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2008-05-01 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Thought I would put a lighter question out there... my first race is this Saturday and the current water temp is... 64 degrees.  Is that cold?  They are "encouraging" neoprene caps.  I don't have neoprene but I've read that two caps and ear plugs help.  David, any experience with cold water tris?  I'm sure the Ohio crowd has some chilly races in the early season. 

Also, just read through everyones bios in this thread and I am excited to work with David and everyone else over the next few months.  You all have some incredible stories of weight loss and recovering from injury and also some great race experience of your own.  I hope to learn a lot from everyone and maybe give a piece or two of useful advice myself.  Good luck with your goals everyone... this will be fun!!!    

2008-05-01 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1373583

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
rc63413 - 2008-04-30 7:23 PM

I just finished one last Monday. I've run a few of them (5) and have found that the best thing you can do is swim or get on the bike! Probably swim would be the best since the muscles are quite different. Fatigued muscles and tendons are particularly prone to injury after such races or at the end of the long runs. Depending on how hard you put it out during the race, but your aerobic system could probably use a break as well. Keep everything easy for a few days while you savor your accomplishment. I would imagine your lack of ambition in the tri training is because your focus, as it should be, is on the task immediately in from of you. Carb and hydrate up later in the week cause you'll need em come mile 18-20 and on. Hit the fluids early and regularly. My first marathon I really learned the value of hydration and carbohydrates. When your hamstrings etc don't cramp up due to bonking, you recover a lot faster as well - duh. Have an awesome race!

Thanks for the encouragement. I thought about it more last night and I agree, I think it is my focus on my race taking over any focus I have on tri training. I don't think I fully realize how much mental energy I have on this race ;-) Oh and thanks for the notes about carbs and hydration...I've already been thinking a lot about it so unless I go absolutely insane I should be in good shape on both accounts. I guess there's nothing left to do but go out, put a a PB and have some fun ;-)

All the best, guys.
2008-05-01 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1374421

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
shaggy28 - 2008-05-01 8:50 AM

Thought I would put a lighter question out there... my first race is this Saturday and the current water temp is... 64 degrees.  Is that cold?  They are "encouraging" neoprene caps.  I don't have neoprene but I've read that two caps and ear plugs help.  David, any experience with cold water tris?  I'm sure the Ohio crowd has some chilly races in the early season. 

Also, just read through everyones bios in this thread and I am excited to work with David and everyone else over the next few months.  You all have some incredible stories of weight loss and recovering from injury and also some great race experience of your own.  I hope to learn a lot from everyone and maybe give a piece or two of useful advice myself.  Good luck with your goals everyone... this will be fun!!!    

Since it is a sprint I would not worry about the neoprene cap. It will be cold. 64 is some chilly a$$ water. I say that because you are not going to be in the water long enough for you to risk hypothermia or exposure issues.

I have done a sprint with no wetsuit in high 60-low 70 degree water and was fine. It was cold but once you get moving you are normally fine.

Air temp is the thing that kills me. During my olympic last year in September air temp at the start was in the high 30s, water temp was 74. Coming out of the water was a bit of a shocker and at the end of the ride it was maybe in the 50s. I couldn't feel my feet until a mile or two into the run. It had to be one of the coldest rides I have ever done in my life.
2008-05-01 8:05 AM
in reply to: #1374311

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
rc63413 - 2008-05-01 7:47 AM

I doubt I can get my swimming into shape for the endurathon Half Ironman, though it is tempting to do it with completion being the only goal. Probably a better bet would be the Rain ride which is a 165 mile (fast - though "it's not a race" )ride across Indiana that I have done before, though if I do that it is easy for me to lose my swimming focus in preparation for that. Would you drop the mid July goal (endurathon or RAIN ride) and just focus on the sprints and a late summer Oly distance tri?

