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2009-08-04 9:08 AM
in reply to: #2326319

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-04 8:34 AM
dbw27 - 2009-08-04 9:25 AM Hi:

I did 200 sit up challenge yesterday?  Are we supposed to be doing them in some sort of set? Did I miss something? Probably did.

I did about 100  regular crunches, 50 reverse, and 50 side - 25 on each side.


Question for everyone - and I hate to be negative.  Does anyone else hate their job?  I am trying to have a positive attitude but I cry every day coming to work and this morning I thought I was going to have a panic attack.  My throat closed up.  But then I prayed a lot and remembered what one of my coaches told me, "Positive Attitude Conquers Everything" and felt a little better.

Then when I got to work, my daily Dilbert cartoon read - well basically the message was "Are you aware that all jobs require you to do things you'd rather not do?  That's why they pay you."  "Perhaps your expectations are unrealistic."

Sooo that made me feel better.  And maybe right on time.  That Dilbert.  But where do we draw the line between doing things we'rd rather not do and crying every day coming to work? I hate having to pretend to be something I'm not for several hours a day.  And I do not like what I do - but that is why they pay me right?  I have in general nice coworkers except one of my bosses has been acting very upset with me for some reason which hopefully I can talk to him about today.

Anyway, I don't want to be a crybaby.  I feel like I must shut down emotionally every day when I come to work. I'm a legal secretary by the way.

Today I am trying to think, "This is just a place where I get to hang out with people fora few hours every day - and it's a great place to hang out." and put a smile on my face.

just writing and writing. . .

yours truly,


I have gone back and forth over the years.  I am basically an IT contractor.  about 10 years ago I joined a friend of mine in his small company, I am the VP and he is the President, but we are still a small company which means we both have to work full time on contracts + take the time to generate new buisiness when it's out there.

I am somewhere in the middle.  Job isn't always the most exciting thing in the world but I have plenty of time to train, no one really cares what time I get into work or leave so long as I make it to my meetings and make my gov't boss look good.  So I am pretty happy with it right now.

My opinion about work is ultimately you should be happy, if you aren't happy about some place where you spend the majority of your time and there is no option to make it better or benefit like more workout time, then maybe you should look for something else.

X2.  Wow. That really sucks that you have to go through this everyday.  Time to start looking for a place you'll be happier at.  It's not always going to be peaches but what you are experiencing now just doesn't seem to be the way to go. I don't think you are being negative or a crybaby either. 

as far as the reps for the challenge

2009-08-04 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Dannett, is it the type of work you do you the place you work?  Was going back to school something you are passionate about or is it more to get away from your job?  I think it is important to be happy about where you spend most of the day.  If it's broke, fit it. Life's too short girl.

Okay, I don't know about thie early morning workout stuff.  It is only 10:15 am and I have eaten a Roctane before spin class, now a fruit smoothy with whey protein, 2 deviled eggs, a package of peanut butter crackers, a bowl of oatmeal, my morning tea.....and right now I need a 10 minute nap.  Think anyone would notice if I nodded off at my desk for a few minutes?  The only thing keeping me away is the fact that I AM STILL HUNGRY!!!!   I think I see a Sausage McMuffin with Egg in my future.  Plus I am suppose to swim at lunch.  Maybe I'll just buy everything off McDonalds' menu!
2009-08-04 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2326283

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

dbw27 - 2009-08-04 8:25 AM Hi:

I did 200 sit up challenge yesterday?  Are we supposed to be doing them in some sort of set? Did I miss something? Probably did.

I did about 100  regular crunches, 50 reverse, and 50 side - 25 on each side.


Question for everyone - and I hate to be negative.  Does anyone else hate their job?  I am trying to have a positive attitude but I cry every day coming to work and this morning I thought I was going to have a panic attack.  My throat closed up.  But then I prayed a lot and remembered what one of my coaches told me, "Positive Attitude Conquers Everything" and felt a little better.

Then when I got to work, my daily Dilbert cartoon read - well basically the message was "Are you aware that all jobs require you to do things you'd rather not do?  That's why they pay you."  "Perhaps your expectations are unrealistic."

