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2007-01-01 8:40 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Happy New Year, everyone!  I'm a stuffed up with an achey throat (Day 5 now) but have been working through it for the most part.  Sudafed is my friend.  Lozenges save me.  But sadly the two combined could not get me all the way through the LT run test.  I went at it yesterday for 10 mins at HR avg 172 but couldn't complete the full 20.  I'll try again this week and will focus on getting back to the pool and back to the spin studio as soon as everything reopens. 

Both gym and pool are closed today, and like NY, it's raining here in MA.  All I can do is get things done around the house, do some stretching and core work, and bide my time until this cold passes and my real training can resume.

Thankfully not hungover (I'll blame the cold), but also not used to socializing till 2am.  It was worth it, even with all the excess calories in the drinks and eats! Oooouf, my head and my tummy. 

Happy 2007, - Sunny

2007-01-01 10:18 AM
in reply to: #638259

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Allright Sunny you get a sickness pass. Feel Better.

Meanwhile, the rain let up here and I snuck one in. Wasn't bad actually bc it's not that cold. You can't control the weather (especially on race day) so get out there all you healthy people!

2007-01-01 11:55 AM
in reply to: #638208

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
two degrees north - 2007-01-01 2:11 AM

I have another question:

The 15 minute run (or swim) you have listed - is it running/swimming for 15 minutes with or without the warm up/cool down?

glad you are have decided to join in....from what I understand, it is about getting in the 15 min consistant training to begin with with more later....Jorge can answer this one for us in more detail...

2007-01-01 8:00 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I apologize for been so out of touch but I am spending some quality time visiting my family down here in sunny Cancun! I have limited access a computer mainly because I am doing stuff all the time with the parents

Anyway, I wrote a little something which addresses the nutrition topic for this phase which started today (Yes, I did my run!) and I'll post it as soon as I get back to Boston on Thursday.

Regarding the 15-20 min run sessions those are only running. I think it is very important to warm up AND cool down but the way I do it is: I warm up 5-10 min by doing active stretching (for examples just do a Google search for that and you'll find tons of exercises) I also do running drills for another 5 min and then I begin my run. After I complete the run I walk easy for 5 min as cool down and then I do static stretching and I begin replenishing my fuel by drinking a sports drink/ a recovery drink or my favorite chocolate milk

Anyway, I catch up with everyone soon but in the mean time TRAIN SMART TO RACE FAST!!!

2007-01-01 8:12 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Supersonicus Idioticus
Thunder Bay, ON
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
What do you do if you're already race-ready in one sport, say swimming? I mean, fitting more sessions in the way you suggest will make me do less swimming, and I'll slow down in the pool.
2007-01-04 12:30 PM
in reply to: #638636

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New user

Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Hope you had a great time down in CanCun with the fam... I found an Ironman 70.3 in Grand Cayman on Sept. 23rd, and it sounds too tempting to resist. Anybody in with me???
I'm looking forward to reading your nutrition guideline- I started using the nutrition portion of the training log and it has helped tremendously so far (just time consuming... until I customize some key meals...)
A question for you... I was looking through the training plans on this site and found one that is a 16 week Olympic training guide, (swim focused) and the workouts begin a bit more intense than the 6 week plan you laid out for us. I'm just a touch intimidated by the 16 week plan, but I think I can catch up quickly. It said the plan was based on back of the packer times. I want to make sure I train smart, but not too light that I don't gain enough endurance to finish. I really don't think that will be a problem, but this is my first race... Any thoughts???

ps. hope everybody is having a great start to "007"!!!

2007-01-04 1:10 PM
in reply to: #638641

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
So Fresh So Clean - 2007-01-01 8:12 PM What do you do if you're already race-ready in one sport, say swimming? I mean, fitting more sessions in the way you suggest will make me do less swimming, and I'll slow down in the pool.
what's your limiter? (I am assuming your strong sport is swimming...)
2007-01-04 1:25 PM
in reply to: #642290

