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2015-03-17 8:33 AM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by GAUG3

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Question for the group as we start getting closer to our spring events.   Do you feel you are in a good spot with your training to reach your goals or do you still feel like you have a lot of work to do yet? 

For me, I am happy with how things are going.  My run has improved dramatically, bike fitness has been maintained.  I will need to bring my swim fitness back over the next few months but confident we can do that and also improve my bike fitness to be above last year.

Looking forward to some warmer weather and outdoor riding.

I'm taking 1 more full week off from running.  This is very hard for me.  I want to just try and do an easy run.  However, that is what pulled my calf.  Freak accident.  So, my wife hid my shoes.  I'm still swimming and riding.  I'm in that awkard area where it comes down to fine tunning my swim form in order to get a little faster.  Endurance is there.  I plan to try and pick the cadence up.  My May race is in the Gulf of Mexico so some of it will go out the window when it comes to the swells.

I like where I am at on the bike.  I've been on the trainer 99% of the this power training plan.  Looking forward to testing outdoors in a couple of weeks when I go down there for a camp.  I want to see how the power numbers are and then I will adjust and get ready for the actual race.  Running is coming along.  Still plenty of room to improve there.

Great opportunity to increase volume on the bike and swim (assuming it does not hurt calf).  Sometimes things like this can be a blessing in disguise although I know you really wanted to work on improving your run.

2015-03-17 9:14 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by Ryan Mac I am pretty happy. FTP test was 285 watts for 20'. My peak last year was 288. I have only been maintaining to this point with mainly 2-4 Sweetspot rides each week. All the while running 35-45 mpw so very very happy. Hoping for a great year.
Nice work. That's a great platform to build off. I did my FTP test yesterday with a 238W for 20 mins, and an FTP of 226W (3.22W/kg). This is all time best for me (though I've only had a PM for 1 year). Also did a best 5min power too. My plantar fasciitis is still hanging around. I ran on sunday 20mins (4 run, 1 walk) and yesterday (25mins 5run 1 walk). Feels ok at the time, but I do have strapping tape on. The next morning it feels almost normal, probably a 0.5/10 pain if that. So I know it isn't right, but improving. I will do my Olympic tri this weekend, but then maybe give it another week of no running just to rest it further. We'll see how I pull up. Semi-taper week this week (happens to be a rest and recovery week anyway) then race Sunday. I can't wait!

Good luck this weekend! 

Sounds like a good plan to take care of the PF post-race. 

So, how did the race go??

2015-03-17 10:24 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by Ryan Mac
Question for the group as we start getting closer to our spring events.   Do you feel you are in a good spot with your training to reach your goals or do you still feel like you have a lot of work to do yet? 

There always seems to be one of the 3 sports, sometimes 2 that is lagging and 1 is doing really well

Last week my swim was sucking big time and my run was OK. My bike is alright, but not 100%.
This week, I had an amazing swim yesterday. I did Sufferfest downward spiral with an IF of 98% which is an all time high. But my running legs are soooooo tight they feel like they are going to snap. Gotta watch that. I am glad the ST100/100 is coming to an end. I think my legs need a break.

Overall I am OK for this time of the year but not 100%. Galveston will not be a peak. I am hoping Tremblant will.

2015-03-17 11:07 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Question for the group as we start getting closer to our spring events.   Do you feel you are in a good spot with your training to reach your goals or do you still feel like you have a lot of work to do yet? 

Hmm? My swim has felt like crap for the last 2 months. Bike....depends on the day. Run.....I have many more miles in me this year as compared to past years at this point so I have to think that my run fitness should be much better in my early races than the past 2 years where the first few months of the year were limited running due to injury. I suspect my swim time come race day will be about the same as last year, I'll take it if I can keep the bike the same power and hopefully my run legs will be a bit stronger. At 52 not losing ground is a win!

I have sprints on April 4th and 11th then nothing until Gulf Coast on May 9th. So, I will have a nice block before Gulf Coast HIM to focus on that. I am kind of at an "in between" point right now. Tired of training but nervous/anxious about the upcoming season. I always get nervous before races.....does it ever go away? The week before a race I will be constantly thinking about it, not sleep well the night before and just generally be anxious. Once the gun sounds I am fine. I have raced a lot the last couple of years and I'm still nervous for a race...whether its a local sprint or an "A" race that I have focused on for months.

