BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open Rss Feed  
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2021-09-10 9:15 AM
in reply to: #5277962

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
@ Nathalie: two tris and a half Mary, I love it!! And you’re crushing golf! That’s so great! I enjoy golf. I’ve had a membership to the course less than a mile from my house and I’ve played exactly once this summer, for the same reason as you. Haha.

2021-09-10 9:16 AM
in reply to: #5277976

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Ack! 10k, not half Mary. This is my edit. Haha
2021-09-12 6:21 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Andrew, hope you get goos news on Monday. Here they are lifting most of all remaining restrictions on the 29th, which means that the place where I rehearse with my little music band is going to open again. Yeah! Time to rock!

Nicole, when’s your tri again? Yeah I agree, hills can only be good training even if the race is flat

Jenn, not long to go now, you must suffering from tapering madness. I feel for you

Mike, hope your B I L will be OK

The golf was fun and we had nice weather, unfortunately, I played so bad that I never had a realistic chance of bringing home the trophy. Oh well, maybe next year!

Now I have no tris or golf tournament to look forward to, I feel a little empty and wonder what I am going to do all winter. I should follow some kind of training plan I know otherwise I am going to get lazy.

2021-09-12 2:25 PM
in reply to: #5277977

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Two hour (well… 1:45) ride yesterday - felt like a lead. I got a bunch of mistakes out of the way for race day - need to replace my batteries in my power meter, reminder to charge watch prior to long rides (though I had just returned to town the night before), need to hydrate more, etc. I felt terribly slow and realized later it was windier than I thought. So weird though, the bike felt so heavy. Granted I’d only slept 3-4 hours a day for all last week leading into the ride. I was meeting a friend after to ows and almost backed out, I was so tired. But I went anyway; we swam about 1800 yards, I used my race wetsuit (haven’t put it on in 5 years) and felt really good! I was so happy I didn’t bag out!
We were hoping to swim again today but it has been super windy so didn’t. I got my last hour long run in and an icing my knees now. I’ll pool swim over the next couple of days. We head out Wednesday afternoon and will drive halfway. Eek!
2021-09-12 2:25 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Originally posted by Rollergirl  Now I have no tris or golf tournament to look forward to, I feel a little empty and wonder what I am going to do all winter. I should follow some kind of training plan I know otherwise I am going to get lazy.


Take up rugby!!!!



2021-09-12 2:57 PM
in reply to: sappho96

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96

Originally posted by Rollergirl  Now I have no tris or golf tournament to look forward to, I feel a little empty and wonder what I am going to do all winter. I should follow some kind of training plan I know otherwise I am going to get lazy.


Take up rugby!!!!



Funnily enough, that’s the one sport I regret never having played. Too old now, knees would not be able to handle it I’m afraid.

2021-09-13 2:53 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

I don't know about in Sweden but there is both walking rugby and touch rugby available here; the latter with you running for tri training would be awesome, great way to stay fit but mix it up a bit.

I played in my first ever game yesterday at lock (@bulfrog can explain) but uncontested scrums (@bulfrog again) and actually enjoyed it. i am now off to name my bruises!

2021-09-13 4:18 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Rugby is not very big in Sweden but I know they have a ladies team in my town, think it’s real rugby though. The issue is that it’s not only the tackles that my knees would not handle but they are both very unstable, any sudden change of direction could result in injury, so even touch rugby would be out of the question (same with football, tennis, karate, etc,)

That’s ok, I have made my peace with it. Running forward without a ball to chase is OK
2021-09-13 4:52 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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brummie land
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

That’s ok, I have made my peace with it. Running forward without a ball to chase is OK


I need the ball to distract from the running

2021-09-13 5:23 AM
in reply to: sappho96

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by sappho96

That’s ok, I have made my peace with it. Running forward without a ball to chase is OK


I need the ball to distract from the running

Yeah, I used to feel like that too, took me a while to accept it, I suppose that’s a sign that at the tender age of 51, I am finally grown up and wise, LOL,

2021-09-13 8:03 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Nathalie, my tri is October 2nd...a little less than 3 weeks out!

My Peloton came on Friday and I love it already! It came around lunchtime and I had to stare at it until I was done working for the day. Did my first ride, an intervals and arms 30 minute ride. My friend did it with me and said it was a really hard one so that made me feel better.

Did Masters practice Saturday. More stroke than freestyle b/c I had to leave before the endurance set, but it was nice to change it up. Played some vball after that, and then learned how to drive my friend's boat, which is more of a leg workout than I realized it would be!

