BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN Rss Feed  
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2017-01-06 10:07 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

Found out yesterday that I did not get a promotion I was hoping for, and instead it feels like a demotion b/c they are moving me into my old office which has a tiny desk (it's actually a credenza) and is obnoxiously small and annoying. It also doesn't have a window, and I've been loving not turning on my fluorescent lights. I left here pretty frustrated so instead of doing the boot camp I was planning on attending (I didn't want to be stuck in a tiny room with lots of people), I went on what can only be described as a rage run. It felt good though, much needed. I basically just ran two miles as fast as I could (which is not very fast right now since I haven't run since Thanksgiving Day) before my hip started bothering me. Then I drank some wine and watched Westworld (so good). Healthy coping mechanisms, right?

I have my lasik surgery tomorrow, so will not be able to do much in the next week. Only light workouts. Not even sure exactly what that means...but I will have to figure it out! Super excited for better eyesight though, so it will be worth it!

Nicole, I'm sorry to hear about the non-promotion. That can be discouraging sometimes but hold to the belief that everything happens for a reason. I love that you took it out on a run - I do the same thing.

Good luck with the eyeballs! I've always wanted to do that (I have an astigmatism) but am paranoid as any mistakes could pull my flight medical and I'd be SOL on a job.

2017-01-06 10:39 AM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
NAME: Jenn Hoy (Aviatrix802)

STORY: 46 years old. Always played sports growing up - soccer, basketball, softball, swim, golf, hiking, skiing etc. Played softball in college - fast pitcher, and for a few years after in different leagues. I've lived all over the East Coast due to flying jobs (pilot) and ironically am back in my home state of Vermont. Did lots of rock climbing back in the late 90's early 2000's (one of my favorite things ever). Ran a few shorter races in the early 2000's but typically had only run to stay in shape before that. Have done about 5 half Mary's and finally starting "tri-ing" in the summer of 2014 when I did a couple of sprints and an Oly. Spring of 2015 I wrecked my knee so a planned HIM in Tupper Lake turned into an Aquabike and did a couple more Oly's that year. This past summer (2016) was all about long-distance. I did the Toughman Tupper Lake Tinman HIM in June, lots of training in Mont Tremblant in anticipation of IMMT in Aug. Did that with my sis-in-law but 60 miles into the bike I was in the initial stages of hypothermia after being in deluge and an unforecast temperature drop. Maddening. 2 days after I returned from Canada I registered for Big George - a HIM in Lake George I'd been eye-balling. Did that over Labor Day weekend and threw my pelvis out of alignment on mile 9 of the run - I continued with a walk/jog and managed to finish in 6 hours on the nose and a 2nd place finish in my old-lady age group.

FAMILY STATUS:Married to an awesome/supportive hubby and have two rambunctious boys (9 & 11) - they keep me young. My hubby is interested in trying a sprint or Oly this summer!!!! I am so excited!! He is a former competitive swimmer so he will be golden there.

CURRENT TRAINING: I had to take much of the fall off with my askew pelvis but it seems to have popped back in alignment so I'm picking things up again but slowly.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: As i had mentioned - Toughman Tupper Lake Tinman, a DNF at IMMT, and Big George HIM

UPCOMING YEAR'S RACES: Torn right now and it will depend on how my pelvis is healing. I'd like to go back and complete IMMT. Regardless, I'll probably do Toughman Tupper Lake Tinman again as prep. If I don't do IMMT then I'll do either King George (Oly on Sat and HIM on Sun) or Prince George (Oly on Sat and Aquabike on Sun) at the Lake George triathlon festival. If I don't do IMMT I will also sprinkle in a sprint and Oly mid-summer as well.

WEIGHTLOSS: I've put on about 5 pounds since my last race on Labor Day weekend but I know that will go with better eating habits and increased training so my focus will be food. During training I'm usually concerned with losing too much weight which I know some will say I'm lucky, but it's not easy and can be a struggle for my body to not cannibalize itself. Sounds gross.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've got a few years of experience now at multiple distances, I've learned a lot - good and bad things I've done and can hopefully help with others' training. I've tried to maintain a positive attitude through injuries.

BEVERAGES OF CHOICE: I like good porters, heffe weissen, ales, etc. I'm starting to move away from IPA - getting too hoppy for me (too many Heady Toppers) haha. I love dark beers I can chew on. We have quarterly wine delivery service here so I'm heavy into reds with the occasional Sauvignon Blanc. - not a fan of overly fruity/sweet wines. I love good Temperanillo, Pinot Noir and a nice Bordeaux. I am also a fan of a good scotch, vodka, etc.

