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2012-09-18 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4162190

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

I have had triathletes not see me again because they said I am too intense for them.  I am not that intense at all I just have IM dreams.

I have witness blind first hot tube dates people had off a dating site.  I know because one of the girls asked so how long have you been on the site.

2012-09-18 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4416758

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
nerdjock - 2012-09-18 12:46 PM

I keep getting asked on hot tub dates.  Seriously, 3 in the past week.  I think it's just a way for guys to see me in very little clothing while acting like they have innocent intentions.

How does that work - like where is said hot tub? At their place? Clearly we do not do this in Kansas :p

2012-09-18 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4162190

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
I have seen it at the lifetime fitness.  Very open and very public. 
2012-09-18 1:49 PM
in reply to: #4416913

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
lisac957 - 2012-09-18 11:42 AM
nerdjock - 2012-09-18 12:46 PM

I keep getting asked on hot tub dates.  Seriously, 3 in the past week.  I think it's just a way for guys to see me in very little clothing while acting like they have innocent intentions.

How does that work - like where is said hot tub? At their place? Clearly we do not do this in Kansas :p

Well, I've gone on 2 of them.  Not first dates.  Second dates.  hahahahaha.  Keeping it classy.  In both cases, the guys had them at their homes.  So, usually I show up, a bottle of wine is opened, and we head to the hot tub and strip down.  I wear a bikini under my clothes.  Then they massage my shoulders.  hahahaha.  Making out in one case.  Then we hop out.  We each shower (separately) and then watch a movie or have breakfast or dinner.

To be clear, i wouldn't do this with a random dude.  Those I turn down for hot tub dates.  hahaha

But, OMG, such amazing eye candy in San Diego!  Last night's hot tub date is a firefighter who's been in bachelor auctions.  He looks like he belongs on a calendar.

2012-09-18 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4416939

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
nerdjock - 2012-09-18 2:49 PM 

But, OMG, such amazing eye candy in San Diego!  Last night's hot tub date is a firefighter who's been in bachelor auctions.  He looks like he belongs on a calendar.

Like this ??

2012-09-18 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4162190

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Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Why am I picturing the Bachelor all of a sudden?

2012-09-18 2:10 PM
in reply to: #4416970

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
mrbbrad - 2012-09-18 12:00 PM
nerdjock - 2012-09-18 2:49 PM 

But, OMG, such amazing eye candy in San Diego!  Last night's hot tub date is a firefighter who's been in bachelor auctions.  He looks like he belongs on a calendar.

Like this ??


And, funny about the Bachelor.  A couple of my gfs said that because one guy took me on a sunset aerial tour of San Diego.  Hahahahaha

2012-09-18 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4416939

Subject: ...
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2012-09-18 2:59 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Chicago (Old Town)
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
Just saw this.. Finally a place to talk about this stuff!!!

Dating is certainly tough for the triathlete. I've been talking to someone on Match after a search of "Ironman" and so far it's going good, though we haven't met yet.

(this is where Julio lays down on the therapist couch)... Sometimes I feel as a back-of-the-packer like I'm too intense for the non-athlete, but looked down upon by the really gung-ho ones.. It'd be neat to find another back-of-the-packer that I hit it off with..

Not really sure of my point. Just a thought in my mind and I finally found a place to write it. Thanks!

Edited by julio26pt2 2012-09-18 3:01 PM
2012-09-18 3:13 PM
in reply to: #4416913

the colony texas
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
lisac957 - 2012-09-18 1:42 PM
nerdjock - 2012-09-18 12:46 PM

I keep getting asked on hot tub dates.  Seriously, 3 in the past week.  I think it's just a way for guys to see me in very little clothing while acting like they have innocent intentions.

How does that work - like where is said hot tub? At their place? Clearly we do not do this in Kansas :p

 Too funny, my date and I got kicked out of a hot tub last week on our first date.   We were at a nice downtown hotel restuarant and she was joking that her heels made her feet hurt, so we wandered off to find the hot tub to give them a soak.   After we were there about 10 min, security gave us the boot.

2012-09-18 11:00 PM
in reply to: #4416906

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
chirunner134 - 2012-09-18 2:40 PM

I have had triathletes not see me again because they said I am too intense for them.  I am not that intense at all I just have IM dreams.

I have witness blind first hot tube dates people had off a dating site.  I know because one of the girls asked so how long have you been on the site.

How intense is intense? I thought I was intense. Where does everyone live by the way?

2012-09-18 11:27 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
I could be royally screwing myself over for this and might never get a date off this site but...

