BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-01-01 11:32 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Happy New Year - excellent topic suggestions! 

How about this week we talk about goals (resolutions) and how we intend to achieve them? 

For me, although, I don't always eat super well - very impressed by Todd and his wife's healthy eating habits - I don't do too badly.  I like to cook and make things so although I do reach for junk more often than I should we don't eat all that much in the way of processed foods and neither of us are very picky so we eat quite broadly. It's always on my mind to eat better. 

I do mainly want to get more consistent about training and actually train and do decently well at the races i've planned - that would also include communicating better with my husband about these things - he's pretty open but I already feel bad at times asking for the training time.  Have any tips for for that, guys?

The first step i need to do is upload the training plan and see what it looks like and commit to it. Similar to Tera i will probably modify the run volume to meet my half marathon training over the next 8 weeks. 

Have you had past goals that you thought you did a good job of achieving? How did you do it? 

2014-01-01 12:00 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Happy new year everyone!

No real resolutions here, more like goals to get back to consistent training. as for cadence, my understanding is that like stride length everyone has a preferred cadence that their body does best at.
2014-01-01 12:07 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by smithat05
Originally posted by rydergal
Originally posted by juniperjen

So there's a few of us here - I want to check in and see what people want to get out of the thread.  I like when people can check in and share progress, workouts, their race plans, etc.  But are people particularly interested in some specific topics - maybe we have a question of the week or discussion topic for the week where we can share - whether that's helpful tips, websites, thoughts, etc?  What do you think?

Thot of a couple more while on my spin today- high cadence vs low cadence's /con's?? I know I gravitate towards a low cadence but tend to be the strongest in biking so would it benefit me to go higher cadence?? An old trainer of mine said just go with what's most comfortable if you are getting the results you want.... Music!!! I have a song that every time I hear it reminds me of Ironman and a few others that I know if i'm struggling during a run if I put on it will motivate me.....
I think it is important to spin at a cadence comfortable for you but science is that a lower cadence is better for muscle build, easier, and will not kill your legs for the run

That is exactly what I understand about it. My hubby comes from the higher is better school and coached me a lot to up my cadence so i always try to keep it over 80 rpm which seems to be really good for my run legs. I've had good run splits in my races - not just because I was a runner first - in part due to keeping an eye on cadence.  When I did the Muskoka 70.3 I had a slow bike split (which was right where i thought i should be given my training and ability) but I was able to run the entire way on a hilly course.  Of course, there's probably a middle group of working harder on the bike ... which i think is where I really need work - i actually need to build some power in my legs for biking so i probably need to do a bunch more harder gear, lower cadence work. 

But i would say that optimal training would include both high and low cadence work to get the balance right - power without sucking the legs too dry for the run. 

Has anyone here done Jorge's winter bike plan? I've meant to do it but never have. I am a bit of a weenie on the trainer. We also bought the sufferfest videos on recommendation from some folks here but haven't cracked them either, I am a little embarrassed to admit! 


I love Troy Jacobsen Spinervals & sufferfest on a Saturday morning- good sweat!! I actually have a dvd that is some the Ironman Wisconsin ( I think?) route and is about 3 hrs for IM one day I put it on as it was pouring rain and I needed to do a 3hr was horrible!!!! I was so bored and the scenery was not even
2014-01-01 12:23 PM
in reply to: 0

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy New Year - excellent topic suggestions! 

How about this week we talk about goals (resolutions) and how we intend to achieve them? 

For me, although, I don't always eat super well - very impressed by Todd and his wife's healthy eating habits - I don't do too badly.  I like to cook and make things so although I do reach for junk more often than I should we don't eat all that much in the way of processed foods and neither of us are very picky so we eat quite broadly. It's always on my mind to eat better. 

I do mainly want to get more consistent about training and actually train and do decently well at the races i've planned - that would also include communicating better with my husband about these things - he's pretty open but I already feel bad at times asking for the training time.  Have any tips for for that, guys?

