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2009-02-01 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1939851

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
brownnugen - 2009-02-01 12:15 PM

Great family pictures.  I also know what it is like to be outnumbered by females.  Between my wife, 2 girls and girl cat, the only other testosterone in this house is the boy cat. 


and he is probably neutered (sp) I think even the fish my daughter has are female.

Edited by Redknight 2009-02-01 1:21 PM

2009-02-01 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Jeremy - gorgeous pictures!  You're a lucky man!

Tony - congrats on your race.  Sounds like it was quite an experience.

I'm back from a 7 mile run - first one outside in quite a while.  It was a little chilly to start but I warmed up quick.  The snow is almost gone from our storm earlier in the week.  It was a good run although it took a little longer than I had hoped.  I think I've gotten spoiled on the TM the last couple of months - running outside is always harder for me.  I have trouble keeping my pace but the sun sure felt good today!

We're getting ready to head to a SB party/birthday party at my parents' house.  Like I said in my blog, I'm not necessarily a fan of Arizona but will always root for anyone who's playing Pittsburgh - I'm not sure what it is, I just don't like that team. 

Have a good rest of the weekend and be careful!


2009-02-01 2:54 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Nice run Janet...Gotta feel good to get outside!

I had a run semi-planned for today, but we were putting in some poles at the lake for the floating dock and my back is beat for the day.  I still have a couple hours before the super bowl, so I am going to try to get in a couple miles so that I will feel good about myself.  Maybe after a couple of beers I will feel good about myself anyway.Smile


3 hrs. later

HERE IS TO ME!  I was struggling between beer and running and decided to do a quick three miler.  Now I don't feel guilty...CHEERS!

Edited by Plainsman AU 2009-02-01 6:17 PM
2009-02-02 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1940036

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Happy monday everyone.

weather here was 65 yesterday, where was I?  Sick in bed.  Got about 2 hrs of sleep saturday night so spent the whole day either on the couch or in bed...

Feeling better now, only have a chest/head cold left, woo hoo!

Mad because I had such a good week wanted to finish it off with my 9 mile run.  Can't look back so will just have to get it in next week.

2009-02-02 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Nice job squeezing in that run Barry.

 Jeremy, the girls are beautiful.  It ALMOST makes me think about having another one........

Tony Tony Tony.  as I said in your inspire, I don't know if you would have been a wuss for not riding in the ice, or are a moron because you DID ride in the ice!!!!  Either way, I am glad you are safe and sound and had a great time. Those types of rides are not about the time but about the experience.  BTW, I was pondering the idea of the D.C. 1/2 marathon on March21st, interested?

And sorry for all you Steeler haters out there!   Thought it was a great game regardless!!! I know one member of our mentor group that shoudl be happy BOB  (aka Willie05).  He must still be out partying with the rest of Pittsburgh.

Edited by tahrens 2009-02-02 8:42 AM
2009-02-02 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Aloha!  Paul and I made it to Kauai without a hitch.  It is supposed to be about 75F here today with some rain which is typical of this island.  No matter, I have my first short outdoor run on tap since before Thanksgiving and I am psyched!

Kim, congratulations on a great race!  You are a talented runner.  I cannot wait to read your race report (hint!).



2009-02-02 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1940826

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
tahrens - 2009-02-02 9:41 AM

Nice job squeezing in that run Barry.

 Jeremy, the girls are beautiful.  It ALMOST makes me think about having another one........

Tony Tony Tony.  as I said in your inspire, I don't know if you would have been a wuss for not riding in the ice, or are a moron because you DID ride in the ice!!!!  Either way, I am glad you are safe and sound and had a great time. Those types of rides are not about the time but about the experience.  BTW, I was pondering the idea of the D.C. 1/2 marathon on March21st, interested?

And sorry for all you Steeler haters out there!   Thought it was a great game regardless!!! I know one member of our mentor group that shoudl be happy BOB  (aka Willie05).  He must still be out partying with the rest of Pittsburgh.

HAHA yeah I thought a few times out there, "why am I doing this?" but glad I did, was quite an experience.  Would love to see how I would have done with some better gloves and studs on my tires.