Someone asked about "over distance training."  Looking back at my training leading into HIM races and again this year heading toward Gulf Coast my key workouts for the bike tend to build on longish intervals at just over HIM goal watts. So, last week's MS on the bike was 3X15 min @ 230+ watts on 3 min easy with a couple of 5 min sets after that @ 260+. This would build weekly and ultimately would end up with MS being something like 4X30-35 min @230+ on 3 min easy. I suspect goal watts for the bike will be 220-225 on race day. So, not really over distance but consistent longer intervals at higher than goal power. Total distance for those rides are likely to be more than 56 miles with warm up and cool down.

Similar for the run. Last week was 4.25 mile easy warm up then 3X1 mile @ around 7:10-15/mile on 1/2 mile easy. This week MS will be 4 miles. I suspect we will work up to 6X1 mile and then work on reducing the easy interval time or possible some 2 mile intervals.. I suspect my goal on the run will be 7:30-45/mile come race day....depending on the conditions. So, run training will likely top out with an 11-12 mile workout including the faster intervals.  

Since I am rambling is a killer workout that I did leading into "A" race Olympic distance a couple of years ago. Warm up then: 6X10 min bike @260+ watts, after each bike interval quick transition then 1 mile run @ 7 min/mile pace. Goal watts on the bike for the race were 250 and the run was around 7min/mile.  It was really hot the morning I did it and I thought I would die. Getting back on the bike and generating power after each run interval was tough. In the race I think I ended up around 242w on the bike and sub 7 pace for the 10K run. Not fast for a lot of you but a good result for me. Actually, the race seemed "easier" than the workout.






2015-03-17 1:56 PM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by Ryan Mac

Question for the group as we start getting closer to our spring events.   Do you feel you are in a good spot with your training to reach your goals or do you still feel like you have a lot of work to do yet? 

Honestly, I'm having to temper my expectations quite a lot.  My current HIM PR was set at St. George 70.3 last year (followed it up with Buffalo Springs 70.3, which was the hardest race I've ever done, and Mt. Tremblant each a little slower than SG), so when I finally signed up for a flat race, I had expectations of setting a new PR.  I focused completely on running over the winter (dropping the bike and swim altogether) and managed to get slower over that time.  I was (and still am) dealing with a lot of personal stress in my life, so I don't think my recovery has been ideal, so the improvements have been quite the opposite.

Fast forward a bit and I started swimming and biking again.  My swim is okay (would probably be close to what I was swimming last year, maybe a minute slower, but not more I don't think), but my biking is definitely not where I want it to be.

I've taken a new approach to my run training....forcing myself to actually keep my easy runs easy (which means I haven't seen south of a 10 minute mile in a couple months now), and then doing one to two VO2 interval runs a week (30-60" @ VO@ on 30-60" recovery).  It's so hard to trust that this is working for me when I just feel like I'm always running slow, but I guess I'll see when it comes to the race -- the only real way to gauge it is to see how many places I lose in relation to what I did in races over previous years.


So, long story short, I'm tempering my expectations because I don't think this race is going to have the result that I'd initially wanted.  I'm contemplating Silverman 70.3 later in the year, but that's obviously not a PR kind of course (though, I suppose if my PR is at St. George, maybe it is!).  I just plan to continue training and enjoying it now that it's finally getting warm!  May try to get out for another long bike weekend in Hill Country over Easter weekend.

2015-03-18 6:19 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by Ryan Mac I am pretty happy. FTP test was 285 watts for 20'. My peak last year was 288. I have only been maintaining to this point with mainly 2-4 Sweetspot rides each week. All the while running 35-45 mpw so very very happy. Hoping for a great year.
Nice work. That's a great platform to build off. I did my FTP test yesterday with a 238W for 20 mins, and an FTP of 226W (3.22W/kg). This is all time best for me (though I've only had a PM for 1 year). Also did a best 5min power too. My plantar fasciitis is still hanging around. I ran on sunday 20mins (4 run, 1 walk) and yesterday (25mins 5run 1 walk). Feels ok at the time, but I do have strapping tape on. The next morning it feels almost normal, probably a 0.5/10 pain if that. So I know it isn't right, but improving. I will do my Olympic tri this weekend, but then maybe give it another week of no running just to rest it further. We'll see how I pull up. Semi-taper week this week (happens to be a rest and recovery week anyway) then race Sunday. I can't wait!

