BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
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2014-05-22 2:35 AM
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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Adding in Monday and Wednesday with 30 minutes on the trainer.

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 17:20:09
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Jim 14 12:15:08
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Mitch 11 12:33:37
Lisa 10 12:20:32
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Drew 15 18:07:32
Gabe 8 11:40:45

Race report? Mile 17: still running, mile 19: still running, mile 20: still running.... LOL I'll give highlights.

The race starts at 6 am and there's no parking for this one because it's in the middle of Denver. I was up at 3:30 and parked by 4:40. Did pre-race stuff, got in the corral and waved to a parent of a child in my class in the same corral. She was also running the marathon; we're pretty closely matched pace-wise. And we were off. My plan was to stick with the 4:00 pace group because that had worked well for my 4:00:42 finish last year. About 3 miles in, I ditched that plan, in part because I didn't trust the pacer (his pacing was too erratic for my tastes) and in part because I had just spotted a friend who was out cheering the runners and that gave my feet wings. Also, I needed to pee and I wanted some space between myself and the pace group. Found unoccupied portapotties around mile 6, jumped in and took care of business, and then spent the next couple of miles chasing the pace group. Those were uphill miles too, out of the valley Denver occupies. We hit Sloan's Lake and I worked to put enough space between them and me so that I wouldn't hear the crowd cheering for the 4-hour group. After that is more uphill (we're running toward the mountains the whole way out) and winding our way around some neighborhoods in a nearby suburb. They'd included a dogleg around mile 15 or so, and the other parent from my daughter's class waved to me. The 4:00 pace group wasn't too far back--maybe a minute--and we were now headed downhill (oh blissful downhill) back to Denver around mile 17. This part is a long downhill stretch back to the stadium (the one where the Broncos play), which is good except for the number of 10-mile racers and relay people who are going slow or walking. There was a lot of people-dodging involved.

The stadium was mile 20 and because running messes with my ability to do math well, I freaked out a little bit when I saw my watch turn over to the 3-hour mark two seconds after the 20-mile marker. I was thinking "oh no, I only have an hour to finish 6.2 miles! I have to pick up the pace!!" before it dawned on me that (a) I can easily run a 10K in under and hour, and (b) I was holding a 9-ish minute pace, not a 10-minute one. Aha! Still, this was the point where I was feeling super-miserable last year so I wasn't taking anything for granted. I focused on finishing strong, not least because after we wind our way around Denver we run through downtown and up this stupid, pointless and steep hill before the hills are done. The top of the hill as at the mile 24 marker--it's just cruel. After that, it was a matter of keeping one foot in front of the other. By then I knew I had some room to relax my pace a little, so I did and then just kept going. The husband of the other mother running the marathon was out taking pictures and he caught a couple of me there. The other two make it clear that I'm hurting and tired, but this one isn't bad (I'm in the blue skirt):

And finally we were near the finish line and I managed a strong finish (or at least not a zombie slog) across the finish line, hooray! Best sign seen along the final stretch? "People smell better than reindeer...all except YOU!" (I enjoyed all the Frozen references, thoroughly!) The other parent running came in about 40 seconds behind me and I was beyond thrilled that we both had scored sub-4 times that we'd both been chasing for a couple of years. (Sidenote: there were four mothers from my child's third grade class that were running--2 of us in the marathon and 2 others in the relay. Not bad out of a class of 24 kids!) And then there was the usual slow hobbling to get food and all that. Also, because it was my parents 45th anniversary, I came home and cleaned the house because they were coming over for a little family party.

The weather was good (50s, mostly overcast, chilly enough that my hands stayed cold for the first half of the race 'cause I hadn't brought gloves), and I managed fueling better than in the past. Being nauseated in the second half of a marathon has often been a nemesis, but this time there was only a vague sense of nausea if at all.

In other good news, I felt pretty good today. There's a couple of places that aren't fully restored yet, but everything else feels good--which is important since I'm running the Bolder Boulder 10K in less than a week. (Not racing, but sub-55 preferably.)