Took Sunday easy b/c I was feeling pretty dead.

Did a 45 minute ride on the Peloton this morning, and am planning on hitting up swim practice this evening. It's our 20 year anniversary of the first practice for our team! I'm heading up to NY Wednesday until next Monday so this is my last chance to get a swim in until the weekend before my race.

2021-09-13 8:03 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Jenn, I love that your taper is still more than a normal person's regular workouts. You're so going to crush it this weekend!
2021-09-13 11:17 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

You're killing this prep work, Jenn. 

It just got really warm here again today, like low 90s the next couple of days but we're looking like low 80s this weekend.  Chance of some rain but I find this time of year dry prevails unless there's a major front coming through.  I'll keep an eye on it for you.

2021-09-13 2:46 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Got in about a 40-mile ride on Saturday and absolutely hammered it, holding almost 19 mph on a mostly flat course.  According to Strava a record 120 min power output for me, but my HR was solidly in Z2 as an average so I definitely have another gear in me.  Maybe I should just go race even without much swim training.  What could possibly go wrong?

2021-09-13 3:01 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Got in about a 40-mile ride on Saturday and absolutely hammered it, holding almost 19 mph on a mostly flat course.  According to Strava a record 120 min power output for me, but my HR was solidly in Z2 as an average so I definitely have another gear in me.  Maybe I should just go race even without much swim training.  What could possibly go wrong?

I think you would do better than you think! Especially if you'd end up crushing the longest part of the race. What distance were you planning on doing again?
2021-09-14 7:29 AM
in reply to: #5277996

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Mike, just do it! Why not?!
Yes, I saw it’s hot this week - inviting the jellies. Noooo!! Praying it goes to high 70’s but will take low 80’s. I super sensitive to heat now, can’t race in it like I used to so if it’s hot, I’ll have to manage my expectations and drop speed a bit.

Yesterday was a rest day. I wasn’t going to take it but I have so much stuff to do. I went to the pool and was literally standing on the deck and walked away. The air was so hot in there (the pool temps have been high lately), every lane was taken and all by the 70+ crowd (which is great, don’t get me wrong, but not great for me). The dog had me up most of Sunday night and I was so tired yesterday. The dog is a problem lately. I love her to pieces. She’s almost 15 and generally in decent health (has a major seizure about once a month but rebounds after) but at night she rolls around grunting, shaking her collar, nosing me, etc. I let her out but she really doesn’t need to go out. Poor baby. For a Golden Retriever she’s in great shape at this age (and such a love), but I haven’t had a decent sleep in two weeks and I’m starting to panic.

2021-09-14 7:56 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Mike, just do it! Why not?!
Yes, I saw it’s hot this week - inviting the jellies. Noooo!! Praying it goes to high 70’s but will take low 80’s. I super sensitive to heat now, can’t race in it like I used to so if it’s hot, I’ll have to manage my expectations and drop speed a bit.

Yesterday was a rest day. I wasn’t going to take it but I have so much stuff to do. I went to the pool and was literally standing on the deck and walked away. The air was so hot in there (the pool temps have been high lately), every lane was taken and all by the 70+ crowd (which is great, don’t get me wrong, but not great for me). The dog had me up most of Sunday night and I was so tired yesterday. The dog is a problem lately. I love her to pieces. She’s almost 15 and generally in decent health (has a major seizure about once a month but rebounds after) but at night she rolls around grunting, shaking her collar, nosing me, etc. I let her out but she really doesn’t need to go out. Poor baby. For a Golden Retriever she’s in great shape at this age (and such a love), but I haven’t had a decent sleep in two weeks and I’m starting to panic.

Ahh Jenn, sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. A rest day might be just what you needed though. Definitely don't panic. You're gonna do great, and hopefully you can get some solid sleep the next couple days. I know it's hard with pets. My cat sometimes gets really active at night (mostly she's a snuggle bug) and it's hard for me get solid sleep when she's like that. Any chance of leaving her out of the bed for a night or two?
2021-09-14 8:20 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Got an hour Peloton ride in. Wanted to get one last ride before I head to NY. My butt was SORE to start, both bone and muscle. I honestly didn't think I would be able to do much, but it got better as the ride went on.

