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2007-12-27 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Here's all of us!!!!

  • MDHillSlug
  • Baowolf
  • princessamy
  • mac3116
  • Rodney
  • michaeldhess
  • sdbryant
  • ronislye
  • owl_girl

2007-12-27 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1119111

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

sdbryant - 2007-12-27 2:23 PM So lovely to (electronically) meet everyone! I've added you all to my "friends" list. I have a great group that I train with at the club, but it will be fun to get some fresh thoughts and opinions. Where is everyone from? Maybe we'll see each other at some events next year! One tech question -- is there a way to add things to my blog page such as upcoming races, goals, etc.? I have not yet joined BT as a member, but will be doing that shortly. Tracy -- the sprint I did in June was the Blue Lake Sprint. I did the same course in July at the Luna event. How was the Oly at Pacific Crest? I plan to train on lots and lots of hills this year so that I won't be so scared to do something other than flat courses. :-) I should have noted earlier, that what I need a lot of support on is my eating habits. I'm aware of what I should do, but I still don't do it. Cookies, fries, wine, cheese -- mmmmm. Any weight I have taken off is from exercising. But I know that my endurance suffers partly from my nutrition and if I want to keep progressing with my goals, I need to get that in check. One last note for the day: I just checked my training plan for tomorrow and what I thought was a week of backing off on the long run, is actually another 120min run in the morning. Ugh.

Hi Sarah!  We are primarily a west coast bunch.  There are a few of us from the east coast.  As for me, I hail from the northwest coast of California.

Hmm.  Your blog page.  Well, go to your "control panel".  Click on "edit your training settings".  Click on "goals".  The first block will be your short term goals.  This is where I put things like our mentor group, challenges you are competing in, etc.  The second block is for long term goals.  This is where I put my upcoming races so I see them every time I get on BT.

A really wonderful way to keep track of your races is by clicking the "races" button at the top of the page.  Then click on "Go to Your Race Log".  Click on "Add Race" and follow the directions.  You can look at everyone's past races too.  That is always fun.

The Oly at Pacific Crest was fun.  The bike course was different than other years due to road construction.  I think there will be one big hill in 2008.  Other than that, it is a great course.

We will work on some nutrition stuff over the next couple of months.  Still thinking about this.  The holidays made me think about cookies to much!

As for your long run.....listen to your body.  Cheers!

2007-12-27 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1118953

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
A little bit about myself…I’m 42 years old and set to retire from the Air Force in May and I’ve not been as active the last few years as I was the first 30 (priorities change). I got turned onto doing a triathlon from a boss of mine (a female Marine Major) and it seemed like the best way to get back into shape and to lose weight. Originally, I was planning on competing last August but because I moved from Germany to Virginia training suffered. I’ve picked-up training again and as I already mentioned, plan to run my first race in March.

I believe that my best sport is biking. I love everything about the bike. I love biking long distances and riding 6+ hours is nothing for me. I would love to buy a tri-bike but will use the cross-bike that I bought. What I need to learn is speed. Swimming is my second best sport and I’m still improving. My first race is in a pool to get my first race out of the way. Running is the toughest and what I need to work on most.

I plan to run 3 races between March and June. After that, it will depend on where my new job is and when I move.

2007-12-27 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1119512

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

michaeldhess - 2007-12-27 8:43 PM A little bit about myself…I’m 42 years old and set to retire from the Air Force in May and I’ve not been as active the last few years as I was the first 30 (priorities change). I got turned onto doing a triathlon from a boss of mine (a female Marine Major) and it seemed like the best way to get back into shape and to lose weight. Originally, I was planning on competing last August but because I moved from Germany to Virginia training suffered. I’ve picked-up training again and as I already mentioned, plan to run my first race in March. I believe that my best sport is biking. I love everything about the bike. I love biking long distances and riding 6+ hours is nothing for me. I would love to buy a tri-bike but will use the cross-bike that I bought. What I need to learn is speed. Swimming is my second best sport and I’m still improving. My first race is in a pool to get my first race out of the way. Running is the toughest and what I need to work on most. I plan to run 3 races between March and June. After that, it will depend on where my new job is and when I move. -------------- Michael

Hi Mike,


Where in VA do you live? What races do you have planned?

If you are going to use your cross bike for tri, just make sure you ride on slicks.

Your neighbor to the north, Nicole 

2007-12-27 8:26 PM
in reply to: #1119526

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Hi, Nicole, I hope your feeling better,

I'm looking to upgrade my bike (tires, pedals, etc.) for races. It's a decent enough bike, but I can't see spending another $1500+ for a tri bike. If this lasts more than a year, maybe.

My beginner race is a 300m, 20K, 5K in Springfield, VA which is just across the river to where I live in Hampton, VA.


