Other Resources 2023 Beginner Triathlete Mentor Program » Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever! Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
of 33
2023-01-06 7:10 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Welcome back Karen, Melanie, Robin, everyone!

2023-01-06 7:12 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Call back to Learning Irish talk, I just started reading Small Things Like These.  I think you might like it, Ann-Marie (don't worry, it's only 114 pages)

2023-01-06 9:30 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

2023-01-06 7:09 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Call back to Learning Irish talk, I just started reading Small Things Like These.  I think you might like it, Ann-Marie (don't worry, it's only 114 pages)

I added this to my list. You had me at 'only 114 pages'.
2023-01-06 7:17 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Name - cdban66/Chris

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: https://www.facebook.com/cdban66, https://twitter.com/CDBan, https://www.instagram.com/cdban66/, https://www.strava.com/athletes/2116063


STORY: I had been somewhat athletic in High School, playing soccer, beach volleyball and basketball, but that was a long time ago. Marriage, two children, business ownership, and the general busyness of life just got in the way. A long while back I did a family weight loss challenge and I started running. After that, I began riding and swimming. I am now primarily a bike rider, with a road, fixed gear, MTB, beach cruiser, and gravel bike. I am on the board of our local off road cyclist club, as a way to give back to the local cycling community. 

STATUS: I am a 6’3”, 56 yr old male and I've been married for nearly 36 years. I have 2 girls, both in their 30’s.  My wife, Ann or TW(THE Wife), is the most wonderful person a man could have in his life and has been very supportive of this addition to my lifestyle.  She occasionally joins me on rides as well.

CURRENT TRAINING: Training is a term I stay away from. I just ride.

LAST YEAR: Last year was gravel centric. And sporadic, due to a massive work project. See above comment about training..

THIS YEAR: I have another monster project at work this year as we unify all four banks into one. It will be a fecal festival and I can’t wait for this project to be over. Who am I kidding, they will find a way to crush my soul next year too, I’m sure of it. I will just ride where I can and figure out things after that.

BODY COMP:  If I gain any more weight, I may break our scale. I really should do something about this.

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: I am not sure why this group continues to allow me to be a sporadic, often absent member, but hey, here we are. I do read all of the posts that I get via email. And, if anyone has bike specific questions, throw my name in there and I’ll certainly try to help. I’m trying to be better about posting bike pics on IG, so if you want mediocre pictures of alligators and other fairly boring stuff, hey, I’m your guy!


2023-01-06 8:58 PM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Karen Rayle on FB. To be honest, I can't remember how one does a friend request. I get them, but I'm not sure I've done one recently! Can someone else help Leanne out?!

2023-01-07 4:57 AM
in reply to: cdban66

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Hey Chris

Glad you are with us! I always have bike questions so I'll keep you in mind! Do you Zwift?

2023-01-07 4:57 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Originally posted by Hot Runner

Karen Rayle on FB. To be honest, I can't remember how one does a friend request. I get them, but I'm not sure I've done one recently! Can someone else help Leanne out?!

I think I found you on FB but I cannot 'friend' you??
2023-01-07 4:58 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Originally posted by juniperjen

NAME: Jen 

OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: Strava - i use juniperjen there - you should find me if you want! Garmin Connect - jkolstein (i've had that one since before I was married 12 years ago!), on Instagram and Facebook - though i use Instagram more - also @juniper_jen176

STORY: 42 year old busy mom life - but love running and triathlon which I started before I had kids. I've done pretty much all the run distances up to the marathon and same with triathlon up to Ironman. Trying to find the fun or love of it again as i move through the years and my training and life changes. I really need to get back to more social training which really fires me up. And this site really helps that!  My son is 5 and since he was born i've done 6 half marathons and a half Ironman ... i feel slower but i am still at it! :D 

FAMILY STATUS: In that busy family time of life - married, 2 kids ages 5 and 9 and a new pup named Bingo who is a very sweet black lab (just 8 months old)

CURRENT TRAINING: Mostly running and strength training at the moment

2023 RACES/EVENTS: signed up for the Chilly Half Marathon March 5 and planning to do some short tris (oly or less) this summer but need to figure out more about family life before I register. then maybe a fun Fall run race ... 

GOALS: Find the fun and do what I enjoy! 

WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: It's so great to be a part of this community to share what's on our minds, to hear about races, and tri news (thanks Janyne for keeping us up on that!) and I love cheering people on - if you add me to your Strava I give ALLLL the kudos! 

You are bringing back triathlon! Woohoo!
2023-01-07 6:52 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

2023-01-07 6:54 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by Hot Runner Karen Rayle on FB. To be honest, I can't remember how one does a friend request. I get them, but I'm not sure I've done one recently! Can someone else help Leanne out?!

I think this should work https://www.facebook.com/karen.rayle.1

2023-01-07 6:55 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by canadarn2001 Hey Chris Glad you are with us! I always have bike questions so I'll keep you in mind! Do you Zwift? Leanne

Welcome back, Chris!

