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2007-12-25 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

Happy Holidays everyone!

I'm feeling a bit better, but not yet ready to start back into training. Hopefully I'll get back into it on Saturday as I have running and biking goals I want to hit before the end of the year.

I got a few tri-related gifts, including a Garmin Forerunner 305. I'm looking forward to figuring ot how to use it.

Amy, a brick is when you practice two tri events right in a row, usually a bike and then a run. It simulates what your body will need to do during an actual triathlon

2007-12-25 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Merry Christmas.

I'd like to join the group if there's still room. I've never done a tri of any kind let alone an Iron Man, which is my goal. I have done numerous half marathons and just finished my first marathon in Honolulu a couple weeks ago. I'm confident on the running, and somewhat confident on the bike, but the swimming intimidates me, especially since I don't know how to swim. OK, that's a joke, but I did about 250 meters last week and was toast.

One thing that drew me to this group was your talk about nutrition, which I need to work on.

How do I get involved in logging my training?

Besides the physical training, a couple challenges are three kids, all in soccer and/or karate, who need rides to and from practice not to mention a full time job with a 45 minute commute each direction. I live in Vancouver WA so this time of year, I leave for work when it's dark and don't get back until it's dark.

There's a club near by where I can swim, but it's an indoor pool and not like open water swimming at all (from what I hear). In addition, the club offers spinning classes etc. which will help. I work with a former Olympic cyclist so she can give me pointers on the cycling.


2007-12-26 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1116422

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

Rodney - 2007-12-25 1:06 PM Merry Christmas. I'd like to join the group if there's still room. I've never done a tri of any kind let alone an Iron Man, which is my goal. I have done numerous half marathons and just finished my first marathon in Honolulu a couple weeks ago. I'm confident on the running, and somewhat confident on the bike, but the swimming intimidates me, especially since I don't know how to swim. OK, that's a joke, but I did about 250 meters last week and was toast. One thing that drew me to this group was your talk about nutrition, which I need to work on. How do I get involved in logging my training? Besides the physical training, a couple challenges are three kids, all in soccer and/or karate, who need rides to and from practice not to mention a full time job with a 45 minute commute each direction. I live in Vancouver WA so this time of year, I leave for work when it's dark and don't get back until it's dark. There's a club near by where I can swim, but it's an indoor pool and not like open water swimming at all (from what I hear). In addition, the club offers spinning classes etc. which will help. I work with a former Olympic cyclist so she can give me pointers on the cycling. Thanks, Rodney

Hi Rodney!  Welcome to our little group!  I'll take a peek at your training log and see how I can help you set up your training info.  In the meantime, just click the "edit todays log" button on your blog page and it will let you enter in all kinds of training information.  (To tell you the truth, I've tried all sorts of logs and BT is the best thing I've ever found!)

Congrats on the marathon!  How exciting!  It is wonderful that you want to add a new physical challenge to your life.  Triathlon training can be addictive!  Your body will love all of the cross training, too!

Sounds like you have access to a good gym.  No pool is going to offer good open water simulation.  Just concern yourself with getting some swimming endurance under your belt.  Spinning classes are great!  (I'm a Spinning instructor.)  I love them during nasty weather when it is miserable or just to dangerous to be out on the road on your bike.  Nothing can replace good ol' time in the saddle though!   Be sure to pick your co-worker's brain regarding cycling!  You have a great source of inspiration!

Post any comments, questions, etc. on our thread and we'll all discuss them.  Yes, I'd like to get some nutrition talk going here.  No, I don't want to hear about all the cookies everyone ate over Christmas!   I don't think I could possibly look at another cookie for weeks!!!

BTW, I used to live in Portland, OR.  I enjoyed it up there!  Cheers!!!

Edited by owl_girl 2007-12-26 11:20 AM
2007-12-26 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

That Garmin sounds so cool, Nicole!  Your gonna have to give us some techie reports!

I hope your starting to feel better.

