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2008-03-17 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Went to a class yesterday to learn how to use a kettlebell with my clients.  Oh my god!!!!  I am hurting so bad!!!!  That bike ride is not gonna happen today!  I think I'll hit the pool instead!  Cheers and Happy St. Patricks Day everyone!!!!

2008-03-18 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Yay for the first Monday in 2 months I didn't have to make the decision of "am I too sick to go in to work and do I have important meetings that mean I have to go anyway." I do have a slight cough and such, but may well be on the mend. I looked at my training log and have been sick at least 30 of the last 45 days in some shape of recovering or getting worse. I have been so fogged that I don't even remember much of the past two months. But, I have been able to pull it together for my long runs on Saturday with 13, 13, 10 (race), 13, and a 14 mile run last Saturday (longest ever). The rest of the weeks have been sick, in bed and half out of it (or at work and half out of it), but I am trying to work up for that Half Marathon in May with Owl. BTW Owl we will need some way of meeting up. With 1500 runners ish, it might be hard to spot you.

Hopefuly I can actually get back to a regular training schedule again whatever that is. I guess I will be back on the first week of the training schedule which should be like a:
Run 4, 8, 4, (bike25), off, 14, (bike 34) (m-s).

Although I had some annoying back twinges, maybe a muscle cramping in my back lastnight. Very, very annoying.

Last time I was at the doctor, hrm I guess that was last Monday, my pulse was 42 bpm and my blood pressure was like 90/50 or something like that. Hrm 56 bpm atm I must have been really out of it. That is my usual bp thoug 90-100 over 50-60.

Oh well back to work. Grats on the Tri finish time.

2008-03-18 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1278115

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2008-03-18 8:48 AM Yay for the first Monday in 2 months I didn't have to make the decision of "am I too sick to go in to work and do I have important meetings that mean I have to go anyway." I do have a slight cough and such, but may well be on the mend. I looked at my training log and have been sick at least 30 of the last 45 days in some shape of recovering or getting worse. I have been so fogged that I don't even remember much of the past two months. But, I have been able to pull it together for my long runs on Saturday with 13, 13, 10 (race), 13, and a 14 mile run last Saturday (longest ever). The rest of the weeks have been sick, in bed and half out of it (or at work and half out of it), but I am trying to work up for that Half Marathon in May with Owl. BTW Owl we will need some way of meeting up. With 1500 runners ish, it might be hard to spot you. Hopefuly I can actually get back to a regular training schedule again whatever that is. I guess I will be back on the first week of the training schedule which should be like a: Run 4, 8, 4, (bike25), off, 14, (bike 34) (m-s). Although I had some annoying back twinges, maybe a muscle cramping in my back lastnight. Very, very annoying. Last time I was at the doctor, hrm I guess that was last Monday, my pulse was 42 bpm and my blood pressure was like 90/50 or something like that. Hrm 56 bpm atm I must have been really out of it. That is my usual bp thoug 90-100 over 50-60. Oh well back to work. Grats on the Tri finish time.

Man!  You have had quite a time of it lately!  Glad to hear you think you are finally beating it!  Treat yourself nicely while you get your training feet back under you.

You're not going to have any trouble doing the half marathon in May!  I'm getting excited about it!  True, my running has sucked lately, but......  I'm really ready to pull myself past these little injuries!  (No more kettlebell for awhile! )  Anyway, we won't have trouble finding each other at the race.  I'm easy to pick out of a crowd!   Check out the pix on my album, too.  As the race draws closer, I will have an idea of where things will be set up.  (This race is run by my running club so I better have an idea!)

Keep yourself healthy, Steve!  Cheers!

2008-03-18 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I have a request for all of us that have done races over the past couple of months.  Start thinking about, and report on, your race strategy.  Did it work?  If you have done multiple races, what did you change between races?  What do you need to work on for your next race?

