BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD Rss Feed  
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2012-04-12 3:12 PM
in reply to: #4146656

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 2:04 PM
rrrunner - 2012-04-12 1:56 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 12:42 PM
rrrunner - 2012-04-12 1:39 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 12:32 PM

Well, I must say it's nice to hear these things from you guys. It's hard to get an unbiased opinion from people in the Seattle area because everyone is so pissed at Schultz for selling the Sonics. Also, people tend to not like corporations (which, I can respect.)

I was in Seattle several years ago for work.  Stayed near the needle.  Could NOT find a Bux within walking distance! (didn't have a car).  I plan my hotels better now when I travel Laughing

WHAT? Where does such a hotel exist????? That is crazy talk right there. 

I think you just didn't know where to look Wink

Ohhhh, i KNOW where/how to look.  My boys call it my "Star-dar" (and I have at least 3 apps to assist in my search).

As for my weekend.  Got a brick in yesterday so I could be off today for my Bible study potluck. Then tomorrow I have my long swim.  Saturday I need to fit in a long bike between grocery shopping and church stuff and Sunday I need to fit in a long run between house stuff and church stuff.

See, they need to make 'church attire' bike gear so you could ride to church, throw your groceries in panniers and ride home. Long ride, church and grocery shopping DONE Wink

Wait. Spandex isn't proper 'church attire'? I have worn them to Bible studies. Many times.

2012-04-12 3:29 PM
in reply to: #4145865

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-12 10:51 AM

Nice to see you are all now up and ready for the day.

Here in the UK its late afternoon and i am finally commiting to my first Triathlon as they just took my money. On the plus side, the swim is 100m les than i thought. The downside is the bike is 4k longer!Scared already and its only been 6 minutes.

Also going to see the stop smoking service in 45 mins which might help with the breathing once it kicks in.

Still not got my training sesh in but will get running after tea. (chilli chicken, ribs and homemade wedges. Oh and salad, cos i am soooo focused)

No, really i will.

Where in the UK are you?  I'm from Romford in Essex (hence the move to Australia!!).  When in England I was a smoker and far from a triathlete!  Here in Australia, complete lifestyle change!  As someone said on a thread, you know you are a triathlete when it's no longer what you do but who you are.

2012-04-12 3:33 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Good training day yesterday, 45mins trainer in the morning and a run in the evening down by the beach on a beautiful autumn night.

Thanks for making me feel like I'm a swimmer with my workout post - that's our basic 3km squad session, I do squad 3 times a week and it's pretty much like that every time, sometimes worse coz of the butterfly he throws in!  You should see some of our swimmers though - the faster lanes have additional drills so they end up doing nearer 4km and look so fresh (and hot) when they are done!

Tonight, 90min run then a recovery swim it says in the program...if the pool is still open when I'm done I'll go!

2012-04-12 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4146532

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Artemis - 2012-04-12 7:39 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 2:13 PM

Oooh we've got some 'BUX lovers in here. I actually work at the HQ.

In terms of chai, I go for cinnamon-soy chai tea latte. 

I love Starbucks!  But, I had to break the habit because I was spending too much and now I have to buy diapers.  It's a treat now.

Cinnamon chai latte sounds good - what kind of syrup do you add to make that?

I have a Nespresso machine at home, too, so that also helps me get my caffeine fix.  That thing is dangerous!!

Surely it's not that dangerous!?!

2012-04-12 4:02 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Weekend plans: hoping to get out in my kayak Saturday and get some nice spring pics of the river and birds.  Later in the day, cooking out with wine and friends.  Sunday: watching a local tri and cheering on friends.  May either ride bike to the race or bike afterwards.  Hoping Achilles is OK with that plan.  Going to take a little test ride tomorrow and see how it likes biking. 
2012-04-12 4:09 PM
in reply to: #4146955

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jobaxas - 2012-04-12 9:29 PM
ukweeble - 2012-04-12 10:51 AM

Nice to see you are all now up and ready for the day.

Here in the UK its late afternoon and i am finally commiting to my first Triathlon as they just took my money. On the plus side, the swim is 100m les than i thought. The downside is the bike is 4k longer!Scared already and its only been 6 minutes.

