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2011-04-07 8:49 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Tosa, WI

I realized I didn't get to this until Page 11 with the last start I will start: 

NAME: Dave...aka  Dino... aka Dineen....

STORY: I'm 43 and live a suburb of Milwaukee,WI.  Third + years of tri.  Got into this game after finally hanging up the hockey skates after 35+ years at the urging of my wife.  I think she was sick of me coming home with stitches.  I have been a very active athlete all my life and have been tolerated by this MG for 2 or 3 years, I've lost track and Wikipedia didn't have the answer???

I work full time as an Operations Manager for a Forklift dealership and cover most of the state of WI, part of Northern IL, and the UP of MI.  Also own and manage 3 apartment buildings as another hobby.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 19 years to another "really short person" (keeps me in good with this MG) and have 2 17 (junior in HS) and one 16 (soph in HS) both going on 22.  Oh..fair warning...You will receive no sympathy from me on any kid issues after living with 2 teenage daughters!

TRAINING:  I'm also an Endurance Nation team-member and firmly believe in their training philosophy.  Currently transitioning into my HIM training plan for my A race in July.  Some have claimed that just to irritate John, I train with power on the bike and pace on the run..... Hoping to be much faster in 2011!

WHAT TO I BRING TO THE GROUP:  Nothing but my competitive nature, my ability to stir the pot, some decent swim splits, and I know a thing or two about the bike.  But this year I plan on keeping everything together during the run also. 

2011 Planned Races: 
Jan 29- Team Time Trial (indoor R Done!
May 15-  Rev 3 Oly (Knoxville, TNR
June 12- YMCA Touchstone Energy Oly R (B)
June 26- Pleasant Prairie Oly
July 17-  Ironman 70.3 Racine (Racine, WI)  R (A)
Random Bike Criteriums on open weekends through the summer??                                                                        July 31- Ripon Medical Center Oly                                                                                                            Aug 13- Dairyland Dare 150K

Sept 10- Lake Geneva Oly
Sept 11- Volunteer at IMOO
Sept 25- J Hawk Late Bird Sprint

INSEAM: 32 inches

Welcome to all the New MG Members......!!!!

Edited by badgerintx 2011-04-07 9:12 PM

2011-04-07 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California

Okay, I'm cutting and pasting....

 Name:  Linda - at 47, a stay-at-home mom and one of the more elder members of this group!

Background: Did this all in reverse order.  After a doctor told my that my RA wasn't gonna get any better, I should focus on maintaining the status quo with  meds, I decided to take a different approach.  I signed up to do IMMOO in September of 2008.  Started running the next day.  Cleaned up an old bike and started cycling a few weeks later.  Ran my first race, Rock & Roll half in 10/08.  Did my first mary 4/09.  My first tri was the Wildflower Long Course in 5/09, and I raced IMMOO in September of 2009!  did a few more in between, and raced IMCdA in June of 2010 (with Kyla!!)

Family Status:
Married to Jeff (3-time Ironman) for 25 years, have 3 kids (21, college senior; 17, HS senior; 15, HS freshman) and one very fat dog (boxer).  I've got Dino beat on teenage angst in this house!!

'11 Races:
  Big Sur Marathon on 5/1/11; Vineman 1/2in July; IMAZ is the 'A' race!.

Got a new tri-bike this month.....lovin' it!!!

other essentials:  SF Giants; SJ Sharks; SF 49ers.  Oh, and I live in Northern California!

2011-04-07 9:36 PM
in reply to: #3435111

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California

tricrazy - 2011-04-07 4:10 PM Is there room for one more?  I have 4 kids whom I can post pics of as soon as I figure out how.  I am training for my first IM and could very much use the support, encouragement, and lots of HTFUs!!!

Did I read somewhere that you've done Big Sur???  Spill!!!

2011-04-07 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3435388

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New York
tahrens - 2011-04-08 10:45 AM

Thank goodness we are on a new thread.  I've been MIA for this week and was dreading catching up on all the missed BS!!!! 


I'll see if I can find a photo.  Little hint,  dropping a laptop down the stairs while it is on is not good for hard drives!

