Subject: RE: Peachy November Challenge tri_jean - 2008-10-30 8:05 AM I wanted to thank you guys for all the encouragement. I do appreciate it. Turns out, I have to get knee surgery. Here's what I wrote on a different thread, just to keep you updated. You guys are doing great! SOOOO . . . you may or may not know that I have written several threads about my stupid knees. And what to do about them. And my dr.s (I think I enraged some other dr.s . . . oooops). Long story short, I have to get knee surgery. My MRI showed that my left knee cap is totally out of line. It is tilted and overhanging the other bones (whatever those are). So, yeah, I am getting knee surgery Nov. 7. I won't be able to "train" for three months. But, supposedly, this will fix my pain and be a miracle--as long as I do all the PT correctly, etc. Ah! I am actually kind of scared, but my knee hurts no matter what I do now and my Dr. was said there was NO way I should be running or doing a triathlon at all. I mean, I wake up with my knee aching and it hurts whenever I do any kind of exercise. If I keep going the way it is, it will eventually rub all of my cartaladge (sp?) away. So . . . any encouragement? Successes? So I am still going to be keeping track of diet on here. And I am going to be keeping track of physical therapy and strength training, but it's going to look like I am totally slacking on training for about three months. But I kind of don't have an option. I will do as much as I can. But I want a super-awesome recovery. Anyway, so there was the explanation. And, just to note, the Dr. who didn't do the MRI said that I should just go out and run. Good thing I got the expert opinion, huh? Sorry about your knee. I had the cartiladge scraped from the back of my knee cap(that probably makes you wince at the moment) because of a kneecap tracking issue about 7.5 years ago. The doc told me I probably should never be a runner with my anatomy and to give up on the idea. Devestating news for me. I asked him if I can manage it pain free would it be ok. He said he didn't think I would ever manage it pain free but if I could it would be fine. I have done a couple of 1/2 marathons, a marathon, an olympic distance tri and many other races all with no pain. I did my physio(you call it PT) and keep strong and my running never misses a beat (oh except for general slackness on my part). I plan to keep running til I'm old and grey(or at least a lot greyer than I am now). do you're PT, stay determined and you'll be fine. And we'll help keep you honest. All the best. |