I am doing the shamrock 1/2 that weekend in VA beach, there is a huge BT group going plus a bunch of my neighbors, going to be quite a crowd.  Plus who doesn't like getting free beer after running 13 miles...

2009-02-02 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Oklahoma City, OK
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Looks like everyone had a really good workout weekend.  

Congrats on the race Tony.  Way to go!!

Great run Janet!  I'm just the opposite when it comes to TM vs. Outside - The TM is absolute torture for me.  Of course running outside this weekend wasn't a whole lot better - it was crazy windy!

Wonderful pics Jeremy.  You have a beautiful family!!

2009-02-02 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

I totally agree with Holly.....I despise the treadmill. Although up here, when its -30 plus windchill, thats all we can do is the treadmill!  When I jump on the dogsled with my team, I dont really get alot of exercise just saying "MUSH"!Tongue out

Nice Run Kim!! 1:48 for a 21km. Wowser! That is some speed! Congrats!

2009-02-02 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1941180

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
TrevorC - 2009-02-02 11:45 AM

I totally agree with Holly.....I despise the treadmill. Although up here, when its -30 plus windchill, thats all we can do is the treadmill!  When I jump on the dogsled with my team, I dont really get alot of exercise just saying "MUSH"!Tongue out

Nice Run Kim!! 1:48 for a 21km. Wowser! That is some speed! Congrats!

I think if I lived someplace that had -30 plus windchill I would move someplace warmerLaughing

2009-02-02 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

-30 in the winter is what makes us appreciate our spring/summer/fall temperatures.

2009-02-02 11:24 AM
in reply to: #1941249

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
TrevorC - 2009-02-02 12:11 PM

-30 in the winter is what makes us appreciate our spring/summer/fall temperatures.

All 2 weeks of it?

2009-02-02 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Jeremy, BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!! Congrats again!

Tony, Nicely Done!  Mtn. Biking is always a great adventure then throw a race in?! That much more intense...

Kim- 1:48--- YOU were right on with your goal... Right around 8:24's?!  Awesome!  You have to feel good about that...

Suzy- So jealous!

Everyone else.... I do think the treadmill is evil, but it is a necessary evil!  You can learn alot from the Treadmill.  We must must do it, and I think it is very good for tempo runs!

2009-02-02 1:32 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Thanks everyone for the kudos. I am really happy with my finish time, it was pretty dead on with my expectations and training. Anytime water is not involved, there is a much better chance of me meeting my goals

I will work on the race report soon...yesterday after the run I just wanted to get out and enjoy the rest of the beautiful day we had here...we took our dog out to the beach and then went to a super bowl party, wow, what an ending to that game!

Tony, sounds like an awesome experience, hope the cough/cold clears up.

Trevor, do you really have a sled dog team? My last dog, may she rest in doggy heaven peace, was a pup from a sled dog litter ( I lived in Alaska at the time). She was too small to be on the team, but she made a great ski-jouring dog. We used to cross country together whenever it wasn't -30 or less...She loved when I would pull out her harness, she would squeal and bark and jump in circles...

Have a wonderful week everyone.
2009-02-02 2:29 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Ha Kim...At least I convinced one of your warm weatherer's! No I do not...Just wanted to live up to the Canadian stereotype. I actually have a 5-year old Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier(KONA) who is a blast to run with and who also plays non-stop with our girls.

2009-02-02 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Jeremy - You have an amazing looking family.  Congrats!

Kim - Great run!

Everyone else - keep up the good work.

My February resolution is to start logging my workouts again.  So, somebody please check up on me and keep me working!

Oh, not everyone in Pittsburgh (or the Pittsburgh area) is celebrating the victory!  Some of us think the most ridiculous thing ever is that Pittsburgh public schools were delayed 2 hours this morning because of the game!!!  Some of us wore a Cardinals jersey to work on Friday!!  Yeah, I mean me!!

Oh well, happy training!


2009-02-02 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Bob is going to be very angry.......

2009-02-02 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1942110

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
gadgetlaw - 2009-02-02 6:57 PM

Oh, not everyone in Pittsburgh (or the Pittsburgh area) is celebrating the victory!  Some of us think the most ridiculous thing ever is that Pittsburgh public schools were delayed 2 hours this morning because of the game!!!  Some of us wore a Cardinals jersey to work on Friday!!  Yeah, I mean me!!