The first step i need to do is upload the training plan and see what it looks like and commit to it. Similar to Tera i will probably modify the run volume to meet my half marathon training over the next 8 weeks. 

Have you had past goals that you thought you did a good job of achieving? How did you do it? 

This past year the hubby and I decided to go organic and non-hormone fed meat....we really enjoy it and eat that way about 95%....which has stopped us from eating processed's definitely not cheap but we hope that the long term effects on the kids and us are worth it.

Jen- don't feel bad about asking for training time! This is the way I look at it- we are on mat leave and spend majority of our time with a little person which is great but we still need that time to enjoy ourselves and adult time ( which would be easily done at work but since on mat leave that doesn't really happen day to day) So when I ask for training time it's my time to think for my self, enjoy the sights, turn up my music and be me. I think secretly my hubby likes when I go cuz then he gets time with the kiddos to himself which is also important! Training for me while on leave is my mental break I need and keeps me happy. which is better for my kids!

When I was training for IM we lived out of the city so we would make a day out of it and come into the city or go to the mountains...we would bring hubby's bike & chariot and they would bike along side of me for my long run...then we would go out for lunch. It was a nice way to incorporate the family without feeling bad .....same with swimming they would play in the kiddie pool while I quickly got some laps in and then I'd go join them.

I think if you show your children from day 1 what its like to be active they think it's normal that mom goes for a run/bike/ swim and then when they get older they aren't crying for you when you leave and such.....when I come home my daughter sometimes come down and does stretches with me or does yoga....yesterday while on the trainer we brought her bike to the basement and she rode around & was bringing me pretend energy drinks. It was too cute and a good way for her to be involved.

Edited by rydergal 2014-01-01 12:26 PM
2014-01-01 12:26 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy New Year - excellent topic suggestions! 

How about this week we talk about goals (resolutions) and how we intend to achieve them? 

For me, although, I don't always eat super well - very impressed by Todd and his wife's healthy eating habits - I don't do too badly.  I like to cook and make things so although I do reach for junk more often than I should we don't eat all that much in the way of processed foods and neither of us are very picky so we eat quite broadly. It's always on my mind to eat better. 

I do mainly want to get more consistent about training and actually train and do decently well at the races i've planned - that would also include communicating better with my husband about these things - he's pretty open but I already feel bad at times asking for the training time.  Have any tips for for that, guys?

The first step i need to do is upload the training plan and see what it looks like and commit to it. Similar to Tera i will probably modify the run volume to meet my half marathon training over the next 8 weeks. 

Have you had past goals that you thought you did a good job of achieving? How did you do it? 

Goals- Just to finish the races I've signed up for...and hopefully stay injury free...I've never battled injury/pain like this before so it's been humbling and tough to deal with. I have never felt so weak...i'm hoping with consistent & smart training I will overcome this.
2014-01-01 8:57 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy New Year - excellent topic suggestions! 

How about this week we talk about goals (resolutions) and how we intend to achieve them? 

For me, although, I don't always eat super well - very impressed by Todd and his wife's healthy eating habits - I don't do too badly.  I like to cook and make things so although I do reach for junk more often than I should we don't eat all that much in the way of processed foods and neither of us are very picky so we eat quite broadly. It's always on my mind to eat better. 

I do mainly want to get more consistent about training and actually train and do decently well at the races i've planned - that would also include communicating better with my husband about these things - he's pretty open but I already feel bad at times asking for the training time.  Have any tips for for that, guys?

The first step i need to do is upload the training plan and see what it looks like and commit to it. Similar to Tera i will probably modify the run volume to meet my half marathon training over the next 8 weeks. 

Have you had past goals that you thought you did a good job of achieving? How did you do it? 

Ha, I posted before I saw this.

My goals for this year are to get back into the swing of things and hopefully finally get to the weight I've always wanted to be. I was close a number of years ago and hope to get back there. It is easier for me when I am at home without office lunches to throw me off course. I would say I generally eat everything I'm supposed to, with too much of what you aren't supposed to eat. I eat whole grains, lots of fruit and veg, but I have a mean sweet tooth that I have to control. I love baking too, which isn't good. perhaps I can find some healthier baked recipes to satisfy the cravings.