Good luck this weekend! 

Sounds like a good plan to take care of the PF post-race. 

So, how did the race go??

Overall, a solid race. Finished 2:43. Swim 28, T1 9, Bike 1:11, T2 1, Run 53. I finished 57 out of 104 for the age group (male 25-29).
The ocean was a bit rough so the swim course was changed slightly, which added about an 800 metre (half mile) beach run to transition (hence why it was 9 minutes).

I was happy with the swim, drafting was ok, sighting was ok, except when heading back into the sun.

Bike - for some reason my garmin edge didn't connect to my power meter, even though it had earlier in the day. I was a bit worried about that, but luckily I did have my Fenix 2 as well, which did connect. So I'm not sure what happened there. Goal power was 200W, and I ended up with NP 189, so I actually went a bit easy. It did feel like a comfortable pace, and I definitely could have pushed harder. However I knew I was going into the run under-cooked so needed to leave a little in the tank. The course was pretty much a flat out and back, except for the first and last 2-3km which was hilly. Tailwind out, headwind coming back, but nothing too crazy. Average speed was only about 1-2kph slower coming back.

Run - goal was 55, and I thought even that would be pushing it given I had done no running for 2 weeks, and only 3x20 min runs in race week. Ended up with 53 which I was really happy with. I certainly pushed the pace and couldn't have gone much harder. I also ran a very even pace the whole way, so not slowing down was a good sign too.

I am certainly the most bike fit I feel I have ever been. Now I just need to get used to riding long distances on my tri bike. All my long rides so far have been on the road bike.

And run-wise, have to build this back up again. My goal for this week is 5x30 min runs to get back into it, then I'll start increasing 1 run per week and try to build up to 2 hours, but I'll be pretty conservative as I don't want my PF to flare up again.

2015-03-18 6:32 PM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by GAUG3

I pulled my right calf on my easy run last Sunday.  I have no idea where it came from.  I was just trotting along and then I was hit.  Took a week off from running.  I had 1 swim and I rode on the trainer all week and weekend.


Maybe it is more of an overuse injury, and has been building up for a while. I recommend some light stretching and also some calf raises to build some strength up. Start with double leg calf raises and then when you have the strength, do single leg. Focus on the lowering/eccentric phase (take 3 seconds to go down) and up at a normal speed.
2015-03-23 1:15 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by stuart_little_9
Originally posted by Ryan Mac I am pretty happy. FTP test was 285 watts for 20'. My peak last year was 288. I have only been maintaining to this point with mainly 2-4 Sweetspot rides each week. All the while running 35-45 mpw so very very happy. Hoping for a great year.
Nice work. That's a great platform to build off. I did my FTP test yesterday with a 238W for 20 mins, and an FTP of 226W (3.22W/kg). This is all time best for me (though I've only had a PM for 1 year). Also did a best 5min power too. My plantar fasciitis is still hanging around. I ran on sunday 20mins (4 run, 1 walk) and yesterday (25mins 5run 1 walk). Feels ok at the time, but I do have strapping tape on. The next morning it feels almost normal, probably a 0.5/10 pain if that. So I know it isn't right, but improving. I will do my Olympic tri this weekend, but then maybe give it another week of no running just to rest it further. We'll see how I pull up. Semi-taper week this week (happens to be a rest and recovery week anyway) then race Sunday. I can't wait!

Good luck this weekend! 

Sounds like a good plan to take care of the PF post-race. 

So, how did the race go??