Sooo that made me feel better.  And maybe right on time.  That Dilbert.  But where do we draw the line between doing things we'rd rather not do and crying every day coming to work? I hate having to pretend to be something I'm not for several hours a day.  And I do not like what I do - but that is why they pay me right?  I have in general nice coworkers except one of my bosses has been acting very upset with me for some reason which hopefully I can talk to him about today.

Anyway, I don't want to be a crybaby.  I feel like I must shut down emotionally every day when I come to work. I'm a legal secretary by the way.

Today I am trying to think, "This is just a place where I get to hang out with people fora few hours every day - and it's a great place to hang out." and put a smile on my face.

just writing and writing. . .

yours truly,


Its the lawyers - they only have one helix of dna you know....

2009-08-04 9:43 AM
in reply to: #2326187

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-04 7:57 AM 14 miles down, 26 more to go this week Whee!

Glad to get that first one done so early.  It allready seems hot out.

LOL I came up on a family of deer and it was so dark I had to stop to make sure they were deer and not some strange pack of dogs or something else.

Compression socks are the greatest thing ever invented.

Edit:, lol also need to pay attention to my weight, got on the scale this morning and I was 5 lbs lighter than I normally am, not sure if that was all from the run or not, but something I should pay attention to I suppose.

Glad the run went well today.  Is the 5lb pre to post run?  One thing you might want to consider if you haven't already done this is a sweat test.  Weigh yourself before, weigh yourself after an hour run to get a guage of fluid loss.   It helps you to determine what you might need to take in during those long runs and the marathon.   I know if I am down 3% of my bodyweight it affects my performance quite a bit.

Tracy--I am a morning worker outer and I eat like a hog the first half of the day!  Good visual, huh?

2009-08-04 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2326560

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 10:43 AM
dalessit - 2009-08-04 7:57 AM 14 miles down, 26 more to go this week Whee!

Glad to get that first one done so early.  It allready seems hot out.

LOL I came up on a family of deer and it was so dark I had to stop to make sure they were deer and not some strange pack of dogs or something else.

Compression socks are the greatest thing ever invented.

Edit:, lol also need to pay attention to my weight, got on the scale this morning and I was 5 lbs lighter than I normally am, not sure if that was all from the run or not, but something I should pay attention to I suppose.

Glad the run went well today.  Is the 5lb pre to post run?  One thing you might want to consider if you haven't already done this is a sweat test.  Weigh yourself before, weigh yourself after an hour run to get a guage of fluid loss.   It helps you to determine what you might need to take in during those long runs and the marathon.   I know if I am down 3% of my bodyweight it affects my performance quite a bit.

Tracy--I am a morning worker outer and I eat like a hog the first half of the day!  Good visual, huh?

not sure what I weighed before, I just checked after.  I am going to do the sweat test on Sunday just to check.
2009-08-04 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2326560

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 9:43 AM
dalessit - 2009-08-04 7:57 AM 14 miles down, 26 more to go this week Whee!

Glad to get that first one done so early.  It allready seems hot out.

LOL I came up on a family of deer and it was so dark I had to stop to make sure they were deer and not some strange pack of dogs or something else.

Compression socks are the greatest thing ever invented.

Edit:, lol also need to pay attention to my weight, got on the scale this morning and I was 5 lbs lighter than I normally am, not sure if that was all from the run or not, but something I should pay attention to I suppose.

Glad the run went well today.  Is the 5lb pre to post run?  One thing you might want to consider if you haven't already done this is a sweat test.  Weigh yourself before, weigh yourself after an hour run to get a guage of fluid loss.   It helps you to determine what you might need to take in during those long runs and the marathon.   I know if I am down 3% of my bodyweight it affects my performance quite a bit.

Tracy--I am a morning worker outer and I eat like a hog the first half of the day!  Good visual, huh?

Usually I work out in the mornings as well.  It seems like what ever food I dump into me after a workout is instantly vaporized.  Doesn't matter if its carbs, protein, fat - it all just vanishes in like 30 minutes and I am hungry again.  I always heard that exercising in the morning kicks the metabolism up for the day.  Not sure if it is true or not, but I know I am hungry for hours afterwards.