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Jayson - 2007-01-04 12:30 PM Jorge!! Hope you had a great time down in CanCun with the fam... I found an Ironman 70.3 in Grand Cayman on Sept. 23rd, and it sounds too tempting to resist. Anybody in with me??? I'm looking forward to reading your nutrition guideline- I started using the nutrition portion of the training log and it has helped tremendously so far (just time consuming... until I customize some key meals...) A question for you... I was looking through the training plans on this site and found one that is a 16 week Olympic training guide, (swim focused) and the workouts begin a bit more intense than the 6 week plan you laid out for us. I'm just a touch intimidated by the 16 week plan, but I think I can catch up quickly. It said the plan was based on back of the packer times. I want to make sure I train smart, but not too light that I don't gain enough endurance to finish. I really don't think that will be a problem, but this is my first race... Any thoughts??? ps. hope everybody is having a great start to "007"!!!
Still here sitting at the airport, my flight is been delayed. Anyway remember that the 6 week plan I posted a few weeks ago was mainly based on what I perceived ‘could’ be a conservative and EZ build up for me to work on coming from 2 ½ months off training. I like to err on the conservative side when I lay down a plan because I think it is better to add a bit more rather than to do too much, get injured and not to do anything at all. Also keep in mind I mentioned that 6 week plan was more like an outline for you guys to adjust and fit your personal needs. If running is your strength and where you live allows you to ride your bike year-round maybe you can do one or two less running sessions and add one swim and/or 1 bike. If you are already a fish in the water maybe you should keep just enough sessions to maintain your fitness/speed and FOCUS on your weak sports. Finally I also mentioned that the plan might/will change based on how each week progresses.

If I realize (same as you guys) that the volume and sessions for the given week were too easy I’ll shoot to increase JUST A BIT more for the following week and then evaluate how I was able to cope with it. It is all about testing your own limits! But let me emphasize again that this phase will be the foundation for the work ahead. Do too much too fast right now and you might end up battling nagging injuries throughout the coming weeks and become inconsistent, the WORST enemy for training smart, to race fast

Anyway, I’ve been running EZ for 5 days straight now, (I haven’t been able to do much swim and I don’t have my bike) and I can tell my legs are feeling it. But since I am doing it all easy I can absorb the workload better. As of tomorrow I’ll begin following the 6 week plan incorporating swims and bikes.

2007-01-04 3:33 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

What you're saying makes a lot of sense to me Jorge -- start small and build.

It's good to know that you've been off-plan but consistently running while away.  I think everyone has to adapt the plan and workouts to their own needs, availability, etc. but consistentcy is key.  And the progressive efforts as the weeks go on will pay for themselves! 

I'm finally (almost) over this cold and will run hard on the LT test this weekend to see what my HR zones for running should be.  Swimming will also resume on Saturday.  I've been out of the pool all week and feel crappy about it, but that's the way the pool's erratic schedule combined with my commitments worked out.  I'll be swimming again soon enough.

Train smart everyone,-Sunny

2007-01-04 4:26 PM
in reply to: #642370

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Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Thanks Jorge,
I definitely don't want to overdo it and you 6 week plan makes alot of sense to me. I guess I just don't know what to expect yet, and I'm trying to gage my training regiment... I have 16 weeks to train for my 1st Oly, and I want to train smart-so, thanks for all your insight!
Have a safe flight!
2007-01-06 5:13 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Ok people I am back from Cancun and ready to kick a$$ with 2007 training! My first week of this base phase will be a bit different of what I planned but mainly because I was away with no bike and not really a good place to swim hence i did more running. (keep this in mind cuz life gets on the way and we have to be flexible with our training plans)

Since I ran more than planned I made sure to keep the pace EASY and added extra warm up and cool down plus lots of stretching to keep my legs loose. Anyway as of Monday I am going to continue with week two as planned and then evaluate next Sunday 14th to see whether it is the right amount of training session or if I need to increase/decrease something.

For those of you who are almost near completing week 1 (on your own particular variation) you should take some time tomorrow night and evaluate how did it feel: is the body feeling good? Does the intensity was right? Do you need to adjust something? Was it too easy/hard? After answering those questions, decide whether to just move one or not to week 2 with the necessary adjustments (if any).

Keep it up guys and TRAIN SMART!

2007-01-08 6:56 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

How is everyone doing? How did the 1st week of Smart training go? Did it feel too easy/just right/hard? Today evaluate your week, work on minor adjustments if necessary and lets keep moving!