Edited by owl_girl 2007-12-26 11:22 AM
2007-12-26 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1115965

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

Baowolf - 2007-12-24 2:46 PM Took the bike out for a little 28 miles ride today to test everything out. Oh my I do not like riding in Santa Barbara. Well, it is nice and warm, but those hills of more than 10 percent grade and the sharp turns, and stoplights and tourists everywhere. I guess that is practice getting into and out of the clips. So to ward off cookies and candies I did an 8.75 mile run before church yesterday and a 28 mile bike ride today. Man exercizing at sea level is great for my times on runs and endurance even though I had to take a few days off to pick up my bike and drive down here (1200 miles). I train at 4500 to 5500 feet above sea level. And it is cold up there. It was like high 60's today in SB. Ok, well Merry Christmas everyone, I am off to get ready for Vigil mass and such.

Don't ya just love going to sea level!  I have lost that advantage now that I've moved from your neck of the woods to the coast.

2007-12-26 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Amy a brick is what they call it when you do a bike ride and then right away transition into a run as part of your workout. They named it that because your legs feel like bricks, heavy, no energy or maybe like you are wearing bricks on your feet. The term applies to any 2 or more exercize transition and is done to help your body learn that you are not done after finishing one component. One of the most challenging things about a triathlon is shifting from your body doing one thing for a really long time to doing a new exercize for a long time to transitioning once again. Each component is much easier done in isolation, combining all three is where life gets harder. Personally I try to fit 1-2 bricks in per week just to keep my body used to it.

Today, however was just a run, but a long one 11 miles for me, my longest run to date so I am very pleased about that. More pleased than I am about eating a pound of carmel nut chochlate candies, cookies, icecream pie and such yesterday. Hopefully I can get a nice long bike ride in tommorrow and keep from falling into the holiday inactivity of my family during this buisy time of year. I got a bike map of the area and there is a nice stretch where I can buckle down and ride along the shoulder of the freeway with no stoplights yay.

Anyway I am off, have fun all.

2007-12-26 5:38 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Thanks to Nicole and Steve for explaining a "brick" workout.  Steve does lots of bricks, but they work for him.  Most people do bricks once a week as they get closer to a race.  Mid winter is a great time to focus on endurance.  You want to teach your body to go and go and go for a long, long time.  First and foremost.....listen to your body!  Cheers!!!!!
2007-12-26 6:10 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
hi i would sure like to join the group if there is still room
2007-12-26 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1117649

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

mac3116 - 2007-12-26 4:10 PM hi i would sure like to join the group if there is still room

Absolutely!  We would love to have you!  Please post a little bio about yourself.  Cheers!

2007-12-26 6:22 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
well been running for a few years as much as i like it just needed a bit more . really a couple years ago right after i signed up for the marine corps marathon i turned on the tv and there was Kona right then i said thats what i want to do . so it took some time but here i am . i got my bike in late september and starting swimming . but i did finish a sprint this dec. 8 . i thought i was hooked before but now i really am . so as the tri's go for this comming year i have the MIT in march and have also signed up for the HIM at disney . i think my training is going well but can always use some input
2007-12-26 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1117664

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

mac3116 - 2007-12-26 4:22 PM well been running for a few years as much as i like it just needed a bit more . really a couple years ago right after i signed up for the marine corps marathon i turned on the tv and there was Kona right then i said thats what i want to do . so it took some time but here i am . i got my bike in late september and starting swimming . but i did finish a sprint this dec. 8 . i thought i was hooked before but now i really am . so as the tri's go for this comming year i have the MIT in march and have also signed up for the HIM at disney . i think my training is going well but can always use some input

You did really good in your races, Mac!  Do you follow a specific training plan?  What distance is the MIT?  What are your strengths and weaknesses in each of the tri sports?  Did you have a good holiday season? 

