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2009-06-14 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2115456

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
I'm glad I read this thread! Thanks so much for the advice about the goop and standing on the exit ramp!! 

I chose a full sleeved wetsuit - just because of the jellyfish - but now I am also glad I got it to keep off the Hudson River Heebie geebies.

I am scheduled to do a sprint at the end of June in the Hudson just so that I can get used to its ickiness. But the sprint is way up north in Sleepy Hollow and unfortunately, the water is probably clearer there - oh well.  Better than nothing.

Again, thanks for the advice!

Yours truly,


2009-06-14 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
What else? hmmm...

If you're a strong swimmer and you're comfortable with the strong current, pick a spot on the outside of the pack (towards the middle of the river). If you're not, stay towards the inside. The further away from the wall/shoreline you are, the stronger the current is.

There's an aid station right as you leave T2, but the next one isn't until about the 1.25mile point, after you enter the park. If you're too discombobulated from the bike and you run past the aid station in T2 without getting a drink, that run along 72nd St. can feel awfully long and hot. I brought a little 4oz bottle of sports drink with me out of T2 and I was happy to have it. I ditched it as soon as I got to the park. In case it matters to you, the sports drink on the course this year is Cytomax. Last yr it was Accellerade.

2009-06-15 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2217261

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-06-14 11:16 PM What else? hmmm... If you're a strong swimmer and you're comfortable with the strong current, pick a spot on the outside of the pack (towards the middle of the river). If you're not, stay towards the inside. The further away from the wall/shoreline you are, the stronger the current is. There's an aid station right as you leave T2, but the next one isn't until about the 1.25mile point, after you enter the park. If you're too discombobulated from the bike and you run past the aid station in T2 without getting a drink, that run along 72nd St. can feel awfully long and hot. I brought a little 4oz bottle of sports drink with me out of T2 and I was happy to have it. I ditched it as soon as I got to the park. In case it matters to you, the sports drink on the course this year is Cytomax. Last yr it was Accellerade.

Thanks for all this info, it's great.  One question, did you bring your own bottle to t2 and they filled it for you or did they have bottles for you to take (this may be a stupid question)? 
2009-06-15 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2214876


Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Thanks Michelle!

I am really excited and nervous! For the bike ride is it necessary to have a Road Bike? Or would a mountain bike be ok?

2009-06-15 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2217535

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
trying1 - 2009-06-15 6:58 AM

jmk-brooklyn - 2009-06-14 11:16 PM What else? hmmm... If you're a strong swimmer and you're comfortable with the strong current, pick a spot on the outside of the pack (towards the middle of the river). If you're not, stay towards the inside. The further away from the wall/shoreline you are, the stronger the current is. There's an aid station right as you leave T2, but the next one isn't until about the 1.25mile point, after you enter the park. If you're too discombobulated from the bike and you run past the aid station in T2 without getting a drink, that run along 72nd St. can feel awfully long and hot. I brought a little 4oz bottle of sports drink with me out of T2 and I was happy to have it. I ditched it as soon as I got to the park. In case it matters to you, the sports drink on the course this year is Cytomax. Last yr it was Accellerade.

Thanks for all this info, it's great.  One question, did you bring your own bottle to t2 and they filled it for you or did they have bottles for you to take (this may be a stupid question)? 

No, I brought my own bottle, already filled, and had it with my T2 gear (running shoes, race belt, etc.) You have to pack in all of your nutrition, including fluids, the morning of the race. (I think that answers your question, right?)