Oh well, happy training!



 The school thing isn't as bad as you think.  It was just the city schools, and a handful of others around.  They knew that if there was a win, there would be a big cleanup, so it helped keeping some of the traffic off the streets this morning.  Plus there's really nothing wrong with letting the kids who were up to 11 last night get a little extra rest.  No harm in that.

  Just curious, why the Cardinals jersey?  Just to irritate your co-workers, or are you a real Cardinals fan?

Edited by willie05 2009-02-02 7:33 PM
2009-02-02 8:09 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

If you knew me, you'd know sometimes I like to be a smart ....

It's not so much that school was delayed that annoyed me, but one news report that said they called one school district in Phoenix and asked if they were delayed today.  The answer was no.  The report said that that showed that Cardinals fans were not as dedicated as those in Pittsburgh.  They never considered the fact that maybe school wasn't delay because of the 2 hour time difference.  It (the news report) rather annoyed me.  Don't really know why.  Wish I had a delay this morning!!

Am I truely a Cardinals fan?  Not really.  Did I enjoy the looks and comments of my co-workers?  ABSOLUTELY!!  I AM a huge Larry Fitzgerald fan - I think he is one of the best receivers ever to play - not to mention that he went to Pitt!!  Also, the jersey that I wore was Pat Tillman's.  I am a huge fan of, and greatly respect and will honor someone who joins the Army Rangers to defend my freedom and die in Afghanistan.   I would support our soldiers any day!!!


P.S.  What did you edit out?  Did you call me a bad name???  (Once again, being a smart a$$ here!!)

2009-02-02 10:06 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
RR is up...
2009-02-02 10:15 PM
in reply to: #1856701

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
Nice job on the race Kim! 

2009-02-03 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1942337

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
gadgetlaw - 2009-02-02 9:09 PM

If you knew me, you'd know sometimes I like to be a smart ....

It's not so much that school was delayed that annoyed me, but one news report that said they called one school district in Phoenix and asked if they were delayed today.  The answer was no.  The report said that that showed that Cardinals fans were not as dedicated as those in Pittsburgh.  They never considered the fact that maybe school wasn't delay because of the 2 hour time difference.  It (the news report) rather annoyed me.  Don't really know why.  Wish I had a delay this morning!!

Am I truely a Cardinals fan?  Not really.  Did I enjoy the looks and comments of my co-workers?  ABSOLUTELY!!  I AM a huge Larry Fitzgerald fan - I think he is one of the best receivers ever to play - not to mention that he went to Pitt!!  Also, the jersey that I wore was Pat Tillman's.  I am a huge fan of, and greatly respect and will honor someone who joins the Army Rangers to defend my freedom and die in Afghanistan.   I would support our soldiers any day!!!


P.S.  What did you edit out?  Did you call me a bad name???  (Once again, being a smart a$$ here!!)

How'd you know I called you a bad name???  LOL!  Actually I spelled traffic with an "e" at the end! Innocent

At some point either before or during the game I saw a guy with a Tillman jersey on in the middle of a bunch of Steelers fans, and I was thinking that was really cool.

Fitzgerald is great.  I knew that while he was at Pitt he did a lot of work with Hines Ward.  I just learned this week that they've stayed in close contact ever since he went to Arizona.  I guess they talk virtually every week after their games!  Very nice guy. Smile

2009-02-03 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1856701

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

Karen I think you just like to stir the pot!!!!???!

Edited by swbkrun 2009-02-03 10:58 AM
2009-02-03 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1942827

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED
They probably had to delay the schools because everyone was having trouble sleeping, knowing that they'd been handed yet another Championship by the dudes in stripes.  They should make their rings out of fools gold.
2009-02-03 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1943367

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group- CLOSED

cadmus - 2009-02-03 1:13 PM They probably had to delay the schools because everyone was having trouble sleeping, knowing that they'd been handed yet another Championship by the dudes in stripes.  They should make their rings out of fools gold.

HAHA spoken by a fellow bitter Seahawks fan that had our Superbowl bought from us a few years ago.

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