Here is my summary: Planned >> Week 1: 3x run (all 15-20 min except the run test which will be 30 min), 3x swim (all 15-20 min) 1x bike (25-30 min) all session done at Z1 1 or Easy. Actual >> : 6x run (Four 20-25 min EZ run, one 30 min EZ run and one 40 min Steady run) no swims or bike cuz I was away.

Based on how good I felt running with no nagging pains and completing all sessions relatively easy, this is my adjusted plan for week 2: if >> 4x run (all 20-25 min maybe one 35+ min ALL EZ or Z1), 3x swim (20-25 min), 1x bike (30-40 min) done at Z1 or Easy to steady. *notice that the only minor change I did was to increase the duration of my runs but the frequency and intensity will remain the same*

2007-01-08 9:24 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Last week felt tough, but only because I was doing waaaay more than the 3 EZ runs.   I recovered from my cold and felt really good throughout.  However, if I'd planned better, I would've done my LT run test on Saturday.  I just ran out of time and had other distractions + commitments!  When I have specific planned training that I miss, that's when I realize that triathlon training isn't the prime focus in my life.  I spend so much time training myself and others during the week that it's hard to keep the focus on the weekends.  I probably just needed the break anyway.

Running:  I did a 20 min, 30 min, 50 min EZ run, and 1 hr session at the track.  I kept the short runs and part of the longer runs EZ but still at least a 6 of 10 RPE.  All felt good!  With my half-marathon just 4 weeks away I know more longer runs are needed, but my consistency is already there.  Yay!

Biking:  I did a full 1 hr aerobic, EZ spin.  It felt great!

Pool:  Closed on Tues, Cancelled on Saturday due to awesome weather. 

I did not complete the swims or even make it to the pool once, so swimming 1-2x is the one thing that I will change next week.  I like to think that indoor workouts on the Concept II rower and Nordic XC-skier are "as good as" swimming, but nothing beats the real deal.

2007-01-08 9:52 AM
in reply to: #645969

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

I'm real happy given that my schedule is in flux.  For the record my weeks start on Sundays.

I managed: Run - 4X, Sw - 1x, Spin - 2x, Core - 2x (that is major for me). All were easy except for saturday when my son chased me around on his bike. But that's o/k  w/ me Smile

Started this week off w/ a brick! Felt good coming off the bike yesterday, wuz gonna do a mile but the weather just made me  add another! Light core today really a rest day.

2007-01-08 11:54 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Lethbridge, Alberta
Bronze member
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Overall, I'm pretty much on track though there are still a couple of pieces to add in.

I usually count my week from Monday to Sunday. Last week I did 3 swims and some extra biking since the weather permitted commuting, but only 2 runs. The missed run was to have included my 30 minute HR time trial so that is still needed. I also have yet to start doing some core exercises, partially because that has not been a problem area for me. I do fit in short stretching breaks several times each day and still want to start some proper core work soon. My workouts are usually longer than what Jorge's plan calls for so I think there is still enough volume to break the running up into smaller easy sessions and do 4 comfortably this week.

Edited by Micawber 2007-01-08 11:55 AM
2007-01-08 3:57 PM
in reply to: #645846

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Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

I've adjusted my plans. I had modified my workouts to take into account where I was earlier, so last week's were enough and I'll add a bit more time to this week's. I feel great from working this way. My legs and arms are not really sore the following day which is a bit change from the way I had been doing things.

I'm swimming around 4x per week for 25-30 minutes now

I'm running about 6x per week (1x 60 min, 2x 40 min, and 3x 30 min). I'll probably hold this for a while.

Cycling I cut to 1x per week for 40 min since running and swimming are my weakpoints.