As for races, I talked with DH this afternoon and we have agreed that I will go for the series points instead of the half ironman. I will do one half marathon in the spring and then shift my focus to training for sprints. I will do two 750m/20km/5km races and two 750m/30ishkm/7ishkm races this summer. My swim and bike are fairly strong (or should be when I get back into the swing of things) and I'll work hard on my run, which is probably where my focus will be as it is the easiest to do with a child (as he can come with me).

as for feeling bad about asking for the time, I understand completely. My husband has never said no, but I still feel bad asking for some reason. He works full time, is trying to get back into shape (his dad died when he was 14 of a heart attack and he wants to be there for J). On top of that he is in school part time to finish his degree, so he already has so much on his plate. I know I need to make myself a priority, but I'm the sort to put myself last. I'm hoping that after we do sleep training things will get a little easier.

as for achieving past goals, I have done that by putting myself first (ahead of my work). Hmmmm... you think that would tell me something...

Edited by Daffodil 2014-01-01 8:59 PM

2014-01-01 10:12 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Ultimate goal is to Pace the Half Marathon in May at 1:40. then race my first Half Ironman in June. I would love to go sub 5:30 but don't really know if thats being too greedy.
Other than that, would love to get to my ideal race weight of 170lbs, and just continue to be a good father, husband and overall good spiritual and loving person, that also eats healthy too!!

Goals that I have accomplished,

Quit dipping tobacco, had done it for 13 years

Knocked 16 mins off my time last year on the same Oly course.

As far as asking for training time, I am assuming you are not working?
If you have a great relationship and he understands that you want to acheive these goals and if he is into endurance sports at all then I think you talk over your training plan with him and say that you would like to follow this as close as you can. Give him a copy to keep so maybe he can get home early or get up through the night with the baby when you have a big training day. I understand that my wife wants to run and bike, she wants to do her first Duathlon this year so it is cutting into my training time some.

Do you have a trainer you can ride while the baby sleeps?
Jogging stroller for the warmer months?

Got in a 1 hour ride tonight on the trainer, about 18.5 miles.
snowed 6 inches last night, hopefully getting up early to run with my running partner in the snow.

(IMG_1820 - Copy.JPG)

IMG_1820 - Copy.JPG (96KB - 7 downloads)
2014-01-01 11:29 PM
in reply to: #4915239


Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Name: Heather

Story: short and sweet this one. Im 26, I live in a village in north Wales, and less than 8 weeks ago I had a little boy. Before he arrived I was playing netball 3 nights a week and training for my first triathlon along with working full time as an accountant. But with the combination of bad knees (awaiting surgery on one to remove a fatty mass and a cyst) and pregnancy. Training didn't go to plan.

Family: husband, son, step daughter (lives with her mother) and 2 dogs.

Current training: none. I was active all through pregnancy and went for my first run 5 days after giving birth. But not had time to hit the road or swim as of yet.

Weight loss: I have roughly 18lb to lose to get to pre pregnancy weight. And then another 14 to get to my lightest.

Races. Last year none. And this year maby one in September - knee injury permitting. Hopefully reach sprint distance fitness in a few months and see where we go from there.

I'm not one for posting much on forums, I just lurk in the background. But I do find I loose motion quite easily. So Im going to try and be more involved.

I'm going to kneed all the help I can get this year to get back to fitness so please feel free to help!!!

Heather ??
2014-01-01 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4922176


Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Agh my smilie turned in to ?? Bloody auto correct.

2014-01-02 8:11 AM
in reply to: #4922178

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Got in a 7 mile run at 7 am. Took Shirley my pup , 6-8 inches of snow. Had ice in my goatee when I was done.
2014-01-02 11:55 AM
in reply to: Heather_helo

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
welcome heather! A run 5 days post partum??? I'm impressed.

