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2015-06-25 9:22 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Jet Black So, lately the first half of my runs have felt like crap and the second halves have felt great. This is regardless of the type of run, recovery/easy/long. Is this due to cumulative fatigue? Not enough sleep? Is this just how it feels when you run a lot?

So... after my runs the last few days let me as you this, do you track weather?  The dew point when I ran on Tuesday was 75 which is freakin' high.  The dew point when I ran yesterday was 66.  The temperature was similar but I did a 90 minute bike ride before my run yesterday and ran faster with significantly less effort. 

For me, fatigue makes everything slower, not 50/50.

Fatigue for me depends on how much. It can slow everything down when it's too much, it may also just have some more work to do before I'm ready to go. Weather tends to drag everything down completely. I'm just not able to go as fast. The latter parts can be worse from the added stress if the weather is bad enough, so nearing the reverse of what was described. If Sean went through exactly your example, I would expect his run on day 2 to feel better than day 1, but would also credit the 90 minute ride some as getting the legs active. A hard ride would change that, but I didn't see an indication of putting out a hard effort in it.

Correct, no intervals during last night's ride. 

I was just thinking that TX is known for having steamy weather and this might be playing a role.

2015-06-25 9:45 AM
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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Jet Black So, lately the first half of my runs have felt like crap and the second halves have felt great. This is regardless of the type of run, recovery/easy/long. Is this due to cumulative fatigue? Not enough sleep? Is this just how it feels when you run a lot?

So... after my runs the last few days let me as you this, do you track weather?  The dew point when I ran on Tuesday was 75 which is freakin' high.  The dew point when I ran yesterday was 66.  The temperature was similar but I did a 90 minute bike ride before my run yesterday and ran faster with significantly less effort. 

For me, fatigue makes everything slower, not 50/50.

Fatigue for me depends on how much. It can slow everything down when it's too much, it may also just have some more work to do before I'm ready to go. Weather tends to drag everything down completely. I'm just not able to go as fast. The latter parts can be worse from the added stress if the weather is bad enough, so nearing the reverse of what was described. If Sean went through exactly your example, I would expect his run on day 2 to feel better than day 1, but would also credit the 90 minute ride some as getting the legs active. A hard ride would change that, but I didn't see an indication of putting out a hard effort in it.

Correct, no intervals during last night's ride. 

I was just thinking that TX is known for having steamy weather and this might be playing a role.

Janyne, you raise an interesting point. Dew point, that is. I track temp and humidity and have noticed correlations there.  But I have been hearing more about dew points from the weather guy and I think that I should begin to track that as well. 

Sean, I have noticed in the past 2 or 3 weeks that I start running with much less "pop", but once I get warmed up, it's all good.  I guess I agree with both Ben's point and Janyne's point.  Or the ever popular "everything matters".  

ETA: Are you feeling fatigued when you ride or swim, or is it only running that you feel it? When I run more (usually winter) I actually feel less fatigued, but I believe that is due to the cumulative stress being less and the weather being more run friendly during the exercise. I ride in 90*/90% + weather for the next 5 months or so and by the end of it, I am READY for a weather break. So, more running along with less bike/swim in cooler weather feels better to me.  I don't know if that makes any sense, but I figured I throw in my 2 cents.

Edited by cdban66 2015-06-25 9:51 AM
2015-06-25 9:54 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
I definitely feel the effects of the heat/humidity and have to slow down accordingly. I've since decided that I'll do all of my runs except the short/slow recovery runs early in the morning to reduce the heat/humidity effects.

But what I'm talking about here is different. My whole body, not just my legs, feel off. This used to happen for the first 5 minutes to a mile or so (and usually just my legs) and I was able to chalk that up to just needing to warm up. But now it seems like it takes several miles and it's not just my legs. It's my stomach, lungs, etc.
2015-06-25 10:00 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Jet Black I definitely feel the effects of the heat/humidity and have to slow down accordingly. I've since decided that I'll do all of my runs except the short/slow recovery runs early in the morning to reduce the heat/humidity effects. But what I'm talking about here is different. My whole body, not just my legs, feel off. This used to happen for the first 5 minutes to a mile or so (and usually just my legs) and I was able to chalk that up to just needing to warm up. But now it seems like it takes several miles and it's not just my legs. It's my stomach, lungs, etc.