The aid stations on the run hand out cups, not bottles, and there aren’t any aid stations on the bike course.
2009-06-15 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2219471

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-06-15 5:31 PM
trying1 - 2009-06-15 6:58 AM
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-06-14 11:16 PM What else? hmmm... If you're a strong swimmer and you're comfortable with the strong current, pick a spot on the outside of the pack (towards the middle of the river). If you're not, stay towards the inside. The further away from the wall/shoreline you are, the stronger the current is. There's an aid station right as you leave T2, but the next one isn't until about the 1.25mile point, after you enter the park. If you're too discombobulated from the bike and you run past the aid station in T2 without getting a drink, that run along 72nd St. can feel awfully long and hot. I brought a little 4oz bottle of sports drink with me out of T2 and I was happy to have it. I ditched it as soon as I got to the park. In case it matters to you, the sports drink on the course this year is Cytomax. Last yr it was Accellerade.

Thanks for all this info, it's great.  One question, did you bring your own bottle to t2 and they filled it for you or did they have bottles for you to take (this may be a stupid question)? 
No, I brought my own bottle, already filled, and had it with my T2 gear (running shoes, race belt, etc.) You have to pack in all of your nutrition, including fluids, the morning of the race. (I think that answers your question, right?) The aid stations on the run hand out cups, not bottles, and there aren’t any aid stations on the bike course.

 That makes sense.  Thanks for all the info!

2009-06-15 8:56 PM
in reply to: #2209208

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-06-10 11:05 PM One of my pet peeves about the way the NYC Tri is promoted is the way in which they talk about the swim as if it's so easy. Yes, the strong current is nice, and yes, you'll probably PR your Oly swim split. But you still need to train for it and prepare for it. It's still open water, it's still a wave start with 50-100 other people, you still have to sight and to navigate, and there are still obstacles, critters, and whatnot to contend with. I don't lay the blame entirely on the RD's--I think it's the reputation that the race has gotten, but I plan to make a point of telling people during my orientation tours that they shouldn't take the swim lightly. Oh--one more thing I forgot to mention by way of a tip: (and you already know this if you've done the race) DO NOT stand up at the end of the swim until your feet are on the exit ramp. If you stand up in the water, you will sink into the nasty, silty goo at the bottom and will end up with black gunk all over you. The RD's are debating putting mirrors up next to the rinse showers between swim exit and T2, which I think is a great idea.

Just to add on the underestimated swim - I know a couple people who trained well in general but barely for the swim because of all the things you hear about people floating down the river. Well one of those guys was in the water for an hour - an hour in the Hudson is unheard of. I had just learned to swim and did it in 23 minutes. It's still hard and it's still a swim, but you gain a nice chunk of time with the current.

Also, the mirrors are a brilliant idea! My face was black after the swim and I wiped it off with my hand as I exited the water and it was covered in silt. I had a small wet towel in transition and just gave it a good wipe before getting on the bike.
2009-06-16 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2218022

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Extreme Veteran
Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
chanachor5 - 2009-06-15 10:39 AM Thanks Michelle!

I am really excited and nervous! For the bike ride is it necessary to have a Road Bike? Or would a mountain bike be ok?


Hey Megs:

I saw people in tri, roadies, mountain, beach crusers you name it. For your first race you'll be fine. When you get addicted (and you will) you can upgrade to a road bike with aeros or even a tri bike. I'm still on a road bike and it suits me just fine. And be sure to go on JMK-Brooklyns tour - he'll give you the inside scoop and it's so helpful to see all the transition areas and water where you'll be swimming beforehand - helps take some of the nervous factor down a notch. Hopefully we'll meet at the expo or race. Feel free to drop any last minute questions here or on my blog on the site, happy to help!

2009-06-16 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
When is the jmk-brooklyn tour?  Are there any plans for a BT meet-up? I am also looking for someone to do a ride across the GW and up 9A.   I am not the strongest biker and would like to fiend a friendly group to tag along with.  Any thoughts?
2009-06-16 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2222495

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-06-16 5:17 PM

When is the jmk-brooklyn tour?  Are there any plans for a BT meet-up? I am also looking for someone to do a ride across the GW and up 9A.   I am not the strongest biker and would like to fiend a friendly group to tag along with.  Any thoughts?