2014-01-02 12:20 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Name/age/location: Seth/ 32/New Jersey
Story: Was an overweight kid/teen/college student. Lost about 70lbs in law school then picked up running after graduating. I've completed a 1/2 marathon, and some 5Ks. This summer, while out of work, I trained for my first sprint tri. I completed the race using a 20 year old mountain bike. I was last (by a lot) in my age group, but I finished!!! A few weeks later I went and bought my first road bike (a Trek 1.5).

Family Status: Married with a 13 month old boy.

Current Training: I fell on New Years Eve and hurt my big toe pretty badly- don't think I'll be able to run for about a week, I hope. I typically swim one morning a week. Biking has been hard because of the weather but I'm expecting delivery of a bike trainer any day now so I'll be able to get in hour long rides in the mornings. I typically can devote 4-5 days a week to some level of training.

This year's races: Rutgers 1/2 Marathon in April and then a few sprint tri's over the summer and hopefully moving up to the olympic distance NJ State Triathlon toward the end of the year. It's a hectic summer (6 weddings) so I have to set the schedule soon. In 2015, I want to to the NYC Tri and the Princeton 70.3.

Weightloss: My body does pretty well when I'm in teh 160-165 range (I'm 5'7"; however, with increased training, I may drop into the high 150s. i'm not looking to lose any weight but I wouldn't mind shedding a few pounds. I'm still trying to trim the small gut I have left but a lot of it is probably skin from when I weighed 235.

What will make me a good mentee: I go out everyday to do my best. I'm my hardest critic but I set realistic goals and work very hard to achieve them. Plus, with my own weight loss journey, I love to inspire people to get healthy. I'm living the healthiest lifestyle I can and would love all others to love themselves as much as I do.
2014-01-02 5:48 PM
in reply to: Daffodil


Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

welcome heather! A run 5 days post partum??? I'm impressed.

Well it wasn't far and id bn on my arse doing very little for 2 weeks so had to blow a few cobwebs away.

I got a 10k bike ride in on the exercise bike today together with shuttle runs in the park and a few body weight exercises on the jungle gym with the dog's and the pram. Think the village thinks ive gone mad running back and forth between a tree and the pram though :-/

How does everyone else fit in training with kids as they get older? Its easy at the mo all I have to do is stick him in his pram and lil one sleeps, but I think it will get harder.
2014-01-02 7:25 PM
in reply to: Heather_helo

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Got in a 45 min Swim after all my accounts closed due to the weather.

Going to try and workout tomorrow during an extended lunch break

Welcome Heather,

Maybe try having the kid ride the bike/tricycle next to you while you run?
Get a trailer for the bike?
or can you still use a jogging stroller?

What is a pram?
2014-01-02 7:52 PM
in reply to: Heather_helo

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Heather_helo

Originally posted by Daffodil

welcome heather! A run 5 days post partum??? I'm impressed.

Well it wasn't far and id bn on my arse doing very little for 2 weeks so had to blow a few cobwebs away.

I got a 10k bike ride in on the exercise bike today together with shuttle runs in the park and a few body weight exercises on the jungle gym with the dog's and the pram. Think the village thinks ive gone mad running back and forth between a tree and the pram though :-/

How does everyone else fit in training with kids as they get older? Its easy at the mo all I have to do is stick him in his pram and lil one sleeps, but I think it will get harder.

sleep train so you can workout during naps! That's what I do or after they go to bed. ( also good where sleep training comes in- our house doesn't get up till 7am so I can get the evening workouts in and not be up at the crack of dawn! welcome to the group!
2014-01-02 7:56 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy New Year - excellent topic suggestions! 

How about this week we talk about goals (resolutions) and how we intend to achieve them? 

For me, although, I don't always eat super well - very impressed by Todd and his wife's healthy eating habits - I don't do too badly.  I like to cook and make things so although I do reach for junk more often than I should we don't eat all that much in the way of processed foods and neither of us are very picky so we eat quite broadly. It's always on my mind to eat better. 

I do mainly want to get more consistent about training and actually train and do decently well at the races i've planned - that would also include communicating better with my husband about these things - he's pretty open but I already feel bad at times asking for the training time.  Have any tips for for that, guys?

