General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2009-10-13 12:13 PM
in reply to: #2457105

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
yes, bryancd   is going for KONA. us mortals are after different things haha-

my goals is to finish without IV bags

2009-10-13 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2457105

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
bryancd - 2009-10-13 10:39 AM Man, you all have a lot of outfits for a race! See my avatar pic? That's it for me all day.

I was thinking the same thing...   I am going with the same outfit from start to finish...  
2009-10-13 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Jeez, do what works for you.  I wore jammers on the swim, bike shorts on the bike, and tri shorts on the run.  I don't think the extra minute in transition was what cost me the Kona spot   I still think I did OK, even with the multiple wardrobe requirements
2009-10-13 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I think I've got my bike nutrition set for the race. Based on suggestions posted, I carried 3 double strength bottles of Inifit and one plain water bottle to refill at the stops during the long ride last weekend. That gave me 6 hours of mix. Staggered  a bit with solid / gel nutrition will provide 7 to 7 1/2 hours. Putting in a spare 2x bottle at SN.

The few things I had issues with were:
   1) Drinking when it was cold in the morning. I've been really bad this on training rides, but understanding the importance when it's gonna be a 16-17 hour day instead of just a 5 hour ride.
   2) Later in the ride looking at the clock at 5 minutes past the 20 minute interval and trying to remember if I had drank or not. Having my bottles marked and knowing that they should last 2 hrs made this easy to look at and figure out, but I was laughing how many times this happened. I think the 20 minute beep alarm from an interval watch might help with this.

Thanks to everyone for the information to us first timers.

Now to figure out the run!

2009-10-13 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2457191

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
ChrisM - 2009-10-13 12:24 PM

Jeez, do what works for you.  I wore jammers on the swim, bike shorts on the bike, and tri shorts on the run.  I don't think the extra minute in transition was what cost me the Kona spot   I still think I did OK, even with the multiple wardrobe requirements

Yes, but you are all fussy and fashionable like that Chris.

No, what I mean is that I find my tri suit very comfortable for bike and run and never considered changing as all sport clothing feels the same to me!
2009-10-13 2:10 PM
in reply to: #2457406

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
bryancd - 2009-10-13 11:39 AM
ChrisM - 2009-10-13 12:24 PM Jeez, do what works for you.  I wore jammers on the swim, bike shorts on the bike, and tri shorts on the run.  I don't think the extra minute in transition was what cost me the Kona spot   I still think I did OK, even with the multiple wardrobe requirements
Yes, but you are all fussy and fashionable like that Chris. No, what I mean is that I find my tri suit very comfortable for bike and run and never considered changing as all sport clothing feels the same to me!

True dat

Trust me, if I could ride 112 in tri shorts (or, had practiced it enough), I would have    I use them for HIMs and about 40 miles in (even with a desoto seat cover) I am feeling it

2009-10-13 3:52 PM
in reply to: #2456387

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
jezzieswims - 2009-10-12 11:02 PM I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to wear. I was thinking tri shorts and a sports bra on the swim un the wetsuit, throw on a bike jersey in T1 then swap it out for a tri top in T2. Still looking for a tri top that has pockets that will hold what I need. Ideas?

That's what I did minus the swap to a tri top in T2.  I wore my bike jersey all day after T1...plenty of pockets!

However, I will caution you that it will be quite difficult to put that bike jersey on in T1.  If you're wearing a tri top for the run, why not just wear it all day?
2009-10-13 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2457760

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I'm looking for the right tri top to wear. I currently own TYR and Zoot tri tops that have tiny pockets (they hold 1 gel a piece) I'm trying to find something that I can wear all day. I'm thinking about ordering a De Soto tri top, three decent sized pockets that I can store salt tabs and some bars. I'd rather not change tops during the race, perhaps add arm warmers on the bike or grab a tech shirt in special needs if it's cooler.

2009-10-13 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2457406

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
bryancd - 2009-10-13 11:39 AM

 No, what I mean is that I find my tri suit very comfortable for bike and run and never considered changing as all sport clothing feels the same to me!

I'm sure that's exactly what you meant.  Sorry, dude, but lots of us are new at this and aren't at your high level of athletic achievement yet.  Give us some time, man, and then you can feel free to bag on us for not being cool.