Edited by realrellim 2014-05-22 2:46 AM

2014-05-22 7:56 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Lisa- Good report and great race. Congratulations on your time. You choose a pic. In most late race pics the running looks like their running to keep from falling over. You look strong.
2014-05-22 8:18 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Great report, Lisa. Remember, recovery time is truly 2-3 weeks. Great time to cross-train.
2014-05-22 8:18 AM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Great report, Lisa. Remember, recovery time is truly 2-3 weeks. Great time to cross-train.
2014-05-22 9:54 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Public Service Announcement - please ensure you are copying the most recent standings when updating your results.

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 17:20:09
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Jim 14 12:15:08
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Mitch 15 18:49:23
Lisa 10 12:20:32
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Drew 15 18:07:32
Gabe 8 11:40:45
2014-05-22 9:56 AM
in reply to: realrellim

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Lisa - awesome report and race! Congraulations on your run!!!

2014-05-22 12:51 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
42' swim today. While the pool is so tedious, consistency continues to pay off.

I wanted to share with the group sets of workouts posted by Dan Empfeld over at ST. While these are structured workouts over a 10 week period, there are some great sets here.

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 18:02:09
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Jim 14 12:15:08
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Mitch 15 18:49:23
Lisa 10 12:20:32
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Drew 15 18:07:32
Gabe 8 11:40:45
2014-05-22 2:57 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Atlanta, Georgia
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Ran home at lunch for an hour on the trainer.

Meathead's Workout Log -

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 18:02:09
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Jim 14 12:15:08
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Mitch 15 18:49:23
Lisa 10 12:20:32
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Drew 16 19:07:28
Gabe 8 11:40:45
2014-05-22 3:41 PM
in reply to: Meathead

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by Meathead

Ran home at lunch for an hour on the trainer.

Meathead's Workout Log -

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 18:02:09
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Jim 14 12:15:08
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Mitch 15 18:49:23
Lisa 10 12:20:32
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Drew 16 19:07:28
Gabe 8 11:40:45

Drew - need to be connected on Garmin before we can see each other's logs. I'm there with the same user name so flip me an invite.
2014-05-22 6:47 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Adding yesterday's 7.5 mile run (found out I was able to manage the pain on my last 2 runs using an ITB brace).  Today 1hr drainer + 3000m interval swim

If I can keep up with moderate pain on my ITB as I increase my run volume, I will shoot to do a tough, but memorable HIM in 3 weeks in the jungles of northern Guatemala which goes through the Mayan temples of Tikal.

Mark 18 20:52:00 
Joe 18 18:02:09 
Jackie 14 18:57:01 
Jim 14 12:15:08 
Bruno 13 17:10:00 
Mitch 15 18:49:23 
Lisa 10 12:20:32 
Dennis 14 16:15:45 
Drew 16 19:07:28 
Gabe 10 14:49:45

2014-05-23 1:05 AM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Another 30 minute recovery ride today, but outside this time.

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 18:02:09
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Jim 14 12:15:08
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Mitch 15 18:49:23
Lisa 11 12:54:71
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Drew 16 19:07:28
Gabe 10 14:49:45

2014-05-23 8:17 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
45 minutes on the drainer last night. 9x1' at 108% FTP with 2' recoveries.

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 18:02:09
Mitch 16 19:34:23
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Jim 14 12:15:08
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Lisa 11 12:54:71
Gabe 10 14:49:45

Edited by trisuppo 2014-05-23 8:20 AM
2014-05-23 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4996214

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
One more week in the pool and I'm going to try my first open water swim by myself with my wife on the support boat.

My first Tri is 2 months away so I'm wondering how often should I work in open water swims into my workouts?

Any particular advice on hazards associated with open water swims?
2014-05-23 11:20 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by sawyer1206

One more week in the pool and I'm going to try my first open water swim by myself with my wife on the support boat.

My first Tri is 2 months away so I'm wondering how often should I work in open water swims into my workouts?

Any particular advice on hazards associated with open water swims?

1. Never swim alone
2. Learn to sight by practicing in the pool
3. Learn to swim in a straight line (try swimming with your eyes closed in a pool)
4. Use the proper tinted goggles based on sunlight
5. Swim in a group - this is a big one. A leisurely lake swim won't get you ready for washing machine.
6. If racing in a wetsuit, practice in a wetsuit. If racing in your tri gear, swim in your tri gear.
7. Wear a swim cap if not using one
8. If you plan to take a gu or gel prior to racing, do the same before your swim to see how it feels on the gut
9. Practice starting like you will in a race. If it is a beach start, practice that. If it is a deep water start, try treading water for 2-4' and then start swimming.

