BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2009-12-31 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Tara - I had the same issues on hills when i first started.  My new riding route is VERY hilly, but has very little traffic, so i feel safe.  I think that fastest I've been down a hill is 34.5 mph and i don't care to go any faster than that!  I think my bigger fear is riding in traffic.

Patricia - so sorry to hear about your accident.  Hope your knees are feeling better  {{{hugs}}} 

Stefanie - I just got an Xterra wetsuit too!  But I really haven't had a chance to wear it yet with it being too cold.  The first one I received just felt way to tight so I exchanged it for a size up.  I think I'm going to like it if i ever get to wear it!

Erika - Yes, I just started a BT beginner HIM training plan 2 weeks ago and so far so good!

As for me... I got in a 56 mile bike ride on my upcoming HIM race route and it took 3:38.  I took it somewhat slow since this was a new distance for me (avg 15.5). I could have done a little better, but honestly, not by much. It was windy and flat; therefore non-stop pedaling. I felt good up until about mile 30 and hung on until mile 45. The last 10 miles were un-fun. I hope to go back and do the course once a month up until the race and later add some bricks.

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!!!


2010-01-01 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2586969

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

Maria -- congrats on the 56 mi ride! it's a great idea to get that distance under your belt a few times beofre the race. very cool that you can do it ON the race course - can't get any more race-specific training than that! when is the HIM?

2010-01-01 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
happy new year !

happy 2010 ladies !

I know the whole new year's resolution thing can get really overwhelming (it is for me!) so let's break it down into smaller pieces.

What are your goals for this week?

mine are to get in more runs for my 100-runs-in-100-days challenge (per my tri club) and to log my calories (the winter weight and post IM weight .. yikes!).

what are yours?
2010-01-01 10:40 PM
in reply to: #2576738


Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

Hey there!!! Happy New Year!!! What I hope to accomplish before next friday is:  2 runs (30 mins each), 2 (1/3 mile each ) swim sessions, 2 half hour biking sessions, and 2 pilates sessions!  I'm so excited and enjoying the variety of exercising rather than just sticking to running all the time!  Hope everyone else is doing well and I hope you had a wonderful New Year! 

2010-01-02 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2588596

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
trishie - 2010-01-01 10:27 PM

Maria -- congrats on the 56 mi ride! it's a great idea to get that distance under your belt a few times beofre the race. very cool that you can do it ON the race course - can't get any more race-specific training than that! when is the HIM?

The HIM is May 8.  I have an Oly prior to that on April 10.  I just don't know what to do about my biking but to keep riding.  It's so frustrating not to be able to average a higher speed.  Guess I'm just impatient and need to pay my dues.  As a matter of fact, I need to go get on the trainer right now!

I go back to work Monday after two weeks off.  I'll do better once I get back into a normal routine.
2010-01-02 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2589181

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Great goals, Tara. Keep us updated

Maria, my average bike speed is like yours --- 15.5ish mph. It took me years to get faster in running so I'm thinking biking will be the same ! Just keep riding. The more miles, minutes, hours in the saddle = the better.

I was off all week too (furlough days).

2010-01-02 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Looks like we have several members in the same biking range. I typically average between 15.5 and 16. I have topped out at races in the 17-18 range but not really in training.

My goals for the week are to get back into work mode (I have been off for 2 weeks), Run tomorrow, and work in my workouts some how this coming week. I am not sure what the week will hold for me since the office has been closed for 2 weeks so working out might be a lot of the trainer and a treadmill.
2010-01-02 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2588616


Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Happy New Year to you ALL!!

I think that I am just going to try and do weekly goals so I don't get overwhelmed! My goals will be to pick a tri training program, go to the gym at least 5 days next week and to do at least the biking and running programs until I am able to do the swim stuff.

Is this ok?

2010-01-03 6:41 PM
in reply to: #2589894

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
stefanier - 2010-01-02 8:28 PM Looks like we have several members in the same biking range. I typically average between 15.5 and 16. I have topped out at races in the 17-18 range but not really in training.

My goals for the week are to get back into work mode (I have been off for 2 weeks), Run tomorrow, and work in my workouts some how this coming week. I am not sure what the week will hold for me since the office has been closed for 2 weeks so working out might be a lot of the trainer and a treadmill.

