BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL Rss Feed  
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2013-12-24 10:23 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by wenceslasz

So far I tend to eat home cooking, lean meats, lots of home cooked Asian type stir fries. I try to limit processed foods but I need to get better at eliminating them. I limit dairy but not completely and I'm careful about too much sugar although I do eat too many carbs.

I don't know what "Chic-fil-a" is.

George - you are so lucky you don't know Chic-fil-a. It is a chicken-sandwich restaurant, but I'm fairly certain they put some sort of drug in their is sooooo addictive.

Rene - I love the bagel w/ egg, cheese, & chicken after my swim. I only swim 2 mornings a week (and 1 night), but still...not my best choice!

George - your Asian recipes sound good. You'll have to share them with the group. I like to cook, but other than really simple stir-fry (sauce + meat + veg), I haven't done much with Asian cuisine.

2013-12-24 10:25 AM
in reply to: mehaner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Welcome, Marilyn! You're in my neck of the woods - I'm in Richmond. Glad to have you join us!
2013-12-24 10:28 AM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by Catwoman

Goals for the Week: 

 -add back in my daily mid morning green smoothie. Green smoothie: spinach, carrots, ginger, cucumber, banana, strawberries, chia and flax seeds blended up in the Vitamix,

-get back into the habit of taking my iron and Vitamin D supplements on a daily basis.

-Drink 10 glasses of water a day 

-replace 1 Diet Dr. Pepper a day with Green Tea 

- start logging my foods (again) on My Fitness Pal.  


Nice goals, Rene - I'll be setting up my goals after Christmas...

I'm on MFP (although I've been slack for a week or two, plan to pick it back up on Thursday) - feel free to friend me if any of you want (osengak is my user name).
2013-12-24 10:30 AM
in reply to: Catwoman

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by Catwoman

Happy Holidays! Since I haven't officially started eating clean again it seems like a great time to post what we're eating for the holidays. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.

Happy Holidays to everyone as well!

Tonight we're having sausage & peppers, crusty bread, and salad. Tomorrow am I made a banana french toast bake for the fam (us 4 + my 2 in-laws) and then for X-mas dinner we're having Honeybaked Ham (waiting in line FOREVER this morning for mine), mashed potatoes & gravy, and asparagus in a lemon/walnut sauce.

Yeah - healthy...not so much. Especially since I'm Santa, so I'll need to eat the cookies the girls leave out tonight (plus the KitKat bars that our Elf on the Shelf adores...) Uh oh.

2013-12-24 10:57 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Merry Christmas, everyone!

I thought the Mexican themed xmas sounded very familiar...another Texan here.

Our xmas tradition has become appetizers. Since we do all the big cooking for Thanksgiving, this gives us a break and makes things very easy. We just hang out at the house with fam and snack and play games all day long. We'll be having chicken wings, make-your-own sandwiches, texas caviar, caprese skewers, fruit tray, and a couple of desserts. Not too terribly bad.

2013-12-24 2:27 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

I see your group is still open and I'd like to join!  I've gotten WAY off track with both eating and training and find I do best when part of a challenge or mentor group.  The title of yours caught my eye!

My name is Maria.  I have been training and racing since 2009 after losing 20 lbs on a low carb diet.  I started fitness by walking followed by the Couch-to-5K program.  Since then I've raced from 5K to completing my 3rd Ironman and everything inbetween. 

But I've become complacent with both eating and training and need to get back on track for the new season!  I've gained ~10 lbs and have lost the speed I used to have which makes it difficult and not as fun to race.  I want it to be fun again!

I'm divorced and work as a personnel manager at an educational institution.  I have a successful 24 year old son who is a mechanical engineer making more income than me!  Training and racing have filled the void of empty nest syndrome. 

My version of healthy eating is close to Paleo.  Whole foods, nothing processed.  Mostly grass-fed meat, wild fish, nuts, and organic produce.  I do still enjoy some dairy in limited quantity;  plain Greek yogurt, cheese, cream in my coffee (no other milk).  I stay away from bread, pasta, rice etc.  I've been consuming WAY too much alcohol over the past few months, so I need to get that under control as well.