I'll be doing transition area tours on the Saturday before the race (as will lots of other volunteers). Once I know my schedule, I'll post it. If you've never done the race before, I recommend the tour. The run in/out and the bike in/out can be complicated since there are two separate transition areas.

2009-06-16 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Just an update for those of you wondering how many waves will be before you.

A friend of mine who is the director for the First Responder Challenge said that the start will be in this order:

1 Pro Males
2 Pro Females
---5:00 break---
3 Elite
4 Challenged Athletes
5 Challenged Athletes 2
6 First Responders
7-? Age Groupers

For those wondering about the tides, this can give you an idea.

2009-06-17 9:24 AM
in reply to: #2217261

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
jmk-brooklyn - 2009-06-14 11:16 PM What else? hmmm... If you're a strong swimmer and you're comfortable with the strong current, pick a spot on the outside of the pack (towards the middle of the river). If you're not, stay towards the inside. The further away from the wall/shoreline you are, the stronger the current is. There's an aid station right as you leave T2, but the next one isn't until about the 1.25mile point, after you enter the park. If you're too discombobulated from the bike and you run past the aid station in T2 without getting a drink, that run along 72nd St. can feel awfully long and hot. I brought a little 4oz bottle of sports drink with me out of T2 and I was happy to have it. I ditched it as soon as I got to the park. In case it matters to you, the sports drink on the course this year is Cytomax. Last yr it was Accellerade.

Hi JMK, thanks for all the advice.  First time Oly on July 26, many sprint tri's and du's under the race belt.  Just signed onto this website!  Your comment above is a bit confusing to me -- as a weaker swimmer, wouldn't you want to be outside the wall, to reap the maximum benefit of the current?  Or am I missing something here?  All of my previous open water experience has been on lakes without currents (did Patanella's Pancake in 2007 in Raritan Bay, but no current there, either), so I'm not very familiar with the situation.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!  E.
2009-06-17 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2222495

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Subject: Any way to test ride the NYC Tri bike?
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-06-16 6:17 PM When is the jmk-brooklyn tour?  Are there any plans for a BT meet-up? I am also looking for someone to do a ride across the GW and up 9A.   I am not the strongest biker and would like to fiend a friendly group to tag along with.  Any thoughts?

I've been going up Palisades Pkway / Hudson Terrace on weekends (and occasionally doing the 10k CP run afterwards as a brick workout).  Not sure what your fitness level is -- I'm not great, probably average around 16-17 mph for a 40 klick ride.  I'm sort of weak on hills but better sustaining a good tempo on flats.  I practice w/ a friend in Central Park during the week -- if you (or anyone else on this forum) want to do a few laps with us before tackling 9A, drop a line.

My question to everyone is whether there is any way to "test ride" the NYC Tri bike course prior to the race.  I'm guessing not, but in that case, perhaps someone can give some pointers as to the course difficulty, elevation, things to watch out for, etc.  I tried to map the ride on Gmap Pedometer (which gives elevations for courses), but can't figure out how to do it, as the map automatically follows street traffic rules, which bungles the mapping.  I haven't found any other resources yet on the elevation (that's why I got on to this website forum -- I got sidetracked by the excellent forum discussions!).

This forum looks really great -- thanks to everyone in advance for your advice and thoughts!  E.
2009-06-17 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2223860

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Subject: RE: Any way to test ride the NYC Tri bike?
Try mapping it on

You should be able to get elevation from there. The race website doesnt give you any elevation maps?
2009-06-17 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
aske and ye shall receive....seems like i moght have said that before, lol

almost there, i am soooo psyched!!!

2009-06-17 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2223860

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Any way to test ride the NYC Tri bike?
ericolaf - 2009-06-17 10:37 AM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-06-16 6:17 PM When is the jmk-brooklyn tour?  Are there any plans for a BT meet-up? I am also looking for someone to do a ride across the GW and up 9A.   I am not the strongest biker and would like to fiend a friendly group to tag along with.  Any thoughts?

