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2010-05-13 4:52 PM
in reply to: #2857550

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-14 6:43 AM
TriAya - 2010-05-13 4:32 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-14 6:18 AM
rayd - 2010-05-13 4:18 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-13 3:11 PM
ray6foot7 - 2010-05-13 3:55 PM Cancer

Growing old and decrepid.  Old is fine, decrepid- not so much.

Having to deal with having cancer for over 10 years now, I can safely say that is one thing that I'm definitely NOT scared of. 

Bugs on the other hand, the big creepy crawly ones... freak the pewp outta me!

so you are now cancer free?  I hope

One day I will be. 

Yes, you will.

Thank you so much my glorious Yanti! 

Soooo much love for you


(still trying to figure out what fruit is between lemons and oranges!)

Oooh! I think TANGERINES are an excellent pick for you!!! Because you are so SWEET and TANGY!!!

{{{MELON PRESS}}} of the non-suffocating variety.

2010-05-13 4:59 PM
in reply to: #2857577

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
TriAya - 2010-05-13 4:52 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-14 6:43 AM
TriAya - 2010-05-13 4:32 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-14 6:18 AM
rayd - 2010-05-13 4:18 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-13 3:11 PM
ray6foot7 - 2010-05-13 3:55 PM Cancer

Growing old and decrepid.  Old is fine, decrepid- not so much.

Having to deal with having cancer for over 10 years now, I can safely say that is one thing that I'm definitely NOT scared of. 

Bugs on the other hand, the big creepy crawly ones... freak the pewp outta me!

so you are now cancer free?  I hope

One day I will be. 

Yes, you will.

Thank you so much my glorious Yanti! 

Soooo much love for you


(still trying to figure out what fruit is between lemons and oranges!)

Oooh! I think TANGERINES are an excellent pick for you!!! Because you are so SWEET and TANGY!!!

{{{MELON PRESS}}} of the non-suffocating variety.

Yay!  Tangarines it is then! 

And thanks for not suffocating me, but I really wouldn't mind being suffocated by your  melons!  

At least not to the point of passing out... that would be a bit much
2010-05-13 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2857539

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Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
cardenas1 - 2010-05-13 6:39 PM

Shots, and not the jack daniels kind.   I pass out when giving blood etc and always have since a kid.   Tomorrow I have to go have hand surgery and will be first time I have to be put under anathesia (sp?)...   Let's jsut say I won't be sleeping much this evening.  

ha! I was always under the impression you were a tough guy! NOT!

   Mine are much more rational. I am scared of crickets. They can jump so high so fast and who knows what damage they can do if one landed in my hair (take a look at my pics to see how rational that fear is).
   The other fear is losing more fitness due my heart issues. Bugs me more most days than dying from it.

  Eels touching me in the water. Yuck.

  Bichon Frise since one bit me (3 times!) last week.


  blueeyedbikergirl- you just inspired me and many others w/your acknowledgment. Your spirit is really really amazing!. We would never have guessed. 


Edited by blairrob 2010-05-13 5:04 PM
2010-05-13 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2857225

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Spanish Fork, UT
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
1)  I'm terrified of heights.  So much so that I'll get dizzy looking at pictures where the photog is near a cliff.
2)  Elevators.
2010-05-13 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2857484

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-13 3:18 PM
rayd - 2010-05-13 4:18 PM
blueyedbikergirl - 2010-05-13 3:11 PM
ray6foot7 - 2010-05-13 3:55 PM Cancer

Growing old and decrepid.  Old is fine, decrepid- not so much.

Having to deal with having cancer for over 10 years now, I can safely say that is one thing that I'm definitely NOT scared of. 

Bugs on the other hand, the big creepy crawly ones... freak the pewp outta me!

so you are now cancer free?  I hope

One day I will be. 

