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2015-10-15 11:56 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
Argh, forgot to ask. You made your opinion of christianity pretty clear. Are you feelings against Islam just as strong and can you quote from the koran just as well?

2015-10-16 12:20 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by powerman

Originally posted by dmiller5


....and to show compassion to myself and others. First this


and i don't need no stinkin make up superhero to do it. Then this


i'll go one further, the god in the bible is amoral  And just for a pinch of salt, end with this....

So you can talk of morality, but the walking part, not so much....

I don't believe in a supreme being. I don't buy the God of my youth. But Tuwood does. And I don't need to belittle his beliefs. Tuwood is a pretty upstanding guy. He is more than civil in these conversations... and we have had many. Yet I have never heard him belittle others that do not believe as he does. And THAT is a very spiritual act. It's probably not what he is muttering behind his keyboard... but we are all human.

I know the evangelical side... heard it a 1000 times. Doesn't change much. But atheists are the exact same mirror image. Two peas in a pod. Nothing but dogma. Same old rote stuff regurgitated over and over again. And for the life of me, when it comes to judging others, I can't comprehend why some would devote so much of their life trying to prove some one stupid... I mean wrong. But hey, I guess it passes time.

ummm....cool story bro?   don't conflate niceness with morality or compassion.  and really lets look at this issue. regardless of how anything is worded, one side is saying you don't follow this God, so you're amoral and are going to hell.  One side is saying your God is made up, and you're wasting your time and many of you force your beliefs on everyone else.  None of that is particularly nice. 

tired of being lambasted for saying that god is a made up [insert fun word of choice] thing.  because it is made up, thats my view.  but somehow that is a terrible thing to say.  Isn't it equal to say god is real? (hint...it is)

goodnight y'all, try not to get too steamed about internet conversations.


Hummm... So, I'm not talking about God in way shape or form. Spirituality. The human spirit, the natural spirit. what is it?  Regardless where morality came from... in all cultures and races, it is a "belief". A belief in something bigger. again, not talking about God. What that stems from is the very nature of our species. We are social animals, and we want community and society. Every single moral ideal, is nothing more than how we all get along together. Compassion, trust, faith, hope, empathy, forgiveness, honesty, selflessness, love, sacrifice... all spiritual principles. Self less principles. Principles that benefit society. 

Selfishness... that's easy. Principles that benefit self. Greed, lust, stealing, violence, anger, hate, deceit, betrayal ... I don't care where you get yours from, or where Tony get his. But we can all act by a code that takes into account those around us, instead of acting in pure self centeredness.

So when you tell me don't confuse niceness with morality... all I can say is... "What chu takin' bout Willis". What exactly do you think morality is?

What I think you are trying to do is to confuse truth as being moral. Actually, truth is moral. Honesty is morality. But you go off the rails when you do it out of selfishness. Putting down others so you can feel better . You may be factually correct, but your delivery isn't to elevate others understanding. It is to ridicule their understanding. Two different things. That is how it came across to me. I could be wrong.

And again, I'm not talking about God or religion in any way. I'm talking about morality and how we treat each other. The argument of... well they do it too, and  I have already showed you the error in their thinking , so I can do it too... doesn't hold water.

2015-10-16 8:43 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by dmiller5

and if you want my own answer.  Morality is relative.  There is no absolute morality.  In fact, ask 2 different christians and you'll get 3 different answers.  LIkely, our

I could ask two different atheists what morality is and get 15 answers, but that doesn't mean anything. The thing about Christianity is that it has the Bible as the moral standard and it is the standard to which all are to be judged. Sure, there are "Christians" that don't read or understand the bible who may give this or that answer, but it doesn't matter because according to the faith the Bible is the moral compass for Christians no matter what you wish to believe.

You mention that you feel morality is relative but I have to ask who or what is it relative to? From what I gather you feel that your morality is relative to you and what you feel is moral in todays day and age. What you appear to believe is called moral relativism which is is the view that ethical standards, morality, and positions of right or wrong are culturally based and therefore subject to a person's individual choice. We can all decide what is right for ourselves.
A big problem with moral relativism is that it changes. Today you can feel that what you feel, but if tomorrow you're homeless on the street and starving your reality has changed so therefore your morality must change. You can now steal from others because relative to your position it's moral.

morality stems from cultural evolution, and as humanity has progressed morality has been refined to further the species.