Currently I am very fit aerobically with respect to running and cycling. I really worked on my swimming in the fall of 2006 but haven't since. I just started swimming again after Boston. Currently I can swim the 50m pool in 1:10 without breaking form somewhat relaxed. I do not know how far I can go, but expect to make rapid advances w.r.t. swim endurance but am unsure about speed. Do you feel that 2.5 months of swimmimg four days a week will get me to a point where I can muddle through (even if I need to back stroke) a half ironman? Do you feel I should hold off on that and just shoot for a good Oly in the fall?

I've never trained for a HIM and am totally a newbie to tri's but I'd suggest starting with the Oly. I mean if you haven't spent much time in the pool since `06 you'd be ramping up pretty darn quickly. Sure swimming is low impact but I'd still think you'd really be putting yourself at risk for an overuse injury. Personally, I'd do the Oly first and then schedule a HIM after that...but that's just one newbie's .02.

2008-05-01 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1374448

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

JChristoff - 2008-05-01 9:02 AM
shaggy28 - 2008-05-01 8:50 AM

Since it is a sprint I would not worry about the neoprene cap. It will be cold. 64 is some chilly a$$ water. I say that because you are not going to be in the water long enough for you to risk hypothermia or exposure issues. I have done a sprint with no wetsuit in high 60-low 70 degree water and was fine. It was cold but once you get moving you are normally fine. Air temp is the thing that kills me. During my olympic last year in September air temp at the start was in the high 30s, water temp was 74. Coming out of the water was a bit of a shocker and at the end of the ride it was maybe in the 50s. I couldn't feel my feet until a mile or two into the run. It had to be one of the coldest rides I have ever done in my life.

Wow!  High 30's air temp?  Luckily we are supposed to be in the mid-high 70's.  Last fall I used the wetsuit simply for the buoyancy but I guess I will learn it's true intent this weekend.  I think I'm also lucky that it's supposed to be a beach start so we won't just be idle in the water.   

2008-05-01 8:35 AM
in reply to: #1374311

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
rc63413 - 2008-05-01 7:47 AM
Newbz, I have been trying to pick out my first race. Around this area there are a number of sprints throughout the season, there is a half ironman in mid July (Muncie endurathon) and later in the summer surely I can find an olympic distance one. I doubt I can get my swimming into shape for the endurathon Half Ironman, though it is tempting to do it with completion being the only goal. Probably a better bet would be the Rain ride which is a 165 mile (fast - though "it's not a race")ride across Indiana that I have done before, though if I do that it is easy for me to lose my swimming focus in preparation for that. Would you drop the mid July goal (endurathon or RAIN ride) and just focus on the sprints and a late summer Oly distance tri?

Currently I am very fit aerobically with respect to running and cycling. I really worked on my swimming in the fall of 2006 but haven't since. I just started swimming again after Boston. Currently I can swim the 50m pool in 1:10 without breaking form somewhat relaxed. I do not know how far I can go, but expect to make rapid advances w.r.t. swim endurance but am unsure about speed. Do you feel that 2.5 months of swimmimg four days a week will get me to a point where I can muddle through (even if I need to back stroke) a half ironman? Do you feel I should hold off on that and just shoot for a good Oly in the fall?

What was your average long distance swim back then? Were you able to bust out a 2,000m continuous swim? I am sure you could get to the point in 2.5months where you can muddle your way through the 1.2mile swim but it wont be very comfortable.

You seem comfortable with riding... I know I couldn't bust out a 50mi ride @ 20mph. And if you BQ'd I am sure 13.1 would not be too bad. The question is do you think you could put it all together? I am sure you could get more BRICK workouts to increase you ability to run off the bike and lots of swimming to get to the distance. In that case, you could definately complete the distance.

Just like everything else in life... How badly do you want it and do you want to put in the time... Again... another newbies 0.02

2008-05-01 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1374311

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
as long as the suit fits you, it will do just fine.

if you have the time, you can train for tris and that ride. that being said if you are like the rest of us out here without a world of free time i would look to one or the other.

