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2011-01-01 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I'm using the KK formula to estimate power.  

Experienced some spikes with my Garmin.  I was using two computers during the test.  Garmin showed 25.2 avg and the KK computer 24.9 avg.    Going to go with the lower value.

Any ideas why the spikes are showing up?  Does this have to do with the sampling of the data and extrapolation or am i doing something wrong?

Edited by mrpetey 2011-01-01 10:23 PM

2011-01-02 1:14 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I've posted this question on two different websites, and in another forum here, and no one has answered, so either no one knows or I write in invisible ink....

Did a 20 minute FTP test, using a looped flat course.  Just took the displayed average watts at the end of the 20 minute session on the 3D screen.   Saved the file and opened in Coaching Software, when I drag the vertical line to 20 minutes it shows the ave. watts as about 30W higher than the 3D program

Anyone know which one is (more) accurate?
2011-01-02 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3272540

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
ChrisM - 2011-01-02 3:14 PM I've posted this question on two different websites, and in another forum here, and no one has answered, so either no one knows or I write in invisible ink....

Did a 20 minute FTP test, using a looped flat course.  Just took the displayed average watts at the end of the 20 minute session on the 3D screen.   Saved the file and opened in Coaching Software, when I drag the vertical line to 20 minutes it shows the ave. watts as about 30W higher than the 3D program

Anyone know which one is (more) accurate?

Does either one seem to jive up better with the wattage being displayed while the test was in progress?  ie. while testing if your wattage was floating between 240-250 but the avg came up as 220 then it would seem off? 

I don't know anything about Coaching Software but does it give the option to export and/or view individual data points?  Something maybe you could import into Excel to see what looks more accurate?
2011-01-02 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3272540

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Did a 20 minute FTP test, using a looped flat course.  Just took the displayed average watts at the end of the 20 minute session on the 3D screen.   Saved the file and opened in Coaching Software, when I drag the vertical line to 20 minutes it shows the ave. watts as about 30W higher than the 3D program

Anyone know which one is (more) accurate?

Maybe import the file into GoldenCheetah or WKO+ to see what they think of it?
2011-01-02 6:24 PM
in reply to: #3272703

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Flagstaff30 - 2011-01-02 1:26 PM
Did a 20 minute FTP test, using a looped flat course.  Just took the displayed average watts at the end of the 20 minute session on the 3D screen.   Saved the file and opened in Coaching Software, when I drag the vertical line to 20 minutes it shows the ave. watts as about 30W higher than the 3D program

Anyone know which one is (more) accurate?

Maybe import the file into GoldenCheetah or WKO+ to see what they think of it?

Thanks.  Just downloaded GC and imported it.  No idea if I've done it right but something is amiss, since it shows ave. watts of 4.

The 3D software average watts is more realistic and seems to follow what I was seeing on the screen. Just curious as to how it's so different. 

Honestly hoping I don't have to better the 30+W performance in a few weeks, it was hard enough to get to the lower number 
2011-01-03 8:03 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

Let's suppose, hypothetically of course, that someone were to, Oh I don't know, have a brain fart reading and setting up the first 6X4 workout last month when putting it into his Garmin, so instead of 100%-105% (by HR) it topped out at 100%.  Then copied that workout over and over again the whole time, and wondered why people were complaining about this workout.  Sure it was a pretty tough but nothing extreme, these intertube guys must all be wusses or something...

Should this hypothetical guy, a) Feel shame, but at least he was on his bike and just go on with the rest of the plan.  Or b) Feel shame and redo the month of 6X4s for real this time and just extend the plan a month?

Just hypothetically of course...


2011-01-03 8:25 AM
in reply to: #3273644

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
mrhighside - 2011-01-03 9:03 AM

Let's suppose, hypothetically of course, that someone were to, Oh I don't know, have a brain fart reading and setting up the first 6X4 workout last month when putting it into his Garmin, so instead of 100%-105% (by HR) it topped out at 100%.  Then copied that workout over and over again the whole time, and wondered why people were complaining about this workout.  Sure it was a pretty tough but nothing extreme, these intertube guys must all be wusses or something...

Should this hypothetical guy, a) Feel shame, but at least he was on his bike and just go on with the rest of the plan.  Or b) Feel shame and redo the month of 6X4s for real this time and just extend the plan a month?

Just hypothetically of course...


I think you should (hypothetically) do it at least ONCE so you can truly experience the 6x4 from Hell Sufferfest Wink
2011-01-03 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3273644

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Let's suppose, hypothetically of course, that someone were to, Oh I don't know, have a brain fart reading and setting up the first 6X4 workout last month when putting it into his Garmin, so instead of 100%-105% (by HR) it topped out at 100%.  Then copied that workout over and over again the whole time, and wondered why people were complaining about this workout.  Sure it was a pretty tough but nothing extreme, these intertube guys must all be wusses or something...