The first step i need to do is upload the training plan and see what it looks like and commit to it. Similar to Tera i will probably modify the run volume to meet my half marathon training over the next 8 weeks. 

Have you had past goals that you thought you did a good job of achieving? How did you do it? 

Ha, I posted before I saw this.

My goals for this year are to get back into the swing of things and hopefully finally get to the weight I've always wanted to be. I was close a number of years ago and hope to get back there. It is easier for me when I am at home without office lunches to throw me off course. I would say I generally eat everything I'm supposed to, with too much of what you aren't supposed to eat. I eat whole grains, lots of fruit and veg, but I have a mean sweet tooth that I have to control. I love baking too, which isn't good. perhaps I can find some healthier baked recipes to satisfy the cravings.

As for races, I talked with DH this afternoon and we have agreed that I will go for the series points instead of the half ironman. I will do one half marathon in the spring and then shift my focus to training for sprints. I will do two 750m/20km/5km races and two 750m/30ishkm/7ishkm races this summer. My swim and bike are fairly strong (or should be when I get back into the swing of things) and I'll work hard on my run, which is probably where my focus will be as it is the easiest to do with a child (as he can come with me).

as for feeling bad about asking for the time, I understand completely. My husband has never said no, but I still feel bad asking for some reason. He works full time, is trying to get back into shape (his dad died when he was 14 of a heart attack and he wants to be there for J). On top of that he is in school part time to finish his degree, so he already has so much on his plate. I know I need to make myself a priority, but I'm the sort to put myself last. I'm hoping that after we do sleep training things will get a little easier.

as for achieving past goals, I have done that by putting myself first (ahead of my work). Hmmmm... you think that would tell me something...

Sleep training did wonders for us!! we did it at about 4 1/2 months and now he sleeps 2 hr naps 3x day and all night from 8 to 7am....I feel so much better and has done wonders for my injury. I can also get a workout in the evening with my hubby and not have to be up at the crack of also gives enough time in the morning for me to drop my daughter at preschool, do a decent workout and shower and then pick her up all while he naps.

2014-01-02 8:33 PM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

Originally posted by Daffodil

Originally posted by juniperjen

Happy New Year - excellent topic suggestions! 

How about this week we talk about goals (resolutions) and how we intend to achieve them? 

For me, although, I don't always eat super well - very impressed by Todd and his wife's healthy eating habits - I don't do too badly.  I like to cook and make things so although I do reach for junk more often than I should we don't eat all that much in the way of processed foods and neither of us are very picky so we eat quite broadly. It's always on my mind to eat better. 

I do mainly want to get more consistent about training and actually train and do decently well at the races i've planned - that would also include communicating better with my husband about these things - he's pretty open but I already feel bad at times asking for the training time.  Have any tips for for that, guys?

The first step i need to do is upload the training plan and see what it looks like and commit to it. Similar to Tera i will probably modify the run volume to meet my half marathon training over the next 8 weeks. 

Have you had past goals that you thought you did a good job of achieving? How did you do it? 

Ha, I posted before I saw this.

My goals for this year are to get back into the swing of things and hopefully finally get to the weight I've always wanted to be. I was close a number of years ago and hope to get back there. It is easier for me when I am at home without office lunches to throw me off course. I would say I generally eat everything I'm supposed to, with too much of what you aren't supposed to eat. I eat whole grains, lots of fruit and veg, but I have a mean sweet tooth that I have to control. I love baking too, which isn't good. perhaps I can find some healthier baked recipes to satisfy the cravings.

