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2011-10-26 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3738355

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 6:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

Kinder Kross CX race.  Doing the Cat 4 Men so first race of the day.  Should be starting on the front row, so my plan is to go out as hard as possible and try to hold on for as long as possible.

Should be more crappy weather so objective #1 will be to keep the bike upright.

As for the weight, I am having that problem now.  Since I am not running and swimming right now it seems like I am not working out enough to keep dropping or maintaing weight.  Where I was doing a swim/run then a bike after work I am now just doing a bike.  Need to figure that out.

2011-10-26 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3738384

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-10-26 7:44 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 6:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?


My last race for 2011 and my A race: the Washington, NC Half on saturday! Feeling good about the swim and bike and hope to have a good day on the run. This is only my second half, the first being Augusta last year when the wheels came off on the run. It is supposed to be a cool day with highs in the low 60's.

Gonna swim with a sleeveless suit. Have a good idea on my nutrition and will be happy with a run anywhere near 2:00 - 2:15. Due to scheduling conflict with B2B there are only 97 racers in this race.

Havin' Fun (Linda) is racing there too.

Good luck Doug & Linda.  Sounds like a perfect temp for the race.  May your run be light and easy!!

2011-10-26 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3738188

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

jfought - 2011-10-25 9:26 PM 10 days

Consider this my Halloween contribution.  It's all better now Smile


Okay that is just disgusting!!!    


No racing for me - surprise surprise.   The hubby bought the little one a cyclo cross bike last night!! You should have seen the look on her face!    At least this will deflect the pressure of my racing cross for a while longer.  

2011-10-26 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3738715

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
ashort33 - 2011-10-26 10:57 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 5:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

So I'm racing... first, last, and only tri of the year - Monster Tri on Sunday.  No costume for me - but plenty of people will be dressing up, just going to go out and enjoy the race - strategy is swim hard, ride hard, and run hard...  oh yeah, no leisurely breaks in transition either.  Going to be chilly (48 deg at start) so I have to think through some clothing options...


Also doing a benefit 5k on Saturday morning for the school district - strategy is to go easy like a recovery jog (12ish pace) since the tri is the next day...


Kick butt Andy!   Glad to see you racing again.

Good luck to you too Doug.  Hope the weather holds out for you.  It looks like it could be nasty this weekend.  Try to run in between the rain drops  


Contrats on the call up Tony.  Easy on those turns and don't drop the chain!   Saw a guy pull out of last weeks cross race b/c his SEAT FELL OFF!   How hard do you have to wipe out to loose the seat completely?!?!!  

Edited by tahrens 2011-10-26 11:37 AM
2011-10-26 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

************Semi real question ******************

I am toying with the idea of running the Marine Corp Marathon next year.  Anyone have thoughts or opinions about this race?   I don't want to do 26.2 just for the miles so I am looking for the whole "race experience and atmosphere."  I am somewhat familiar with the course since it overlaps with the Army 10 miler, plus I have a neighbor racing this weekend so I can pick her brain on course details.  But I would still like the group's opinions.   

2011-10-26 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3738355

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 3:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?


No racing, but I do have a Halloween bike ride where I ride my bike in costume. Should be fun! :-)

Keeping the pounds off by using LoseIT! app on my iPhone. :-) I would like to be more svelte by my wedding next year. (yeah, finally decided on a date and reserved a place...after 7 years of being together. LOL!)  Fat is HARD to lose...argh! 

2011-10-26 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3738893

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-10-26 11:40 AM

************Semi real question ******************

I am toying with the idea of running the Marine Corp Marathon next year.  Anyone have thoughts or opinions about this race?   I don't want to do 26.2 just for the miles so I am looking for the whole "race experience and atmosphere."  I am somewhat familiar with the course since it overlaps with the Army 10 miler, plus I have a neighbor racing this weekend so I can pick her brain on course details.  But I would still like the group's opinions.   

I did the race several years ago.  I am never one to take in scenery during an event like this so the monuments were a blur.  The best part were the Marines and getting your picture taken at the war memorial.  Total pain the rear to get out of the race area so prepare for a looooooooooooooong walk and a lonnnnger metro line when done.  Temps are also a crapshoot.  The year I did it was 78F at 6am--not pretty.