2007-01-08 4:26 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
I've enjoyed reading everyone's posts. Sorry i havent been able to contribute much, my training has been pretty inconsistent as we have had company staying with us continually since Dec 2nd. I was unable to get to the pool at all last week as it was closed, so I ran 4 times and got in one bike ride.
So far I have comfortably built up to a 6 mile run without any knee pain or shin splints. My training has been run focused because it is the most convenient for me. It is easy to get up and run at 5am, but I have limited access to a pool and it's been too cold & dark to ride my bike. To keep motivated, I entered a 10k race on the 21st, it will be a fun run for me.
I was able to swim today (I also count monday as the first day of the week) and arranged a babysitter so I can get to the pool again on thursday. I am usually only able to get one workout in per day, and I find if I do a brick workout I end up too sore the next day and need to rest. So for now I plan to train 6 days a week with only one brick workout. If I start to feel any soreness in my knee/shins I will cut back. But so far so good.
2007-01-09 12:25 PM
in reply to: #646858

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Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
I had a slow start last week, getting adjusted... got in 3 runs, easy pace, one long bike, easy pace, but 3 days of rest- it was good, because I'm finding out what my body's recoup time is looking like [I was too tired to run after the bike day]. I've been having a little trouble sleeping though. I'll go to bed exausted and wake up at 3 in the morning and be up for an hour or two trying to get back to sleep. I can tell I need all that time to recoup. Don't get me wrong, though, the training feels great- I haven't overexerted myself... I think I'm just getting used to this new regiment.
joined the gym yesterday- got in a good swim and a great bike... I saw this guy get in the pool and blow me away with his stroke... He was keeping his head down and coming up for air every 4 strokes... so I tried it, and it seemed to work better than trying to breathe every other stroke.
I definitely have alot to learn in the swim... it's great to be back in the water though!!! I always thought of myself as a fish growing up... always in the water. Guess I never payed enough attention to my form as a kid! Yeah, that's what it's all about...
Let's have fun!
2007-01-09 1:11 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

If it's any consolation, Jayson, I had those odd "3am wakeups" in my first summer of serious training.  Used to drive me nuts, but eventually they were replaced by 6am wakeups, so now I don't need an alarm clock anymore! 

2007-01-09 2:15 PM
in reply to: #647904

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

I'll go to bed exausted and wake up at 3 in the morning and be up for an hour or two trying to get back to sleep. I can tell I need all that time to recoup. Don't get me wrong, though, the training feels great- I haven't overexerted myself... I think I'm just getting used to this new regiment

>>> Yup it takes sometime for your body to adjust to the new regime. Like Sunny mentioned it is sometimes normal to experience that. (in fact I am going trough the same thing ) the important thing here is to be patient, build up slow and of course train smart! One thing to keep in mind is that this is a learning process and you’ll eventually figure out what it is the right dose of training for you. (Although it takes time) Be aware that sometimes our mind play trick on us in particular through the first few weeks of training (maybe up to a month or more) until we develop a training habit and become discipline enough to get in training sessions week after week. At first what might seem like your body telling you that you are tired and need a break, in fact it might be your mind playing a trick on you because you haven’t develop consistency, and THAT is tough to overcome! Just try to be honest with yourself in order to define whether a day off is in order or your mind is just making you second guess whether to go out on the cold for that run or stay in watching TV and having some ice cream .

Joined the gym yesterday- got in a good swim and a great bike... I saw this guy get in the pool and blow me away with his stroke... He was keeping his head down and coming up for air every 4 strokes... so I tried it, and it seemed to work better than trying to breathe every other stroke. I definitely have alot to learn in the swim... it's great to be back in the water though!!! I always thought of myself as a fish growing up... always in the water. Guess I never payed enough attention to my form as a kid! Yeah, that's what it's all about... Let's have fun.

>>> Swim technique is tricky to develop without proper instruction for sure. Sometimes gyms/pools have coaches on deck and for minimal $$ you might get advice on your stroke and tips to correct it. (Sometimes even for free!) Another cheap options is to join a master class or buy a swimming instructional video. Yet another and very effective option is to get your stroke video. Some places offer this feature although it might be $$$ but a relative cheap way to get it done is to use those new water resistance digital cameras and you can ask a friend to tape you. A video will help you and a coach to break down your stroke/kick and provide SPECIFIC drills and aspects for you to practice and focus on. It is crazy when you see how you swim and notice things you do wrong but wouldn’t ever imagine!