As for races, I talked with DH this afternoon and we have agreed that I will go for the series points instead of the half ironman. I will do one half marathon in the spring and then shift my focus to training for sprints. I will do two 750m/20km/5km races and two 750m/30ishkm/7ishkm races this summer. My swim and bike are fairly strong (or should be when I get back into the swing of things) and I'll work hard on my run, which is probably where my focus will be as it is the easiest to do with a child (as he can come with me).

as for feeling bad about asking for the time, I understand completely. My husband has never said no, but I still feel bad asking for some reason. He works full time, is trying to get back into shape (his dad died when he was 14 of a heart attack and he wants to be there for J). On top of that he is in school part time to finish his degree, so he already has so much on his plate. I know I need to make myself a priority, but I'm the sort to put myself last. I'm hoping that after we do sleep training things will get a little easier.

as for achieving past goals, I have done that by putting myself first (ahead of my work). Hmmmm... you think that would tell me something...

Sleep training did wonders for us!! we did it at about 4 1/2 months and now he sleeps 2 hr naps 3x day and all night from 8 to 7am....I feel so much better and has done wonders for my injury. I can also get a workout in the evening with my hubby and not have to be up at the crack of also gives enough time in the morning for me to drop my daughter at preschool, do a decent workout and shower and then pick her up all while he naps.

we were going to do sleep training last week, but at J's 4 month appointment, our doctor said that we should wait till closer to 6 months. She said that most babies aren't able to self soothe until closer to 6 months and that it would just be frustrating to try now. Which method did you use? I bought the sleep easy solution and have read it cover to cove. the last 1.5 months have been exhausting. He went from sleeping 5-6 hours straight at night, only waking up once or twice a night and going right back down after nursing to being up every 2 hours or less every night and not going back into his crib. After spending an hour trying to get him back asleep in his crib, I give up and bring him into our bed. He is really only eating once a night, but suckles for a few minutes to put himself back to sleep. last night that was at 1:30 which is the earliest it has been (he has a bit of a cold). Naps, are with him in my arms. I've mastered the napping and sleeping together bit now so at least I'm decently well rested, but it would be nice to be able to get something done while he naps!

Current plan is to do sleep training in 4 weeks.
2014-01-03 2:08 AM
in reply to: smithat05


Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Got in a 45 min Swim after all my accounts closed due to the weather.

Going to try and workout tomorrow during an extended lunch break

Welcome Heather,

Maybe try having the kid ride the bike/tricycle next to you while you run?
Get a trailer for the bike?
or can you still use a jogging stroller?

What is a pram?

Pram is the english (uk) word for a lie flat stroler.
I use a 3 wheeler thats built a bit like a tank at the mo. Its ideal for jogging/off roading but I dont want to start doing that untill hes a bit bigger. Did u jog with your stroler? How old was yours when u started ?
2014-01-03 2:18 AM
in reply to: Daffodil


Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
We started sleep training at 4 weeks. Its a bit all over the place in the day but we get a good amount of sleep at night, 10.30 till 6 most days but it depends on how much he slept during the day. ( I cant keep him awake some days)

Did any of you get bike seats/trailers to take kids out on bikes?

Todays plan is to get a run or a bike ride in as little man is going to my mothers for the day. Hopefully weather will b better than it is now - high winds forcast 50mph
2014-01-03 7:35 AM
in reply to: Heather_helo

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Heather_helo

Originally posted by smithat05

Got in a 45 min Swim after all my accounts closed due to the weather.

Going to try and workout tomorrow during an extended lunch break

Welcome Heather,

Maybe try having the kid ride the bike/tricycle next to you while you run?
Get a trailer for the bike?
or can you still use a jogging stroller?

What is a pram?

Pram is the english (uk) word for a lie flat stroler.
I use a 3 wheeler thats built a bit like a tank at the mo. Its ideal for jogging/off roading but I dont want to start doing that untill hes a bit bigger. Did u jog with your stroler? How old was yours when u started ?

I started jogging with my stroller (BOB revolution) when LO was just over 2 months after discussing with the doctor (He has exceptional head control).

Mind you, it is a winter wonderland out there now, so running (and walking ) will be weather dependant for the next 3 months (I live in Canada, the roads and sidewalks are currently snow covered and the temperature is -22C (-8F) (plus wind) brrr!!!!
2014-01-03 3:52 PM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
this weather has me wondering, how cold is too cold to take the LO out for a run? today wasn't too cold for me, but I worried it would be too cold for J. settled for a short walk for the dog. I did take him with me on Jan 1st when the air temp was -9 C with a windchill around -16C. (but I was a little worried before going).