2011-10-26 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3738921

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 12:51 PM
tahrens - 2011-10-26 11:40 AM

************Semi real question ******************

I am toying with the idea of running the Marine Corp Marathon next year.  Anyone have thoughts or opinions about this race?   I don't want to do 26.2 just for the miles so I am looking for the whole "race experience and atmosphere."  I am somewhat familiar with the course since it overlaps with the Army 10 miler, plus I have a neighbor racing this weekend so I can pick her brain on course details.  But I would still like the group's opinions.   

I did the race several years ago.  I am never one to take in scenery during an event like this so the monuments were a blur.  The best part were the Marines and getting your picture taken at the war memorial.  Total pain the rear to get out of the race area so prepare for a looooooooooooooong walk and a lonnnnger metro line when done.  Temps are also a crapshoot.  The year I did it was 78F at 6am--not pretty.

I did it 2 or 3 years ago.  Tons and tons of spectators, a lot of racers, but not so many that I felt I couldn't run my pace.

A couple of minor hills, but mostly flat.

I agree with Suzy, leaving the race area is a total pain, a slow march to get your medal, long line if you want a coin.  She's also right about the weather, it's hit or miss.

If you do it, I'll come out and cheer for you, mile 2 is less than a 1/2 mile from my house. 

If you want a fun race I highly recommend the Disney marathon.  I think it would be hard to run for a PR as there is so much to see and do while running. But it's a blast.


2011-10-26 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3738893

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-10-26 12:40 PM

************Semi real question ******************

I am toying with the idea of running the Marine Corp Marathon next year.  Anyone have thoughts or opinions about this race?   I don't want to do 26.2 just for the miles so I am looking for the whole "race experience and atmosphere."  I am somewhat familiar with the course since it overlaps with the Army 10 miler, plus I have a neighbor racing this weekend so I can pick her brain on course details.  But I would still like the group's opinions.   

I really enjoyed MCM.  Besides, who doesn't like cute Marines?


2011-10-26 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3738893

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
tahrens - 2011-10-26 12:40 PM

************Semi real question ******************

I am toying with the idea of running the Marine Corp Marathon next year.  Anyone have thoughts or opinions about this race?   I don't want to do 26.2 just for the miles so I am looking for the whole "race experience and atmosphere."  I am somewhat familiar with the course since it overlaps with the Army 10 miler, plus I have a neighbor racing this weekend so I can pick her brain on course details.  But I would still like the group's opinions.   

ran it in 05.  cool race, love dc but it was borderline to crowded back then.  nowadays its gone 10k+ more than back then.  like suzy said, pia.

so i'd say find something else a little more low key.  there's lots of choices. 

tell doug he's got a cute pink bag. 

2011-10-26 2:00 PM
in reply to: #3738516

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-10-26 6:24 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 5:22 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-10-26 6:41 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 6:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

good luck racing peeps.  i ain't doing nothing to keep the pounds off   AND ITS SHOWING a little!!!!! 

I read an article by Matt Fitzgerald that said it was ok to increase your weight by up to 8% in the OS.  Said that weighing in regularly to make sure when you get close to that number you close the trap was important.  If I gained 8% of my BW, I would need to start wearing Fatty's pants.  That is a BIG #!

That is a big number... And I'm guessing he is saing it's ok for younger peeps. I think with age it's harder to control tht (ESP women) and wouldn't want to add 8%! I'd be miserable and I'd have to buy new clothes!!!I am wearing about 3 extra pounds -- not by choice but I'm not stressing out about it. Won't let another one creep on, though. Running, eating well, and denying myself dessert if it's been a very light training day.Good luck racers!! (Sorry if the formatting is amok... iPad issues.)

Yup, 8% weight gain is crazy talk for anyone over 40 and especially women.  I try not to go by lbs, but rather look at BF% of 2-3% increase being good during off season...I check the scales once a week, and if it goes much higher than that (or my favorite jeans stop fitting), I skip dessert, too. 

Lately not so hungry since less training, so my portions are closer to "normal". 

Good luck on your races, Rachel, Doug, Linda, Andy and Tony!!! 

2011-10-26 2:40 PM
in reply to: #3738355

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 5:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?


No racing for me this weekend just my last long run - some combination of 40 miles and/or 7 hrs.  Of course the weather forecast is looking crappy.  low 40s and possible rain - lovely.  Oh well if I survive Sat. then I'll be ready for whatever Nov. 19.

