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2011-10-04 4:28 PM
in reply to: #3711350

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Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
TeddieMao - 2011-10-04 5:17 PM

I have been passed by men and women older and younger than me (one kid was wearing unlaced high top basketball sneakers), I have been passed by a woman pushing a friggin' double stroller and one Halloween 5k, I was passed by a guy dressed as a dragon!!!  I may be slow but somehow I always finish!

OK, well, after my heartfelt and sincere post, I totally forgot to join the pity party properly, so if this was a poker game, I would definitely have to raise you here.

I have been passed by:

a guy in a dress dragging a 1950s style vacuum cleaner

a guy in flip flops held together with duct tape, carrying a SOUSAPHONE

the 4 piece marching drum kit player with him

(all of those were the same race)

I did get to pass the guys who were ahead of me and stopped with .25 miles to go, for a cigarette/walk break on the course.

And even with all those various and sundy types, the winner of the race was still the fastest of any 5k I've been to. Sub 15:30. And that kid was up all night partying hard the night before. And the course was a bit long.

What sort of race is this you may ask? The First Annual Running of the 101st Annual Runaway Jim Memorial 5K

2011-10-04 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3711211

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
saltman95 - 2011-10-04 2:58 PM

Running is not mythical, there is a very strong correlation between how much you run and how fast you run.  500 miles a year isn't anywhere near enough even for the talented.  1000 miles a year is getting closer but still doesn't even work out to 20 miles/week.  If someone (aged 18-50) has run 1500 miles in a year without any prolonged lay-offs during the year and is still running 10 minute miles I would truly feel for that person.  Yes that person is out there, but it is rare.  For most of us, we just haven't run enough.  I have a major problem staying dedicated long enough to reach my goals, but I cannot believe that it isn't possible to overcome.  I thought perhaps others felt similarly.

For what it's worth, I think you've made a great point. I can't see everyone's logs, so I don't know what everyone is running -- I can only speak for myself. But a few months ago, when I was complaining about how slow I was, someone pointed out that I wasn't running enough. I looked at my logs again, more objectively, and the poster was right. I was running 8-12 miles a week. I slowly started increasing my mileage per week, and I'm now at about 20 -- hoping to get to 30 or 40 and beyond.

Without doing any speed work, just building endurance and mileage, my 5k times have gotten progressively faster.

Am I ever going to run even an 8 minute mile? Doubtful. But I'm okay with that. I love running, and at this point, I've decided I don't really care how fast (or slow) I am, as long as I'm still getting out there.

Someday, I may run a 50k or a 100miler -- and then we'll see. Because I'm pretty sure I can endure my slow pace all day long. Tongue out

2011-10-04 4:47 PM
in reply to: #3710575

Extreme Veteran
Israel / NJ
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Donto - 2011-10-04 10:54 AM

I train slow but race fast!

Facebook has a Slow Runners Club page 


That is funny i am the same way. When i train i try to go fast but am always around 9:30. However when i race i am around 8:30 so i get what your saying.

2011-10-04 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3711330

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I love you, claaaw. Seriously. You are awesome.
2011-10-04 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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South Florida
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

My AG resuls from last Sunday's tri:

Swim- 1st in AG

Bike- 2nd in AG

Run- DFL in AGSmile

By some miracle I was able to hold on to 3rd place and earned my first trip to the podium.

My run is flat out brutal. Has been since high school CX team. I have not gotten ANY faster in 13 years of running races and Tri's.

I have reached a level of Zen about it and now embrace my slow.

2011-10-04 4:49 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Who cares if you are slow?  You are running!  And running is awesome.  And if you are run-walking or walk-walking? That is also awesome because you are getting out there and moving.

What I have written above sounds very flip when I re-read it, but I am very sincere.  I smile, wave and say hello or good-morning to each and every runner or walker or elliptical-er I see on the road when I am running or driving or at the gym - even if they give me the stink-eye.  There are people who get to the gym to exercise at dark-30 when I do for the sole purpose of avoiding people seeing them exercise.  I wave and say hello to them too. 

Because they are on my team.  The exercising team.  And they are doing something great for themselves.  Who cares how fast they are? 

2011-10-04 6:29 PM
in reply to: #3711404

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South Florida
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Turnin2 - 2011-10-04 4:49 PM

My AG resuls from last Sunday's tri:

Swim- 1st in AG

Bike- 2nd in AG

Run- DFL in AGSmile

By some miracle I was able to hold on to 3rd place and earned my first trip to the podium.