I'm sorry to hear that.  I would have never guessed that about you.  And yes, one day you will be cancer free!
2010-05-13 5:20 PM
in reply to: #2857514

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Parker, CO
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
TriAya - 2010-05-13 3:31 PM
rayd - 2010-05-14 6:11 AM A Melon Press

Oh, be afraid. Be very, very afraid. People have nearly suffocated in there.

made me laugh!  Laughing

2010-05-13 5:32 PM
in reply to: #2857514

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2010-05-13 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2857225

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2010-05-13 6:09 PM
in reply to: #2857629

Irvine, California
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?

1.  I fear being inadequate.   I've made good progress with self-esteem/self-confidence, but the doubts/fears sometimes linger.

2.  I sometimes fear there is no meaning to life, no gods, no afterlife, and that the universe is just random, dispassionate and cold.  But then I try to remind myself that, even if this is so, it just makes life more special -- since then all that matters is what we believe, and how we act towards one another, here and now.

3.  I don't really fear death, but I do fear people close to me dying.  (I think that's pretty common.)

4.  A world without coffee.    Hmm, maybe this should be #1.

2010-05-13 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2857225

Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
Flying in an airplane (especially over water) - I like having a bale out plan.  This fear is somewhat rational since about 7 years ago, I was on a plane that had to make an emergency landing.  I started freaking out when I saw the oxygen masks falling from the area around the little fans/lights.

Bugs, especially when they are inside.  I have been camping many times and don't mind the bugs then, but those bugs better not ever come into my apartment.

Falling - I much prefer that my feet are on the ground.  If I have to jump, I don't want to jump onto something; I would prefer to have my feet land on the ground.  (I have had surgery on my ankle 3 times and I am extremely afraid that the next injury will cause me to have great difficulty walking.)
2010-05-13 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2857225

Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
Getting shot at work.

2010-05-13 6:29 PM
in reply to: #2857670

Extreme Veteran
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
PennState - 2010-05-13 7:45 PM Carney's (carnival workers). They have small hands and beady eyes. Very, very scary.


     I saw Dead Ringers.
2010-05-13 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2857225

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?

A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them and all chance of valor has gone beyond beyond recall or desire.'”

2010-05-13 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2857225

Extreme Veteran
Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
spiders... any kind/size/color.  I have had terrible nightmares since I was a kid about them.  I used to wake up screaming for my parents to come in my rooom and check my bed for spiders.  I would dream of 2 foot wide spiders making webs between my bed and nightstand...I have pulled over on highways freaked out because of spiders walking on the inside of the windshield or dashboard, but am so afraid to actually kill them unless I can step on it on the ground... Oh now for sure I won't be getting a good night sleep tonight!!!
2010-05-13 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2857284

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
trisagain - 2010-05-13 4:21 PM Something happening to my children or someone in my family, and not being able to be there to protect or help them.


And not a fan of rats...not scared, but REALLY don't like them. Had one run up my arm, then inside my shirt collar and out the bottom (really glad shirt wasn't tucked in...jeez)
2010-05-13 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2857225

Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
2 seconds of frozen utter terror. I was doing a patrol at Camp McCall and we were ranger file cutting through a swamp. I was waste high in the water when I stepped forward and kept going down.  I froze and was completely terrified.

What terrified me is not drowning, but being frozen and not able to do anything about. When I go down, from no on, I will go down swinging.  (this still gives me the sweats)

2010-05-13 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2857225

, Minnesota
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
Clowns.  I hate clowns.
2010-05-13 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2857225

Pittsburgh, my heart is in Glasgow
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
- Snakes. They just freak me out.
- Moths. It's the mindless flapping in your face. It drives me crazy and makes me stressed.
- Losing my husband. He's the greatest thing ever, and if I lost him I don't know why I would wake up in the morning.
- Failure. This one has caused me some anxiety lately, somewhat brought on by the "Surpass your parents" thread...because I have thus far failed to obtain any of the mantles of adulthood. I just can't seem to land a "real" job, and it makes me cry just about every single day, and of course I can't buy a house because I don't have a job, and because I don't have a house I don't have a dog. Not being able to obtain the things I should really stresses me the eff out.
2010-05-13 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2857225

Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
I am not afraid of flying, but I am afraid of heights, or rather being up high and near an edge. Just watching it on television makes feel the need for an adult diaper! I do not want to do a tri over a bridge! I have ridden over thr Bourn bridge 6 times and it has made my heart race every time!
2010-05-14 6:10 AM
in reply to: #2857225

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
I never knew I was afraid of heights until I visited the Cliffs of Mohr in Ireland and almost had a panic attack. That was 10 years ago and we are going back to Ireland next month and visiting the Cliffs with our kids. I will be a wreck.