Edited by aviatrix802 2017-01-06 10:43 AM
2017-01-06 1:42 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

I got my third master's swim in this week.  The plan is to get started back on the bike trainer this weekend and start the Winter Cycling Plan in a couple weeks.

2017-01-06 5:28 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Great to see the group is here again, and welcome new members! Difficult week with family travel to Venice (no way you can run in the city or swim in the freezing water, not to talk about cycling...), but I cannot complain!

NAME: Juan G Velasco

STORY: 50 years - been into sports always, mainly basketball, also running, tennis, skiing, golf and biking. Never too good at any of them, although basketball was my preferred choice, and played in high school and also con college. Due to limited time, dropped almost all of them and was only running till 4 years ago, when pain in one knee made me consider to bike again. And that´s when my wife, volunteer for Make a Wish, said: "then, why don´t you swim also and some fundraising for us". I did my first sprint, had a lot of fun and while training my knee did not hurt anymore (being a doctor myself, yes, I did not go to see a colleague...), so decided this was my sport. After a couple of sprints, and two olys, did 2 HIM, and this year started to train already for a full IM -may be mid-life crisis, who cares, I am really enjoying it.

FAMILY STATUS: married to a wonderful wife for 19 years who enjoys running 10k and half marathons, and 2 teenagers (15 and 17) who make my life much more fun.

CURRENT TRAINING: Already started a 30 week plan for a full IM, so trying to workout everyday but Mondays - Christmas has been not too good for compliance, but since "tomorrow" (mañana) I should be what´s on the books.

2016 RACES: my A race as HIM Barcelona, tough bike but great setting and organization - did 6.30, one hour more than my previous HIM, but my training had been not so consistent due to too much travel out of the country for work

The Plan for 2017: Austria IM, July 2nd

BEER/WINE/BOOZE PREFERENCE: being from Spain, I am a wine drinker - which means red (my grandfather used to say that white wine was not even wine...). Tempranillo is my favorite grape, but enjoy any good wine from France (Bordeaux or Cote du Rhone), Italy (Valpolicella), USA (cabernets or zinfandels), but also Malbecs from Argentina or South Africa and strong Shiraz from Australia. Here I have learned a lot about beers, a whole new world to me as out of pilsners I had no idea - now I understand much better why our group is named BDAS

WEIGHT LOSS: I should lose about 10 pounds, a bit of better eating along with training should be enough to be on shape by June

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD BDAS MEMBER: I can share my experience with my previous races, training and motivation, and enjoying a wonderful drink or two now and then while training make my live much more fun, and for sure yours too. Keeping a good attitude throughout the season is vital, and this group has helped a me a lot, and will contribute to that as well.
2017-01-06 6:47 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

3200m swim with masters this morning, 40 minute run tonights, and currently enjoying a hoppy brett beer from The Bruery

I have a two hour trainer ride on tap for tomorrow before an 8am teleconference.  I do a lot of my bike training on the trainer -- anyone else? 

2017-01-06 8:18 PM
in reply to: #5207975

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Lots of trainer time here - mainly in the winter- ice and snow occupy the roads and just plain cold. I live near mountains so when I can, I train outside but find intervals easier to really train on the trainer.

As a matter of fact I did a 30 minute ride on the trainer today followed by a short 1000 yd swim.

2017-01-07 7:11 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by ligersandtions

3200m swim with masters this morning, 40 minute run tonights, and currently enjoying a hoppy brett beer from The Bruery

I have a two hour trainer ride on tap for tomorrow before an 8am teleconference.  I do a lot of my bike training on the trainer -- anyone else? 

Nicole, I do use the trainer when there is no other way I can do that session, so mainly when too much work/life gets in the middle and it is too dark to go out. I find it much harder than riding my bike, not about motivation but about moving watts. I am using Bkool, guess similar to any other you use, how do you relate your time on the trainer to your time on the bike? 2h ride on the bike equals 2h on the trainer?

2017-01-07 12:11 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Sloooow 1h run this afternoon, trying to get rid of the extra "turron" and wines/beers/gin&tonics and others and back on the healthy side .... it will take me a while!

