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2022-03-01 10:34 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Holy smokes guys! Today's Trainer Road "Bashful" workout felt like pure death! 3 sets of 5x1.5 minutes @ 125%FTP destroyed me, ughhh.... that 1 minute rest between intervals felt barely enough, hehehe. To get through it I shifted my butt to different saddle positions but even doing that, the 5th interval in the 2nd and 3rd set took lotsa screaming to do the entire 90 seconds.

2022-03-06 7:59 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

I have never done the Bashful workout.  I have been doing my custom workouts that I uploaded into TR in 2019.  They are usually broken 3-4 section and so if I am doing VO2_max it is only for 10-15 minutes then I move onto aerobic, tempo, or some other type of interval for 10-15 minutes (with 5 mins. recover between types of intervals).

Yes, those 1 min rests between VO2_Max don't do anything for you.  You are almost a well off to just keep going with out the rest (or just as bad off).  Screaming does seem to help though.  It has got be through a lot of intervals anyways.

Way to stick in there.  

2022-04-26 1:05 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Welp, FTP test completed this morning and I had partial success. My 3' interval test had a nice boost of +9.5watts vs last test but my 20' interval was lackluster. I think I could have pushed a bit more wattage but I started feeling dizzy about 13 or 14 minutes in. I gained 1 watt in Jorge's plan CP and 2 watts for FTP. This may be due to the sub optimal sleep Sunday night and crappy sleep last night.

At least I've made gains in the right direction, hehe. I'm now at 3.57watts/kg and I lost about a pound since the last test. One more training block then I'll wind down for a few weeks then ramp it up again and continue the chase.
2022-04-28 1:06 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

I am afraid to do a FTP test.  I did one like 3-4 months ago and just keep pretending like I am still at the same spot.  I don't really know where I am at though.  Hopefully progressing.  probably not to where I was at in 2020 though.   

Congrats on your progress.

2022-04-29 1:02 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

I have a sprint tri in a couple of weeks (15 mile bike leg) so I think I'll have an idea of my FTP at that point.  I'm running just to finish so I'm going to hammer the bike leg so I'd imagine a full-out 15-miler (40'-ish) should show me my FTP.  At least Strava will incorporate it into their algorithm and estimate it for me.

Nice work, Roland!

2022-05-12 11:25 AM
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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Thanks guys! I just about wrapped up with my VO2Max and over/unders block and will do another FTP test in a couple weeks after a recovery week. I'll try not to overcook myself in the 3' interval which I think hampered my 20' interval performance as well, hehe.

Do the FTP test Curtis! That way you'll know where you're at. (Plus I'm curious about your watts/kg)

I think that race will give you a good estimate Michael. The swim will be a good warm up then you can blast off and nail that bike segment. I'd like to see the average power results of that split.


Edited by kloofyroland 2022-05-12 11:25 AM

2022-05-24 8:48 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

Originally posted by kloofyroland Thanks guys! I just about wrapped up with my VO2Max and over/unders block and will do another FTP test in a couple weeks after a recovery week. I'll try not to overcook myself in the 3' interval which I think hampered my 20' interval performance as well, hehe. Do the FTP test Curtis! That way you'll know where you're at. (Plus I'm curious about your watts/kg) I think that race will give you a good estimate Michael. The swim will be a good warm up then you can blast off and nail that bike segment. I'd like to see the average power results of that split. Roland


This is possibly off-topic, but I did the USAT National Championship race a few weeks ago.  At Triathlons, I am typically in the top 10% on the bike and the top 2% on the run so I was surprised to have the faster Bike Split in my AG and to end up at 23.5% on the run ranking in the AG. Duathlons get a lot of fast runners but no fast cyclists.  I was talking to friends about the race and they said their 17-year-old son has been hitting their new toy which is a stationary bike and that he has been doing 5.0 W/kg.  With a #1 bike split at a nation meet they were wondering where I was at and I told them I have been flat-lined at 4.0 W/kg since 2019 but that I continue to post faster and faster bike splits at every race because I keep buying better equipment.  

Oh...and I did a Triathlon on Saturday where I was #78 on the swim, #8 on the bike, and #3 on the run.  I am not sure if I like Triathlons better where I beat rivals by 2 minutes on the run but we finish together because they were 2 minutes ahead of me on the swim or Duathlons where I get dropped on the second run but can hang with them on the first run and get enough of padding on the bike that I am still in the race.



