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2011-12-04 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

2011-12-04 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
AND HOARY MARMOTS!!!!!     ummmmmm  wtf? someone needs to spill the story here.....

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-12-04 5:02 PM
2011-12-04 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3925693

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

fattyfatfat - 2011-12-04 5:57 PM HOTTIES!!!!

Kim, and Roni such a great picture, I love it!!! Roni you really are one tough and wonderful lady!

2011-12-04 6:45 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

While you were all out training I was building this:

2011-12-04 6:54 PM
in reply to: #3925809

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-12-04 7:45 PM

While you were all out training I was building this:


edit.. lets get a fresh coat of paint on the wall

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-12-04 6:56 PM
2011-12-04 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Those patches from a wood rack they fell off onto my old VW. Not good! BTW I built that wall to separate the shop from the rest of the garage.

Edited by DougRob 2011-12-04 7:09 PM

2011-12-04 8:01 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Just catching up... 

Sam - that race sounds like a complete PITA.  Sounds like the organizers got overwhelmed...

Julia - Nice Race - glad to hear about the course PR!  That's awesome

Roni - Sorry to hear about missing the cut off and your hubby's problems too....  Just toeing the line for a race like that deserves major props!

Edited to Add:  PR for fatty - nice!  Congrats to the other racers as well!  can't wait to read all the RR's....


Edited by ashort33 2011-12-04 8:44 PM
2011-12-04 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

What a great weekend for our mg racers. 

John--way to kick a$$ on your 5k.  By the way, I think pjs are more comfortable too :-

Brent--an 8k sounds like a great distance!  Nice job

Sam--sorry your race was such a cluster.  I'm sure running with your son made up for it

Roni--I never know what to say.  You freekin' amaze me.  Way to put it all out there.

Julia--a full marathon on the trails.  It sounds AWESOME.  Way to crush it!

Doug--my pen arrived.  I love it so much.  Thank you for sharing your talent with us!!

I did 11 miles on the trails today.  For the first 7 miles, I had the garmin set to keep me going very slowly.  This part of the run felt like I could go on for a very long time without wearing the legs out.  Then, for the next three miles, brought the speed up to something closer to a race pace.  It was amazing how fast I started to fatigue when I sped up.  By the last mile it was just "survive."  The weather was pretty crappy: cloudy, rainy, cool.  But, the weather wasn't really a factor--it didn't bother me.  13 days until my relay.  I'm going to get one more long run in before the race.

2011-12-04 10:35 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Had so much fun meeting Kim today! She is awesome! Thanks for all the hugs you guys! And, John, I think keeping you guessing on the Hoary Marmots is more interesting than the actual story, lol.
2011-12-04 10:38 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Congrats on the great races, John and Brent!

Great job getting in 11 miles on the trails, Jayne! You are going to be so ready for your race!

2011-12-05 1:59 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Finally made it back home at 11pm...I finished at around 845!! My Gawd...44,000 people racing, but that's not counting the spectators. 


Wasn't even able to get to my corral, and instead went to 10 corrals earlier. So many people pushing...just nuts.

I ended up with 9 min or less or more (depending on how I did on the time...Garmin says I did 13.3 mi, but I'm ignoring the distance, just time) PR.  Which I was totally surprised.  Didn't reach my secret goal (by 4 minutes!), but I did get out there and raced...and I know I raced a good race....I was getting sick at the end, no vomiting though...but real close!!

Feet hurts more than anything. 

EDIT: Forgot to add...FINALLY...after nearly two years of running, I got a blister on my toe. Two blisters on the same toe. Passed the rites of passage of a runner's feet. LOL! Toenails falling off...I don't think I want that...but I've gotten bruised badly (not from running though)


BEST part is - I did 8 miles WITHOUT WALKING at 11:27 min/mi pace. All I can say is WTF!! Yeah I know it's slower than most of you folks (okay all of you), but last year I was avg'ing around 12:30-13:30 mi paces.  I think I *could* have gone faster because I had to deal with a LOT of weaving in and out at the start and the last few miles. So many people just walked, and there was a wall, and I couldn't get around them, so I had to kind of inch towards them and say "excuse me!". 


RR will be coming soon...i'm just happy that I got a real nice unexpected secret goal was kind of "reaching", but didn't count on it too much.

Yay me!


Congrats to all the racers this weekend!!!

Edited by CyborgQueen 2011-12-05 2:19 AM

2011-12-05 4:55 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Well done racers!!!

I had my 30 min LT test again tonight - Jorge's bike plan - and felt like I was going to die in the last 3 minutes....the pool of sweat under my bike was disgusting!