2017-01-07 12:20 PM
in reply to: #5209368

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Subzero temps this morning pushed me inside for my long run. Nine miles on the tiny track (63 laps!). Biggest achievement is that I still have my sanity! Tried to eat potatoes for fuel, but had a hard time choking them down, so the last three miles were a little bit of a disaster.
2017-01-07 12:57 PM
in reply to: #5209412

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Okay BDASers, I've noticed something really weird over the last few months. About an hour after any run over five miles, the tip of my right (and only right) index finger goes numb. Any ideas? Or is this just some weird biological quirk of mine, like the fact that eating raw carrots gives me the hiccups every.single.time.
2017-01-07 5:13 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

I do all of my hard intervals on the trainer.  I feel safer that bandwidth necessary to stay upright and make I have adequate awareness for drivers, chasing dogs, etc.  When I do long rides outside (i.e. not when it's frigid!), I do a lot of tempo to (short) threshold intervals, but long threshold and VO2 intervals are mainly done on the trainer year-round.

I think because I ride the trainer as much as I do, my inside and outside power output is very similar.  When it's hot and humid outside (basically from May through September), outside actually feels harder than inside.  But to answer your question....two hours on the trainer = two hours outside.


Wow, Gretchen!!!  63 laps on an indoor track?  I am quite impressed that you haven't lost your sanity!  As for the numb finger thing, that might be one of your quirks.  I notice that when I run to my limit (mostly when I have tempo runs in the heat/humidity), my ears get plugged up.  I figure that's one of my weird quirks.  I don't get it on the bike or while swimming!

2017-01-07 7:42 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
NAME: David or DQ

STORY: In 2012, I weighed in at a portly 270 lb and decided enough was enough. I started out with a simple sprint and ended up capping off the year with a HIM. The exercise helped me to lose 95 pounds. More importantly, I feel in love with the sport of Triathlon and it's been a passion ever since. For me - it's all about staying happy and healthy. Unfortunately, the lost of a job and sick parents have plagued my desire to workout and I've gained 50 pounds in the last 10 months and haven't worked out since July when I dropped out of IMNC training. I'm hoping to get my @55 back in gear in 2017.

FAMILY STATUS: I am blessed to be married to my smokin hot wife (Heidi) and during the last 18 years, we've had three kids 16 14, and 7.


2016 RACES: It was supposed to be a busy year but my lack of drive ended up limiting my to a sprint, a half mary, plus a 5K.

RACES PLANNED FOR 17: Right now the only thing on the calendar is a sprint in May. Other than that my season is wide open.

BEER PREFERENCE: I will drink just about anything but my favorite styles are saison, gueuze, Gose, and other tasty sours. Perhaps my favorite beer on the planet is Two Hearted IPA by Bells. I also make beer and just brewed a IPA so stop by for a glass.

WEIGHT LOSS: In 2012, I lost 96 pounds to hit 170. Over the past four years, I've put back almost all of it. Sad but true. It's what happens when you eat too much and stop exercising. If I'm going to get back to running consistently, I'm gonna need to lose some weight. OK - let's be honest, I need to lose 50 pounds to run without injuring myself.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD group member: To be honest, I would not have been able to accomplish anything without the help of my awesome mentor (thanks DH) and fellow beer-loving mentees. I am so thankful, and I want to repay my debt by helping those who join this group to accomplish their goals. I promise to check the forum most days and I will do my best to answer your questions and cheer you on throughout the 2017 tri season. As a group, we will use beer to help motivate us to get healthier and happier and to put us in a good position to accomplish our goals and kick a little butt along the way.
2017-01-07 7:49 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by ligersandtions

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD BDAS MEMBER:  Well, I can talk beer or wine for days  

How could we say no to that! Welcome to the BDAS Nicole!
2017-01-07 7:50 PM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Welcome back Jenn and Juan!

THanks for the kick in the butt Jenn. I needed it.
2017-01-07 7:57 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
HI All - I'm finally home and ready to get back into the swing of things. While I was gone, I managed a few thirty minute walks and that was about it since there was no place to swim and I didn't have my bike with me.

Tomorrow (Sunday), I'm hoping to get a swim in and start training for a spirit in May.

Lets hear it for three members of the BDAS Hall of Fame who are participating in the Dopey Challenge this weekend - Alex, John, and Scott. Tomorrow they will run the mary and lets send good thoughts their way.
2017-01-07 8:04 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Subzero temps this morning pushed me inside for my long run. Nine miles on the tiny track (63 laps!). Biggest achievement is that I still have my sanity! Tried to eat potatoes for fuel, but had a hard time choking them down, so the last three miles were a little bit of a disaster.

