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2009-04-27 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2114263

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-04-27 9:38 PM Well hello all....Today was the day from Hell!!

I was a good boy, got up and hit the pool at 5:30. Came out to my car after, and  had the back passenger window smashed...2 of us were broken into. What kind of criminals are out at 6am? RETARDS i say!! And of course, I had my gym bag, and running bag in the back seat.( I know, I know, silly but cmon its 6am!). All day  I felt so dumb and pissed off at the same time. You kind of feel violated or intruded. I know better now. Everything in the trunk!
Anyhow,here is my gonzo list: Garmin 305(with HRM),8gb IPOD touch with brand new senheiser headphones, 2 pair of runners, running pants, couple of t shirts, and my custom orthotics, and all the other gym bag stuff.
Was about $1000, with another $350 for the window. Looked into claiming it, but with deductables its not really worth it.

On the positive side, I ended up taking the day off work to file police reports, take my car in and shop. Bought a new ipod and headphones, new runners(Saucony Progrid Ride), and some new gym clothes.  And looking at picking up that new Garmin whenever it comes out.....Good times for sure.
Have a good night all.

Damn Trevor, really sorry to hear about that.  That sucks!

2009-04-27 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2114263

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
TrevorC - 2009-04-27 9:38 PM Well hello all....Today was the day from Hell!!

I was a good boy, got up and hit the pool at 5:30. Came out to my car after, and  had the back passenger window smashed...2 of us were broken into. What kind of criminals are out at 6am? RETARDS i say!! And of course, I had my gym bag, and running bag in the back seat.( I know, I know, silly but cmon its 6am!). All day  I felt so dumb and pissed off at the same time. You kind of feel violated or intruded. I know better now. Everything in the trunk!
Anyhow,here is my gonzo list: Garmin 305(with HRM),8gb IPOD touch with brand new senheiser headphones, 2 pair of runners, running pants, couple of t shirts, and my custom orthotics, and all the other gym bag stuff.
Was about $1000, with another $350 for the window. Looked into claiming it, but with deductables its not really worth it.

On the positive side, I ended up taking the day off work to file police reports, take my car in and shop. Bought a new ipod and headphones, new runners(Saucony Progrid Ride), and some new gym clothes.  And looking at picking up that new Garmin whenever it comes out.....Good times for sure.
Have a good night all.

Wow, Trevor!  I am so sorry.  It's amazing how quickly things add up. I hope the police have luck recovering your belongings.
2009-04-27 9:46 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Ahh Trevor, that's not cool.  Bumm deal.  Hope all goes well getting your car fixed. 

~I've never really put much thought into putting my stuff in the trunk, it's all in the back seat.  Hmm, I may have to reconsider!

So what's on tap for this week ya'll?
2009-04-27 9:54 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Damn Trevor that sucks!  Sorry to hear that.
2009-04-27 10:09 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Trevor, that sucks.  Funny how the deductibles work against you.  Until my truck was stolen I was unaware that contents in the vehicle were covered by home-owners insurance, not the comprehensive insurance on my vehicle.  How nice to get the honor to pay two deductibles for the same crime...  Similarily, when my catalytice converter was stolen from truck in the gym parking lot (no kidding, the slid under and took it) the deductible was about the same as the repair..


2009-04-27 11:46 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Kauai girl now in MIll Creek/Silver Firs
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Trevor - that is such a bummer.  Someone smashed the window out of my car 2 weeks and it seemed like it took ages to get all the paperwork done and then have the window replaced. Sorry about your gear... at least you have a good reason for getting the new Garmin

To all of you who commented on my running issue and/or sent inspires; I can't tell you how much your messages meant to me - THANK YOU!!!. I've had a really interesting past few days.  I went out one evening a few nights ago and forgot the ipod. Thought the running would be brutal without music, but instead, I had a total epiphany. It was fantastic - I was finally just "feeling" the running and really getting it.  I'm sure the music will help in the future, but for now, it's nice to just focus on my form and breathing and enjoy it.  Only thing is that I've got some soreness along the inside of my calf but I'm pretty sure that's related to really tight calves (which I'm strecthing like crazy)

I'm headed to Kauai for 5 days and may not be able to follow our thread until I get back. I'm hoping to get over my shark issue and actually get some good ocean swims in.  Have a great week everyone - Aloha!


