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2011-01-19 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Thanks Joe & Jorge.

2011-01-19 7:23 PM
in reply to: #3309157

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Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Jorge - new question.  I don't plan to modify the workout schedule the way you have it laid out currently, but at the end of this program, if I started it fresh again but was looking to up the mileage a bit, how would I best accomplish this?

Should I add time onto the individual sessions and keep the effort around 70-75% for the extra time, or should I look to just add another day (probably more feasible from a time standpoint).  If so, how hard do you go on that day to make it wothwhile, without impacting the next planned session?
2011-01-21 10:08 AM
in reply to: #3309944

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
GoFaster - 2011-01-19 7:23 PM Jorge - new question.  I don't plan to modify the workout schedule the way you have it laid out currently, but at the end of this program, if I started it fresh again but was looking to up the mileage a bit, how would I best accomplish this?

Should I add time onto the individual sessions and keep the effort around 70-75% for the extra time, or should I look to just add another day (probably more feasible from a time standpoint).  If so, how hard do you go on that day to make it wothwhile, without impacting the next planned session?

That's a tough question and maybe a bit of perspective as to what happen when we train will be useful. As you know training load = volume + intensity. In our to improve our fitness our we place a strain our body, this causes a series of physiological adaptations and once the body recover from this stress your body will grow fitter because that initial strain won't be stressful anymore.

In order to improve your fitness again you will need another strain to induce new adaptations. The way we do this in endurance sports is by managing our load. Going very long at lower intensities produce certain adaptations maximizing some, going very hard produce other adaptations, going mid distance and sort of hard does the same.

In the end there is plenty of evidence suggesting a mix of this load produces the greatest training adaptations (i.e. you get fitter faster) because of the constant change in strain forcing our bodies to constantly adapt. This load management also allows your body to recover and keep adapting when you alternate hard/long sessions with easy ones.

The reason this plan is designed on the more intense part of the load equation is because it is focused on getting you to improve your critical power (or HR threshold) as much as possible within a limited schedule (time). Still, if you notice the plan has different levels of strain every week (3-4 different workouts at different % of CP and durations) and the intensities levels also vary depending on the phase focus (i.e. VO2 max, 20MP, CP). Finally, with the testing every 4 weeks it adds another element of strain as you adjust your zones as you get fitter forcing yet more adaptations.

Still, this plan lacks a bit of an specific element as it is general and has to match most athletes goals. The reason the focus is primary on CP is because this relates to maximum lactate steady state which is the best way to predict performance and improve training. The former means, in general the athlete with the highest CP (or HR threshold) will most likely be more successful endurance wise. The latter means, MLSS can help make your training more efficient by helping you manage your load at different intensities (%s of MLSS) to induce the most beneficial training adaptations.

If you are planning to race 70.3 or IM you need some adaptations specific to each event, so you need to address that with the volume side of the equation as simply the distances for those events can take your 2:30+ hrs and 5+ hrs respectively.  To use a simple analogy about a car. CP is important because it is the max speed (for ~1 hr). The other endurance part we need to address as the distance go up is the capacity. Thinking of the car, it means how long we can sustain max speed. 

Usually as our max speed goes up (CP) also our ability to produce sustainable power (capacity) which is why in general those with greater CP usually perform better. Still, as the duration increases our intensity decreases and your ability to sustain power (capacity) to take advantage of that top speed (CP) will depend on whether you have done the specific training to produce specific adaptations (i.e. muscle fiber fatigue resistance).

So, after all that long explanation -- *If* your goal is to continue getting the most 'bang for your buck' with limited time for training, certainly focus more on the intensity side of the equation. If your schedule is flexible then focus more on the volume side of the equation. As you move closer to your main event focus on the specifics of your training, do more of what you'll do on race day.For 70.3/IM that means going long (maximize your capacity), and just do a little to maintain that high CP.

To get the best of both worlds, mixed your load but be mindful about doing enough within your own limits. Think of: strain + recovery = adaptation (new fitness) and not: too much strain + not enough recovery = inability to adapt (no new fitness or injury/over training)
2011-01-21 3:39 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Bedford, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I did the two 18' intervals today - they seemed a bit harder than the three 12' intervals earlier in the week. 36 minutes didn't seem the same. Playing mental tricks to get through the last interval was fun.

My power was in the 93-94% range (293 and 290 watts), so a tiny bit low, but pretty constant through the 18 minutes.