I did an easy 2km run straight off the trainer in the rain and it felt great, I know it's a bit weird but I really like running off the bike, I feel like my legs are warmed up and ready to go.

Hopefully I'm getting stronger. I'm not quite sure how to find out without a power meter.

2011-12-05 5:38 AM
in reply to: #3926113

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-12-05 4:55 AM

Well done racers!!!

I had my 30 min LT test again tonight - Jorge's bike plan - and felt like I was going to die in the last 3 minutes....the pool of sweat under my bike was disgusting!

I did an easy 2km run straight off the trainer in the rain and it felt great, I know it's a bit weird but I really like running off the bike, I feel like my legs are warmed up and ready to go.

Hopefully I'm getting stronger. I'm not quite sure how to find out without a power meter.

I would think if you are going at a faster speed on the trainer (assuming tension is similar) at a lower HR it would include you're stronger.  Maybe confirm with Jorge?

Awesome job to our racers this weekend!  Brent has his out for viewing, but we're waiting for the rest of you to un-George yourselves!

2011-12-05 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

DJ:  sounds like you PR'd the race, but you'll have to tell us more once you know the details.

Jayne: nice job getting back in the game.  Take it easy on your last long run.  Going race pace isn't going to help you this close to the race.

John: nice PR dude. 

Brent: ditto. Looks like you paced it really well.

Sam: sounds like they need to get their act together.  20k is a lot of customers to pi$$ off.

Roni: I can't begin to imagine doing the distances that you are doing.  Sorry to hear that this race didn't go as planned.

Julia: Huge PR.  Great job on a tough course!!

Marmots: looking good.  They are checking out the competition and will be in the race next year.  


Great pic of Roni and Kim.


2011-12-05 8:07 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Now I understand why some of you are doing cyclo-cross (the hand ups!):

2011-12-05 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3925809

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-12-04 7:45 PM

While you were all out training I was building this:

Doug, I have a full Pole Position Cabinet you could have had for free, just come get it out of my house...

I'll even throw in the control panel I made, 2 joysticks, 6 buttons each and the programable controller that drives the system.  It was actually a blast to make it all, I put a dedicated computer inside and had a few thousand games from MAME on it. 

We played it for about 6 months to a year then got bored and took the computer out to use somewhere else and the TV I used for a monitor is the TV we use in our bedroom.

2011-12-05 8:34 AM
in reply to: #3926087

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
CyborgQueen - 2011-12-05 1:59 AM

Finally made it back home at 11pm...I finished at around 845!! My Gawd...44,000 people racing, but that's not counting the spectators. 


Wasn't even able to get to my corral, and instead went to 10 corrals earlier. So many people pushing...just nuts.

I ended up with 9 min or less or more (depending on how I did on the time...Garmin says I did 13.3 mi, but I'm ignoring the distance, just time) PR.  Which I was totally surprised.  Didn't reach my secret goal (by 4 minutes!), but I did get out there and raced...and I know I raced a good race....I was getting sick at the end, no vomiting though...but real close!!

Feet hurts more than anything. 

EDIT: Forgot to add...FINALLY...after nearly two years of running, I got a blister on my toe. Two blisters on the same toe. Passed the rites of passage of a runner's feet. LOL! Toenails falling off...I don't think I want that...but I've gotten bruised badly (not from running though)


BEST part is - I did 8 miles WITHOUT WALKING at 11:27 min/mi pace. All I can say is WTF!! Yeah I know it's slower than most of you folks (okay all of you), but last year I was avg'ing around 12:30-13:30 mi paces.  I think I *could* have gone faster because I had to deal with a LOT of weaving in and out at the start and the last few miles. So many people just walked, and there was a wall, and I couldn't get around them, so I had to kind of inch towards them and say "excuse me!". 


RR will be coming soon...i'm just happy that I got a real nice unexpected secret goal was kind of "reaching", but didn't count on it too much.

Yay me!


Congrats to all the racers this weekend!!!


Way to put some awesome sauce on that race DJ!  Congrats on the PR and as far as your speed, we can run together anytime  - I go about the same pace.. 

2011-12-05 8:35 AM
in reply to: #3926304

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Tony I am have a blast building this one. I was ROMS for about 5000 games. It is going to be a four player machine. Might still take you up on your offer though on one of my trips to the DC area. I know thewse things are space hogs. But I really like it. I am thinking of doind a Space Invader's theme with 3D images attached to the sides.
2011-12-05 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3926298

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-12-05 8:07 AM

Now I understand why some of you are doing cyclo-cross (the hand ups!):

Kinda a weird reversal...  back in the day we used to put the dollars in the waistband with our teeth Tongue out

2011-12-05 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3926113

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-12-05 4:55 AM

Well done racers!!!