2009-04-28 12:59 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Trevor sorry to hear that... Sucks!

Tracy it is acutally pretty normal to feel really junkie during your taper week.  You feel tired and sick, but it is actually pretty normal to not feel your best (I am not saying this is the issue... You may very well be sick), but I do want you to know that you are going to feel like this until you start racing.  Water, nutrition, and rest are most important for the next few days!
2009-04-28 5:34 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Trevor sorry to hear about that, stuff like that really sucks..  on the semi bright side, you get to buy new gadgets!  the garmin 305 is pretty cheap now but how do you pass on a waterproof 310! 

2009-04-28 8:35 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Holly--really nice job.  I am so glad you had fun.  We have a group that loves to do relays.  They are a really low stress way of being able to race.

Trevor--so sorry to hear about the break-in.  Something similar happened at our gym last year.  I guess the moral of the story is don't leave stuff visible in the car. Or get a giant Rotweiller to man your vehicle!

Tracy--Oh no!   I am suffering from allgergies big time right now, but it is not affecting my voice.  I do have a slight sore throat, but that is mainly due to the runny nose thing.  I think you are smart to get it checked out to see if you can salvage the race.  If not, is there another one soon?

Steve--a half marathon this weekend?  Somehow I missed that one.  Since you have been training your brains out, I hope you can hold yourself back enough to be a pacer.  I did that for someone and found it to be a real challenge.  Nice of you to do it though.

I am talking to a potential coach candidate for myself this morning. He isn't completely local (Chicago), but he is working with a couple of BT friends and they have been happy with him.  Fingers crossed.  I need someone to kick me into gear.

Have a great day everyone.


Edited by SSMinnow 2009-04-28 8:37 AM
2009-04-28 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Suzy: Good luck with the new coach. Hope he/she works out great for you.

Shannon: I like to run with the mucic more for the pace than the actual music. I use podrunner programs so ther isn't really any lyrics to listen to anyways. It is nice once in a while to run without the ipod. I might have to do that today as it is raining here and I need to do a run today. It's quite warm here today so a run in a light rain would be great. I like running in the rain.

Beth Paul: way to go!  Races back to back. As far as AB and C races this will be the first year where I have had a distinction between races. All of them last year (my first year) were A races. My true A race this year will be the HIM in Sept. Being competitive by nature I will probably treat the other ones as races to once I get into them. I know I will also look at them to test out my strenghts and weaknesses for Sept.

Holly Congratultaiton on the team relay event. Soudns like you had a lot of fun.

Trevor: Am I ever glad I moved from that dens of thieves you call Alberta . Really sorry to hear about you losing all your stuff. I guess I am paranoid about that kind of stuff and never really leave stuff in my truck. I do have a cover for it which is locked so I throw stuff in there when I can't take it with me.  Hope you enjoy the new equipment. I went out and bought new trsi shorts yesterday and couldn't believe how much they had gone up in price.

Tracy: I hope its not strep throat and only the stresses that Steve mentioned. You have worked very hard to get in shape to do this HIM and it would be a shame to miss out. If you do have to miss it doon't get too bummed. There will be other races to do. YOu could always drive up to the firgid north and race with me in Sept

I went to the doctor last night and she confirmde either a torn muscle or tendonitis in the shoulder/arm. Nothing that can be done really except rest and time. Taking iboprofin to help out. She also sent for an xray on my foot to see if what there is going on there. She seemed to think there was some small bones (extra ones) that sometimes grow into the tendon? She said it was the second situation she had seen like that recently. Should find out more in a few days. With luck it will only be something easily dealt with. At least I can still run on it.