Suzy (or anyone else for that matter)- do you eat a little something before longer workouts?  If so, what?  I am not sure how food would settle right before going for an hour run or swim, but I tend to run out of energy towards the end of those longer morning workouts.

2009-08-04 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I eat before every workout.  For non race events, it is usually a half a bagel with some Brummel and Brown spread, probably about 200 cals.  I am good to go within 30 minutes unless it is speedwork.  Then I need a little extra digesting time.  If I am racing, half marathon, marathon, sprint to Oly, I usually eat two pieces of non fiber toast with B&B and jelly 2 hours before race time.  I NEVER WORKOUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! 

In my last 10m road race, Steve had me to 6oz of H20 and 1/3 gel 10 minutes before the start.  It was helpful.  Even those few calories helped my overall performance early in the race.

PS I always have a cup of coffee with soymilk creamer upon rising.  Very important for me to get the system rolling .

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-08-04 11:00 AM
2009-08-04 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
2009-08-04 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Hey guys, just catching up on the last few days.
Tracy - Your daughter looks great. Every pic she is totally focussed.
Steve - Great ride . Ryan makes a good photographer!!

Started my 9 week runnersworld plan for the 1/2 marathon on Oct 4. Finally getting structure to my run training versus just running until I feel like stopping.

Situp plan funny story... my wife is starting it with me. She did her inital test at the cabin this weekend. I was not there. She asked me how many I did. I told her 32. She was like "WHAT???" I said how many did you do. She told me 220!! Now don't get me wrong, she is starting to get buff, but she is not a 220situp girl. When she got home on Monday, she showed me what she was doing. Ummm lifting her head and shoulders off the ground. Wasn't getting the shoulder blades off the ground. When she did that she got to 20. Anyhow, we knocked off day 1 last night as well.
2009-08-04 11:09 AM
in reply to: #2326842

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 11:59 AM I eat before every workout.  For non race events, it is usually a half a bagel with some Brummel and Brown spread, probably about 200 cals.  I am good to go within 30 minutes unless it is speedwork.  Then I need a little extra digesting time.  If I am racing, half marathon, marathon, sprint to Oly, I usually eat two pieces of non fiber toast with B&B and jelly 2 hours before race time.  I NEVER WORKOUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! 

In my last 10m road race, Steve had me to 6oz of H20 and 1/3 gel 10 minutes before the start.  It was helpful.  Even those few calories helped my overall performance early in the race.

PS I always have a cup of coffee with soymilk creamer upon rising.  Very important for me to get the system rolling .

Sam read somewhere here I think from the nutrition person that doing some shorter AM workouts with no food before is good also.  Honestly don't remember why but sometimes I do those 3-4 mile runs then eat.

Today before my run I had 2 slices of toast with Peanut butter, plus some water.  Then on my run I had 20oz of Infinit so pretty well fueled.
2009-08-04 11:19 AM
in reply to: #2326844

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

swbkrun - 2009-08-04 10:59 AM Please watch... Amazing

THAT IS AN AWESOME STORY - reminds you to be thankful for what you do have!

2009-08-04 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2326876

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

TrevorC - 2009-08-04 11:06 AM Hey guys, just catching up on the last few days.
Tracy - Your daughter looks great. Every pic she is totally focussed.
Steve - Great ride . Ryan makes a good photographer!!

Started my 9 week runnersworld plan for the 1/2 marathon on Oct 4. Finally getting structure to my run training versus just running until I feel like stopping.

Situp plan funny story... my wife is starting it with me. She did her inital test at the cabin this weekend. I was not there. She asked me how many I did. I told her 32. She was like "WHAT???" I said how many did you do. She told me 220!! Now don't get me wrong, she is starting to get buff, but she is not a 220situp girl. When she got home on Monday, she showed me what she was doing. Ummm lifting her head and shoulders off the ground. Wasn't getting the shoulder blades off the ground. When she did that she got to 20. Anyhow, we knocked off day 1 last night as well.

Yeah, the above would be real problem for me -  I doubt I would get to the end of the block...

2009-08-04 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
You all sure have been busy...and I've been hiding.