So slavery was moral at the time?  We hadn't culturally progressed past it at the time, so according to your definition it was moral.  Same thing about treatment of homosexuals, we hadn't progressed our morality until recently, so it was immoral 30 years ago but moral now?  Or was it never immoral and we didn't progress our morality?  It's either one or the other.


Basically, my morality is to do as little harm as i can to others people, and the other species we share the world with.  To protect and help those weaker than myself, and to show compassion to myself and others.

So you're morality is based on Christian principles?  Christian morality is based on the golden rule which is to treat others as you want to be treated and do unto others as you wish them to do to you.

and i don't need no stinkin make up superhero to do it.

i'll go one further, the god in the bible is amoral

I don't think amoral means what you think it means.  amoral is somebody who is neither moral or immoral, they lack the ability to judge anyone.  A newborn baby is amoral.

Assuming you meant to say immoral, I'm curious why you feel that so strongly about somebody who doesn't exist.  I mean, if he doesn't exist how can he be immoral?  What I think you're saying is that you believe God does exist and that he is immoral because you have to exist in order to be immoral.

This is a big breakthrough, I also believe God exists.  


2015-10-16 8:54 AM
in reply to: powerman

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by powerman

Originally posted by dmiller5


....and to show compassion to myself and others. First this


and i don't need no stinkin make up superhero to do it. Then this


i'll go one further, the god in the bible is amoral  And just for a pinch of salt, end with this....

So you can talk of morality, but the walking part, not so much....

I don't believe in a supreme being. I don't buy the God of my youth. But Tuwood does. And I don't need to belittle his beliefs. Tuwood is a pretty upstanding guy. He is more than civil in these conversations... and we have had many. Yet I have never heard him belittle others that do not believe as he does. And THAT is a very spiritual act. It's probably not what he is muttering behind his keyboard... but we are all human.

I know the evangelical side... heard it a 1000 times. Doesn't change much. But atheists are the exact same mirror image. Two peas in a pod. Nothing but dogma. Same old rote stuff regurgitated over and over again. And for the life of me, when it comes to judging others, I can't comprehend why some would devote so much of their life trying to prove some one stupid... I mean wrong. But hey, I guess it passes time.

You might find this hard to believe but I honestly feel sorry for people who are what I call "angry atheists" because I used to be one.  I can really relate to dmiller because spiritually I was exactly the same for a big part of my life.  I was very angry at Christians and always looking to pick a fight, but when I was 33 I had a life changing experience that I won't get into again here.

The only true analytical/scientific position about religion is to be an agnostic.  Theists believe that we got started by an intentional act by a supreme being of some sort.  atheists believe that we started from nothing for no reason.  Both are beliefs and neither can be proved.  The agnostic doesn't rule out that there could be a creator or that we could have materialized out of thin air for no reason.


2015-10-16 8:59 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by powerman

Originally posted by dmiller5


....and to show compassion to myself and others. First this


and i don't need no stinkin make up superhero to do it. Then this


i'll go one further, the god in the bible is amoral  And just for a pinch of salt, end with this....

So you can talk of morality, but the walking part, not so much....

I don't believe in a supreme being. I don't buy the God of my youth. But Tuwood does. And I don't need to belittle his beliefs. Tuwood is a pretty upstanding guy. He is more than civil in these conversations... and we have had many. Yet I have never heard him belittle others that do not believe as he does. And THAT is a very spiritual act. It's probably not what he is muttering behind his keyboard... but we are all human.

I know the evangelical side... heard it a 1000 times. Doesn't change much. But atheists are the exact same mirror image. Two peas in a pod. Nothing but dogma. Same old rote stuff regurgitated over and over again. And for the life of me, when it comes to judging others, I can't comprehend why some would devote so much of their life trying to prove some one stupid... I mean wrong. But hey, I guess it passes time.

ummm....cool story bro?   don't conflate niceness with morality or compassion.  and really lets look at this issue. regardless of how anything is worded, one side is saying you don't follow this God, so you're amoral and are going to hell.  One side is saying your God is made up, and you're wasting your time and many of you force your beliefs on everyone else.  None of that is particularly nice. 

tired of being lambasted for saying that god is a made up [insert fun word of choice] thing.  because it is made up, thats my view.  but somehow that is a terrible thing to say.  Isn't it equal to say god is real? (hint...it is)

goodnight y'all, try not to get too steamed about internet conversations.