I did that a while ago with my laptop and now it sound's like it's gonna blow!!  So I'm finally crossing over and getting a macbook pro!!!

2011-04-07 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3435381

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New York

eurasn1 - 2011-04-08 10:41 AM Yes this is my first race coming up next week.  After I get my son to bed I will post some information about myself.


Good luck on the race!!! Looking forward to the RR.

2011-04-07 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran

Love to return again if you let me. Learned a lot the time before. will have a bio in a bit


Edited by fowlmood 2011-04-08 8:49 AM

2011-04-07 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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san francisco

Bios are so fun to do, every season, I realize "wow, you've come a long way, Baby!"

Name and other pertinent info:  Kim, 45 going on 46 (18 days away!)

Background:  I was a high school athlete, playing Varsity basketball, but not enough height or skills to play first string or go on to college play.  Stayed active in college, playing club lacrosse, golf and occasional jogging and cycling.  Ran a marathon in 1999 and then another (Big Sur) in 2001, and ended up with plantar fasciitis, which set me on a relatively sedentary lifestyle until my first triathlon in 2007. 

Family Status: Happily partnered for 11 years to Kathy, and proud parents of our cat, Mochi and our silly dog (and my occasional running partner), Ripley.

'10 Races: 1 Olympic, 2 HIM's, Oceanside 70.3 and Vineman 70.3, and two half marathons. (and a whole lot of fun!)

'11 Races:  Boston Marathon coming up in 11 days!!!  One Olympic, Vineman 70.3 again, and IMWI. 

What makes me a good member of this MG:  I have learned so much from this MG and now with racing and training experience, have some good stuff to share!  I also look forward to learning lots from EVERYONE!!! 

 Welcome to all the newbies, don't be shy, but try not to take things too personally, there is some gentle ribbing that goes on here, but it is all done in good spirits! 

2011-04-08 12:07 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Name:  Fred

Age:  39 (about to be 40 in 3 1/2 weeks)

Location:  Kennewick, WA

Story:  Never thought I would want to to a triathlon in my life.  Saw my brother finish Ironman Arizona in 2008 and thought t was pretty cool but thought he was just plain nuts.  At the beginning of 2010 I thought that I should get in shape.  Started to go to the gym and work out, but barely did any cardio or aerobic excercises, pretty much just to get the heart rate up and lift weights.  In May, 2010 got into a car accident that hurt my left shoulder/neck/back.  There went the gym.  Last x-mas, I was talking to my brother and he thought  I could try a duathlon so my accident issues wouldn't be stressed out too much.  I was psyched.  In January, 2010 I was finally released from physical therapy and found a triathlon plan for unfit beginners.  I also tried doing the swim along with the plan thinking that it would help w/endurance.  I enjoyed it.  Now I have my first sprint tri next week.

Family Status:  Married for almost 11 years w/2 kids (Makayla-6 and Mason-3)

Current Training:  Following unfit beginners guide for sprint triathlons.

Races:  None yet.  First one next weekSurprised.

I am a true newbie and look forward to gaining information and support.  I will do what I can to support others as well in any way I can.  I just don't have any experience when it comes to multisports.  I'm eager to learn and share the knowledge that I gain.

2011-04-08 3:30 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sacramento, CA

Hi All!

Can I please please please join this fantastic group?  I hail from Seattle (Edmonds) too but now live in Northern Cali - still have a home in seattle in the hopes I can get back there someday when my journey teaching college acting and theatre history is finished. 

I am training for my first oly!!!  I have been high intensity weight training for the past two years and feel like I am ready to step it up a notch...  I have been training for 8 weeks and my race first race is July 12 - Silicon Valley Tri.  The training so far has been great... bought a lovely Fuji so the biking is great, swimming has been fun because I am learning so much,but  the running has completely stymied me!  I can't seem to find my groove with running...everything hurts almost everytime I run!  I tell my workout buddies that I no longer run...I walk with a bounce!

My hubby is super supportive as are my kiddos... boy 7 and girl 10 - oh...I turned 42 this year!  Holy Cow! 