2014-01-03 3:58 PM
in reply to: #4922311

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Name: Rachel

Story: I'm cheating slightly joining this group, but hopefully you'll understand and let me in. I've been doing triathlons properly for a little over 3 years. It started as an intended one-off and then just snowballed. I did my first IM in Switzerland 2012 and then did Outlaw (non branded iron-distance) in 2013. After outlaw my husband and I decided to start trying for a family and in November I fell pregnant. Unfortunately I had an early miscarriage at the end of November. Due to life getting in the way, and a decision that I'd prioritised training enough for the year and needed to focus on some other stuff (we've been working on the house) my training has been almost non-existent since around September.

I lost motivation further after the miscarriage and was just starting to get myself back in the game when Christmas happened. I work 24/7 shifts and with night shift all of Christmas week along with family commitments I landed up with a horrible cold which I've just managed to shake off.

The good news is that I've just found out I'm pregnant again. The bad news is that it's still VERY early so I'm holding my breath to see if this one sticks. In the mean time I don't want to lose any more fitness than I already have (I went for a run today and it was painfully slow!) especially if it turns out to be another false alarm... So although I don't fall into the new parents category I'm hoping you'll let me in and maybe be able to give me some advice on how to cope through what is hopefully going to be an interesting year.

Goals: Stay pregnant! Sadly that one's kind of out of my hands, so if it's not meant to be I have a couple of options of races up my sleeve. But fingers crossed no racing for me this year. My husband's looking at one of the full distance Challenge events, although I haven't actually broken it to him that if I've got my maths right it'll be the week after my due date. Interesting conversation in my future I think...

Obviously weight loss isn't on the cards which is a shame because I've managed to get my off-season weight up 8kg from last year's race weight! I guess that's a battle for another day. I try to eat reasonably healthy but it's a bit hit and miss. Work doesn't help because meal breaks are something that happen if circumstances allow. So grabbing chocolate on the run is a little more common than I'd like. When I was really focused before the race last year I was doing really well at taking healthy snacks to work, but that's something I really need to get back to.

What makes me a good mentee: I've been in various mentor groups for the past 3 years. I've picked up a lot of knowledge and have a bit of experience under my belt. I love to hear about other peoples experiences and tend to be an active participant in groups. I hope you'll let me in ;-)
2014-01-03 10:29 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

this weather has me wondering, how cold is too cold to take the LO out for a run? today wasn't too cold for me, but I worried it would be too cold for J. settled for a short walk for the dog. I did take him with me on Jan 1st when the air temp was -9 C with a windchill around -16C. (but I was a little worried before going).

No idea, I had my little guy out yesterday here in Cleveland, 12 F and 8-10 inches of snow, Was only out for 20-25 mins and he didnt want to go inside. I wanted to go work out, so when I brought him back in he cried and cried.

I guess if you bundle em up nice and tight?

2014-01-03 10:44 PM
in reply to: chapfallen

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Hi All -  I just saw this thread tonight and will post more about myself tomorrow, but I am interested in joining this group.  I have a 13 month old and a 2.5 year old and am looking to get back into tris this year after being pregnant, having a baby, wash, rinse and repeat.   I have been a member of BT since 2007-2008ish and have done some Sprints, Olympics and two HIMs along with a several running races.... all stemming from the support and community that I felt from BT back when I first started! 

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you.


2014-01-03 10:56 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

this weather has me wondering, how cold is too cold to take the LO out for a run? today wasn't too cold for me, but I worried it would be too cold for J. settled for a short walk for the dog. I did take him with me on Jan 1st when the air temp was -9 C with a windchill around -16C. (but I was a little worried before going).

Does the BOB come with the plastic rain cover? if there is a windchill out maybe try that......we have the chariot and it has a plastic piece that covers over the mesh and we throw in a couple blankets and the kids stay so toasty warm !!!
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