I also just got a new saddle - ISM Adamo Road - so I'm dealing with the 'break in pain' period as well as the pain from the workout.

Fun, fun, fun!
2011-01-21 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3154535

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
2011-01-21 9:38 PM
in reply to: #3314523

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Bedford, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
JorgeM - 2011-01-21 9:07 PM Week # 13 is up!

I knew it - I was predicting those 4x10's and 2x20's!

Looking forward to it with a smidgen of trepidation!

2011-01-23 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I've had to put the plan on hold temporarily.  Two reasons, somewhat related.  A couple of weeks ago I played a game of squash (not something I do regularly) and I did something to a muscle deep in my... ummm...  derrière?  I can't tell if it's glute or hamstring or what but when I ride, it aggravates it.  It is also aggravated when I am driving for more than about a half hour.  It's on the right side so something to do with the motions of my leg and foot while driving triggers it.  The second reason is I have been training for my first half marathon and the race is next sunday (Ing Miami half marathon) so I'll be taking things easier this week.  I don't want to aggravate the muscle to the point that it affects my run (doesn't bother me running currently).

So after the race, my wife and I are on a cruise for a week and I'm hoping the injury will have cleared itself up by then and I will resume this program.  I have really enjoyed it to this point!
2011-01-24 8:04 AM
in reply to: #3154535

Ann Arbor
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Just finished the week 10 20MP test and I'm honestly rather disappointed.  Last test I averaged 227w and for this one I was hoping to get somewhere around 237-240w.  I had to miss week 7 but I felt very strong during the hard efforts the past few weeks.  I went out hardish this test and only managed to average 233w(only 2.6% improvement) with a dip to about 228w in the middle.  I was expecting much larger gains.

I had an easy end of the week granted I did an easy long run yesterday morning and a hard swim last night.  But when I woke up my legs didn't feel fatigued at all.

I don't have the time, energy, or willpower to re-test, so I'm just going to move on and hammer these next 5 weeks.

The bummer is that if I improve my 3MP too much, then it makes my CP even worse Yell
2011-01-24 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3317584

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
carlwithac - 2011-01-24 8:04 AM Just finished the week 10 20MP test and I'm honestly rather disappointed.  Last test I averaged 227w and for this one I was hoping to get somewhere around 237-240w.  I had to miss week 7 but I felt very strong during the hard efforts the past few weeks.  I went out hardish this test and only managed to average 233w(only 2.6% improvement) with a dip to about 228w in the middle.  I was expecting much larger gains.

I had an easy end of the week granted I did an easy long run yesterday morning and a hard swim last night.  But when I woke up my legs didn't feel fatigued at all.

I don't have the time, energy, or willpower to re-test, so I'm just going to move on and hammer these next 5 weeks.

The bummer is that if I improve my 3MP too much, then it makes my CP even worse Yell

a few things:

1. you improved your CP by 6w in ~4 weeks and probably having tested rested and pacing evenly you could have managed getting a few extra watts. That is very good! If you keep working on CP it will continue to improve.

2. 12-15% total gains over the duration of the plan for those training consistently is very good. Of course this will depend on variables such as how much training your are doing, your starting point (the fitter you are the harder to achieve gains), how rested you are for testing, etc. On average I would estimate people can make CP gains ~0.5-1% per week. What made you believe you could improve your CP ~6% in 4 weeks?

3. The 3 min test is influenced more by your anaerobic capacity, hence increments in it doesn't necessary benefit your CP which relies on your aerobic capacity (sustainable power). The reason we work on it at 1st was to set up the ceiling as to ho much you could improve your CP (besides other physiological adaptations). CP won't get as high as your 3MP but having a big 3MP or 5MP means you have room to push your CP higher.

4. This next final weeks are focused exclusively on CP and you should see good gains even if your 3MP stays the same or even decreases. Why? because we'll be focusing on improving your aerobic capacity!.

Keep on pushing, your gains were pretty good so don't too feel disappointed!
2011-01-24 9:38 AM
in reply to: #3317784

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
I'm finally getting ready to start the program.  I have 19 weeks to the big local Sprint race in June so that gives me 2-3 weeks of spare down time for business travel and illness that may occur.  Last years program gave me some nice increased speed in Sprints and looking forward to the "pain and suffering" y'all are talking about!
2011-01-24 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Hi Jorge,

thank you for the great program!