My run is flat out brutal. Has been since high school CX team. I have not gotten ANY faster in 13 years of running races and Tri's.

I have reached a level of Zen about it and now embrace my slow.

It wont let me edit, so I am going to quote myself.

 I forgot about this one.

I actually came in AG 2nd in a straight running race. It was a 10K trail race up, down and across a giant abandoned garbage dump. (I am not making this up) It was covered in knee high weeds that hid large rocks and holes. The reason I came in second is that everyone else in my AG quit or got injured, except one guy who beat me.

I may be slow but I'm persistant. 

Edited by Turnin2 2011-10-04 6:30 PM
2011-10-04 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3710427

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
mmrocker13 - 2011-10-04 6:37 AM

If you're third off teh bike, and only 10 people pass can't be THAT slow.

That being said, there are a lot of folks out there who train and train, and are still running 10, 12, 15 whatever minute miles, and they say "But I am young, fit, in shape, have trained...why can't I run faster???"

For some folks, I think, yes, there IS a genetic ceiling effect--although I doubt few people every do enough to completely achieve it. But for a lot of people, I think they just don't know how to run. Whether it's missing a key portion of training/rest/recovery, or whether it's just they've never quite cracked that "suffer" barrier, hit that last gear...or aren't even aware it's there (which is most often the case).

^^ This is what it took in my wife's case.  It was like the proverbial lightbulb went off over her head when she finally got it that running on a competitive level actually is supposed to be uncomfortable and that "discomfort" ("suffering") from running around threshold pace isn't the same thing as "pain" (i.e., from an actual injury).

...To the OP:  If a pity party is what you need right now, that's cool.  But, honestly, 10 min/mile isn't all that slow.  I know plenty of people who are struggling to crack 12 min/mile (and are not run/walking).

2011-10-04 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3710589

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
lisac957 - 2011-10-04 10:03 AM
mmrocker13 - 2011-10-04 8:37 AM

If you're third off the bike, and only 10 people pass can't be THAT slow.

Why do you say that?

Because unless you're in a race with only 13 people, going from 3rd to 13th is still pretty respectable finish.

2011-10-04 8:00 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Okay, after reading this... I have a question: why a "slow runners' pity party"?

However you define "slow" (whether it's 7 m.m. or 17)--you are either happy/content with where you are or you are not. If you are happy and content, then YAY! and you don't need any pity. And if you are NOT, then you need to DO something about it. In which case, you ALSO don't need pity.

2011-10-04 8:06 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I'll say why it is slow. It's slow compared to what my peers are doing at my swim and bike times. When you're 3rd off the bike and finish 25/31 in your age group on the run, it's pitiful. At least to me!Claw, you're wonderful. And no one has ever said I was slow. Except my students. One even looked me up in a 10 miler and told me "my dad came in 800 places higher than you!"

2011-10-04 8:15 PM
in reply to: #3710349

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Have to admit I got a bit of a chuckle out of this thread.  (okay before I am lynched let me tell you why) I used to frequent the Penguins thread over on Runners World forum.  Not a pity party but a celebration that runners come in all speeds.  All were (are still) welcome.  I was a bit faster then most (24:36 5k and getting faster until a non-running injury ended that).  Fun group but like all things it was time for me to move on.  Feel free to head over there and introduce yourself, tell them Gary sent you.

2011-10-04 8:23 PM
in reply to: #3711590

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
mmrocker13 - 2011-10-04 9:00 PMAnd if you are NOT, then you need to DO something about it. In which case, you ALSO don't need pity.
Oh, now you've done it.
2011-10-05 12:23 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Extreme Veteran
Las Vegas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
At my first Rock and Roll Marathon, I was holding a nice 10mm till around 19 miles in then suddenly, little ladies were power walking by me.  I didn't know you could run one inch at a time.
2011-10-05 4:00 AM
in reply to: #3710349


Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Last Saturday i ran 5km in 33 mins......yes it was slow but you know what..i am very proud of myself cos that's the first time in my life i have run that far....when i started running 18 mths ago i could run 300 metres before i had to stop and walk.......yes there were many many people ahead of me...but who cares cos i finished .....
2011-10-05 6:39 AM
in reply to: #3710516

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Lesandtj - 2011-10-04 9:15 AM

Don't look at it like you are a slow runner, but a fast jogger. I pr'd a 5K this weekend at a blistering 29:33. hahaha. My target was to be under 30min, but still, I felt slow. A nice old lady passed me at about 3K. Not exactly a confidence booster. (Evidence below. Undecided)


Omg!!!  That's too funny!!  I love the picture!

