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2010-03-09 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Sweet Ride!

2010-03-09 8:03 PM
in reply to: #2716593

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

ebshot - 2010-03-09 1:15 PM I was gonna ride today.  I was all dressed, had my route mapped out and was outside ready to jump on my bike.  Then I remembered that I am out of spare tubes.  With the luck I've had lately, I'd flat 8 miles out and have to walk home.  So, I came inside, changed clothes and ran.  I had a great run and really enjoyed the sunshine and nice breeze.  Just a gorgeous New England day outside.

That being said, I'm off to the LBS to get some tubes so I can ride tomorrow.
Way to practice transitioning--should be good for at least a few seconds this season!  Glad you enjoyed the fantastic weather.

2010-03-09 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2716164

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

MDHillSlug - 2010-03-09 10:56 AM If you are still interested in my group ride saga I just prodded a response:

The impromptu rides which take place via the yahoo group are not announced via our club website nor "officially supported" by . I'd take time before any ride you're involved with to set some "ride rules" but no guarantees on whether or not the group will listen. Only events listed on the website under the training tab are official club events. This has to do with insurance and "club responsibilities". Hope this helps. It's a trial and error process to find a group that you like to train with and feel comfortable with. Put out your requirements/requests to the Yahoo group and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Ride safe,

I responded that I can see the distinction but I'm not sure everyone else would, so from a club liability standpoint this should be stated explicitly somewhere.

I guess this is why I prefer to ride/train solo

So sorry the club let you down, but don't give up on group training altogether.  The right group can be such an amazing resource.  Best of luck.

2010-03-09 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2716918

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

kns57 - 2010-03-09 3:12 PM No training for me today bEASTies!.  Rotary this morning, then work all day, and then topping off the day with a trip to the city for a theatre experience.  Spring Awakening.  Don't know what it is about, but I'm looking forward to it.  Back to training for me tomorrow.

Enjoy your day off!

2010-03-09 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

Skipped my AM swim workout today.  My coach has cancelled our lessons indefinitely, because his younger brother very unexpectedly passed away.  He didn't give any details, just indicated that he needed to be with his family in CA to support his teenaged nephew.  Rather than head to the pool myself, I opted to do some yoga and dedicate my practice to him.  Such a sad thing, and it was such a beautiful day.

2010-03-09 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Just got back from my group run - the one that meets at a bar. . . Ran a fast (for me) 4-mile tempo run.  I ran it faster than my usual tempo speed since recently my heart rate hasn't been getting that high from my tempo runs, and I surprised myself!  I ended up running about 30-45 sec/mile faster than my usual tempo run speed!  Of course, I rewarded myself with free beer, hummus & pitas, and tater tots at the bar when I got back.  *sigh*  At least my training's going well, even if my diet isn't!

2010-03-09 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2717141

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
KOM - 2010-03-09 3:39 PM I posted a pic of my complete Midlife TRIsis on my blog today.

Great pic!
2010-03-09 9:33 PM
in reply to: #2698010

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
I'm not even gonna try catching up on all the posts...

60 min on trainer...high gear...
2010-03-10 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2717575

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
jtrezza - 2010-03-09 9:10 PM

Skipped my AM swim workout today.  My coach has cancelled our lessons indefinitely, because his younger brother very unexpectedly passed away.  He didn't give any details, just indicated that he needed to be with his family in CA to support his teenaged nephew.  Rather than head to the pool myself, I opted to do some yoga and dedicate my practice to him.  Such a sad thing, and it was such a beautiful day.

Sad sad sad. Good for your thoughtful yogas workout!
2010-03-10 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2717648

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
yogachic - 2010-03-09 9:57 PM Just got back from my group run - the one that meets at a bar. . . Ran a fast (for me) 4-mile tempo run.  I ran it faster than my usual tempo speed since recently my heart rate hasn't been getting that high from my tempo runs, and I surprised myself!  I ended up running about 30-45 sec/mile faster than my usual tempo run speed!  Of course, I rewarded myself with free beer, hummus & pitas, and tater tots at the bar when I got back.  *sigh*  At least my training's going well, even if my diet isn't!

rewards are GOOD!
2010-03-10 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Morning. Yesterday was a rest day today is a run and or bike depending on weather and if I can sneak out of work at lunch time for a bit longer.
Happy Hump day all you bEASTies!

2010-03-10 6:55 AM
in reply to: #2717575

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
jtrezza - 2010-03-09 8:10 PM

Skipped my AM swim workout today.  My coach has cancelled our lessons indefinitely, because his younger brother very unexpectedly passed away.  He didn't give any details, just indicated that he needed to be with his family in CA to support his teenaged nephew.  Rather than head to the pool myself, I opted to do some yoga and dedicate my practice to him.  Such a sad thing, and it was such a beautiful day.

My sympathies to your coach.
2010-03-10 7:00 AM
in reply to: #2717570

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
jtrezza - 2010-03-09 8:05 PM

MDHillSlug - 2010-03-09 10:56 AM If you are still interested in my group ride saga I just prodded a response:

The impromptu rides which take place via the yahoo group are not announced via our club website nor "officially supported" by . I'd take time before any ride you're involved with to set some "ride rules" but no guarantees on whether or not the group will listen. Only events listed on the website under the training tab are official club events. This has to do with insurance and "club responsibilities". Hope this helps. It's a trial and error process to find a group that you like to train with and feel comfortable with. Put out your requirements/requests to the Yahoo group and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Ride safe,

I responded that I can see the distinction but I'm not sure everyone else would, so from a club liability standpoint this should be stated explicitly somewhere.

I guess this is why I prefer to ride/train solo

So sorry the club let you down, but don't give up on group training altogether.  The right group can be such an amazing resource.  Best of luck.