I've been going up Palisades Pkway / Hudson Terrace on weekends (and occasionally doing the 10k CP run afterwards as a brick workout).  Not sure what your fitness level is -- I'm not great, probably average around 16-17 mph for a 40 klick ride.  I'm sort of weak on hills but better sustaining a good tempo on flats.  I practice w/ a friend in Central Park during the week -- if you (or anyone else on this forum) want to do a few laps with us before tackling 9A, drop a line.

My question to everyone is whether there is any way to "test ride" the NYC Tri bike course prior to the race.  I'm guessing not, but in that case, perhaps someone can give some pointers as to the course difficulty, elevation, things to watch out for, etc.  I tried to map the ride on Gmap Pedometer (which gives elevations for courses), but can't figure out how to do it, as the map automatically follows street traffic rules, which bungles the mapping.  I haven't found any other resources yet on the elevation (that's why I got on to this website forum -- I got sidetracked by the excellent forum discussions!).

This forum looks really great -- thanks to everyone in advance for your advice and thoughts!  E.

Because it's on the Henry Hudson you cannot test ride it but you can drive it or take a cab on it if you're nervous and want to see it. The course is really nice actually and not overly hilly. There are a couple good climbs that make it feel challenging but it's not overwhelming. If you do head out on 9W and make it all the way to Nyack (about 36 miles RT from the Jersey side of the GW) there is a good climb coming out of Pieremont that makes for good practice. It's almost a mile long and about 4-5% grade. If that's not an option, do repeats on the upper loop of Central Park during your park rides. Whenever I'm in the park I throw an extra upper loop on every two loops or so. It's fun and breaks up the monotony of the looping.

2009-06-17 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2224672

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
Rudedog55 - 2009-06-17 2:19 PM aske and ye shall receive....seems like i moght have said that before, lol

almost there, i am soooo psyched!!!


Thanks!  I found it on my own once I got off the forum...  Like I said, I was looking for that, but got sidetracked by the NYC Tri specific posts!  I read somewhere that the hills on the NYC Tri bike course are not as bad as the ones for the Harriman State Park sprint tri's (run by NYC Tri and SBR).  If that is the case, then I am in (relatively) good shape, I think.  The problem, of course, is always the psychological part of the race.  It's always tough doing a particular race for the first time -- when you don't know when and how it ends, it's always more tiring!  E.
2009-06-17 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2224883

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Subject: RE: Any way to test ride the NYC Tri bike?
LazyMarathoner - 2009-06-17 3:26 PM
ericolaf - 2009-06-17 10:37 AM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-06-16 6:17 PM When is the jmk-brooklyn tour?  Are there any plans for a BT meet-up? I am also looking for someone to do a ride across the GW and up 9A.   I am not the strongest biker and would like to fiend a friendly group to tag along with.  Any thoughts?

I've been going up Palisades Pkway / Hudson Terrace on weekends (and occasionally doing the 10k CP run afterwards as a brick workout).  Not sure what your fitness level is -- I'm not great, probably average around 16-17 mph for a 40 klick ride.  I'm sort of weak on hills but better sustaining a good tempo on flats.  I practice w/ a friend in Central Park during the week -- if you (or anyone else on this forum) want to do a few laps with us before tackling 9A, drop a line.

My question to everyone is whether there is any way to "test ride" the NYC Tri bike course prior to the race.  I'm guessing not, but in that case, perhaps someone can give some pointers as to the course difficulty, elevation, things to watch out for, etc.  I tried to map the ride on Gmap Pedometer (which gives elevations for courses), but can't figure out how to do it, as the map automatically follows street traffic rules, which bungles the mapping.  I haven't found any other resources yet on the elevation (that's why I got on to this website forum -- I got sidetracked by the excellent forum discussions!).

This forum looks really great -- thanks to everyone in advance for your advice and thoughts!  E.