Also going to see the stop smoking service in 45 mins which might help with the breathing once it kicks in.

Still not got my training sesh in but will get running after tea. (chilli chicken, ribs and homemade wedges. Oh and salad, cos i am soooo focused)

No, really i will.

Where in the UK are you?  I'm from Romford in Essex (hence the move to Australia!!).  When in England I was a smoker and far from a triathlete!  Here in Australia, complete lifestyle change!  As someone said on a thread, you know you are a triathlete when it's no longer what you do but who you are.

I'm from Mansfield Notts. And greener with envy than my Frog avatar that you escaped to Oz.

And did i read right when you said that was a BASIC 3k swim training session? Basic!!! In the words of Salty, 'WTF'. Hate to see your coach when he wants you to push it.

I'm up to 500m now. (in total, at a very slow pace, with both arms, and legs..... and a snorkel if i could get away with it.)

2012-04-12 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Seems the mention of tea sparked an avalanche of coffee related stuff.

Perhaps i should clarify my position. In the UK, many of us commoners refer to dinner as tea, as in 'tea time', that being dinner as opposed to lunch. Tea for drinking begins in the morning, and continues throughout the day, culminating in 'afternoon tea' or 'high tea' for the upper classes and those of us who aspire to be one of them for an hour or two. High tea is taken with an assortment of light sandwiches and cakes, accompanied by live a pianist if you are in one of the more accomplished establishments such as Betty's Tea Rooms in Harrogate, or perhaps The Savoy.

My preference is for Earl Grey, as my first drink of the day, after which i sink to the depths of my american cousins and resort to a coffee. I really have been hanging out with you guys too long.

I soooo do not understand all the different stuff you drink with your chocomocho dinky soy frothy skinny half caf decaf malty sprinkled columbian dark, with a side order of bagels. Guess you guys are the aristocrats of coffee. I just get mine out of a jar, although i do have aspirations and so i occasionally change to a different brand, as long as it's on offer.

2012-04-12 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4146632

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 7:58 PM
KansasMom - 2012-04-12 1:48 PM

Received the weather policy for the race Sunday in my email this afternoon. Looks like we're basically good to go unless there's a tornado. Gotta love Kansas. :-)

In the event of:
Lightning- The event will be delayed until the inclement weather passes.
Heavy Rain- In the event of very heavy rain the event may be delayed for safety purposes.
Rain- The event will NOT be cancelled due to rain alone
Tornado warning- The event will be cancelled in the event of a tornado warning.

Notice there is no mention of the wind that just goes straight. Only the kind that blows in a circular direction. Tongue out And tornado warning means one has been spotted in the area, so, yeah.

Yikes! Sounds exciting though! You are going to have to keep us updated on the weather status!

X2 on that. The worry of what the weather is going to be like freaks me out for my Tri. (and we don't have your reputation for weather, yeah, I've seen The Wizzard of Oz).

And Salty, i know i've got to HTFU, but can you pm me to tell me what the F means now (i've got the H) OOOh that sounds so wrong.

2012-04-12 5:04 PM
in reply to: #4146423

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jmkizer - 2012-04-12 2:18 PM
jogo - 2012-04-11 9:12 PM

My question is nutrition.  I always feel like I am bonking after 2 hours.  I read in an Active article today that, at my pace, I should be taking 225 cal/hour of carbs during a marathon.  Considering a gel is 100 calories (and I don't use gels usually because of port a potty issues), that would be a gel every 30 minutes or about 11 during a marathon.  That is way too much.  I only had 280 cals in 3 hours today and I felt so hungry and underfueled.  I want to try increasing to at least 200 cals/hour.  Any suggestions?   


Nutrition questions are difficult to ask.  The answers tend to vary a lot from person to person. 

For me, before the event I have a bagel with peanut butter and a water bottle with water + camelbak elixir.  During the run is on Gu or Hammer gel every 5 miles.  If the marathon uses Gu, I train with Gu.  If the marathon uses Hammer, I train with Hammer.  I was told do not mix your brands on the same run since the different brands sometimes use different sugars which and mixes of some sugars can cause GI problems.  This was not something I wanted to test.

