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2008-03-05 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1253553

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-03-05 7:50 AM I did my first bike commute of 2008. We had a bunch of rain overnight, but the morning is gorgeous. The roads were a bit wet, but not too bad. Fun!

Sounds fun, I'm jealous! Still a little cold for biking outside here

2008-03-05 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
It's going to be too cold for me again the rest of this week. Wanted to grab the day while I had the opening.
2008-03-05 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I rode into town for my CPR class!  Yeah!  My back is doing pretty good.  It doesn't hurt anymore but it is insanely stiff.  Going to Crescent City tomorrow.  (BTW.....I'm sure you all want to know a little tidbit of info about the north coast of CA.    Crescent City is prone to tsunamis.  There was one in the '60s that pretty much wiped out the downtown area.  My Mom has talked about it quite a bit.  I'm sure you all wanted to know that!)  I'm taking my bike so I should be able to get a nice little ride in!  I'm excited!  Hopefully it won't turn into a swimming excursion!   Cheers to all of you!

2008-03-06 8:24 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I feel like yesterday's commute completely wiped me out, and I'm not sure why; two 44 minute rides 8 hours apart shouldn't have made me so tired. Last night I had no enthusiasm for deciding/planning what I'd do this morning, and this morning's run was poor. Oy!
2008-03-06 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1255840

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

MDHillSlug - 2008-03-06 7:24 AM I feel like yesterday's commute completely wiped me out, and I'm not sure why; two 44 minute rides 8 hours apart shouldn't have made me so tired. Last night I had no enthusiasm for deciding/planning what I'd do this morning, and this morning's run was poor. Oy!

Is it possible your getting a cold, Nicole? I usually notice my runs seem really hard and I have no energy a couple days before coming down with actual symptoms of an illness. I also find that if I start treating it at this first early sign it tends to be less severe and not last as long,  Vitamin c, airborn, echinacea, zicam, whatever you do for illness.


2008-03-06 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Other than feeling wiped I feel good. Does that make any sense? I probably should have listened to my body and taken a day off. I didn't because I hate to have extra white boxes on my calendar I should be cranking up my yoga for cyclists video when I feel this way. Yeah, sounds like a plan!

2008-03-06 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
heck slug you have not taken a day off sence late febuary and only 3 in the last 35 days maybe your do for one of them . training days all strung toghether and along with work can take a toll on ya . something to think about .

and not the airborn havent you guys seen the news lawsuits !!
2008-03-06 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
I usually take one day off each weekend, but sometimes it's Saturday and sometimes it's Sunday. So, sometimes I end up doing 7 or 8 days straight, like right now. Yeah, I should have taken this morning off and done yoga instead.
2008-03-07 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Good morning everyone!  I went up to Crescent City yesterday and went for a nice little bike ride.  Check out the photo.

What plans do y'all have for the weekend?

Nicole, your swim today was AWESOME!!!!  I guess you're not TOO tired!

Cheers everyone!


(Crescent City 030608.JPG)

Crescent City 030608.JPG (68KB - 14 downloads)
2008-03-07 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1258534

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-03-07 11:13 AM

Good morning everyone! I went up to Crescent City yesterday and went for a nice little bike ride. Check out the photo.

What plans do y'all have for the weekend?

Nicole, your swim today was AWESOME!!!! I guess you're not TOO tired!

Cheers everyone!

No, I was only tired yesterday  

Beautiful picture. I wish I lived near the water again.  

Saturday is supposed to be my long bike day, but rain will probably have me inside on the rollers/trainer 

2008-03-09 11:01 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
How'd the race go tracey?

2008-03-09 11:04 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Sheesh!  Aweful run!  Fantastically aweful!  I just about started walking 'cause I was feeling so bad.  The race report will be up soon so you can read all about it!

On a lighter note.....I had a great swim yesterday!   Cheers!!!

2008-03-10 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1262177

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-03-09 10:04 PM

Sheesh!  Aweful run!  Fantastically aweful!  I just about started walking 'cause I was feeling so bad.  The race report will be up soon so you can read all about it!

On a lighter note.....I had a great swim yesterday!   Cheers!!!

Read your race report, Tracey. Sounds like it was a rough day, though your pace still looked pretty quick to me! Nice job getting out there and doing it!

2008-03-11 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Good morning everyone!  How did the weekend treat you?  I had a busy Monday so I didn't have a chance to check on any of your weekend adventures.

How is the taper going, Shaun?  Who else has races coming up within the next couple of weeks?  Cheers to a great day!