Looking forward to learning lots from you all!





2011-04-08 5:37 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Hi everyone,

Can I join this super-active group??

I'm 43 and live on the Sunshine Coast (Noosa) in Queensland, Australia.

I've been running and ocean swimming for a few years but got a road bike in September so I could have a go at triathlons.

I'll post my bio soon!



2011-04-08 5:44 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!

Welcome Cheri, David and Fred (and the others I've already high fived!)......

This group always seems to start out with a flurry of posts when the group first starts and then things settle in to something just shy of Kim said, there is some ribbing (gentle??-yeah I guess), but it's all in good fun.  There are some really great swimmers or bikers or runners in the group so it'll be easy to get advice and don't shy away from any question no matter how silly you think it is.....

PS Don't forget to set those signature lines so we can start learning names.....

2011-04-08 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Portland, OR

If you guys will have me, I'd LOVE to join back in!  i still have a lot of lessons to learn from you guys, even if I don't understand half the things about power you guys talk about!


NAME: Erica, age 24

STORY: I played soccer competitively through college, so that was always my way of staying in shape.  After I graduated from college in May 2009, I got married and started law school, and just sat around for a while.  I didn't know how to work out on my own at all.  Flash forward to April of 2010, and my weight had climbed up to 180.  I didn't feel fat, but when I weighed myself one day, I realized I had to do something.  My husband has been a triathlete for quite a few years now, so he got me into it, and I love having something different to do every day, instead of just running all the time.  My first tri was in August last year, and I had a ton of fun, and realized that the short distances just were too short for me.  So I signed up for Door County HIM this July, and that's what I've been training for.  I'm dealing with some tendonitis right now which made me bag my half-mary I had planned for May so that I could focus on DC.

I live in Middle of Nowhere, Wisconsin, with my hubby, Ryan, and my running partner/dog, Nadie.  But I hate it here, and we WILL move as soon as I finish law school in May 2012.  One more year...

FAMILY STATUS: Got married to Ryan in August of 2009, we figured we might as well since we've been together since high school.  No kids we treat our dog like our child!  I'm super close to my parents and brother, too, who live down in Illinois. 

TRAINING:  None right now, since I decided to take another week off with my knee, but TUESDAY is the magic day where I should be able to get back into it!  I had been doing 4x run, 3x bike, 2x swim before the injury, but it's been sporadic since.  I'm hoping to get back to 4/3/3 after this knee feels better.  I train with my Garmin, too, and for swimming, I recently started just using free plans from swimplan.  LOVE that site.  I also think I might download a BT training plan for the HIM, but I'm not sure.

WHAT TO I BRING TO THE GROUP:  Probably not much, but I LOVE listening to what the core group has to say.  There's a lot of experience here, and I hope to be like them!  Though, I think they keep me around because of potential MG discounts after law school...

2011 Races: Only one planned right now is the Door County HIM, since hubby and I have limited tri funds, we chose that to be our main race.  I'm hoping to do the Oshkosh sprint tri again in August though (for comparison's sake), and I hope to sign up for the Run like Hell Half-Marathon in Portland in October.  I WILL get in my half-mary this year!

2010 Races: Just the Oshkosh tri, my first one ever, in August 2010.  Fun, but too short!

Thanks all!


2011-04-08 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3435446

Charlotte, NC
velcromom - 2011-04-07 10:36 PM

tricrazy - 2011-04-07 4:10 PM Is there room for one more?  I have 4 kids whom I can post pics of as soon as I figure out how.  I am training for my first IM and could very much use the support, encouragement, and lots of HTFUs!!!

Did I read somewhere that you've done Big Sur???  Spill!!!

Yes, it is my all time favorite mary.  I would love to do it again.  I was suppossed to do it agian in 2007 but I found I was pregnant with twins.  Anyway, it is so spectacularly beautiful.  We stayed in Monterey and that is a great place to stay.  It is a difficult run but I was also undertrained so I cannot wait to do it again and be well prepared.