As for me, I've done two short running races so far.  The first one was pretty successful for me.  I changed my breakfast routine and it seemed to work quite nicely.  I also began slowly.  I knew the course would be a challenge so I didn't want to push it.  As for the second one, well, it was just plain crappy.  I did not eat the new breakfast.  I had a hard workout the day before.  I hurt myself a week previous.  All of those things led to disaster.

For my next short running race in a couple of weeks, I plan on eating the yummy oatmeal breakfast and cutting out the hard workout the day before.  It is not an "A" race so I don't plan on an official taper.

Let's hear from all of you.  We need to learn from each others mistakes and successes!

2008-03-18 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
sorry but mine has to go back to last sept. at the lewis and clark marathon . and then to oct. at the marine corps marathon . that was where i learned the most . at the L+C i skipped my morning protein skake and 4 scoops of cytocarb 2 . and had a small muffin or some thing . and things were going great made mile 23 in 3hr and by 24 i smashed the WALL !! bad real bad . it took 49 min. to go 3 more miles . so at the MCM i went back to the normal breakfast and i was strong at the end . other then that everything was the same gels on time drinking all the way down . my time was slower but thats cause i ran with my sis for awhile .
now in tampa when i did the 3 races in 2 days i did things a bit diff. saturday i stuck to my usual stuff but on sunday for the marathon . i broke all rules and tried something new i took carbo pro 1200 out on the course with me . for the first time ever but it worked great .
but as far as training i am like clockwork i stick to what has worked . for tampa i missed a few long runs but never made them up cause of timing and i had the 1/2 a week before . i do like to read where the water/food stations and and plant them in my head and i work backward from there counting time and miles knowing what i want to run where ill be and when im using gels before i get to them . like if one is at mile 12 and im do for food at mile 11 i start getting ready i use the whole mile to get it out open and find a gap in the crowd to get a clear shot at the table . then about 1/4 mile to it i eat get it down grab 1 cup water and 2 cups of gatorade pinch the top and have them on down the road .
strategy ?? thats about it i guess i cant say anything else cause i dont have one running its all about beating the clock for me . i start and push till something gives and i just hope its past the finish . so i might not be the best one for advice .
but ill keep thinking there has to be something else im missing
2008-03-19 5:17 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i need to work on my swim for the next race . i just dont know how i can do it . when im in the pool or at the beach im fine . but i start spaz when i get people all around be and then it throws everything off for the whole swim . this last race was better then the first race but i dont know why i feel so bad . even when i get out of the crowd i cant regroup . the entire swim i keep saying relax relax but it never happens . i feel like if people was to see me they would hand me a set of water wings . i know wits all part of the mental game but i dont know how to break it .

2008-03-19 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1279811

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-19 3:17 AM i need to work on my swim for the next race . i just dont know how i can do it . when im in the pool or at the beach im fine . but i start spaz when i get people all around be and then it throws everything off for the whole swim . this last race was better then the first race but i dont know why i feel so bad . even when i get out of the crowd i cant regroup . the entire swim i keep saying relax relax but it never happens . i feel like if people was to see me they would hand me a set of water wings . i know wits all part of the mental game but i dont know how to break it .

I have the same problem, Shaun.  I'm usually wore out by the time I get away from the crowd and then I'm to exhausted to regroup.  Then I freak out again and get even more wore out.  It is a vicious cycle!  To get used to this you could just do more triathlons.  You could also get on a water polo team.  Yeah, not practical but I'm sure it would be effective!

2008-03-19 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Great thing to ponder Tracey! You got me thinking and I'm pretty sure that for me, it has been mostly an attitude thing. For my first triathlon I was scared, nervous, and fretted over it way too much. I tried to get "last minute" training in that probably did more harm than good, spent hours either looking at details online or asking people about it, and just basically stressed for like 2 weeks prior. I did well considering it was my first one, but I forgot to have lots of fun.

My second tri (same course) I took a more casual attitude towards it. I was like "I do this distance every stinkin Saturday morning", this is just a change of scenery. No surprise that I did better, enjoyed myself more, and recovered quicker.

