BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-09-10 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2398217

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Pittsford, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-09-10 5:50 AM Trev--good luck at the doctor.  Make sure you take your shoes with you so the doc can see the wear pattern.  A good health care provider will be able to tell a lot from them.  Your kids are so cute....and so serious!

Andy--glad to see you back. One tough race does not define an athlete.  Take the things you learned, modify the strategy and repeat often!

One little 3m stride run left this morning and then its time to get my stuff together.  I'm off to find a head lamp since we will be setting the transition at 5am in total darkness. Heading to Lake Geneva tomorrow afternoon.  I'm ready--race strategy is in place--got the same great advice from Steve and Gordo on how to handle each section and it looks like the weather will cooperate too.  After that, volunteering at IM MOO on Sunday, signing up on Monday and then probably will scratch my head and wonder what the heck to do next.Undecided

Good luck this weekend I am sure you will rip it up.

2009-09-10 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2399190

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-09-10 1:09 PM Racing Oly on Saturday.... REALLY unprepared, but:

Good goals:
sub 30 swim
sub 1:15 bike
sub 50 10k

26 min swim
1:10 bike
47 min run

In the end... Just happy to race--- Whatever the day brings.  Haven't raced since June 5th, so a little rusty/and lazy !

Way to lay down some goals....I like the YIPEE factor.  So here are mine:

Moderate swim with the goal of keeping form and not going beserk
Z3 bike without fail unless on a hill
Z3 run first loop (this might be a pipedream)/Z4 second loop with the last 2m as hard I can handle
Fuel like I practiced

Quantitative: My YIPEE goal would be 6 hours or an AG slot, but I will be happy crossing the finish line.
Swim: 47-50 minutes
T1: 4 minutes
Bike: 3:09-3:15
T2: 2 minutes
Run: 1:55-2:05

Good luck to all the racers!
2009-09-10 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Best wishes to those racing this weekend!

Suzy - you've prepped like a pro for this HIM - you own it!

Steve - you've got the experience to rock any race.  Here's to the Yippie factor!

No race for me this weekend, unless I go for a local 5k trail run Undecided
2009-09-10 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

A couple things about my new office... It sucks down here... Nothing down here, and now have to commute on freeway.  WAY FARTHER from gym, and wife....

The good thing.  Sunny day view from lot.


Office.JPG (32KB - 25 downloads)
2009-09-10 10:04 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Went to the PT...Flexor digitorum longus 1st degree strain......blah. Said it probably from overuse. Ask me 2 years ago if I thought I'd get an injury from running too much!!HA!! !Just need to keep heat on it at night. And ice it after runs if its sore. Glad thats all it is.
2009-09-11 6:10 AM
in reply to: #2400111

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-09-10 10:04 PM Went to the PT...Flexor digitorum longus 1st degree strain......blah. Said it probably from overuse. Ask me 2 years ago if I thought I'd get an injury from running too much!!HA!! !Just need to keep heat on it at night. And ice it after runs if its sore. Glad thats all it is.

Did he say if you had any form issues that caused it? Is that the same muscle you and I talked about?

2009-09-11 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Where were you?
2009-09-11 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 7:28 AM

Where were you?

4:30am (PST) was sitting in my office sending an international announcement about the appointment of our new CEO...
I was oblivious to it all until a peer stopped by my office a few hours later with tears in his eyes and told me the whole thing.  I was numb the entire day.

One year later I was leaving the hospital with my 2 day old son and wondered what kind of a world we had brought him into.  BTW...if you remember there were many who thought there would be another attack at the one year mark and hospitals were high on the list of "possible attack sites".  I couldn't wait to take my new son home.  
2009-09-11 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 6:28 AM

Where were you?

Standing in my boss's office watching the early coverage of the first plane attack and then seeing the second plane fly directly into the 2nd tower.  Then hearing about the Pentagon.  Trying to get ahold of Tony to make sure he was ok.  Watching the towers fall.  Starting to hear reports that there were other attacks downtown (I work 3 blocks from the White House) like car bombs and more planes.  Remember the feeling of it all being surreal.  Finally, a long car trip to get out of the city and home.
2009-09-11 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
For a race that requires you to rack your bike in the transition area the day before, do you guys usually completely set up your transition area or just leave your bike there?  I'm doing the Nation's Tri this weekend and I have to get to the transition area super early Sunday morning and would like to avoid lugging all my stuff if possible, but more importantly don't want to worry about my stuff Saturday.  Is that something to worry about?
2009-09-11 7:44 AM
in reply to: #2400371

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
brownnugen - 2009-09-11 7:23 AM For a race that requires you to rack your bike in the transition area the day before, do you guys usually completely set up your transition area or just leave your bike there?  I'm doing the Nation's Tri this weekend and I have to get to the transition area super early Sunday morning and would like to avoid lugging all my stuff if possible, but more importantly don't want to worry about my stuff Saturday.  Is that something to worry about?