Should this hypothetical guy, a) Feel shame, but at least he was on his bike and just go on with the rest of the plan.  Or b) Feel shame and redo the month of 6X4s for real this time and just extend the plan a month?

Hypothetically, I'd say he's missing out if he doesn't try at least once at 105% or higher, but I wouldn't bother with the whole month.  

I never use my HR strap and just train with power, but I think I'm going to try the HR strap a bit this month just to get a sense of how the two approaches correlate in Jorge's training plan.  For me, the 6x4's were supposed to be at about 110% of CP, and I think that would be more than 105% of my threshold HR, particularly for the last few intervals.  

2011-01-03 10:21 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Happy New Year Everyone!

Sorry for the delay but I had a bit of a rough start to the new year. Nevertheless, 2011 is going to a great year full of awesomeness

Week # 10 is up running. We are going to test (yet again) and then focus 100% on increasing our Critical Power. I know many of you have had great improvements already and I am very excited because it is only January!

If you guys keep on been consistent and doing the work your cycling fitness is going to be outstanding and I am certain you will have a year full of Personal Bests

I will catch up on questions during the week.
2011-01-03 6:03 PM
in reply to: #3274063

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
JorgeM - 2011-01-03 9:21 AM Happy New Year Everyone!
I will catch up on questions during the week.

A question on the dreaded 6x4's.  Hypothetically, if someone were to find them too tough to complete, because they're at about 110% of CP, would it be better to rest longer between intervals or drop the power down to the point where they can be completed as written?
2011-01-03 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3275239

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Flagstaff30 - 2011-01-03 6:03 PM
JorgeM - 2011-01-03 9:21 AM Happy New Year Everyone!
I will catch up on questions during the week.

A question on the dreaded 6x4's.  Hypothetically, if someone were to find them too tough to complete, because they're at about 110% of CP, would it be better to rest longer between intervals or drop the power down to the point where they can be completed as written?

have you been able to complete the 20MP test? where you started on the 1st 6x4' session, where you doing sets 1-5 at your 20MP or higher? did you have trouble even with the very 1st session before you did the 6 set where you pushed the power (or tried to) 3-5 watts higher?

2011-01-03 6:47 PM
in reply to: #3275239

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Flagstaff30 - 2011-01-03 6:03 PM
JorgeM - 2011-01-03 9:21 AM Happy New Year Everyone!
I will catch up on questions during the week.

A question on the dreaded 6x4's.  Hypothetically, if someone were to find them too tough to complete, because they're at about 110% of CP, would it be better to rest longer between intervals or drop the power down to the point where they can be completed as written?

Not quite, the 6x4' is based on your most recent tested 20 min max power (20MP) which in general is 105% of CP. Still, on week #6 I suggested using your 20MP for sets 1 through 5 as the baseline to start doing this sets and not until set #6 attempt averaging 2-4 watts over. That would become your new 20MP for next week and then you would do sets 1 to 5 at that new 20MP and not until set #6 you would try avg 2-4 watts higher again and so for.

IOW, if your 20MP after the testing week was 250w then during wk #6 you would do the 6x4' set as - sets 1 to 5 @ 250w and set #6 try averaging 252-254w. whatever you managed on that last 6 set would become your new 20MP (i.e. 252w) then next week you would do sets 1 to 5 @ 252w and the last set #6 try avg 2-4w higher (i.e. 254-256w) and so for.

See this: http://jorgepbmcoaching.blogspot.com/2010/12/cycling-plan-v30-week-... />
If you are doing those at 110% of CP then no wonder it is so difficult to complete those.
2011-01-03 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3272540

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
ChrisM - 2011-01-02 1:14 PM I've posted this question on two different websites, and in another forum here, and no one has answered, so either no one knows or I write in invisible ink....

Did a 20 minute FTP test, using a looped flat course.  Just took the displayed average watts at the end of the 20 minute session on the 3D screen.   Saved the file and opened in Coaching Software, when I drag the vertical line to 20 minutes it shows the ave. watts as about 30W higher than the 3D program

Anyone know which one is (more) accurate?

Let me play with GC a bit and see if I can find what the difference might be.
2011-01-03 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3275309

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
JorgeM - 2011-01-03 5:47 PM 
If you are doing those at 110% of CP then no wonder it is so difficult to complete those.