The more situations and variables you can account for, the less anxiety you will have.
2014-05-23 12:57 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
38:03 on the bike. I found a new route which may not cause my death by construction. It was nice and a couple of long stretches on new asphalt and no cars. One issue popped up. 9 miles in I my ride got rough for no reason. I stopped and checked my tire and it developed a lump the size of a superball and the rubber was split. I had the let half the air out of the tire and limp home.

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 18 18:02:09
Mitch 16 19:34:23
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Jim 15 12:53:11
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Lisa 11 12:54:71
Gabe 10 14:49:45
2014-05-23 1:13 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by JoePetto

Originally posted by sawyer1206

One more week in the pool and I'm going to try my first open water swim by myself with my wife on the support boat.

My first Tri is 2 months away so I'm wondering how often should I work in open water swims into my workouts?

Any particular advice on hazards associated with open water swims?

1. Never swim alone
2. Learn to sight by practicing in the pool
3. Learn to swim in a straight line (try swimming with your eyes closed in a pool)
4. Use the proper tinted goggles based on sunlight
5. Swim in a group - this is a big one. A leisurely lake swim won't get you ready for washing machine.
6. If racing in a wetsuit, practice in a wetsuit. If racing in your tri gear, swim in your tri gear.
7. Wear a swim cap if not using one
8. If you plan to take a gu or gel prior to racing, do the same before your swim to see how it feels on the gut
9. Practice starting like you will in a race. If it is a beach start, practice that. If it is a deep water start, try treading water for 2-4' and then start swimming.

The more situations and variables you can account for, the less anxiety you will have.

What Joe said, plus:
1. know your water temp
2. If the water is cold, like all lakes in Michigan are right now, wear ear plugs. Otherwise the cold water will get on your tympanic membrane, it will throw off you equilibrium and you will become nauseous. that was a tough lesson for me and almost caused me to quit triathlon, because every time a swam I would start throwing up, until I learned what was happening and started using ear plugs. 95% of my swimming is done in Lake Huron, so its always cold. I always use them even in the pool, because I don't like water in my ears.
3. Learn to breath on both sides, and always breath away from the waves.
4. If its a beach start learn to dolphin dive.
5. Spot about every 4 stroke. Triathlete magazine has a videos free on line on open water swimming and a segment includes spotting.
6. Don't panic! If you feel freaked out, at all, flip on your back and relax, then flip back over and swim.

Edited by JBacarella 2014-05-23 1:17 PM

2014-05-23 3:46 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Open water swimming - - - What Joe and Jim said plus:

1) Unless you're lucky, you will NOT see the bottom. You may not see more than a few feet in front of you. Do NOT panic unless you come face to face with a creature.

2) Expect to be slower in open water than the pool, no wall to push off or rest on.

3) Expect the water to be colder than the pool, but expect to have your body heat up faster because it's harder or you have a wetsuit on (which always makes me warmer).

4) Try to relax. If it isn't everything you wanted it to be the 1st time, try again. The 2nd time is easier.

2014-05-23 3:53 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by trigabe

Adding yesterday's 7.5 mile run (found out I was able to manage the pain on my last 2 runs using an ITB brace).  Today 1hr drainer + 3000m interval swim

If I can keep up with moderate pain on my ITB as I increase my run volume . . .


I'm going to do my maternal thing and I just have to put this out there for you.

IMHO, this sport should NOT be about managing pain. It should be about figuring out the cause of the problem and fixing it. It concerns me that you have to wear a brace to manage the ITB pain on your runs. I would rather see you pool running.

Please be more conservative with your injuries and give them time to heal. I don't want to see you out for a longer period of time. OK, it's out there and now I'll shut up!
2014-05-23 5:40 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by jackiep

Originally posted by trigabe

Adding yesterday's 7.5 mile run (found out I was able to manage the pain on my last 2 runs using an ITB brace).  Today 1hr drainer + 3000m interval swim

If I can keep up with moderate pain on my ITB as I increase my run volume . . .


I'm going to do my maternal thing and I just have to put this out there for you.

IMHO, this sport should NOT be about managing pain. It should be about figuring out the cause of the problem and fixing it. It concerns me that you have to wear a brace to manage the ITB pain on your runs. I would rather see you pool running.