Tony and I did Nations last year.  Just leave your bike and nothing else.  Maybe a towel to claim a spot on the ground but we definitely did the setup Sun. AM.  Some people cover their handlebars and/or seat w/ plastic to prevent them form getting damp or wet if it rains.  Also if it's hot (which I don't think it will be), let some air out of your tires overnight so they don't pop in the heat.

2009-09-11 7:51 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 6:28 AM

Where were you?

Downstairs riding my bike while watching The Today Show. We had gotten home from Montreal at 3am that morning so I was sort of in a daze when they showed that first plane hitting the WTC. Spent the entire day watching to coverage and trying to get a hold of my BIL who lived on 56th and 1st at the time.  Really an unbelievable time.
2009-09-11 7:53 AM
in reply to: #2400413

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-11 7:44 AM
brownnugen - 2009-09-11 7:23 AM For a race that requires you to rack your bike in the transition area the day before, do you guys usually completely set up your transition area or just leave your bike there?  I'm doing the Nation's Tri this weekend and I have to get to the transition area super early Sunday morning and would like to avoid lugging all my stuff if possible, but more importantly don't want to worry about my stuff Saturday.  Is that something to worry about?

Tony and I did Nations last year.  Just leave your bike and nothing else.  Maybe a towel to claim a spot on the ground but we definitely did the setup Sun. AM.  Some people cover their handlebars and/or seat w/ plastic to prevent them form getting damp or wet if it rains.  Also if it's hot (which I don't think it will be), let some air out of your tires overnight so they don't pop in the heat.

X2 on not overfilling your tires.  I was at a tri last summer and the temps climbed quickly into the 80s.  You heard tires popping all over the place and had some really PO'ed people when they found them coming out of the water.  I filled mine this morning knowing they will lose a little overnight.  Temps for me went from being too cold to in the upeer 70s to 80s so I am not taking any risks.
2009-09-11 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 7:28 AM

Where were you?

Across the street from the Pentagon.  Spent all afternoon first trying to get ahold of Sam to make sure she was ok, there were reports of plane hitting the Whitehouse and she is close to there.  Then spent into the night calling the wife of one of my guys that was working in the Pentagon to make sure that he had gotten out.

Never forget driving home through the smoke that was coming out of the Pentagon, it was like Days of Thunder when he had to drive through with no idea what was on the other side...

Made for a really crappy 30th birthday the next day, I worked a lot of overtime for the next few weeks.

Edited by dalessit 2009-09-11 8:04 AM
2009-09-11 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Where were you?

I happened to be sick that day so I was laying on the couch watching one of those morning news shows.  I was kind of drifting in and out and not paying a lot of attention - they were reporting it as just an accident at the time.  Then when the second one hit, I woke up and started listening better.  I talked to some people at work the next day and they said that everyone there had gathered in the cafeteria to watch the news.  Not a lot of work got done that day.
2009-09-11 8:03 AM
in reply to: #2400413

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-11 8:44 AM
brownnugen - 2009-09-11 7:23 AM For a race that requires you to rack your bike in the transition area the day before, do you guys usually completely set up your transition area or just leave your bike there?  I'm doing the Nation's Tri this weekend and I have to get to the transition area super early Sunday morning and would like to avoid lugging all my stuff if possible, but more importantly don't want to worry about my stuff Saturday.  Is that something to worry about?

Tony and I did Nations last year.  Just leave your bike and nothing else.  Maybe a towel to claim a spot on the ground but we definitely did the setup Sun. AM.  Some people cover their handlebars and/or seat w/ plastic to prevent them form getting damp or wet if it rains.  Also if it's hot (which I don't think it will be), let some air out of your tires overnight so they don't pop in the heat.