How long has it been feeling that way? Obvious next question is "what else has changed"?

2015-06-25 10:02 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Jet Black I definitely feel the effects of the heat/humidity and have to slow down accordingly. I've since decided that I'll do all of my runs except the short/slow recovery runs early in the morning to reduce the heat/humidity effects. But what I'm talking about here is different. My whole body, not just my legs, feel off. This used to happen for the first 5 minutes to a mile or so (and usually just my legs) and I was able to chalk that up to just needing to warm up. But now it seems like it takes several miles and it's not just my legs. It's my stomach, lungs, etc.

You need to make sure you're drinking tons.  I've been drinking a lot more fluids, and it's helping my bike and runs a lot.

2015-06-25 10:04 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

I have been planning on racing my first MTB race of the year this weekend, but it's looking pretty bad at the moment



Rained pretty hard last night with threats of more rain coming.  Sadness.

Edited by msteiner 2015-06-25 10:04 AM

2015-06-25 10:04 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Don't really remember exactly when it started, but for a couple of weeks at least. Only real changes lately is that I've been increasing my weekly mileage steadily for a month or two now. Last week on vacation and only ran, so only 4-5 hrs of training as opposed to ~12 that I've been doing most weeks. But I did stress my body in other ways that week, haha.
2015-06-25 10:05 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by Jet Black I definitely feel the effects of the heat/humidity and have to slow down accordingly. I've since decided that I'll do all of my runs except the short/slow recovery runs early in the morning to reduce the heat/humidity effects. But what I'm talking about here is different. My whole body, not just my legs, feel off. This used to happen for the first 5 minutes to a mile or so (and usually just my legs) and I was able to chalk that up to just needing to warm up. But now it seems like it takes several miles and it's not just my legs. It's my stomach, lungs, etc.

You need to make sure you're drinking tons.  I've been drinking a lot more fluids, and it's helping my bike and runs a lot.

Good point, I definitely need to focus on that. But I would think that I would feel worse as the run went on if I was dehydrated, not better?
2015-06-25 10:13 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by Jet Black I definitely feel the effects of the heat/humidity and have to slow down accordingly. I've since decided that I'll do all of my runs except the short/slow recovery runs early in the morning to reduce the heat/humidity effects. But what I'm talking about here is different. My whole body, not just my legs, feel off. This used to happen for the first 5 minutes to a mile or so (and usually just my legs) and I was able to chalk that up to just needing to warm up. But now it seems like it takes several miles and it's not just my legs. It's my stomach, lungs, etc.

You need to make sure you're drinking tons.  I've been drinking a lot more fluids, and it's helping my bike and runs a lot.

Good point, I definitely need to focus on that. But I would think that I would feel worse as the run went on if I was dehydrated, not better?

I don't know the body can be weird about that stuff.  All I know is that I doubled my hydration intake on the bike and drink a lot more on days where I run now.  We're at heat indexes of over 100 mid day here with high humidity.  Hell it was 83 in my garage yesterday morning for my trainer ride.  I sweated through two 20 ounce bottles in an hour.

2015-06-25 10:36 AM
in reply to: msteiner

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Matt, are you really racing at "Butt's Park"? That is a simply awesome name. I have nothing else, except that I hope your weather clears for you.

2015-06-25 11:07 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Jet Black Don't really remember exactly when it started, but for a couple of weeks at least. Only real changes lately is that I've been increasing my weekly mileage steadily for a month or two now. Last week on vacation and only ran, so only 4-5 hrs of training as opposed to ~12 that I've been doing most weeks. But I did stress my body in other ways that week, haha.

Sounds like you're just getting older Sean.