When I was out buying new tri shorts yesterday I ended up talking to a guy in the store who was interested in doing tris. and talking about the sport. It was a nice experience giving the guy information about the sport and our website. I think he is really going to give it a tri. (pun intended). I is actually quite surprising how many people think we are amazing athletes just to be going out and doing this sport. What a great feeling.

That's about it for now. Have a great day everyone.

2009-04-28 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2115108

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Replying to various posts.

Rob sorry to hear about the shoulder, take it easy and let it heal.

As far as A, B & C races, for me I take my longest races and make them A races, only in that when I set up my training plan for say 12-16 weeks, they end at that long race.  I still try hard in all the races in-between but any tapering is reserved for the longer races.

My ipod case broke sometime last year and like you I thought I would go crazy without music, but had the same experience as you did where I enjoyed my run more without it.  LOL, I listen to my IPOD all day at work but never when working out.

Tracy, hope you are feeling better.

2009-04-28 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Trevor...Another sorry from me also.  I had my truck broken into a couple months back and they stole my laptop and GPS from my driveway.  9 days later they hit me again and stole the replacement gps out of my console.  Hit me once shame on me...twice, shame on you!  I decided to buy a #1 steel trap and set it in the console and hopefully catch the B@sterds. Unfortunately, they never came back, but I was waiting.  Thieves are animals and should be treated as such!

Tracy...Hope you get to feeling better!  Maybe you will be able to pull the HIW (woman) off.  I know you would hate to miss it.

Rob...What is going on with your foot?  Sounds like similar to mine when I turned it last week.  I talked to a surgeon friend of mine at a party this weekend and he said that he thinks my tendon could have pulled a chunk of small bone away, and now when I roll my foot over, that tendon pops.  doesn't really hurt much, but may be a couple to three weeks before I can run on it.  Took a short ride yesterday and didn't hurt much.  We need to get healed up, both of us have to get on the HIM plan next month.

2009-04-28 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Suzy, I am sorry I  am pacing my sister in 3 weeks.  I think it is going to be a blast!  I ran with her 4 years ago when she did her 1st 5k, so this is kind of a big deal!  I am not letting her know that at all.  I have just been rubbing it into her brain that this is going to be another long training run that we always go on!  I think I willl set the virtual partner in the Garmin 305 and go by that... Or at least try to keep it under that... I won't know what she is going to be like with ton's of people out there, and the "race mentality!?"  I know what her secret goal is (which I am pushing for- to run 1:56 or so), but the main goal is to cross the finish line (which is going to be easy!!!).   My folks are so shocked--- They have said for the past 6 years that they are beginning to wonder if is was there child, now they have 2 of us they are questioning !  It's great!

I have convinced myself this morning that I am taking 2 days off (in a row)... No if, ands, or buts!  I am tired, sore, and almost feel like I am on the verge of a cold (may just be allergies), but for now it is just going to be to take it easy!  I am shutting it down!!!!!!  Although I pick up my today from the LBS with the new bars on there!  AHHH!!!
2009-04-28 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

okay gang, I need your opinioins.  Went to the doctor this morning and the strep test was negative but I do have an infection in my throat and sinuses.  She gave me antibiotics but said to TAKE IT EASY (she knows how I train) and nothing to aggravate my throat.  The coughing will take 2 weeks to go away, longer if I don't rest it.  She specifically said that included heavy breathing (from exercising you dirty minded people Embarassed).  I'm sure by Thursday I'll be feeling much better, so what do I do about the race on Saturday?  70.3 miles on a full tank will be hard, doing it sick might be torture.  My main concern is how beat up my body feels right now after coughing for 5 days and how much my throat hurt after such a short run yesterday.  What would you guys do if you were in my shoes?  I am too tired to make up my mind right now.  Before this crud started I was feeling really strong and excited, now I don't know........


Rob, that seems odd to me they can't distinguish between a muscle tear and tendonitis - either way I'm sorry to hear that.  And your foot too, man, you're falling apart.  Just joking. I hope you heal quickly.  When do we get to see some photos of the hot new tri shorts????