Leanne, Chris believes that living in Florida = outdoor riding only 

2023-01-07 7:56 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Name - Ceilidh/ Robin ProctorOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: I am on FB, Instagram and Strava as Robin Proctor. Please look me up, though I do post some politically from the left wing on FB. STORY: I am an adult-onset triathlete and a fixture at the Back of the Pack. I did my first sprint at 49 and am a sprint/ Oly kind of person. I have had a series of operations over the last several years due to severe osteoarthritis that have kept me restarting each year. STATUS: currently I am a 62 yr old married person for 27 years. We operate a cabin rental business here in Lake Lure that keeps us busy. I have 2 adult step kids, 2 grandkids and my wonderful doggo- Raven. My husband has recently been diagnosed with cancer so that is our current focus. CURRENT TRAINING: i am literally starting everything again after my most recent surgies. THIS YEAR: I have signed up for the short ride of rhe Assault on the Carolinas, the NC coastal ride and the Edisto half. This is to be my "one and done" half. I will train, but i truely have no idea if my semi bionic body will allow me to do it. No matter, ill start and if I can't finish, ill still be camping at Edisto. WHAT MAKES ME A GOOD MANATEE: Like, Chris, I am not sure why this group continues to allow me to hang out. I know nothing about the details of any swim, bike or run training, but i do encourage folks and love to have a Manatee Meetup anytime!
2023-01-07 1:39 PM
in reply to: canadarn2001

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
I got a friend request (and accepted it) from Janine so hopefully what she gave you works??
2023-01-08 7:41 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

Randee has completed the first half of the marathon! GOOO!!!! RANDEE!!!!!

2023-01-08 8:16 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

Randee has completed the first half of the marathon! GOOO!!!! RANDEE!!!!!

Randee has past the mile 20 checkpoint. Way to DOOO EEETTT!!!

2023-01-08 12:22 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

Randee has completed the first half of the marathon! GOOO!!!! RANDEE!!!!!

Randee has past the mile 20 checkpoint. Way to DOOO EEETTT!!!

Congratulations to Randee! Our very own Dopey Challenge Finisher! 


2023-01-09 4:14 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

Randee has completed the first half of the marathon! GOOO!!!! RANDEE!!!!!

Randee has past the mile 20 checkpoint. Way to DOOO EEETTT!!!

Congratulations to Randee! Our very own Dopey Challenge Finisher! 


Congrats Randee! Hopefully this week is filled with lots of recovery! What a way to start 2023!
2023-01-09 6:41 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Call back to Learning Irish talk, I just started reading Small Things Like These.  I think you might like it, Ann-Marie (don't worry, it's only 114 pages)

Thanks for the recommendation. I have my first Irish class 1/15 and anticipate that I will immediately be fluent, so I'll look to see if this book is printed in Irish  Otherwise, I'll stream it!

2023-01-09 6:43 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

Randee has completed the first half of the marathon! GOOO!!!! RANDEE!!!!!

Randee has past the mile 20 checkpoint. Way to DOOO EEETTT!!!

Congratulations to Randee! Our very own Dopey Challenge Finisher! 


Way to go! I'm glad our weather cooled down after your 5k outing, so at least you had nice temps for this crazy adventure!

2023-01-09 6:44 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by canadarn2001 Hey Chris Glad you are with us! I always have bike questions so I'll keep you in mind! Do you Zwift? Leanne

Welcome back, Chris!

Leanne, Chris believes that living in Florida = outdoor riding only 

I really should believe this too, but haven't figured out how to do weekday rides before work!

2023-01-09 7:07 AM
in reply to: amd723

User image

Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

I'm so happy that our group is out of the staging area!

2023-01-09 7:08 AM
in reply to: canadarn2001

User image

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Originally posted by canadarn2001
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

Randee has completed the first half of the marathon! GOOO!!!! RANDEE!!!!!

Randee has past the mile 20 checkpoint. Way to DOOO EEETTT!!!

Congratulations to Randee! Our very own Dopey Challenge Finisher! 


Congrats Randee! Hopefully this week is filled with lots of recovery! What a way to start 2023!
Well done, Randee!
2023-01-09 7:09 AM
in reply to: amd723

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!
Originally posted by amd723

Originally posted by jmkizer

Call back to Learning Irish talk, I just started reading Small Things Like These.  I think you might like it, Ann-Marie (don't worry, it's only 114 pages)

Thanks for the recommendation. I have my first Irish class 1/15 and anticipate that I will immediately be fluent, so I'll look to see if this book is printed in Irish  Otherwise, I'll stream it!

Of Course you will, then you can learn Scottish Gaelic in an hour or so.
2023-01-09 1:07 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

User image

Subject: RE: Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever!

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by jmkizer

Yikes! It's almost like I don't work in IT. I finally found some of Randee's results!  I have been told that one should treat this like an ultramarathon and that many people have a goal of finish and take all the pictures!

It seems that yesterday's 5k was not time?  Today's 10k results are posted and the half marathon and marathon will also be at the following URL: https://track.rtrt.me/e/WDW-WDW-2023#/tracker/RLUWV6KP.

You can sign up to receive email results at the URL above ^^^

Randee has finished the half marathon! Wooo hooo!!

So far, she has completed

  • 5k on Thursday
  • 10k on Friday
  • Half marathon on Saturday

Tomorrow she has the marathon. 

Doooo eeettttt!!!!!

Randee has completed the first half of the marathon! GOOO!!!! RANDEE!!!!!

Randee has past the mile 20 checkpoint. Way to DOOO EEETTT!!!

Congratulations to Randee! Our very own Dopey Challenge Finisher! 


Very cool accomplishment, Randee, congratulations!!

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Other Resources 2023 Beginner Triathlete Mentor Program » Marvelous Manatees - Stronger than Ever! Rss Feed  
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