If it's not nice then why are you trying to force your beliefs on others.

I don't think it's terrible to say God is made up, and I hope you're not feeling that I'm lambasting you.  I have no problem at all with anyone being an atheist, agnostic, or theist.  I just encourage people to explore every area thoroughly and respect others decisions when they differ from your own.

2015-10-16 9:05 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by tuwood

I love how the video starts out with the premise that religious people hate atheists.  When you start out with a false narrative and present it as fact the entire message you're trying to get across becomes mute.

The reason people don't support Atheists for political office and such is simply the fact that almost 80% of Americans identify as believing in God.  People like to vote for people that are similar to themselves and will promote their ideals in their public role.  It's not some big mystery.

Except that when it comes to politicians, people view athiesm more negatively than they do pot smoking and adultery (pew research). So unless all those believers in a god are also toking up and cheating on their wives...

2015-10-16 9:08 AM
in reply to: marysia83

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by marysia83 I don't remember where I read it, but matches perfectly with the subject and this forum: "There's no atheist at last mile of Ironman run."

I can honestly say that at no point during the Ironmans I've completed did I ever seek out or find religion. 

2015-10-16 9:10 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by dmiller5

and if you want my own answer.  Morality is relative.  There is no absolute morality.  In fact, ask 2 different christians and you'll get 3 different answers.  LIkely, our morality stems from cultural evolution, and as humanity has progressed morality has been refined to further the species.

Basically, my morality is to do as little harm as i can to others people, and the other species we share the world with.  To protect and help those weaker than myself, and to show compassion to myself and others.


and i don't need no stinkin make up superhero to do it.


i'll go one further, the god in the bible is amoral

How does this make sense to you? You state part of your moral code is to show compassion and in then you go on to state that the god in the bible is amoral? Basically doing harm to the feelings and beliefs of a crapton of your fellow species. And is Huckabee really still in the race?

i'm not doing harm telling you that god is made up.  and the god in the bible condones a lot of killing, slavery, misogynism, etc. etc. etc.  many things that you would consider amoral now.   In fact, I think its amoral to try to convert other people to your religion, as many religions do.  I think its amoral to tell gay people they can't marry, or to terrorize some poor little girl who is getting an abortion. 

etc. etc. blah blah things we have all discussed before.......baffles me though how people say god is the absolute moral, and in his book that y'all love so much it literally says terrible things word for word.

However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.  You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.  You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.  You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.  (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)


that is your god's morality? others can be slaves, but not those like you.  hmmm now i'm beginning to understand where all of this racism and xenophobia comes from during the republican debates.


ETA: another fun verse!!

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.  If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.  But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her.  And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter.  If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife.  If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment.  (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

which one of you is the moral sex slaver? (hint, you aren't, because you are moral people....and its not because of what you read in this book, its because goodness can come from other places)

ETA: new testament fun! 

    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear.  Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.  (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

I'm glad to see you're getting into the Bible, but you'll find you're falling into the trap of reading things out of context.

The Bible is both a historical boo and a spiritual book.  It records the Jewish peoples beginnings, captivity as slaves in Egypt, as well as their exodus into the promise land.  In the old testament there are many stories of rape, incest, murder, slavery, you name it but they're descriptions of events that occurred at that time in the world.

The Leviticus quote looks all scandalous, but it's describing the common practice of indenture servitude that was extremely common in that era.  Foreigners would send their children to other places to be indentured servants which meant they received food and shelter and they worked for it.  It's hard for any of us today to understand this kind of stuff, but 3000 years ago it was a career choice and done by everyone.  You certainly can't take the context of modern day slavery and compare the two.

The Ephesians quote is completely out of context.  Jesus is telling slaves to submit to their earthly masters and work for them as if they were working for God.  He wasn't even talking about their circumstance, he was telling them that their earthly circumstance doesn't matter.  This verse is relative today for people who are in a crappy job, or have a horrible boss.  I obey my earthly masters ( our government, the IRS, etc) even though I don't agree with them because I don't work for them, I work for God.