I had my 30 min LT test again tonight - Jorge's bike plan - and felt like I was going to die in the last 3 minutes....the pool of sweat under my bike was disgusting!

I did an easy 2km run straight off the trainer in the rain and it felt great, I know it's a bit weird but I really like running off the bike, I feel like my legs are warmed up and ready to go.

Hopefully I'm getting stronger. I'm not quite sure how to find out without a power meter.

I know exactly what you mean.  It takes me a full mile to two miles to warm up with running now; but when I come off the bike, it seems like I can just "go".  It still takes me a quarter of mile to get the calves into the game, but that's just a couple of minutes...

2011-12-05 10:28 AM
in reply to: #3926176

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dcon - 2011-12-05 7:46 AM

Jayne: nice job getting back in the game.  Take it easy on your last long run.  Going race pace isn't going to help you this close to the race.  

So, here's a question for y'all.  I have 12 more days until my 10.5 mile trail race.  I'm still trying to figure out what my "race pace" should be, and how much running to do between now and the race (including what distances to do).  I've done 2 race distance runs and took them both really slowly in order to make sure I could do the distance.  I still think I need to go slow for the first 7 miles, but maybe not quite as slow as I went yesterday.  Ugh.  How do I get this figured out?


2011-12-05 10:48 AM
in reply to: #3926619

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-12-05 10:28 AM
dcon - 2011-12-05 7:46 AM

Jayne: nice job getting back in the game.  Take it easy on your last long run.  Going race pace isn't going to help you this close to the race.  

So, here's a question for y'all.  I have 12 more days until my 10.5 mile trail race.  I'm still trying to figure out what my "race pace" should be, and how much running to do between now and the race (including what distances to do).  I've done 2 race distance runs and took them both really slowly in order to make sure I could do the distance.  I still think I need to go slow for the first 7 miles, but maybe not quite as slow as I went yesterday.  Ugh.  How do I get this figured out?



As far as what to do, I think part of depends on how you feel right now.  If you feel good, keep the mileage up for the next 7-8 days but keep your runs shorter than you last couple of long runs.  Throw in some short speed bursts, fartleks, etc. just to keep the legs firing.  Also keep running on the trails to keep your legs and feet used to the terrain.  Shut things down the last couple of days w/ just one or two very short runs.

However, if you are fatigued, sore or nursing any injuries then go light on the miles.  Do enough to keep your cardio fit but rest the legs as much as you can.  Keep everything easy on the runs.  My coach always told me that it takes 3 weeks for a workout to sink in and from my past year of running a lot I believe it.  So your long runs are in the bank and nothing you do now will change your race.  It's about maintaining your fitness and getting to the line fresh and healthy.

And for pace, you could aim for 60-90 faster than your long run pace as long as those were on the same terrain b/c trail running slows you down 60-90 per mile than the road.  It can be hard to gauge a race in new territory so maybe have a couple of goals and/or A and B plan.  You may have to change things on the fly.  Good luck!


2011-12-05 11:16 AM
in reply to: #3926667

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
sdalessio - 2011-12-05 11:48 AM
jfought - 2011-12-05 10:28 AM
dcon - 2011-12-05 7:46 AM

Jayne: nice job getting back in the game.  Take it easy on your last long run.  Going race pace isn't going to help you this close to the race.  

So, here's a question for y'all.  I have 12 more days until my 10.5 mile trail race.  I'm still trying to figure out what my "race pace" should be, and how much running to do between now and the race (including what distances to do).  I've done 2 race distance runs and took them both really slowly in order to make sure I could do the distance.  I still think I need to go slow for the first 7 miles, but maybe not quite as slow as I went yesterday.  Ugh.  How do I get this figured out?



As far as what to do, I think part of depends on how you feel right now.  If you feel good, keep the mileage up for the next 7-8 days but keep your runs shorter than you last couple of long runs.  Throw in some short speed bursts, fartleks, etc. just to keep the legs firing.  Also keep running on the trails to keep your legs and feet used to the terrain.  Shut things down the last couple of days w/ just one or two very short runs.

However, if you are fatigued, sore or nursing any injuries then go light on the miles.  Do enough to keep your cardio fit but rest the legs as much as you can.  Keep everything easy on the runs.  My coach always told me that it takes 3 weeks for a workout to sink in and from my past year of running a lot I believe it.  So your long runs are in the bank and nothing you do now will change your race.  It's about maintaining your fitness and getting to the line fresh and healthy.

And for pace, you could aim for 60-90 faster than your long run pace as long as those were on the same terrain b/c trail running slows you down 60-90 per mile than the road.  It can be hard to gauge a race in new territory so maybe have a couple of goals and/or A and B plan.  You may have to change things on the fly.  Good luck!

