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2009-10-16 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2263485

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Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
So, this really sucks.  I can't 'master' these jobs, I'm out of 'Illegal Transaction Records,' 'Blackmail Photos,' Untraceable Cell Phones,' 'Computer Set-Ups,' etc.  How do you get these things in the quantities needed?

2009-10-16 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2463455

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
kmill23 - 2009-10-16 12:26 PM So, this really sucks.  I can't 'master' these jobs, I'm out of 'Illegal Transaction Records,' 'Blackmail Photos,' Untraceable Cell Phones,' 'Computer Set-Ups,' etc.  How do you get these things in the quantities needed?

Have a second account.  I know alot of people who have done this, me included.
2009-10-16 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2463455

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
kmill23 - 2009-10-16 12:26 PM So, this really sucks.  I can't 'master' these jobs, I'm out of 'Illegal Transaction Records,' 'Blackmail Photos,' Untraceable Cell Phones,' 'Computer Set-Ups,' etc.  How do you get these things in the quantities needed?

 you have to go back and keep doing jobs you have already mastered to get the loot that you need for the new job,, or have someone help by gifting them to ya
2009-10-16 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2463827

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
Gaarryy - 2009-10-16 4:09 PM
kmill23 - 2009-10-16 12:26 PM So, this really sucks.  I can't 'master' these jobs, I'm out of 'Illegal Transaction Records,' 'Blackmail Photos,' Untraceable Cell Phones,' 'Computer Set-Ups,' etc.  How do you get these things in the quantities needed?

 you have to go back and keep doing jobs you have already mastered to get the loot that you need for the new job,, or have someone help by gifting them to ya

Also Fighting a lot helps, I fight constantly (especially when I was in NY and you do get to loot these items every now and then). I fight now a lot in Moscow to try and get some cash.
2009-10-16 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2263485

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Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
question about getting help on jobs.

do you need to have 10 people respond in order to receive the benefit yourself? b/c i got a message that Lara helped out fighting off an ultra-national gang and that i received 21% mastery, but my job mastery remained the same.
2009-10-16 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2463882

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Sin City
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
Has robbing been taking out of the game?  I hope so.  I never really like that aspect.

2009-10-16 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2464004

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Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
Aikidoman - 2009-10-16 4:49 PMHas robbing been taking out of the game?  I hope so.  I never really like that aspect.
It was supposedly a temporary removal, but it's been a while now since it's been gone. I say good riddance! It was a horrible addition to the game, I had sold all of my property that was capable of being robbed. I'm slowly buying back again, hoping robbing doesn't show up again.
2009-10-16 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2463882

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
jimbo - 2009-10-16 3:41 PM question about getting help on jobs. do you need to have 10 people respond in order to receive the benefit yourself? b/c i got a message that Lara helped out fighting off an ultra-national gang and that i received 21% mastery, but my job mastery remained the same.

As soon as ten people respond it will update and give you the experience/money.  If it goes to expiration without ten people responding it will then give you the experience/money.  I am unsure what "expiration" is...but I think it's probably about 24 hours....

Does that help?
2009-10-16 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2263485

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Hatboro, PA
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
So, I need about 150 BMP's and about 60 ITR's and I will be finished with Boss and Underboss.  I can't wait to get through those levels!  They are taking so long!!!
2009-10-17 9:36 AM
in reply to: #2263485

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
So if they cut out robbing, should you just skip the capo level?  Bypassing the State Senator/repair bonus?
2009-10-19 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2263485

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Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
I Finally got my Golden Throne!!  That level seemed to take forever though.  Now I still need to finish underboss and consigliere.  Guess it's back to robbing an electronics store.

You have mastered all of the level 3 "Boss" jobs earning the title of "Master Boss." What's this?



Golden Throne A Golden Throne has been added to your inventory, giving you 2x the energy regenerated per regen period

2009-10-19 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2466533

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Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
rsqdvr - 2009-10-19 8:17 AM

You can loot UCP and CC from moscow as an fyi. It's better than the electronics store.

Also I finally finished underboss to complete NY. I'd also like to point out to make sure you are getting help with the "boss" fight and the help jobs in Moscow as often as possible. This can give you a couple R$million a day without doing anything. You will definitely need it as well.
2009-10-19 9:41 AM
in reply to: #2263485

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
I'm still just through the first tier of Underboss and Boss.  But I've been bouncing around getting the good loot from Cuba and trying to knock out some of the Moscow stuff.  I've gotten the first two tiers of the Baklan done.  Now need to finish off the third.  I was originally just going to knock out the NY jobs, but I am having more fun wandering around now.