2008-03-11 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I was stuck inside for my ride on Saturday (25 miles on the rollers and trainer). Sunday was a planned off day.

I had another good swim yesterday and a good run this morning.

No races for me until the middle of April. 

2008-03-11 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!



2008-03-11 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
2008-03-11 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
oh the taper !! all i feel like it is doing is causing me to second guess my training . sometimes i just dont feel like im ready . i guess its mostly about the swim . my last race was a real bad swim . i have been working on it but it still sits in my mind . but i did read somewhere a quote that said "you cant run another marathon till you forget about the last one " and man im tring to forget but its twice as long . its not that my time was bad that i can deal with its i had such a hard time breathing and felt like i was taking on more water than i was swimming through. but once im out its on !! my bike is rolling so good with them new tires it feels so fast . i never knew howw slow them training tires were or howw hard they make you feel like you are working . and the run well i dont know we shall see .
one thing im so happy about is my son is gonna be here for the race . he gets in at 6am on sat. this will be the first big race he is gonna get to see . maybe thats whats bothering me too . i want nothing more than to have a good race for him to see . then the next weekend me and him are running the beach bum 5k so that will be a fun race .
oh well enough beating my brain up over this . thanks guys for all the pep talk you been sending my way .
2008-03-12 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1266142

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-11 4:26 PM oh the taper !! all i feel like it is doing is causing me to second guess my training . sometimes i just dont feel like im ready . i guess its mostly about the swim . my last race was a real bad swim . i have been working on it but it still sits in my mind . but i did read somewhere a quote that said "you cant run another marathon till you forget about the last one " and man im tring to forget but its twice as long . its not that my time was bad that i can deal with its i had such a hard time breathing and felt like i was taking on more water than i was swimming through. but once im out its on !! my bike is rolling so good with them new tires it feels so fast . i never knew howw slow them training tires were or howw hard they make you feel like you are working . and the run well i dont know we shall see . one thing im so happy about is my son is gonna be here for the race . he gets in at 6am on sat. this will be the first big race he is gonna get to see . maybe thats whats bothering me too . i want nothing more than to have a good race for him to see . then the next weekend me and him are running the beach bum 5k so that will be a fun race . oh well enough beating my brain up over this . thanks guys for all the pep talk you been sending my way .

Sounds like you're gonna have a great time with your son!   How exciting!

Don't worry to much about the swim.  You know you're gonna smoke everyone after the swim on those new tires!  Have a great day!

2008-03-12 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Hi everyone. My apologies for being inconsistent on the forum! I seem to be catching every bit of crud that comes through these days and have been struggling with staying current on here. I'm feeling healthy this week, but I ate way too much ice cream while I wasn't working out and am trying to get back on track with my diet. After a few days of hard work I'm back on track weight-wise, but am soooo hungry. Aside from the whole being fat thing, I do enjoy the being fat lifestyle of eating. *sigh*

How are you all doing? Who has races coming up soon? How is everyone doing with their goals so far this year?
2008-03-12 2:57 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi Sarah!  Nice to see you back!

I looked at your logs.  You are sooooo close to meeting your weight goal for the end of March!  That is well within your reach!!!!  Way to go girl!!!

Now, go make up a yummy salad with tuna or salmon and lots of beans!

2008-03-12 3:40 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
sarah glad to see ya back i been looking at your log for a few days and tracy is right your close to where you want to get to . so dont worry about the icecream burn it off .

roni is close also !! like real close .

hey maybe you two should go shopping for two new tri bikes together
2008-03-12 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Me too, I have been sick for at least 30 of the last 45 days. It is totally screwing with my training. My we consists of MTW life sucks, W evening well try to get some kind of run in, Th try for a little more, rest F, try to get a real run in (slow pace) on S at feel like crap on Sunday rince repeat for 7 weeks. I am glad I had like 1-2 days clear for that race 2 weeks ago. Man my whole family has been sick 1-3 kids home sick from school every day for 7 weeks. Everything not so great oh well. My lungs are killing me after a short 4.5 mile jog tonight. Well coughing, and such. I am not sure what to do about tomorrow at this point. Probably not the 8-9 mile run on the schedule, maybe justa got bed after work.
2008-03-13 11:31 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Man, I'm tired!  This night owl is having a hard time switching to being an early bird!  It feels like I'm overtraining but I think it is a scheduling problem.  How is everyone else doing this week?
2008-03-13 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I don't know if you guys have seen this or are interested, but here is a link to some great deals on entry level tri and road bikes Javelin Bike Sale thread . I just ordered a tri bike for me and a road bike for my dh. At these prices I just couldn't pass it up. 

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