I can say I feel better than I did after the first long run, but I wouldn't go so far as saying I feel "good"!!  I was thinking about doing 2 more runs this week (apx. 4 mi. tues & 5 mi. thurs), then one more longer run next Saturday (one week before the race (8 mi-ish), and a couple of short runs between Saturday and the race--just to warm the muscles up and keep them loose.  I'm going to avoid the speed work because my achilles are really tight and tender.   Does that sound like too much? 

I think the race trails are going to be a little more rugged than where I've been training.  This weekend there were reports of ankle deep water covering many spots and in one place thigh deep water.  That could get interesting!!!  Might turn into one of those "Tough Mudder" races.  Ugh, I need to stop thinking about it because it's making my tummy ache! Cry

It's a relay and my two running partners know I'm slow, but it bothers me to know they will be waiting around for me for about 2 hours.  Ok, I'm finished being psycho about this.  Jeesh!  Somebody give me a kick in the a$$ and tell me to knock it off!

2011-12-05 11:26 AM
in reply to: #3926738

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-12-05 11:16 AM
sdalessio - 2011-12-05 11:48 AM
jfought - 2011-12-05 10:28 AM
dcon - 2011-12-05 7:46 AM

Jayne: nice job getting back in the game.  Take it easy on your last long run.  Going race pace isn't going to help you this close to the race.  

So, here's a question for y'all.  I have 12 more days until my 10.5 mile trail race.  I'm still trying to figure out what my "race pace" should be, and how much running to do between now and the race (including what distances to do).  I've done 2 race distance runs and took them both really slowly in order to make sure I could do the distance.  I still think I need to go slow for the first 7 miles, but maybe not quite as slow as I went yesterday.  Ugh.  How do I get this figured out?



As far as what to do, I think part of depends on how you feel right now.  If you feel good, keep the mileage up for the next 7-8 days but keep your runs shorter than you last couple of long runs.  Throw in some short speed bursts, fartleks, etc. just to keep the legs firing.  Also keep running on the trails to keep your legs and feet used to the terrain.  Shut things down the last couple of days w/ just one or two very short runs.

However, if you are fatigued, sore or nursing any injuries then go light on the miles.  Do enough to keep your cardio fit but rest the legs as much as you can.  Keep everything easy on the runs.  My coach always told me that it takes 3 weeks for a workout to sink in and from my past year of running a lot I believe it.  So your long runs are in the bank and nothing you do now will change your race.  It's about maintaining your fitness and getting to the line fresh and healthy.

And for pace, you could aim for 60-90 faster than your long run pace as long as those were on the same terrain b/c trail running slows you down 60-90 per mile than the road.  It can be hard to gauge a race in new territory so maybe have a couple of goals and/or A and B plan.  You may have to change things on the fly.  Good luck!

I can say I feel better than I did after the first long run, but I wouldn't go so far as saying I feel "good"!!  I was thinking about doing 2 more runs this week (apx. 4 mi. tues & 5 mi. thurs), then one more longer run next Saturday (one week before the race (8 mi-ish), and a couple of short runs between Saturday and the race--just to warm the muscles up and keep them loose.  I'm going to avoid the speed work because my achilles are really tight and tender.   Does that sound like too much? 

I think the race trails are going to be a little more rugged than where I've been training.  This weekend there were reports of ankle deep water covering many spots and in one place thigh deep water.  That could get interesting!!!  Might turn into one of those "Tough Mudder" races.  Ugh, I need to stop thinking about it because it's making my tummy ache! Cry

It's a relay and my two running partners know I'm slow, but it bothers me to know they will be waiting around for me for about 2 hours.  Ok, I'm finished being psycho about this.  Jeesh!  Somebody give me a kick in the a$$ and tell me to knock it off!


Brrr!!!!  I would plan on the slower end of the pace to account for the terrain.  Your T/Th runs sound good - not sure about 8m.  Do you need it for mental confidence?  I totally understand that but it won't change your fitness.  I would say 6 tops.  But that is me.

2011-12-05 11:41 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

ATTN:  Training question -

Nutrition.  I see where lots of people are poppin' gels and the like for half marathons (thanks for bringing this mind DJ) and even oly's.  I have yet to take a gel on a race or in training - even on my last long run at 10.5 miles (right about 2 hours for me) I didn't feel like I was burned down on energy after that run.  Do ya'll think I am  still living off what I affectionately refer to as "my integrated fuel belt"?  What's the group's consensus?  John, I am particular interested in your thoughts as a bigger guy - as well as any other clyde-ish types.

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