BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-01-18 12:48 AM
in reply to: cusilly

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Welcome to the group Christy!

Nice job on the races last year and good luck moving up to the 1/2M distance! Looking forward to seeing how you do this year and hoping we could all help you get there!


Originally posted by cusilly

I would love to join if you still have room!

Name: Christy

Story: I used to run in high school but stopped not long after I graduated. I started running again last year after the birth of my son. This year I have two goals- a sprint triathlon and a half-marathon. I am going back to school for my nursing degree so my training is changing monthly.

Family: Married with 3 young kids

Current training: 3-5 days a week (mostly running right now but hope to change that soon)

2014 races- did 4 5k's, 1 four mile, and 1 10k.

2015 races- Go girl run half, Win for KC sprint, and Run as one 5k. I may add a few others in there but have to look at my schedule.

Weight loss- I lost 25 pounds last year and hope to lose another 30 this year!

Would love someone to help me with my training and making sure I get out there!

2015-01-18 6:19 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: ---
Hopefully I am not too late to the party!

NAME: proofyeq / Graham

STORY: I used to run and swim a lot back when I was in the Navy, but ever since getting out that has gone by the wayside. I have been powerlifting(aka no endurance training weightsoever) for the past couple of years, which in turn has caused me to put on around 50lbs from my lean mean fighting machine days. I am now to the point that I am tired of feeling out of shape and immobile all the time and wanting to get back into shape. I have also always wanted to do a triathlon so I figured what better way to knock out two birds with one stone!

FAMILY STATUS: Fiance(who is a runner and extremely supportive) and a rescued Australian Kelpie / Border Collie (best running partner ever! even though he loves to sprint uphills)

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been running, swimming and biking (mix between road and mountain) 2x/week each, slowly increasing time each week. I have been slowly increasing time / distance every week.


2015 RACES: Signed up for High Cloud Peasantman Sprint in May, Jamestown Olympic in June, and Xterra Tri. Maybe through in a couple 5k and 10ks with the fiance!

WEIGHT LOSS: I would definitely like to lose some of the body fat I put on, but dont want to lose all my hard gained strength from power lifting.

Looking forward to this experience!

2015-01-19 9:52 AM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri & cycling kits
Hey Tony - glad you're feeling better. So far I've been able to avoid the flu - hope it stays that way.

Yes - heart rate per Polar heart rate monitor is 48 in the morning before I get out of bed. Most of that is genetic - it's never really high, maybe mid 60's even which I sit on the couch and don't exercise at all. I track morning heart rates 2-3 times a week to see if I'm getting more fit. I've been running for 6 months at this point - watched it slowly decrease from mid 60's to 48, which is where it sits. Never seen it lower than that.

Missed a couple workouts this week fighting off the respiratory junk that's going around here. Hit all of the long ones.
2015-01-19 12:42 PM
in reply to: Proofyeq

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: ---
Welcome to the group Graham!

What did you do in the Navy? I was also in years back and worked as an ET!

Congrats on signing up for your first tri's this year! You won't necessarily lose a lot of strength by doing endurance sports. The strength will actually help you out with cycling & running. You should continue to lift heavy 1-2 times a week though so you don't lose what you've worked on!

Welcome to the group!

Originally posted by Proofyeq

Hopefully I am not too late to the party!

NAME: proofyeq / Graham

STORY: I used to run and swim a lot back when I was in the Navy, but ever since getting out that has gone by the wayside. I have been powerlifting(aka no endurance training weightsoever) for the past couple of years, which in turn has caused me to put on around 50lbs from my lean mean fighting machine days. I am now to the point that I am tired of feeling out of shape and immobile all the time and wanting to get back into shape. I have also always wanted to do a triathlon so I figured what better way to knock out two birds with one stone!

FAMILY STATUS: Fiance(who is a runner and extremely supportive) and a rescued Australian Kelpie / Border Collie (best running partner ever! even though he loves to sprint uphills)

CURRENT TRAINING: I have been running, swimming and biking (mix between road and mountain) 2x/week each, slowly increasing time each week. I have been slowly increasing time / distance every week.


