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2008-03-02 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
bao , i found after my first race i was not good at the run n drink either . so i put cups with fluid in them out at the end of my drive way and made the stops while training and sometimes i would carry the little 8oz water bottles too and it soon came around . you will get with it work on taking more then one cup too and pinching the top of them so you can still run with out slowing . and if they are full taking 2 or 3 works cause you lose some anyways but you can still get a good 10oz of water .

2008-03-02 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1244996

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-02-29 3:49 PM Hi all, contrary to poplar belive I didn't really fall off the face of the earth, I caught myself on a root that was sticking out. In any case February was a mess for me. I was out of town like 3x, was sick for 2 weeks and we have had a fair amount of snow of late. My leggs have been bugging me this past week and I have a 10 mile competition tomorrow (Norcal) in Redding. Work has been majorly sucking and I have not really been in one place too long, out of bed or feeling well enough to do much this month. My body is just not liking the transition from running 5-6 miles in a shot to doing 10-13 miles in a shot. I tapered to only 2 x 5k this week and still the leggs are . That 13 mile run in the snowstorm last weekend followed by the 34 miles bikeride where it was 40 F and rained for the last hour didn't seem to help much. Oh did I mention comfort eating because work is so nuts, not being able to work out as much due to ilness and putting on 5 pounds! Then today I was at a location I don't go to too often walked out a door and stepped off one of those half steps that you don't see just as someone calls your name and your foot hits air where you thought there was ground and you end up wrenching your back when your foot really does hit the ground. Hopefully it doesn't rain for the run tomorrow, but the way things are going I am sure that it will. etc. I'll let yall know how things go.

So nice to see you back, Steve!   I wish I could have done Norcal again this year.  It is such a fun race!  I'm just not up to that distance yet.  Can't wait to see how you did.

Sorry everything has been yucky for you lately.  Hopefully you are heading back up the other side now!  Cheers to you!

2008-03-02 11:21 AM
in reply to: #1245679

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-01 8:18 AM aaaahhhh i pulled it off about time !!!! i have been trying for like a year and a half to break the 20min 5k . ran a 19:48 today which was good enough for another 3rd place in age group and 10th out of 214 overall . this year is starting out great its hard to get a grip on it . i have set PR in 4 of 5 races in the 5k,15k,1/2 mar., and full marathon . and in 2 week i got my first OLY tri so as long as i finish it i guess could fall under it too . i dont know what is going on but ill take it . i did get a little trophy for the 3rd place i put a pic of it in my album but dont laugh to hard the thing is small . like the guys at the race was giving me a hard time about it and for taking so long to break the 20 min. i dont know why it took me so long i really hate the 5k though i never relax till after about 3 miles it has always been like work to me . oh well its all over now

Great Job, Shaun!!!!!!  Way to go!!!!!!

A 5K is a tough race.  Breaking 20 minutes is a huge accomplishment!  Feeling sluggish before a race can be a good indicator that you are ready to race.  I hate the feeling but I PR everytime I feel like crap for a couple of days before a race.  I'll check out the pix!

2008-03-02 11:25 AM
in reply to: #1245712

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-03-01 8:52 AM

I went out on a little run with my 11 yo daughter. Every month or so in gym class she has to run a mile. She's decided that she'd now like to run a race. So, we bought her running shoes and today we went out for a run. She was pretty much out of gas at the end, but she did great and she's excited about running. She's going to run a 1k race on May 17. If you get a chance, head over to 'WeeBeast' and say hi.

BTW, does anyone know of exercise/running websites specific for kids?

Awe, how cute!  Don't know of any specific websites for kids and exercise.  (Will look into it, though.)  I'll find that site, Nicole!

I'm going to be helping out with an annual race here in Humboldt County.  It is called "Tri Kids."  Check out the website.