2011-10-05 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
I've run maybe 8 miles in the last 30 months due to injury, 6 of those miles in the last few weeks. No heart rate monitor, no mile markers, maybe just a little guilt from ditching the orthotics even though I should know better. I'm sure I'm over 10 mins, but could care less. These have been my best runs ever to date. I stopped my run (shuffle jog thing) to watch a huge hawk yesterday. Ever been passed by someone walking an English bulldog?
2011-10-05 8:09 AM
in reply to: #3710349

Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
Right now I can't run due to my back-haven't run in close to a month. I would love to have my 12 min miles back right now and would be proud of them. I have always complained of being slow and being the last 5-10 people finishing a tri but right now, that is looking very good. I miss it-hope I can get it back very soon.
2011-10-05 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3711590

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
mmrocker13 - 2011-10-04 8:00 PM

Okay, after reading this... I have a question: why a "slow runners' pity party"?

However you define "slow" (whether it's 7 m.m. or 17)--you are either happy/content with where you are or you are not. If you are happy and content, then YAY! and you don't need any pity. And if you are NOT, then you need to DO something about it. In which case, you ALSO don't need pity.

Because we want one.  

2011-10-05 8:27 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Claaaw and others who have listed their slow running accomplishments - you absolutely ROCK!

I don't remember all of mine, but I do remember a day at the beginnig of this season where an older lady (she eventually won her age group in the 70-79 AG) jog past me (as I was walking) and pat my bum while saying to me "c'mon dear, you can go faster than that!".  

I actually despise running.  I'm pretty sure I will hate running until the day I die, but I endure it so that I can get to the finish line.  After almost everyone else! 

2011-10-05 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3712016

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Central Kansas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party
blueyedbikergirl - 2011-10-05 8:22 AM
mmrocker13 - 2011-10-04 8:00 PM

Okay, after reading this... I have a question: why a "slow runners' pity party"?

However you define "slow" (whether it's 7 m.m. or 17)--you are either happy/content with where you are or you are not. If you are happy and content, then YAY! and you don't need any pity. And if you are NOT, then you need to DO something about it. In which case, you ALSO don't need pity.

Because we want one.

2011-10-05 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Hey blueyedbikergirl,  

You live across the pond right? How about you see about setting up a race in Pity Me, UK. Here's a mapped out 5K route. Seems like a good place to have a Pity Me Pity Party 5K.


pityme5K.JPG (43KB - 27 downloads)
2011-10-05 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

Hahahaha!  Oh, I love it! 

That's definitely going on the list of routes that I want to check out... slowly! 

2011-10-05 9:55 AM
in reply to: #3710349

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

I've been enjoying this thread so I guess it's time for me to tell my best, I have many to choose from, slow run story.  In my first tri I wasn't as ready as I thought physically, and the bike course was WAY hillier than I expected, so by the time the running shoes came around I was just smoked.  Remember I'm not fast anyway, like 11mm usually.  And now I'm smoked, and of course the run course was just as hilly as the bike.  I'm dying out there and just trying to move forward when I get passed by a kid who I swear couldn't be more than 11.  He's just motoring along, leaving me in his dust.  Oh well, he's young, I'm not, I can deal with it.  Just keep moving.

Then it gets better.  The kid finds a sprinkler, and it's hot and sunny so he veers off the street into the grass and runs about 3 circles around the sprinkler and gets back on the street right next to me.  This happens 3 or 4 times, he finds a sprinkler to play in for a while and gets back on course when I catch up to him.  I'm trying to find the humor in this when I get passed by a woman who is running probably an 11mm pace, ironic huh?  She tells me to not get discouraged by the kid, he's her son and he still has to cut the grass when he gets home....   That did get me to laugh so I found the humor afterall.   

2011-10-05 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3710382

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: slow runners pity party

tuwood - 2011-10-04 9:10 AM Just remember, your slow is somebody else's fast.  My wife gets excited when she breaks 14 minute miles and would do anything to be able to run at a 10 minute mile pace.

Agreed.  I'm currently running 14 minute miles.  That's pretty ok with me.  Normally, I'm closer to 12, but that's just not happening anymore.

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