2009-04-28 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2115497

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
tahrens - 2009-04-28 11:04 AM

okay gang, I need your opinioins.  Went to the doctor this morning and the strep test was negative but I do have an infection in my throat and sinuses.  She gave me antibiotics but said to TAKE IT EASY (she knows how I train) and nothing to aggravate my throat.  The coughing will take 2 weeks to go away, longer if I don't rest it.  She specifically said that included heavy breathing (from exercising you dirty minded people Embarassed).  I'm sure by Thursday I'll be feeling much better, so what do I do about the race on Saturday?  70.3 miles on a full tank will be hard, doing it sick might be torture.  My main concern is how beat up my body feels right now after coughing for 5 days and how much my throat hurt after such a short run yesterday.  What would you guys do if you were in my shoes?  I am too tired to make up my mind right now.  Before this crud started I was feeling really strong and excited, now I don't know........


Rob, that seems odd to me they can't distinguish between a muscle tear and tendonitis - either way I'm sorry to hear that.  And your foot too, man, you're falling apart.  Just joking. I hope you heal quickly.  When do we get to see some photos of the hot new tri shorts????

Chill to Thursday then re-evaluate.   Your training is in and its taper week so you aren't missing much today - thursday anyway. 

Then wake up Saturday and swim bike and run your A$$ off.  OOOPS... lets get to Thursday first. 

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-04-28 11:13 AM
2009-04-28 11:20 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Tracy--is the race local? or close-by?  I agree with John that you can make the call on Thursday, and assuming you feel much better I would go for it.  You can treat it as a long training day and pick a couple of things you want to focus on during the event.  If you feel like crap after part of it, DNF.  You will have some valuable race experience under your belt for the next one.

I have a new coach for the season. He is a full time coach, seems smart, dedicated and wants to help me finish the HIM.  He offered to come to Madison for swimming lessons for the first 4-8 weeks of us working together which sealed the deal.  We start on Monday.  Now I need to do the really hard part, cut my running coach lose.  I dread it.  He is great and we have worked together for three years. 

2009-04-28 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Tracy, I feel strongly that you should at least give it a shot, just change your expectations.  You have worked way too hard over the past few months.  It would be a shame if you didn't give it a go!  Either way it is going to be a hard day, but that is what you have trained for.  I just don't want you to have any regrets if you don't try.  If it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be.  Let me just remind you though that out on the course it is 70% mental!  Don't play mind games with yourself, that you are not feeling well and have been sick and that you can't do this!  Positive thoughts out on the course.  Your body may say one thing, but your mind will always try to say something else!  Cut your anti-biotics off a day or 2 before the race, and let your body adjust (??? I think, check w/ doc on that... Not sure what you are taking), but I know that when I was on steroids, and anitbiotics before Ironman last year he wanted me to stop taking them a week early.

We can only give you ideas and thoughts, but you know your mental and physical abilities best, and if it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be and maybe there is a race near by in the next couple weeks?!?

2009-04-28 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Suzy this coach sounds like a good match for you!  More success to come!  Congrats!
2009-04-28 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

I'm about 6 pages behind - I just cannot keep up with you guys.  I know a bunch of people had races over the weekend and from what I can tell, they seemed to go pretty well.  Congrats to everyone!  I did a 10k on Saturday and got a new PR!  Beat last year's time by almost 4 minutes. 

Now I'm concentrating (read: worrying) about my first tri this weekend.  The bike portion really scares me.  My gears are working much better since I took the bike in to be adjusted, but I'm still worried about how I'm going to do.  The course is a double loop so I'm hoping that once I finish the first loop, I'll be OK since I'll know what to expect the second time around.  Of course, that could also backfire on me - I may realize after the first loop that there's no way I can do it again.  My DH and I are going to drive over to Columbia on Saturday after he gets off work (he wasn't supposed to work that day which is adding to my stress) and hopefully we'll have time to drive the course so I'll have some idea of what I'll be dealing with on Sunday morning.  Looking at the elevation chart for the course is part of what's freaking me out although I know they're not always accurate - and 7.47 miles compressed down into 12 inches makes the hills look really bad!  I really think I'll feel better about it after seeing the actual course. 

