable. Great fun course and up until they shuttled me off to the chute after finishing Iroman Kansas 63.5, I was trying to stay in the moment and enjoying the experience

Looking at the results so far I have come to a realization, I'm not very good at this, but I pushed myself and consider myself 45% of an Ironman today.

x2. It's hard to be proud of yourself when you didn't do the whole thing. I finished the "small loop" and was coming toward transition to head out for the second loop after 6 miles and they said "Go straight to finish, the race has been called." I'm still wondering if I was duped and should go back and finish! So frustrating. Glad I got at least 6 miles in, hard to believe there are some who didn't even make it that far. I feel REALLY bad for those with 2 miles left! Ouch.

2008-06-15 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
I hear ya.

I'm hoping a lot of you guys out there were able to go the full 70.3.

I'm just crushed. Frustrated. Trying to be in good spirits. TRYING but not succeeding very well.

The bike course kicked my ...and yours truly was THE LAST BIKER THEY MADE THE CUTOFF. Hooray for Tiny Victories!!! However, I never posted a bike split (I did...around a 4:37ish...ooooof). Where the hell were the timing mats??

I was so effing proud of the fact I got in and was able to start the run. And a reasonably good swim for open water (woo!!!!!). Not great...but reasonably good consideirng all the zig zagging I did.

Only to be left feeling deflated and unfulfilled after a 4.5ish mile run.

Seriously. Annoyed. 8 months of my life dedicated to this race. And for what? Blah.

I wonder if we'll get any type of discount for next'd be reaaaaaaaaaaaaally nice. Really nice.

I knew it was bad Karma having the participant shirts say "finisher" on the back. That was just askin' for trouble.

I'm trying to get a good perspective on today, but i'm just left with sadness and a bad taste in my mouth.

It would've been nice to have a temporary hold until the weather passed. I'm so ticked because not even 10 minutes later it was ridiculously beautiful and sunny again. was great to meet you, Lisa! Mike is still on the verge of throwing something.

PS...Ryan...if you're reading all of the participants a favor...and address calling the race within 24 hours to the participants. As a runner who was pulled during the Chicago Marathon and it took Carey Pinkowski over a MONTH to recognize the issues that surrounded the race and never offered a sincere apology. People were seriously riled up for months after that...just don't want the same type of bad sentiment here. Just saying...
2008-06-15 4:15 PM
in reply to: #1052423

North Dakota
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
I'm sorry to hear about your guys stories. I feel especially bad for the people that started later in the day, since they had less time to finish.  One of my triathlons was cancelled this year due to a tornado and this one was cut short.  I hate to hear about people not being able to finish what thye started especially if they were under the time limit.
2008-06-15 4:20 PM
in reply to: #1467713

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
bvfrompc - 2008-06-15 2:52 PM

I feel REALLY bad for those with 2 miles left! Ouch.

x2...this happened to Tony...

*hugs* to you, man.
2008-06-15 4:32 PM
in reply to: #1467739

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3

2 miles to go here . . . BLAH!!!!

Terribly frustrated as well

Training for this race has also consumed ALL of my time for the last 6-7 months . . . it really stinks to not get the chance to finish.  This race had a lot of meaning to me for SOOOO many reasons - shoooot!!!

Sorry to everyone who is also in this crummy situation . . . Definitely wish they would have put us on HOLD for just a bit.

2008-06-15 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Extreme Veteran
Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3

On a more positive note . . . it was great getting a chance to meet so many BT'rs!!

Barb - dang, I sure was hoping to get to meet you!  Sounds like you did well on the swim and you conquered that bike course, which I know you were worried about.  You truly do have a lot to be proud of girl!  As do we all . . . I know, it is still hard to swallow though . . .

2008-06-15 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1052423

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Extreme Veteran
Overland Park, Kansas
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3

Sorry to here so many got cut off today.

One of those things they cancel and it doesn't rain, they don't stop and someone gets hit by lighting, or a tornado hits, it is a no win situation for all!

2008-06-15 7:27 PM
in reply to: #1467807

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Extreme Veteran
Overland Park, Kansas
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3

Bad news Veganman crossed wheels with another biker on the 1st big down hill (going down hill, fast) of the bike and crashed into a Gatorade crate at the 1st water stop. His quad was was completly cut in half and he has had surgery to fix his quad. Send you prayers and thoughts to our fallen BTer.


2008-06-16 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1052423

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
This is just kansas weather for you.... i glad that no one got sucked up in a tornado or struck by lightning (good call Monty)

I was one that had the 2 miles left to do... i know i could have done it so im not upset with the decision to cancle the last section...
2008-06-16 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1467739

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
RunningJayhawk - 2008-06-15 4:20 PM

bvfrompc - 2008-06-15 2:52 PM

I feel REALLY bad for those with 2 miles left! Ouch.

x2...this happened to Tony...

*hugs* to you, man.

Thanks yo. I'll see you back in Chicago this week. Yeah I'm pretty miffed about the whole deal because I could have OFFICIALLY finished in less than 6.5 hours. I just try to look at it from their persepective and see the liability they faced had someone been hit by lightning. The sad thing is I heard maybe two claps of thunder the whole time so I didn't understand the urgent need to get people off the race course. As Bripod said at the hotel yesterday ... we all hung around the transition area anyway.

I think a discount for another event would be in line but I seriously doubt that'll happen. And when are they going to ship the ``68.3'' stickers?
2008-06-16 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1467739

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Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
Double post. Oops.

Oh and best wishes to VeganMan!!! Is he going to be hospitalized for awhile? WE should take up a collection and send him a card and a bouquet made of Gu and Clif Bars or something. Of course I'm sure riding or training or anything that requires the use of Gu is probably the last thing he wants to think about right now.

Dude hope you get better soon VeganMan! It could've happened to any of us the way people were riding yesterday.

Edited by mr2tony 2008-06-16 10:05 AM

2008-06-16 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1052423

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Frontenac , Kansas
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
I too was one that lost out on the last two miles. I was heading in with a neg. split and 7.53-8.00 min/mi. pace. I was really running proud when we got cut off. I thinking on my way in that I "own" the course. Even after the short finish I was happy with the thought I would have ended around 6hrs 20 min. A much better finish then I expected. The thing the surprised me the most is how much energy I still had and how little pain I experienced. I 've run marathons with far greater fatigue. I do hope everyone will recover from the bike crash that was really a bad scene. Congrats to all. We did well in spite of the shortened course. I enjoyed the weekend and met some great folks. THe lake was nice and the camping was really a nice facility. HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL AT ANOTHER RACE!

Edited by wintimtim 2008-06-16 11:00 AM
2008-06-16 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1052423

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Frontenac , Kansas
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
Does anybody know when the results will be posted? I just checked and got a big goose egg.
2008-06-16 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1052423

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Frontenac , Kansas
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
I found what I was looking for thanks all. Disregard last post.
2008-06-16 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1052423

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work, road, bike, pool
Subject: RE: IM Kansas 70.3
i have been looking around where do they have the results for top finishers for age groups and clide's and the 50 slots that are designated for florida

any one stay for award cermonie

Edited by tri-dg 2008-06-16 11:38 AM
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IM Kansas 70.3 Rss Feed  
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