2007-01-10 2:52 AM
in reply to: #626920

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New user

Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge

Hello hello everyone,

It's great to read everyone's training accomplishments. It keeps me on top of my training. The first week went well. I think I was one swim short though. This week is going great. I took monday as a rest day. I had one and a half hours of conditioning for soccer tuesday evening and swam for 20 minutes when I got home. I had a good swim experience last week, but yesterday it wasn't going so well. Water kept oozing into my goggles and I was exhausted so I did 20 minutes instead of the intended half hour. I'm swimming just under a minute per 50m. At the moment I'm getting used to all the quirks of being in the water (water in my ears, swim cap, etc) and trying to swim a continuous 500m - 1K, but would like to know if anyone has training recommendations for swimming faster splits.

I still don't have a bike (waiting for my paycheck at the end of the month!) so I'll be on the stationary bike.

I'm definitely experiencing strange sleeping habits as well. I'm having a hard time falling asleep at night. Since work started again, I'm hoping the early wake up time will make me fall asleep earlier.

2007-01-10 8:48 AM
in reply to: #648678

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
two degrees north - 2007-01-10 2:52 AM

Hello hello everyone,

It's great to read everyone's training accomplishments. It keeps me on top of my training. The first week went well. I think I was one swim short though. This week is going great. I took monday as a rest day. I had one and a half hours of conditioning for soccer tuesday evening and swam for 20 minutes when I got home. I had a good swim experience last week, but yesterday it wasn't going so well. Water kept oozing into my goggles and I was exhausted so I did 20 minutes instead of the intended half hour. I'm swimming just under a minute per 50m. At the moment I'm getting used to all the quirks of being in the water (water in my ears, swim cap, etc) and trying to swim a continuous 500m - 1K, but would like to know if anyone has training recommendations for swimming faster splits.

I still don't have a bike (waiting for my paycheck at the end of the month!) so I'll be on the stationary bike.

I'm definitely experiencing strange sleeping habits as well. I'm having a hard time falling asleep at night. Since work started again, I'm hoping the early wake up time will make me fall asleep earlier.

If your current pace is around a 1 min per 50 mts you should focus a bit more on just swimming and working on technique to improve your efficiency. Most likely right now you don’t swim faster because you are fighting drag due to body position and/or not propelling yourself due to a faulty stroke/kick. If you work on that 1st (plus swimming and swimming) you’ll become more efficient in the water, you’ll develop a better feel for swimming. If you swim 4x a week you could focus a couple of sessions on technique, one on endurance and another one you can add some speed sets.

For swimming drills, you can check these articles for more info and drills link: http://www.d3multisport.com/articles/swimvolume.html, http://www.byrn.org/gtips/techswim.htm,  http://www.cruciblefitness.com/etips/swimming-drills.htm, and this one for videos: http://www.goswim.tv/

As far as the goggles placement >>> make sure when you wear the goggles only use light pressure against your face. DO NOT push’em towards your face/eyes like you eyes will pop out cuz that will cause leaking. Also remember that the elastic straps should be align or slightly above your ears and the second one and inch or so above. (This is assuming that you are wearing goggles which fit your face)
Ever since I was advice to do that I rarely have leakage issues BUT I also bring an extra pair or two of goggles just in case

2007-01-10 10:07 AM
in reply to: #626920

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
Jorge- I have imported Bt winter maint-swim focus plan but am fi8nding it seems to be way more than I can fit in & or can handle with hammy in rehab..but PT agress "total rest" is nort productive or necessary ...trying to figure if this cxchallenge might be a way back...got any thoughts?
2007-01-10 10:54 AM
in reply to: #649013

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
isis54 - 2007-01-10 10:07 AM Jorge- I have imported Bt winter maint-swim focus plan but am fi8nding it seems to be way more than I can fit in & or can handle with hammy in rehab..but PT agress "total rest" is nort productive or necessary ...trying to figure if this cxchallenge might be a way back...got any thoughts?
what can or can't you do? just swim and biking? light walk or even jogging?
2007-01-10 12:56 PM
in reply to: #626920

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: "Train Smart Race Fast" 3 months challenge
seems like I can "do" all but specifically the running can't be real workouts like hills or speed or increasing volume..biking can't be too intense either..and need time for core & flexibility..(sigh)..GRRRR very frustrating!!!
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