Kind of silly to cover your seat, when you get out of the water your butt will be wet.  Only thing I would cover is your bike computer mount.

With all this rain we are getting today the grass transition area should be interesting.

Good luck Nick, don't swallow too much of that Potomac river water...

2009-09-11 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 4:28 AM

Where were you?

I was heading out in the car to Chrissy Field for my morning run with my dog, the sun was just rising over here and I was listening to a local radio station (Alice 97.3).  The d-jays are a couple of jokesters who are always doing pranks, and acting irreverently...but on this morning they started to announce the WTC plane crash which at first sounded like an accident.  I remember thinking how strange, what was a plane doing so close to downtown NYC?  We went for our run, got back in the car, and everything else was being announced and I sat there in the car listening to the news, unable to drive, as my dog licked the tears from my cheeks.  
2009-09-11 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 6:28 AM

Where were you?

Mt Pleasant, SC  Enterprise Rent a car.  I remember a lot about the day but a few things really stick out.  The first was when a buddy told me a small plane hit the trade center, next was listening the radio when the second tower came down, next was a guy came in right after he got a call from his mom that his dad was doing some plumbing work in Windows of the World (restaurant on top of the north tower) and then sitting on my back deck late that night staring up at the sky knowing there wasn't one civilian aircraft up there.  I just sat there for hours.  I was so furious. 

From 2003 to 2005 Jarrett and I worked on the Navy/Marine Corps Landing Platform Dock (LPD) program in New Orleans.  These are ~700 foot amphibious assault ships run by the Navy,  manned and armed by Marines.  She was an civilian engineer and I was attached to an EDO unit assigned to the yard.  lol! In a round about way I had oversight of her work.  Anyways.  LPD 21 is the USS NEW YORK.  She was built with ~24 tons of steel from the WTC.  The steel was brought in very early on in construction and was placed in a prominent area of the shipyard as a reminder of what we were there for.   Ships motto is "Never Forget" in honor of the vicitms and first responders of that day.  She's scheduled to be comissioned this November.  I just think this is one of those things that we'll look back in some years and be able to tell our children and grandchildren about what went on that day and the months after and also we as a family, a team, had a hand in shaping the fight against those cowards that are responsible for the attacks. 

Below is 21.   LPD 24 and 25 are ARLINGTON and SOMERSET. 

(LPD 21.jpg)

LPD 21.jpg (56KB - 22 downloads)
2009-09-11 8:23 AM
in reply to: #2400467

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-11 8:13 AM
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 6:28 AM

Where were you?

Mt Pleasant, SC  Enterprise Rent a car.  I remember a lot about the day but a few things really stick out.  The first was when a buddy told me a small plane hit the trade center, next was listening the radio when the second tower came down, next was a guy came in right after he got a call from his mom that his dad was doing some plumbing work in Windows of the World (restaurant on top of the north tower) and then sitting on my back deck late that night staring up at the sky knowing there wasn't one civilian aircraft up there.  I just sat there for hours.  I was so furious. 

From 2003 to 2005 Jarrett and I worked on the Navy/Marine Corps Landing Platform Dock (LPD) program in New Orleans.  These are ~700 foot amphibious assault ships run by the Navy,  manned and armed by Marines.  She was an civilian engineer and I was attached to an EDO unit assigned to the yard.  lol! In a round about way I had oversight of her work.  Anyways.  LPD 21 is the USS NEW YORK.  She was built with ~24 tons of steel from the WTC.  The steel was brought in very early on in construction and was placed in a prominent area of the shipyard as a reminder of what we were there for.   Ships motto is "Never Forget" in honor of the vicitms and first responders of that day.  She's scheduled to be comissioned this November.  I just think this is one of those things that we'll look back in some years and be able to tell our children and grandchildren about what went on that day and the months after and also we as a family, a team, had a hand in shaping the fight against those cowards that are responsible for the attacks. 

Below is 21.   LPD 24 and 25 are ARLINGTON and SOMERSET. 

That's pretty cool about the ship.  I know what you mean about the planes in the sky.  We are in the flight pattern for Washington National.  So for months we didn't see or hear any planes in the sky.  It was eerie at first b/c of the silence and then weird when they did start flying again.
2009-09-11 8:25 AM
in reply to: #2400493

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-11 9:23 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-11 8:13 AM
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 6:28 AM

Where were you?