Snakes make me jump and squeal when I am surprised by them. If I suspect snakes are around, I will seek them out and try to spot them, just so they can't get the upper hand on me and surprise me.

My daughter used to be terrified of Captain Feathersword.
2010-05-14 6:57 AM
in reply to: #2858181

Winder, GA
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
DTraub - 2010-05-14 7:10 AM I never knew I was afraid of heights until I visited the Cliffs of Mohr in Ireland and almost had a panic attack. That was 10 years ago and we are going back to Ireland next month and visiting the Cliffs with our kids. I will be a wreck. Snakes make me jump and squeal when I am surprised by them. If I suspect snakes are around, I will seek them out and try to spot them, just so they can't get the upper hand on me and surprise me.

My daughter used to be terrified of Captain Feathersword.

I have LOL'd many times reading threads on here but I have never actually spit out coffee but today I did. I'm reading this serious thread about fear and cancer and then I read this bolded part. I had to wipe off my keyboard.

For me, heights are probably my biggest fear. I get light-headed just watching something on TV when they show something high or fly over a cliff. Riding the Soarin' ride at Disney World almost put me over the edge - I'm not sure why I agreed to that ride.

Up until my early 20's, I held on to the very irrational fear that something was going to come out of my closet because of "Poltergeist".... the door had to be closed. I think I was around 7 when I saw it for the first time.

2010-05-14 7:03 AM
in reply to: #2857279

Extreme Veteran
Colo Springs, CO
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
ride_like_u_stole_it - 2010-05-13 2:20 PM

Back when I was a carpenter, I hated walking the top plates, especially when setting joists.

I was driving by a residential construction site and saw a guy fall from a second story top plate. It was horrifying to see, but he was amazingly OK.

For me, it's SPIDERS. Can't even look at pictures of them. The movie Arachnophobia was not a comedy in my opinion, it was a horror movie. And now that Sharyn has mentioned big, fast Florida spiders, I'm a little worried since I'm hopping on a plane to FL in 4 hours.
2010-05-14 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2857821

Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
RiverRat50 - 2010-05-13 7:34 PM
trisagain - 2010-05-13 4:21 PM Something happening to my children or someone in my family, and not being able to be there to protect or help them.


And not a fan of rats...not scared, but REALLY don't like them. Had one run up my arm, then inside my shirt collar and out the bottom (really glad shirt wasn't tucked in...jeez)

That makes your BT name hilarious to me.
2010-05-14 7:18 AM
in reply to: #2858237

Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
lodewey - 2010-05-14 7:03 AM
ride_like_u_stole_it - 2010-05-13 2:20 PM

Back when I was a carpenter, I hated walking the top plates, especially when setting joists.

I was driving by a residential construction site and saw a guy fall from a second story top plate. It was horrifying to see, but he was amazingly OK. For me, it's SPIDERS. Can't even look at pictures of them. The movie Arachnophobia was not a comedy in my opinion, it was a horror movie. And now that Sharyn has mentioned big, fast Florida spiders, I'm a little worried since I'm hopping on a plane to FL in 4 hours.

I am not afraid of heights (I actually kind of get off on them) but steel workers freak me out.  They were building this huge building next to ours and I would look out the window and see these guys walking back and forth, carrying heavy objects, with nothing under them but a flipping beam.  Crazy fools.  I woulkd sit and watch them for what seemed like hours waiting for them to inevitably fall.  They didn't. 
2010-05-14 7:26 AM
in reply to: #2857225

Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: What are You Afraid Of?
1. Something happening to my kids or my husband and not being able to do anything to stop it.
2. Being buried alive. That just freaks me out thinking about it.
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