2011-04-08 6:58 AM
in reply to: #3434069

Charlotte, NC

NAME: Rachel

STORY: I live in Charlotte, NC.  I grew up in Pittsburgh running a local 10K every Eptemeber with my dad and 4 of my siblings.  It was great.  We would all "train" together during the summer and run together in the fall.  When I got married and moved away form home, I kept running and started doing marathons.  I had always wanted to do an Ironman so in 2008 I bought a bike and got started.  I did 2 sprints that year.  In 2009 I did an HIM and singed up for Augusta 70.3, untilI found I was pregnant again and could tolerate being on the bike.  In 2010, I did NC Triple T.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married almost 13 years and have 4 children Maya (4 years old), Gabirel (3 years old), Isaiah (3 years old), and Clara (13 months old).  We also have a 10 year old dog.

CURRENT TRAINING: I struggle with getting everything in.  In addition to having 4 kids, my husband travels during the week and we do not live on the same city as our family.

2010  RACES: After I had my baby, I did NC Triple T.  that is an awesome event!!

2011 RACES:  IM Lousiville is my big race this year.  I am just joping to finish before midnight.  I will also be doing the MedExpress Mountaineer HIM (or something like that) in WV.

WEIGHTLOSS: I am trying to lose 10 more pounds but they are very stubborn!!!  I will also only make reasonable sacrifices to lose them. 

I am really looking forward to being a part of an active group!!!


2011-04-08 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Charlottesville, Virginia

Name: Tony, Age 39

Story: My wife (sdalessio) got into tri's 4 or so years ago so I decided to tag along.  We live in Arlington,VA right ouside of Washington DC.    I've been part of this group before I started racing.  Steve (swbkrun) has seen me start from struggling to make 10:00/mile to now racing in the 6/7's

Family Status: Married to Samantha (sdalessio) for 17 years with 2 small kids.

Training: We're going into our second year with a coach, Pretty much have no off-season, Summer is triathlons and bike races, winter is Cyclocross and running races.  Normally doing 8-12 hrs a week depending on what's on the schedule.  I am a numbers geek so I tend to use all electronic gadgets available to train with.

Races: Right now I'm signed up for 2 Olympics and a number of bike races.  Currently Cat 5 which is the newbie bike racing category, want to get at least 10 races under my belt to upgrade to Cat 4.  I am sure I will sign up for other triathlons, but they'll mostly be local ones.  Meeting a few MG members in Rev3 in May for the Olympic in Knoxville, TN

What I bring to the group: I read a lot, have lots of opinions I don't mind sharing about bike setup and configuration.  I've built my last few bikes so if you have any maintenance questions I can probably answer.  I like to do pretty much all kinds of races.  This year really getting into bike racing.

Etc: Wikipedia should be your first source of knowledge at all times!

Edited by dalessit 2011-04-08 7:04 AM
2011-04-08 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: room for 1 more?
You full yet?... I can come with great pics, can even talk about Marietta (as long as it's GA), Charlotte, & Maryland....

2011-04-08 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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I would like to join, bio to follow.
2011-04-08 7:47 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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My name is Scott and I'm 43 and live in Massachusetts. I'm married with four daughters. I get up at insane hours to train so that I disrupt the family life as little as possible. I work in technology as a database administrator. I've competed at one thing or another my entire life. I was on a skydiving team and went to 8 national championships taking two bronze and a silver in the intermediate category in 4 and 8 way disciplines. Intermediate is non pro equivalent. I took up lacrosse as an adult and played in a league for a few year. I've lifted weights and trained my entire life.

Getting a bit older and not being able to push the heavy weights any longer without risking injury I started doing some spinning and then some treadmill. The triathlon work didn't start until I started swimming. I did 5 laps the first day and had no clue as to pacing, form or breathing. I thought well this sucks. However I stuck with it on my own and just kept doing continuous laps. I got to the point where I would hop in the pool and do a mile while doing bilateral breathing the entire time. If you think that's easy try it. So a friend talked my into signing up for masters swim last July. The first class I did about 2200 yards and was probably hypoxic for a great deal of it just trying to keep up in the slowest of the six lanes. I've since moved up two lanes and average about 3200 yards per class. I frequently lead the lane and can comfortably bring in 100's in about 135 and I'm not tanked Vs when I started 2:10 and I felt like my heart was going to hop out of my chest.