Seriously, I think you reach a point with your training and fitness where you can't expect to feel in a groove right out of the gates.  The more I train and fitter I get the longer it seems to warmup and shake off the cumulative aches and pains.  In the early stages of building fitness, my first miles used to feel the best and then as I tired things declined.  Now, it takes me at least a mile running, about 500 yards swimming, and about 20 minutes of cycling before I feel like my muscles are stretched and fluid and my heartrate has settled into a sustainable level to match my efforts.

I think some of it is mental too.  Kind of opposite of how your mind will allow your body to go to a higher output when it knows you will survive a race and you get a surge when you see the finish line of a race.  I think it was in the book Ironwars when either Scott or Allen spoke of some of the things our minds do to protect us from running ourselves into the ground.  At the beginning of a training session, I've been trying to think positively and not lets the initial aches and pains frustrate me.  I just let the transitional period play out knowing that like clockwork at the points noted above things will kick in.  I've tried to gradually push a little to compensate for the slower paces during these warmups and it does not seem to negatively impact me.  I guess I still prefer though to listen to my body and just let it do its thing.  

2015-06-25 11:41 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Jet Black So, lately the first half of my runs have felt like crap and the second halves have felt great. This is regardless of the type of run, recovery/easy/long. Is this due to cumulative fatigue? Not enough sleep? Is this just how it feels when you run a lot?

Any time I increase volume or intensity, I feel a little slower/sluggish. As time wears on and my body adapts I feel better, then I add a new stress


2015-06-25 11:45 AM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Asalzwed

I mentioned Joe in my RR but a little brag of my own, he took the win at the Mount Washington Road Race and broke the American Record


Good for him! There can be some serious competition at that race and setting the record would show the performance regardless of that.

Every time this race comes up now I keep thinking back to here when Chris Siemers won it. He was another runner on the Strands team back then, like Sayenko was. He wanted a solid mountain race to do and picked that one. I'm not sure he really knew how hard the competition was that year beforehand (it was the qualifier for Worlds) and then he wins the thing! It was fun discussing the course beforehand with him. I hadn't run it, but had scouted it well for the Newton's Revenge ride (actual event rained out for me though). It's only more recently I've been learning just how good so many of the other guys in that race were.

Another thing to note is the placement of Jeffery Eggleston (another Strands runner at the time) and a bit how uphill running like that can have some difference from flats. I'm guessing something else may have slowed him down some too, but that's a notable gap off the front. He was running 2:11-2:12 marathons at the time whereas Siemers PR was like 2:21 then. For others, this is the same Eggleston as part of the Boston group where Meb won. And that a good time estimate for Mt Washington is your half marathon time (for a 7.6 mile run).

Yeah, it's a heck of a race. Joe is extremely talented. And I think a little unique in his ability to continue to run pretty damn solid times on the track in addition to the mountain stuff and he can do shorter distance as well as long. His win actually makes it two consecutive now but he's been in the mix for a long time. I kind of see Sage Canaday similarly but he may be a little less talented. He just missed the Olympic Trials Qualifier in the LA marathon. 

So in my RR for my past race, Joe is the one I reference as the male course record holder (32:39.) So, a little over 10 minutes faster than I. I didn't have the energy to extrapolate that...and it probably doesn't really truly tell me anything other than that Joe is really, really fast

I always forget you know Sayenko. How do you know him again?

A few years back an investment group called Strands decided to get into the fitness market and put together a fitness tracking website and an elite run team. The website set up more for the logs than forum chatting like BT is. More like Facebook than this in that you friended people and their workout posts showed up in your feed, and people could comment and discuss things there. They had thousands of people join in on the site. The elite team they sponsored tended to be more highlighted and some of the runners could get over 5,000 people following them. And it was in here that we could follow along with what they did and comment/discuss things with them. Most of the time people just put things like "awesome" or "amazing". The people on the forum were all over the place in ability, just like anywhere else.