RACE REPORT Overall, a solid race. Finished 2:43. Swim 28, T1 9, Bike 1:11, T2 1, Run 53. I finished 57 out of 104 for the age group (male 25-29). The ocean was a bit rough so the swim course was changed slightly, which added about an 800 metre (half mile) beach run to transition (hence why it was 9 minutes). I was happy with the swim, drafting was ok, sighting was ok, except when heading back into the sun. Bike - for some reason my garmin edge didn't connect to my power meter, even though it had earlier in the day. I was a bit worried about that, but luckily I did have my Fenix 2 as well, which did connect. So I'm not sure what happened there. Goal power was 200W, and I ended up with NP 189, so I actually went a bit easy. It did feel like a comfortable pace, and I definitely could have pushed harder. However I knew I was going into the run under-cooked so needed to leave a little in the tank. The course was pretty much a flat out and back, except for the first and last 2-3km which was hilly. Tailwind out, headwind coming back, but nothing too crazy. Average speed was only about 1-2kph slower coming back. Run - goal was 55, and I thought even that would be pushing it given I had done no running for 2 weeks, and only 3x20 min runs in race week. Ended up with 53 which I was really happy with. I certainly pushed the pace and couldn't have gone much harder. I also ran a very even pace the whole way, so not slowing down was a good sign too. I am certainly the most bike fit I feel I have ever been. Now I just need to get used to riding long distances on my tri bike. All my long rides so far have been on the road bike. And run-wise, have to build this back up again. My goal for this week is 5x30 min runs to get back into it, then I'll start increasing 1 run per week and try to build up to 2 hours, but I'll be pretty conservative as I don't want my PF to flare up again.

Excellent! Great job! 

2015-03-23 1:19 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

So training is not going all that well for me - not terrible just not as focused and consistent as I like.

The antibiotics (which i am still taking) really made me exhausted last week - so i didn't train M-F.  I got some stuff in this weekend but intend to get right back to it tonight with swimming.  

I think for me - i just need to find a way to get back into a routine.  It was part of the reason I picked a Fink plan to do. But I also need to accept when I need rest.  I've also been sick more than usual.  Life is busy with a toddler and work. I have taken several Fridays off from work between now and race day so i can do my long ride or run on those days to give me more flexibility. 

As for the race. I have no idea. I need some more consistent blocks of training to indicate what I can expect. 

2015-03-23 8:36 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Hi everyone.

Just wondering what everyone's longest (planned) ride for a HIM is? I did a 4 hour ride about 2 months ago, but in this last 12 week build up I'm looking to top it off at about 3.5 hours, with a weekly 3 hour ride.

And longest run? Normally I like to run the distance several times (usually about 2:15 for me at steady pace), but due to my PF setback, I'm not sure I'm even going to get close. I'll look more for weekly volume - currently doing 5 days per week running just for 30mins, and will build up as much as possible for 2 runs, keeping 3 at half an hour.
2015-03-24 6:52 AM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by stuart_little_9

Hi everyone.

Just wondering what everyone's longest (planned) ride for a HIM is? I did a 4 hour ride about 2 months ago, but in this last 12 week build up I'm looking to top it off at about 3.5 hours, with a weekly 3 hour ride.

And longest run? Normally I like to run the distance several times (usually about 2:15 for me at steady pace), but due to my PF setback, I'm not sure I'm even going to get close. I'll look more for weekly volume - currently doing 5 days per week running just for 30mins, and will build up as much as possible for 2 runs, keeping 3 at half an hour.

For the bike, I like to do one or two 4hr rides but multiple 3hr rides is great. I won't be able to do this for my first HIM but will definitely for the 2nd.

On the run, 18km runs are fine for me. I end up just doing 90 or so minute runs, never more.

But ideally on the longer runs and bikes, doing some above race pace helps me.

I have been very cautious with long runs this year. I have capped them at 16km, but I will probably reduce frequency and up mileage per run. I finished the ST 100/100 yesterday so I will now probably run 5x per week rather than 7.

2015-03-25 8:52 AM
in reply to: Ryan Mac

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Well... my training has stopped from a structured plan.  On Sunday, my mom suffered a massive stroke and it's not looking good from a medical stand point.  However, we are hopeful and we know God can heal and do miracles.  Please pray for full restoration of her body here on Earth that will leave the medical staff puzzled.  I did a 25 minute run yesterday to the church and prayed.