I just started it 3 weeks ago and will start Week 2 today. I was forced to only to a very limited amount of exercise for the last 3 months of 2010 and I started again in the beginning of January and jumped right into the program.
People have suggested that this might be a bit too much!?

I still want to try it but I have a question for you.

Based on my current abilities I estimated a critical watt of 185 for the 2 prep weeks which went very well. Then I did the 20min (avg 236 Watts) and 3 min (avg  296 Watts) tests last week and the new calculated CP was 225 Watts which is 40 more than the estimated during the first 2 weeks.

I am about to bike Day 1 of Week 2 and I am really scared because the value seem a bit high right now.

Should I adjust it or should I just suck it up and go for it? I am just afraid it will make me quite tired and negatively affect my swimming and especially run training every week.

Thanks for your input

Edited by Joblin 2011-01-24 10:36 AM

2011-01-24 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3154535

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2011-01-24 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Just had a bike fit done.  So, I've changed from a road position to a time trial position.  Anxious to see how this is going to affect things by only riding for a week in the new position before the test.

Anyway, the training plan is great.  It's helping realize how much burn you can tolerate for a given amount of time.  Before, I would always back off when I felt burn in the muscle in fear of bonking.  Now, I learned that that it's possible to push through the burn.  Just something I never tried to do before this plan.

So, I'm definitely getting stronger which I can feel.  Plus, getting better at listening to my body and learning the limits.  Hopefully the week 10 test will show some good results. 
2011-01-24 12:13 PM
in reply to: #3318070

Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
mrpetey - 2011-01-24 11:56 AM

Anyway, the training plan is great.  It's helping realize how much burn you can tolerate for a given amount of time.  Before, I would always back off when I felt burn in the muscle in fear of bonking.  Now, I learned that that it's possible to push through the burn.  Just something I never tried to do before this plan.

So, I'm definitely getting stronger which I can feel.  Plus, getting better at listening to my body and learning the limits... 

Jorge, I know this is a Winter Cycling Plan, but this brings up a point I was thinking about.

I'm curious how to use CP during a race.  Say you're racing an Olympic distance, do you go just below CP or should you "save some for the run"?


2011-01-24 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3318301

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2011-01-24 8:11 PM
in reply to: #3154535


Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
For the workout in Week5 day 2, is the 2 x 20mins at 80-85% of

A) The 20MP as tested on week 5 day 1
B) The CP as used weeks 1-4 or
C) The new CP as calculated using the new 20MP from a)


2011-01-24 10:58 PM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Question for Jorge - I am in week 5 and just did the 20MP i was dreading doing.   Went well, I think, average watts were 6% higher than week 1, a 17 watt increase (just the average, not CP).   Don't know what a good increase is, but I was hurting big big time at the end.  I have been doing two of the weekly workouts plus a longer outside ride on the weekends.  I am training for Calif. 70.3, so I had an 8 mile run Sat. and a 2:05 CT ride on IM Canada yesterday, legs were still a bit sore.

Given the HIM is in 10 weeks, obviously I won't get to the end before the race, do you suggest any alterations to the plan given that I have to also concentrate on longer runs?  Should I take out the remaining testing weeks?  Or just do as written until taper time?

Edited by ChrisM 2011-01-24 11:01 PM
2011-01-25 9:09 AM
in reply to: #3318007

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Joblin - 2011-01-24 10:34 AM Hi Jorge,

thank you for the great program!

I just started it 3 weeks ago and will start Week 2 today. I was forced to only to a very limited amount of exercise for the last 3 months of 2010 and I started again in the beginning of January and jumped right into the program.
People have suggested that this might be a bit too much!?

I still want to try it but I have a question for you.

Based on my current abilities I estimated a critical watt of 185 for the 2 prep weeks which went very well. Then I did the 20min (avg 236 Watts) and 3 min (avg  296 Watts) tests last week and the new calculated CP was 225 Watts which is 40 more than the estimated during the first 2 weeks.

I am about to bike Day 1 of Week 2 and I am really scared because the value seem a bit high right now.

Should I adjust it or should I just suck it up and go for it? I am just afraid it will make me quite tired and negatively affect my swimming and especially run training every week.