2007-12-27 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Yay I finally found a nice bike route in SB, a lovely 35 miles with some of it along the ocean. I saw some dolphins and everything. It is going to be sad to go from mid 60s workouts at sea level back up to 35 degrees workouts at 4500 feet oh well, nice while it lasts.

2007-12-27 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1119577

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

michaeldhess - 2007-12-27 9:26 PM Hi, Nicole, I hope your feeling better, I'm looking to upgrade my bike (tires, pedals, etc.) for races. It's a decent enough bike, but I can't see spending another $1500+ for a tri bike. If this lasts more than a year, maybe. My beginner race is a 300m, 20K, 5K in Springfield, VA which is just across the river to where I live in Hampton, VA. --------------- Mike

I'm still congested, but feeling better.

Good wheels and 23 or 25mm tires would make a big difference for races. I seriously wanted a tri bike but I decided that a standard race bike would be more versatile.

My first tri was also 300/20/5. I think it's a perfect beginners distance. 

2007-12-27 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1119577

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!

michaeldhess - 2007-12-27 9:26 PM Hi, Nicole, I hope your feeling better, I'm looking to upgrade my bike (tires, pedals, etc.) for races. It's a decent enough bike, but I can't see spending another $1500+ for a tri bike. If this lasts more than a year, maybe. My beginner race is a 300m, 20K, 5K in Springfield, VA which is just across the river to where I live in Hampton, VA. --------------- Mike

Oh, I see on your training logs that you are planning on doing the Kinetic Sprint Triathlon at Lake Anna. I'm also planning on this one so I'll expect that we meet! Do you own a wetsuit?

2007-12-28 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1119603

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- OPEN!
Not yet. I'm still trying to figure which one to buy.
2007-12-28 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1119588

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Baowolf - 2007-12-27 6:33 PM Yay I finally found a nice bike route in SB, a lovely 35 miles with some of it along the ocean. I saw some dolphins and everything. It is going to be sad to go from mid 60s workouts at sea level back up to 35 degrees workouts at 4500 feet oh well, nice while it lasts.

That sounds awesome, Steve!

2007-12-28 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!


Do all of you have a training plan?  The best way for all of us to reach our goals is by following a plan.  The first step in choosing or designing a training plan is to identify the one race at which you want to be at your best.  Sooooo......I would like all of you to:

1)  Choose your key race (or two races for some of you).

2)  Choose a couple of other races that you would really like to do for experience.

3)  Let me know if you have a training plan that will let you achieve #1 above.

Happy Training!!!!

Edited by owl_girl 2007-12-28 9:55 AM

2007-12-28 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i have one i just started for the HIM in may . also im using the two tri's before it at training . the 1/2 marathon in jan. and the 15k,5k and marathon in febuary im ready for . just doing them for fun . the HIM program though i follow as close as i can i do move days around cause of work . like long days but the time that it says for each disapline i do put it in even if its 2 a days
2007-12-28 10:52 AM
in reply to: #1120293

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

I don't have a specific plan. In general I bike twice a week, run twice a week, and swim twice a week. I also try to get in some strength/core wo's, but lately I haven't been very good about these!

My swimming for distance and endurance is going well. I'm also working on getting comfortable with bilateral breathing. Soon I will need to switch over to swimming for speed.

I keep my core biking fitness with indoor trainer rides but I like to get a longer outdoor ride each week. Anywhere I go has hills so I can't escape hill training.

I'm still working on getting back my running fitness since the ankle and knee problems over the summer. My goal is to be able to do 10 minute miles in the last leg of a triathlon.

My A race is the Iron Girl triathlon on August 24. With my current schedule this will be my last event of the year. I also need to be ready for a metric century charity ride on June 8. 

2007-12-28 12:16 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Vancouver BC
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Well I feel behind most of you
I only have one race My first Triathlon on Aug 2
I am using Michael Pates Total Sprint - 22 Week plan
I have no plans for any other races at this point.
I am feeling very excited to start training but have wait till Jan 1
not just because it a new year thing.
I have a cast on one leg right now that comes off Dec 31

it long story but my leg is fine.
Well good training everyone.

How do I make my font a pretty colour?
2007-12-28 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Plan...hmm, first would be to find out what I've got myself into. I guess I can start by asking a simple question for a newbie.  What is a "Sprint" Triathlon?

I read in an earlier post what a "brick" is. Should transitions be done only in the order of the events in a Tri, or is it OK to mix them up?

Wet suits...  are there limitations to how thick they can be? As an avid Scuba Diver, I have suits with different thicknesses. Thicker makes you more boyant. Is this an advantage or disadvantage when swimming?

Cycling... Shoes, cleats, pedals, etc. I thought I could just get on my bike and ride. In a spinning class I took last night, they suggested getting shoes and cleats. OK, makes sense. So that raises the question, Road Shoes or Mountain Shoes? When it stops raining, I'll get on the road, but untill then, it's spinning classes. Unfortuantley, the spinning class equiptment doesn't tell me how "far" I've gone.