Question for you all - I know most people don't usually taper for a sprint but since this is my first one, I want to make sure that I'm not too worn out on race day.  I was planning to swim Wed and Fri morning (short swims with one of them a TT so I know how to place myself on Sunday), a short run tonight and possibly Sat morning if I feel like I need to release some tensionSmile, and a bike ride Wed night (a little harder effort) and Friday night (just an easy ride).  How does that sound?  I know I run races better if I have a couple of rest days or easy days before the race so I figured this would probably be the same? 


2009-04-28 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2115713

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
soccermom15 - 2009-04-28 12:06 PM

I'm about 6 pages behind - I just cannot keep up with you guys.  I know a bunch of people had races over the weekend and from what I can tell, they seemed to go pretty well.  Congrats to everyone!  I did a 10k on Saturday and got a new PR!  Beat last year's time by almost 4 minutes. 

Now I'm concentrating (read: worrying) about my first tri this weekend.  The bike portion really scares me.  My gears are working much better since I took the bike in to be adjusted, but I'm still worried about how I'm going to do.  The course is a double loop so I'm hoping that once I finish the first loop, I'll be OK since I'll know what to expect the second time around.  Of course, that could also backfire on me - I may realize after the first loop that there's no way I can do it again.  My DH and I are going to drive over to Columbia on Saturday after he gets off work (he wasn't supposed to work that day which is adding to my stress) and hopefully we'll have time to drive the course so I'll have some idea of what I'll be dealing with on Sunday morning.  Looking at the elevation chart for the course is part of what's freaking me out although I know they're not always accurate - and 7.47 miles compressed down into 12 inches makes the hills look really bad!  I really think I'll feel better about it after seeing the actual course. 

Question for you all - I know most people don't usually taper for a sprint but since this is my first one, I want to make sure that I'm not too worn out on race day.  I was planning to swim Wed and Fri morning (short swims with one of them a TT so I know how to place myself on Sunday), a short run tonight and possibly Sat morning if I feel like I need to release some tensionSmile, and a bike ride Wed night (a little harder effort) and Friday night (just an easy ride).  How does that sound?  I know I run races better if I have a couple of rest days or easy days before the race so I figured this would probably be the same? 


I was nodding until the TT in swimming!  Of course, I am the least qualified to answer swimming issues, but I feel compelled to question it.   Just start at the front!   See, I told you I did not know what i was talking about.

Off for a swim lesson in my waterwings!
2009-04-28 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2115713

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
soccermom15 - 2009-04-28 1:06 PM

I'm about 6 pages behind - I just cannot keep up with you guys.  I know a bunch of people had races over the weekend and from what I can tell, they seemed to go pretty well.  Congrats to everyone!  I did a 10k on Saturday and got a new PR!  Beat last year's time by almost 4 minutes. 

Now I'm concentrating (read: worrying) about my first tri this weekend.  The bike portion really scares me.  My gears are working much better since I took the bike in to be adjusted, but I'm still worried about how I'm going to do.  The course is a double loop so I'm hoping that once I finish the first loop, I'll be OK since I'll know what to expect the second time around.  Of course, that could also backfire on me - I may realize after the first loop that there's no way I can do it again.  My DH and I are going to drive over to Columbia on Saturday after he gets off work (he wasn't supposed to work that day which is adding to my stress) and hopefully we'll have time to drive the course so I'll have some idea of what I'll be dealing with on Sunday morning.  Looking at the elevation chart for the course is part of what's freaking me out although I know they're not always accurate - and 7.47 miles compressed down into 12 inches makes the hills look really bad!  I really think I'll feel better about it after seeing the actual course. 

Question for you all - I know most people don't usually taper for a sprint but since this is my first one, I want to make sure that I'm not too worn out on race day.  I was planning to swim Wed and Fri morning (short swims with one of them a TT so I know how to place myself on Sunday), a short run tonight and possibly Sat morning if I feel like I need to release some tensionSmile, and a bike ride Wed night (a little harder effort) and Friday night (just an easy ride).  How does that sound?  I know I run races better if I have a couple of rest days or easy days before the race so I figured this would probably be the same? 