What is the longest you have swam to date? i would shoot for being able to swim the race distacne in an hour tops if you want to have a good day out there, ie make it through everything without struggling or hurting yourself. from personal experince, if you have not done anything over a sprint before, dont jump right into a half. doesnt mean you should not do it, but there is a good chance it is a bad idea (i did that, the outcome was not pretty. lots of things hurt for a long time after that). if i were you, and you think you can, maybe do a 2nd olympic, and work on things you think need work from the first one. the "shorter" races are a lot of fun, and olympics dont get the attention they deserve from a lot of age groupers. they are an awesome mix of doable on a normal amount of training, and still covering a good distance in a race.
and for most of us out there, you can actually race this distance.

that being said. if you want to do the half, and you were once able to swim that distance, you should be fine. two and a half months is enough time to get back there. you might want to find a little swim help in there, but you would be fine i think. the overall race as a whole will take a lot out of you if you are not used to the distances, but you have the running cycling. i think its a matter of whether you feel ready for a half, not the swim.

Edited by newbz 2008-05-01 10:38 AM
2008-05-01 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1374421

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

you will survive that temp, but its gonna be a cold one! i've raced in that without a wetsuit before and was deff cold, but not something that is going to hurt you as long as you keep moving. good incentive to get out of the water quick;-)
2008-05-01 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

David, regarding your suggestions on my run training.

Over the past 8 weeks (when I picked up my training after 15 days off) here is what I have:

W1: 5 run days, 24.4 miles

W2: 3 run days, 12.2 miles

W3: 4 run days, 19.8 miles

W4: 5 run days, 21.2 miles

W5: 5 run days, 24.3 miles

W6: 4 run days, 16.9 miles

W7: 3 run days, 12.0 miles

Last 4 days: 3 run days, 15.2 miles.

I note I have not consistenly put in 20-25miles per week and at least 4 days running per week.  I suggest the following workouts for the next few weeks and want to hear your comments when you get a chance.

Mon: Run 3-5miles Easy.

Tue: Run 5miles, 3 miles hard.

Wed: Run 3miles Moderate.

Thur: Bike

Fri: Run 3 miles Easy.

Sat: Race on Sunday = Run 2 miles easy, No race = Brick workout with 3 miles running.

Sun: Race = Race, No Race = Brick workout with 3 miles running.

Sometimes for my bricks I do a Bike-Run-Bike-Run-Bike, in which case I'd do about 4 miles of running during the brick.

Take your time and provide suggestions if you have them.  I have not yet followed any type of plan other than taking it easy right before and after a race.


2008-05-01 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1375379

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
if you are not too injury prone, this looks good. if you are, i would be wary of putting back to back hardish run days.

the one thing i would sudgest, and this is time/fitness dependent. start mixing up the distances a bit.

as an example, for these 4 days you sudgest doing something like this:

Mon: Run 3-5miles Easy.

Tue: Run 5miles, 3 miles hard.

Wed: Run 3miles Moderate.

Thur: Bike

Fri: Run 3 miles Easy.

instead possibly try something like this:

Mon: Run 4-6 miles Easy.

Tue: Run 3 miles, last 2 miles hard.

Wed: Run 4 miles Moderate/easy.

Thur: Bike

Fri: Run 3 miles Easy, with 5x 1 min at race pace. (this will introduce speed and leg turnever without hammering your legs into the ground).

also, whenever you can, and this goes to everyone else as well, try and get in a short run after any bike that you are able too, 5 min is plently. this is enough to get your legs used to running off the bike, will slowly add some mileage, and wont be enough running to fill up your schedule or hurt yourself.

finally, you will have to play around and see what worked best for you. by this i mean some poeple respond to diff workout types in different ways. as an example, whenever i run on the track and do shorter intervals, i end up getting hurt, so i try to limit most of my speed work to tempo and race pace runs.

by varrying up the distances a little, your body will be better able to cope with training loads (it will have harder days, easier days, faster, slower), and become much more able to put forth a harder effort when you need to than if you were doing close to the same distances each day.
2008-05-01 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1374951

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I think I will take the advice of the crew here and not get my eyes bigger than my belly. I will find some shorter stuff early in the summer and then see how the Olympic distance goes late in the season. Maybe after a year and a half of swimming I might be respectable and shoot for the HIM (Muncie Endurathon) next year.