I've started  working on these things now but plan to make a full commitment on January 2, after the holidays and back on a normal schedule.  Since I work at an educational institution, I'm off work until then, making it harder to stay on track.  But I did it before, I can do it again!

Merry Christmas everyone!


2013-12-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Originally posted by enders_shadow Welcome, Marilyn! You're in my neck of the woods - I'm in Richmond. Glad to have you join us!

i'm also registered for the shamrock half!  we will have to try to meet up!

2013-12-24 7:38 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Clean eating for me means no junk.  Real food that we cook ourselves at home.  No chips, cookies, candy.  Chocolate in moderation is allowed. I have all of the Eat Clean Diet books and follow those principles.  I also subscribe to Clean Eating magazine and Oxygen.  I used to buy a lot of fitness/health magazines but have stopped buying all except those two and occasionally yoga journal.

Along with eating healthy real food I'd like to cut down on my out of control coffee habit - some days I have 4 or 5 cups which is too much.  Goal is max 1 cup per day or cut it out all together.  I have started drinking a lot more tea so that helps.  Also want to up my water intake.

Christmas dinner for us (hubby, our kids & one granddaughter) will be turkey/dressing/mashed potatoes/gravy/corn/carrots/coleslaw.  I did not make pies this year as we are all usually too full to eat it so we end up with pie in the house for a couple days that we don't need. (Hubby is type 2 diabetic).  Have a potluck get together with my family on the weekend which will have a lot of yummy and unhealthy food. 

2013-12-24 7:41 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Originally posted by mehaner

Originally posted by enders_shadow Welcome, Marilyn! You're in my neck of the woods - I'm in Richmond. Glad to have you join us!

i'm also registered for the shamrock half!  we will have to try to meet up!

Looks like a few of us have half marathons planned for this spring.  Depending how the next two weeks go I may do a half at the end of Feb but not sure I can be ready as my long run so far has only been 8 miles.

2013-12-24 8:05 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Merry Christmas Eve!  My name is Beth and I would like to join your group.  

I am 47 years old, separated, mom of 4 grown young men and a grandma to the cutest 3 year old ever!  I have completed 2 sprint distance triathlons, but am focusing on running at this point. 

I have been out of the running realm for 3 months  now due to surgery on my left knee.  Now that I have been given clearance to run again it is time to get back in the saddle.  My weight needs to get back under control as well.

2013-12-25 5:09 PM
in reply to: BAMBAM66

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

merry christmas all!  hope you all enjoyed some bad foods, i sure am!

2013-12-25 6:41 PM
in reply to: BAMBAM66

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Welcome, Beth - happy to have you here!!
2013-12-26 11:28 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Northern CT
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Still have room? Would like to join up.

NAME: Maggie

STORY: work p/t - wife, mom of 2 (8 &10), started tris in 2009 (one sprint) and I was hooked. Was WAY out of shape, hanging around 160lbs (5'4). Every year since I've pushed up a distance or set a new goal - 4 years later - numerous sprints, 2 Oly, 3 HIMs, 2 1/2 HM, 2 marathons and one IM Tremblant '13. Taking this year to pull back a little and focus on losing weight, getting health both inside and out and really breaking down the components to get ready for another IM in '15.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: First I have to get physically healthy - been fighting Plantar Fascitis for the past 18 months and also shoulder tendonitis - focusing on shorter distances - probably nothing above an Oly (though the new HIM in princeton is calling my name....) no races till April - signed up for the Runner's World hat trick in boston the first weekend in June (5k & 10K sat., HM Sunday). There's a local Women's Sprint Tri in September and my goal is to place top 5 in AG.