In training, I carry my water.  In the race, I check the course map to make sure that the water stops are every mile and that there will be gels dispensed at appropriate locations (or carry my gels).  I have had problems tolerating sports drink in the past and I stick with plain water during (or water + nuun or camelbak elixir) racing and training.

I eat way more on the bike but this was a marathon question!

Thanks for the response.  Good to know not to mix brands.  I was going to do that this weekend and experiment.   I did check today and the water stations are every 2-3 or so miles until after the half and then they are every 1.1-1.8 miles.  

You would think after all the marathons I've done, I'd have this down to an art but it truly has been a fail in the past on every long run and marathon.  I just get too stupid from low blood sugar to realize that this is the problem until its too late.  Yesterday opened my eyes.  I was good for 10 miles and then crashed, like I usually do.  This is the first marathon where my time actually matters and I can't walk too much or risk being pulled from the course.  

I am going to experiment during my 16 miler on Saturday with gu every 45 minutes and gatorade on the miles in between the gu.  I did 1 minute of walking at every mile mark yesterday to remind myself to drink something.  I really get stupid and try going 5 hours with nothing but water.  I am still learning with every training cycle. I've enlisted a friend to run with me and yell at me when I need to take something, before its too late and I think about it. 

2012-04-12 5:04 PM
in reply to: #4147173

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-12 4:43 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 7:58 PM
KansasMom - 2012-04-12 1:48 PM

Received the weather policy for the race Sunday in my email this afternoon. Looks like we're basically good to go unless there's a tornado. Gotta love Kansas. :-)

In the event of:
Lightning- The event will be delayed until the inclement weather passes.
Heavy Rain- In the event of very heavy rain the event may be delayed for safety purposes.
Rain- The event will NOT be cancelled due to rain alone
Tornado warning- The event will be cancelled in the event of a tornado warning.

Notice there is no mention of the wind that just goes straight. Only the kind that blows in a circular direction. Tongue out And tornado warning means one has been spotted in the area, so, yeah.

Yikes! Sounds exciting though! You are going to have to keep us updated on the weather status!

X2 on that. The worry of what the weather is going to be like freaks me out for my Tri. (and we don't have your reputation for weather, yeah, I've seen The Wizzard of Oz).

And Salty, i know i've got to HTFU, but can you pm me to tell me what the F means now (i've got the H) OOOh that sounds so wrong.

Due to *ahem* restrictions in PM you are just going to have to think outside the box and figure out what the ever elusive 'f' stands for.  Laughing

2012-04-12 5:04 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Coastal Carolina
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

I'm with you on the Earl Grey Allen (loose tea bag tea only if in a bind), that's my morning goto drink, I'm an outcast here in the states and drink tea as my go to caffinated beverage instead of coffee.

Been busy here the last few days mostly with everything that isn't tri training even though I am supposed to be on my weekend, oh well the Charity ride is tomorrow so final touches time.

Got a swim and a bike done today more of the same tomorrow, hopefully.  The OWS is pushed back to next week (SC version of a cold front came through might actually have a frost warning tonight), I know cutting it close but is there really any other way?  I do promise to get a ows done in the wetsuit before the tri.

Good luck on your Race Felicia

Enjoy the NBA game and more breweries Salty, I'm getting jealous of all the breweries you make it to.

This weekend is a working week for me but I'm in the cruiser instead of on the bike so extra boring.  OK off to trivia night

2012-04-12 5:08 PM
in reply to: #4147200

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
jogo - 2012-04-12 5:04 PM
jmkizer - 2012-04-12 2:18 PM
jogo - 2012-04-11 9:12 PM

My question is nutrition.  I always feel like I am bonking after 2 hours.  I read in an Active article today that, at my pace, I should be taking 225 cal/hour of carbs during a marathon.  Considering a gel is 100 calories (and I don't use gels usually because of port a potty issues), that would be a gel every 30 minutes or about 11 during a marathon.  That is way too much.  I only had 280 cals in 3 hours today and I felt so hungry and underfueled.  I want to try increasing to at least 200 cals/hour.  Any suggestions?   


Nutrition questions are difficult to ask.  The answers tend to vary a lot from person to person. 