2022-05-24 12:22 PM
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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Pretty solid performances there man. Looks like holding onto around 4.0watts/kg is keeping you competitive and pwning others in your AG. Maybe I should buy better equipment too, hehehe. I'm still using my 2012 QR Illicito Triathlon bike frame with a mix of SRAM Red and Rival parts.

Anyway, I did my FTP test today and I killed it this time! I attribute that to some really good active recovery over the prior week and not working too hard on anything during the weekend leading into it. Using Jorge's Plan calculator, I'm now at 3.75watts/kg. I'm going to take some time off hard weekday workouts for several weeks and stick with some mixed stuff during my long weekend rides to maintain fitness to recover more and absorb all the fitness then ramp up again after that. Training will become specifically designed for an Olympic distance triathlon the end of July. After that race it's back to Trainer Road. With a tiny bit more weight loss and continued hard workouts, I have a good feeling I'll make it to 4.0watts/kg by the end of the year.

BTW, today's test yielded my best 20' test interval since I started racing triathlons at 258 watts and I didn't feel like puking at the end of it, yay!

Edited by kloofyroland 2022-05-24 12:24 PM
2022-05-24 12:26 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

Originally posted by kloofyroland Pretty solid performances there man. Looks like holding onto around 4.0watts/kg is keeping you competitive and pwning others in your AG. Maybe I should buy better equipment too, hehehe. I'm still using my 2012 QR Illicito Triathlon bike frame with a mix of SRAM Red and Rival parts. Anyway, I did my FTP test today and I killed it this time! I attribute that to some really good active recovery over the prior week and not working too hard on anything during the weekend leading into it. Using Jorge's Plan calculator, I'm now at 3.75watts/kg. I'm going to take some time off hard weekday workouts for several weeks and stick with some mixed stuff during my long weekend rides to maintain fitness to recover more and absorb all the fitness then ramp up again after that. Training will become specifically designed for an Olympic distance triathlon the end of July. After that race it's back to Trainer Road. With a tiny bit more weight loss and continued hard workouts, I have a good feeling I'll make it to 4.0watts/kg by the end of the year. BTW, today's test yielded my best 20' test interval since I started racing triathlons at 258 watts and I didn't feel like puking at the end of it, yay!

Nice work, Roland!  Looks like you're also getting better at testing, too, which really helps.

2022-05-24 12:29 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

I have a sprint tri in a couple of weeks (15 mile bike leg) so I think I'll have an idea of my FTP at that point.  I'm running just to finish so I'm going to hammer the bike leg so I'd imagine a full-out 15-miler (40'-ish) should show me my FTP.  At least Strava will incorporate it into their algorithm and estimate it for me.

Nice work, Roland!

So my race last weekend was really poor indicator for me...way too hilly, crazy warm.  My np was only around 211 which is pathetic but I came in 40th/157 OA on the bike so I guess everyone suffered a bit out there.  I have another race in about 7 weeks that is only 8 miles on the bike, so I guess that's like a 20 test, right? 

2022-05-27 12:11 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

I have another race in about 7 weeks that is only 8 miles on the bike, so I guess that's like a 20 test, right? 

Gonna be a quick one!

2022-08-18 12:12 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Damn covid got me! I had fever, aches, coughing... flu like symptoms. It took me about 4 days to break my fever and about 10 days to get a negative reading on the test. So this week I started getting back on the saddle and mostly easy workouts but all 3 workouts had elevated RPE and average HR than normal for what's easy for me. >.<

I'm hoping it's due to not being in the saddle a short while but to be honest, I think it's an effect of having gotten sick with covid. I'm gonna hit some sweet spot work next week and see how that goes but at this time, I'm thinking I won't be able to hit 4.0watts/kg this year.

2022-08-23 12:50 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

Originally posted by kloofyroland Damn covid got me! I had fever, aches, coughing... flu like symptoms. It took me about 4 days to break my fever and about 10 days to get a negative reading on the test. So this week I started getting back on the saddle and mostly easy workouts but all 3 workouts had elevated RPE and average HR than normal for what's easy for me. >.< I'm hoping it's due to not being in the saddle a short while but to be honest, I think it's an effect of having gotten sick with covid. I'm gonna hit some sweet spot work next week and see how that goes but at this time, I'm thinking I won't be able to hit 4.0watts/kg this year. Roland

Hope you recover quickly, man.  That sucks.  You never know, and couple weeks off might do you good in the long run as long as you don't have any lingering COVID issues (fingers crossed for you on that).