2015-10-16 9:12 AM
in reply to: tuwood

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by dmiller5

and if you want my own answer.  Morality is relative.  There is no absolute morality.  In fact, ask 2 different christians and you'll get 3 different answers.  LIkely, our morality stems from cultural evolution, and as humanity has progressed morality has been refined to further the species.

Basically, my morality is to do as little harm as i can to others people, and the other species we share the world with.  To protect and help those weaker than myself, and to show compassion to myself and others.


and i don't need no stinkin make up superhero to do it.


i'll go one further, the god in the bible is amoral

How does this make sense to you? You state part of your moral code is to show compassion and in then you go on to state that the god in the bible is amoral? Basically doing harm to the feelings and beliefs of a crapton of your fellow species. And is Huckabee really still in the race?

i'm not doing harm telling you that god is made up.  and the god in the bible condones a lot of killing, slavery, misogynism, etc. etc. etc.  many things that you would consider amoral now.   In fact, I think its amoral to try to convert other people to your religion, as many religions do.  I think its amoral to tell gay people they can't marry, or to terrorize some poor little girl who is getting an abortion. 

etc. etc. blah blah things we have all discussed before.......baffles me though how people say god is the absolute moral, and in his book that y'all love so much it literally says terrible things word for word.

However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.  You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.  You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.  You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.  (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)


that is your god's morality? others can be slaves, but not those like you.  hmmm now i'm beginning to understand where all of this racism and xenophobia comes from during the republican debates.


ETA: another fun verse!!

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.  If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.  But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her.  And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter.  If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife.  If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment.  (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

which one of you is the moral sex slaver? (hint, you aren't, because you are moral people....and its not because of what you read in this book, its because goodness can come from other places)

ETA: new testament fun! 

    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear.  Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.  (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

I'm glad to see you're getting into the Bible, but you'll find you're falling into the trap of reading things out of context.

The Bible is both a historical boo and a spiritual book.  It records the Jewish peoples beginnings, captivity as slaves in Egypt, as well as their exodus into the promise land.  In the old testament there are many stories of rape, incest, murder, slavery, you name it but they're descriptions of events that occurred at that time in the world.

The Leviticus quote looks all scandalous, but it's describing the common practice of indenture servitude that was extremely common in that era.  Foreigners would send their children to other places to be indentured servants which meant they received food and shelter and they worked for it.  It's hard for any of us today to understand this kind of stuff, but 3000 years ago it was a career choice and done by everyone.  You certainly can't take the context of modern day slavery and compare the two.

The Ephesians quote is completely out of context.  Jesus is telling slaves to submit to their earthly masters and work for them as if they were working for God.  He wasn't even talking about their circumstance, he was telling them that their earthly circumstance doesn't matter.  This verse is relative today for people who are in a crappy job, or have a horrible boss.  I obey my earthly masters ( our government, the IRS, etc) even though I don't agree with them because I don't work for them, I work for God.

Just had another though...  The way you described your belief in morality and how it's evolved over time.  Shouldn't all these things you're complaining about in the Bible be moral, because at the time they were moral to society?  ;-)

2015-10-16 9:23 AM
in reply to: tuwood

User image

Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by dmiller5

and if you want my own answer.  Morality is relative.  There is no absolute morality.  In fact, ask 2 different christians and you'll get 3 different answers.  LIkely, our morality stems from cultural evolution, and as humanity has progressed morality has been refined to further the species.

Basically, my morality is to do as little harm as i can to others people, and the other species we share the world with.  To protect and help those weaker than myself, and to show compassion to myself and others.


and i don't need no stinkin make up superhero to do it.


i'll go one further, the god in the bible is amoral

How does this make sense to you? You state part of your moral code is to show compassion and in then you go on to state that the god in the bible is amoral? Basically doing harm to the feelings and beliefs of a crapton of your fellow species. And is Huckabee really still in the race?

i'm not doing harm telling you that god is made up.  and the god in the bible condones a lot of killing, slavery, misogynism, etc. etc. etc.  many things that you would consider amoral now.   In fact, I think its amoral to try to convert other people to your religion, as many religions do.  I think its amoral to tell gay people they can't marry, or to terrorize some poor little girl who is getting an abortion. 

etc. etc. blah blah things we have all discussed before.......baffles me though how people say god is the absolute moral, and in his book that y'all love so much it literally says terrible things word for word.