Same with my runs. The Shamrock Run this past weekend was a good example. I didn't do anything weird with my training, I went out solely to have a good time, and I ended up running almost at the same pace as my 5k PR on New Year's (also did that one just for fun).

Don't get me wrong, training well and having good nutrition strategy is super important, but having the right attitude going into an event can have just as big of an impact. Some things are of course just plain out of our control, but I think that if you trust your training and go out to have a great time, the chances are pretty good that you'll have a good race.
2008-03-19 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1280482

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2008-03-19 9:15 AM Great thing to ponder Tracey! You got me thinking and I'm pretty sure that for me, it has been mostly an attitude thing. For my first triathlon I was scared, nervous, and fretted over it way too much. I tried to get "last minute" training in that probably did more harm than good, spent hours either looking at details online or asking people about it, and just basically stressed for like 2 weeks prior. I did well considering it was my first one, but I forgot to have lots of fun. My second tri (same course) I took a more casual attitude towards it. I was like "I do this distance every stinkin Saturday morning", this is just a change of scenery. No surprise that I did better, enjoyed myself more, and recovered quicker. Same with my runs. The Shamrock Run this past weekend was a good example. I didn't do anything weird with my training, I went out solely to have a good time, and I ended up running almost at the same pace as my 5k PR on New Year's (also did that one just for fun). Don't get me wrong, training well and having good nutrition strategy is super important, but having the right attitude going into an event can have just as big of an impact. Some things are of course just plain out of our control, but I think that if you trust your training and go out to have a great time, the chances are pretty good that you'll have a good race.

Oh!  Such wonderful thoughts, Sarah!  That's what I'm talking about!  Yes, attitude has a lot to do with how we train and race.

2008-03-19 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1275963

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

owl_girl - 2008-03-17 12:27 PM Went to a class yesterday to learn how to use a kettlebell with my clients. Oh my god!!!! I am hurting so bad!!!!

I Googled "kettlebell" so I've seen what it is...what do you do with it?

2008-03-19 4:21 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I've only done 2 triathlons and one 5k, all last year. For my first tri I put too much pressure on myself. I looked at the results from 2006 and thought I had a shot at 3rd place if I hit all my goals. I started by losing my composure in the swim, but did really well in the bike. Then, I fell apart on the run (it's likely that I went too hard on the bike). I called it "The Bad, The Good, and The Ugly" I was bummed out for a few days before I could appreciate that I HAD FINISHED A TRIATHLON!!! My second tri was all about just finishing so there was much less pressure and even though it was very hard, it was a much better experience.

My first tri of 2008 is in 4 weeks.  So far I have no strategy.

2008-03-19 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i know what my issues are . me !! i always tell myself im gonna have a good time go enjoy the day , your in good company have fun . but sure as hell no matter what kinda race short , long , tri , or run when the gun goes off all bets are off . you read about mantras that people say to relax . inside my head it goes just like this dig,dig,dig, or go harder,go harder.everytime my left foot strikes the ground . they are the two i find myself saying the whole race . i dont know why im not going for money ! to tell you all the truth i go from person to person is how i run any race . i look ahead pick a person and get to them then pick another and that lasts till its over .and if i cant catch them i chase them the whole race . but the thing is i enjoy the day . so its ok to call me odd , strange , a nut case , etc. all my buddys do . but what i find is doing that it makes for two things a good day on the course or a long recovery ...
2008-03-20 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1281471

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-03-19 2:10 PM

owl_girl - 2008-03-17 12:27 PM Went to a class yesterday to learn how to use a kettlebell with my clients. Oh my god!!!! I am hurting so bad!!!!

I Googled "kettlebell" so I've seen what it is...what do you do with it?

You can do anything with a kettlebell that you can do with dumbbells and then some more.  When you hold it, it is off balance so it trains your neuromuscular system differently.  You can swing it around too.  The one thing that you must do with perfect form before attempting to work with a kettlebell is a perfect squat.  Squats are the foundation move in kettlebell training.  (That's why my butt hurts so bad! )  Hope that explains it for ya!