Since I don't have a full Iron Man date/race selected yet, I'm going to select a few races as part of my training. Longer runs will be Phukett Marathon in June, Hood To Coast in August, Portland Marathon in August and Honolulu Marathon in December. Mixed in with these will be several shorter races and maybe a half. I hope to find a few non-Iron Man tri's in my area with the goal of possibly doing the Phoenix Iron Man in 09.

I need to work on my swimming. Did 1/4 mile last night, could have done much more, but felt it the next day. Technique is a weak point here. I need to work on kicking and breathing.

I'd like some input on eating before some of the more intense training sessions.

Lastly, how do I get one of those little photo icons all of you have? 








2007-12-28 3:00 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Rodney... wow you have some really big goals really fast.

First off, triathlons are named for their distance, I dont have all of the distances memorized, but they break down something like this:

Sprint= Swim 500 m, bike 12 miles, run 3.1 miles
Olympic= swim 1000 m, bike 25 miles, run 6.2 miles
Half Iron man= 1.5 miles swim, 56 mile bike, 13 mile run
Iron man, 2.5 mile swim, 113 mlie bike, 26 mile run

Or something like that, you can look up exact numbers on line.

There are specific wetsuits for swiming that are different than diving or surfing as they are more flexible on the arms and legs and designed to get out of quickly, important for the transition from swim to bike.

Usually you do bricks in the order your events will occur, typically the bike to run is the suckiest.

I can't really exercize if I have eaten within the previous 2-3 hours or risk upchucking. I can have a granola bar and some water or cheeze stick within 10 min of starting the workout and then during the workout, in 100 to 160 cal units. There is some variation between what folks can tolerate.

Most people do not do more than a Sprint and maybe an Olympic in their first year of training, in the second year maybe a half and don't really think about an Iron man until a 3rd year, barring injuries and allowing for consistant training for 2-3 years. (weekly).

Bikes are mountain bike = slow, road bike with or without clip in shoes (clipless), and Tri or time trial bike with aro bars almost always with clip in shoes (clipless).

The the frame of the aro bike actually differs in dimention from a road bike, so a road bike with aro bars is not the same as an aro bike wiht aro bars. The reason for a Tri or aro bike is that it is faster, changes how it works your leg muscles so that your transition from bike to run is much much easier. You can expect to run a 5-10k maybe 5 min faster with a tri bike than a road bike given the same fitness level. (so I have read).

A full 26 mile marathon is also pretty far even without the swim and bike components. I would say probably 6 months to be in decent shape for a half maybe a year to be in decent shape to knock out a full marathon without any walking or worry about injury.

Hydration and nutrican become important with anything over a 10k running or a sprint Tri. After an hour your body has prettly much used up all of the free carbs in your bloodstream and starts to eat muscle if nothing else is supplied. You should eat 100 to 350 calories per hour (depending on your gut and who you read) and drink 20 oz of water per hour. Do not over drink as this can cause death over the long haul. Weather will affect how much you need to drink, cold less hot more. Not drinking enough causes dehydration and is bad, but usualy not leathal. It will typically result in a did not finish though and a trip to the ER to get IV fluids.

Training plans are good, there are some on this site. The basic pattern of all training plans I have read are, week 1 = base workout, week 2 = base + 10 percent (minutes), week 3 = add an additional 10 percent, week 4 (rest week) minus 40 percent from week 3, week 5 is same as week 3 and is new base.... rince repeat until taper for race.

Anyway Owl is the fearless leader here and I am relative newbie, this is what I have picked up so far.

(7 mile run today)

Edited by Baowolf 2007-12-28 3:09 PM

2007-12-28 3:22 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Bao,  thanks for the feedback. The running will be the easy part for me as I've done a couple of those runs before as well as several half marathons.

It sounds like I need to consider getting a bike specific to Tri's. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have the benefit of working with a former Olympic Cyclist who is very happy to offer expertise on that event. I'm Googling Tri's in my area, Portland, Oregon and will probably tackle two or three shorter ones this year. I'm fortunate enough to have a wife who works for one of the airlines... meaning we can fly just about anywhere for next to nothing. I think an Iron Man will happen in 09. I hit 50 in Oct of 09, and I'd like to do it before that.  

2007-12-28 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Great information, Baowolf! And good job on your 7 miles today!

Right now I am doing the half marathon 20 week training plan for the Snow Joke half marathon February 23rd. After that I am planning to start the intermediate olympic triathlon training plan for the MTCC Garden City Triathlon in September. I'll also be doing a couple sprint tri's and some 5 & 10ks during training.