For me, before the event I have a bagel with peanut butter and a water bottle with water + camelbak elixir.  During the run is on Gu or Hammer gel every 5 miles.  If the marathon uses Gu, I train with Gu.  If the marathon uses Hammer, I train with Hammer.  I was told do not mix your brands on the same run since the different brands sometimes use different sugars which and mixes of some sugars can cause GI problems.  This was not something I wanted to test.

In training, I carry my water.  In the race, I check the course map to make sure that the water stops are every mile and that there will be gels dispensed at appropriate locations (or carry my gels).  I have had problems tolerating sports drink in the past and I stick with plain water during (or water + nuun or camelbak elixir) racing and training.

I eat way more on the bike but this was a marathon question!

Thanks for the response.  Good to know not to mix brands.  I was going to do that this weekend and experiment.   I did check today and the water stations are every 2-3 or so miles until after the half and then they are every 1.1-1.8 miles.  

You would think after all the marathons I've done, I'd have this down to an art but it truly has been a fail in the past on every long run and marathon.  I just get too stupid from low blood sugar to realize that this is the problem until its too late.  Yesterday opened my eyes.  I was good for 10 miles and then crashed, like I usually do.  This is the first marathon where my time actually matters and I can't walk too much or risk being pulled from the course.  

I am going to experiment during my 16 miler on Saturday with gu every 45 minutes and gatorade on the miles in between the gu.  I did 1 minute of walking at every mile mark yesterday to remind myself to drink something.  I really get stupid and try going 5 hours with nothing but water.  I am still learning with every training cycle. I've enlisted a friend to run with me and yell at me when I need to take something, before its too late and I think about it. 

Yes, I think everyone is so different when it comes to the nutrition topic that it is VERY important to experiment with this at every opportunity you get.

2012-04-12 6:09 PM
in reply to: #4147213

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 5:08 PM
jogo - 2012-04-12 5:04 PM
jmkizer - 2012-04-12 2:18 PM
jogo - 2012-04-11 9:12 PM

My question is nutrition.  I always feel like I am bonking after 2 hours.  I read in an Active article today that, at my pace, I should be taking 225 cal/hour of carbs during a marathon.  Considering a gel is 100 calories (and I don't use gels usually because of port a potty issues), that would be a gel every 30 minutes or about 11 during a marathon.  That is way too much.  I only had 280 cals in 3 hours today and I felt so hungry and underfueled.  I want to try increasing to at least 200 cals/hour.  Any suggestions?   


Nutrition questions are difficult to ask.  The answers tend to vary a lot from person to person. 

For me, before the event I have a bagel with peanut butter and a water bottle with water + camelbak elixir.  During the run is on Gu or Hammer gel every 5 miles.  If the marathon uses Gu, I train with Gu.  If the marathon uses Hammer, I train with Hammer.  I was told do not mix your brands on the same run since the different brands sometimes use different sugars which and mixes of some sugars can cause GI problems.  This was not something I wanted to test.

In training, I carry my water.  In the race, I check the course map to make sure that the water stops are every mile and that there will be gels dispensed at appropriate locations (or carry my gels).  I have had problems tolerating sports drink in the past and I stick with plain water during (or water + nuun or camelbak elixir) racing and training.

I eat way more on the bike but this was a marathon question!

Thanks for the response.  Good to know not to mix brands.  I was going to do that this weekend and experiment.   I did check today and the water stations are every 2-3 or so miles until after the half and then they are every 1.1-1.8 miles.  

You would think after all the marathons I've done, I'd have this down to an art but it truly has been a fail in the past on every long run and marathon.  I just get too stupid from low blood sugar to realize that this is the problem until its too late.  Yesterday opened my eyes.  I was good for 10 miles and then crashed, like I usually do.  This is the first marathon where my time actually matters and I can't walk too much or risk being pulled from the course.  

I am going to experiment during my 16 miler on Saturday with gu every 45 minutes and gatorade on the miles in between the gu.  I did 1 minute of walking at every mile mark yesterday to remind myself to drink something.  I really get stupid and try going 5 hours with nothing but water.  I am still learning with every training cycle. I've enlisted a friend to run with me and yell at me when I need to take something, before its too late and I think about it. 

Yes, I think everyone is so different when it comes to the nutrition topic that it is VERY important to experiment with this at every opportunity you get.

