BT Development Mentor Program Archives » 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open Rss Feed  
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2018-04-05 4:20 PM
in reply to: #5241010

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Holy smokes, Mark, 25k trail is stout. I agree with you and the others - that’s a lot for the body if training has been low. No need for injuries this early on.

Spin class this morning before commuting down to DC. Brought my swim, run, and bike stuff with me if I can get some time. Woohoo!

2018-04-06 7:25 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Jenn - props for fitting stuff for all 3 sports in one carry on bag!!

2018-04-06 2:00 PM
in reply to: #5241068

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Haha, and work clothes for 5 days! I am good at Tetris with overnight bags.
2200 yds at the pool here in DC. I’m comfortably tired.
They have a local 5k tonight at 6:30 I’m thinking of doing. I’m not fast but it might be kind of fun to get out there and maybe I can use it to reset my heart rate zones.
2018-04-06 2:14 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Rest day - Much needed! Letting my body recover for the week before I crush it at master's tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
2018-04-06 2:48 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Haha, and work clothes for 5 days! I am good at Tetris with overnight bags. 2200 yds at the pool here in DC. I’m comfortably tired. They have a local 5k tonight at 6:30 I’m thinking of doing. I’m not fast but it might be kind of fun to get out there and maybe I can use it to reset my heart rate zones.

Do it!  If for no other reason than there is snow accumulating here in New England right now.  

2018-04-06 3:49 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

I did a 25k trail run back in December and yes, it can be brutal. Until my vacation I was keeping up weekly 6-10 mile trail runs however I'm going to take it "easy" this weekend. My main triathlon for the season is coming up at the end of the month (Wildflower Oly) and no need to push myself too hard.

2018-04-07 7:30 PM
in reply to: #5241131

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Ended up doing the 5k last night. I wasn’t going to do it, headed down to cheer people on, heard the music, got into it, it was only 5 minutes to race time and I heard they were going to delay the race 5 minutes to get through the huge line of people in registration. I thought, heck, I’ll sprint back to the apartment, quick change and resgister on my phone. Hahaha. By the time I got back no one was in line, I ran up got my bib, pinned it on, ran across the street, at this point people were running. I found where to stash gear bags and joined in the back of the pack...literally the last or second to last to join the race. Crazy! I had to navigate the walkers and baby joggers running more side to side than left to right and slowly pick my way through and most of all, had fun. So glad I did it. They won’t post times for a week but I’m in the 27 minute and change range. It was random and fun! Keeping it real.
2018-04-09 9:55 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

The trail run on Saturday was great, I felt like I could have easily gone another 10k however I'm glad I didn't go the full 25k. Better to finish strong and not be hurting too bad. I'll have a report up soon when I get a chance later this week.

2018-04-09 10:12 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Jenn and Mark, so glad you both had good races!

I didn't put my phone on the charger Friday night so it died and I missed swim practice. Made up for it by getting about 2200 yards in this morning with some of my teammates.

I think I'm getting sick Either that, or it's allergies. Either way, I feel a little run down today. Burning the candle at both ends, I suppose.

2018-04-09 9:32 PM
in reply to: #5241184

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Rest up, Nicole, it seems everyone is getting sick with this wonky weather. Spring has to be coming at some point!

4 mile trail run this evening in Houston, TX. Funny.. the trail is a 1.5 mile loop I ran just over 3 times. According to Garmin it’s a 1.3 mile loop. Hahaha
2018-04-09 9:36 PM
in reply to: #5241303

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Mark, awesome job on your race!! I’m glad you are injury free!

2018-04-10 8:11 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Went to sprint (HIIT cycling class) this morning. I didn't run there though, it was pretty cold.

2018-04-10 8:39 PM
in reply to: #5241304

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Just got home...snowing up here again. >

Found a running trail near the hotel in Houston yesterday. It said it’s a 1.5 mile loop but my Garmin disagreed and clocked 1.3 per loop so I did a little over 3 loops for 4 miles. (Either that or Garmin is off and I ran 4.6)
2018-04-11 1:04 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Just got home...snowing up here again. >

Found a running trail near the hotel in Houston yesterday. It said it’s a 1.5 mile loop but my Garmin disagreed and clocked 1.3 per loop so I did a little over 3 loops for 4 miles. (Either that or Garmin is off and I ran 4.6)

Good either way!
2018-04-11 1:11 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Ran to and from boot camp this morning (a little over a mile each way). The way home always hurts. It's basically uphill for a minimum of half a mile straight, and I'm already dead from boot camp. Otherwise felt good though!

Planning a swim tomorrow, and a run Friday since it's supposed to be BEAUTIFUL here (sunny and high of 78!).
2018-04-11 1:36 PM
in reply to: #5241383

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Nice job, Nicole, on the runs with boot camp! 78?! Wow, that’s awesome!

Just got 1:50 on the trainer. I haven’t been on that thing for that long in a while. No idea how I used to go for 3-4 hour rides on it. Crazy.

2018-04-12 10:17 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

I had a nice strong start of my week with some swimming, hiking, and running. Then a spring cold decided to knock my energy levels down to nothing. Feeling better now, looking forward to some good biking and running this weekend.

2018-04-12 12:15 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I chose sleep over swimming this morning. Much needed though. Going to run tomorrow and then go to masters on Saturday to make up for my lack of movement today.
2018-04-13 12:14 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
3.5 miles this morning in the beautiful 64 degree weather! Now it's 78 out. I'm a bit crispy from sitting outside for lunch

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend!
2018-04-14 9:18 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Got CRUSHED at Masters this morning. Swam a little over 3000 yards. Main set was:

16x50 on a minute, every 4th one fast (fast was about 37, others were about 45 or 50)
12x50 on a minute, every 3rd one fast
8x50 on a minute, every 2nd one fast
4x50 on a minute, all fast

Had a minute break between each set. I'm still having trouble breathing normal! haha
2018-04-14 8:26 PM
in reply to: #5241432

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
^^^. Oh my gosh, Nicole, that would crush me!! Hahaha! Awesome job!!!! You earned a beer for that one!!

Hour on the trainer today followed by a 2 mile run before the weather rolled in. 3”-6” of snow expected but it’s the ice we don’t like. Got out just in time and tonight I’m sweating in DC at 78 degrees. My thick blood isn’t used to this but it wouldn’t take me long!! Haha!
I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

2018-04-15 3:07 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open

Went for a great bike ride yesterday and a hike/trail run today. New trail for me, not as much running as I would have liked but the views were great and the main climb (1000 ft in a mile) made for some good cardio. Here is the race report from my 10k trail run last week.

Next week I will be travelling for work. Hopefully I can get some running in but my swimming will probably suffer. 

2018-04-16 10:18 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
It was gross and rainy here yesterday. I still had a football game, which was gross and cold but we won Today is my total rest day!

I meal prepped yesterday! Trying to do that consistently so I save money and eat better. I usually do it for a week or two, then have a crazy weekend and don't get around to it and eat really crappy for a week straight. I need to freeze some stuff for weeks like that so I can just grab and go. What do you all do to eat well during the week? Does anyone feel like they are really good at it? Jenn I'm sure it's tough for you with all the travel you do!
2018-04-17 9:05 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
I failed again this morning. Had a going away dinner for a friend last night and didn't get home until almost 11. Still woke up early but felt dead, so I came in to work early hoping to get out of here and get a run in after work.
2018-04-18 8:10 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: 2018 Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Always Open
Made it to boot camp this morning! It destroyed me, as it typically does. Getting a swim in tomorrow morning.
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