Good luck racers!

As far as off season weight management, I agree with the ladies - no to little gain is really the only option for aging women.  It gets harder and harder to lose it and keep it off as we age.  I'm actually putting a "groupon" type deal to good use tonight w/ a local fitness/nutrition consultant to see if I can get some help/answers.  B/c my fall training plan has not been kind to my scale, clothes, etc..  Not sure what's up so I hope this helps.


2011-10-26 2:59 PM
in reply to: #3738526

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-10-26 6:28 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-10-26 5:41 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 6:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

good luck racing peeps.  i ain't doing nothing to keep the pounds off   AND ITS SHOWING a little!!!!! 

X2 big time!!! Starting to finish our basement. Hoping to have it done before Christmas. Working with the FIL when I am not working. Going to be some good times!! Thats going to be my time for the next 2 months.

I'm in the weight club as well.  Injured my back last week which has eliminated anything active.  Having just had dessert with lunch probably isn't helping.

My next event is going to be the Jabba the Hut 1/2 k.

Edited by cadmus 2011-10-26 3:00 PM
2011-10-26 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3738355

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 5:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

I was scheduled to run a 15K this weekend but have been having some minor ankle aches and pains when running, so I have decided (with some input from friends) to skip it.  I have been able to run and just replaced my running shoes today after another gait analysis, but am concerned about trying to nail it for 15K and getting really hurt going into Out-Season!  Any of the MG that knows me knows I cannot just go run it and take it easy.  


I am going with Option B and racing Cross again on Saturday Morning at the Halloween Cyclocross Race.  Still haven't decided if I am wearing a costume or not ..... going to work on that tonight.  Strategy is to start towards the front, try not to crash (too hard) and ride on the rivet with my HR in the 180's for 30 minutes.  Is there any other strategy in a Cross race?  

Good luck to all the racers .....  REPRESENT!!! 

Edited by badgerintx 2011-10-26 3:29 PM
2011-10-26 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Wow! Lots of racers this weekend! Good luck Doug, Linda, Tony, Rachel, Andy, and anyone else I missed!

Weight management: Agree with the ladies... I think allowing some weight gain may work for men as they seem to lose it easier when ramping up training, but I know it doesn't work that way for me.  Still working on getting rid of the 20 extra pounds I'm carrying around, and for me, no amount of exercise will do it, only strict attention to my diet and that's still a slow process. I'm going to get there though, I'm determined.

2011-10-26 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Dino, Rachel, Andy & Tony

Go Get Em This Weekend!!!

I have a hilly little 5K on Saturday.  Strategy is to go easy and enjoy.  It's just an excuse to get out and run, so no time goals.  

Oh, and the 8% weight gain . . . . . NO WAY I could allow that to happen.  I'm looking for NO (read it--NO) weight gain over this winter and possibly taking off a few more pounds.  I've gone from 164 to 138 in 2011 and it was too much hard work to allow any of those pounds to creep back on.  Strategy, keep working my A$$ off, and no alcohol or sugar if I start to gain. 

2011-10-26 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3738355

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 8:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?


I am doing a HM on Sunday - it is supposed to be mostly flat, but the course profile shows a couple of small hills (50 meters).   The weather should be cool, i.e., like 40-45.   This is the first stand-alone HM I've done since 2000.  My strategy is to go out at a 5 min/km pace and see if I can hold it (or pick up the pace a little in the second half if I feel really good).   My best ever HM was a 1:48 in 1994 and I would love to beat that time.

Considering that I did a 46:11 run during my last Oly, does the 5 min/km sound like a reasonable pace?   


Weight gains: I'm up about 5 pounds, but that is as high as I will let it go.  My plan is to get back into a regular swim/bike/run rhythm next week.

2011-10-26 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3739678

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dcon - 2011-10-26 5:16 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 8:42 AM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?


I am doing a HM on Sunday - it is supposed to be mostly flat, but the course profile shows a couple of small hills (50 meters).   The weather should be cool, i.e., like 40-45.   This is the first stand-alone HM I've done since 2000.  My strategy is to go out at a 5 min/km pace and see if I can hold it (or pick up the pace a little in the second half if I feel really good).   My best ever HM was a 1:48 in 1994 and I would love to beat that time.