Totally agree with the need to experiment to see what works for you.  I cannot do any type of gu type nutrition, so for my marathons I stick with water and gatorade (or whatever the on course drink is) with the occasional tootsie roll or starburst thrown in.

BTW, Salty, what does a Starbuck's designer do?  I'm afraid I'm not very exciting in the coffee department - venti decaf, black, 2 sweet n lows is my mainstay.

2012-04-12 6:21 PM
in reply to: #4147284

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
amd723 - 2012-04-12 6:09 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 5:08 PM
jogo - 2012-04-12 5:04 PM
jmkizer - 2012-04-12 2:18 PM
jogo - 2012-04-11 9:12 PM


BTW, Salty, what does a Starbuck's designer do?  I'm afraid I'm not very exciting in the coffee department - venti decaf, black, 2 sweet n lows is my mainstay.

I'm a retail designer for Thailand, Australia and New Zealand. To sum it up I design the stores (whether they be freestanding or within a space like a mall) from the actual structure (to some degree) to signage to the finishes meaning paint, tile, light fixtures etc. It's kind of like a architect/interior designer hybrid. 

For example, this is a construction photo from the last store I designed in the middle east: 

2012-04-12 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4147152

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-12 2:33 PM

Seems the mention of tea sparked an avalanche of coffee related stuff.

Perhaps i should clarify my position. In the UK, many of us commoners refer to dinner as tea, as in 'tea time', that being dinner as opposed to lunch. Tea for drinking begins in the morning, and continues throughout the day, culminating in 'afternoon tea' or 'high tea' for the upper classes and those of us who aspire to be one of them for an hour or two. High tea is taken with an assortment of light sandwiches and cakes, accompanied by live a pianist if you are in one of the more accomplished establishments such as Betty's Tea Rooms in Harrogate, or perhaps The Savoy.

My preference is for Earl Grey, as my first drink of the day, after which i sink to the depths of my american cousins and resort to a coffee. I really have been hanging out with you guys too long.

I soooo do not understand all the different stuff you drink with your chocomocho dinky soy frothy skinny half caf decaf malty sprinkled columbian dark, with a side order of bagels. Guess you guys are the aristocrats of coffee. I just get mine out of a jar, although i do have aspirations and so i occasionally change to a different brand, as long as it's on offer.

LMAO!  I am a coffee with milk kinda girl, even when I do go to Starbucks, which isn't too often.  I am the farthest thing away from a coffee snob there is, and if it is hot (well actually lukewarm will do in a pinch), and the spoon won't stand up by itself I will drink it.  I do enjoy a nice cuppa tea now and again as well. 

2012-04-12 6:29 PM
in reply to: #4147284

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
amd723 - 2012-04-12 6:09 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 5:08 PM
jogo - 2012-04-12 5:04 PM
jmkizer - 2012-04-12 2:18 PM
jogo - 2012-04-11 9:12 PM

My question is nutrition.  I always feel like I am bonking after 2 hours.  I read in an Active article today that, at my pace, I should be taking 225 cal/hour of carbs during a marathon.  Considering a gel is 100 calories (and I don't use gels usually because of port a potty issues), that would be a gel every 30 minutes or about 11 during a marathon.  That is way too much.  I only had 280 cals in 3 hours today and I felt so hungry and underfueled.  I want to try increasing to at least 200 cals/hour.  Any suggestions?   


Nutrition questions are difficult to ask.  The answers tend to vary a lot from person to person. 

For me, before the event I have a bagel with peanut butter and a water bottle with water + camelbak elixir.  During the run is on Gu or Hammer gel every 5 miles.  If the marathon uses Gu, I train with Gu.  If the marathon uses Hammer, I train with Hammer.  I was told do not mix your brands on the same run since the different brands sometimes use different sugars which and mixes of some sugars can cause GI problems.  This was not something I wanted to test.

In training, I carry my water.  In the race, I check the course map to make sure that the water stops are every mile and that there will be gels dispensed at appropriate locations (or carry my gels).  I have had problems tolerating sports drink in the past and I stick with plain water during (or water + nuun or camelbak elixir) racing and training.

I eat way more on the bike but this was a marathon question!