I agree with this! I get a huge amount of support from the donks. We will get together and train....there has even been times where I thought I would die during a fabulous hill workout and they came to inspire me up the hill by saying "No donk left behind" I also have a great tri club that holds no drop rides...they also hold "drop" rides that one day I will make it through!
2010-03-10 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2717648

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
yogachic - 2010-03-09 8:57 PM Just got back from my group run - the one that meets at a bar. . . Ran a fast (for me) 4-mile tempo run.  I ran it faster than my usual tempo speed since recently my heart rate hasn't been getting that high from my tempo runs, and I surprised myself!  I ended up running about 30-45 sec/mile faster than my usual tempo run speed!  Of course, I rewarded myself with free beer, hummus & pitas, and tater tots at the bar when I got back.  *sigh*  At least my training's going well, even if my diet isn't!

Now this sounds like a great group run!
2010-03-10 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Good morning bEASTies! It is cloudy and rainy today but I think I am coming out of my funk! I have a fabulous extreme cycle with Lauren today, then bodypump, yoga, water aerobics and a swim for today. No evening classes at Brookfield due to parent/teacher conferences. So will have the night to enjoy family. Hmmmm what should I make for dinner?
2010-03-10 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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West Allis, WI
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Ok team even though I will not be able to contribute to the conversation today I need you all to be chatty! We are 2 pages down on the post padding! Let's lead the way through the whole month!

*chatty TOPpage*

Edited by kimk 2010-03-10 7:12 AM

2010-03-10 7:29 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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Albany, NY
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Got my 20 miles in on the trainer last night. Man, my bottomstill hurts! Short run planned for lunch time so I can get outside. Rain is supposed to start tomorrow and put an end to this wonderful waeather we have been having.
2010-03-10 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
I got 16 in on the bike last night, and a 5 mile run.

Tonight is a 27 mile bike ride followed by a 2-3 mile run.

I think the rain is supposed to start tomorrow than last through the weekend.
2010-03-10 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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Haddam, CT
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

The roads around me are still pretty beat up/sandy, so I'm not quite ready to jump out there yet. Looking forward to a nice trainer ride outside on the patio tonight.

2010-03-10 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge

Happy Hump Day bEASTies!  I'm trying to convince myself to get on my treadmill this morning for a 6 mile run.  It's raining and chilly here - I was hoping to get outside, but I'm not feeling that either!  Reading these threads will motivate me.  I need to do it for the team, right????!!


2010-03-10 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2717964

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
kimk - 2010-03-10 8:00 AM
jtrezza - 2010-03-09 8:05 PM

MDHillSlug - 2010-03-09 10:56 AM If you are still interested in my group ride saga I just prodded a response:

The impromptu rides which take place via the yahoo group are not announced via our club website nor "officially supported" by . I'd take time before any ride you're involved with to set some "ride rules" but no guarantees on whether or not the group will listen. Only events listed on the website under the training tab are official club events. This has to do with insurance and "club responsibilities". Hope this helps. It's a trial and error process to find a group that you like to train with and feel comfortable with. Put out your requirements/requests to the Yahoo group and see what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Ride safe,

I responded that I can see the distinction but I'm not sure everyone else would, so from a club liability standpoint this should be stated explicitly somewhere.

I guess this is why I prefer to ride/train solo

So sorry the club let you down, but don't give up on group training altogether.  The right group can be such an amazing resource.  Best of luck.

I agree with this! I get a huge amount of support from the donks. We will get together and train....there has even been times where I thought I would die during a fabulous hill workout and they came to inspire me up the hill by saying "No donk left behind" I also have a great tri club that holds no drop rides...they also hold "drop" rides that one day I will make it through!

I've been with the group for just over a year. They are centered about a 1/2 hour away from me and are the closest and most active group in the area. I haven't taken part in most of their group runs and rides because they either haven't been convenient or haven't been well suited to my training needs. I've had great OWS with them and until Saturday I was quite happy with what I was getting from them. However, I must admit to feeling a bit like an outsider; they seem to be a pretty close-knit group and I'm not terribly outgoing so I don't really know anyone all that well. The two I know the best are the couple I bought my tri bike from but they are worlds out of my league as far as experience/training level. If all I get out of the group is access to the group discounts and access to regular OWS I'd be getting my money's worth, even if I wasn't getting all I could out of the interaction.

2010-03-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Good Morning Beasts!

I actually had a decent run this morning! I'm still checking out the new running shoes so I did 0.7 miles in the old shoes and then switched to the new ones and did another 1.9 miles. I'm feeling pretty good with this, so I think I'm ready to switch over to the new shoes fulltime.
2010-03-10 9:10 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
Good morning bEASTie boys and girls... I got my long run in this morning (10.26 miles) and it felt really good.  I felt like I was struggling a bit through the first few miles, but then got into a pretty good grove.  Then a friend-of-a-friend joined along and she seemed to help me pick up the pace a bit in miles 7-9.  Overall happy with the run and l'm looking forward to my half mary in a week and a half.  I brought my gym gear for a swim or recovery bike ride at lunch, but I'm on the fence about going.  We'll see how the morning goes.
2010-03-10 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2718165

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
lobstergirl - 2010-03-10 9:41 AM

The roads around me are still pretty beat up/sandy, so I'm not quite ready to jump out there yet. Looking forward to a nice trainer ride outside on the patio tonight.

That is a good idea!  The road I live on is HORRIBLY sandy and I'm a bit nervous about riding it.  I think I might do an outdoor trainer ride and then hopefully this rain that is coming will wash it all away.  Thanks!
2010-03-10 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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Subject: RE: bEASTies - March Winds Challenge
I'm hungry.  And it's only 10:20.  I think I'll have an apple.  But I really want something super yummy.  Maybe I'll make some bread this afternoon.
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