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2009-10-16 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2463529

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
swbkrun - 2009-10-16 2:03 PM
dalessit - 2009-10-16 6:14 AM So was talking to my running coach last night .  (BTW if any of you need a pure running coach, let me know, he is great and as far as coaching goes extremely cheap cost wise, got his info from Suzy)

My nutrition plan for the marathon is a GU every 45 minutes.  I started off training with infinit but that is too much of a pain to carry for a run.  Now I am using the GU's.  He was concerned about not having elecrolytes in the GU and that I might need them.

Sam suggested the endurolyte I think caplets that we seem to get for free at every race. 

Anyone have any bad experiences with them at all?

Kinda scary talking to him, yeah just run 8:45 - 9:00 for the race and you'll be fine... GULP....

Thermolytes (same thing as endurolytes) and Roctane (Ryan is a fan of that stuff

But I use GU and Thermolytes.  I think Roctane has a higher electrolyte count so you can void the pill?? MAYBE?!

Thanks Steve and all, I like Roctane but haven't worked out with it much since it's more expensive for some reason.

My team has a group order coming up soon, will be stocking up on GU's  might pick up some Roctane to have around.

2009-10-16 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Disappointed!  I got bit by dog today. I always envisioned a wrestling match with a german shepard or something.  But I'm out at about mile 40 today and this little terrier, 10 pounds if he was soaking wet, comes charging at me and bites me in the foot two or three times.  It was so damn funny.  Oh well.  Here's to hoping for a good fight next time.

2009-10-16 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Well....... as I finally get a chance to get caught up on you guys today today, I wight as well let you guys know. Seems appropriate considering some of the posts.  Sucks but I know it was the right thing to do.  Sorry about the cut and paste from email.....

I'm out for IM Switzerland.  Not so much bummed about the race but more for going back to Europe.  Jarrett and I talked about it for a few months and we felt good about it but really it comes down to me being selfish and trying to do way too much.  Yeah the training but leaving the children to go.  Maybe it’s stupid but I just can't do this and not have them be there waiting for me at the end. 

So I'm going to sit back and see how the winter goes and maybe into the spring before I decide what to do IM wise.  IMLP might be an option as most of my family is still up there.  Of course IMFL would be the best bet training wise simply becasue of the similar geography.  But maybe the best thing to do is hold off and see if we get an IM here which I think may happen.  Nothing to base that off other than Lone Star went 70.3 and the company that puts on the race is tentatively putting on a 1/2 marathon next November in Galveston.  Not hard to see what they are angling for.

Who knows?  I liked the half a lot. There are a lot of them which makes for good travel op's.   And then, most importantly, this opens up Augusta.  Jarrett's family is there and the lake house is only an hour away. So if you miss Lone Star, then we drink a lot of beer and bust out a 70.3 with a wicked hangover!

It seems they may refund 75% which is very nice of them considering what I signed.

The question has already been raised if I'm keeping the coach.  Yup.  I'm seeing some incredible improvement so why not.

You guys rock!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-10-16 2:26 PM
2009-10-16 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I am signed up for Augusta as my first 1/2 IM and my 2010 A race. I will be driving down with a buddy who rode it this year. Maybe I'll see ou there.
2009-10-16 2:26 PM
in reply to: #2463719

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-10-16 2:24 PM I am signed up for Augusta as my first 1/2 IM and my 2010 A race. I will be driving down with a buddy who rode it this year. Maybe I'll see ou there.

That would be cool.  And its post like your earlier that make life a bit easier.  Thanks man.
2009-10-16 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2463659

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-16 1:01 PM Disappointed!  I got bit by dog today. I always envisioned a wrestling match with a german shepard or something.  But I'm out at about mile 40 today and this little terrier, 10 pounds if he was soaking wet, comes charging at me and bites me in the foot two or three times.  It was so damn funny.  Oh well.  Here's to hoping for a good fight next time.

 You should have ran faster!!! oh wait you were on your bike....Cool

2009-10-16 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2463537

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-10-16 2:07 PM
swbkrun - 2009-10-16 2:03 PM
dalessit - 2009-10-16 6:14 AM So was talking to my running coach last night .  (BTW if any of you need a pure running coach, let me know, he is great and as far as coaching goes extremely cheap cost wise, got his info from Suzy)

My nutrition plan for the marathon is a GU every 45 minutes.  I started off training with infinit but that is too much of a pain to carry for a run.  Now I am using the GU's.  He was concerned about not having elecrolytes in the GU and that I might need them.

Sam suggested the endurolyte I think caplets that we seem to get for free at every race. 

Anyone have any bad experiences with them at all?

Kinda scary talking to him, yeah just run 8:45 - 9:00 for the race and you'll be fine... GULP....