Mt Pleasant, SC  Enterprise Rent a car.  I remember a lot about the day but a few things really stick out.  The first was when a buddy told me a small plane hit the trade center, next was listening the radio when the second tower came down, next was a guy came in right after he got a call from his mom that his dad was doing some plumbing work in Windows of the World (restaurant on top of the north tower) and then sitting on my back deck late that night staring up at the sky knowing there wasn't one civilian aircraft up there.  I just sat there for hours.  I was so furious. 

From 2003 to 2005 Jarrett and I worked on the Navy/Marine Corps Landing Platform Dock (LPD) program in New Orleans.  These are ~700 foot amphibious assault ships run by the Navy,  manned and armed by Marines.  She was an civilian engineer and I was attached to an EDO unit assigned to the yard.  lol! In a round about way I had oversight of her work.  Anyways.  LPD 21 is the USS NEW YORK.  She was built with ~24 tons of steel from the WTC.  The steel was brought in very early on in construction and was placed in a prominent area of the shipyard as a reminder of what we were there for.   Ships motto is "Never Forget" in honor of the vicitms and first responders of that day.  She's scheduled to be comissioned this November.  I just think this is one of those things that we'll look back in some years and be able to tell our children and grandchildren about what went on that day and the months after and also we as a family, a team, had a hand in shaping the fight against those cowards that are responsible for the attacks. 

Below is 21.   LPD 24 and 25 are ARLINGTON and SOMERSET. 

That's pretty cool about the ship.  I know what you mean about the planes in the sky.  We are in the flight pattern for Washington National.  So for months we didn't see or hear any planes in the sky.  It was eerie at first b/c of the silence and then weird when they did start flying again.

Very strange at the pentagon the first day they let planes fly back over, everyone I saw stopped in their tracks and made sure the plane kept going.  That went on for quite some time.
2009-09-11 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2400499

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-09-11 8:25 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-11 9:23 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-11 8:13 AM
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 6:28 AM

Where were you?

Mt Pleasant, SC  Enterprise Rent a car.  I remember a lot about the day but a few things really stick out.  The first was when a buddy told me a small plane hit the trade center, next was listening the radio when the second tower came down, next was a guy came in right after he got a call from his mom that his dad was doing some plumbing work in Windows of the World (restaurant on top of the north tower) and then sitting on my back deck late that night staring up at the sky knowing there wasn't one civilian aircraft up there.  I just sat there for hours.  I was so furious. 

From 2003 to 2005 Jarrett and I worked on the Navy/Marine Corps Landing Platform Dock (LPD) program in New Orleans.  These are ~700 foot amphibious assault ships run by the Navy,  manned and armed by Marines.  She was an civilian engineer and I was attached to an EDO unit assigned to the yard.  lol! In a round about way I had oversight of her work.  Anyways.  LPD 21 is the USS NEW YORK.  She was built with ~24 tons of steel from the WTC.  The steel was brought in very early on in construction and was placed in a prominent area of the shipyard as a reminder of what we were there for.   Ships motto is "Never Forget" in honor of the vicitms and first responders of that day.  She's scheduled to be comissioned this November.  I just think this is one of those things that we'll look back in some years and be able to tell our children and grandchildren about what went on that day and the months after and also we as a family, a team, had a hand in shaping the fight against those cowards that are responsible for the attacks. 

Below is 21.   LPD 24 and 25 are ARLINGTON and SOMERSET. 

That's pretty cool about the ship.  I know what you mean about the planes in the sky.  We are in the flight pattern for Washington National.  So for months we didn't see or hear any planes in the sky.  It was eerie at first b/c of the silence and then weird when they did start flying again.

Very strange at the pentagon the first day they let planes fly back over, everyone I saw stopped in their tracks and made sure the plane kept going.  That went on for quite some time.

To this day, I still watch them very closely when they come over Rosslyn on approach to National.  I swear they get so close the buildings.  I find myself hunching down a bit at times.

The other odd thing about the day was how beautiful it was on the east coast.  It was a gorgeous fall day - no humidity, perfect temps and not a cloud in the sky.  I'm glad its raining today.

2009-09-11 8:37 AM
in reply to: #2400528

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-09-11 8:34 AM
dalessit - 2009-09-11 8:25 AM
sdalessio - 2009-09-11 9:23 AM
fattyfatfat - 2009-09-11 8:13 AM
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 6:28 AM

Where were you?