Tracy, those pics of your daughter are awesome!  Reminded me of a conversation between my wife and me.  My wife and I have our first tri this Saturday.  We swam in the lake yesterday.  On the way home she mentioned getting the kids doing some tris.  I like the idea, but I had to point out their current activities - 2 baseball teams, football, 2 in basketball, softball, 2 in gymnastics - I think they are plenty busy.  Anyhow those pictures are really cool.

John, can't you pick an IM a little tougher to get too?Laughing  Good Luck.

Andy, your daughter hitting the fire hydrant - great story.  My older daughter would walk home and give up biking.  My son and younger daughter would both rip the hydrant out of the ground, p*ss on it, and then get back on the bike.  Funny how kids are different.

Now I have to brag.  My son's travel team played again this weekend.  They've had a decent year, but this weekend things clicked.  4-0 to win the tourney and outscored the competition 48-3.  Tiller and another boy (Alan) combined in the first game to give up only one run (netiher of them pitched the second game).  Then they both thru complete game shut outs on Sunday.  Tiller's shut out was against a BIG rival town 10 miles away so he was pumped.  In all Tiller pitched 6 shutout innings this weekend.  It was his second complete game and first shut out.  This summer, in his first year pitching, he's thrown two complete games, a no-hitter and a shut out.
2009-08-04 11:50 AM
in reply to: #2326423

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 10:08 AM
dalessit - 2009-08-04 8:34 AM
dbw27 - 2009-08-04 9:25 AM Hi:

I did 200 sit up challenge yesterday?  Are we supposed to be doing them in some sort of set? Did I miss something? Probably did.

I did about 100  regular crunches, 50 reverse, and 50 side - 25 on each side.


Question for everyone - and I hate to be negative.  Does anyone else hate their job?  I am trying to have a positive attitude but I cry every day coming to work and this morning I thought I was going to have a panic attack.  My throat closed up.  But then I prayed a lot and remembered what one of my coaches told me, "Positive Attitude Conquers Everything" and felt a little better.

Then when I got to work, my daily Dilbert cartoon read - well basically the message was "Are you aware that all jobs require you to do things you'd rather not do?  That's why they pay you."  "Perhaps your expectations are unrealistic."

Sooo that made me feel better.  And maybe right on time.  That Dilbert.  But where do we draw the line between doing things we'rd rather not do and crying every day coming to work? I hate having to pretend to be something I'm not for several hours a day.  And I do not like what I do - but that is why they pay me right?  I have in general nice coworkers except one of my bosses has been acting very upset with me for some reason which hopefully I can talk to him about today.

Anyway, I don't want to be a crybaby.  I feel like I must shut down emotionally every day when I come to work. I'm a legal secretary by the way.

Today I am trying to think, "This is just a place where I get to hang out with people fora few hours every day - and it's a great place to hang out." and put a smile on my face.

just writing and writing. . .

yours truly,


I have gone back and forth over the years.  I am basically an IT contractor.  about 10 years ago I joined a friend of mine in his small company, I am the VP and he is the President, but we are still a small company which means we both have to work full time on contracts + take the time to generate new buisiness when it's out there.

I am somewhere in the middle.  Job isn't always the most exciting thing in the world but I have plenty of time to train, no one really cares what time I get into work or leave so long as I make it to my meetings and make my gov't boss look good.  So I am pretty happy with it right now.

My opinion about work is ultimately you should be happy, if you aren't happy about some place where you spend the majority of your time and there is no option to make it better or benefit like more workout time, then maybe you should look for something else.

X2.  Wow. That really sucks that you have to go through this everyday.  Time to start looking for a place you'll be happier at.  It's not always going to be peaches but what you are experiencing now just doesn't seem to be the way to go. I don't think you are being negative or a crybaby either. 

as far as the reps for the challenge


Okay. I have looked at the link before. I think I just must seriously read the site thoroughly. :-)  I feel like a dufus because I keep asking questions.  One has to pay for their 'tracker' though right?

As for my job, thank you so much for your responses.  Funny crack about the lawyers.  My lawyers are okay.  Indeed, when I was raising money for TNT for my first race out in California this year, they donated (individually) throughout the firm like 4,000.00.  That was nice right? 