I did my first sprint last September. Again I had no clue. The swim was .4 miles and I pretty much swam it all out. I then hopped on my heavy as hell hybrid and did the same. By the time the run came I was junk.

I ran my first half marathon in March. Having not done one I approach it smarter. My first 5 miles my average pace was 9:55. My last 5 miles my average pace was about 8:15 with my last mile being 7:41 for a total time of 1:59:56 to come in just under two hours.

I set a PR in a 10K last weekend even though my legs felt dead and the course had 1100 feet of ascents. 51:45 and an 8:14 pace.

I purchase a brand new Guru Magis last month. A 2010 stock closeout that I haven't been able to get on the road yet because of the crappy weather. Very much looking forward to that.

I have 3 Olympics planned for this year. If they go well I'm going to do a Half in September. The first two Olympics I really have no time goals. I just want to run a smart race, have good transitions and get the experience. They are both in June. The NYC TRI in August I would like to break 2.5 hours. This is a very aggressive goal so we'll see how it goes.

As far as weight loss I weighed about 207 when I started masters swim. Nobody would have called me fat by any stretch. I've lost 23 pound to 184. I weighed about 187 at New Years so it's been pretty consistent since then. At a notch under 6 ft and a pretty muscular build I might be able to take off another 5-7 pounds but I'll have to work at it. Right now I eat perfect during the day but eat whatever the wife makes for dinner.

I fill in my training logs regularly since mid Feb. I swim about 6400 yards per week. Run about 15 miles per week. Biking because of the weather and lack of a trainer has suffered and been spinning. That is the part I'm going to pick up a great deal in the months to come.

I joined the group because reading the posts from the last session the energy seemed great and because my youngest is named Avery.

2011-04-08 7:51 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Name: David

Story: I've always enjoyed sport but mainly for the social (read drinking) side until my mid-30's, before that I played squash and rugby. I decided to start running so I could take part in the Sydney City 2 Surf run a few years ago - the biggest fun run in the World and got hooked!

I'm a surf lifesaver and so can swim happily in the ocean but didn't get a bike until last September when I decided to start training for triathlons. I'm slowly getting stronger on the bike but still very slow.

I was born and raised in the UK but came to Australia in my 20's, officially emigrating 7 years ago.

We live by the beach near Noosa (home to the Noosa Triathlon).

Family status: Married to Allison, 3 kids: Harriet 12, Alice 9 and Oliver 7 plus a yellow labrador called George and a Siamese cat called Barnie!

My kids keep telling me how I ruined their last birthdays, Christmas etc. by going out for a run before they could open their presents...

Current training: I'm just coming to the end of a recovery week in my 14 week training plan, next week is week 11 and so my first Olympic Tri is fast approaching - Hervey Bay. I've done a couple of sprint tri's (mini-sprint) so far this season and have been accepted for the Noosa Tri in October and will fit in a half marathon probably in July.

I did a 10k and a 5k race a few weeks ago and recorded new PR's which is encouraging considering my running volume has been reduced to fit in with tri training.

My weakness is cycling since I only got the bike 6 months ago, I'm going to attempt some group rides next week for the first time.


Looking forward to training with you all,


2011-04-08 8:10 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Chatham Ontario

I am totally in again. Profile to follow...

Learned a lot and got a ton of great tips from eveyone and help. Appreciate all the help. Finally got a ride in on my Cobb V-flow seat last night.. WOW what a differance.. Thanks So much JOHN....


2011-04-08 8:30 AM
in reply to: #3435601

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SoccerGK - 2011-04-08 6:05 AM

If you guys will have me, I'd LOVE to join back in!  i still have a lot of lessons to learn from you guys, even if I don't understand half the things about power you guys talk about!


