Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official ThreadNutrition is so key on the bike. For myself I take in 300+ calories an hour. I accomplish this by mixing a half bottle of Gatorade (fruit punch YUM! ) half bottle of water and 2 scoops of Carbo Pro.
I also have a faily sensative stomach and the cutting of the gatorade with water really helps. Carbo Pro as mentioned is tastless and mixes very well, you wont even know its there.
I am no trainer by any means but my personal suggestion would be to start at 300 calories an hour (liquid form ) and if that is too much for your stomach, back it down until you find what your stomach can handle and go from there.
Good Luck!
molly@rosenblumlawlv - 2009-09-20 12:47 PM
Need some guidance...I did a 75 mile ride yesterday in under 4:00 but if you asked me to go another 40 miles+ there would have been no way. I have tried perpetum and it made me sick. I've been alternating water/gatorade and throwing in some hammer gels and cliff bars along the way, but I know that it is not going to get it done for IMAZ. Some suggestions for bike nutrition would be helpful...thanks |