My tests at the beginning of december put my 20MP at 107.8% of CP and I actually managed to complete the first 6x4 session.  Subsequent weeks as I tried doing them a few watts higher, it was 109.5%, and I failed.  Later I even failed to do the full 6 intervals at my original 20MP without adding in a few extra minutes of recovery between intervals 3 and 4.  

Some of this is a mental game.  I seem to be able to tough out a single 20' effort, knowing when it's done there's nothing else hard I'm going to have to deal with.  With intervals, I start dreading the next one while I'm in the recovery phase.

I have a relatively high 3MP, but I think I recover a bit on the slow side, so the short recovery times make the 6x4's very difficult.  Hence the question, should I add recovery time, or lower the target power level.  Since it sounds like you're targeting the workout at the top of the threshold zone, or about 105%, it sounds like I should be lowering power a bit to keep it as a threshold workout, not push it into a VO2Max workout.

2011-01-03 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Hey, for all of you 45+ agers out there doing the cycling program having as hard a time recovering in between workouts as I am. I finished week 7 day 3 on  Saturday and rested along with foam roller and some yoga poses on Sunday but my legs are still  sore as heck and wasn't able to start the 6X4's of week 8 tonight.  What are you doing for recovery, or is this what 46 years of age gets me? Hope fully I can squeeze Day 1 week 8 in before work in the morning.

2011-01-04 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3275766

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Lancaster, PA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
inspectord - 2011-01-02 11:49 PM Hey, for all of you 45+ agers out there doing the cycling program having as hard a time recovering in between workouts as I am. I finished week 7 day 3 on  Saturday and rested along with foam roller and some yoga poses on Sunday but my legs are still  sore as heck and wasn't able to start the 6X4's of week 8 tonight.  What are you doing for recovery, or is this what 46 years of age gets me? Hope fully I can squeeze Day 1 week 8 in before work in the morning.


try a protein drink (ex. EAS) - it works!

2011-01-04 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3275766

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
inspectord - 2011-01-03 9:49 PM Hey, for all of you 45+ agers out there doing the cycling program having as hard a time recovering in between workouts as I am.  ...  What are you doing for recovery, or is this what 46 years of age gets me? 

I'll be 49 this month, but fortunately, recovery in between workouts in this plan hasn't been a problem for me.  I've done the optional 4th day most weeks.   I typically do quite a bit more volume than this so that's probably helping.  After a harder workout, I might do some self-massage on the quads and occasionally some foam roller work.  You might try replacing one of the off days with 30 - 45 minutes of very easy recovery spinning at L1.  Almost no pressure on the pedals, just easy spinning to warm up the legs and get blood moving.  

One of my main reasons for deciding to follow Jorge's program this winter is the approach of more intensity, less volume.  The 6x4's have kicked my and left me feeling a bit frustrated, but I still like the general approach for winter threshold improvement.
2011-01-04 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Grr, failed AGAIN on week 9, day 1 on the 6x4's.  My target was 190, and tried my best to reach it, although the wattage on the Joule 2.0 was jumping around wildly.

According to Golden Cheetah, these were my results: 184W, 185W, 185W, 172W, 166W, 194W.

I think I zoned a bit on the 5th set and started late (hence the 166W), but I honestly didn't think the numbers would be THAT low.

Maybe it's lack of mental focus (i.e., need to turn off the TV completely during these sets), maybe I gotta figure a better way to track average watts over the 4' intervals.  Maybe it just sucks being 45+

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

2011-01-04 9:45 AM
in reply to: #3276393

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
windandsurf - 2011-01-04 11:41 AM Grr, failed AGAIN on week 9, day 1 on the 6x4's.  My target was 190, and tried my best to reach it, although the wattage on the Joule 2.0 was jumping around wildly.

According to Golden Cheetah, these were my results: 184W, 185W, 185W, 172W, 166W, 194W.

I think I zoned a bit on the 5th set and started late (hence the 166W), but I honestly didn't think the numbers would be THAT low.

Maybe it's lack of mental focus (i.e., need to turn off the TV completely during these sets), maybe I gotta figure a better way to track average watts over the 4' intervals.  Maybe it just sucks being 45+

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Setup one of  your data displays to be avg power 30s (however they call it on the Joule).  This will show you your avg power over the last 30 seconds and you will know if you are keeping it at the right level or not.  The instantaneous power jumps around too much to be any more than a guideline.

Doing this on my Edge 500 made a world of difference!

Edited by axteraa 2011-01-04 9:46 AM
2011-01-04 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3276393

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
windandsurf - 2011-01-04 10:41 AM Grr, failed AGAIN on week 9, day 1 on the 6x4's.  My target was 190, and tried my best to reach it, although the wattage on the Joule 2.0 was jumping around wildly.