2007-12-26 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
the MIT is a OLY . i would say that the strength would be run,bike . i found that my swimming has come a long way but at the race i well lets say spazed a bit ok alot . my whole race worked out just as i wanted as soon as i got out of the water . i felt strong on the bike and on the run i was getting better the longer i was out there
yes i had a good christmas 6 mile run and a 45 mile bike ride cant beat it plus i had a slice of pecan pie the night before i had to get rid of
2007-12-27 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Good morning everyone.  What's on today's schedule?  Cheers!
2007-12-27 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
well I not starting training today. but at work we are working out every one lunch schedule so I can now take an hour and have time to train. The guys here will both move there lunches 15 minutes one ahead and one back so I can take my hours. I think that it is GREAT support and wanted to make sure I say THANK you. I am so ready to start come Jan 1.
Hope every one is have a good day.
2007-12-27 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Hi all! I've read through all the postings and would like to join if there is still room. I very much like the blend of this group and its leader.

I have a goal of running my first Sprint at the end of March and the mentorship program would be excellent to keep me on schedule.

2007-12-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Well dang, I tried posting, but it doesn't seem to have worked. I'll try again...

Do you have room for another? My name is Sarah, I'm 28, live in the Portland, OR area, and am just finishing up my first year dabbling in triathlons. I was very active/athletic in my high school days and then got plum fat throughout college and after starting a career out here. 215lbs to be exact -- and I'm only 5'5". Last December I finally got serious about getting healthy again and even though I couldn't even run a single mile, I was consistent about my gym time even if it meant only walking for 20min. I progressed to spin class where there were over 50 photos on the wall of Ironman finishers. Hmmm.... Shortly thereafter I attended an "Intro to Triathlons" info session at the gym...I was hooked.

Looking back on 2007:
--I did a handful of 5k runs, finished my first sprint tri in June, completed the Seattle to Portland bike ride (204 miles!), finished another sprint in July, and have spent this winter working on my running.
--I'm 40lb lighter and feel 100 times better than I did at the beginning of the year!

Looking forward to 2008:
--I want to maintain my progress at weight loss and overall fitness. Maybe by 2009 I'll be out of the Athena category???
--I can't seem to break 2min/100m without my wetsuit. I can swim forever at my slow pace, but wouldn't mind getting a bit quicker.
--I want to learn how to enjoy running more. It's never been fun for me.
--I will complete at least one Olympic distance. No time goals.
--If, and only IF, I feel happy and healthy and prepared, I would like to enter a half IM towards the end of the season. This is the first time I've verbalized that goal -- yikes!
--Volunteer at at least one event.
--On the books so far:
*Jan 1 -- 5k run at midnight (first year not hungover, yay!), 5k swim later in the morning
*Jan 27 -- Vancouver Lake half-marathon (we're up to 10miles on our long days now!)
*Either Blue Lake Olympic or Pacific Crest Olympic. Or maybe both?
*A few 5k's or 10k's and sprints.

2007-12-27 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Another day without a workout as I continue getting over my head cold. I expect to be able to get in a ride and a run this weekend and one more swim on Monday.
2007-12-27 1:55 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Today: I've been feeling burned out the last couple of weeks, so have decided to make this an easy week. Our training for the half-marathon in January peaked last week (2.5mi sprint on Mon, hill repeats up a 31% grade on Wed, 10mi on Fri) followed by Christmas madness -- no wonder I'm sleepy. Tonight I'm going in for spin and lifting, but am skipping my swim practice. Tomorrow morning is our long run, although notably shorter than last week. I really want to start 2008 feeling refreshed and energized!
2007-12-27 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

Hi, can I join the group?