Thermolytes (same thing as endurolytes) and Roctane (Ryan is a fan of that stuff

But I use GU and Thermolytes.  I think Roctane has a higher electrolyte count so you can void the pill?? MAYBE?!

Thanks Steve and all, I like Roctane but haven't worked out with it much since it's more expensive for some reason.

My team has a group order coming up soon, will be stocking up on GU's  might pick up some Roctane to have around.

Tony,  I used nothing but Roctane all summer and have since switched back to regular Gu and Hammer Gel.  I didn't notice any extra kick to justify the added expense and the blueberry pomegranite flavor burned my throat.  This way I get to add extra salt to my french fries and not worry about it Laughing

If I am taking a gel pack I'll use GU but if I have a flask of gel it is filled with Hammer.  I was testing Hammer for race day -since that is SetUp's food of choice - and since discovered they are interchangable on my stomach. If anything Hammer is easier to swaller b/c it is thinner.
2009-10-16 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2463709

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-16 12:19 PM Well....... as I finally get a chance to get caught up on you guys today today, I wight as well let you guys know. Seems appropriate considering some of the posts.  Sucks but I know it was the right thing to do.  Sorry about the cut and paste from email.....

I'm out for IM Switzerland.  Not so much bummed about the race but more for going back to Europe.  Jarrett and I talked about it for a few months and we felt good about it but really it comes down to me being selfish and trying to do way too much.  Yeah the training but leaving the children to go.  Maybe it’s stupid but I just can't do this and not have them be there waiting for me at the end. 

So I'm going to sit back and see how the winter goes and maybe into the spring before I decide what to do IM wise.  IMLP might be an option as most of my family is still up there.  Of course IMFL would be the best bet training wise simply becasue of the similar geography.  But maybe the best thing to do is hold off and see if we get an IM here which I think may happen.  Nothing to base that off other than Lone Star went 70.3 and the company that puts on the race is tentatively putting on a 1/2 marathon next November in Galveston.  Not hard to see what they are angling for.

Who knows?  I liked the half a lot. There are a lot of them which makes for good travel op's.   And then, most importantly, this opens up Augusta.  Jarrett's family is there and the lake house is only an hour away. So if you miss Lone Star, then we drink a lot of beer and bust out a 70.3 with a wicked hangover!

It seems they may refund 75% which is very nice of them considering what I signed.

The question has already been raised if I'm keeping the coach.  Yup.  I'm seeing some incredible improvement so why not.

You guys rock!

Sorry to hear that John, but good to know that you and Jarrett were really able to communicate on this decision.  I think an IM is such a huge accomplishment, I would want my family there if possible, too!  Now you can become an HIM expert and the IM will be that much sweeter when it happens.

Train on! 
2009-10-16 2:55 PM
in reply to: #2463709

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-16 3:19 PM Well....... as I finally get a chance to get caught up on you guys today today, I wight as well let you guys know. Seems appropriate considering some of the posts.  Sucks but I know it was the right thing to do.  Sorry about the cut and paste from email.....

I'm out for IM Switzerland.  Not so much bummed about the race but more for going back to Europe.  Jarrett and I talked about it for a few months and we felt good about it but really it comes down to me being selfish and trying to do way too much.  Yeah the training but leaving the children to go.  Maybe it’s stupid but I just can't do this and not have them be there waiting for me at the end. 

So I'm going to sit back and see how the winter goes and maybe into the spring before I decide what to do IM wise.  IMLP might be an option as most of my family is still up there.  Of course IMFL would be the best bet training wise simply becasue of the similar geography.  But maybe the best thing to do is hold off and see if we get an IM here which I think may happen.  Nothing to base that off other than Lone Star went 70.3 and the company that puts on the race is tentatively putting on a 1/2 marathon next November in Galveston.  Not hard to see what they are angling for.

Who knows?  I liked the half a lot. There are a lot of them which makes for good travel op's.   And then, most importantly, this opens up Augusta.  Jarrett's family is there and the lake house is only an hour away. So if you miss Lone Star, then we drink a lot of beer and bust out a 70.3 with a wicked hangover!

It seems they may refund 75% which is very nice of them considering what I signed.

The question has already been raised if I'm keeping the coach.  Yup.  I'm seeing some incredible improvement so why not.

You guys rock!

Completely understand man.  Glad to hear they were cool about the partial refund.

I have Augusta on my short list as well for next year.
2009-10-16 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2462985

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
DougRob - 2009-10-16 9:26 AM My job usually requires me to travewl overseas 6 times a year on average. Therefore travel by myself for vacation is unfair to the family as I am absent too much as it is. Bringing them to a tri I just found (at Pinehurst) is very distracting. They have no idea how to work to my schedule so that I can mentally focus on the event at hand. Maybe when they are older.

The kids said they both want to do a kids triathlon next year, so we'll see. But seeing as how they put up with my training, a long distance tri is not in the plans.