According to Golden Cheetah, these were my results: 184W, 185W, 185W, 172W, 166W, 194W.

I think I zoned a bit on the 5th set and started late (hence the 166W), but I honestly didn't think the numbers would be THAT low.

Maybe it's lack of mental focus (i.e., need to turn off the TV completely during these sets), maybe I gotta figure a better way to track average watts over the 4' intervals.  Maybe it just sucks being 45+

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


1)  Dump the TV - just listen to music
2)  Find the "average power" display on your Joule and cadence.
3)  Remove HR display during these sets

The first 6x4, pay attention to both your average power and how it fluctuates compared to your cadence.  You should get a good feel for how your cadence is impacting your power output.  The next 5 intervals, pay most of your attention to cadence and just check the average power every once in a while to make sure it's where it's meant to be.  For me, I looked up at my screen and saw 84 (even though power was good at that moment), but knew I needed to do 85 otherwise the average power was going to drop off.

Reason I say dump the HR, is cause mentally you'll be looking at those numbers near the end of intervals 4,5,6 and you'll convince yourself you can't hold it.  Just pay attention to power and cadence and look at the HR afterwards.
2011-01-04 12:17 PM
in reply to: #3275420

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Flagstaff30 - 2011-01-03 7:46 PM
JorgeM - 2011-01-03 5:47 PM 
If you are doing those at 110% of CP then no wonder it is so difficult to complete those.

My tests at the beginning of december put my 20MP at 107.8% of CP and I actually managed to complete the first 6x4 session.  Subsequent weeks as I tried doing them a few watts higher, it was 109.5%, and I failed.  Later I even failed to do the full 6 intervals at my original 20MP without adding in a few extra minutes of recovery between intervals 3 and 4.  

Some of this is a mental game.  I seem to be able to tough out a single 20' effort, knowing when it's done there's nothing else hard I'm going to have to deal with.  With intervals, I start dreading the next one while I'm in the recovery phase.

I have a relatively high 3MP, but I think I recover a bit on the slow side, so the short recovery times make the 6x4's very difficult.  Hence the question, should I add recovery time, or lower the target power level.  Since it sounds like you're targeting the workout at the top of the threshold zone, or about 105%, it sounds like I should be lowering power a bit to keep it as a threshold workout, not push it into a VO2Max workout.

make your rest 60 sec and lower your power a bit and see how it goes. only set you want to get into low Vo2 max territory is the last one

2011-01-04 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3275766

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
inspectord - 2011-01-03 10:49 PM Hey, for all of you 45+ agers out there doing the cycling program having as hard a time recovering in between workouts as I am. I finished week 7 day 3 on  Saturday and rested along with foam roller and some yoga poses on Sunday but my legs are still  sore as heck and wasn't able to start the 6X4's of week 8 tonight.  What are you doing for recovery, or is this what 46 years of age gets me? Hope fully I can squeeze Day 1 week 8 in before work in the morning.


Make sure you are fueling properly before/during/after this sessions (specially day 1 and 3 as those are rather intense.

make sure you are managing your load wisely between bike, swim and run, plus other daily activities!
2011-01-04 1:21 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I just finished the time trial... almost heaved when I stummbled off the bike.  My average HR has gone up, up, up from 136, 149 to 154bpm each test.  I was expecting to see it come down a bit this test, and considering my MPH was .14 lower as well compared to the last test, I am not sure what's up.  I know using HR and MPH is a difficult to calculate and compare from test to test but I'll be interested to see what becomes of it during the next go round.       
2011-01-04 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Just finished the latest 20' TT test a short while ago.  This was the first test I've done where I kept a fairly even wattage throughout the entire test.  The first two I started a little too easy and was hammering the last 5 mins or so to really finish myself off.  This time I was having serious doubts at about the 5 min mark that I had gone out too hard but I managed to keep the avg about the same throughout, had to dig pretty deep the last few mins to keep the power up.  Increased from 237w to 241w average - pretty happy with that!

Good luck to everyone on your tests when you get to them!!
2011-01-04 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3278016

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Did the 3' test today.  Started too hard and cracked with about 15 seconds to go -- power dropped off by about 25%.  Still came out about 10 watts higher than last month.   My wife said she was about to come check on me to make sure I was ok.  She thought it sounded pretty bad.  

If you're training by HR and not doing these 3' tests, you just don't know what you're missing.

CP up about 5 watts this month.  Would have liked more, but I think I'm paying for 6 full days off the bike over the holidays. 
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