Thanks for the input David, Chris, and JChristoff and others. Though I have an affinity for endurance sports, it is easy to forget that even the sprints are an hour plus of intense work. That sure doesn't sound like a sprinting to me! I think I will have my hands full with the sprints for awhile.

Best wishes in your marathon this weekend Chris.

Go get em Shaggy, can't wait to hear how it goes!

You guys are already rolling, it should be a fun summer!


2008-05-01 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1376590

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
i think thats probably a good choice.

and yes, even sprints are longer races. i focus on them a lot during the season, its a lot of fun;-)
2008-05-02 6:57 AM
in reply to: #1376791

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-05-01 9:42 PM

i think thats probably a good choice.

and yes, even sprints are longer races. i focus on them a lot during the season, its a lot of fun;-)

And you are freakin' fast too from what I have seen from the Miami Tri this year. You have any predictions for Sunday?

Swim 400m: 6min
Bike 20k: 38min
Run 5k: 24min
T1&T2: 2min
Total: 1:10

Definately won't get me anywhere near podium but should be a good time.
2008-05-02 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1376590

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Thanks for the well wishes, Greg.

Also, how'd everyone do with their training for April. My numbers aren't big by any means but they are a nice increase from my volume in March so I'm pretty happy. And I'll definitely show a big increase in swim and bike volume in May but my running numbers will come down a bit since I'll be finished with marathon training. Below is a summary.


(Picture 3.png)

Picture 3.png (8KB - 20 downloads)
2008-05-02 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I had one of my highest volume months ever... May will be even more... Then June will be more than May... I have been really happy training for my HIM and have really been enjoying the experience. I have a feeling that it will be getting a lot harder as I start to go longer. No worries though.

April's totals:
Bike: 11h 36m 57s - 214.66 Mi
Run: 7h 14m 06s - 50.48 Mi
Swim: 3h 12m 44s - 10300 Yd
Stationary Biking : 1h 00m

Edited by JChristoff 2008-05-02 7:30 AM
2008-05-02 9:12 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

April has been my biggest month so far (August 2007 I took 1 week off work and cycled a bunch, but I am not counting that).

I think May will be bigger.  I hope so.

April's totals:
Bike:11h 22m 07s  - 218.01 Mi
Run:10h 52m 20s  - 78.68 Mi

Edited by DieuEtMonDroit 2008-05-02 9:12 AM

2008-05-02 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1377227

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
if everything goes well and they report the times correctly i would like to see right around or just under 6 for the swim (i've been out of the pool aside for races for too long),
30-31 on the bike if no wind, 33 if windy,
19 on the run.

my totals for this month are not great,

28hrs on the bike
50 or so ran,
8k in the pool:-(

would like next months numbers to be around

30 bike hours
120 ran
32k swam

few setbacks this month hindered that though.
2008-05-02 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Well guys,

Here are mine. But before you get too excited about the hours look at the volume. I am slower than most of you so I have to work out longer. And.....I have the TTT at the end of this month.  By the way I think I'm the only female of this group.

April's totals:
Bike:34h 48m 03s  - 421.23 Mi
Run:18h 10m 17s  - 94.49 Mi
Swim:8h 55m 53s  - 21463.56 Yd
How did that happen


2008-05-02 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1377858

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

newbz - 2008-05-02 11:53 AM if everything goes well and they report the times correctly i would like to see right around or just under 6 for the swim (i've been out of the pool aside for races for too long), 30-31 on the bike if no wind, 33 if windy, 19 on the run. my totals for this month are not great, 28hrs on the bike 50 or so ran, 8k in the pool:-( would like next months numbers to be around 30 bike hours 120 ran 32k swam few setbacks this month hindered that though.

For the runs your talking miles right?