2015-03-25 9:13 AM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by GAUG3

Well... my training has stopped from a structured plan.  On Sunday, my mom suffered a massive stroke and it's not looking good from a medical stand point.  However, we are hopeful and we know God can heal and do miracles.  Please pray for full restoration of her body here on Earth that will leave the medical staff puzzled.  I did a 25 minute run yesterday to the church and prayed.

very sorry to hear this. Will be thinking of you and her through this tough time. It puts the really important things in perspective. Training falls low on the priority list
2015-03-25 9:55 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by GAUG3

Well... my training has stopped from a structured plan.  On Sunday, my mom suffered a massive stroke and it's not looking good from a medical stand point.  However, we are hopeful and we know God can heal and do miracles.  Please pray for full restoration of her body here on Earth that will leave the medical staff puzzled.  I did a 25 minute run yesterday to the church and prayed.

very sorry to hear this. Will be thinking of you and her through this tough time. It puts the really important things in perspective. Training falls low on the priority list


x2 - I am really sorry to hear this. It's never easy. 

Glad you can use running as an outlet - and having loving family to lean on.  

2015-03-25 11:00 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Hey all - sorry to go MIA. We are down in Florida on vacation and all communication has gone out the window. Having a great time and enjoying the nice weather and sun. Back to reality on Saturday and I will try to catch up
2015-03-25 11:02 AM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by GAUG3

Well... my training has stopped from a structured plan.  On Sunday, my mom suffered a massive stroke and it's not looking good from a medical stand point.  However, we are hopeful and we know God can heal and do miracles.  Please pray for full restoration of her body here on Earth that will leave the medical staff puzzled.  I did a 25 minute run yesterday to the church and prayed.

Very sorry to hear. Prayers for you and your family.

2015-03-25 6:13 PM
in reply to: GAUG3

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by GAUG3

Well... my training has stopped from a structured plan.  On Sunday, my mom suffered a massive stroke and it's not looking good from a medical stand point.  However, we are hopeful and we know God can heal and do miracles.  Please pray for full restoration of her body here on Earth that will leave the medical staff puzzled.  I did a 25 minute run yesterday to the church and prayed.

Sorry to hear this. Hope your Mom improves and recovers fully. Best wishes to you and your family.

2015-03-25 6:33 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by GAUG3

Well... my training has stopped from a structured plan.  On Sunday, my mom suffered a massive stroke and it's not looking good from a medical stand point.  However, we are hopeful and we know God can heal and do miracles.  Please pray for full restoration of her body here on Earth that will leave the medical staff puzzled.  I did a 25 minute run yesterday to the church and prayed.

very sorry to hear this. Will be thinking of you and her through this tough time. It puts the really important things in perspective. Training falls low on the priority list


x2 - I am really sorry to hear this. It's never easy. 

Glad you can use running as an outlet - and having loving family to lean on.  

So sorry to hear this.  I think Marc and Jen both put it well....really makes you realize that training is a low priority when dealing with something like this, but may still provide a good outlet for you.  We'll be thinking of you, your mom, and your family.  Best wishes!

2015-03-26 9:27 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Gaug - i hope you're doing okay.  Let us know when you can.  No rush, be with your family.


As for me, i am picking things back up. Training is going well. I did a double yesterday where I ran home from work and then went swimming only about 1.5 hours later and was very happy my legs were not cramping. I am on my last day of antibiotics.  Now, i am really focusing on getting some good bacteria into me - probiotics and yogurt! 

I took tomorrow afternoon off from work so i can do my long ride - the weather and roads aren't good enough yet so it will be a trainer sweat fest. And it opens up the weekend a bit which will be nice.  Next week is a short week too so we'll be able to spread long workouts out.

2015-03-26 5:58 PM
in reply to: GAUG3

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by GAUG3

Well... my training has stopped from a structured plan.  On Sunday, my mom suffered a massive stroke and it's not looking good from a medical stand point.  However, we are hopeful and we know God can heal and do miracles.  Please pray for full restoration of her body here on Earth that will leave the medical staff puzzled.  I did a 25 minute run yesterday to the church and prayed.