 I finished my first sprint triathlon last August, and am currently training for a half marathon to be held the end of February. My goals for the coming year are to finish an olympic distance triathlon, improve my time in sprint, do more running races, and lose the last 10lbs to get to my goal weight. I have lost 50lbs in the last couple years by eating better and exercising more. Up until last March I had never run more than 10 minutes at a time in my entire life! Then I decided I wanted to do a triathlon, so I had to learn to run. Since I got off of the treadmill I've actually begun to like it My husband got inspired to begin running again when he watched my triathlon, so now we run together. This is my first time running in the Winter and, living in Montana, it has been more challenging than I thought. I really hate the treadmill, so I bought some spikes for my shoes which is working pretty well. It is alot harder to run in the snow though.

Happy New Year, everyone!



2007-12-27 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Roni, I totally agree about that running in the snow thing. The other day I did 8.5 miles up a hill with snow that was kind of melting and back down. That mushy footing really eats up your muscles for the same distance versus nice dry gravel or even blacktop.

Hrm calves sore today. It looks like if I run over 10 miles I end up with sore calves for a couple days. Perhaps I am running farther than I should. This is not an injury, just sorer muscles than I typically have from regular workouts with 8.5 mile or less distance. If anyone has had similar problems when moving from a typical 10k or shorter run distance in workouts to a 10 + mile workout once a week I would love to hear about it and whether it goes away with fitness. I feel like my endurnace is fine for the actual run, I kicked most of the last 2 miles, but the legs telling me ya well maybe keep it a little shorter for now. (yay I know listen to your body).

So I went to the doctor and he said you are burning your candle at both ends. I said I know I am burning the candle at both ends I didn't come here for you to tell me that.... I came here to get more candles.

Oh well, I guess I will bike today and see how it goes.

Edited by Baowolf 2007-12-27 2:08 PM
2007-12-27 3:07 PM
in reply to: #1118610

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

michaeldhess - 2007-12-27 9:52 AM Hi all! I've read through all the postings and would like to join if there is still room. I very much like the blend of this group and its leader. I have a goal of running my first Sprint at the end of March and the mentorship program would be excellent to keep me on schedule. ------- Michael

Hello Michael!  You are more than welcome to join the group!  You're right.  This group does have a very nice mix of triathletes!  Congratulations on making a goal to do your first sprint in March!  Can you tell us a bit more about yourself?  Do you have a strength in any of the tri sports?  Which one is your weakness?  Chat with you soon!  Cheers!

2007-12-27 3:16 PM
in reply to: #1118711

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

sdbryant - 2007-12-27 11:02 AM Well dang, I tried posting, but it doesn't seem to have worked. I'll try again... Do you have room for another? My name is Sarah, I'm 28, live in the Portland, OR area, and am just finishing up my first year dabbling in triathlons. I was very active/athletic in my high school days and then got plum fat throughout college and after starting a career out here. 215lbs to be exact -- and I'm only 5'5". Last December I finally got serious about getting healthy again and even though I couldn't even run a single mile, I was consistent about my gym time even if it meant only walking for 20min. I progressed to spin class where there were over 50 photos on the wall of Ironman finishers. Hmmm.... Shortly thereafter I attended an "Intro to Triathlons" info session at the gym...I was hooked. Looking back on 2007: --I did a handful of 5k runs, finished my first sprint tri in June, completed the Seattle to Portland bike ride (204 miles!), finished another sprint in July, and have spent this winter working on my running. --I'm 40lb lighter and feel 100 times better than I did at the beginning of the year! Looking forward to 2008: --I want to maintain my progress at weight loss and overall fitness. Maybe by 2009 I'll be out of the Athena category??? --I can't seem to break 2min/100m without my wetsuit. I can swim forever at my slow pace, but wouldn't mind getting a bit quicker. --I want to learn how to enjoy running more. It's never been fun for me. --I will complete at least one Olympic distance. No time goals. --If, and only IF, I feel happy and healthy and prepared, I would like to enter a half IM towards the end of the season. This is the first time I've verbalized that goal -- yikes! --Volunteer at at least one event. --On the books so far: *Jan 1 -- 5k run at midnight (first year not hungover, yay!), 5k swim later in the morning *Jan 27 -- Vancouver Lake half-marathon (we're up to 10miles on our long days now!) *Either Blue Lake Olympic or Pacific Crest Olympic. Or maybe both? *A few 5k's or 10k's and sprints.