Exactly!  My last sprint tri I averaged over 18.  I think I recall at least one long training ride that was closer to 17, but it seems lately I've slowed down.  And today was the worst!

It was 32 deg and WINDY! This was a very difficult ride. Fingers went numb a few times but eventually warmed up. Feet pretty much stayed cold and numb throughout. I don't know what to do about it other than to double up socks. Overall, my body did not feel too bad, just the fingers and toes got really uncomfortable.

The wind was so strong we were barely making progress (avg 13.5). There was even ice forming on my training partner's aero bottle! We started out for a 48 mile loop but changed our minds at the (very hilly) turn off in favor of a 40 mile out and back.

This ride was quite unpleasant, but I kept reminding myself of our northern BTers who endure far worse training conditions than this.

I also go back to work tomorrow after two weeks off.  I don't want to, but I'm grateful to have a job.

2010-01-04 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
maria you are a rockstar! those are some rough conditions to ride though ! nicely done

how is everyone doing this back-to-work monday?
2010-01-04 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2593645

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Ahh...thanks for all the well-wishes on my retreat!  It was awesome.  Plus, I managed to squeeze in 2 4-mile easy runs on the treadmill in the workout room.  Add that to 5 days of 2-3 hours of yoga per day...I'm feeling ready to start my first "official" week of base training!

I'm a total wuss when it comes to winter workouts outdoors.  Blame it on my Californian upbringing.  So today was Tabata class followed by an hour of spinning.  My goals this week are to stick to my training schedule (3 bikes, 3 swims, 3 runs) plus add in 1 weight/conditioning class (check!) and 2 yoga sessions.  So far, so good. 


2010-01-05 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2593937

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
IronDiva - 2010-01-04 9:49 PM Ahh...thanks for all the well-wishes on my retreat!  It was awesome.  Plus, I managed to squeeze in 2 4-mile easy runs on the treadmill in the workout room.  Add that to 5 days of 2-3 hours of yoga per day...I'm feeling ready to start my first "official" week of base training!

I'm a total wuss when it comes to winter workouts outdoors.  Blame it on my Californian upbringing.  So today was Tabata class followed by an hour of spinning.  My goals this week are to stick to my training schedule (3 bikes, 3 swims, 3 runs) plus add in 1 weight/conditioning class (check!) and 2 yoga sessions.  So far, so good. 


very nice work ! What's "Tabata" class?
2010-01-05 9:00 AM
in reply to: #2594424

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Tabata = 20 seconds of hard effort/10 seconds of rest x 8.  So, 4-minute "sets" of exercises (the class mainly focuses on bodyweight stuff, like jump squats on/off a bench, pushups, burpees, etc.)

Supposedly it is a really great way to up the VO2max, so I'm giving it a shot!
2010-01-05 1:16 PM
in reply to: #2593645

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
We hit the ground running yesterday!  Back to the ole grindstone.  Now I have to fit my training around work again.  I do really good with a schedule, but I'm so mentally exhausted after work that evening workouts are tough to tackle.

But I joined a new Health Center yesterday that has all of the wonderful comforts that I've missed at the YMCA.  Our YMCA is small and dirty and not maintained.  I think this new facility will help me get through the winter with tons of classes before and after work and an indoor track.

Registration opens tonight at 7 pm for the May 8 Half Iron race.  Ready or not, it's time to commit!  There's nothing like a paid registration to keep your training honest!  I know I'm not experienced enough to be doing this, but I'm just going to trust the training plan to get me there.
2010-01-05 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

Hi Trishie!

I know your group is closed Frown but I wanted to see if I could get on a wait list?

I really wanted to join a women only group to help me stay motivated and supported for the 2010 season. I have four sprint Tri's on my schedule, Jun - Sep. Plus, my email/login/blog have been SBTriChick since I started training so I already have a name to match your group! Tongue out

If something changes or you can squeeze in one more, please let me know! I read through the posts and this sounds like a great group I would love to be a part of.

Take care all, let me know if something opens up!

Pamela (

2010-01-06 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2595499

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
maria40nc - 2010-01-05 2:16 PM We hit the ground running yesterday!  Back to the ole grindstone.  Now I have to fit my training around work again.  I do really good with a schedule, but I'm so mentally exhausted after work that evening workouts are tough to tackle.

But I joined a new Health Center yesterday that has all of the wonderful comforts that I've missed at the YMCA.  Our YMCA is small and dirty and not maintained.  I think this new facility will help me get through the winter with tons of classes before and after work and an indoor track.