I will focus on running while I'm up in NY since I can't swim or bike.
2021-09-14 8:36 AM
in reply to: #5278023

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
@ Nicole, those saddles are not comfortable on the Peoton. I wear regular bike shorts when I ride on it. I’ve heard of people ordering gel seat covers to go on them. I may do that.
Dog actually doesn’t sleep in bed with us anymore, too old to get up there. She just changes positions multiple times in a night and is so loud. Hahaha. Love her though.

Oh! Can you and Mike go throw some ice cubes in the Choptank, please? We’re flirting with non wetsuit legal.
2021-09-14 8:51 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

@ Nicole, those saddles are not comfortable on the Peoton. I wear regular bike shorts when I ride on it. I’ve heard of people ordering gel seat covers to go on them. I may do that.
Dog actually doesn’t sleep in bed with us anymore, too old to get up there. She just changes positions multiple times in a night and is so loud. Hahaha. Love her though.

Oh! Can you and Mike go throw some ice cubes in the Choptank, please? We’re flirting with non wetsuit legal.

I feel like my sit bones will eventually get used to it (lord knows my road bike has no padding so hopefully this helps avoid pain at the race), but I may order a cover if it stays uncomfortable.

Ahh that makes sense! That's rough! Aww and I'm sure she is just so happy you're home.

Will get right on cooling down the water for you!
2021-09-14 11:54 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 @ Nicole, those saddles are not comfortable on the Peoton. I wear regular bike shorts when I ride on it. I’ve heard of people ordering gel seat covers to go on them. I may do that. Dog actually doesn’t sleep in bed with us anymore, too old to get up there. She just changes positions multiple times in a night and is so loud. Hahaha. Love her though. Oh! Can you and Mike go throw some ice cubes in the Choptank, please? We’re flirting with non wetsuit legal.

I'm trying!  Hopefully we'll get a little rain later this week and the temps are supposed to drop a little.  Our problem right now is it's not cooling off at night because of the humidity and the high-altitude smoke from the fires out west.  Air quality at ground is fine.  Here's the buoy temp reading in Cambridge:



2021-09-14 10:19 PM
in reply to: #5278027

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Mike, thank you for that website, I was looking for that!! My wetsuit is full sleeve and I’m kind of wishing I had a sleeveless or even a swim skin. It’s so ironic that 5 years ago I dealt with hypothermia and this time I’m afraid of overheating on the swim. Hahaha. Crazy.
2021-09-15 9:35 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Nathalie Good job on the impulse 10k, and commiserations on the golf. If it makes it any better i'm 100% certain you played better than I would have.

Nicole Can you not change the saddle on a peleton? I put the saddle from my spare road bike on our spin bike when I was using that.

Mike The answer is yes, you should just do it. These days if you get the chance to do a race, the answer is always yes.

Jen Looks like the taper is going well. Looking forward to seeing you race.
2021-09-15 9:49 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
As expected our "short and sharp" level 4 lock down was extended on Monday. We are into week 5 now. And the way cases etc. have been doing we will either be getting week 6, or a getting political back down from dear leader (I'm sure spinned into 'new science' 'Delta changed the rules' etc.) And to be honest the whole thing has me quite depressed about everything.

Last week I was feeling very run down and tired (nothing to do with being under house arrest with 2 little people I'm sure) I ended up having a day off on Sunday, and only 4 hours total for the week.

This week, is supposed to be week 1of 19 of the training plan for my Half Ironman this coming summer. I'm basing my workouts on the plan, but wont be following it to the letter as I've got to rearrange things to suit our current situation. (including my lack of weight lost..) There will definitely be no long bike rides for a while. Targets for the week, 5 rides, 4 hours total. 3 runs, 2hr 20 total. and of course no swims. I began the week with a 2nd day off in a row so hopefully will be a bit fresh for the coming work. So far 2 rides on zwift and 1 run done.

Mrs Bullfrog and I also had our first covid jab today. So I'm probably going to have a no workout day. It'll make for a bigger weekend, but really, what else have I got to do at the moment.

In an unrelated question, does anyone know how we get the tracking beacon in the covid jabs to sync with Strava?
2021-09-16 11:27 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) --Always Open
Originally posted by bulfrog

Nicole Can you not change the saddle on a peleton? I put the saddle from my spare road bike on our spin bike when I was using that.

I'm not sure, TBH, but honestly I think it's mostly just my sit bones getting used to sitting on a seat at all. I think I will adjust. I play volleyball and when I haven't played for awhile my arms hurt so bad from passing the ball, but they quickly get used to it I think it's the same situation.
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