Hi Sarah!  Yes, you can join our group!  Thanks for such a wonderful introduction!  You have done a fantastic job of losing weight over the past year.  You should have no trouble getting out of "Athena-land" if that is your goal.  So glad to hear that we have a swimmer in our group!  No worries about being "slow".

Which sprint did you do in July?  I did the Pacific Crest Olympic in June for the first time and the Deschutes Dash Sprint in Bend for the second time in July.  Both were fun races.  I think I'm going to do the Deschutes Dash again in 2008.

Have a wonderful afternoon.  Don't hesitate to post any questions.  Cheers!

2007-12-27 3:26 PM
in reply to: #1118828

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
ronislye - 2007-12-27 12:03 PM

Hi, can I join the group?

 I finished my first sprint triathlon last August, and am currently training for a half marathon to be held the end of February. My goals for the coming year are to finish an olympic distance triathlon, improve my time in sprint, do more running races, and lose the last 10lbs to get to my goal weight. I have lost 50lbs in the last couple years by eating better and exercising more. Up until last March I had never run more than 10 minutes at a time in my entire life! Then I decided I wanted to do a triathlon, so I had to learn to run. Since I got off of the treadmill I've actually begun to like it My husband got inspired to begin running again when he watched my triathlon, so now we run together. This is my first time running in the Winter and, living in Montana, it has been more challenging than I thought. I really hate the treadmill, so I bought some spikes for my shoes which is working pretty well. It is alot harder to run in the snow though.

Happy New Year, everyone!



Hi Roni!  Of course you can join our group!  Thank you for a nice introduction.  Yes, you do have some challenges running in the winter in MT!  I used to live in central Oregon.  This will be my first winter dealing with rain rather than snow and ice.  I think I like snow better.  It's cleaner!   I must admit that I LOVE the treadmill!  I get to listen to all my music and I can teach myself what a consistent pace feels like.  Nothing beats training on the road for a road race, though!  Every piece of equipment has a time and a place.  Talk to you soon!  Cheers!

Edited by owl_girl 2007-12-27 3:27 PM
2007-12-27 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

OK group!!!  We are now at full capacity!  Let's add each other to our "Friends" list so we can watch each others progress, send happy inspires (or kick-in-the-butt inspires), and send private messages if necessary.  Here is how you add someone to your "Friends" list:

Click on the "Control Panel" just above where you "log off".

Click "edit your training setting".

Click "Friends".

Add your friends name to the list and click "Apply" at the bottom of the page.

That's all you need to do!   I'll list out all of our names shortly.  You can also find all of us on my Blog.  Does anyone have any other technical questions?  I hope you all are having a fantastic day.  Cheers!

2007-12-27 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
So lovely to (electronically) meet everyone! I've added you all to my "friends" list. I have a great group that I train with at the club, but it will be fun to get some fresh thoughts and opinions. Where is everyone from? Maybe we'll see each other at some events next year! One tech question -- is there a way to add things to my blog page such as upcoming races, goals, etc.? I have not yet joined BT as a member, but will be doing that shortly.

Tracy -- the sprint I did in June was the Blue Lake Sprint. I did the same course in July at the Luna event. How was the Oly at Pacific Crest? I plan to train on lots and lots of hills this year so that I won't be so scared to do something other than flat courses. :-)

I should have noted earlier, that what I need a lot of support on is my eating habits. I'm aware of what I should do, but I still don't do it. Cookies, fries, wine, cheese -- mmmmm. Any weight I have taken off is from exercising. But I know that my endurance suffers partly from my nutrition and if I want to keep progressing with my goals, I need to get that in check.

One last note for the day: I just checked my training plan for tomorrow and what I thought was a week of backing off on the long run, is actually another 120min run in the morning. Ugh.
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