Registration opens tonight at 7 pm for the May 8 Half Iron race.  Ready or not, it's time to commit!  There's nothing like a paid registration to keep your training honest!  I know I'm not experienced enough to be doing this, but I'm just going to trust the training plan to get me there.

Yay for a new Health Center I hate that I pay $80 (!!) a month for my gym, but it's clean, 5 min from my home, has an indoor/ outdoor pool, etc. It makes SUCH a difference!

Are you registered for your HIM???

2010-01-06 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2596286

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
sbtrichick - 2010-01-05 6:48 PM

Hi Trishie!

I know your group is closed Frown but I wanted to see if I could get on a wait list?

I really wanted to join a women only group to help me stay motivated and supported for the 2010 season. I have four sprint Tri's on my schedule, Jun - Sep. Plus, my email/login/blog have been SBTriChick since I started training so I already have a name to match your group! Tongue out

If something changes or you can squeeze in one more, please let me know! I read through the posts and this sounds like a great group I would love to be a part of.

Take care all, let me know if something opens up!

Pamela (

sure we had a few that seems to have dropped out, so one more would be great!
2010-01-06 7:27 AM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
calling all mentees!

if you haven't checked in in a while, please do so !
2010-01-06 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2597020

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
trishie - 2010-01-06 8:26 AM Are you registered for your HIM???

YES!  No chickening out now.  Everytime I want to skip or skimp on a workout, all I have to do is think about that HIM looming in a distance.  I just hope I can make some speed gains before then.  I feel like I have the endurance to do the distances, but I just can't seem to get up to speed. 
2010-01-06 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Maria you get all of the credit for having a May HIM. We looked arelier season reasons and ended up picking one in late September!

However, DH and I have solidified our race schedule for the year. Yippie!!! (Well for now)

June 27- Irongirl Atlanta Sprint (1/3 mile, 18 mile, 3 mile)
July 11- Chattanooga Waterfront Olympic
August 22- TriPTC Sprint (1/3 mile, 14 mile, 5K)
September 26- Ironman Augusta 70.3
October 31- Tri Cooter Sprint (1/4 mile, 12 mile 5K)
2010-01-06 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2576738

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
Maria -- congrats on signing up ! Having a race on the sked is definitely motivation.
Stef -- looks like a good year ahead

2010-01-06 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2576738

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Santa Barbara, CA
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!

NAME: Pamela (SBTriChick), going to be 50 this Friday 1/8. How the heck did that happen!

STORY: June 2008 my husband I decided to do our local Santa Barbara Sprint Triathlon. And I specifically signed up for the Women Only Sprint, which is super short: 500 yd swim, 6 mile bike, 2 mile run.  

I didn't know how to swim. Really. Like I couldn't dog paddle more then 10 feet without panicking. And put my face in the water. Forget it. I almost drowned as a toddler and the primal imprint in my psyche is there forever. At age two, I have a vivid memory of bubbles rising through murky green sunlit water and then fade to black. Apparently I was knocked off a dock by rough housing cousins and the aunt that was supposed to be watching me had lost track of me. My mother sprinted across a field and retrieved me from the bottom and someone resuscitated me. Anyway...June 2008 I signed up for adult swim lessons at the local YMCA and I currently can do the distance, it's just painfully slow and it ain't pretty. (3:30 mins to do 100 yds in the pool) I still feel sick to stomach every time I slide in the end of the pool.

When I did my first tri, I spent an hour on sign up day trying to find someone who could tell me how long I had to finish the 500 yd ocean swim? I was worried I would be disqualified for taking too long! By the way, NO ONE knew the answer and kept looking at me like I was crazy. I knew it was taking me close to 30 mins to cover that short 500 yds.

I have always loved to bike from my first red tricycle at age three in 1963 to my beloved Purple Schwinn Stingray with the sparkly silver banana seat and white basket with flowers Santa brought when I was eight, to my sleek silver Klein road bike with pink handlebar tape I currently ride  Zooommmm..even here I have endurance, but no real speed. Which I need to develop for sprints.

I run, but I have a bad hip. Bad enough that my doc and PT gal have limited me Sprints only, with caution. I acknowledge and press on. I actually like to run, but my hip gets annoyed I am slow, 10 min miler. Want to be faster.