Check out Keith's Black Fly Tri in NH (July).  Tony and I plan on loading up the vehicle w/ everything but the kitchen sink.  We are going to do the TT, sprint and oly tris.  Drew (my son) will probably do the kids tri.  The race offers camps for kids in the AM and the resort/tri are all in the same place.
2009-10-16 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2463709

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-16 2:19 PM Well....... as I finally get a chance to get caught up on you guys today today, I wight as well let you guys know. Seems appropriate considering some of the posts.  Sucks but I know it was the right thing to do.  Sorry about the cut and paste from email.....

I'm out for IM Switzerland.  Not so much bummed about the race but more for going back to Europe.  Jarrett and I talked about it for a few months and we felt good about it but really it comes down to me being selfish and trying to do way too much.  Yeah the training but leaving the children to go.  Maybe it’s stupid but I just can't do this and not have them be there waiting for me at the end. 

So I'm going to sit back and see how the winter goes and maybe into the spring before I decide what to do IM wise.  IMLP might be an option as most of my family is still up there.  Of course IMFL would be the best bet training wise simply becasue of the similar geography.  But maybe the best thing to do is hold off and see if we get an IM here which I think may happen.  Nothing to base that off other than Lone Star went 70.3 and the company that puts on the race is tentatively putting on a 1/2 marathon next November in Galveston.  Not hard to see what they are angling for.

Who knows?  I liked the half a lot. There are a lot of them which makes for good travel op's.   And then, most importantly, this opens up Augusta.  Jarrett's family is there and the lake house is only an hour away. So if you miss Lone Star, then we drink a lot of beer and bust out a 70.3 with a wicked hangover!

It seems they may refund 75% which is very nice of them considering what I signed.

The question has already been raised if I'm keeping the coach.  Yup.  I'm seeing some incredible improvement so why not.

You guys rock!

Sorry John - I know that is a bummer. 

I was toying w/ the idea of IMAZ but since I am returning to work another day of the week starting in Jan. I decided to hold off until I see how the new work schedule fits into my home/training life.

That said I started looking into B2B full for next year since that fills up a lot slower than IMAZ.  I can probably decide in the spring.  Plus I can get first hand knowledge from Tracy and a friend whos doing the HIM. 

Just remember it's all good and triathlon is a lifetime sport.  :-)

2009-10-16 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2463709

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-16 12:19 PM Well....... as I finally get a chance to get caught up on you guys today today, I wight as well let you guys know. Seems appropriate considering some of the posts.  Sucks but I know it was the right thing to do.  Sorry about the cut and paste from email.....

I'm out for IM Switzerland.  Not so much bummed about the race but more for going back to Europe.  Jarrett and I talked about it for a few months and we felt good about it but really it comes down to me being selfish and trying to do way too much.  Yeah the training but leaving the children to go.  Maybe it’s stupid but I just can't do this and not have them be there waiting for me at the end. 

So I'm going to sit back and see how the winter goes and maybe into the spring before I decide what to do IM wise.  IMLP might be an option as most of my family is still up there.  Of course IMFL would be the best bet training wise simply becasue of the similar geography.  But maybe the best thing to do is hold off and see if we get an IM here which I think may happen.  Nothing to base that off other than Lone Star went 70.3 and the company that puts on the race is tentatively putting on a 1/2 marathon next November in Galveston.  Not hard to see what they are angling for.

Who knows?  I liked the half a lot. There are a lot of them which makes for good travel op's.   And then, most importantly, this opens up Augusta.  Jarrett's family is there and the lake house is only an hour away. So if you miss Lone Star, then we drink a lot of beer and bust out a 70.3 with a wicked hangover!

It seems they may refund 75% which is very nice of them considering what I signed.

The question has already been raised if I'm keeping the coach.  Yup.  I'm seeing some incredible improvement so why not.

You guys rock!

You can join Tracy, Ryan, and I for Ironman Canada 2011.....
2009-10-16 4:09 PM
in reply to: #2463709

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

fattyfatfat - 2009-10-16 2:19 PM Well....... as I finally get a chance to get caught up on you guys today today, I wight as well let you guys know. Seems appropriate considering some of the posts.  Sucks but I know it was the right thing to do.  Sorry about the cut and paste from email.....

I'm out for IM Switzerland.  Not so much bummed about the race but more for going back to Europe.  Jarrett and I talked about it for a few months and we felt good about it but really it comes down to me being selfish and trying to do way too much.  Yeah the training but leaving the children to go.  Maybe it’s stupid but I just can't do this and not have them be there waiting for me at the end. 

So I'm going to sit back and see how the winter goes and maybe into the spring before I decide what to do IM wise.  IMLP might be an option as most of my family is still up there.  Of course IMFL would be the best bet training wise simply becasue of the similar geography.  But maybe the best thing to do is hold off and see if we get an IM here which I think may happen.  Nothing to base that off other than Lone Star went 70.3 and the company that puts on the race is tentatively putting on a 1/2 marathon next November in Galveston.  Not hard to see what they are angling for.