Bad to the bone! Way to lead by example!

2017-01-08 7:16 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Juancho
Originally posted by ligersandtions

3200m swim with masters this morning, 40 minute run tonights, and currently enjoying a hoppy brett beer from The Bruery

I have a two hour trainer ride on tap for tomorrow before an 8am teleconference.  I do a lot of my bike training on the trainer -- anyone else? 

Nicole, I do use the trainer when there is no other way I can do that session, so mainly when too much work/life gets in the middle and it is too dark to go out. I find it much harder than riding my bike, not about motivation but about moving watts. I am using Bkool, guess similar to any other you use, how do you relate your time on the trainer to your time on the bike? 2h ride on the bike equals 2h on the trainer? Juan

I probably do 90% of my riding on the trainer.  I do just enough to keep up my bike handling skills and get a feel for the road.  I occasionally do some social rides with a couple of friends, but most of the time I'm hammering on the bike.

I think trainer time is "worth" a little more than outdoors, depending on what you are trying to accomplish.  If you have a power meter (the same one) that works both inside and outside you can a feel for the difference.

And welcome back, Juan!

2017-01-08 7:19 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Originally posted by Qua17 HI All - I'm finally home and ready to get back into the swing of things. While I was gone, I managed a few thirty minute walks and that was about it since there was no place to swim and I didn't have my bike with me. Tomorrow (Sunday), I'm hoping to get a swim in and start training for a spirit in May. Lets hear it for three members of the BDAS Hall of Fame who are participating in the Dopey Challenge this weekend - Alex, John, and Scott. Tomorrow they will run the mary and lets send good thoughts their way.

But that is exactly how to get back at it.  Well done!

2017-01-08 7:25 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN

Got in 2K in the water yesterday plus some core work.  Happy Sunday!

2017-01-08 11:36 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Got in 2K in the water yesterday plus some core work.  Happy Sunday!

Nice work Mike! How's the back?
2017-01-08 11:44 AM
in reply to: Hook'em

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by Hook'em

I got my third master's swim in this week.  The plan is to get started back on the bike trainer this weekend and start the Winter Cycling Plan in a couple weeks.

Doug - I so wish my gym had a masters swim class. There is nothing to really push me in the pool and I'm out of luck when it comes to working on my form which isn't bad but it could be better. Good for you for getting it done.!

Is cycling a weakness or a strength for you?

2017-01-08 12:48 PM
in reply to: #5209414

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Hello! Happy Sunday! Watching my husband's favorite (but pathetic) Miami Dolphins getting trounced by the Steelers. Wood stove has the tv room cranked up to 91 degrees.
Went to the gym earlier and was looking to do 2 or 2.5 run on the treadmill; walked a mile first. About 1.6 into I started to feel the stabbing pain again so I slowed up to walk a minute and tried again. Started coming back so I had to quit at 1.8. I continues to walk for another 5-10 minutes. I went on to do a bunch of core work and upper body weights and some symmetrical swats (helps to keep the tailbone lined up).
2017-01-08 1:38 PM
in reply to: #5209486

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Sunday rest day for me! Spending a good chunk of the day meal planning, grocery shopping, and doing food prep for the week. So far, so good with the Whole30. Some of the recipes are fantastic!! So far, I've only made one thing I haven't liked, the BBQ sauce.
2017-01-08 2:05 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Hello! Happy Sunday! Watching my husband's favorite (but pathetic) Miami Dolphins getting trounced by the Steelers. Wood stove has the tv room cranked up to 91 degrees.
Went to the gym earlier and was looking to do 2 or 2.5 run on the treadmill; walked a mile first. About 1.6 into I started to feel the stabbing pain again so I slowed up to walk a minute and tried again. Started coming back so I had to quit at 1.8. I continues to walk for another 5-10 minutes. I went on to do a bunch of core work and upper body weights and some symmetrical swats (helps to keep the tailbone lined up).

SOrry Jenn to hear your workout was painful! Not a good way to get a workout in. What do you think it is?


As a browns fan _i'm rooting for the Dolphins!
2017-01-08 2:06 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS)--OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Sunday rest day for me! Spending a good chunk of the day meal planning, grocery shopping, and doing food prep for the week. So far, so good with the Whole30. Some of the recipes are fantastic!! So far, I've only made one thing I haven't liked, the BBQ sauce.

What - the ironwoman of the BDAS taking a rest day - inconceivable!

WHat is the Whole 30?
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