However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.  You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.  You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.  You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.  (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)


that is your god's morality? others can be slaves, but not those like you.  hmmm now i'm beginning to understand where all of this racism and xenophobia comes from during the republican debates.


ETA: another fun verse!!

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.  If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.  But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her.  And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter.  If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife.  If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment.  (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

which one of you is the moral sex slaver? (hint, you aren't, because you are moral people....and its not because of what you read in this book, its because goodness can come from other places)

ETA: new testament fun! 

    Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear.  Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.  (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

I'm glad to see you're getting into the Bible, but you'll find you're falling into the trap of reading things out of context.

The Bible is both a historical boo and a spiritual book.  It records the Jewish peoples beginnings, captivity as slaves in Egypt, as well as their exodus into the promise land.  In the old testament there are many stories of rape, incest, murder, slavery, you name it but they're descriptions of events that occurred at that time in the world.

The Leviticus quote looks all scandalous, but it's describing the common practice of indenture servitude that was extremely common in that era.  Foreigners would send their children to other places to be indentured servants which meant they received food and shelter and they worked for it.  It's hard for any of us today to understand this kind of stuff, but 3000 years ago it was a career choice and done by everyone.  You certainly can't take the context of modern day slavery and compare the two.

The Ephesians quote is completely out of context.  Jesus is telling slaves to submit to their earthly masters and work for them as if they were working for God.  He wasn't even talking about their circumstance, he was telling them that their earthly circumstance doesn't matter.  This verse is relative today for people who are in a crappy job, or have a horrible boss.  I obey my earthly masters ( our government, the IRS, etc) even though I don't agree with them because I don't work for them, I work for God.

Just had another though...  The way you described your belief in morality and how it's evolved over time.  Shouldn't all these things you're complaining about in the Bible be moral, because at the time they were moral to society?  ;-)

Won't work....trust me.  I tried to convince my wife she was my slave......I got really hungry.

2015-10-16 9:56 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

too many things to reply to, i'm going to consolidate.

I was raised jewish, so i know far more about that then about christianity. i studied a fair amount of religion in college, so i can probably say nasty things about all the major ones.  those bible quotes i googled....and your interpretation doesn't interest me.  It is my impression that the religious say god holds an absolute moral standard, for this to be true the moral cannot change over time. 

What is considered good and moral by a society does change over time, and in my view therefor cannot be from god.

being mean, being nice, and being moral are totally different.  and to call me immoral (thanks for the correction tuwood) because i'm not telling everyone that whatever they believe is right, is just stupid.  I didn't expect the PC police to come from you guys...but then again its religion so everything is held to a higher standard.

I really can't give 2 effs what you believe, or what you do in your home. thats where my morale responsibility begins and ends on this matter.  If theres someone else that is oppressing you, i should stop them.  Otherwise, it isn't my moral responsibility to tell you that your god is right and great and whatever.  I'm also really tired of christmas music for like 3 months a year, that should definitely be a crime :P


some of my morality comes from yoga....I know, you'll probably start screaming religion or something.  But I think my big qualm isn't  so much the religion, its the idea that one supreme being cares what we do when we're naked....  The fact that we keep reinterpreting the books and come up with new moral standards tells me that the morality is coming from us, and the book is probably in fact holding us back.

and for a little backstory, i remember yours tuwood, and i know religion has been great for you.       i was sorta raised jewish, did the barmitzvah thing, in college got involved with an orthodox religious group, tried it out, and then came to the conclusion that there is no god, therefore all of these god based religions are fubar.


2015-10-16 11:21 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

User image

Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
"being mean, being nice, and being moral are totally different. and to call me immoral (thanks for the correction tuwood) because i'm not telling everyone that whatever they believe is right, is just stupid. I didn't expect the PC police to come from you guys...but then again its religion so everything is held to a higher standard."