But, I do not like what I do.  I am trying to though.  After all every job requires you to do things you don't want to do (reminiscing Dilbert cartoon.)  It is all administrative. Okay.  I am smart. I have a near subgenius IQ. The only reason I am in administrative (not that there is anything against admin work! I just feel like I am not using any of my potential) is because of all of the abuse growing up, so I was in a lot of therapy bla bla bla ......and had severe depression/PTSD, so I could only do what would give the most minimal amount of stress.  I have a college degree in Mol and Cellular Biology, but didn't want to do anything with that.  This is pretty much 9-5, no take home, so it is minimal stress.  I just have to SMILE nice and do my job and pretend I'm not here a lot of times.  But I pray and it is okay I guess.  I think because, I am recovering from a lot of depression the past couple of years I want to get out and do something else now.  Plus, I fell in love with health and fitness.  Therefore, I am self-studying to be a Personal Trainer and I want to go back to grad school (seminary - which I didn't finish) to get my MA counseling - I would like to combine the two and become a Wellness Counselor to help people like me.

I have great benefits though and a decent salary and nice people.  I just have to suck it up I think.  Be grateful for what I have and just smile and make it through each day.  No more tears.

Anyway, please let me know if my convo is too deep for the board. I can just talk sometimes and can be pretty open.  I mean you guys know a lot about me already - those who went to my website - so I thought it was okay.

On another note, you all have inspired me to try to train for an IM for 2011.  Next year I hope to do a HIM (or two) if my hips hold up (currently I am nursing hip bursitis and I have an olympic on september 27.  After talking to you guys though, olympics look measly in comparison. :-)  This is my first year. Three olympics for my this year and one sprint.  Next year, maybe two HIMs, one olympic? Maybe.  This is my first time running in my life.  So that is what I have to work on AND learn how to not acquire running injuries.  This year - my first year running - I got:  runner's knee, hip labrum tear, a little tendonitis in the ankles, and hip bursitis.  Sigh. The last of which I am now going to PT for.  Thank God for PT.

Anyway, you guys rock.  I love your group.  I can write more later hopefully, after PT and after I get home.
2009-08-04 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2326892

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-04 11:09 AM
SSMinnow - 2009-08-04 11:59 AM I eat before every workout.  For non race events, it is usually a half a bagel with some Brummel and Brown spread, probably about 200 cals.  I am good to go within 30 minutes unless it is speedwork.  Then I need a little extra digesting time.  If I am racing, half marathon, marathon, sprint to Oly, I usually eat two pieces of non fiber toast with B&B and jelly 2 hours before race time.  I NEVER WORKOUT ON AN EMPTY STOMACH!!! 

In my last 10m road race, Steve had me to 6oz of H20 and 1/3 gel 10 minutes before the start.  It was helpful.  Even those few calories helped my overall performance early in the race.

PS I always have a cup of coffee with soymilk creamer upon rising.  Very important for me to get the system rolling .

Sam read somewhere here I think from the nutrition person that doing some shorter AM workouts with no food before is good also.  Honestly don't remember why but sometimes I do those 3-4 mile runs then eat.

Today before my run I had 2 slices of toast with Peanut butter, plus some water.  Then on my run I had 20oz of Infinit so pretty well fueled.

Marni from the site would say that if you are working out for less than an hour you can get away with not eating beforehand.  This can be helpful if you are trying to lose weight.  Instead of burning  what you ate, you are burning what you already have .  For me, I always need a little something and I pretty much never run or bike for less than an hour.  If I am going to get all sweaty, I wanna make it worthwhile.

Dannette--I really believe you have to love what you do and the place you do it in. It is a singificant part of your life. Before we moved to Madison, I was in a job I loved, but hated at the same time.  Lots of responsibility, great growth potential, interesting projects but I was working 7 days a week, 60-80 hours at a pop.  My husband relocated which gave me the chance to really think about what I wanted to do.  I had an offer to work for another Fortune 100 company doing the same thing I was doing at SCJ, but opted for a small start-up and then eventually went out on my own.  It was a little scary, but the best thing I could have ever done. The job isn't as high profile, but I would not have gotten into marathons/triathlons if I hadn't made the switch.  It is a big wide world out there as you well know!
2009-08-04 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2327056

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dbw27 - 2009-08-04 11:50 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 10:08 AM
dalessit - 2009-08-04 8:34 AM
dbw27 - 2009-08-04 9:25 AM Hi:

I did 200 sit up challenge yesterday?  Are we supposed to be doing them in some sort of set? Did I miss something? Probably did.