So far my training has been going pretty well. There were a couple weeks recently when I ran much less than planned due to adjusting to the weather and figuring out how to make Winter running work for me. I'm back up to speed now though. I've been doing my speed training on an indoor track, and my muscles are adjusting to the uneven surface and slippage of the snow. I also bought more layers and a balaclava for the sub freezing temperatures. I envy those of you in the warmer states. Though I'm sure Summer has its own challenges for you with the heat!


2007-12-28 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!

Rodney, if you are pretty new to biking I would counsel against getting a tri-specific bike because you can't really use them for much besides triathlon and triathlon training. They are unwelcome in typical group rides because they are more difficult to control in crowds. Any road bike is good for a triathlon with a race bike being even better. You'll see people on mountain bikes and hybrids, too.

I think that "sprint" triathlon refers to pretty much anything shorter than olympic distance. My first sprint was 300m/20k/5k and my Iron Girl sprint was 1000m/30k/3.4mi. 

2007-12-28 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
i dont know i guess the bike thing is up to the person . me i wouldnt trade my tri bike for anything .
Rod im with you the running is the easy part . or i thought with a handfull of marathons and a bunch of halfs but there is a big diffrence comming off the bike after two hours . my first two miles feel like im still on my aero bars. i found it to be tough to get good running posture back but after doing it a few times in training you seem to snap out of it faster . and then the heavy legs take some time too .
but best of luck to all i sure wish i had some snow to run in heck anything under 60 would be nice .
2007-12-28 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
how small does a picture have to be ? i cant get one one here everyone else has one and this thing wont let me

2007-12-28 10:54 PM
in reply to: #1120354

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
MDHillSlug - 2007-12-28 11:52 AM

I don't have a specific plan. In general I bike twice a week, run twice a week, and swim twice a week. I also try to get in some strength/core wo's, but lately I haven't been very good about these!

My swimming for distance and endurance is going well. I'm also working on getting comfortable with bilateral breathing. Soon I will need to switch over to swimming for speed.

I keep my core biking fitness with indoor trainer rides but I like to get a longer outdoor ride each week. Anywhere I go has hills so I can't escape hill training.

I'm still working on getting back my running fitness since the ankle and knee problems over the summer. My goal is to be able to do 10 minute miles in the last leg of a triathlon.

My A race is the Iron Girl triathlon on August 24. With my current schedule this will be my last event of the year. I also need to be ready for a metric century charity ride on June 8.

I forgot to mention that if I stick to my planned schedule then my first tri of the season will be in the middle of April. So, I need to have my running happening by then. 

2007-12-29 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1120208

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Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
1. My key race is my first race. It’s the one I have been working toward since October. It’s scheduled for 29 March.

2. I have two other races that I plan to attend: Kinetic Sprint in Spotsylvania, VA on 20 April and the Yorktown Sprint on 8 June. After that, I’m not sure because of my impending retirement I’ll be searching for a new job and should be moving around the June/July time frame. There is a race in Ohio that I would like to run on 6 July but we’ll have to wait and see where I’ll be.

3. The plan I’m on is the 16 Week - Run focused plan from BT. I’m also using the Beginner Swim program on my swim days. It helps improve technique and build volume toward a Sprint race. In addition to working on the three disciplines (swim, bike, run), I have a strength program I use that also includes work on my abs.
2007-12-29 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Rodney, I did not mean to be discouraging. It sounds like you have a lot of support and a running background. If you already have a base of being able to run a marathon that is huge.

I have no running or cycling background (or swimming for that matter) so it has taken me 4 months to build to being able to run a half marathon and a full marathon even without the bike and swim components is still one of those not for a while things. As I don't have the run, swim or bike background (or coach) my event progression will be at a slower pace.

I chose the tri bike because it helps so much with the run after the bike leg. For a full Ironman I think I read that a tri bike will help your run by 5-10 min. Also, no one in my town rides bikes, so there are no issues with group rides and all that. Only one other person in town owns a road bike and he doesn't get out much. In fact when I run along the road folks stop to see if I am ok as it is so rare to see someone jogging where I live. And for pools, I am going to have to build one before I can start swimming. (yay closest McDonnalds is 100 miles away as is a stoplight with all 3 colors).

Anyway I was just putting down what I have read, your exercize history, time and resources play into things quite a bit. The main thing is to remain injury free.

That said, I hope my wife gets home soon so I can get in a 50-60 mile bike ride before my daughter's sweet 16 birthday party. I'll check in with yall later.
2007-12-29 1:31 PM
in reply to: #1092958

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: owl_girl's Group --- FULL!
Boy, you guys were busy yesterday!  I'll look at everything this evening.  Thanks to Steve for answering some questions!   Our group is great!  We are supporting each other!  Keep it up!  I've got a wet bike ride ahead today.  I may change that into a trainer ride.  Hmm.  We'll see.  Take care everyone!!!
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