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2008-08-22 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
I enjoy training and love racing. The challenge to go out on race day to perform at the highest level I can possibly muster is a feeling that is second to none. Tackling a new distance or setting a new PR provide a great deal of satisfaction. But without solid, consistent training, the races wouldn't be possible. So for me, I look forward to each workout, but am visualizing my next race while training.

2008-08-22 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
I enjoy training.  Racing is OK and I like to do well, but training keeps me sane.
2008-08-22 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1620381

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

I'm a competitive personality and I like to win and do well.  So it is all about the racing for me.

BUT ....... I do not train as much as I should nor do I have the opportunities to train as much as I would like.  So it creates a slippery slope.  I love to race, I love to do well, but to do that I need to train more and train smart.  Catch 22 .........

2008-08-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
I train to race well, race to justify training, and love it all.
2008-08-22 3:52 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

I love training and if looked at as a percentage of our season its an overwhelming number compared to racing. That having been said I don't do this to just survive. I have a couple friends who do that and while I respect it that ain't me.

A buddy just finished his first HIM, took him 8 hours. I applaude the accomplishment but If I'm not working on being an AG threat I will not enter.

I took hardware this season in my 3rd Tri ever and did a PB at Timberman Sprint.

Whether its bike racing or Multi I want to be a threat on some level, survival is for the other guy...

Eric J

2008-08-22 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
I have not been at this for long so I am still in the glorious honeymoon stage with the sport.

Like others have said: I enter a race so that I will train so that I will be in better shape so that I can enter a race.

I love and hate races. I am a worry wart and always find myself worrying about my bike staying together, which I shouldn't as it is a good bike. I usually cannot really relax and enjoy things until the run starts. I love hanging out with a bunch of super buff people for a day, I love seeing the look of determination on people's faces as they race (usually when they lap me on the run course) I find a race to be an absolutely glorious chance to observe the human spirit.

I LOVE to see the finish line and cross it.

I love and hate training. Training gives me time to myself, which I like, although sometimes it requires too much time. Sometimes I resent the time I have to train but at the same time I am proud of the sacrifices I have made to allow me to train. I love biking at 6:00 a.m. and seeing a couple other lonely souls on the road, it makes me feel like a chosen one.

For me, I suppose neither the race or the training could exist without the other, although the race is a specific event and the training is a continuous sort of devotion, they are in fact inseparable and I could not imagine one without the other.

Do what you love. You are supposed to enjoy it (most of the time), whatever it is.

2008-08-22 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
If I didn't have a race I wouldn't train. I must have something to shoot for otherwise I'd end up right back on the couch.
2008-08-22 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
I like the discipline, sweat, and the feeling I get from training, but nothing is as fun as competing on race day.
2008-08-22 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
I really like training more than racing. Always have.

When I swam competitively in HS, I HATED swim meeets. The cold water, standing up on that block waiting for the *beep*, watching the others in the lanes beside me... just really stressful and miserable.

Now, if I don't have a race, I am not very dedicated to training. So I must have a race on the calendar so I will train.

But I really don't enjoy racing too frequently. I really don't like getting up at 4:00 AM to be there so early to race. I'm not a morning person.

I know in 2009, I will probably just pick a couple of HIM's and focus on that all season.

If you do one race a year or 50, you are still a triathlete.

2008-08-22 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
Racing for sure. I enjoy aspects of training, especially since I am new to my area, all the running and biking has helped me learn all the local roads. I do not view any of it as some quest to really better myself. Its just a way to stay fit, and then compete. I love racing. I like breaking down my races and comparing how I did to others in my AG and determining what I could have done different to place higher.
2008-08-22 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1620118

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Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

I really enjoy racing, but it's inseparable from training.  Races are training/education for me and training is prep for races.

Competition can help me dig deeper, really good competition inspires me to raise my sights. I dig that.  I love racing and training with people who are better than me.

There are many things I enjoy about structured races (the party atmosphere of a 5k, the wheel van following the field in a bike race, volunteers handing out water at a tri, the friendly socializing in any of them...).

Still, even if there were no wheel vans, or party atmospheres, or post-race food, or medals, or money, or whatever.... I just like competition.
I like competition even in its simplest forms, such as training races or town line sprints.  It makes me smile when someone comes around the side and contests a sprint.  It's a great joy to me.  Win or lose, the contest itself makes me happy. 

2008-08-23 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1620118

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

I thoroughly enjoy the process of training, and I love to bike and run (and swim, but if I had to give up one of the three, swimming would be it). So even if I didn't race, I'd still bike and run (though probably with a lot less intesity).

But I also love the racing aspect. Pushing the limits, seeing how I stack up against others. And yes, I'm competetive in my AG, and usually place well overall in smaller races.

2008-08-23 11:12 AM
in reply to: #1620118

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Northern California
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

I like to train. I really like to swim and run. I LOVE to be able to sit for 8 seconds in T1 and then blow the doors off of people that hurry out of transition.

What a great lifestyle. 

2008-08-23 3:59 PM
in reply to: #1620136

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2008-08-23 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1622077

Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

nickster - 2008-08-22 4:22 PM I enjoy training.  Racing is OK and I like to do well, but training keeps me sane.


what he said.


but i do like my medals.

2008-08-23 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1620118

Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
love both! just not the run on race day, it hurts bad!!!

2008-08-24 6:15 PM
in reply to: #1620118

Colorado Springs, CO
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?
I enjoy the racing more, but I also enjoy the training as I get to stay in shape. I also like to be a role model for the kids as some have said previously. Ultimately I just love being outside and getting some time for myself. The lifestyle period is pure enjoyment for me......but ultimately I like the races and pushing myself beyond previous limits and seeing what is possible.
2008-08-24 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1620213

Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

For me its all about the training.  Currently im focusing on breathing techniques after doing hard cardio like lunges to sprints to flights of stairs then jumping jacks.. I enjoy the way my body reacts to intense workouts and the way I think after getting extremely out of breath.  You really have to concentrate so much harder.  Racing is fun but only because of adrenline you dont feel during training and beating Cevelos and other fancy bikes is always a plus.

Plus during training you can try beating old times, making up new exercises.   Partners make it fun as well.

2008-08-25 6:48 AM
in reply to: #1620118

Spring, TX
Subject: RE: Enjoy Race or Train more? Why?

Tough question.  I love the training, but couldn't do it all without a race to set as my goal. 

I'd still have to say that I enjoy racing the most.  The emotions of race day give me such a high that training just doesn't provide.  That early morning peacefulness(see my avatar) before the start, then having all your hard work pay off and then the relief afterwards...I just love it.

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