FAMILY STATUS: My hubster is fabulous and has taken Tri's beyond me already. At this moment out for an 8 mile run   We have a blended family of three kids, all in their 20's and don't live at home.

CURRENT TRAINING: Ack. Schedule? What schedule. Up until now I have just winged it. That's why I am here, to build a consistent plan. Currently signed up for the beginner winter training plan and started three days ago, so far so good  

I am a corp VP in finance and work 8AM - 6PM or later M-F. Makes weekday training a struggle. And getting up a 4 AM ain't my thing, but it may have to become my thing Cry, cuz doing my workout last night at 8 PM home at getting home at 9:30 PM sucked.

2009 RACES: I COMPLETED these races. But I didn't train well and I flopped across the finish lines like a fish out of water and the "swims" were dog-paddled, float on my back hyperventiling at the very back of the back the entire race. All these races are open Ocean. The Oxnard Race had 6-8 foot swells on race day and I was knocked flat on to the beach taken out from behind. After I quit crying like a baby and a 5-10 min T1,  I rinsed the sand out of mouth and finished the race---barely

Jun 2009: Ventura CA Breath of Life Sprint Tri
Jul 2009: Oxnard, CA Strawberry Fields Sprint Tri
Aug 2009: Santa Barbara, CA Women Only Sprint Triathlon

2010 RACES: I want to COMPETE (finish in top 10-20% of my age group) in the these races. The only good news about turning 50 this year is I will be the baby in my age group! I am fortunate enough to have four races less than an hour drive from home:

Jun 2010: Ventura CA Breath of Life Sprint Tri
Jul 2010: Oxnard, CA Strawberry Fields Sprint Tri
Aug 2010: Santa Barbara, CA Women Only Sprint Triathlon
Sep 2010: Carpinteria, CA Sprint Tri (maybe Olympic?)

WEIGHTLOSS: I want to lose about 10 lbs. The same 10 lbs I have wanted to lose for about five years

My blog is sbtrichick.b if you'd like to know more about me. However, judging by the length of this post, half of you are probably already sleep and the other half bored to tears

"I may not feel like working out today, but I will feel great when I am done!"


2010-01-06 11:59 AM
in reply to: #2581145

Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - OPEN !

Hey Tania --- welcome !

very cool that you do krav magna -- I don't know a lot about it but I know you must be pretty hardcore.

the swim scares a lot of people to death - don't worry about it --- you have plenty of time to learn.  Danskin is an all-women's tri, right?

LOL - I do like to think that I am pretty hardcore, especially when I have 6'5" 300 pound cops wailing on me in class and I stand my ground!

The Danskin Tri is all-women, yes.  I also signed up to do one local to me at the end of May - The 'You've Got the Nerve' triathlon.  I need to get my Y membership so I can start the swim training next week.  So far I have just been running.  I have been cruising this website trying to absorb all the info contained within.  I'll try to check back in our forum more often!

Thanks,  Tania
2010-01-06 12:00 PM
in reply to: #2576738

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, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
stefanier - 2010-01-06 9:06 AM Maria you get all of the credit for having a May HIM. We looked arelier season reasons and ended up picking one in late September!

Stephanie - I only picked that one because I am a whimp and this is a totally flat course!  It has a crystal clear lake and a very oragnized setup/transition area.  I'm more concerned about the Beach to Battleship HIM in Nov.  It has hills and two different transition sites, plus the swim starts at yet another location; so you're dealing with three separate areas.  You finish on the opposite side of the water channel and have to find a way back your car.  It looks TOTALLY complicated.  So White lake is to "get my feet wet" before this monster.

Nice variety in your race schedule!  How far are you from Savannah?  We did the Savannah Fun Fall Sprint on Halloween and had a blast!  Well, except that the swim was cancelled due to contaminated water (ick!).  We ended up doing run, bike, run and I won my age group!  But I wondered where in GA you are?

Pam - Welcome to the group!  Sounds like you are doing well to overcome your fear of the water.  You can do it!!!!
2010-01-06 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2597477

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Subject: RE: Trishie's Tri Chicks - CLOSED!
hey Pam ! happy early birthday !

v. cool that you are overcoming your fear or swimming. great goals for 2010 and I'm excited to follow your progress.

welcome to the group!

I'll add you to my blogroll so I can follow you there
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