David. I think we ( at least me ) are not suggesting that you tell others that what they believe in is right. That's utter nonsense because you wouldn't be true to yourself if you did. What I'm suggesting is that if your view of morality is "live and let live" , I feel you're falling short of your own goals by attacking other peoples beliefs. No matter how silly, how scientifically ridiculous or socially backwards it might seem to YOU; you need to let that shiite go dude. Yes, there is a large segment of our population that wants to jam their beliefs and moral code down your throat. You retaliate by knocking down those beliefs and what has David accomplished? David has got himself wound tight and fizzed off. Kinda blocks your third eye, right? Neither party is going to convert each other when each is certain they are right. If you truly want to live by a moral code that does the least amount of damage to you fellow species, THAT will require you to hold yourself to a higher standard. Blow that shiite off and transfer that aggression to your pedals, not another human being.
2015-10-16 11:55 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by dmiller5

too many things to reply to, i'm going to consolidate.

I was raised jewish, so i know far more about that then about christianity. i studied a fair amount of religion in college, so i can probably say nasty things about all the major ones.  those bible quotes i googled....and your interpretation doesn't interest me.  It is my impression that the religious say god holds an absolute moral standard, for this to be true the moral cannot change over time. 

What is considered good and moral by a society does change over time, and in my view therefor cannot be from god.

being mean, being nice, and being moral are totally different.  and to call me immoral (thanks for the correction tuwood) because i'm not telling everyone that whatever they believe is right, is just stupid.  I didn't expect the PC police to come from you guys...but then again its religion so everything is held to a higher standard.

I really can't give 2 effs what you believe, or what you do in your home. thats where my morale responsibility begins and ends on this matter.  If theres someone else that is oppressing you, i should stop them.  Otherwise, it isn't my moral responsibility to tell you that your god is right and great and whatever.  I'm also really tired of christmas music for like 3 months a year, that should definitely be a crime :P


some of my morality comes from yoga....I know, you'll probably start screaming religion or something.  But I think my big qualm isn't  so much the religion, its the idea that one supreme being cares what we do when we're naked....  The fact that we keep reinterpreting the books and come up with new moral standards tells me that the morality is coming from us, and the book is probably in fact holding us back.

and for a little backstory, i remember yours tuwood, and i know religion has been great for you.       i was sorta raised jewish, did the barmitzvah thing, in college got involved with an orthodox religious group, tried it out, and then came to the conclusion that there is no god, therefore all of these god based religions are fubar.


Even as a Christian I can absolutely agree that we need to ban christmas music!!!  haha

I think it really boils down to morality being a a tricky thing to nail down.  For example we could all probably agree that some things like murder and rape are morally wrong and always have been.  In that context morality is a constant.  However, in other ways our perception of morality seems to change over time on other less cut and dry things.  So when our perception of morality changes, was it always moral but we're just now realizing it, or did it actually change from being immoral in the past to being moral today?

I personally feel the morality discussion is very fascinating.  It's a fun topic with amazing writings on both sides of the discussion.
This article is several years old, but I've read it a few times over the years.  It's from an atheist and touches on some of the challenges with morality from an atheist perspective.




2015-10-16 12:07 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
What the heck is an Atheist Jew?

And with morality being relative, therefore each individual defining their own morality, then how is there a cohesive sense of right and wrong? Any action, vice, or conduct that satisfies the self would be by definition morally right..

2015-10-16 12:41 PM
in reply to: #5146924

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there.

@miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different.

But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.
2015-10-16 1:22 PM
in reply to: powerman

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
Originally posted by powerman

Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there.

@miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different.

But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.

I don't see where Atheism supports the argument you are making. It instead seem to reason that everyone is indeed their own island and the endgame is the worship of the desires of oneself.

Again, I am still stuck at how a Jew is an atheist but perhaps that prove my argument as is doesn't matter that an atheist believes in God as long as that belief services the worship of the self.

I am not being critical here,I am just a little confused and trying to understand it all.

2015-10-16 2:00 PM
in reply to: powerman

New user
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
Originally posted by powerman

Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there.

@miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different.

But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.

That is where the christian view of morality differs from social or cultural. We don't have to wrong someone to be immoral. If we have immoral thoughts, it is offensive to God.

2015-10-16 2:06 PM
in reply to: NXS

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by NXS
Originally posted by powerman Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there. @miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different. But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.
That is where the christian view of morality differs from social or cultural. We don't have to wrong someone to be immoral. If we have immoral thoughts, it is offensive to God.

God hates me.