Oh, have a smiley face so everything seems cool.  
2009-10-13 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2457801

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
i just wish i could do this without changing. BUT my taint can't handle that kind of duration without my bits and pieces going numb which is not highly desirable.

i did think of getting the new desoto phat wetsuit to gain some buoyancy and time on the swim. anybody know if they will be out in time for the race?
2009-10-13 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Hi all - so this post is NOT about what I will wear.

It's about the pre-race meet up - I've offered my place to do it on Saturday afternoon before race day.  Everyone still up for this?  There's a glitch in my plan.  The person who originally was going to come with and help out serving food and fun stuff like that can't make it now.  I don't want to be the one on my feet all day as I'm racing the next day.   I'm sure you understand.  I'd love to have everyone over still though....thoughts? suggestions? 

2009-10-13 6:47 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Hey...   we can wear this..  Check out Faris AlSultan...  

2009-10-13 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2457855

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
DoloresM2 - 2009-10-13 3:03 PM Hi all - so this post is NOT about what I will wear.

It's about the pre-race meet up - I've offered my place to do it on Saturday afternoon before race day.  Everyone still up for this?  There's a glitch in my plan.  The person who originally was going to come with and help out serving food and fun stuff like that can't make it now.  I don't want to be the one on my feet all day as I'm racing the next day.   I'm sure you understand.  I'd love to have everyone over still though....thoughts? suggestions? 

I'm still in for this. I think at last years event everyone brought something along with them, a pot-luck type deal. Would that work? Otherwise how about just making it a quick meet-and-greet and get everyone out so we're off to bed and rested for Sunday?
2009-10-13 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2458020

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
velasqu7 - 2009-10-13 4:47 PM Hey...   we can wear this..  Check out Faris AlSultan...  


If they pay me to ride a sweet Slice I'll suffer through with the outfit.
2009-10-13 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2457801

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
dave699 - 2009-10-13 4:26 PM

bryancd - 2009-10-13 11:39 AM

 No, what I mean is that I find my tri suit very comfortable for bike and run and never considered changing as all sport clothing feels the same to me!

I'm sure that's exactly what you meant.  Sorry, dude, but lots of us are new at this and aren't at your high level of athletic achievement yet.  Give us some time, man, and then you can feel free to bag on us for not being cool.

Oh, have a smiley face so everything seems cool.  

Clearly you don't know me. I have spent more time on this forum helping new triathletes than bagging on them by a long shot. Be careful being critical of comments on the internet from people you don't know.
Funny how just a page back I was offering any help anyone here might need from somoene local. But you're right, I'm, a di#K.

Edited by bryancd 2009-10-13 7:09 PM
2009-10-13 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2458050

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
bryancd - 2009-10-13 5:00 PM
dave699 - 2009-10-13 4:26 PM
bryancd - 2009-10-13 11:39 AM

 No, what I mean is that I find my tri suit very comfortable for bike and run and never considered changing as all sport clothing feels the same to me!

I'm sure that's exactly what you meant.  Sorry, dude, but lots of us are new at this and aren't at your high level of athletic achievement yet.  Give us some time, man, and then you can feel free to bag on us for not being cool.

Oh, have a smiley face so everything seems cool.  
Clearly you don't know me. I have spent more time on this forum helping new triathletes than bagging on them by a long shot. Be careful being critical of comments on the internet from people you don't know. Funny how just a page back I was offering any help anyone here might need from somoene local. But you're right, I'm, a di#K.

You must have missed that smiley face.

Well, dude, I'm glad to hear your heart's in the right place, but I never have read any of your comments that way.  If you say I'm wrong, then so be it, and I'll definitely shut up about it in keeping with the spirit of the thread and the forum as a whole.  If you have further comments for me, let's do it via PM or in person.

To the others - sorry for the threadjack and the negative vibe.  I'll admit to being in the wrong for going in that direction.

2009-10-13 7:39 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
No worries, Dave, looking forward to seeing you here.

And on a lighter note, the weather here is going to be HOT this weekend. We will see 100 on Staurday. The bad news...well I have to ride 120 miles on Saturday. The good news....Tempe Town Lake may stay warmer a bit longer. It was COLD last year for the swim and I hate cold swims. Even at the start of the bike it was chilly for me. So hopefully temps will be moderate, but the TTL may stay warm a bit longer, and I think we would all like that.
2009-10-13 7:40 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I think we're all at that point in training where we're a bit run down and prone to be cranky It happens, just part of the process! I'm sure my husband will be happy when I'm less of a crabbypants (not to mention not fast asleep every night before he comes to bed LOL).