2022-08-24 9:14 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Atlanta, Georgia
Silver member
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Originally posted by kloofyroland

Damn covid got me! I had fever, aches, coughing... flu like symptoms. It took me about 4 days to break my fever and about 10 days to get a negative reading on the test. So this week I started getting back on the saddle and mostly easy workouts but all 3 workouts had elevated RPE and average HR than normal for what's easy for me. >.<

I'm hoping it's due to not being in the saddle a short while but to be honest, I think it's an effect of having gotten sick with covid. I'm gonna hit some sweet spot work next week and see how that goes but at this time, I'm thinking I won't be able to hit 4.0watts/kg this year.


I'm two weeks past my positive test. Headache/Body aches/low grade sore throat. I have some lingering fluid in my chest that comes and goes. I am vaxxed/double boosted and did a course of Paxlovid. I think the Paxlovid helped with the symptoms. Had to cancel a trip and missed a block of training days and on the whole, the thing was a total damn nuisance. On the bright side, HR has only been slightly elevated when I'm running but I'm deliberately going a little slower, too.

Give it some time and you'll get back to baseline..

2022-08-29 11:24 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Thank you for the messages guys. Yup, I have a compromised respiratory system. My legs are still strong but my lungs can't keep up when I go hard. Despite that though, I'm happy that I can still workout and break a sweat.
2022-10-31 11:07 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Hi guys. Looks like my lungs are back at full capacity. The chase continues!

2022-11-04 7:49 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

Originally posted by kloofyroland Hi guys. Looks like my lungs are back at full capacity. The chase continues!

YES!!!!  Glad you're feeling better, Roland.  Chase on!


2022-12-23 1:17 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by kloofyroland Hi guys. Looks like my lungs are back at full capacity. The chase continues!

YES!!!!  Glad you're feeling better, Roland.  Chase on!


Welp, what a year it has been chasing this level of performance. Not sure I would have made it if I didn't get sick cuz man, the work required to go from 3.6watts/kg to 4.0watts/kg is on a whole other level of suffering... for me at least, hehehe.

Anyway, I finished at ~3.7watts/kg based on 2 FTP calculators and I'm in the best ever bike fitness I have ever been in and injury free to boot. I'm going to enter my offseason and try to maintain where I'm at by going harder than normal during my long rides since my group always force me to despite already having done 2 leg days during the week. I aim to restart the chase around February 2023. Happy Holidays guys! Thanks for joining this thread.

2022-12-27 6:52 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!

Originally posted by kloofyroland  the work required to go from 3.6watts/kg to 4.0watts/kg is on a whole other level of suffering... for me at least, hehehe. Anyway, I finished at ~3.7watts/kg based on 2 FTP calculators and I'm in the best ever bike fitness I have ever been in and injury free to boot. I'm going to enter my offseason and try to maintain where I'm at by going harder than normal during my long rides since my group always force me to despite already having done 2 leg days during the week. I aim to restart the chase around February 2023. Happy Holidays guys! Thanks for joining this thread. Roland

Try it at 90+ kg LOL.  For 4.0 my FTP would have to be around 370...I might be able to hold that for 2 minutes on a really good day.

Here's to a brilliant 2023!

2022-12-27 9:36 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh!
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by kloofyroland  the work required to go from 3.6watts/kg to 4.0watts/kg is on a whole other level of suffering... for me at least, hehehe. Anyway, I finished at ~3.7watts/kg based on 2 FTP calculators and I'm in the best ever bike fitness I have ever been in and injury free to boot. I'm going to enter my offseason and try to maintain where I'm at by going harder than normal during my long rides since my group always force me to despite already having done 2 leg days during the week. I aim to restart the chase around February 2023. Happy Holidays guys! Thanks for joining this thread. Roland

Try it at 90+ kg LOL.  For 4.0 my FTP would have to be around 370...I might be able to hold that for 2 minutes on a really good day.

Here's to a brilliant 2023!

Holy smokes man! That's huge wattage for FTP. Maybe for 10 seconds on a good day for me at 370 watts, hehehe.

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Other Resources Challenge Me! » Still chasing 4.0watts/kg argh! Rss Feed  
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Chasing 4.0watts/kg quest continues 2021

Started by kloofyroland
Views: 1342 Posts: 3

2022-01-10 9:33 AM kloofyroland