Thanks for the response.  Good to know not to mix brands.  I was going to do that this weekend and experiment.   I did check today and the water stations are every 2-3 or so miles until after the half and then they are every 1.1-1.8 miles.  

You would think after all the marathons I've done, I'd have this down to an art but it truly has been a fail in the past on every long run and marathon.  I just get too stupid from low blood sugar to realize that this is the problem until its too late.  Yesterday opened my eyes.  I was good for 10 miles and then crashed, like I usually do.  This is the first marathon where my time actually matters and I can't walk too much or risk being pulled from the course.  

I am going to experiment during my 16 miler on Saturday with gu every 45 minutes and gatorade on the miles in between the gu.  I did 1 minute of walking at every mile mark yesterday to remind myself to drink something.  I really get stupid and try going 5 hours with nothing but water.  I am still learning with every training cycle. I've enlisted a friend to run with me and yell at me when I need to take something, before its too late and I think about it. 

Yes, I think everyone is so different when it comes to the nutrition topic that it is VERY important to experiment with this at every opportunity you get.

Totally agree with the need to experiment to see what works for you.  I cannot do any type of gu type nutrition, so for my marathons I stick with water and gatorade (or whatever the on course drink is) with the occasional tootsie roll or starburst thrown in.

BTW, Salty, what does a Starbuck's designer do?  I'm afraid I'm not very exciting in the coffee department - venti decaf, black, 2 sweet n lows is my mainstay.

Jo (what a cool name!)

When I was doing marathon training and racing I did the following and it worked very well in that I rarely hit the wall and if I did it was minor and i knew how to fix it.

Day before, at least two Gatorades and buckets of water!  Drink until you feel you are sloshing in your stomach.  also I eat about 4 bananas as well as some plain pasta etc.

On the morning of the race - up early for me, one Gatorade, one water, one banana and a protein bar.  Again drinking water all the time until stomach is sloshing - no more than that.  Maybe another Gatorade depending on how hot the day is forecast.

Race time - already hungry But I make sure I drink water at every aid station, just enough - not too much to get a stitch.  After 1 hour I have a bite of a protein bar again with a huge swig of water.  I then have a bite of the bar every 30mins - it's enough sugar etc to keep me level headed.  Towards the end of the race I'll be soooooo fed up with the bar that I have some sweets - usually the jellies that are the equivalent of Gu.  If anyone out there on the course is giving away chips or anything else salty I'll give it a go!

I don't drink sports drinks or Gatorade while running coz I find it makes me feel nauseous.  The jellies work well washed down with plenty of water.  Also by km 20 I drink a cup of water and pour one on my head - makes me feel better!

Last marathon I did, didn't hit the wall at all - yeah I got tired and fed up but not that "i can't do this" feeling.

2012-04-12 6:42 PM
in reply to: #4147291

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 6:21 PM
amd723 - 2012-04-12 6:09 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 5:08 PM
jogo - 2012-04-12 5:04 PM
jmkizer - 2012-04-12 2:18 PM
jogo - 2012-04-11 9:12 PM


BTW, Salty, what does a Starbuck's designer do?  I'm afraid I'm not very exciting in the coffee department - venti decaf, black, 2 sweet n lows is my mainstay.

I'm a retail designer for Thailand, Australia and New Zealand. To sum it up I design the stores (whether they be freestanding or within a space like a mall) from the actual structure (to some degree) to signage to the finishes meaning paint, tile, light fixtures etc. It's kind of like a architect/interior designer hybrid. 

For example, this is a construction photo from the last store I designed in the middle east: 

Very cool.  I thought maybe it meant that you were the one that makes us call large drinks ventis!

2012-04-12 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
I would never! But I might pass along Allen's chocomocho dinky soy frothy skinny half caf decaf malty sprinkled columbian dark, with a side order of bagels.
2012-04-12 8:27 PM
in reply to: #4147328

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 4:48 PM I would never! But I might pass along Allen's chocomocho dinky soy frothy skinny half caf decaf malty sprinkled columbian dark, with a side order of bagels.

This makes me howl each time I read it! 