2015 RACES: Signed up for High Cloud Peasantman Sprint in May, Jamestown Olympic in June, and Xterra Tri. Maybe through in a couple 5k and 10ks with the fiance!

WEIGHT LOSS: I would definitely like to lose some of the body fat I put on, but dont want to lose all my hard gained strength from power lifting.

Looking forward to this experience!

2015-01-19 12:44 PM
in reply to: Eihposi

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: Week starting Mon 19!
Happy Monday everyone!

How did everyone's weekend go?

What's on everyone's agenda for the week? Feel free to share the numbers!

Total time planned:

Swim time / distance:
Bike time / distance:
Run time / distance:
Strength / other:

2015-01-19 2:14 PM
in reply to: Eihposi

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
If this is still open it looks like a great place for me.

Name: Jonathan Zsigovits or JZ

Story: I was 330lbs and had gastric sleeve surgery in 2013. Since then I started running and riding and lost 150lbs. I went from Couch-to-5K and built on that and finished my first marathon last fall. I did a dualthlon last summer and loved it but never swam before this year.

Family and Work: Father of three kids 11, 6, and 4 and have a decent job with good work life balance.

Current: In week 2 or 20 week beginner triathlete plan for an Olympic event at the end of May, 2015. I am in swimming program and assigned a coach while I swim. I am still working on the mechanics of swimming and building water confidence.

2014: 4:02 Marathon, 1:39 half marathon, 51 minute 10K and 20:51 5K, 30th place of 109 in Dualthlon were my highlights

2015: 10K on 2/1, Half Marathon 4/26, Blackbear Oly Tri 5/31, Qman Tri 9/26 and then either Steamtown or Rehoboth Marathon in fall.

I am a total tri newbie so can use a mentor and supportive group.

2015-01-19 2:37 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Sorry for the slow response. I was away this weekend unexpectedly.

Tony, it took about a little over a year. You would have fantastic weeks of losing 5+ Lbs, and bad week(s) of hitting a "plateau", and not losing anything.
My doctor just told me to stick with it, and it will happen, and it did. Along the way I learned a lot about nutrition, and eating habits. This is now a diet for life attitude, not just a "fad" diet, and then go back to eating what I was eating.

Thanks for letting me in, and hope to chat with everyone!

2015-01-19 2:39 PM
in reply to: Mr10670

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Hello... any room left ?

2015-01-19 2:39 PM
in reply to: JEVanHorn

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Very cool! Last group I was in I found someone who owned a cottage on Seneca Lake, so it is indeed a small world.
2015-01-19 4:16 PM
in reply to: #5082695

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
I was also an ET as well as a SCUBA diver on submarines, got out in 2009. I plan on main ting strength training two times a week, but nothing crazy or fancy.

My weeks goals are:

Cycle: 140mins (did 7ins earlier today)
Run: 110min
Swim: 3600m
Strength: 2 days, one upper day, one lower day.
2015-01-22 9:19 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Good morning everyone! Short run before work for me - hope you have a great day.

Planned Weekly Workouts in Time below. Doing the Couch to Sprint so not a lot of workouts yet. Trying to build consistency and get back at it.

2 sessions each

Swim - 45 minutes
Bike - 60 minutes
Run - 90 minutes
Strength - 90 minutes

Watching calorie intake closely as well. So far it's easy and enjoyable but feels absurdly, embarrassingly low. I'm normally the guy to do way too much, too soon and pay for it. So I'm really trying to stick with the plan.

Edited by gtkelly 2015-01-22 9:19 AM

2015-01-23 9:28 PM
in reply to: zsigovits

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Welcome to the group JZ!

Congrats on the weight loss, thats impressive! And your marathon as well!

Originally posted by zsigovits

If this is still open it looks like a great place for me.