So sorry to hear. I hope everything works out for the best. Like everyone else has said, don't stress about your training plan. But a bit of exercise could be good to clear your head if you need it.
2015-03-26 6:00 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
I've got a long ride on today - aiming for 3:20 including 3x30mins at sweet spot. I knock off work early on a Friday so I'm glad I can fit this in. I have a party on this weekend that I need to prepare for on Saturday and recover from on Sunday, so probably not much training going to be done. I do have a couple of rides on the plan and hopefully a run.

2015-03-29 6:00 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by stuart_little_9

I've got a long ride on today - aiming for 3:20 including 3x30mins at sweet spot. I knock off work early on a Friday so I'm glad I can fit this in. I have a party on this weekend that I need to prepare for on Saturday and recover from on Sunday, so probably not much training going to be done. I do have a couple of rides on the plan and hopefully a run.

Ok I had a pretty slack weekend. I didn't do the ride on Friday, but did it Saturday instead. And then I had that party so Sunday was a lazy day on the couch. I watched the cricket world cup final which Australia won, so I'm pretty happy about that.

In less happy news, one of my Garmin Vector pods has cracked, and has rendered it useless. I've contacted Garmin about a replacement, which I believe should be covered under warranty, but we'll see.
2015-03-29 6:28 PM
in reply to: stuart_little_9

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by stuart_little_9

Originally posted by stuart_little_9

I've got a long ride on today - aiming for 3:20 including 3x30mins at sweet spot. I knock off work early on a Friday so I'm glad I can fit this in. I have a party on this weekend that I need to prepare for on Saturday and recover from on Sunday, so probably not much training going to be done. I do have a couple of rides on the plan and hopefully a run.

Ok I had a pretty slack weekend. I didn't do the ride on Friday, but did it Saturday instead. And then I had that party so Sunday was a lazy day on the couch. I watched the cricket world cup final which Australia won, so I'm pretty happy about that.

In less happy news, one of my Garmin Vector pods has cracked, and has rendered it useless. I've contacted Garmin about a replacement, which I believe should be covered under warranty, but we'll see.

Garmin is pretty good about this. The good news is the pods are the least expensive component in the worst case.
2015-03-30 8:50 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Happy monday (?) everyone.

How was the weekend?

I was annoyed with myself on Friday - i took a half day from work with the intention of doing my long ride on the trainer in the afternoon which was 2:45 with a 15 min transition run.  I ran into a couple of people at the training course I attended in the morning and took longer to get home than I had planned and then I dallied. I did 2:10 and then the run straight to the daycare to pick up my daughter.  What is with that procrastination??

Anyway, the weekend turned out well and I had a solid week of training. Just to keep it up.  though, really, i was starting to worry about my race but then I checked my logs from last year and I was less consistent especially with the bike and still managed a good pb so if i get myself going now I'll be ready ... 

2015-03-31 10:11 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED

Back to the real world for me after 10 days off in sunny Florida.  I was able to run quite a bit and get a few rides and open water swims while I was down there.  Amazing how the heat and humidity can completely shatter me.  I blew up twice on some longer tempo runs and basically limped home with my tail between my legs.

We flew back Saturday and work has been stacked up so going to take me a few days to get through all that. 

Time to start cranking the bike back up and getting some more volume inserted along with high run mileage.

Speaking of Garmin, I am bailing on the multisport watches.  They are just to big and bulky and I dont use or need half the features.  I have a Garmin 500 on the bike and thinking of going to the Polar 400 for a running/all purpose watch based on DC Rainmaker review.  Any thoughts?

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Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN) Pages: 1 ... 16 17 18 19

Started by Birkierunner
Views: 29867 Posts: 460

2015-06-05 9:09 AM BlueBoy26

Baowolf's Winter training is FUN really it is!! (OPEN) Pages: 1 ... 36 37 38 39

Started by Baowolf
Views: 47001 Posts: 969

2016-01-12 8:40 PM Baowolf

Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--CLOSED Pages: 1 ... 49 50 51 52

Started by lutzman
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2016-01-02 4:01 PM lutzman

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group (Open)

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2014-05-18 1:30 AM Baowolf

Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
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2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : January 10, 2005
author : infosteward
comments : 0
'Open Water' is this triathlete’s nightmare because I have a fear of swimming in open water. Not because I can’t swim, but mostly because I can’t see what’s swimming with me in the water.