Thanks for your input

225w should be a more closely related number to your actual current fitness level so I would use that but be smart and see who it relates to your efforts. This program is design to make you push out of your comfort zone for sure and if you do the testing correctly the zones should match very closely to your actual level of fitness hence pushing too hard shouldn't be a big concern. Still, as I said it is a general plan and you have to make sure to push within your limits.
2011-01-25 9:16 AM
in reply to: #3318301

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
windandsurf - 2011-01-24 12:13 PM
mrpetey - 2011-01-24 11:56 AM

Anyway, the training plan is great.  It's helping realize how much burn you can tolerate for a given amount of time.  Before, I would always back off when I felt burn in the muscle in fear of bonking.  Now, I learned that that it's possible to push through the burn.  Just something I never tried to do before this plan.

So, I'm definitely getting stronger which I can feel.  Plus, getting better at listening to my body and learning the limits... 

Jorge, I know this is a Winter Cycling Plan, but this brings up a point I was thinking about.

I'm curious how to use CP during a race.  Say you're racing an Olympic distance, do you go just below CP or should you "save some for the run"?



depends on your fitness and your strength (to call it in some way) in the run. Consider CP equals roughly ~60min all out effort for some this will be around a 40k TT (+/-). So if for an open 40K TT you would go at 100% CP then for an Oly which is the same distance but with a 1.5K swim before and a 10K run after you certainly have to adjust.

A general range would be 85-95% of CP. Try different ranges in some race rehearsals see how this feels.

example for race rehearsal 1000yds swim at race pace, 40K TT race pace 3-5K race pace.

2011-01-25 9:18 AM
in reply to: #3319352

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
rolytav - 2011-01-24 8:11 PM For the workout in Week5 day 2, is the 2 x 20mins at 80-85% of A) The 20MP as tested on week 5 day 1 B) The CP as used weeks 1-4 or C) The new CP as calculated using the new 20MP from a) Cheers

percentages for workouts are always based on CP unless instructed different (i.e. 6x4' @ 20MP)
2011-01-25 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3319584

Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
ChrisM - 2011-01-24 10:58 PM Question for Jorge - I am in week 5 and just did the 20MP i was dreading doing.   Went well, I think, average watts were 6% higher than week 1, a 17 watt increase (just the average, not CP).   Don't know what a good increase is, but I was hurting big big time at the end.  I have been doing two of the weekly workouts plus a longer outside ride on the weekends.  I am training for Calif. 70.3, so I had an 8 mile run Sat. and a 2:05 CT ride on IM Canada yesterday, legs were still a bit sore.

Given the HIM is in 10 weeks, obviously I won't get to the end before the race, do you suggest any alterations to the plan given that I have to also concentrate on longer runs?  Should I take out the remaining testing weeks?  Or just do as written until taper time?

Chris, 1st of all congrats on the 17watt gain, that's good in 20MP!

About the HIM - if I remember correctly you are a good swimmer hence you can afford focusing a bit more on bike/run for the next weeks. You can do enough swimming to be in shape but you might not need to put too much hours in the pool that can be used for biking for instance.

In terms of tweaking the plan. I guess what matches better for a 70.3 would be week 7 to 15 which is 9 weeks (use 10 week for tapering). I would only do 3 sessions: Day 1 and 2  and the long ride. The long ride I would make sure to ride 2:15-3 hrs at least ever week which will be very race specific. If doing day 1 and 2 is a bit much intensity wise then do day 1 and 3 plus long ride.

Se how that blends with your running and go from there. I hope that helps!

2011-01-25 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3154535

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
Jorge - question on cadence.  I know this is repeated time and time again, every one needs to find an optimal cadence for themselves and that it is a very personal thing.  But I'm wondering what the impact is of a lower cadence?  For last weeks' 2x18min I aimed to hit 95% CP (227).

First interval = 225watts, 90 cadence
Second Interval = 229watts, 83 cadence

Am I "hurting" myself for the run by pushing a bigger gear?  And specifically for these indoor sessions, is it a mistake to push a bigger gear than what I may push outdoors?
2011-01-25 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3320167

Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
JorgeM - 2011-01-25 7:31 AM
ChrisM - 2011-01-24 10:58 PM Question for Jorge - I am in week 5 and just did the 20MP i was dreading doing.   Went well, I think, average watts were 6% higher than week 1, a 17 watt increase (just the average, not CP).   Don't know what a good increase is, but I was hurting big big time at the end.  I have been doing two of the weekly workouts plus a longer outside ride on the weekends.  I am training for Calif. 70.3, so I had an 8 mile run Sat. and a 2:05 CT ride on IM Canada yesterday, legs were still a bit sore.