2008-05-02 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1377956

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
chrisrunzs26 - 2008-05-02 12:40 PM

Well guys,

Here are mine. But before you get too excited about the hours look at the volume. I am slower than most of you so I have to work out longer. And.....I have the TTT at the end of this month.  By the way I think I'm the only female of this group.

April's totals:
Bike:34h 48m 03s  - 421.23 Mi
Run:18h 10m 17s  - 94.49 Mi
Swim:8h 55m 53s  - 21463.56 Yd
How did that happen


Well, I know it didn't happen because you waited to join a group that had all men.    Because I think you joined 2nd right after me (or so, I did not go back to take a look).

Those look like huge numbers to me in both hours and distances.  I don't have/make time for that much.


Edited by DieuEtMonDroit 2008-05-02 12:38 PM
2008-05-02 12:59 PM
in reply to: #1378130

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
hahaha yes those are in miles.

and chris, those are still way more numbers than i am putting down all around. TTT is going to abuse me this year. these last few weeks of school have been very very bad for training (as myu april totals show).

2008-05-02 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1377227

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
so i need some advice from you guys.

Between school and training and finals this week/last, i am feeling wildly over trained. i am taking today, and tomorrow pretty much off, and had a day off yesterday.

i am supposed to race this weekend in a sprint race (OSU, and need to get the race in if i can).

so my question is, do you think with the three days off, i should be ok to go? i am not feeling bad now, but tried to run and it was just like nothing felt right.

i', thinking with two more nights sleep though things should be ok?


2008-05-02 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

David, My 2 cents is that you should take the days off and see how you feel. That is what my Coach tells me when I have the same issues as you. Are you sleeping well?? If you are you may not be as overtrained and in a hole as you could be. Do you do a resting HR? How is it these days?? It is evelvated more than 5-10bpm ?She also sez' to listen to my body and make sure I am eating enough. I think that prob. the 3 days will help alot but in the end you are the only one that can make that call.  So I guess actually I gave you my Coach's 2 cents but I think she is just the smartest Coach and that is what she tells me so that is what I am suggesting to you.


2008-05-02 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1378214

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-05-02 2:01 PM

so i need some advice from you guys.

Between school and training and finals this week/last, i am feeling wildly over trained. i am taking today, and tomorrow pretty much off, and had a day off yesterday.

i am supposed to race this weekend in a sprint race (OSU, and need to get the race in if i can).

so my question is, do you think with the three days off, i should be ok to go? i am not feeling bad now, but tried to run and it was just like nothing felt right.

i', thinking with two more nights sleep though things should be ok?



TTT is one of your A or B races right? If I am not mistaken it is an Ironman distance race just spread over 3 days. That is lot to walk into in 3 weeks time already feeling worked over.

You are feeling warn down and don't feel right when you are pushing on exercises (maybe to make up for what you feel is missed time...) Sounds to me like you need a couple of days. At least I would... If it is taking the day that really bothers you I would say active recovery. Spin out on a trainer real easy, short easy swim, you know... Stay on top of hydration and fueling to give the body what it needs to recover. I know on recovery days this is where I slack the most and would get the most benefit.

But then again... I am only a month into training for a HIM and don't have that much experience with goin' long

Edited to Add: Another thing... I don't think you will see much benefit from what work you put in now being 3 weeks out... You would basically start a taper in a week anyway right??

Edited by JChristoff 2008-05-02 1:27 PM
2008-05-02 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1378214

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

newbz - 2008-05-02 2:01 PM so i need some advice from you guys. Between school and training and finals this week/last, i am feeling wildly over trained. i am taking today, and tomorrow pretty much off, and had a day off yesterday. i am supposed to race this weekend in a sprint race (OSU, and need to get the race in if i can). so my question is, do you think with the three days off, i should be ok to go? i am not feeling bad now, but tried to run and it was just like nothing felt right. i', thinking with two more nights sleep though things should be ok? thoughts? thanks!

Is this a quiz?  After we all answer, you'll give us the right answer right?

I say race.


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