I did about 100  regular crunches, 50 reverse, and 50 side - 25 on each side.


Question for everyone - and I hate to be negative.  Does anyone else hate their job?  I am trying to have a positive attitude but I cry every day coming to work and this morning I thought I was going to have a panic attack.  My throat closed up.  But then I prayed a lot and remembered what one of my coaches told me, "Positive Attitude Conquers Everything" and felt a little better.

Then when I got to work, my daily Dilbert cartoon read - well basically the message was "Are you aware that all jobs require you to do things you'd rather not do?  That's why they pay you."  "Perhaps your expectations are unrealistic."

Sooo that made me feel better.  And maybe right on time.  That Dilbert.  But where do we draw the line between doing things we'rd rather not do and crying every day coming to work? I hate having to pretend to be something I'm not for several hours a day.  And I do not like what I do - but that is why they pay me right?  I have in general nice coworkers except one of my bosses has been acting very upset with me for some reason which hopefully I can talk to him about today.

Anyway, I don't want to be a crybaby.  I feel like I must shut down emotionally every day when I come to work. I'm a legal secretary by the way.

Today I am trying to think, "This is just a place where I get to hang out with people fora few hours every day - and it's a great place to hang out." and put a smile on my face.

just writing and writing. . .

yours truly,


I have gone back and forth over the years.  I am basically an IT contractor.  about 10 years ago I joined a friend of mine in his small company, I am the VP and he is the President, but we are still a small company which means we both have to work full time on contracts + take the time to generate new buisiness when it's out there.

I am somewhere in the middle.  Job isn't always the most exciting thing in the world but I have plenty of time to train, no one really cares what time I get into work or leave so long as I make it to my meetings and make my gov't boss look good.  So I am pretty happy with it right now.

My opinion about work is ultimately you should be happy, if you aren't happy about some place where you spend the majority of your time and there is no option to make it better or benefit like more workout time, then maybe you should look for something else.

X2.  Wow. That really sucks that you have to go through this everyday.  Time to start looking for a place you'll be happier at.  It's not always going to be peaches but what you are experiencing now just doesn't seem to be the way to go. I don't think you are being negative or a crybaby either. 

as far as the reps for the challenge


Okay. I have looked at the link before. I think I just must seriously read the site thoroughly. :-)  I feel like a dufus because I keep asking questions.  One has to pay for their 'tracker' though right?

As for my job, thank you so much for your responses.  Funny crack about the lawyers.  My lawyers are okay.  Indeed, when I was raising money for TNT for my first race out in California this year, they donated (individually) throughout the firm like 4,000.00.  That was nice right? 

But, I do not like what I do.  I am trying to though.  After all every job requires you to do things you don't want to do (reminiscing Dilbert cartoon.)  It is all administrative. Okay.  I am smart. I have a near subgenius IQ. The only reason I am in administrative (not that there is anything against admin work! I just feel like I am not using any of my potential) is because of all of the abuse growing up, so I was in a lot of therapy bla bla bla ......and had severe depression/PTSD, so I could only do what would give the most minimal amount of stress.  I have a college degree in Mol and Cellular Biology, but didn't want to do anything with that.  This is pretty much 9-5, no take home, so it is minimal stress.  I just have to SMILE nice and do my job and pretend I'm not here a lot of times.  But I pray and it is okay I guess.  I think because, I am recovering from a lot of depression the past couple of years I want to get out and do something else now.  Plus, I fell in love with health and fitness.  Therefore, I am self-studying to be a Personal Trainer and I want to go back to grad school (seminary - which I didn't finish) to get my MA counseling - I would like to combine the two and become a Wellness Counselor to help people like me.

I have great benefits though and a decent salary and nice people.  I just have to suck it up I think.  Be grateful for what I have and just smile and make it through each day.  No more tears.