Because it's on the Henry Hudson you cannot test ride it but you can drive it or take a cab on it if you're nervous and want to see it. The course is really nice actually and not overly hilly. There are a couple good climbs that make it feel challenging but it's not overwhelming. If you do head out on 9W and make it all the way to Nyack (about 36 miles RT from the Jersey side of the GW) there is a good climb coming out of Pieremont that makes for good practice. It's almost a mile long and about 4-5% grade. If that's not an option, do repeats on the upper loop of Central Park during your park rides. Whenever I'm in the park I throw an extra upper loop on every two loops or so. It's fun and breaks up the monotony of the looping.

Thanks!  I think that would be a good idea...  I will maybe rent a Zipcar and do a drive-by one of these days.  I may even borrow a Flip camcorder from a friend and record it.  If I do, I will be sure to post it online so others can see it!  As for 9W, I usually take the Henry Hudson Drive, along the river.  It bypasses the 9W for a while (up until Alpine something-or-other), and has great views, has great tree coverage, and most importantly, a few challenging hills.  Sadly my tri bike's gear ratio setup is such that my granny gears are really lacking, so I suffer on those hills!

Have you done the Harriman State Park sprint tri's?  As I mentioned earlier, someone has said that the hills in that race are worse than the NYC Tri bike course, which is heartening to me...

2009-06-17 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2223823

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
ericolaf - 2009-06-17 9:24 AM

jmk-brooklyn - 2009-06-14 11:16 PM What else? hmmm... If you're a strong swimmer and you're comfortable with the strong current, pick a spot on the outside of the pack (towards the middle of the river). If you're not, stay towards the inside. The further away from the wall/shoreline you are, the stronger the current is. There's an aid station right as you leave T2, but the next one isn't until about the 1.25mile point, after you enter the park. If you're too discombobulated from the bike and you run past the aid station in T2 without getting a drink, that run along 72nd St. can feel awfully long and hot. I brought a little 4oz bottle of sports drink with me out of T2 and I was happy to have it. I ditched it as soon as I got to the park. In case it matters to you, the sports drink on the course this year is Cytomax. Last yr it was Accellerade.

Hi JMK, thanks for all the advice.  First time Oly on July 26, many sprint tri's and du's under the race belt.  Just signed onto this website!  Your comment above is a bit confusing to me -- as a weaker swimmer, wouldn't you want to be outside the wall, to reap the maximum benefit of the current?  Or am I missing something here?  All of my previous open water experience has been on lakes without currents (did Patanella's Pancake in 2007 in Raritan Bay, but no current there, either), so I'm not very familiar with the situation.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!  E.

I suppose. I probably should have just said, "If you want the strong current, stay to the outside..." If you've never swum in current like that, it could be unnerving. Hanging onto the rope waiting to start felt like being in a horizontal waterfall. It's also more crowded on the outer part of the pack.

I suppose it goes without saying, but other than jumping in and holding on to the rope until they blow the horn, there's no warming up in the water. If you let go of the rope and swim downstream, you won't be able to get back.

I think there was a video of the nyc tri bike course on the website last year. Did you check YouTube?
2009-06-18 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2225045

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Any way to test ride the NYC Tri bike?
ericolaf - 2009-06-17 4:12 PM
LazyMarathoner - 2009-06-17 3:26 PM
ericolaf - 2009-06-17 10:37 AM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-06-16 6:17 PM When is the jmk-brooklyn tour?  Are there any plans for a BT meet-up? I am also looking for someone to do a ride across the GW and up 9A.   I am not the strongest biker and would like to fiend a friendly group to tag along with.  Any thoughts?

I've been going up Palisades Pkway / Hudson Terrace on weekends (and occasionally doing the 10k CP run afterwards as a brick workout).  Not sure what your fitness level is -- I'm not great, probably average around 16-17 mph for a 40 klick ride.  I'm sort of weak on hills but better sustaining a good tempo on flats.  I practice w/ a friend in Central Park during the week -- if you (or anyone else on this forum) want to do a few laps with us before tackling 9A, drop a line.