The runners on this team were amazing. The guys tended to have a VDOt in the high 70's, some mid 70's. A 5k pr of 14:00 +/-:20 was normal for this group. Get to follow them chasing Olympic marathon trials qualifying time, and expecting to get them. I don't remember the guys actually making the Olympics, but just the thought of being good enough to run at the trials! They had guys like Eggleston and Nick Arciniaga on there, two of the guys Ryan Hall talked with at Boston. Don't know why I didn't follow them more. They actually had a Strands crew based in Oregon for a bit. A handful of these runners worked for Strands in an office out in Oregon. On the women's side they actually did have some who had been in the Olympics. Like Elva Dryer. Kate O'Neill went as an alternate.

Something that really stood out was the respect and humility that they all showed. Much like what your teammate Joseph has. Really wish I knew what I knew now back then. Was only just getting started so a lot of what they were doing was over my head.

That sounds like a really cool website. I think we can all stand to learn a lot by seeing how pros train and maybe more important, when they actually explain the purpose, what went wrong, how they felt etc. and allow for conversation vs say, the opportunity to say "amazing"

I too have found that in general, the more talented folks are extremely humble and respect one another. 


2015-06-25 11:49 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by Jet Black Don't really remember exactly when it started, but for a couple of weeks at least. Only real changes lately is that I've been increasing my weekly mileage steadily for a month or two now. Last week on vacation and only ran, so only 4-5 hrs of training as opposed to ~12 that I've been doing most weeks. But I did stress my body in other ways that week, haha.

Sounds like you're just getting older Sean.

Seriously, I think you reach a point with your training and fitness where you can't expect to feel in a groove right out of the gates.  The more I train and fitter I get the longer it seems to warmup and shake off the cumulative aches and pains.  In the early stages of building fitness, my first miles used to feel the best and then as I tired things declined.  Now, it takes me at least a mile running, about 500 yards swimming, and about 20 minutes of cycling before I feel like my muscles are stretched and fluid and my heartrate has settled into a sustainable level to match my efforts.

I think some of it is mental too.  Kind of opposite of how your mind will allow your body to go to a higher output when it knows you will survive a race and you get a surge when you see the finish line of a race.  I think it was in the book Ironwars when either Scott or Allen spoke of some of the things our minds do to protect us from running ourselves into the ground.  At the beginning of a training session, I've been trying to think positively and not lets the initial aches and pains frustrate me.  I just let the transitional period play out knowing that like clockwork at the points noted above things will kick in.  I've tried to gradually push a little to compensate for the slower paces during these warmups and it does not seem to negatively impact me.  I guess I still prefer though to listen to my body and just let it do its thing.  

Yes, our bodies are remarkable at trying to keep us alive. 

It's important to learn when to listen and when you can push through.

2015-06-25 11:52 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Jet Black Don't really remember exactly when it started, but for a couple of weeks at least. Only real changes lately is that I've been increasing my weekly mileage steadily for a month or two now. Last week on vacation and only ran, so only 4-5 hrs of training as opposed to ~12 that I've been doing most weeks. But I did stress my body in other ways that week, haha.

Do you build in some weeks where you step back a bit, ie a recovery week? 

2015-06-25 12:43 PM
in reply to: msteiner

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by msteiner

I have been planning on racing my first MTB race of the year this weekend, but it's looking pretty bad at the moment



Rained pretty hard last night with threats of more rain coming.  Sadness.

Yikes!  Good luck.  With all that rain, will they pull it to keep the trails from getting too ripped up?  Not sure if they do that around here for MTB races, but they sure do for XC races. (No comments about the park name although several very juvenile ones come to mind. )

We've been having some pretty wild weather here.  Last night we got thunderstorms with hail, flash flooding from 2" of rain in an hour, and several tornadoes right in town.  All the "fun" hit right around the start time for my race.  Not sure if they cancelled or not; their policy is "rain or shine" with the only exception being delays for lightning.  I wasn't able to go due to work (I was here until 9 freaking 30).  I'm not sure I would have run in those conditions, if I could have even gotten there.  Ironically, yesterday was Bike to Work Day, which I didn't do due to work logistics.  The morning was lovely, the end of the day--not so much.  Not exactly ideal encouragement to get people to bike-commute!!