Speaking of Match.com a few pages ago, can I please get an honest critique from everyone here on my Match.com profile? I'm trying to get answers to what your initial thoughts. Bad pictures? All about triathlons? Not enough pictures? Bad profile overall? Give me the low down. What do you suggest I change?

I don't care if a girl or guy views my profile. Doesn't bother me.

My username: MrActivePerson.
If you're on OkCupid: Masterpieced

Be blunt. Thanks and I look forward to being thrown under the bus. Yay!
2012-09-19 5:51 AM
in reply to: #4417854

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-18 11:27 PM

I could be royally screwing myself over for this and might never get a date off this site but...

Speaking of Match.com a few pages ago, can I please get an honest critique from everyone here on my Match.com profile? I'm trying to get answers to what your initial thoughts. Bad pictures? All about triathlons? Not enough pictures? Bad profile overall? Give me the low down. What do you suggest I change?

I don't care if a girl or guy views my profile. Doesn't bother me.

My username: MrActivePerson.
If you're on OkCupid: Masterpieced

Be blunt. Thanks and I look forward to being thrown under the bus. Yay!

I looked at your OKC profile. I don't think there's anything overtly wrong about the profile page, itself. You're articulate and straight forward about what you're looking for. The emphasis on chivalry may be a bit overwhelming for some (I'd shy away). But if that's who you are, then it's best to put that out there up front.

Your pics, though. Dude. Get rid of the pic with other women kissing you. Get rid of the pic with the woman half cropped out. Get rid of the cellphone pic with you and the other woman. You may THINK it makes you seem desirable to have pics of you with other women. It doesn't. And, it really is contradictory to how you say you'd treat women. (In the group shot, add a description that explains it and which one you are. "My triathlon training crew - I'm the one on the far right." or something.)

(You wanted honest, right?)
2012-09-19 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4417932

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

DeannaS - 2012-09-19 6:51 AM
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-18 11:27 PM I could be royally screwing myself over for this and might never get a date off this site but...

Speaking of Match.com a few pages ago, can I please get an honest critique from everyone here on my Match.com profile? I'm trying to get answers to what your initial thoughts. Bad pictures? All about triathlons? Not enough pictures? Bad profile overall? Give me the low down. What do you suggest I change?

I don't care if a girl or guy views my profile. Doesn't bother me.

My username: MrActivePerson.
If you're on OkCupid: Masterpieced

Be blunt. Thanks and I look forward to being thrown under the bus. Yay!
I looked at your OKC profile. I don't think there's anything overtly wrong about the profile page, itself. You're articulate and straight forward about what you're looking for. The emphasis on chivalry may be a bit overwhelming for some (I'd shy away). But if that's who you are, then it's best to put that out there up front. Your pics, though. Dude. Get rid of the pic with other women kissing you. Get rid of the pic with the woman half cropped out. Get rid of the cellphone pic with you and the other woman. You may THINK it makes you seem desirable to have pics of you with other women. It doesn't. And, it really is contradictory to how you say you'd treat women. (In the group shot, add a description that explains it and which one you are. "My triathlon training crew - I'm the one on the far right." or something.) (You wanted honest, right?)

Thank you. Wow, I didn't realize that you shouldn't have women in your pictures. I thought it was funny. Probably that's why I don't get contacted.

2012-09-19 9:23 AM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Race season must be over, the singles are on the prowl.

TJ, I got invited to go to bingo at their church for a first date......can you top that?

2012-09-19 9:53 AM
in reply to: #4417854

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

piyushdabomb - 2012-09-18 11:27 PM I could be royally screwing myself over for this and might never get a date off this site but...

Speaking of Match.com a few pages ago, can I please get an honest critique from everyone here on my Match.com profile? I'm trying to get answers to what your initial thoughts. Bad pictures? All about triathlons? Not enough pictures? Bad profile overall? Give me the low down. What do you suggest I change?

I don't care if a girl or guy views my profile. Doesn't bother me.

My username: MrActivePerson.
If you're on OkCupid: Masterpieced

Be blunt. Thanks and I look forward to being thrown under the bus. Yay!

I looked at your Match profile - it's a little light on content in my opinion. Don't really get a feel for anything about you beyond being active (and maybe funny) or what you're looking for.

Some suggestions on what I like to see: something about your profession - doesn't have to be too specific but what type of work do you do (marketing, manufacturing - what), personality traits like are you quiet - life of the party, that kind of stuff. Ok I see you put "business consulting" but could use way more.

Your photos on match are fine - could use some captions but nothing that would make me click away.