WEIGHTLOSS: I was always been right on the border of chubby (definitely more fat than muscle) and it all tends to be right in the belly! Then I started rowing in 1997 and got fairly lean and down to a good fighting weight (128-132). Then marriage, job loss, pregnancy..and hello 165! We moved from DC to CT in 2005 after our son was born and I really had a hard time losing weight till I started training for triathlons. Over the past 4 years I've gotten down as low as 135 but have slipped back up to 147. I've really depended on exercise to lose weight, but now at 43 -- it's not that easy anymore. I've decided to make 2014 the year I get serious about nutritional weight loss...not just cutting back here and there but making some serious changes. Alcohol consumption being a major component!

So that's the story - can't wait to get started for a brand new year!
2013-12-26 12:05 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
I would like to join this group. i have not completed a tri. I have similar goals and appreciate the planning that you have done in getting ready for the year. That is inspirational to me.

2013-12-26 1:41 PM
in reply to: 91Diligence

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Welcome, Maggie & Jim!

I'm going to close the group now - we're at 12 people and I don't want to make it hard to keep track of everyone.
2013-12-26 6:49 PM
in reply to: #4915315

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Hi my name is Jaime. I'm training to do my first sprint on 08th of feb. I enjoy running but have never done a marathon and only a 21k. I have always been curious of Tri and finally i decided to take that step to find the time to train and enjoy exercising and making discipline.

I just bought my first bike and have started swimming the past 2 weeks. I feel pumped. The eating part is key and I'd like to join this group if i may.

How does it work?

2013-12-27 8:40 AM
in reply to: Oneshakeaday

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Ugg, not feeling well. Christmas afternoon, I started to get a sore throat just on one side. Still have it now. Slept poorly Christmas night.

I'm trying to get my eating back on track and get some exercise in. So far the eating is improving, but not the exercising.
2013-12-27 9:16 AM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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the alamo city, Texas
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN

Originally posted by enders_shadow

Question #1 What's YOUR definition of clean eating? What part(s) of your clean do you have the hardest time with?

My definition of clean eating is shopping around the edges of the store -- meats, fruits, veggies, eggs, etc.  Whole grains/beans/sweet potatoes as carb sources.  Avoid processed/packaged foods.

My struggles are alcohol!  and eating ENOUGH - clean means a filling meal has fewer calories, and i tend to not have enough food at work over the course of the day, and end up cheating with junk foods when i get really hungry around 3 or 4 pm.  i need to plan and prepare meals better, not snacks.

2013-12-27 9:16 AM
in reply to: rustymom

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL

Andrea, hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself!

2013-12-27 12:33 PM
in reply to: Oneshakeaday

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Welcome, Jaime!
2013-12-27 12:34 PM
in reply to: mehaner

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
I hear you, Marilyn - alcohol...especially these last couple weeks with holiday parties, etc., has been a huge downfall for me; need to get back on the moderation wagon soon!

2013-12-27 12:36 PM
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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Double post.

Edited by enders_shadow 2013-12-27 12:42 PM
2013-12-27 12:40 PM
in reply to: enders_shadow

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - OPEN
Originally posted by enders_shadow

Question # 2

Do you track your food? What program do you use? Do you like it or feel like it is a chore? Do you think it helps you?

Yep, I track mine (when I'm good) on MyFitnessPal - and then I sometimes copy it into my BT log as well (just text). I like doing it - I know when I slack off of logging I have a much harder time keeping my eating in check.
2013-12-27 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4918613

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Question # 2 Do you track your food? What program do you use? Do you like it or feel like it is a chore? Do you think it helps you?

I track occasionally. I have used SparkPeople. It feels like a chore but it does help me become a more alert eater.
2013-12-27 12:47 PM
in reply to: 91Diligence

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's Group - eating clean & getting lean - FULL
Question # 2

Do you track your food? What program do you use? Do you like it or feel like it is a chore? Do you think it helps you?

I've tracked in the past with MyFitnessPal. I may go back to using MFP for a few weeks in Jan to see where I am and what works or doesn't.
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