Considering that I did a 46:11 run during my last Oly, does the 5 min/km sound like a reasonable pace?   


Weight gains: I'm up about 5 pounds, but that is as high as I will let it go.  My plan is to get back into a regular swim/bike/run rhythm next week.

On the conservative side but smart to be conservative at the beginning, just don't be gun shy from your HIM.  Think about that Oly run, you smoked it!!!  You have the speed to do something WAY faster than 1:45...just depends what sort of run fitness you have right now and how much you want to hurt.  Good luck, DAN!!!!! 

2011-10-27 7:17 AM
in reply to: #3738355

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 8:42 PM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

I'm racing the Noosa Triathlon on Sunday, this was the event that got me interested in triathlons in the first place but I didn't get in on the ballot last year so this year is very special to me. All the big names are in town, Chris McCormack, Emma Snowshill etc.This is the biggest tri in Australia with over 6000 competitors and it starts less than 10 minutes from my front door!
2011-10-27 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3740041

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-10-27 8:17 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 8:42 PM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

I'm racing the Noosa Triathlon on Sunday, this was the event that got me interested in triathlons in the first place but I didn't get in on the ballot last year so this year is very special to me. All the big names are in town, Chris McCormack, Emma Snowshill etc.This is the biggest tri in Australia with over 6000 competitors and it starts less than 10 minutes from my front door!

Very cool, good luck this weekend, I guess you guys are getting into your season as ours are all winding down.  There is actually a possibility of Snow here on Saturday.

2011-10-27 8:57 AM
in reply to: #3740174

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Have fun David and good luck! Macca has posted on fb about being in Noosa and I totally thought of you! Funny, yesterday at breakfast my son asked if it was really truly spring in Australia. I told him yup, it sure was. My kids were super jealous!!! Ha! Enjoy!!

2011-10-27 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3740041

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-10-27 8:17 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 8:42 PM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

I'm racing the Noosa Triathlon on Sunday, this was the event that got me interested in triathlons in the first place but I didn't get in on the ballot last year so this year is very special to me. All the big names are in town, Chris McCormack, Emma Snowshill etc.This is the biggest tri in Australia with over 6000 competitors and it starts less than 10 minutes from my front door!


Best of luck!  That sounds awesome!!

2011-10-27 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3739091

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-10-26 2:25 PM
tahrens - 2011-10-26 12:40 PM

************Semi real question ******************

I am toying with the idea of running the Marine Corp Marathon next year.  Anyone have thoughts or opinions about this race?   I don't want to do 26.2 just for the miles so I am looking for the whole "race experience and atmosphere."  I am somewhat familiar with the course since it overlaps with the Army 10 miler, plus I have a neighbor racing this weekend so I can pick her brain on course details.  But I would still like the group's opinions.   

ran it in 05.  cool race, love dc but it was borderline to crowded back then.  nowadays its gone 10k+ more than back then.  like suzy said, pia.

so i'd say find something else a little more low key.  there's lots of choices. 

tell doug he's got a cute pink bag. 


hu?  Do I have to start monitoring my husband's facebook posts?

2011-10-27 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3740041

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-10-27 8:17 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-10-26 8:42 PM

While it seems a few are suffering from lack of motivation, I bet there are a some SWBKRUN dudes heading to the starting line this weekend.  Raise your hands high and tell us.  Don't just tell us you're racing, tell us your STRATEGY!

And for the remainder, what are you doing to keep the pounds from creeping on during this low volume period?

I'm racing the Noosa Triathlon on Sunday, this was the event that got me interested in triathlons in the first place but I didn't get in on the ballot last year so this year is very special to me. All the big names are in town, Chris McCormack, Emma Snowshill etc.This is the biggest tri in Australia with over 6000 competitors and it starts less than 10 minutes from my front door!


Awesome.  Have a great time.  I have heard very good things about that race.  Enjoy and represent.

2011-10-27 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Go, racers!!  Wishing wonderful end of the season events for all!

I'm home - hallelujah - and slogging through the minutae.  Picking up my bike tonight - really need to train hard so that I can start my taper!!

oh, and 8%?!?  Refusing to get on the scale right now after a week of hotel eating, but 8% would kill me.  4% stresses me out.

Edited by velcromom 2011-10-27 6:26 PM
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