2015-06-25 12:59 PM
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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by msteiner

I have been planning on racing my first MTB race of the year this weekend, but it's looking pretty bad at the moment



Rained pretty hard last night with threats of more rain coming.  Sadness.

Do they cancel the event because of erosion of trails? 


Heh heh butt park.

Edited by Asalzwed 2015-06-25 1:00 PM
2015-06-25 1:03 PM
in reply to: 0

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by Jet Black Don't really remember exactly when it started, but for a couple of weeks at least. Only real changes lately is that I've been increasing my weekly mileage steadily for a month or two now. Last week on vacation and only ran, so only 4-5 hrs of training as opposed to ~12 that I've been doing most weeks. But I did stress my body in other ways that week, haha.

Do you build in some weeks where you step back a bit, ie a recovery week? 

I do and last week was supposed to be one but I'm not sure it ended up that way with the late nights and libations. Getting back used to the 4 am alarm this week has been tough too.

One thing I haven't done is schedule rest days. I haven't felt the need for complete rest days, but maybe I should. Mondays I swim and have a recovery run for a very low intensity day. During the week I don't have big blocks of time to knock out hours so if I take a day completely off it's hard to get enough in.

Edited by Jet Black 2015-06-25 1:12 PM
2015-06-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Butt's Park, heh heh heh, although I admit to repeatedly seeing it as Butt's Pork...

So just when I'm starting to get myself mentally sorted out with the whole Syracuse mess, I get an email from Ironman offering me 50% off from a list of races this season since I was one of the ones that couldn't finish because of the weather.  Some of the races simply won't suit because they are too soon or I have other plans, or they are too far away.  However, Timberman *could* work.  Now I have to decide before July 6 if I want to take advantage of the offer, which will also mean finding lodging, finding a travel partner (my usual tri pal LT will be in CO), and getting the blessing of Eddie, not necessarily in that order.   Oh, and getting my seat issues ironed out, QUICKLY.

2015-06-25 1:24 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by msteiner

I have been planning on racing my first MTB race of the year this weekend, but it's looking pretty bad at the moment



Rained pretty hard last night with threats of more rain coming.  Sadness.

Do they cancel the event because of erosion of trails? 


Heh heh butt park.

They close mountain bike trails in rain (or even if they are just wet and mucky) to prevent erosion and damage.

2015-06-25 1:31 PM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by Jet Black Don't really remember exactly when it started, but for a couple of weeks at least. Only real changes lately is that I've been increasing my weekly mileage steadily for a month or two now. Last week on vacation and only ran, so only 4-5 hrs of training as opposed to ~12 that I've been doing most weeks. But I did stress my body in other ways that week, haha.

Do you build in some weeks where you step back a bit, ie a recovery week? 

I do and last week was supposed to be one but I'm not sure it ended up that way with the late nights and libations. Getting back used to the 4 am alarm this week has been tough too. One thing I haven't done is schedule rest days. I haven't felt the need for complete rest days, but maybe I should. Mondays I swim and have a recovery run for a very low intensity day. During the week I don't have big blocks of time to knock out hours so if I take a day completely off it's hard to get enough in.

I wouldn't schedule rest days necessarily, just feel free to take one every now and again if needed. Or don't be scared to run really, stupidly slow. 

2015-06-25 1:31 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by msteiner

I have been planning on racing my first MTB race of the year this weekend, but it's looking pretty bad at the moment



Rained pretty hard last night with threats of more rain coming.  Sadness.

Do they cancel the event because of erosion of trails? 


Heh heh butt park.

I love this group.  From a serious discussion on what we can get from pro's training and leg fatigue to 12 year old boy mentality.  On the same page.

I was thinking about leg fatigue this morning and how it can feel like they are bricks on some runs, and then you get that feeling of floating and muscle memory sometimes.  All part of the process I guess.  I remember a few years ago having a similar issue and Salty said that she couldn't remember the last time her legs didn't feel heavy on a run.  I stopped whining .