2009-10-13 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2458100

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
bryancd - 2009-10-13 5:39 PM

No worries, Dave, looking forward to seeing you here.

And on a lighter note, the weather here is going to be HOT this weekend. We will see 100 on Staurday. The bad news...well I have to ride 120 miles on Saturday. The good news....Tempe Town Lake may stay warmer a bit longer. It was COLD last year for the swim and I hate cold swims. Even at the start of the bike it was chilly for me. So hopefully temps will be moderate, but the TTL may stay warm a bit longer, and I think we would all like that.

My 120-mile ride is this Thursday (can't be this weekend due to visiting athletes staying in my house doing the Nike marathon) and I'm just hoping the mega-storm that hit us (in CA) today blows through and is gone before then! I am NOT riding 120 miles on my trainer.
2009-10-13 7:54 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I had to take last weekend pretty much off due to my body deciding it was time for some rest.  Not ideal since my training has been behind anyway.  But...I'm feeling a little better and am certain I avoided extended downtime.  This weekend is a 5-5.5 hour ride on Saturday.  Forecast is for more wind (steady 20-30mph right now), rain (several inches), and cold temps (lows 30s, highs 50s).  I'm hoping there is a break in the weather so that I don't have to spend all day on the trainer!

Huh, I don't remember this weather before sign-ups last year... :-)
2009-10-13 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2458100

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

bryancd - 2009-10-13 5:39 PM No worries, Dave, looking forward to seeing you here. And on a lighter note, the weather here is going to be HOT this weekend. We will see 100 on Staurday. The bad news...well I have to ride 120 miles on Saturday. The good news....Tempe Town Lake may stay warmer a bit longer. It was COLD last year for the swim and I hate cold swims. Even at the start of the bike it was chilly for me. So hopefully temps will be moderate, but the TTL may stay warm a bit longer, and I think we would all like that.

I was kind of hoping that the Soma HIM wouldnt be the usual sweat-fest but looks like it could be! You are right though, I'd rather have warmer water for IMAZ  


Dolores, re: the GTG, make it easy on yourself. We could do pot luck snack type food or meet at a restaurant for lunch instead?


2009-10-13 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2457855

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
DoloresM2 - 2009-10-13 3:03 PM Hi all - so this post is NOT about what I will wear.

It's about the pre-race meet up - I've offered my place to do it on Saturday afternoon before race day.  Everyone still up for this?  There's a glitch in my plan.  The person who originally was going to come with and help out serving food and fun stuff like that can't make it now.  I don't want to be the one on my feet all day as I'm racing the next day.   I'm sure you understand.  I'd love to have everyone over still though....thoughts? suggestions? 

I won't be able to meet up with you all at a dinner, but would really like to meet people at a group swim or something.  At least at the athlete dinner.  Especially the BOPers so that I can look for friendly faces to keep me company on the run!
2009-10-13 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

I sure hope Faris had on LOTS of sunblock!!! 


Edited by TriBabe2006 2009-10-13 8:34 PM
2009-10-13 9:18 PM
in reply to: #2458176

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
sdbryant - 2009-10-13 6:09 PM
DoloresM2 - 2009-10-13 3:03 PM Hi all - so this post is NOT about what I will wear.

It's about the pre-race meet up - I've offered my place to do it on Saturday afternoon before race day.  Everyone still up for this?  There's a glitch in my plan.  The person who originally was going to come with and help out serving food and fun stuff like that can't make it now.  I don't want to be the one on my feet all day as I'm racing the next day.   I'm sure you understand.  I'd love to have everyone over still though....thoughts? suggestions? 

I won't be able to meet up with you all at a dinner, but would really like to meet people at a group swim or something.  At least at the athlete dinner.  Especially the BOPers so that I can look for friendly faces to keep me company on the run!

Maybe we could do the meet up at the Friday night dinner? Anyone know the logistics of the layout and if we could get a group type table organized?
2009-10-14 12:43 AM
in reply to: #2458028

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
toddg - 2009-10-13 5:50 PM
velasqu7 - 2009-10-13 4:47 PM Hey...   we can wear this..  Check out Faris AlSultan...  


If they pay me to ride a sweet Slice I'll suffer through with the outfit.

Where is his nutrition? A bottle of gatorade?  is that all?
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