2012-04-12 8:53 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Got my swim in at lunch today.  I wasn't really looking forward to it, because the plan called for a continuous 30 minutes.  I wasn't sure I could do that.  I decided to try the breathing to one side thing today; I usually breath every 3 strokes and often feel/sound like I am gasping.  What a difference.  I did 200m warm up, then decided I had time to swim for 25 min.  Usually it takes me 5-700m before I start to feel 'in the groove'.  Today, I was there from the word go.  I breathed to the right on the way down and to the left on the way back.  No issues with feeling out of breath, felt really comfortable.  I swam the entire 25 minutes (approx 1100m, didn't count lengths) without feeling as though I needed to stop.  Not fast by any stretch of the imagination, but I was able to do the whole time.  I think I will start dreading my swim sessions every time, because it seems like when I do, I have a breakthrough of sorts.  I felt like my stroke was more 'even' as well, as though I completed my rotation on both sides.  I'll get another chance to practice at Masters tomorrow morning at 5:45am.  Ick.  I can't believe I paid to get up that early Wink

2012-04-12 8:59 PM
in reply to: #4147453

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
bcraht - 2012-04-12 8:27 PM

Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 4:48 PM I would never! But I might pass along Allen's chocomocho dinky soy frothy skinny half caf decaf malty sprinkled columbian dark, with a side order of bagels.

This makes me howl each time I read it! 

I love it, too!

2012-04-12 9:19 PM
in reply to: #4146553

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 2:42 PM
Artemis - 2012-04-12 1:39 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 2:13 PM

Oooh we've got some 'BUX lovers in here. I actually work at the HQ.

In terms of chai, I go for cinnamon-soy chai tea latte. 

I love Starbucks!  But, I had to break the habit because I was spending too much and now I have to buy diapers.  It's a treat now.

Cinnamon chai latte sounds good - what kind of syrup do you add to make that?

I have a Nespresso machine at home, too, so that also helps me get my caffeine fix.  That thing is dangerous!!

I just do a normal chai latte with vanilla soymilk and then add cinnamon (real) on top and stir it in. You COULD use cinnamon syrup but I like the real thing. 

Ah...that does sound good with real cinnamon.  I would try the vanilla soymilk thing, but I am allergic to soy and nuts.  It's a good thing I am not also lactose intolerant or I would be really grumpy!  Rice milk isn't very good.

2012-04-12 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4147039

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD
ukweeble - 2012-04-12 4:53 PM
Artemis - 2012-04-12 7:39 PM
Asalzwed - 2012-04-12 2:13 PM

Oooh we've got some 'BUX lovers in here. I actually work at the HQ.

In terms of chai, I go for cinnamon-soy chai tea latte. 

I love Starbucks!  But, I had to break the habit because I was spending too much and now I have to buy diapers.  It's a treat now.

Cinnamon chai latte sounds good - what kind of syrup do you add to make that?

I have a Nespresso machine at home, too, so that also helps me get my caffeine fix.  That thing is dangerous!!

Surely it's not that dangerous!?!

Oh, it's not.  I'm just exaggerating for comedic effect.

2012-04-12 9:25 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

My weekend plans:

-go for a run with the baby either Saturday or Sunday depending on what day the weather is better

-grocery shopping


-Skyping with family 

2012-04-12 9:51 PM
in reply to: #4126290

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Yanti & Salty MAD MANATEES Mentor Group - FULL POD

Holy Cow I step away for a few hours and there's more pages!  I can't keep up, yes, this is the Mad Manatee group no doubt!  Love the constant communication I've seen so far.

My weekend plans:

Office is closing early tomorrow, bussing people over to KC Royals home opener.  Gave my ticket to a co-worker that wanted to take her son.  With that, barring an rain, I will be hammering out 40-50 miles on the bike, fighting 15-20 Kansas winds, should be a good workout.  Tomorrow morning I'll probably run six miles or so.

Saturday I'll probably swim in the AM, then run long, maybe 10, maybe 13 miles in the afternoon.

Sunday a group is going out the the IMKS 70.3 course so I may join them.  Rain is potentially going to derail that effort, hopefully not.

In addition to the training rides will be leisure rides with my kids, have to fix a bent wheel on my daughters bike, which really means a visit to LBS to have them true it up (I don't have the proper tools for that).  There will be some beer mixed in there somewhere and of course some bold 'BUX coffee.

Some grilling of some kind will be going on while the beer drinking is happening.

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