2008-03-02 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1246226

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-03-01 4:42 PM So it turns out I did get enough rest last week to be alright for the race today yay! Did the 10 mile run in 78 min dont remember the seconds. That is really fast for me, I was hoping to finish in less than 90 min. This was the first event I have been in other than a sprint tri in December since um well since high school and those were 880s. So I am overall very happy to have cut 12 min off my goal. It turns out my shoes were not quite broken in enough so I did get a couple of blisters, but they did not effect the race at all. It turns out I suck at drinking water from small paper cups on the run while breathing and such at the same time. I didn't get much fluids in me, but the temp was 50 so it did not matter that much. Overall I am very pleased. My 16 year old got 5th place in the 3 mile and my 13, 10 and 6 year olds all ran the 1 mile for their school. The school teams won $250 for uniforms and such becaues they placed so well overall. The best girl on the school team was 6:01 for the 1 mile, pretty fast. Speaking of fast, man there were some fast runners at this event. There must have been 100 people sub 60 min on the 10 mile run with the fastest time at 51 min. Perhapse everyone runs 5:10 min miles sustained over 10 miles + distances and I am just out of touch, but that seems realllly fast for a beginner such as I. Oh well, had fun. I will take a lite week, let the blisters heal and get back to training, maybe hit a half mary in a month or 2.

Great Job, Steve!!!!  You Rock!!!!!

Ditto for the sluggish feeling I wrote a couple of posts ago.   You did awesome!

Yeah, those people are pretty fast at that race.  It attracts lots of speedies since there is a nice purse of money for a prize!  Good job on your kids, too!  I think you got the whole family hooked!

What did you think of those short, super steep sections?  Ugh!!!  Those hurt both going up and going down!  Last year, a girl right in front of me tripped going down and cut her hands up pretty bad.  She just got up and kept running!

Great race, man!  Cheers!!!

2008-03-02 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Ok I got to look at the results today. I finished 12 out of 21 in my age group and 134 out of 264 overall. Not too shabby for my first race longer than 5k.

The hills weren't that bad on the race... although I did not know there were any hills and I had started out fairly fast for me and was just easing into my pace when I hit the bottom of it/them. The run around the block I do (4.5 mile block) has a steaper hill in it so I am kind of used to that. I went down the hills better than those around me.

But man, there were 50 people sub 1:06:00 in the race. So am I the only person that thinks that is way too many people running sub 6 min pace for a 10 mile race? Oh well I am new to all this and hopefully I will get better. I don't think I will ever be sub 6 min on an endurnace run pace though. We shall see. Thanks for the posts.

So who has a half mary in Northern California or Oregon coming up. I hear there is a decent race at Eugene Oregon in 2 months, I should be ready for another race ina month or so.

Oh well foods on.

2008-03-02 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1247085

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-03-02 11:34 AM Ok I got to look at the results today. I finished 12 out of 21 in my age group and 134 out of 264 overall. Not too shabby for my first race longer than 5k. The hills weren't that bad on the race... although I did not know there were any hills and I had started out fairly fast for me and was just easing into my pace when I hit the bottom of it/them. The run around the block I do (4.5 mile block) has a steaper hill in it so I am kind of used to that. I went down the hills better than those around me. But man, there were 50 people sub 1:06:00 in the race. So am I the only person that thinks that is way too many people running sub 6 min pace for a 10 mile race? Oh well I am new to all this and hopefully I will get better. I don't think I will ever be sub 6 min on an endurnace run pace though. We shall see. Thanks for the posts. So who has a half mary in Northern California or Oregon coming up. I hear there is a decent race at Eugene Oregon in 2 months, I should be ready for another race ina month or so. Oh well foods on.

Avenue of the Giants Half Marathon near Weott, CA is in May.  It is a fun one, too.  Lots of people.

2008-03-03 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Hrm that one sounds cool. I will read up on it. Are you planning on going Owl?
2008-03-03 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1248788

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-03-03 8:20 AM Hrm that one sounds cool. I will read up on it. Are you planning on going Owl?

Yeah!  I'll be doing it!  It will be my last long run before the HIM in Boise!  Jeez!  That is coming up quick!!!!

2008-03-03 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I pinched a nerve in my back yesterday.  It hurt really bad yesterday.  It's feeling a little better today.  I think I'll take another rest day.