My question to everyone is whether there is any way to "test ride" the NYC Tri bike course prior to the race.  I'm guessing not, but in that case, perhaps someone can give some pointers as to the course difficulty, elevation, things to watch out for, etc.  I tried to map the ride on Gmap Pedometer (which gives elevations for courses), but can't figure out how to do it, as the map automatically follows street traffic rules, which bungles the mapping.  I haven't found any other resources yet on the elevation (that's why I got on to this website forum -- I got sidetracked by the excellent forum discussions!).

This forum looks really great -- thanks to everyone in advance for your advice and thoughts!  E.

Because it's on the Henry Hudson you cannot test ride it but you can drive it or take a cab on it if you're nervous and want to see it. The course is really nice actually and not overly hilly. There are a couple good climbs that make it feel challenging but it's not overwhelming. If you do head out on 9W and make it all the way to Nyack (about 36 miles RT from the Jersey side of the GW) there is a good climb coming out of Pieremont that makes for good practice. It's almost a mile long and about 4-5% grade. If that's not an option, do repeats on the upper loop of Central Park during your park rides. Whenever I'm in the park I throw an extra upper loop on every two loops or so. It's fun and breaks up the monotony of the looping.

Thanks!  I think that would be a good idea...  I will maybe rent a Zipcar and do a drive-by one of these days.  I may even borrow a Flip camcorder from a friend and record it.  If I do, I will be sure to post it online so others can see it!  As for 9W, I usually take the Henry Hudson Drive, along the river.  It bypasses the 9W for a while (up until Alpine something-or-other), and has great views, has great tree coverage, and most importantly, a few challenging hills.  Sadly my tri bike's gear ratio setup is such that my granny gears are really lacking, so I suffer on those hills!

Have you done the Harriman State Park sprint tri's?  As I mentioned earlier, someone has said that the hills in that race are worse than the NYC Tri bike course, which is heartening to me...


I haven't done the Harriman races but NYC is really not bad. Just average with a few long climbs, nothing crazy. I just started riding a 12-27 (thanks Rudy!!) on my tri bike in prep for the hilly riding I'm doing in WI this week and it makes a huge difference on the hills!
2009-06-18 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2226402

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Subject: RE: Any way to test ride the NYC Tri bike?
LazyMarathoner - 2009-06-18 10:28 AM
ericolaf - 2009-06-17 4:12 PM
LazyMarathoner - 2009-06-17 3:26 PM
ericolaf - 2009-06-17 10:37 AM
drcherrybomb21 - 2009-06-16 6:17 PM When is the jmk-brooklyn tour?  Are there any plans for a BT meet-up? I am also looking for someone to do a ride across the GW and up 9A.   I am not the strongest biker and would like to fiend a friendly group to tag along with.  Any thoughts?

I've been going up Palisades Pkway / Hudson Terrace on weekends (and occasionally doing the 10k CP run afterwards as a brick workout).  Not sure what your fitness level is -- I'm not great, probably average around 16-17 mph for a 40 klick ride.  I'm sort of weak on hills but better sustaining a good tempo on flats.  I practice w/ a friend in Central Park during the week -- if you (or anyone else on this forum) want to do a few laps with us before tackling 9A, drop a line.

My question to everyone is whether there is any way to "test ride" the NYC Tri bike course prior to the race.  I'm guessing not, but in that case, perhaps someone can give some pointers as to the course difficulty, elevation, things to watch out for, etc.  I tried to map the ride on Gmap Pedometer (which gives elevations for courses), but can't figure out how to do it, as the map automatically follows street traffic rules, which bungles the mapping.  I haven't found any other resources yet on the elevation (that's why I got on to this website forum -- I got sidetracked by the excellent forum discussions!).