2008-03-20 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1282681

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
owl_girl - 2008-03-20 11:06 AM
MDHillSlug - 2008-03-19 2:10 PM

owl_girl - 2008-03-17 12:27 PM Went to a class yesterday to learn how to use a kettlebell with my clients. Oh my god!!!! I am hurting so bad!!!!

I Googled "kettlebell" so I've seen what it is...what do you do with it?

You can do anything with a kettlebell that you can do with dumbbells and then some more. When you hold it, it is off balance so it trains your neuromuscular system differently. You can swing it around too. The one thing that you must do with perfect form before attempting to work with a kettlebell is a perfect squat. Squats are the foundation move in kettlebell training. (That's why my butt hurts so bad! ) Hope that explains it for ya!

Sounds hard on the knees, too! 

2008-03-20 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1282713

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2008-03-20 8:20 AM
owl_girl - 2008-03-20 11:06 AM
MDHillSlug - 2008-03-19 2:10 PM

owl_girl - 2008-03-17 12:27 PM Went to a class yesterday to learn how to use a kettlebell with my clients. Oh my god!!!! I am hurting so bad!!!!

I Googled "kettlebell" so I've seen what it is...what do you do with it?

You can do anything with a kettlebell that you can do with dumbbells and then some more. When you hold it, it is off balance so it trains your neuromuscular system differently. You can swing it around too. The one thing that you must do with perfect form before attempting to work with a kettlebell is a perfect squat. Squats are the foundation move in kettlebell training. (That's why my butt hurts so bad! ) Hope that explains it for ya!

Sounds hard on the knees, too! 

Yeah, your knees and lower back could take a beating if your squat is bad.  There are a lot of similarities to power lifting.  In fact, several moves are power lifting moves.

2008-03-20 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i got on for ya guys . anyone know what would make me start cramping on the swim ? mostly in the calf both of them and in the hamstring . i can feel it coming on when i get over 1600m . today i had got a couple bad ones in the left calf like a full on charlie horse . what would cause it ? and this is not the first time it has happened but only at longer distances

2008-03-21 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1283338

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

mac3116 - 2008-03-20 11:27 AM i got on for ya guys . anyone know what would make me start cramping on the swim ? mostly in the calf both of them and in the hamstring . i can feel it coming on when i get over 1600m . today i had got a couple bad ones in the left calf like a full on charlie horse . what would cause it ? and this is not the first time it has happened but only at longer distances

I don't have this problem but have heard of others that do.  We will have to verify this with our resident super swimmer, Sarah.  I think cramps in the calves are due to a lack of flexibility in the ankles.  I'll do some research and get back to you.

2008-03-21 7:14 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i got to thinking today maybe it was a electrolyte issue . just cause like today and most days i train i will run first then hit the pool . so on the way to the pool today i drank a bottle of Nuun and the only thing i felt today was some tired legs . but i could be wrong maybe Sarah will know or herd a bit more then us .

well me and Kane called the race off tomorrow . im kinda bummed but it all came down to money . i had to make him a deal the other day . a kinda swap for the bike frame he won . so it has cost me about 300 $ . and i still needed to buy him some running shoes . he said i should save the money and use it to try and run the Oly Tri next month in Fort Myers . so ill give up a 5k for a tri ! i just hope i can get my name in they are only taking 1000 people
2008-03-22 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i been finding some things on cramps while swiming . and what most of them said was what i was thinking . magnesium,calcium,sodium,potassium. that added with running miles seems to be a common issue around .
2008-03-22 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Found something for ya Shaun.

Leg cramps while swimming are very common among triathletes, most often striking the calves. This is because triathletes are predominantly lower-body athletes whose legs — by virtue of their defined musculature and overall training fatigue — are more prone to muscle spasms in the water as their less-flexible legs flay stiffly back and forth.