2015-10-16 2:18 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by NXS
Originally posted by powerman Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there. @miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different. But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.
That is where the christian view of morality differs from social or cultural. We don't have to wrong someone to be immoral. If we have immoral thoughts, it is offensive to God.

God hates me.

nah, he still loves you.  

2015-10-16 2:37 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by NXS
Originally posted by powerman Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there. @miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different. But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.
That is where the christian view of morality differs from social or cultural. We don't have to wrong someone to be immoral. If we have immoral thoughts, it is offensive to God.

God hates me.

You should probably flog yourself whilst kneeling on broken glass.
2015-10-16 2:39 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by NXS
Originally posted by powerman Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there. @miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different. But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.
That is where the christian view of morality differs from social or cultural. We don't have to wrong someone to be immoral. If we have immoral thoughts, it is offensive to God.

God hates me.

You should probably flog yourself whilst kneeling on broken glass.

and have three bloody mary's... oh wait, did I say that wrong...  

2015-10-16 2:50 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by NXS
Originally posted by powerman Mdg2003 summed it better than I. So I will leave it there. @miller... Social norms change over time. I suppose that means morality in a sense does too. But again, it goes back to self or community. Alone on a deserted island, I could actually do no wrong. Nobody is there to wrong. I could be completely self centered. Who cares? But in society, that's different. But it isn't that complicated. If you are benefiting at the expense of another. It's wrong. As in taking from them. Abuse, violence, stealing. And social norms may change, but just because it was acceptable once, doesn't mean it was right. Morality isn't as much of a moving target as it seems. Right and wrong are pretty constant. Certainly degree might change. But harming someone 2000 years ago isn't any less wrong than doing it today. Even if it was accepted. It really just means immorality was more accepted before.
That is where the christian view of morality differs from social or cultural. We don't have to wrong someone to be immoral. If we have immoral thoughts, it is offensive to God.

God hates me.

You should probably flog yourself whilst kneeling on broken glass.

and have three bloody mary's... oh wait, did I say that wrong...  

Yep, he should be fasting too. Maybe if he left out the celery garnish?
2015-10-16 2:56 PM
in reply to: Jackemy1

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Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism
Originally posted by Jackemy1

What the heck is an Atheist Jew?

And with morality being relative, therefore each individual defining their own morality, then how is there a cohesive sense of right and wrong? Any action, vice, or conduct that satisfies the self would be by definition morally right..

He said he was raised Jewish. I guess if since he's chosen to denounce all religion, that would no longer make him Jewish in his own eyes. I do not know if the Jewish community would recognize this and no longer consider him to be Jewish.
2015-10-16 3:06 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Jackemy1 What the heck is an Atheist Jew? And with morality being relative, therefore each individual defining their own morality, then how is there a cohesive sense of right and wrong? Any action, vice, or conduct that satisfies the self would be by definition morally right..
He said he was raised Jewish. I guess if since he's chosen to denounce all religion, that would no longer make him Jewish in his own eyes. I do not know if the Jewish community would recognize this and no longer consider him to be Jewish.

That was my interpretation as well.  Grew up Jewish, but came to believe there was no God.

On a side note in church a few months ago our pastor used the term Christian Atheist to describe somebody who believes in God (Christ), but lives their life as though he doesn't exist.  #ouch

2015-10-16 4:02 PM
in reply to: tuwood

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: interesting video on aetheism

Originally posted by tuwood

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Jackemy1 What the heck is an Atheist Jew? And with morality being relative, therefore each individual defining their own morality, then how is there a cohesive sense of right and wrong? Any action, vice, or conduct that satisfies the self would be by definition morally right..
He said he was raised Jewish. I guess if since he's chosen to denounce all religion, that would no longer make him Jewish in his own eyes. I do not know if the Jewish community would recognize this and no longer consider him to be Jewish.

That was my interpretation as well.  Grew up Jewish, but came to believe there was no God.

On a side note in church a few months ago our pastor used the term Christian Atheist to describe somebody who believes in God (Christ), but lives their life as though he doesn't exist.  #ouch

By that standard, I'm certain there are quite a few Atheist "Christians" who don't believe in God (Christ) but spend their lives going to church and going through the motions.  (Christians in quotes because I know you really can't be a Christian without sincerely professing your faith).

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