And I'm very much glad that robbing was gone.  It was killing my wife and sucking the fun out of it for her (she only has 3X mafia, so is always getting picked on).
2009-10-19 10:51 PM
in reply to: #2263485

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Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
I have been trying to gift were I can sif if you need something let met know and I will see what
I can do. I am done with new york and cuba and i believe I have over 200 politico corrupto
2009-10-20 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2263485

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
? for those making over 100million/hour.  How many of each property do you have? 

I'm only at 100mil/3 hours and getting depressed.
2009-10-20 4:22 PM
in reply to: #2469671

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
BamaDC - 2009-10-20 5:16 PM

? for those making over 100million/hour.  How many of each property do you have? 

I'm only at 100mil/3 hours and getting depressed.

Cash Flow: $100,643,700 every 60 minutes.

Louie's Deli
+$250 (x1 Owned)

Mafia Mike's
+$12,000 (x111 Owned)

5-Star Hotel
+$200,000 (x218 Owned)

Mega Casino
+$300,000 (x189 Owned)

Plus some beachfront properties and abandon lots.

Edited by tjtryon 2009-10-20 4:22 PM

2009-10-20 5:07 PM
in reply to: #2469671

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Sin City
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
BamaDC - 2009-10-20 2:16 PM ? for those making over 100million/hour.  How many of each property do you have? 

I'm only at 100mil/3 hours and getting depressed.

I did a spreadsheet (yes, dorky) and did a rate of return vs. cost for each of the properties...  I found the exact ratio of each type of property to own/buy to get the best return.

so I have the following to get me 130mil per cycle.

HOWEVER, I stopped purchasing things a long time ago.  I realized that it was costing SO much to buy, for the small return than it would take months to make up the cost of the purchase.  There are better ways to make money.

Mafia Mike's
+$12,000 (x290 Owned)
Rent House
+$300 (x624 Owned)
Italian Restaurant
+$700 (x481 Owned)
Apartment Complex
+$5,000 (x514 Owned)
+$10,000 (x514 Owned)
Marina Tourist Shops
+$50,000 (x192 Owned)
Office Building
+$150,000 (x186 Owned)
5-Star Hotel
+$200,000 (x195 Owned)
Mega Casino
+$300,000 (x147 Owned)

Edited by Aikidoman 2009-10-20 5:09 PM
2009-10-20 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2469759

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
  • Beachfront Property
    X 119
  • Prime Downtown Lot
    X 292
  • <fb:intl>Louie's Deli</fb:intl>
    X 1
  • Rent House
    X 76
  • Italian Restaurant
    X 169
  • Mafia Mike's
    X 14
  • Apartment Complex
    X 856
  • Valu-Mart
    X 1396
  • Marina Tourist Shops
    X 590
  • 5-Star Hotel
    X 532
  • Mega Casino
    X 567
  • Office Building
    X 491
I'm at 430,000,000+ per 54min

<object id="so_swf_proxy" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="0" height="0"> <embed width="0" height="0" src="http://apps.facebook.com/swf/canvas/FlashProxy.swf" name="so_swf_proxy" allowscriptaccess="always" flashvars="host=mwfb.zynga.com">

Edited by Gaarryy 2009-10-20 6:35 PM
2009-10-20 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2263485

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group

I've got a long way to go.
2009-10-21 1:49 PM
in reply to: #2469955

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Medina, MN
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
I just started recently, but don't really see any options to acquire properties. Is that something that becomes an option at some higher levels, or has it just been phased out in recent versions?
2009-10-21 4:20 PM
in reply to: #2471668

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Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
MLJ - 2009-10-21 1:49 PM I just started recently, but don't really see any options to acquire properties. Is that something that becomes an option at some higher levels, or has it just been phased out in recent versions?

It may have been changed for people just starting, but you should have a properties tab at the top of your page look there.

2009-10-21 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2471668

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
MLJ - 2009-10-21 1:49 PM I just started recently, but don't really see any options to acquire properties. Is that something that becomes an option at some higher levels, or has it just been phased out in recent versions?

Okay 3-4 weeks ago they changed to Rackets.  But, they change it back to properties this week.  Weird.
2009-10-22 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2472275

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
2009-10-22 9:29 PM
in reply to: #2263485

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Morse Lake, Noblesville, Indiana
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group
I guess gmoose is not on this thread yet. Here's a fellow BT'er:

2009-10-23 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2263485

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Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: FB Mafia Wars Support Group

Does anyone know if you get anything for mastering tier 1 in Moscow. Have mastered everything and it says Confront Leader Dmitri Leonov. Have clicked on the get help once each day for 3 days now and always have people respond but nothing ever happens. Is there a certain amount of times I need to do this or is nothing suppose to happen?

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