NAME: Erica, age 24

STORY: I played soccer competitively through college, so that was always my way of staying in shape.  After I graduated from college in May 2009, I got married and started law school, and just sat around for a while.  I didn't know how to work out on my own at all.  Flash forward to April of 2010, and my weight had climbed up to 180.  I didn't feel fat, but when I weighed myself one day, I realized I had to do something.  My husband has been a triathlete for quite a few years now, so he got me into it, and I love having something different to do every day, instead of just running all the time.  My first tri was in August last year, and I had a ton of fun, and realized that the short distances just were too short for me.  So I signed up for Door County HIM this July, and that's what I've been training for.  I'm dealing with some tendonitis right now which made me bag my half-mary I had planned for May so that I could focus on DC.

I live in Middle of Nowhere, Wisconsin, with my hubby, Ryan, and my running partner/dog, Nadie.  But I hate it here, and we WILL move as soon as I finish law school in May 2012.  One more year...

FAMILY STATUS: Got married to Ryan in August of 2009, we figured we might as well since we've been together since high school.  No kids we treat our dog like our child!  I'm super close to my parents and brother, too, who live down in Illinois. 

TRAINING:  None right now, since I decided to take another week off with my knee, but TUESDAY is the magic day where I should be able to get back into it!  I had been doing 4x run, 3x bike, 2x swim before the injury, but it's been sporadic since.  I'm hoping to get back to 4/3/3 after this knee feels better.  I train with my Garmin, too, and for swimming, I recently started just using free plans from swimplan.  LOVE that site.  I also think I might download a BT training plan for the HIM, but I'm not sure.

WHAT TO I BRING TO THE GROUP:  Probably not much, but I LOVE listening to what the core group has to say.  There's a lot of experience here, and I hope to be like them!  Though, I think they keep me around because of potential MG discounts after law school...

2011 Races: Only one planned right now is the Door County HIM, since hubby and I have limited tri funds, we chose that to be our main race.  I'm hoping to do the Oshkosh sprint tri again in August though (for comparison's sake), and I hope to sign up for the Run like Hell Half-Marathon in Portland in October.  I WILL get in my half-mary this year!

2010 Races: Just the Oshkosh tri, my first one ever, in August 2010.  Fun, but too short!

Thanks all!



BAAAAA HAAAAAAAAA  HAAAAAAAAAAA  - laughing about the no kids ever part.  Tony and I said that for 10 yrs. then we got bored.  :-)  Anyway 2 kids later we are still happy!  So email me in 10 yrs. about that no kids ever thing.

2011-04-08 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran

 Name is Bryce Hiigel  (43) and here is my bio

I live in Lamar, Co which located in the Southeastern part of the state sorry no mountains here we a the 2 lowest town in elevation in the state at 3,622ft.

I am married to my wife Michelle of 16yrs with 2 boys one 18 will head to University of Wyoming in the fall and the other is 13. We have 5 dogs 3 Labradors 1 fox red yellow which I trained to UH, HRCH +500 point in HRC tests, 2 Blacks Ghost has is HR title, and Otis just in training not going very fast this time. The other 2 are a Border Collie Cross Amy, and last of the dogs is Pie a little Dachshund. the last of our clan ar the cats.

I work for Optimum formerly known as Bresnan as System Tech and been doing this job for going on 19years in May

As of March 20, 2011 with the help and support of my family and this group I was able to finish my 1st HIM the Gator Half. Previously I had gotten the bug by participating in a few of the tri-sprints our town puts on.


Edited by fowlmood 2011-04-08 10:28 AM
2011-04-08 8:40 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Name: Samantha, Age 38

Story: I got into tri's 4 or so years ago b/c of a New Year's resolution. Live in Arlington,VA right ouside of Washington DC. I hated running, sucked at swimming and was not so comfy on the bike.  Now I've run 4 marathons, can take my hands of the handbars, get in aero and drink from a water bottle but I still suck at swimming.  2 out of 3 ain't bad!!!

Family Status: Married to Tony (dalessit) for 17 years with 2 kids, Drew (7) and Gabriella (almost 5), 2 cats and a puppy (what the hell were we thinking, LOL).