Please be more conservative with your injuries and give them time to heal. I don't want to see you out for a longer period of time. OK, it's out there and now I'll shut up!

Agree with the above.

And Jackie - I'm jealous of those who get to live and play in Austin. In addition to the South East Shuffle ride to Buda and beyond (from Bicycle Sport Shop on Lamar, I did a trail run on the Greenbelt and a run on the hills of Barton Creek Dr. I also squeezed in 36 holes of golf. I was pretty spent after those 3 days in Austin, I had a blast though!!!
2014-05-23 6:09 PM
in reply to: jackiep

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Originally posted by jackiep

Originally posted by trigabe

Adding yesterday's 7.5 mile run (found out I was able to manage the pain on my last 2 runs using an ITB brace).  Today 1hr drainer + 3000m interval swim

If I can keep up with moderate pain on my ITB as I increase my run volume . . .


I'm going to do my maternal thing and I just have to put this out there for you.

IMHO, this sport should NOT be about managing pain. It should be about figuring out the cause of the problem and fixing it. It concerns me that you have to wear a brace to manage the ITB pain on your runs. I would rather see you pool running.

Please be more conservative with your injuries and give them time to heal. I don't want to see you out for a longer period of time. OK, it's out there and now I'll shut up!

^^^^This x2. As always, women have much more common sense then us heathens!
2014-05-23 6:14 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
PT confirmed my DX - hamstring tendonitis. Rest, stretching and some Graston work. My half Mary is now on ice - need to heal for marathon training which begins in July.

Left work early and headed to our community pool which I only get up swim on the weekends. Already for a long swim - 32' into the swim - CODE BROWN - pool was evacuated. Took my cue and went to the local taqueria for tacos and beer.

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 19 18:34:09
Mitch 16 19:34:23
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 14 18:57:01
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Jim 15 12:53:11
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Lisa 11 12:54:71
Gabe 10 14:49:45

2014-05-23 11:23 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
Mitch, you never told me why you were in Austin. Bicycle Sport Shop is my bike shop, 3 locations, 4 clubs! Glad you enjoyed it. Too much traffic though!

Mark 18 20:52:00
Joe 19 18:34:09
Mitch 16 19:34:23
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 16 21:36:54
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Jim 15 12:53:11
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Lisa 11 12:54:71
Gabe 10 14:49:45
2014-05-24 1:31 AM
in reply to: jackiep

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
1.5 hr run this morning including 5k parkrun race.

Mark 19 22:22:00
Joe 19 18:34:09
Mitch 16 19:34:23
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 16 21:36:54
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Jim 15 12:53:11
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Lisa 11 12:54:71
Gabe 10 14:49:45
2014-05-24 10:55 AM
in reply to: jackiep

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success

Originally posted by jackiep
Originally posted by trigabe

Adding yesterday's 7.5 mile run (found out I was able to manage the pain on my last 2 runs using an ITB brace).  Today 1hr drainer + 3000m interval swim

If I can keep up with moderate pain on my ITB as I increase my run volume . . .

Gabe, I'm going to do my maternal thing and I just have to put this out there for you. IMHO, this sport should NOT be about managing pain. It should be about figuring out the cause of the problem and fixing it. It concerns me that you have to wear a brace to manage the ITB pain on your runs. I would rather see you pool running. Please be more conservative with your injuries and give them time to heal. I don't want to see you out for a longer period of time. OK, it's out there and now I'll shut up!

Jackie, thank you very much for your concern and your honest opinion.  You are right and your message is helping me to reflect on how sometimes we can let our passion and drive blur our vision to deal appropriately with setbacks, like injuries.  

I showed your comment to my wife Estefania and she smiled and totally agrees with you.  BTW, she says hi!

So thank you very much amiga and also to eveyone else for you comments and valuable contributions to this group!

2014-05-24 3:55 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success
2hr 15min in the drainer this morning (MS 1hr 45min @ 82% FTP

Mark 19 22:22:00
Joe 19 18:34:09
Mitch 17 21:49:00
Drew 16 19:07:28
Jackie 16 21:36:54
Dennis 14 16:15:45
Jim 15 12:53:11
Bruno 13 17:10:00
Lisa 11 12:54:71
Gabe 10 14:49:00
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success Rss Feed  
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