I think that sounds fine if you are up to it.  I checked out the race web site and are they really letting you enter your swim times in this late?  Wow.  In that case, your TT swim probably a good idea.  With the bike being a double loop you will always see people on the course and I think that will help you mentally.  You won't feel isolated and it is easier to get caught up in the race hype this way.  And driving the course is a GREAT idea. I do that every chance I get and it really helps settle my nerves. 

2009-04-28 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!

Hey Gang, I got a question for ya.  If you are unable to go for a swim before your start on race morning what do you do to warm up for your swim?  It takes me a good 200 yards before I am feeling the least bit warmed up and am able to get my breathing under control. 


2009-04-28 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
Janet... What do you need us for?! I think you have got everything dialed.  You are going to do awesome!  I would say as you come through for your second lap stay focused, and don't let the crowds push your pace at all.  Race within' yourself!
2009-04-28 12:50 PM
in reply to: #2115713

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
soccermom15 - 2009-04-28 1:06 PM

I'm about 6 pages behind - I just cannot keep up with you guys.  I know a bunch of people had races over the weekend and from what I can tell, they seemed to go pretty well.  Congrats to everyone!  I did a 10k on Saturday and got a new PR!  Beat last year's time by almost 4 minutes. 

Now I'm concentrating (read: worrying) about my first tri this weekend.  The bike portion really scares me.  My gears are working much better since I took the bike in to be adjusted, but I'm still worried about how I'm going to do.  The course is a double loop so I'm hoping that once I finish the first loop, I'll be OK since I'll know what to expect the second time around.  Of course, that could also backfire on me - I may realize after the first loop that there's no way I can do it again.  My DH and I are going to drive over to Columbia on Saturday after he gets off work (he wasn't supposed to work that day which is adding to my stress) and hopefully we'll have time to drive the course so I'll have some idea of what I'll be dealing with on Sunday morning.  Looking at the elevation chart for the course is part of what's freaking me out although I know they're not always accurate - and 7.47 miles compressed down into 12 inches makes the hills look really bad!  I really think I'll feel better about it after seeing the actual course. 

Question for you all - I know most people don't usually taper for a sprint but since this is my first one, I want to make sure that I'm not too worn out on race day.  I was planning to swim Wed and Fri morning (short swims with one of them a TT so I know how to place myself on Sunday), a short run tonight and possibly Sat morning if I feel like I need to release some tensionSmile, and a bike ride Wed night (a little harder effort) and Friday night (just an easy ride).  How does that sound?  I know I run races better if I have a couple of rest days or easy days before the race so I figured this would probably be the same? 


First of all Janet, rember that the gears are your friend.  I assume your mtn bike is a triple, use all three of those suckers in your race and however many gears you have in the back as well.  When going up a hill shift into the small ring up front and spin at a pace that is comfortable to you.  Being in the right gear will make the bike portion so much easier.  Hopefully this makes sense.  I have been working with my wife on this also, I would see her trying to go up hills in way too big of a gear, yeah she could make it most of the time but she was exhausted at the top.

As for tapering that plan looks good, but you are the best gauge for how you are feeling, if you start to feel a bit tired then back off this week.

The most important thing and this has been said many times in this group.

For your first tri, enjoy the experience.  Take your time, have fun, thank the volunteers/police/spectators. 
2009-04-28 12:51 PM
in reply to: #2115847

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! TIME TO TRAIN!
HollyW - 2009-04-28 1:42 PM

Hey Gang, I got a question for ya.  If you are unable to go for a swim before your start on race morning what do you do to warm up for your swim?  It takes me a good 200 yards before I am feeling the least bit warmed up and am able to get my breathing under control. 


Not much you can do, I hate it when they don't let you warm up in the water.  I just try to make sure I get started on a good rhythm and don't try to sprint the first 200 because I am so anxious.
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