Name: Jonathan Zsigovits or JZ

Story: I was 330lbs and had gastric sleeve surgery in 2013. Since then I started running and riding and lost 150lbs. I went from Couch-to-5K and built on that and finished my first marathon last fall. I did a dualthlon last summer and loved it but never swam before this year.

Family and Work: Father of three kids 11, 6, and 4 and have a decent job with good work life balance.

Current: In week 2 or 20 week beginner triathlete plan for an Olympic event at the end of May, 2015. I am in swimming program and assigned a coach while I swim. I am still working on the mechanics of swimming and building water confidence.

2014: 4:02 Marathon, 1:39 half marathon, 51 minute 10K and 20:51 5K, 30th place of 109 in Dualthlon were my highlights

2015: 10K on 2/1, Half Marathon 4/26, Blackbear Oly Tri 5/31, Qman Tri 9/26 and then either Steamtown or Rehoboth Marathon in fall.

I am a total tri newbie so can use a mentor and supportive group.
2015-01-23 9:29 PM
in reply to: tri42

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Sure thing, feel free to dive in Craig!

Originally posted by tri42

Hello... any room left ?

2015-01-23 9:32 PM
in reply to: Proofyeq

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Originally posted by Proofyeq

I was also an ET as well as a SCUBA diver on submarines, got out in 2009. I plan on main ting strength training two times a week, but nothing crazy or fancy.

My weeks goals are:

Cycle: 140mins (did 7ins earlier today)
Run: 110min
Swim: 3600m
Strength: 2 days, one upper day, one lower day.

Nice, another ET! I got out in 2004, stationed in San Diego.

Why not do 2 full body strength days rather then 1 a week focusing on upper/lower body? Better to do 2 workouts a week rather then 1!
2015-01-25 7:12 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Edwardsville, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Hi all,

Would like to join group. I am 45 yrs old and did 3 triathlons last season for my first go around. I am a former competitive swimmer who was always interested in tri but never considered myself a runner. After developing runners knee in both legs 15 years ago when attempting to train for Chicago Marathon, I gave up idea of sport even after being a year round athlete from age 12 to 18. I am also a clinical psychologist and teach part time in addition to full time job. One of the classes I teach is Health Psycology which is focused on preventing major medical diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes by helping people change their behavior. Well long story short, I decided that I needed to be a better role model to my students and improve my own health. Started by giving up all soda after 20 years of daily can of coke. Made some dietary changes, and started running again exactly one year ago this month. Didn't take long before I signed up for my first race. I am all in on triathlon now and plan to be a lifer.

Family: married for 14 years and have a soon to be 5 year old.

Current training: with 3 jobs and a pre-schooler, about 4-5 hrs a week. Still managed to easily finish an Oly last year with minimal training. Hope to increase this year.

This years races: starting with sprint distance Try-Tri in Edwardsvile IL. Not sure about the rest. One a month is a goal.

Weight loss: need to put on some lean muscle, already too skinny of a guy!
2015-01-25 9:58 PM
in reply to: #5076732


Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Hi, my name is michael and I believe this group is right for me. I've been an athlete most of my life mostly with baseball. I ran cross country and did a few tris around my college years but it was always a side bar to other sports. I'm 34 and a couple years back I got back into it. I started off by just running and completed my first marathon last November at stennis space station. Shortly thereafter I started having severe pain in my left ankle which ended up being a bone spur from an ankle injury from baseball years before. This has really knocked me down. I had the spur removed along with some ligament repairs in August of 2014 and I've just now started back training again. I'm doing a bike focused oly distance plan at the moment but I'm having to substitute a non impact elliptical machine for my runs. I ran on the track for the first time today for about 400 meters but I still have a ways to go. My bike and swim are strong at this point and I do most of my biking on a trainor. I find that my biggest obstacles are finding time to wo and being patient with my leg. I have a wife and two young girls.