Anyway, please let me know if my convo is too deep for the board. I can just talk sometimes and can be pretty open.  I mean you guys know a lot about me already - those who went to my website - so I thought it was okay.

On another note, you all have inspired me to try to train for an IM for 2011.  Next year I hope to do a HIM (or two) if my hips hold up (currently I am nursing hip bursitis and I have an olympic on september 27.  After talking to you guys though, olympics look measly in comparison. :-)  This is my first year. Three olympics for my this year and one sprint.  Next year, maybe two HIMs, one olympic? Maybe.  This is my first time running in my life.  So that is what I have to work on AND learn how to not acquire running injuries.  This year - my first year running - I got:  runner's knee, hip labrum tear, a little tendonitis in the ankles, and hip bursitis.  Sigh. The last of which I am now going to PT for.  Thank God for PT.

Anyway, you guys rock.  I love your group.  I can write more later hopefully, after PT and after I get home.

Let me throw something out at you. I am a patent lawyer. My undergraduate degree is in electrical engineering. You might consider moving to an itellectual property law firm.  With your college degree in Mol and Cellular Biology you would find a lot of interest. You could work as a legal secretary or admin. and use more of that background and thus be more challenged. (Kinda like my spelling.) However, with that background you could also try to find work in such a law firm as a patent agent. That might be even more interesting work.

Patent agents and attorneys too for that matter, must take the patent bar exam (it is now given on-line). To qualify one must have a math, science or engineering degree from an accredited school. So you qualify. With your legal background and desireable technical degree you should be able to find people interested in hiring you. There are a lot of patent firms in NY. I know people at quite a few. If this is at all interesting let me know, I can answer lots of questions. BTW the pay is not to bad either.

2009-08-04 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2327056

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dbw27 - 2009-08-04 12:50 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-04 10:08 AM
dalessit - 2009-08-04 8:34 AM
dbw27 - 2009-08-04 9:25 AM Hi:





On another note, you all have inspired me to try to train for an IM for 2011.  Next year I hope to do a HIM (or two) if my hips hold up (currently I am nursing hip bursitis and I have an olympic on september 27.  After talking to you guys though, olympics look measly in comparison. :-)  This is my first year. Three olympics for my this year and one sprint.  Next year, maybe two HIMs, one olympic? Maybe.  This is my first time running in my life.  So that is what I have to work on AND learn how to not acquire running injuries.  This year - my first year running - I got:  runner's knee, hip labrum tear, a little tendonitis in the ankles, and hip bursitis.  Sigh. The last of which I am now going to PT for.  Thank God for PT.

Anyway, you guys rock.  I love your group.   I LOVE OUR GROUP I can write more later hopefully, after PT and after I get home.

fixed that typo for ya Wink
2009-08-04 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Patent agents and attorneys too for that matter, must take the patent bar exam (it is now given on-line). To qualify one must have a math, science or engineering degree from an accredited school. So you qualify. With your legal background and desireable technical degree you should be able to find people interested in hiring you. There are a lot of patent firms in NY. I know people at quite a few. If this is at all interesting let me know, I can answer lots of questions. BTW the pay is not to bad either.

Hmmmm, this is interesting.  I too have a science background and toyed with the idea of patent law.  Good to know.  Off to do a little surfing now. Thanks for the tip.

2009-08-04 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2327056

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dbw27 - 2009-08-04 11:50 AM

Okay. I have looked at the link before. I think I just must seriously read the site thoroughly. :-)  I feel like a dufus because I keep asking questions.  One has to pay for their 'tracker' though right?

nah, don't pay just use your logs here on BT.

I think because, I am recovering from a lot of depression the past couple of years I want to get out and do something else now.  Plus, I fell in love with health and fitness.  Therefore, I am self-studying to be a Personal Trainer and I want to go back to grad school (seminary - which I didn't finish) to get my MA counseling - I would like to combine the two and become a Wellness Counselor to help people like me.

sounds like you have some direction... GREAT!

On another note, you all have inspired me to try to train for an IM for 2011.