Who knows?  I liked the half a lot. There are a lot of them which makes for good travel op's.   And then, most importantly, this opens up Augusta.  Jarrett's family is there and the lake house is only an hour away. So if you miss Lone Star, then we drink a lot of beer and bust out a 70.3 with a wicked hangover!

It seems they may refund 75% which is very nice of them considering what I signed.

The question has already been raised if I'm keeping the coach.  Yup.  I'm seeing some incredible improvement so why not.

You guys rock!

Sorry to hear that John...  I know you were looking forward to going to Europe.  Probably for the best.  My advice - scrap the IM until the kids are much older - keep doing 70.3 and olys and sprints, spend time with your family - that is time that you can never get back.  From what I can see, IM training takes more time than can be done in the early mornings and after the kids go to bed...

Augusta?  Hmmm.....

2009-10-16 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Anybody have a daughter or small friend who might like this tri top before i put in on pay it forward?
It was too small for me (and I'm pretty dang small!)

Quintana Roo women's all purpose tri top Size Small new with tags

just for reference, I'm 5'2 and 105 lbs, usually wear a size M t-shirt, though.  hope this attachment shows up.
and it will be yours in the mail, no charge! 


tritop_opt.jpg (10KB - 29 downloads)
2009-10-16 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
John--Really sorry to hear you are putting your IM on the backburner, but it takes a lot of man to do it after commiting.  There will be plenty races for you in the future....look at me, I am 46 years old and doing my first!  Hang tough.
2009-10-17 7:06 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Sorry to hear about Switzerland John. As Suzy said ... lots of time for races. I didn't do my first HIM until I was 57. ( this year). It's never to late to get that first one in. Sometimes I wish I had started all these things earlier then I stop and think what I woudl have missed if I had. Live your life and enjoy it .. Family first, then everything else.

2009-10-17 9:21 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Thanks everyone. As always, you guys are AWESOME!  I think I'll go find some Swiss beer and pound a few.

2009-10-17 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2462506

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Just got back from Charleston where I was working for the week and my whole family has had the swine flu all week.  I am trying to avoid it like the plague...wish me luck.

How's the avoidance going Barry?  Hope the family is feeling better.
2009-10-17 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2464527

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-17 9:58 AM

Just got back from Charleston where I was working for the week and my whole family has had the swine flu all week.  I am trying to avoid it like the plague...wish me luck.

How's the avoidance going Barry?  Hope the family is feeling better.

And here I thought you were talking about Barry avoiding answering our question regarding his coming to Lonestar!
2009-10-17 10:32 AM
in reply to: #2464504

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-17 8:21 AM Thanks everyone. As always, you guys are AWESOME!  I think I'll go find some Swiss beer and pound a few.

I think if you start yodelling after a few you'll feel better!
2009-10-17 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Went to the pool for my once a month swim this morning Undecided

Felt good getting back in the water. I think I am going to take the swim easy until I get into a 20 week program for LONESTAR..Which really isnt to far away from beginning.


2009-10-17 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2464527

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-10-17 9:58 AM

Just got back from Charleston where I was working for the week and my whole family has had the swine flu all week.  I am trying to avoid it like the plague...wish me luck.

How's the avoidance going Barry?  Hope the family is feeling better.

So far so good!  I think everyone here has recoupourated, so I hope we are good.

Hate to hear it about the IM, but I will be in for Augusta again.  I am thinking my game plan will be HIM on May 8 in Pamama city FL, then Augusta for next year and IM FL the following year.  Just thinking...........
2009-10-17 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Quiet group today.
Went out this afternoon and bought a Cycle Ops Fuild 2 Trainer...unbelievably quiet compared to my ol' Blackburn that I inherited last year.
2009-10-17 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I ran again today. Since my 12 week plan ended I have returned to my old training. In this I run 5-6 time a week. The plan had me doing 14-16 miles a week. Apparently based on my result that is too little for me. So after 2 days rest I got back to it and ran the last 4 days. Today the first half hour was pure joy. It felt like I was floating on air. The second half was not as good as the extra miles started to get to me, but I was 18 minutes faster for 10K than I was last weekend. I know I did not swim or run before and I had no back issues, but it is clear to me that I need at least 20 miles a week and the running will remain fun. I hope to get back to at least 30-40 miles/week.

I also came up with a CT game where I try to get as far on a course before I fall 1 mile behind the fast little pr*ck pacer guy.

2009-10-17 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2464972

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I am getting really sick of this weather.  Have 10 miles to run tomorrow before the game but it has been raining + 40 degrees every day just about this week.

Guess back to the treadmill tomorrow at 8am....
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