Training/Races: Just finished up 2 marathons in Jan and Mar.  Gearing up now for tri season.  After 2 HIMs last year and lots of crazy around the house, I want a more laid back and super fun, no pressure year of racing.  So my theme for the year is to have fun and do what I want.  I have a lot of sprint/olympic distance races to pick from and am toying w/ doing a 50k race in June.  I know not exactly short but it sounded like fun.  I'm trying to convince my coach that I can throw in a few long runs b/t now and then and be fine!

Long Term Goals: Boston when I shave another 20min off my PR and an Ironman when I learn to swim faster than a belly up goldfish in the fishbowl.

What I bring to the group: Not sure, maybe just keeping Tony in line.  Possibly meal organizer - we'll see how that goes after Rev3 and I read a bit on nutrition.

Edited by sdalessio 2011-04-08 8:42 AM
2011-04-08 9:00 AM
in reply to: #3435756

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Welcome to all the new MG members! It looks like you'll bring some great new energy to the group!


Here's mine:

NAME: Julia (gotta run)

STORY: This will be my third season of triathlon. I've done some sprints and olympics so far, and I'll run my first HIM with my buddies from the MG at REV3 in Knoxville next month. I was a swimmer growing up, but I wasn't fast enough to swim at the college level. During college, I spent a lot of time riding on the roads and trails in the East Bay hills, and then I started running for fitness and doing a few races here and there as motivation. I got more serious about running after having my 2nd child. I rediscovered swimming when I injured my calf training for a marathon (Big Sur 2009!) and had to do some cross-training. My mom had just done her first triathlon (Danskin) and the age of 67, so I thought I'd give it a try. My first tri was a sprint in June 2009, and I was immediately hooked.

FAMILY STATUS: Married with 2 kids (7 and 5), my loyal running buddy Sophie the Snow Dog, and one grouchy old cat.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm loosely following the BT Olympic-HIM bridge plan. I say "loosely" because I skip the strength training, add extra runs (I find I'm less prone to injury if I run more frequently), and move workouts around to fit my schedule. The swim workouts in that plan are awesome, btw. 

2010  RACES: 2010 was more of a running year - I did a couple of sprints, an Oly, 2 trail half marathons, and 2 road and 1 trail marathon.

2011 RACES: REV3 Knoxville HIM, Muncie 70.3, Danskin Seattle with my mom, and a bunch of trail runs. Maybe a fall marathon, maybe not!


2011-04-08 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Name and stuff: Doug Robinson, 6' tall (too heavy still, but going down). Fourth time with this MG.

Location: Raleigh, NC

Background: Just turned 50 last month. Like Dino I played Ice hockey up until 3 years ago. It just wasn't the same here in the South. I do miss the moments when time seemed to being going in slow motion on the ice. In reality I am built more for that sport than triathlon as I very broad. I was a road cyclist in the late 70's and early 80's and cycling is my strongest event. I was also a bike mechanic off and on for 6 years starting in high school.

I am a patent attorney and an electrical engineer. My other hobby is woodworking. Come the end of June I will step down (finally) as the president of North Carolina Woodworker, Inc.

I am married 15 years come October and have a 10 (soon 11) year old son and a 12 (soon 13(AHH, teenager!)) girl. I have lived in Mass, Conn. NY (born and raised), DC, VA and now NC.

Past Races: In '09 I did sprints and one olympic. Last year was sprints, 2 olympics and Augusta. I had very poor runs last year and finally found out I have Bursitis in my left achillies. I have been through PT and am slowly building up my running. In the meantime I have been working on my swim and bike.

'11 Races: Sprints and Olympics and either B2B Half of Washington Half (in NC) Both are 10/29/11.

What I bring to the MG: I have a lot of cycling knowledge and have learned a lot about swimming from my coach (who is scary fast!) I have a column on about intellectual property as it relates to triathlon. I try to understand different training philosophies without drinking the Kool Aid of each as things change all the time. Oh yeah, I am a lousy typist so Fatty (John) is here to heckle me for it!



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