What is everyone up to today?  How is your training going?  Have you hit any stumbling blocks?  What kind of questions are out there?

2008-03-03 11:04 AM
in reply to: #1248888

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-03-03 11:51 AM

What is everyone up to today? How is your training going? Have you hit any stumbling blocks? What kind of questions are out there?

I did a windy, hard ride yesterday, so my run this morning was a tad bit hard, but not too bad.

I came to triathlon from biking and have felt that this was my strongest event. Lately, however, I feel like my biking has gone all to hell. I guess I really shouldn't obsess over my speed at this point of the season and should be concentrating on base fitness and endurance.

2008-03-03 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i got a question . i was not gonna ride today just swim and run but when i was in the pool i got to thinking that my race is in 13 days so i thought i would throw in a little brick . i want to do one more like on sunday the only thing im not sure about is if i should do the full ride this time and cut the run in half or do it like i did today or do the full distance or shorten the whole thing ? or or or i can tell its getting close my mind is starting already to go over things again and again . so if you guys could look at my log and give me some fee back please . today my legs were tired and it showed on the run cause i had a pos. split on the second half of it and im usually pretty good and pulling a neg. at that distance . so tell me what ya think please good or bad ill take it .
2008-03-03 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1249171

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I think that bricks are mostly about working on the transitions and getting used to the different way our legs need to work in each event. It probably is not necessary to do the full distances to achieve this. Certainly, as you get in closer to the race you wouldn't want to do the full distances and blow out your body.
2008-03-03 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Ya if your race is 13 days off you got like this week and thats it next week will be all taper. If you are gona push it you only really have a couple days left with moderate workouts toward the end of the week and lite next week. For sprints you can do full distance bike and run or run and bike. If you are doing an olympic or longer, you have to know what your body can do. 25 mile bike followd by 6 mile run is getting to be a fairly substantial workout for oly training. If you are on a half however it is a lite workout. It depends on your base and your bodies limits. At this point errr on the side of too lite than too strong. You will not be building on your base significantly at th is point, just a little maintanance and then resting up. But I will leave it to Owl to give ya the good answers 8).

K so I am thinking of the Ave of the Giants half mary for May 4. It is nice and flat.
2008-03-03 10:58 PM
in reply to: #1249171

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-03 11:32 AM i got a question . i was not gonna ride today just swim and run but when i was in the pool i got to thinking that my race is in 13 days so i thought i would throw in a little brick . i want to do one more like on sunday the only thing im not sure about is if i should do the full ride this time and cut the run in half or do it like i did today or do the full distance or shorten the whole thing ? or or or i can tell its getting close my mind is starting already to go over things again and again . so if you guys could look at my log and give me some fee back please . today my legs were tired and it showed on the run cause i had a pos. split on the second half of it and im usually pretty good and pulling a neg. at that distance . so tell me what ya think please good or bad ill take it .

Hi Shaun,

I'm pretty new to this, so just my opinion, but I would do the brick with the full bike and half run that way you have a feel for running after the full bike and you know you can complete the run on race day so that shouldn't be an issue. Of course, as you know, and has already been mentioned you want to do it soon so you still have time to taper. From looking at your logs and your recent race performances I think you'll do awesome!

2008-03-03 11:37 PM
in reply to: #1249171

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-03 10:32 AM i got a question . i was not gonna ride today just swim and run but when i was in the pool i got to thinking that my race is in 13 days so i thought i would throw in a little brick . i want to do one more like on sunday the only thing im not sure about is if i should do the full ride this time and cut the run in half or do it like i did today or do the full distance or shorten the whole thing ? or or or i can tell its getting close my mind is starting already to go over things again and again . so if you guys could look at my log and give me some fee back please . today my legs were tired and it showed on the run cause i had a pos. split on the second half of it and im usually pretty good and pulling a neg. at that distance . so tell me what ya think please good or bad ill take it .