Since many parks are named after someone, I feel bad for the dude with the last name Butt.  But (snerk) then, I used to play hockey with a woman whose last name was Crapper.  Her married name.  So it could always be worse!  Heh heh.  (Do you hear Beavis and Butthead?)  hahahahaha.





I ran 2 hours this am.  I may be a little loopy right now!

ETA: Butts park is right near Yazoo city?  You can't make that up!

Edited by IronOx 2015-06-25 1:32 PM
2015-06-25 1:34 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Yeah it's called Buddy Butts Park,-90.3141676,14z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x5bfd407d77d2b4fe?sa=X&ei=_0iMVaLwMoHfsAWR66qACg&ved=0CHcQ_BIwCw

It's a pretty fun trail that's not incredibly technical except for 3 drops that are followed by steep kickers that test your ability to hold pace and burst.  Obviously if the trails are wet then those won't be safe at all.  The park itself is pretty bad about drainage too, so I'm worried about it.  There's a backup trail that the race could move to, but it's way more technical.  I'm nowhere near prepared enough to race that course dry much less wet, so I'm holding out for Butts to dry.  Yeah I know you guys can run that one to the end zone.  Wait that left the door open again!

2015-06-25 1:41 PM
in reply to: IronOx

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

Originally posted by IronOx

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by msteiner

I have been planning on racing my first MTB race of the year this weekend, but it's looking pretty bad at the moment



Rained pretty hard last night with threats of more rain coming.  Sadness.

Do they cancel the event because of erosion of trails? 


Heh heh butt park.

I love this group.  From a serious discussion on what we can get from pro's training and leg fatigue to 12 year old boy mentality.  On the same page.

I was thinking about leg fatigue this morning and how it can feel like they are bricks on some runs, and then you get that feeling of floating and muscle memory sometimes.  All part of the process I guess.  I remember a few years ago having a similar issue and Salty said that she couldn't remember the last time her legs didn't feel heavy on a run.  I stopped whining .

Since many parks are named after someone, I feel bad for the dude with the last name Butt.  But (snerk) then, I used to play hockey with a woman whose last name was Crapper.  Her married name.  So it could always be worse!  Heh heh.  (Do you hear Beavis and Butthead?)  hahahahaha.





I ran 2 hours this am.  I may be a little loopy right now!

Hmmmmmmmm I dunno, she did choose to take the name!

And funny you mention what I had said a while back. As I was writing Sean advice I was thinking to myself that I am totally in the same boat since I am in a volume phase (in the heat.)


And look at you, 2 hours! Kirsten, you have come a long way! Loopy or not. 

2015-06-25 1:48 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatees 2015.3 CLOSED (or Poptarts? Pet pics?)

That's what makes it so funny, that she took it!  I mean I guess her maiden name could have been worse, but I am not sure how!!

And thanks

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2015-05-20 9:51 AM IndoIronYanti

Ryan Mac’s HIM Focus Group - CLOSED Pages: 1 ... 23 24 25 26

Started by Ryan Mac
Views: 29145 Posts: 639

2015-06-15 3:22 PM Ryan Mac

TZCoaching tri getting started group! - CLOSED Pages: 1 2 3 4

Started by tzcoaching
Views: 12300 Posts: 98

2015-03-01 12:25 PM tzcoaching

Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed Pages: 1 ... 33 34 35 36

Started by Dominion
Views: 38640 Posts: 891

2016-01-04 10:48 AM burner2

Mad Manatee Mentors CLOSED (Poptart/pet pic bribes?) Pages: 1 ... 97 98 99 100

Started by IndoIronYanti
Views: 67870 Posts: 2498

2015-02-23 11:27 AM IndoIronYanti
date : January 29, 2013
author : Scott Tinley
comments : 0
There are races to prepare for and health to be found and a lot of adventure and release to be sought in the oceans of the world.
date : April 23, 2009
author : Team BT
comments : 1
The closed fist drill will ensure that you are pulling with your entire hand and forearm.