One obvious preventative measure is to practice lots of stretching, not just before your race but throughout the season. Leg flexibility is relative, and triathletes are habitually less flexible than swimmers. Concentrate on ankle flexibility so that you are able to point your toes on the down-kick of your kick cycle; often, triathletes kick incorrectly with their feet at a 90 degree angle to their shins, contributing to the likelihood of a calf cramp while adding extra drag.

Potassium is known to prevent cramps. If you don’t take supplements or eat bananas regularly, that could be your answer if you’re known to suffer from exercise-induced cramps.

Seems like it could be either problem for you.  Time to experiment.  Increasing your leg flexibility will definitely be a good thing even if that is not your particular cramping issue.  Cheers!

2008-03-22 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
YAY my first week of mostly healthy, mostly following the plan for what I wanted to get done week in 2 months. I did the runs I wanted, 4.5, 4, 9 and 16 but wimped out on the bike as I am still not quite 100 percent. With the half mary as my next event I decided to stay run heavy and sacrafice bike time this week. Maybe I will hit a quick 25 miles tomorrow.

And ya this was the first time ever that I did 16 miles. My last Saturday runs have been like 13 13 10 (race) 13 14 16. I have changed my route to one that is pretty challenging for me. I start at my house and head up the main road that heads up the mountain. So I start at like 4500 feet and today probably got to 5500 feet or so. Granted it is not just up once, its up and down and up some more and down some more and up up up.

The run was very pretty as we live in high desert area, but with all the snow this winter there is water everywhere with geese and ducks etc. in every puddle. This was the first Saturday in 2 months where it wasn't raining, snowing, or down right ugly out and the temp was 60 F. I am getting used to and liking my camelback for water. It is a 45 oz, fanny pack style with a tube for water. I put about 32 oz in it today and finished the water within a half mile of finishing. I also put food in there as it took me like 2:37 to finish. Need to go for that 3rd granolla bar next run.

Anyway just checking in. Oh and those cotton socks are not your friend. Too many blisters from the long runs. I finally got some thin socks that keep moisture away from your feet, much much better. I have a blister under my blister under my blister at this point. It will be nice to have real skin there again. Oh well off for now have a Happy Easter.

2008-03-22 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I've got a 30+ mile bike ride planned for tomorrow. I'm gonna try to complete the loop I tried to do last week. It's supposed to be sunny with temps in the high 30's to middle 40's and a light breeze. Not too bad for March.

After this weekend I'll cut back a bit on the riding and start doing bricks on the weekends so that I'll be ready for my triathlon in 4 weeks.

2008-03-22 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
yea Bao them thin socks are the way to go . i had some thick coton ones i used to wear a couple years ago . then my sister got me to try a thin pair and never went back .

i hope our weater holds out for sunday . cause my next weeks training plan has me for a 2 1/2 hr bike and a 1/2 hr run brick . i would really like to get it out of the way tomorrow which works cause my weeks run from sun. to sat. but the weather today was crap rained most of the day but i did get in a ride . that was after i looked at the weather channel and seen the rain was coming so i went out to get the bike ready and had a flat !! so i had to do the swap real quick but i needed to get them trainer tires back on anyway .

hey thanks Tracy for that . the things i found also said it also after i kept on reading it gonna have to work on a pre swim routine
2008-03-24 11:38 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Hi everyone!

Last week was a fun week for me. My new tri bike came in just before we left for a family trip to Hot Springs, so we dropped it off at the LBS before leaving and it was ready when we got back in town. The LBS was no help with fitting though, so hopefully I'll be able to find someone when I go back to Salem later this week. I've never ridden a tri or road bike before so it's all new to me. Also learning clipless pedals for the first time, but I'm getting the hang of it. I posted a pic in my album. I'll try to get one out on the road later. Happy training!

2008-03-24 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Nice bike! You might want to practice clipping and unclipping while riding on the trainer stand. It takes a while for it to become second nature.

Edited by MDHillSlug 2008-03-24 12:06 PM
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