Given the HIM is in 10 weeks, obviously I won't get to the end before the race, do you suggest any alterations to the plan given that I have to also concentrate on longer runs?  Should I take out the remaining testing weeks?  Or just do as written until taper time?

Chris, 1st of all congrats on the 17watt gain, that's good in 20MP!

About the HIM - if I remember correctly you are a good swimmer hence you can afford focusing a bit more on bike/run for the next weeks. You can do enough swimming to be in shape but you might not need to put too much hours in the pool that can be used for biking for instance.

In terms of tweaking the plan. I guess what matches better for a 70.3 would be week 7 to 15 which is 9 weeks (use 10 week for tapering). I would only do 3 sessions: Day 1 and 2  and the long ride. The long ride I would make sure to ride 2:15-3 hrs at least ever week which will be very race specific. If doing day 1 and 2 is a bit much intensity wise then do day 1 and 3 plus long ride.

Se how that blends with your running and go from there. I hope that helps!

Excellent, thanks Jorge, and thanks for the winter program, it's keeping me motivated and is exactly what I needed.
2011-01-26 8:24 AM
in reply to: #3295563

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011

cstoulil - 2011-01-12 3:49 PM I just finally started the program yesterday, been tinkering around with the trainer for a few weeks now getting used to it, I did a 3' and 20' test last week to get some kind of starting numbers.

Boy was I disapointed, only got 204 and 131 according to my nashbar watt master trainer.

Good news, I'm finally in week one and completed the first day, I forgot to look at the schedule and did the 3 min test first, not a big deal i'll just flip flop and do the 20 min test sat.

The good news is I went up 21 watts to 225 on my 3 min test and the last 25 seconds I held it at 270-290. I think I could have done better, but this is much improvement from the first test. The first test I started out too hard and dropped the whole time from about 45 seconds on. This time I maintained a steady pace with a strong finish.

I do have a question looking ahead the next few weeks on the program though. On week 2 and on, the first day it says to push 3-5w higher on the last set and that will be the baseline for the next week.

Now does that mean it will be the baseline for the day 1 MP sessions, or does it mean it will be the baseline for every workout that week?

After thinking about it again just now after typing I think it means just the day one sessions since it doesn't have the percentages for day 1 on week 3 on, but I'll go ahead and still ask to make sure since I already typed it.


Edited by cstoulil 2011-01-26 8:27 AM
2011-01-26 9:05 AM
in reply to: #3322118

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Cycling Program v3.0 - 2010 - 2011
cstoulil - 2011-01-26 8:24 AM

cstoulil - 2011-01-12 3:49 PM I just finally started the program yesterday, been tinkering around with the trainer for a few weeks now getting used to it, I did a 3' and 20' test last week to get some kind of starting numbers.

Boy was I disapointed, only got 204 and 131 according to my nashbar watt master trainer.

Good news, I'm finally in week one and completed the first day, I forgot to look at the schedule and did the 3 min test first, not a big deal i'll just flip flop and do the 20 min test sat.

The good news is I went up 21 watts to 225 on my 3 min test and the last 25 seconds I held it at 270-290. I think I could have done better, but this is much improvement from the first test. The first test I started out too hard and dropped the whole time from about 45 seconds on. This time I maintained a steady pace with a strong finish.

I do have a question looking ahead the next few weeks on the program though. On week 2 and on, the first day it says to push 3-5w higher on the last set and that will be the baseline for the next week.

Now does that mean it will be the baseline for the day 1 MP sessions, or does it mean it will be the baseline for every workout that week?

After thinking about it again just now after typing I think it means just the day one sessions since it doesn't have the percentages for day 1 on week 3 on, but I'll go ahead and still ask to make sure since I already typed it.


Ok sorry for the multiple questions, maybe I'm reading into it too much, I'm a little more confused after reading even farther ahead, maybe that is my problem, I shouldn't read ahead.

Anyway, week 2 day 1 says to do the set at 120%, now is that 120% of CP, or 120% of what I got on my 3 min test.

I only ask because looking ahead to week 6 I see you use your 20 min test for your baseline and not CP so that made me think maybe I use 120% of the 3 min test for the intervals in week 2 day 1 instead of 120% of CP. And maybe thats why I shouldn't have read ahead lol.

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