Mt Pleasant, SC  Enterprise Rent a car.  I remember a lot about the day but a few things really stick out.  The first was when a buddy told me a small plane hit the trade center, next was listening the radio when the second tower came down, next was a guy came in right after he got a call from his mom that his dad was doing some plumbing work in Windows of the World (restaurant on top of the north tower) and then sitting on my back deck late that night staring up at the sky knowing there wasn't one civilian aircraft up there.  I just sat there for hours.  I was so furious. 

From 2003 to 2005 Jarrett and I worked on the Navy/Marine Corps Landing Platform Dock (LPD) program in New Orleans.  These are ~700 foot amphibious assault ships run by the Navy,  manned and armed by Marines.  She was an civilian engineer and I was attached to an EDO unit assigned to the yard.  lol! In a round about way I had oversight of her work.  Anyways.  LPD 21 is the USS NEW YORK.  She was built with ~24 tons of steel from the WTC.  The steel was brought in very early on in construction and was placed in a prominent area of the shipyard as a reminder of what we were there for.   Ships motto is "Never Forget" in honor of the vicitms and first responders of that day.  She's scheduled to be comissioned this November.  I just think this is one of those things that we'll look back in some years and be able to tell our children and grandchildren about what went on that day and the months after and also we as a family, a team, had a hand in shaping the fight against those cowards that are responsible for the attacks. 

Below is 21.   LPD 24 and 25 are ARLINGTON and SOMERSET. 

That's pretty cool about the ship.  I know what you mean about the planes in the sky.  We are in the flight pattern for Washington National.  So for months we didn't see or hear any planes in the sky.  It was eerie at first b/c of the silence and then weird when they did start flying again.

Very strange at the pentagon the first day they let planes fly back over, everyone I saw stopped in their tracks and made sure the plane kept going.  That went on for quite some time.

To this day, I still watch them very closely when they come over Rosslyn on approach to National.  I swear they get so close the buildings.  I find myself hunching down a bit at times.

The other odd thing about the day was how beautiful it was on the east coast.  It was a gorgeous fall day - no humidity, perfect temps and not a cloud in the sky.  I'm glad its raining today.

I still watch them too.  Yeah I remember how blue the sky was.  

2009-09-11 8:45 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I was working at Metro Center in D.C. We heard about the first plane and turned ona TV in a conference room. When the 2nd plane hit we knew they were not accidents. Next thing we know we see smoke over the tops of the buildings from the Pentagon. From our angle the smoke is rising behind the Washington Monument. When we evacuated DC it was a zoo. Took 1 hour to go 4 blocks. The 14th street bridge was closed. Somehow I got into the 9th Street tunnel, crossed the 14th street bridge, (which was not supposed to be open) and drove right by the Pentagon and through the smoke on my way home.

My wife was going crazy because she could not reach me. BTW today is my best friend's birthday. He is 48. That was his 40th that day and I called him at the break of dawn to give him crap. (Did it today too.) Good thing as he live in NY and if I had waited I never would have gotten through to him. Happy B-day Tom!
2009-09-11 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2400320

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
JHagerman - 2009-09-11 7:28 AM

Where were you?

I was in graduate school in Delaware.  My husband called me and said a plane flew into one of the towers and I assumed it was a little twin propeller 2 seated private plane - so I thought sad for the people in the plane but no way it could have done any real damage to the building.  Then I passed by a television in one of the cafeterias and saw all the smoke from the buildings and saw the first one go down.  The part that amazed me the most was none of the students in the cafeteria seemed to be paying any attention!  Like it was just the news and no big deal.  After that my husband and I were on the phone coordinating who was going to get our 8 month old from daycare and get home. No real reason to go home other than it felt safe to be together.  Later that week myself and the rest of the teaching assistants were coordinating schedules to accommodate student absences for those who had family in NY and were going to miss classes.  Very scary.

I agree about the planes flying over head. I live very close to a commercial airport and every time they change the flight pattern or the weather makes the planes come in low it freaks me out!

2009-09-11 8:56 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I'm reading what you guys are writing and I can just picture all of you and where you were that day, Chrissy Field, driving through the smoke, trying to go four  blocks, on the couch, in an office, by the white house, etc... I know its my version and not accurate but its still you guys. The fear, anxiety, anger....we all shared. 

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