2012-09-19 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4418305

Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

I'm with Lisa here, content is way too light.  I have no idea who you are or what you do.  You might want to add another smiling pic.  I always look for those.

lisac957 - 2012-09-19 7:53 AM

piyushdabomb - 2012-09-18 11:27 PM I could be royally screwing myself over for this and might never get a date off this site but...

Speaking of Match.com a few pages ago, can I please get an honest critique from everyone here on my Match.com profile? I'm trying to get answers to what your initial thoughts. Bad pictures? All about triathlons? Not enough pictures? Bad profile overall? Give me the low down. What do you suggest I change?

I don't care if a girl or guy views my profile. Doesn't bother me.

My username: MrActivePerson.
If you're on OkCupid: Masterpieced

Be blunt. Thanks and I look forward to being thrown under the bus. Yay!

I looked at your Match profile - it's a little light on content in my opinion. Don't really get a feel for anything about you beyond being active (and maybe funny) or what you're looking for.

Some suggestions on what I like to see: something about your profession - doesn't have to be too specific but what type of work do you do (marketing, manufacturing - what), personality traits like are you quiet - life of the party, that kind of stuff. Ok I see you put "business consulting" but could use way more.

Your photos on match are fine - could use some captions but nothing that would make me click away.

2012-09-19 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Haven't been in COJ all summer...I missed this entire thread!

Another single lady here...actually just went back on Match now that marathon training is winding down...thought, "What the hell..."


2012-09-19 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Haven't been in COJ all summer...I missed this entire thread!

Another single lady here...actually just went back on Match now that marathon training is winding down...thought, "What the hell..."


2012-09-19 6:03 PM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
2012-09-20 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4418305

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0

Thanks for your responses.

So, the reason why I removed anything substantial about my 'life' per se is because of several reasons:

1. I don't know whether women ever read my profile. Apparently, you ladies do read it and so maybe my theory is wrong. I used the thought that a picture is worth a thousand words. Now clearly, my professional setting hasn't been written, but it's actually baked into the other sections of match.com. I see your point about writing more about me.

I'll write something more substantial.

2. Yes, another smiling face can work. I'll need to get more non uber active pictures.

3. Should I get more images of me in better formal attire? Yes, I think I can dress to impress (which is what I obviously do on dates), but I wasn't sure whether it makes sense to add it here.

Appreciate the comments.



2012-09-20 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4420052

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-20 8:51 AM

3. Should I get more images of me in better formal attire? Yes, I think I can dress to impress (which is what I obviously do on dates), but I wasn't sure whether it makes sense to add it here.

Appreciate the comments.



Depends on what kind of woman you're trying to attract, honestly. Formal attire turns me off. And, if you show up on a date with me in formal attire I'll immediately assume we're not compatible. "Dressing up" is a rare occurrence for me, and one I don't relish. (I also don't want to go on a date to a fancy restaurant. Barn clothes and a horse back ride? Smashing! Boots and a hike? Great! Hot and sweaty run? Sure, why not? Fancy dinner date? Nope, no interest.)

But, there are a lot of women that find a man in a suit sexy. They also tend to be the same women that expect the kind of chivalry that you say you provide. So, suit-wearing is probably congruent with that aspect of your personality.

Basically - go for truth in advertising. Hell, there are pics of my on OK Cupid in my stilting costume. If a guy can't appreciate that, I'm not interested.
2012-09-20 9:26 AM
in reply to: #4162190

Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
I think the more you can show of your real personally, the better the funnel.  I for one want any guy to know how strange I really am from the get go.
2012-09-20 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4420088

Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
DeannaS - 2012-09-20 9:03 AM
piyushdabomb - 2012-09-20 8:51 AM

3. Should I get more images of me in better formal attire? Yes, I think I can dress to impress (which is what I obviously do on dates), but I wasn't sure whether it makes sense to add it here.

Appreciate the comments.

Depends on what kind of woman you're trying to attract, honestly.

Deanna is spot on!
And I wanted to add to the thread that I'm going out with a guy who dresses up (which I appreciate!) to a fancy dinner tonight Tongue out - but I'm the kind of person who enjoys both lacing up running shoes for a date as well as putting on my high heels. 

2012-09-20 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4420126

Madison, WI
Subject: RE: Triathlon Dating Thread Ver 2.0
lisac957 - 2012-09-20 9:28 AM
And I wanted to add to the thread that I'm going out with a guy who dresses up (which I appreciate!) to a fancy dinner tonight Tongue out - but I'm the kind of person who enjoys both lacing up running shoes for a date as well as putting on my high heels. 

Totally no judgement about people that like to go out to fancy restaurants. Lots of people do. It's just not me.
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