2009-08-04 1:25 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Okay, I need a little help here.  I am starting to freak out  a little.  Today, my plan called for a brick (1hr bike, 30min run).  I got both done, but I was completely out of gas at the end of my run.  I mean, like nothing left.  Actually, I did not even feel good coming off the bike.  I will say this, I had a good, long swim yesterday and I had the bike in the big ring the entire time, pushing the hills, ran a 8:45/mile pace on the run (fast for me), and it was 90 degrees.  Maybe I am expecting too much from myself.  I don't know.  I have 8 weeks left until my HIM and all of a sudden, not feeling real good about it anymore.
2009-08-04 1:33 PM
in reply to: #2327400

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-04 1:25 PM Okay, I need a little help here.  I am starting to freak out  a little.  Today, my plan called for a brick (1hr bike, 30min run).  I got both done, but I was completely out of gas at the end of my run.  I mean, like nothing left.  Actually, I did not even feel good coming off the bike.  I will say this, I had a good, long swim yesterday and I had the bike in the big ring the entire time, pushing the hills, ran a 8:45/mile pace on the run (fast for me), and it was 90 degrees.  Maybe I am expecting too much from myself.  I don't know.  I have 8 weeks left until my HIM and all of a sudden, not feeling real good about it anymore.

I will let the longer distance folks speak to the HIM nerves; however, I would say that some days are just plain harder than others - not the workout itself, but the energy level that you bring to it.  One day a 3 mile run seem easy, two days later it can feel like a death march.  Congrats on sucking it up and finishing the workout, because that will make the next workout easier!

2009-08-04 1:36 PM
in reply to: #2327422

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I agree with Andy.  I have no concerns about the distance for my upcoming sprint and yet after some workouts I would get nervous - thinking I can't do it.  I think it's human nature to worry.  But you have to trust the training.  Everybody has a bad workout, or a bad day.
2009-08-04 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2327056

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Danett, you should come down to Galveston next year with some of the rest of us for the Lonestar!  I think we are working on getting a beach house or two....  I am planning on doing the half - it will be my first too! 

As far as the deepness of the conversation - no worries!

2009-08-04 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Seymour, IN
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
BTW, my wife and I sneaked into the lake where our sprint is this weekend (it's a private community) for a little swim.  I probably actually swam about 200 yards. But we kicked around for about 20 minutes just to get comfortable.

Now, going back to a conversation we all had earlier, not having the pool bottom or sides to look at made it much easier to go a given distance.  I feel better now than ever concerning the swim.

My only concern is I may swim in a circle.  I turn hard to the right.  My coach and I decided to get thru the race and then get to work on this - which he attributed to not rotating good enough to my left.  Which is why I have a hard time breathing on my left.

I also bought my wife a Trek 7.3FX yesterday.  She LOVES it!  I moved everything over to it last night so she can use it for the race this weekend.  Now she thinks she can beat my bike time.
She has one concern - it only has lugs for one water bottle.  Any suggestions for additional bottles for her?

Edited by BigReub 2009-08-04 1:45 PM
2009-08-04 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2327400

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-08-04 1:25 PM Okay, I need a little help here.  I am starting to freak out  a little.  Today, my plan called for a brick (1hr bike, 30min run).  I got both done, but I was completely out of gas at the end of my run.  I mean, like nothing left.  Actually, I did not even feel good coming off the bike.  I will say this, I had a good, long swim yesterday and I had the bike in the big ring the entire time, pushing the hills, ran a 8:45/mile pace on the run (fast for me), and it was 90 degrees.  Maybe I am expecting too much from myself.  I don't know.  I have 8 weeks left until my HIM and all of a sudden, not feeling real good about it anymore.

I think Andy and Reub got it.  I'd also add that that's an interesting comment about expecting too much from myself.  Looking at your logs I'd say you might have gone out to hard, especially on the run in those conditions. This heat we are having is a b*tch.  Everyone I know is talking about it and how it just takes so much out of you. 

You had a great breakthrough last night in the pool.  This is the time you need to fall back on that mental training as from here until raceday this is a huge part of the prep.  The mental game might be the biggest challenge of the whole adventure.  It definitly was for the biggest for me.  Bike was a close second ;-)

You should feel very good about yourself right now because you are doing great.  And that ain't just smoke up the backside.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-08-04 2:03 PM
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