This forum looks really great -- thanks to everyone in advance for your advice and thoughts!  E.

Because it's on the Henry Hudson you cannot test ride it but you can drive it or take a cab on it if you're nervous and want to see it. The course is really nice actually and not overly hilly. There are a couple good climbs that make it feel challenging but it's not overwhelming. If you do head out on 9W and make it all the way to Nyack (about 36 miles RT from the Jersey side of the GW) there is a good climb coming out of Pieremont that makes for good practice. It's almost a mile long and about 4-5% grade. If that's not an option, do repeats on the upper loop of Central Park during your park rides. Whenever I'm in the park I throw an extra upper loop on every two loops or so. It's fun and breaks up the monotony of the looping.

Thanks!  I think that would be a good idea...  I will maybe rent a Zipcar and do a drive-by one of these days.  I may even borrow a Flip camcorder from a friend and record it.  If I do, I will be sure to post it online so others can see it!  As for 9W, I usually take the Henry Hudson Drive, along the river.  It bypasses the 9W for a while (up until Alpine something-or-other), and has great views, has great tree coverage, and most importantly, a few challenging hills.  Sadly my tri bike's gear ratio setup is such that my granny gears are really lacking, so I suffer on those hills!

Have you done the Harriman State Park sprint tri's?  As I mentioned earlier, someone has said that the hills in that race are worse than the NYC Tri bike course, which is heartening to me...


I haven't done the Harriman races but NYC is really not bad. Just average with a few long climbs, nothing crazy. I just started riding a 12-27 (thanks Rudy!!) on my tri bike in prep for the hilly riding I'm doing in WI this week and it makes a huge difference on the hills!

Yeah, I'm told the 12-27 cassette setup is meant to be the best for a tri bike w/ 2 rings up front, if you want to be able to take hills...  Did you switch the cassette out on your bike?  Can I ask how much that set you back? 

2009-06-21 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2222643

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
MForger18 - 2009-06-16 7:23 PM

Just an update for those of you wondering how many waves will be before you.

A friend of mine who is the director for the First Responder Challenge said that the start will be in this order:

1 Pro Males
2 Pro Females
---5:00 break---
3 Elite
4 Challenged Athletes
5 Challenged Athletes 2
6 First Responders
7-? Age Groupers

For those wondering about the tides, this can give you an idea.

UGH! That stinks...last year, my wave was at approx 6:05am.
I guess it's only fair huh?
2009-06-23 4:37 PM
in reply to: #2115456

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread

jmk-brooklyn (and other helpful NYC'ers): THANKS for posting all this great info!  What a great discussion.  This will be my first Oly, I've done 3 sprints this season.  Heading up from Georgia to do this with my sister in-law who lives in NJ.  All of the info here is really helpful.

FWIW, for those of you with a Computrainer, I found this link for the bike course:

(disclaimer: I have not tried this myself yet, too darn busy, but hope to try it soon)

Thanks again for all the great infromation.  Hope there will be a BT meet-up of some sort.



2009-06-24 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2238037

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Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
A BT meet-up would be cool, and I think I owe a few people on here a beer or two for the useful info!

Is anyone else doing the NYCSwim Riverside Tune-Up ( a couple of weeks before the tri? From what I've heard, it's the same course as the tri.

2009-06-24 8:57 PM
in reply to: #2241106

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Nautica New York City Triathlon : Official Thread
philjlee - 2009-06-24 7:38 PM A BT meet-up would be cool, and I think I owe a few people on here a beer or two for the useful info! Is anyone else doing the NYCSwim Riverside Tune-Up ( a couple of weeks before the tri? From what I've heard, it's the same course as the tri. Phil

I am. There is also an aquathon but I'm just doing the swim. We can plan to meet prior to the start. It's not the same course, but near it although it's late in the morning so it's usually current neutral, or at least it was last year. I heard it was a good swim though!
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