Yup, Shaun!  Do that brick workout SOON if you are going to do it at all.  Do half distance on your weakest sport (cycling or running) and do full distance on your strong sport for the brick.  Make sure you taper that last week.  You are going to be grouchy during the taper week because of a lack of exercise.  Just go with it and know that you will have lots of energy on race day!

You are downright AWESOME at both sports sooooo, pick your poison.

2008-03-03 11:41 PM
in reply to: #1248934

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-03-03 9:04 AM
owl_girl - 2008-03-03 11:51 AM

What is everyone up to today? How is your training going? Have you hit any stumbling blocks? What kind of questions are out there?

I did a windy, hard ride yesterday, so my run this morning was a tad bit hard, but not too bad.

I came to triathlon from biking and have felt that this was my strongest event. Lately, however, I feel like my biking has gone all to hell. I guess I really shouldn't obsess over my speed at this point of the season and should be concentrating on base fitness and endurance.

Don't stress about it too much, Nicole.  You have been increasing your training time fairly steadily lately.  That can make you tired.  You also have been in the middle of a pretty nasty winter AND you've been trying to figure out how to use rollers!  You also bought a new bike and you're trying to get to know it.  It will all come together nicely when the weather improves and you can get outside on your bike.  Your running is getting better, too!

2008-03-03 11:44 PM
in reply to: #1250282

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-03-03 5:56 PM Ya if your race is 13 days off you got like this week and thats it next week will be all taper. If you are gona push it you only really have a couple days left with moderate workouts toward the end of the week and lite next week. For sprints you can do full distance bike and run or run and bike. If you are doing an olympic or longer, you have to know what your body can do. 25 mile bike followd by 6 mile run is getting to be a fairly substantial workout for oly training. If you are on a half however it is a lite workout. It depends on your base and your bodies limits. At this point errr on the side of too lite than too strong. You will not be building on your base significantly at th is point, just a little maintanance and then resting up. But I will leave it to Owl to give ya the good answers 8). K so I am thinking of the Ave of the Giants half mary for May 4. It is nice and flat.

Yeah!!!!  So glad that you are thinking of the Ave!  It is nice and flat and out and back.  The only things you have to watch out for are the massive number of walkers (position yourself at the front of the pack) and the redwood roots pushing up the pavement.  They can cause a nasty trip if you're not ready.

2008-03-04 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I got a quick little chair massage today!  Oh, it felt GOOOOOOOD!!!!
2008-03-04 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
leggs still iffy after the race from Saturday, I guess I did my best 8). Sucked it up and did a lite 5k today on the dreadmill. I had random aches here and there. The fluid in the blisters has gone down and the skin didn't tear on the run today. So we see how tomorrow goes.

Owl is right about being grouchy during your taper week 8). But you wont regret being able to chomp at the bit come race day.
2008-03-05 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I did my first bike commute of 2008. We had a bunch of rain overnight, but the morning is gorgeous. The roads were a bit wet, but not too bad. Fun!

2008-03-05 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1253553

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-03-05 6:50 AM I did my first bike commute of 2008. We had a bunch of rain overnight, but the morning is gorgeous. The roads were a bit wet, but not too bad. Fun!

Yeah for bike commutes!!!!

2008-03-05 5:10 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
hey i ride my MB to work at least 2-3 week but depends on the rain . just like if im gonna go swim i take my bike just pack the goggles in shirt pouch and if they dont fit they hang around my neck. real good on gas that way
2008-03-05 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
ok i been thinking about that brick for the last few days . if i do it im gonna go full on bike and then half on the run . it all depends on if i got to work sunday . thanks for all the input guys .
2008-03-05 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1252983

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-03-04 7:56 PM leggs still iffy after the race from Saturday, I guess I did my best 8). Sucked it up and did a lite 5k today on the dreadmill. I had random aches here and there. The fluid in the blisters has gone down and the skin didn't tear on the run today. So we see how tomorrow goes. Owl is right about being grouchy during your taper week 8). But you wont regret being able to chomp at the bit come race day.

Hi Steve,

If you take a sterilized needle and poke a small hole in the blister so the fluid can drain out and cover with a bandaid they heal really quickly.

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