2015-01-26 8:22 AM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Tony, Can you recommend a good strength building routine for triathlon?
2015-01-26 9:43 PM
in reply to: cmwoodsmall

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Originally posted by cmwoodsmall

Hi all,

Would like to join group. I am 45 yrs old and did 3 triathlons last season for my first go around. I am a former competitive swimmer who was always interested in tri but never considered myself a runner. After developing runners knee in both legs 15 years ago when attempting to train for Chicago Marathon, I gave up idea of sport even after being a year round athlete from age 12 to 18. I am also a clinical psychologist and teach part time in addition to full time job. One of the classes I teach is Health Psycology which is focused on preventing major medical diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes by helping people change their behavior. Well long story short, I decided that I needed to be a better role model to my students and improve my own health. Started by giving up all soda after 20 years of daily can of coke. Made some dietary changes, and started running again exactly one year ago this month. Didn't take long before I signed up for my first race. I am all in on triathlon now and plan to be a lifer.

Family: married for 14 years and have a soon to be 5 year old.

Current training: with 3 jobs and a pre-schooler, about 4-5 hrs a week. Still managed to easily finish an Oly last year with minimal training. Hope to increase this year.

This years races: starting with sprint distance Try-Tri in Edwardsvile IL. Not sure about the rest. One a month is a goal.

Weight loss: need to put on some lean muscle, already too skinny of a guy!

Welcome to the group! Sounds like you have a crazy busy schedule! Just stay consistent with your training and you'll it no prob!
2015-01-26 9:44 PM
in reply to: Mgoodson19

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Welcome to the group Michael!

Originally posted by Mgoodson19

Hi, my name is michael and I believe this group is right for me. I've been an athlete most of my life mostly with baseball. I ran cross country and did a few tris around my college years but it was always a side bar to other sports. I'm 34 and a couple years back I got back into it. I started off by just running and completed my first marathon last November at stennis space station. Shortly thereafter I started having severe pain in my left ankle which ended up being a bone spur from an ankle injury from baseball years before. This has really knocked me down. I had the spur removed along with some ligament repairs in August of 2014 and I've just now started back training again. I'm doing a bike focused oly distance plan at the moment but I'm having to substitute a non impact elliptical machine for my runs. I ran on the track for the first time today for about 400 meters but I still have a ways to go. My bike and swim are strong at this point and I do most of my biking on a trainor. I find that my biggest obstacles are finding time to wo and being patient with my leg. I have a wife and two young girls.
2015-01-26 9:47 PM
in reply to: gtkelly

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: Tri Weight Lifting Plan
This is one of the basic plans I like to have athletes start off on. It's all dependent on history, weaknesses, etc., but this is a good, all around,all body workout which is a good starting point.

Winter Training - Month 1.pdf (435KB - 25 downloads)
2015-01-26 9:49 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: Week starting Mon 26!
Happy Monday all!

How did everyone's week go? Plans for this week?

2015-01-27 6:37 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Edwardsville, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
Thanks Tony, forgot to state my name - I am Craig. Looks like we already have one in the group so CW is fine w me too.
2015-01-27 10:36 PM
in reply to: cmwoodsmall

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
No worries, we'll go with CW then! Welcome. You get buried in snow today?
2015-01-27 10:39 PM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Aurora, Illinois
Subject: Team Sport - blog post
Hi All,

Just wanted to share a quick blog post one of the athletes I coach wrote. He talks about the importance of having a good team, even though endurance sports are normally an individual sport.

Glad we all have each other to support here!

2015-01-28 7:18 AM
in reply to: tzcoaching

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Subject: RE: TZCoaching tri getting started group! - Open!
My plan for this week is nothing to crazy, just bike for 3 hours, run for 2 hours, and as far as the swim is to focus on proper swim technique(had some shoulder pain after a swim session last week so I'm assuming it was improper swim stroke.) With that being said, does anyone have any opinion on whether I should use Total Immersion or Swim Smooth? Seems to be split 50/50 on which people prefer. Ideally I would get a swim coach but as of right now it's not much of an option for me.
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